ill I'UKSIMY, FEBRUARY 10, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAWS FfVB An; jr.i - L, 1 V A lolm Clu)-of Punt Matrons la o meet l'rldny, 1 p.m. t (lie M iomIu 'IVnifila (or luncheon. Ho.l-ttiH- will lie Mis. L, K, Pheli, tfr. Owiilr, v. Ollbort nd Mm. incur I'rylun. i;nllliil Klin Wnrnnr Morris, 17, mm it Mr. nd Mrs. K. W. vlorrl. 3040 Onry, hwt eilltrd In Jw U.S. imvy mid In tnklnn rti nitlt training Hi Hie nvl center, inn Oirno. rrt-FrmiMxil PTA will hold i-Ktilnr miTtliiK Frli, 22, 2 p.m. I, thn auditorium In observance r Founder's Buy. The Junior HlKli Kdionl band, directed by Mr. fiinaen will piny mid there will or brief talk bv Ellse Perry, xdimme tenclier eo Wales Incl tear. A Pounder' Diiy nllvcr if (erlnn will he tnken. Mrs. Bur. llRWkln.i, Fremont PTA president I'.lll he honored. Smnll children will be cared lor In the aynm. Better Humid t'lnwuon, 2188 Dayton, Is In Klamath Vnlley lion, vital recovering from Influenza ami I. recent appendectomy. He can Inve visitors. Meeting The friendly Circle will meet Thurndav Hi Maggie Up tcm'H, 334(1 Knne (or 13:30 p.m. luncheon and business meeting. Don't forget, old sheets nd books, Improving Tom Calmes, Keno pioneer. Ill with Influenza lor sev eral days I better. M'oni.-n of the looe Drum Corns will not practice Wednesday a scheduled. Notice ol future practice date will be published Inter. Meetlnr There will be meet Ing ol the Stewart-Lennox Tire Hellen 7:30 p.m. Thurndny. KIMe Warren, president of the South fclxth Buhurbnn. Fire Auxiliary will be In chaise o( the matallu lion of new olllcers. Tlia Mother's nub of Bacred Heart Academv will sponsor a card pnrty and style show, 7:30 p.m., Feb. 38 In the school gymnasium, fcprlng Fashion will be shown bv model from Mlller'a. Town Shop and Whytai's. Refreshments will be nerved. Family Night The First Metho dist will have monthly "Family Night" polluck. aupoer and Fellow ship program. Sunday evening, t p m. The social proiiram Includes the showing of the Interesting mo tion picture, "The Road Back." Eagle Auxiliary Bingo party S p.m.. tonight at the Eaitlea hall. Bellv Ketsdever and Patricia Hen ry In charge of arrangements. Tenter Parents and friends are Invited to attend (lie Founder's Day tea scheduled for Wednesday. 1:30 p.m. Special musical program by pupils of Doris Fredrick. FA Hystem The Parents and Pa trons organisation of Bly school agreed to pay 1100 toward a pub lic address system for the school, at the club's last meeting. Feb. 8. latest 'techniques In teacher read ing, nillin (Hub-Will meet Wed iieHdny, V p.m., at the home of Jnanllu Lunristen, 272ft Wlard. AH uieinuura are urged to attend. f nlUI.tIK.rl V Mitchell. 2(120 Madeline, enlisted In the U.S. Army lat week thrmiKh the local recruiting olflce and was aent to Foil Lewis, Wash, In Air Force Roland H. Meyer, 1(119 Kldorndo, -enlisted last week In the U.K. Air Force and w)t sent lo Lacklund Air Force Banc, 'lex., for training. riMMMMri a H,i fferrts Tliursdnv 1 n m. at Yacht Club. Make rescrvu- li .1... I. tMHu f ,..,,! Ir.l, 7441, or Mrs. Howard I'crticll, mm. n.,.i, in Pnrt rtllev li. Kevsnr. eon ol Mr, ami Mm. O, S. Key t.or, ftmile i, nan reiurnca w New London, Coim., auiiuiarmc i.BV iHVttiv iwtrt. in NavV cold weather txerclnc In the At- Innllc, He Is cniet torpeuomsn mate auoara uie uoo uicmu. In Maneuvers Pic Victor It. t.Va,.n nt HflttlV 1 tfllclllir Dftrl in Join'. Army-Air Force war games at Carnt) Drum. N.V. He Is a gun ner In the tilth Regiment. Pelican Poat-VFW 1383 holds Its reirular meeting Thursday. 8 p.m.. In the clubrooma, Cascade Crest Chapter 15 OES. uinflfiv It n m. In the Methodlnt Church in Chlloctuln. Visitors Welcome. u , Umm tnltlntlon to night, o'clock at Moose Hull. Bt. Marv's Altar Society Meets Wednesday, 1 p.m.. lor polluck lunch In Bacrea tieari i-ann Bahy filrl Born yesterday to Mr. and Mra. Bob Adam Jr., Mer rill, at Klamath Valley Hospital. WelRht; 7 pounds, 7 ounces, named Molly Ann. Pelican PTA will meet Wednev J... n-n n m In the school audi torium to observe Founder's Day. Mrs. Llna a room win prrrau program. Mrs. Ray South, past president will be honored. Past Oracles Royal Neighbors of America wilt meet with Lola Myera. 17 Walnut, Wednesday, p.m. Regular Square dancing at the Klk'a tonight, t p.m. with Otto Ellis calling. Ambrleo Club meet tonight at the home of Mrs. H. F. Altman. 1602 Oregon Ave. Mancanlta Social Club meets 13:30 p.m. Thursday at Jcued'a for a no-host luncheon. Meetlnr The "'"1 division of the Klamath Camera Club will meet Tuesday. 8 p.m., 1028 Mr In. The program will Include the black and while local contest, Sxl. Dick Alex- Organ Concerts To Be Aired In cooperation wllh Htl.ln KTEC, FIVf outlet of Oregon tech nical Instllutc, tlwrndlo speech di vision of Klnmuth (nliin Hluh Hi:lil will present a aprtes of sin dlo orgun concerta every Wcdncs- tiny nv T.m p. m. With Janice Lrf, KO senior, at the console, Denelce Kenvon will direct and narrate the weekly pro gram aeries beginning; February 20 at the hilltop campus studios. Murvln Ncraeth, Tom Murdock, John Oliver. Dick Tracy, and 8am Montgomery will Journey to Lin field college, McMlnnvllle. for a ipeecli conference and competition February 21, IB, and Z). 'Jhese .ipeech Ktudcnta will vie In a state wide content In debate, externtxn-e, iifier-dluucr, narration, and radio peklng. Ganong Heads County Bar Young blood preriomnn ten Mon day In election at the Wlllard Holel of Klamath County Bar Assoc. offi cers lor 1952. Chosen to replace Clny Hurrell I preMdciit was William Oanong Jr. Other olllccrs elected were: I George H. Proctor., vice prest drni; Donald A. W. Piper, secre itury and L. Orth Slsemorc, trcas I urer. Hie Association l.ssued a unnnl ;inou vote of thanks to Ally. Paul i Farrens for his seven years service as treasurer of the group. Theater Patrons Aid Polio Fund Contributions of theater patrons to the March of Dimes doubles last year's donations, linn) tabulations t.howed. A totnl of J2229.37 wna contribut ed hy movie goers at the. Enquire, Pelican nnd Tower theaters during the week starting Jan. 24. f'X-fiO VFKNOR If.I, SALEM IJ Walter M. Pierce, OQ-venr-otd former governor and ex-congrcsftman, Is back in the hospital seriously 111. ander will give a lecture and dem onstration on copying. Returned Zoe Bruce, gone from Klamath Falls tor a vear has re turned and la back at Swansen'a Barber Shop. Samish Pulls Checks Ruse OKNK K RAM KB 1 HAN FRANCISCO m Federal i lax agents aay toubylal Arthur s Snmlsh produced from a waste-1 pasxet canceuea peer lunu check missed last year. 1 '"When Sen. Kefsuvtr asked me what I did with (hem, 1 told him I ' threw them In the waatebaskn . . , ; but he didn't ask what I did with t llie waslebasket,'" T-Mn Jack A. Wllka quoted the stout lobbyist, i 8ecttors laughed as Wllks fur-1 ther quoted Bamlshr '"When the i government agent came In I Ilnally found the wastebnaket and turned . over the Information to him.'" ! Wllka testified before the House i Wy and Means aubcommlttee of ' Rep. Cecil King D-Callf. Monday, i HKCOItDS ; ffc said Samtsh gave agents can- ( celled checks, bank statements and i other records laat November. i They covered Jan, 1048, to Aug. i IMS, expenditures from the nickel-, a-lxirrel, 1&0,000 a year public re-1 Intlons fund provided Bamlsh by !4 1 major California brewerlca. Tlie congressmen were trying to I determine whether Bamlfih and the. ' California State Brewers Institute should be awscaaed taxes on the fund, as recommended by the Kc-; lauver Committee, ! Snmlsh told the Kefauver Com- j mlttee last March that he had i thrown the cancelled checks "Into the wa&lebasket," The senators were trying to : learn how much of the public re. lattona fund went for the tiupport of political candidates and was subject to taxes and how much ! lor actual business expense. j .VOX-TAX ABLE 1 Wilks told the King Committee ! headquarters In Washington seven months ago that the brewer are not entitled to write off 50 per cent i ot the public relations fund as iron- i taxable. They have been doing so alnce 1936. No action has been tak-1 en on his proposal tor an audit ot ! the fund each year, Wllka laid. Revenue Agent Robert M. Mor- gan teHlllied only 11.6 per cent j should have been allowed as a de-1 auction In 1848, 29.5 per cent in ! 1MB and 18 per cent In 1950. i Using these figures. Rep. Kean j R-N.J., estimated the govern-; mcnt lost 1200,000 In corporation 1 taxes on the Samtsh fund under ! the 50 per cent formula the past ! 10 years. OVERHEATED STOVE No damage was reported by City Firemen In a call at 7:30 p.m. Monday to 2 M0 Shasta Way. An overheated oil stove was dlscov- iered at a house owned by J. R. 1 Vlckers. Vome To Tfce - - - 1 Wi-iie-imt coffee shop not just to eat Hut To Eat Better Food ot reasonable prices-! ! Hiuipmnti, aceruoritt, md trim tttbjrft to ckaitft triAaut nance. Here's the big new . .. most powerful car in its class! Designed f e out-perform out-ride . . . out-size any other low-priced car on the American Road! Never before did so little money buy performance to mulch that of ithe '62 Ford. You get a choice of two great power plants the new Mileage Maker Six, or the Strato-Star V-8. No other car in its clans can; equal Ford'a smooth-riding, corner-hugging readability. No' other can match ila new Coachcraft Bodies ... its huge one-piece windshield and car wide rear window ... its convenient Center-Fill Fueling . . . its Power-Pivot-Clutch and Brake Pedals. Here is a car that Is truly the ablest car on the American Road ... a car that meets the widest range of motorists' needs ... a car that does more things for more people at lower cost. Examine it carefully. "Test Drive" it. You'll agree you can pay more but you can't buy better! fOllDOMAlK MVI You'll diaeover that Fordomattc Drive for "52 is the most verm tile, the quickest and amooihrwt respond ing automatic drive of any in its field. You not the smooth power flow of a Fluid Torque Converter . .' . the got-up-and-iO of Automatic Mechanical Gears . . . plus the savings of having the txact power you need, whon you need ill NEWI ttUta, KtM:MBmtiM MILEAGE MAKER SIXt It's the onfjy completely new, the only low-friction engine in the low price field! It delivers high-compression "go" oa regular gas. HOW I 150-k.p. High-CmprMilM STRATO-STAR V-l For '52, Ford's famous Strato Star V-8 is stepped up to 110-h.p. It's the only V-8 and the most powerful engine in its field. Like the Six it has the economy of Ford'a Auto matic Power Pilot. ZTnTestMrethoWM htm coAcnmn socks Styled to toy beautiful.. .built fa toy young They embody the newest in body-building technique. They're longer and stronger ... provide greater comfort. New hull-tight con struction scats out water, dust and drafts. r.cjL BALSIGER MOTOR CO. STORE HOURS 9:30-5:30 EVERYTHING FOR SPRINfJO WITH MHHVt FABRiCsFl NOW! CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS OF YARDS OF EXCITING PRINTS and PLAINS FOR SPRING SPRING FASHION NEWS! WAFFLE PIQUE 36" wide texture plus cfeorbrJgh prints , so colorf alt More than ever, waffle pttnie trill be tlie miin-j ((ay of your Spring wardrobe. There's faahionj: in the woven waffle effect, in the ipartfing prints. You'll love Penney big, big aeleelios,' from the splashy novelty priotc to the wice- creamw colotedt stripes. Come aee for your self I BALCONY TO Mi KEW SPRIHG LINES! t -i'-s.'- t . r CORDUROY TYPE CHEHItlE SPREAD 7 90 Tec! She soft, velvety, cordviray type chenille? See the fparic ling array oJ new pastel colsws! Then check the low prtcef Yoti'li agree it's isnrilic value DOWNSTAIRS wos. spsfHG sme HANDBAGS 2 98 Exctting new shapes tn feshfaa colors to match yets- every outfit! You'll ciux&e plaatte calfs, rayon failles, ahd plastic CMdea real values aV Pin- . neyS low prices? -. . - ' MAiM FCOOR PENMEY'S OWM SANFORIZED RONDO PERCALE PRINTS WRINKLE RESISTANT HAN& WASHABLE . . . 41" WIDE CALISHEEN RAYON GABARDINE WASHABLE . . . EAST COLORS . . . COTTON PLISSE CREPE PRINTS WASHABLE . . . RICH COLORS ...39" WIDE SORORITY RAYON PRINTS LUXURIOUS COLORS. .' . 42" WIDE RAYON SATINS and TAFFETAS 39e 1.49 59e 69' 59e YARff YARD YARD YARD YARD SHOP PBWEY'S FOR All YOUR SEWING NEEDS Colored Threads 4c eo. Needles 10c pfcg. Rick-Rock 8c pfcg. Biai Tope 8c pkg, ' Forged steet scissors 1,98 SteeJ Pis 8c pfcg. " Dress piocket 1 Y oi. box pint 35c pkq. ?'PPef -- 3c ea, BALCONY Btfftonj ........ 70c card WOS. GOLD PRIST SKIRTS 3 98 EseStisig abstract designs sui finest cotton fabrtcsf Loveiy tiertd sni raffles styla wiSSs smooth, waist! Wottrfertut se lectton ot delicate colors with washable gold ovtrJay pattern. Sizes S-10. SECOND FLOOR ST WOVEN GINGHAM , PLAIDS, CHECKS EMBOSSED COTTONS RAYON BUTCHER WEAVES SAHFGRIZED HEEDLE H' THREAD PRINTS 79 79u yinc snf(tei. mercerised woven ginghnms in the cheer iest, test looking plaids and , checks you've secnt So cofor JtrtJ So wonderfully riRl for Jashioiis for you, dresses lor the youngsters! 35" wide. BALCONY Vou'l! like the exciting new embossed shantung pattern fhat looks so laxurious. And, ; you can choose from, checfe nnd dRHMtsfc designs, too! Wash last colors, Pre-shrunk. 36" wide. 1 BALCONY , Crlsp-textttred, crease-resisting fabric you'll sew into auiis, casual fashions, playctothest It's band-wsshsble, prs-shran!f and priced for v&tuel tot of colors, 37" wide. BALCONY Lustrous, ' mercerized broad cloth In gay sesbIs patterns, penHne desfgns, fiorals, novelty prints! It's tli perfect fabric for saucfe or yout spring and summer sewtag , . Harry In! 3&" wids.- BALCOKY , Main at Esplanade Phone 3121