IESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE TOREK our Convinces Taft He Has West GOP Majority n jAfiK in 1 1. AHHINUTON m flanator t ol Ohio nulct Tuaaday hill po tl tour of the Waal linn con led him ha haa "n auhatantlal lorlty of popular aupport nmniiK IS. Youth jueries Russ AI.TIMORB W What do the lana think of the Korean Wnr whul nmy -lis prolonKlnir ne allona at I'amnunjom? hour are two of tho queallona te Klupl, 17-yeur old Baltimore 1 Mliool boy, la aaklnir In hl and Idler to Radio Mokcow. jupt not ft reply to hli ( let- crltlclilng a Radio Moscow It broaduaat. He wnnn't aure Ithrr ho would continue the cor pondence but he mild he waa imped with telephone in 111 from far away an Lou AiikcIob. urKluit t lo reply. w.r.n, lie letter he Rot from Mnwow 1 moiil Americana, not mniinu top men, hud trouble Keltliiu iURh food to keep body mid aoul ether. tlftt waa the mime Hue that Moa. had broaitcaal when Gone rd the proiram and It prompt hlm to write the query, telle nuenllon the uae of the aae "body end aoul" In letter 3. I have alwaya been led to he 's that rellKlon la not carried or believed In nuiuila. If this o. why do you mention the rd aoiiP" Uene axka. ECTIONS In )ual a few month," letter , SI coiillnuea, "we will have ctcc J here . . . for I'realdent. aen Tl and coiiKreaamen, etc. rleaae ilaln how your ayaUMn workn I how lone Uieae men hold their lo." Renubllcana" there. liiick from n flve-atntn apnaklmt trip In behalf of his bid for the (lOP prealilrutlal nomliiiitlon, Tail told rnporlcra he tlilnka hn will net "the predonilimnt inalorl ty" of convention ili'lnuatea Horn Waahliwton, Idiiho, Wyoming, unci Colorado. "Ilila weatcrn trip hua con firmed my moat optlmlatlo hopoa,", the Ohio aen u tor aiild. "The Klaen hower people are putting on n light everywhere but 1 foul wu are atlll fur In the lend." ORP.liON Tuft aiild lie will repudiate nr.v "linfrlenilly" efforta lo enter him 111 tho May 1(1 Orction primary be cuuiie he doean't huve lime lo cam p it 1 K In the Hate. A ciindlrtutn'a niiniii cun he en tered In Oregon without hla con nnt. Jack TrnvlH, Hood lllver, publlaher friend of Hen. Morae lit. Ore.,) haa aturtcd clrculiillon of Tuft petltlona, Morae la aupporlliiK Clen. Dwlghl I) Elnenhowcr lor the nomluutlon Tuft aei ka. If Trnvla'a action turna out to be regarded In tho Tuft cuinp ah un friendly, there wna aorno talk milium the Ohlouu'a auppurlera of circulating petltlona to put Morae'a name Into the nice ulno. Title would be calculated to di vide tile Klacnhower vole, but Taft'a backera eiiiphiiHlr.ecl they won't move unleaa they lee they themaelveii are belnn iiinile the vlctlma of n political maneuver. IK P. CLAIM Elaenhowor'a followcra, headed by Mono und Gov. Douglaa Mi Kny, have predlclnl the (leneriil will win Oreitou'a preferential pri mary populurliy text and also will Ret all of the alatc'a 18 convention drlrgalra. Tuft aald he Ihlnka he will net almoat all ol the 24 Waahlngton delegates, to be clioacn In con vention, probably In Muy. He aald he feela "uaaured" he will Ret Idiiho'a 14 votcn, huve an even break with Eliienhower on WyomlnR'a 12. and get almoat all of Colorado' IB. RAY J. EDWARDS, Marine medio son of Mrs. David Johnson, 432 Division, is hack in Ihe States after a tour of duty with the First Marine Division. Edwards, an ex-Malin hoy, will be discharged this month and plans to live with his sister and brother-in-law in Tule lake, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin A. Deck. Loyalty Oaths Ineffectual? KUOKNE W-Charlea D. Bvrne. chancellor of the atate ayatcm of higher education, bellevea that faculty loyally oiitha are "a moat Inclfi-ctimi method of fighting com muiilata." He told a Rroup of alumni Satur day that "thoae who hunt for Cym inunlalH In a Kreat unlveralty mis take their natural habitat, lor a free university la not u place where Communism can thrive." Byrne recalled that at the last mlnule a bill waa tnbled In the 11)51 leKlalulure which would huve required a loyulty oulh for Oregon leiicherfl. Had It paused, he aald. It "would have been a aerloua atep backward for hlKher education in Oregon." Gallant 24th Out of Action HKOUL, Korea (IP) The gallant 24th Infantry Division, lira to flllht and firm, to lone a man In the Korenn War, haa been taken out of combat and sent to Japan, MuJ. Oen. William K. Dean now a lied prisoner led the division Into the war In early July, Ki.Vj. It was withdrawn from the Central Front almost 20 months later. In that time "The Old I'rofen. Blonsiils' had earned a Dlating ulahed Unit citation, six Mediila of Honor und hundreds ol other dec orations. Now on Japan'a Honshu Jaland. the 24th tOKethcr with the battle aeuaoncd U.B. First Cuvulry lilvl alon. la charged with the defense ol Japan. Tho victory division's last ahot In the Korcun Wur wua In C'ommu- nlat territory north of the 38th Par allel, aouthwest of Juimong, Klementa of the 4th were flown to Korea from Japan on the last day of June, 1950. They made the first contract with the North Ko rean Reds near Osan eurly In July. HUNT DKATII At 8 p.m. July 5, 1050. Pfc. Ken neth Hhadrlck of Wyoming, W. Va., wua killed by a Korean lied ma chine Runner. He waa the first American killed In the war. When the 24th ended IU Korean fighting, only two remained of those flrat handfula of green dlcra who met the onnmhlng Reds In the dark days of July, 1050. . The others were dead, wounded or homo on rotation. Egg Price War Ends in Eugene EUGENE An egg price war ended here Monday after a weekend In which eggs got down to 10 centa a dozen, and finally were given away a tree dozen with every $4.50 worth ol groceries. The war atarted Saturday be tween two South Eugene markets, across the street from each other. Grade A large egga, priced at A3 cents a dozen, got down to 26 cents. Then one store cut It to 19, then 10 cents a dozen. That same store began giving them away with the grocery purchases Sunday. The price waa back to 63 cent! Monday. , , ...... MORE CAMUAI.TIKM WASHINGTON im The Defense Department Monday Identified 34 more battle casualties In Korea In a new list (No. 503 which reported nine killed, 18 wounded, two miss ing and five Injured. Wurlitzer A Moqnificent PIANO At a Low Price LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7h 1 AIR STEAMSHIP Let us help you plan your business or pleasure trip! "Reiervatioru Made Anywhere Without' Coit" World-Vide Travel Bureau RAIL Winemo Hotel Ph. 8873 HOTELS NOW r. F0 Lfjopf What makes Olympia so gooa r 4. 3 Us the Water 99 Light Olympia, like the famous beers of Munich and Burton-on-Trent, is famous for its constant, excellent quality and largely for the same reason . . . "It's the Water". . . makes it so. Premium quality hops, grains and a famous strain of pure cultured brewers-yeast are used exclusively. Final touch of perfection is In the skillful brewing ... a skill handed down through three generations of brewing experience. Visitor art always welcome at Olympia Brewing Company, Olympia, Washington, "One ol America's Exceptional Breweries" i, u 1 " i IMiiiltPlljKi II I MY ft D . d, Hp Price of he UineiTc - - TOASIMftSTtR mill SITS e a Get a Toastmaster or Deep Fryer at M0 EXTRA COST! Just tSUV me - Alo!;randGetthisAuomot:c v.' choose . OO 00 on the d.nene . mok 50Ve 'LlVhis dcaming-ncw, .uur--..' Teostmoster VJm sensational offer YOU! Take odvantage or nowl DINETTES GREATLY REDUCED! SAVE UP TO $20.00 A SET! DOZENS OF STYLES, COLORS! WED. THRU SAT. FRYRYTE DEEP Stocks must be cleared! Save up to $20.00 alone an the d.n- ette sei t- I N0 EXTRA COST 9 " I ' automatic Fryryte deep in to makes taste-tempting deep fried dishes that formerly re- ouired hours of messy prepara tion. Hurry! This remarkable offer con't last long. REG. 79.95 CHROME OR OAK SETS 88 Chrome styles have plastic top, extension leaf .four plastic-covered chrome chairs. Choice of colors. Solid oak styles have beautiful natural finish. A bargain! Save $20.00 . . . PLUS a Toastmaster or Fryryte at no Extra Cost! ' REG. 99.95 CHROME DINETTES 12 5)88 Colorful extension dinettes in this chrome group! Choice of classic Duncan Phyfe or pop ular corner leg styles in sev eral colors. Sets have four matching plastic - covered chairs. Sove $20.00 . . . PLUS a Toastmaster or Fryryte at no Extra Cost! REG. 149.95 CHROME DINETTES Large chrome extension din ettes! A big 36"x60" fully I extended! Choose from many I I handsome styles, colors. Sets I I have four heavily-padded I I plastic-covered chairs. ' U ' Save $20.00 . . . PLUS a Toastmaster or Fryryte at no Extra Costf Symbol of Hospitality J EASY Budget Terms! 9th and Klamath Phone 4868 'Tfd Matht Ref . U. S. Pit. Olf,