Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 19, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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    TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1052
Entered as second class matter at the post office of Klamath Falls, Ore.,
on August 20. 1906, under act of Congress, March 8. 1870
The AssocftKed Press 1 entitled exclusively to the use for publication
st all the local news printed in this newspaper aa well as all AP news
By Mall - 6 months $6.M By mail
Nothing harf more face value
than a cheerful countenance and
by the same token, a srouch and
his welcome ire soon oarted.
Why not sculpture your face by
thinking kind thouiihts, Instead ol
buying plaster at 5 per Jar?
Often a man's close friend when
he becomes his debtor finds the
friendship irksome and each be
comes critical of the other.
Is nil attitude, a state of mind.
It fs born in spirit. II has no ulter
ior purpose being neither merce
nary nor commercial. It simply is.
Friendliness neither criticizes
nor caresses. It is not self-seeking,
but wishes well to all and refuses
good will toward none.
Friendliness is spontaneous, na
tural and human. It attracts people
without causing suspicion, and nev
er for pecuniary purposes. It has
no ulterior purpose for it is not
grounded ori selfishness.
Friendliness is a priceles' (lift,
to be cultivated. It cannot be pur
chased. All "fool proof" systems have
Uieir pitfalls.
Our svstem for reading the pa
pers, and other miscellaneous junk,
goes like this:
Gather all the grist together,
place It on the side table and set
tle in the easy chair for the eve
ning's session.
As each piece is scanned and
the Interesting parts read, the fin
ished paper is carefully deposited
on the floor and the next one taken
Noticed in the news the other
day that a German judge has nut
the official okay on late closing
hours for a schnapps booth in a
Berlin railway station. His conten
tion being that since the trains
were usually late and the weather
cold the travellers were entitled to
small pick-me-up at any hour
they were waiting for a train.
A step in the right direction. For
the simple, reason that It is a dis
play of common sense. And com
mon sense seems to be an old
fashioned commodity that has gone
out of ftyle lately. It is easier to
run a world on a basis of law,
rule and regulation than it is with
horse sense.
Mavbe we need a few more
judges with vision plus imagination
In this country. At least it couldn't
hurt anything.
In case you don't think sport
fishing is a big industry in the
Northwest you might take a look
tt the latest figures put out by the
Fish and Wildlife division. They
(.how a good increase in licease
sales and increased dividends to
the various states.
Oregon, for Instance, sold 1.204.
513 licenses in the 1950-51 season
as compared to 1,185.066 in the
1949-50 period. And that represents
n total outlav bv the anglers for
licenses alone of about 11.204.513.
Which is a million more than we
would have had If we just let 'em
lish for nothing.
Of course it's a drop in the
bucket when it comes to paying
the bills for stream maintenance.
hatcheries regulation and what
not. But It all helps. It is well,
also, for us to remember that all
the out-of-state fishermen who
come to our Basin country with
angling in mind will also dron off
e handful of dollars with our mer
Teenage Girl Tells 'What The
Bill of Rights Means to Me
(Kditor's Note: The following
essay won a national prize for
Jerry-Lynn Rainwater, 17-year-old
high school senior of Spring
field, Mo. The contest was spon
sored by the National Association
of Real Estate Boards.)
"Right now I am in a class
room in an average school, lo
cated In an average American city.
On the wall hangs an American
, flag surrounded by a great many
flags of other nations. The class
is studying the problems that face
America today, both foreign and
within her jurisdiction. Our teach
er Is not a government official.
She has never pledged loyalty to
any political party. She enjoys her
personal opinions and beliefs but
presents the facts to us in an un
biased manner, leaving us free to
form our own opinions. Our test
i published by an independent con
cern, without government censor
ship; cur reference materials cov
er all types of newspapers, maga
zines, and other sources of infor
mation. To me this is what the
Bill of Rights offers.
"Yesterday in class we viewed
n historical movie, revealing un
censored facts produced by an In
dependent company. Today we lis
tened to a news commentator over
the radio. He disagreed with some
of our government's policies, but
he exercised his right to broad
cast his views.
"By mv own choice, I am at
tending this school and this class.
Neither was compulsory. Seated
next to me Is a Jew. The chair
next lo him Is vacant. The usual
occupant Is absent because, ac
cording to his Catholic religion. It
Is a holy day. No questions were
asked, no demands were made. I
visited his church once, though I
am a Protestant. No one tried to
prohibit my actions. That's what
(lie Bill of Rights means to me.
"My father Is attending a po
litical meeting of a party that is
Managing Editor
year til. 00
The system Is methodical and
saves confusion. The pitfall is
found in the other Ideas of neat
ness ol other members of Uie fam
ily. If the completed sections are re
trieved from the floor and placed
back iu the "live" stack, without
our knowledge, it gets to be like a
treadmill and the reading can RO
on and on tar into the night.
One great advantage of radio Is
that no one can retrieve a blurb
off the floor and put it back In
your lap.
Your eyes can fool you. But your
touch, taste, smell and hearing
senses are even less dependable.
Trv this:
shut vour eves and hold vour
nose. Have somebody hold slices
of apple and raw potato for you
io bite. Can't tell the difference,
can you?
Close those eves again, and have
someone touch "your bare back with
one. or with two pencils at the
same time. Try and decide which
number hit you. You'll have trou
ble. Plug one ear. You can hear a
nearbv clock (eyes shut) but you
can't locate it with any accuracy
at all.
Soak one hand in hot water. Oth
er hand in cold water. Put them
I both in a third container filled
with luke-wcrm water. It will teei
cold to one hand, hot to the other.
This is not only surprising; it
also gets your hands clean.
The advertising manager of a
jbiff eastern distillery is a man
I named Panther.
. if1
chants. And they won't hurt the
fishing for the natives any. It just
doesn i work tnat way. i ne strang
er takes what he can find and
doesn't hit the favorite and hidden
spots of the local Izaak naitons.
Anyway, it's a big deal.
If you have noihing else to do
and want to relax your mind with
some readiur that flows like water
and has no meaning I might rec
ommend any one of a number of
astrological pamphlets, books, syn
dicated columns and brochures.
These tell you just how your life
is going to turn out day by day.
All determined by your srot in the
universe and the sign under which
ou were born. (We are now in
Uie period involving Pisces.)
They are really quite worth wnile
to read. You find such pontifical
statements as "poise essential when
situations become involved." Or
news should be studied." Not to
mention "for good results it would
be wise to select first tasks first.'
All just good common sense
again. But hidden under a guise of
hoodooism and mystery. And per
haps all for the best. Like the
sprig of parsley on the mashed po
tatoes. It dresses the occasion up.
A lot of people will use common
sense if told to by a pre-dated
phamphlet which they buv but left
to their own devices would merely
louse things up in their normal
Far be it from me to disagree
with 'em. I believe quite firmly
that you make your own life and
that stars have nothing to do with
it. But if we can prod the people
along a little and do a better job
why not? After all "today is a
good day to consider carefully be
fore making a business decision."
And could any star make a truer
statement. Uncanny, these astrolo
gists. not in power. Views and ideas will
be discussed openly and freely. It
is not a secret meeting: the door
is closed to no one, regardless of
his or her belief. Some day I shall
attend similar meetings, for my
right to do so is guaranteed by
the Bill of Rights.
"During my life as an American
citizen, I shall harbor no doubt
that my home is free from intru
sion by government officials, or
their agents; they, as all others,
must respect my rights. My prop
erty cannot be confiscated by the
government. Nor shall any mem
ber of my family be taken to pri
son without reason and proper pro
ceedings. Our life Is ours to live,
free and unmolested. Our liberty
cannot be taken from us unless we
abuse it. Even then we have the
guarantee, through the Bill of
Rights, to a lair trial by an un
biased group of our equals.
-"As 1 go about. I do not live in
fear for my life or liberty; for in
America everyone is free to live
according to the dictates of his own
conscience. This is what the Bill
of Rights offers and guarantees to
me and to every American, regard
less of race, color, or creed. It is
a heritage worth protecting even
unto death."
Press Freedom
Commie Style
CLEVELAND 11 Reporter
Marc Olelsser of the Cleveland
Plain Dealer was barred from cov
ering a meeting Sunday. '
As he was about to be thrown
out, he pointed out that the meet
ing was sponsored by the Ohio
"Freedom of the Press Associa
tion." Cleisser said the main purpose of
the meeting was to gain new read
ers for the Communist newspaper,
The Dally Worker.
They'll Do
things he
just vsont so for -
of the umo iw
SACRAMENTO A black bird
skims over ocean, bay, even river.
From its long neck, rapidly-beating
wings, sooty color, the young nat
uralist recognizes a "shag'' or cor
morant. Though accustomed to
tamed pet rabbits, chickens, ahso 1
cows, horses, the taming of a cor
morant to a Californian seems ab
surd. Listen to this story of patient
If a Chinese "shag" could talk
to a California cormorant, the for
mcr would envy the hitters free
dom. In the Orient, race-old cus.
toms bind everyone. Life is hard.
Men w'ork from sunrise to sunset
ior a icw topper cems. Millions
are doomed to monotonous rice
iwnc unu,t . mi.v ttnvutuig ta attic iiiuuuo lit tuti. "c mu ttti.mei'J
able. Buy in China an orange. The when our children arc unhappy:
vender retains its peel for such I but Isn't It far better to Hike a lit
navoring. Some Chinese rice grow-1 tie bitter with the sw eet as we go
ers cannot afford even to eat the along and not have to take a ter
rice they grow. They sell It to pur- rifle dose ot the bitter in the end.
chase the cheaper-millet. The mar- We. as parents, can rest assured,
gin buys clothing, opium to deaden that if there is something your
the pain of constant near-starvation. ( children are ashamed to tell or
In such a humanity-packed land. 1 talk about, it Is revealing,
even a shag's earning ability is not I study your children and their
overlooked. Nature periecled this ! habits. Right there, there is a
...... uat, - .u,c .isiic . uiuic;
, , k-h V ft" . """-I""
ciauzed bill for "gaffing lis prey.
The Chinese use tins smoothly-run-
mtw. fish.lalkmir murhin. (or hu.
nmg, fish-talking machine for hu-'
man food - getti:ig. They RING, :
( mind you. do not WRING) its
neck, xt cannot swallow its scary,
linned quarry. It must bring fish
to its owner before the ring is re
moved. Later it is free to swallow
its own "sea food dinner.
C. M. Goethe
be said to saboteurs who lead
youth up dark alleys of teachers
who defy the wish of parents un
der the shelter of academic free-
dom; and to our own government.
which sells itself abroad, its bonds
nt hntn anri He in.,th .ul
at home, and its youth down the)
Wo miiti t Kim. ,.,i, ,
We must not blame youth for ;
me era in wnicn it grew up. Ourslto let off steam. No two persons
were days of self confidence, rugged
patriotism, peace and solvency.
Theirs is a day of loose speech,
phoney patriotism and traitor codd
ling; of regimentation, regulation
and political domination; of infla
tion, debt and draft.
The hurried, harried, worried
days of a pushed around, overtaxed
war burdened people; led by a Moreover, youth is not a perma
multitude of . bewildered planners. nent condition. It Is not a class,
who plan expensively, poorly and One passes by It or recovers from
late. ! it.
But, as parents, we shall have to j Mrs. D. K.
"take the bull by the horns" by at
least trying to pui our own house I NKCKSSITIKS
in order. It Is the mothers that ' KLAMATH FALLS I am writing
are the guardians in the main. ' w h suggestion that I feel sure
From the cradle to the grave, j '"' be echoed by every suburoan
mother comforts, mother provides. I homf W'ner and a big step toward
mother councils, mother is conlld- making our town more attractive
ent. Therefore, as mothers, let's t0 Prospective businesses and the.r
aslr nrpves a few Questions:
1st: What or who comes first in
my home my children, my hus
band, my household duties vr
2nd: Is it my social whirl; my
appointments with the hair stylist;
my ciuo or my iiienas or
3rd: Am I taking the interest I
should In regard to my children's
studies, tneir friends, their aspira
tions? Whom do children mimic, includ
ing the teen-agers? Adults, of
course. They will pick up your
slang, your grammar, your man
ners. Therefore, you and I are an
example, we are the motive power,
and we should act accordingly. Be
it parent, teacher, cowboy, actor,
carpenter, or businessman, you,
we, as adults, should set an ex
ample, which, without reservation
can be copied. Above all, let's not
be influenced by political pressure
We, as adults; how do we treat
property? Be it on the street. In
office buildings, in busses, in
school or church; any public build
inghow are you concerned? Does
it occur to you that you are pay
ing taxes on that property, either
directly or indirectly?
There is no doubt in my mind
that all parents want the best for
their children; but sometimes chil-1
Open again...
Hamilton's Cafe
6 Miles North on Highway 97
Melva's back to serve you .
with an A Grade restaurant.
. Open 24 Hours a Day
It Every Time -.-.
boss, JUST GOT -Mfe m wiHA fi
o. J. l! "iK J IT TUNED OULV J
dren arc strongwlllrd and parent s
wills weaken. Ju.vt because a child
wants more candy than is good (or
him often lends to a tummy ache
for the child and heartaches lor
the pnrent.s. None of us are per
fect, but if we are wise parents
we will heed the little warning slg-
nals and take steps to stop, look,
and listen before it is too late.
Our boys want use of the family
car: our girls want their dutes
; without question or prerogatives.
we . c '" "
to our apron strings forever: grant-
ed a 11 granted but. in the Una!
aa.ysisgwho pays for the wrecked
i car, the broken bodies, or the un-
e .mi.se -
is the parents. And o. society e-,
great aeai oi oasic iniormauon io
olle- lf,nl oiame me oiner
iellow lor what rightfully Is our
duty: it is mine and your duty to
' nlu. MiiMmn in Iho w.v w nnitbt
raise children in the way we would
with them to grow into manhood
and womanhood and. In Ihe way;
, society demands, mo matter how
much advise you receive from an
organization, an individual, a Pro
fessional; it is the parents' respon
said "I know of no safe denosl
lory of the ultimate powers ol so
ciety but the people themselves;
and if we think them not enlight
ened enough to exercise their con
trol with a wholesome discretion.
! '.I.. . 'V'""
"V . "
v' ul""1'"' .
Youth consists of being young.
and m countries where everyone is
allowed, within reasonable limits.
are young in exactly the same way. , individually.
Some are dreamy and energetic; I whiie attempting to lure big bus
some he around on grassy dopes ' inCf5 r industry Is a goal to be
composing poems, some go tearing striVed for. there Is certain to be
around in vehicles; some want to niany worthwhile developments
reform the world right away and I dormant lor Idck of real coopcra
make everybody happier, and still 1 1,, . assixunco In encouraging a
others who merely wish lo have a
good time.
The suburban streets are n dis
grace! Klamath County and Klam
ath Falls has lots to be proud ol
and offer. future residents except a
few basic necessities for a growing
community. Decent roads, in this
day of motor travel, are a neces
sity as well as Is proper drainage
for the roads.
Thank you,
Mrs. R. II. Ifaren 1
3.520 Hilyard St.
MAW Evefy
RU If Wednesday
Cliff Yaden's
2560 So. 6th
(Open 24 hrs. Every Day)
By JinimyJHatlo
M.7r"i ' - i
-V.-", S '. - i - 1
I voice my thanks and appreciation
I to the Highway maintenance crews
' who have (lone Mich a line Job In
I keeping our IurIiuiiv.i rlrar this
i winter In spile of severe weather.
Yes. I agree that it Is "their job''
but they have done It wrll and.
I In my estimation, deserve commen
Seeing that Hushing blur IikIU
ahead has given me u warm tin
gle In the region ot my heart many
nights when I have been travelling
home through a blUurd this past
winter. And I. like' many more, get
Into the habit of taking for grant
ed the friends of ours who are
there day and mglu regardless of
weather or other obstacles to se-j
that our travel is safe.
Then, after the snow has abated,
nnt tkA I.. ..V.. ...... ri.lliul n...l
"holey." the pinching crew., are
, ' wur,, of danger, and to
I . ,(.,. i ,,,u. n,.
, ' crn, ,hJ
State o( Oregon Highway Minute
nance Department 111 this area ate
we, wo,.,hv of our ,hai,ks-"well
done, thou good and faithful serv
ants. '
Win. V. McKlbbln
gram "Bi d the Basin," Feb 4)
was very- Ue resting and should
stimulate considerable thoUghl rel -
alive to the subject ol establishing
new con, mere, and Industrial de-
i vel opmellta , thF Klamath Bumii
HnvlnR personally experienced
, ' rol.u.m5 connected
', ,..,' i,i,. hum small maim-
! CSiauil.snini, B small liluiiil
taclurmg aim aisinuuiing opera-
Hon. 1 would like lo make a lew
comments lor whatever they may
be worth.
First of all, I believe that In-
oiviauai aim siiuwi giuup t.-.i.-.-
puses snouiu nave i w
made up oi local business and
:m nnviKnrv nninmiuri' iiiui iiihy
I piolcssloiitti people willing lo ar
! range to lend a little time to meet
j ill groups upon notification, or pn
' vately. witii any puny or group
seeking advise or assistance In or-
' gamzmg or developliu a new
: nn5c'. ' "'"...l"'?"1":
??vlsorX c2""".'tl55 iu"i" J.
'IUC at inc lliainoer Ol vullllllCf vtr,
, local ballk.s. Herald & News etc.
so that anyone seeking advise and
,i,,eo could net a uroun meet-
' me rrnneed. or contact members
I siart. Furthermore, there are 2330
government-owned Inventions avail
able for free use. and many more
listed on Uie Patent Register as
Per Pound
eon hov
a tint P0''0' "
that baby (age
1 month to 10 years)
1125 Main
Ph. 2 2791
?' V MsJi ' ' '-'' ) ssll!iitrt.t Nisif f..T,inMr V II HttrtlMr.
1 ' ''C'1 Y'J ' twt prvltVatWUf Utitxl f thing stitlttHtt ftvt.
-"l.lMi , l'l ', in, ,H '-,,!, Ml'
NEW YOHK ill Kvervuuttv
knows that lustiy has had ll's
big moments.
Hut when they depict them In
the movies they always have it
wise old character iiiimiid tu luiiko
some hlstoilo utterance, showing
ho knows how lniim lanl the rveut
Is. And the by.MiilHlcis geiienillv
nod iHofoiintlly as it they knew
what wan going on too.
My theory la thai people don'l
usually imika historic retmirkx at
hlstoilo iiioinenn. They Just talk
like they always do. I know I was
aboard the lliiltlesltlp Missouri
when the Japanese Mirreiulei- was
signed, and the most historic re
mark I recall ovci healing was,
"illlt slmvliig."
Historians generally agree that
the most iinpuruini event In the
slory of tin- liiinmli race was the
discovery of .lire. Ten-to-one Hie
most memorable observation tit
Unit ntoiueiu wasn't soniethlng
like: "The torch of nums iipwui.i
march i hereby lit." It was prob
ably a .simplo exclamation
Hceentlv two university moles
Mil s- Louis I,. Snyder ami Hichiird
II. Moi rls-polled hlslonans, on Hie
ten must iliclslve events In man s
ircorcYtl pavt. They were nut inlo
n book culletl "They .s It
prn. Eyewiinesa KrHirls uf (.treat
Here Is their ll.t- nlung with a
remark I think probably would be
typical of the average reaction at
ti.e bin moment-
I. The destruction of Carthage.
U0. 11. C. which put the Human
Empire on top o the world.
(Human soldier: "That s the blw
brass fur you everv lime bum a
i town down so the uuy In the ranks
won't have
place to enloy lilin-
2. Buttle of Achiiinople, 318 A II .
which marked thu beginning ol the
end of the Roman Empire.
illinium soldier- "Oh, mv poor
aching huck. Well, you cant win
cm all 'i
3. Invention of priming front
movable tvpe. H.'iO. resulting in
the rapid dissemination of learning
(Workman: "How am 1 ever go-
ir.it to get this Ink outu my linger-
nans. .
available lor licensing.
Recoe.tt'zlng our location as geo.
graphically unsiilted (or many con
sumer and industrial lines m com
petition wllh established firms, wo
must seek enterprises based on lo
cal resources, belter quality of Pro
duct, patent prulectton or new and
unique type or end use.
In our own operations, we arc
establishing sales to the military
fslublisliing sales to tnc mimary
",nd sc"ral noycriiiiinit agencies.!
: iTruZ0,lm,. Aun iu'C
1 f ' 1 "l .V
"o. Canada and even to . Saudi-
A.r"b """ I
.... w.w. . .u.....u.. , M,-......
oioer types oi prooucis Having na-
lion wide proiiiiciion aim tn.sii niii-
iiiuuiiiuuii mill ui.'.ii iijic
lint) fucilitrN. and doulitmiE fuipin
in euch o( tin l.st luo ycrs. V,
on the ttf.'l Ctin.st iwut S nrMvff
rcprtsfnUUives in other key vt'-te.
with uppllcntluns in fur nnrc :tv:
i representation which -we have not
i as y(,t granted
. Though our uartlci.lar onei atlon
, ,
, '
this past year, no exciting cmitn-
biitlon lo date, every eoulviilcnt
small operation started here will
add to the general wellare. with
the possibility that one or inorc
may blossom inlo a sizeable enter-
i Sincerely your.
(Irenis Manufacturing Co.
('. R. (irrmi
Own the
u ....
52 Commander V-8 or
Come, sec and drive this exciting new 1952 Studebakcr
It's beautiful beyond words... distinctive beyond question
It's just one of eleven Studebakcr body styles
Every 1952 Studebakcr is a gas economy star
J6w on ttydfSeeJtatpoab StuMakb ekdl
Sludebaker Automatic Drive or Overdrive available in all model at extra cojt
Mcculloch motors
Klamath and 8th Phone 4149
( I I'l'nii'llAlni " nil . '
4. Discovery ot America, MO'J,,
openlnu the New World.
iHallor: "Now liuiybe we call go
buck to Spain mid get it decent
(I. Advent ol Ihe Meant engine,
I'lilll, liitriKlilclug the Industrial en
gine. (Workman: "If anybody thinks
people will spend Ihnlr llle Ntoklng
a machine he's crimy. It hurls my
curs." i
0. Declaration of Independence,
1178. the classic statement ol hu
man lights and iho democratic
t I'avcrnkeeper: "Well, It's nice
In see these patriots pill their Mit
nalures to soiuiihlug besldo a bar
7. Discovery of anaesthesia, HMD,
leading In llle coniiuest of pain.
(Nurse: liey. Doc, Ihe palli'iit's
knocked out -bin do you think
can bring her lo?"j
8. AsMisslnalion lit Keriileyo.
HIH, which .started oil Iho lust ol
two world wins.
i.spectator, hnlillng up son:
"That's the Archduke-the one
Hint's htcrtllng.")
B. D-Dny: Invasion ol fortress
Europe, 11M4.
(American soldier: "Oh. mv noor
aiiilnu back - don't tell me Hits Is
l'i ume Where are Ihe dni"'''.''"1
Ill The atomic b inib. Alumii-
gordo. N. M , IMS. opeiilnii a new
age m wariiire. and leehnoltigy.
i Eli .t sclciillst: "Well, lei's pack
un and go home. My wtle'll give
me hell II I'm late timiin-alum
;. Iminli nr no atoni bomb.'
; Thills Ihe wav history happens.
The average guv Is alwavs con
cerned wllh his own small problem
ul Ihe big moments, nut wnai inrv
.will mean lo mankind. Hill vmi
an t tell that to the movie produ
Bagpipe Lament
Ends Services
I PORTLAND i.fl Memorial erv-
Ices for King Oeorge VI. which
i were held here Sunday, dosed
' wtln K bagpipe lament
The services, held under the aus-
pices of the British H'xMcllcs ol
l'nriliiiid were utleuded by sev
eral hundred Including Gov Doug
las McKav. !
The R( v. It A A. Court Kim-I
mouds. rector ol St. Mark r.pisco.
pul church, gave the memorial
Technicolor Ice
Poses Puzzler
BKUWICK. I'u. - It wasn I
,k ,,,,,,., ml ,,...1 lleiwlck
-MPl k- second look
the last few days. It w, pink ice
u,e Siispuehaunii Hlver.
The technicolor Ire lorined along
(riP east nitim oi me river ano c-
lrded some distance out
i -m,- t , stilulmn
, in..,! .(liiiiinn tn m nuiLir
M.ilns , br wt olt (.uplI1 Irom
n viKttri .HKicru-i pipe cim:,cil
the colormc
mm III X
4 Killed
EL I'ASO. Tex. ID-- Four en
listed turn sUtllunrd at Ft. Hliiss
near here were killed Monday
. when the truck In which thrv
were ruling overturned. Another
was Injured.
! The dead Included Pvt Curl O.
I Drain. S2. Independence. Ore.
Tlie accident occurred near the
Hueco Anll-Alrcrall Firing Range
about six miles north of Newman,
newest of
('A friend, writes a rmrespiinil
1 1 it . "niilleli'd ll broken leg In 1 !.',
iimi now luift osteomyelitlH, Woiilit
you please (IIkciiss the hertiitistiess
of Mils nmdiUiiii ami (lie tirnt
ineulV" Osteomyelitis Is disease of Iho
liiuies iiml l'i known to havit existed
since Ihe dawn ol mint hei'iitiso
the holies u Mime pilmlllvn hu
man belngii which have been dug
up have shuwil signs ol this dis
ease. ' It Is cuiiied by a errin Inleetlon
el Ihe bona I'scll which ilcstrova
tveu Ihl.t hard and leslstaut lis
sue. 'Ihe disease Is still Willi us but
Ihiiuks In Improved surgical meth
ods, mid the life ol suih nrepr
linns as Uie miIIii ilnms and anti
biotics like penicillin, It Is becom
ing on Iho whole both less freiiuent
mid mine cnmltmlliy cured.
dp until the la;.l three or four
hundred years Severn ostromvell.
Us In mie ul Die limbs was usually
u i'ii I ril lj v iinipiitatliui.
The dlxciu.c was sui rnuiided by
superstition a!u and until the germ
theory became uiiileinliK'd, It was
olteu Healed Willi repulslvn appli
cations Mich us Im lneniled tmitls,
Hesh bndv lice, bulling oil, powder
iiuiile Iroin KgMitlsn iniliiimles,
tui'peiillne and herbs.
Mimgois were eiiiiiiimniy ntirn in
lhl. tri nluieiit nf osteomyellltii in
ihe past heenuse miiuii'its eat only
Uirnd tissue and therefor were
u..ei tn clean hi) the deutl bone,
; No one is attnitied to the Iden
ul mnuiiots eining their flesh even
jwliiii lue lle-li Is dead, hut even
( today thts trt'atmrul is occuslon
'ally employed.
The t t 1 1 v surgical treatment
U-ed over the veins all were aimed
at de.slinvhm or leiimvlng the dead
lnino i lid pus and allowing new
pus which was (untied tu ilrnlti
to the sin face.
Inc.enliitis Instruments for boring
ihe but'" and siiaplng out all ot Ihe
liilecied material have been tie
s ti ed
New method ol nttiu-k on osteo.
mvt-liils niiw have been developed.
The sulfa drugs and the sub
stances tili'.iiltied Itom molds or
germs cnletl antibiotics are tis'il
wllh greet MirccHi in numv ea.es
Seventl iiiemlM-lt ol both groups
me uselul in osteomyelitis, Hv i
liitf thfin II lias become possible to
save many jietiple wun osieoniv
eilils Horn iniiiitliH or even vears
ol h'tspiliilliutluii nod repeated stir
el'V For some. n course, suigerv Is
till nece.Hsarv and the disease
drauH on with discouraging persis
tence. ANNOI NCl'S I'l.ANS
YONKKHH. N Y. Close to
Jl hiio.ooo In purses will be the-
iiribuied to hoctnen at Yonkera
, Raceway during I DM- Ol that
amount, approximately 1100 000 will
be mi the line during the 31-nlght,
i Anrll IS-.May 24 Spring meeting.
i Hip' Summer meeting will be 12
Aug. M-TO and the rail
ttt.iv.n rmn' Kept. 79 lo Nov. 15.
Now Located at
2218 So. 6th
Hett to Lee Hentftlclti Drug
A Complete Line
of Pastries
Phono 6491
the new!