HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUESDAY, FEHRUARY 1032 iVitluv lll.s Vollso nlilji'iilllinllliiti linn uiiioiiiiL ol iiioney'1 liy Invi'NllHHlIng mllllniy biiylnu. New Income Tax Probe uiilniiKlo coiilllctliig testimony. At Ihe core Is assistant U.S. Attorney Charles O'Garu'H ncllon lust spring when hp took lax matlets belore n gruiid Jury without consulting hln superiors, O'Clnrn's conduct wns denounced Friday by U.S. Allmuey t'hiiuiu'iy Tiamutolii and an assistant, Jo seph Karesh. ('hulrinnn llebeil. Din., Mild siivi'd tint eniiiilry "an lueiilt'iiluble MIRRORS ! for any SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA ,M'i'MMII TrfU lstjiilv lUflltml tlo Nil Ilh I''""" I liliiiiimrlln I'liv.li lrtii Looms; Sleuths Sought Room In the Hornet Ity WARKKN lt(Kii:itS, JR. sist that Nunan repent under outh t Main - WASHINGTON i.V Whilo one I nis dental ol Involvement In the Senator bemoaned n lack of "ace lnvostlBKKw." another had HKimmipolls nrrwinu Co. ease 6. Ah ill lliii dlii. president of the loucnea ott evenis which ihumi roonied today into what might be a new income tux probe. Chairman Klleudrr. lJ-l.n., of the Senate Agrlculturn Committee told now ooiunoi brewery, said In Chi i-iilio he never had business deal IllKS with Nunan. I), l.nwronco 1'. Hnrdin. funnel Ri-ncinl manuuer i the luewerv snul III Houston. Texas, that Nu nun represented him, not the firm and still does. i ('AMI OHMA 1 MW PAGE FOURTEEN r : ; 'r1 a reporter his group has named Paul J. Cotter to head nil inquiry into the government's (nrni price support program but said he was having diflU'UHu-s assembling n stalf of investiRutors. Williams said Thursday the In dianapolis Brewing Co. KOt a 000 tax rebate on top of selllmg for $4,500 a StUfi.OOO chum for baok lederal taxes. This, ho said, came alter Nuiian sot pmuisMou in lU4t) to handle tho company's tax ap peal. In the wnkc of Williams' speech, here's what happened: 1. Tlie Revenue Bureau said Nu nan. after resigning m June 1SM7. sought and obtained permission to represent the brewery and e!i;ht other linns with tux' troubles. 1. Sen. Uenrutv D-Ga.. announced ' i M4 t In fcnn l'runelsco. Hep- King's committee scheduled a npcdul ht'uiiug Sntui'dav in an elloit to "2 i V 4 V iS 1 1 i i . ... . Urn ' n. BLOCK BUSTING This block Of homes on Seattle's Queen Anne hill are becoming a jumbled mass of wreckage as continual slides move earth under and around them, the front yards and street have sunk four feet since the first of the year exposing .sewer pipe. Two of the homes are still occupied although City Engineering Department expects homes to be completely demolished eventually. Barber Poses U.N. Problem NEW YORK W The United Nations has a new problem a Third Avenue barber. It may take an act of Congress to end Uieir dispute. Heart Fund Drive Blow The Klamath County Heart Fund drive is lagging far behind us scheduled quoi.i. Chairman Norm Wilson said today. The drive has been underway two weeks and has reached the The U.N., already grappling with half way point. Only $150 of the such vital issues as Korea and world disarmament, now must con tend with Tom Fucarino occupa tion, barber address. Third Ave nue. New York, U.S.A. Fucarino, whose shop is in the East Side area of the new U.N. headquarters, went to the county clerk back in 1946 and registered the name of the shop as "United Nations Barber Shop. S3000 coal has been attained thus far, Wilson said. Garages have been the best donors so far. Wilson said they had averaged So per garage to date, though there have been several , who have yet to be contacted. I "If every man. woman and child I were to individually give one dime, ! Wilson pointed out, "the Klamath , County quota would overflow the i But lust a few days before the ! brim registration, the U.N. General As- Wilson said the Heart Fund can-; sembly adopted a resolution ! nisters. heart shaped, w ere not be- j Hguuiai. uie u.M! oi iu uue lur mg given anv donations to speak commercial purposes. . I0f. In the past two weeks thev The barber didn't know about the have averaged less than 50 cents TJ.N. resolution, and the world or-1 a piece ganlration didn't now about Fu- The chairman said that one o! carino. The county clerks office ! the greatest benefactors of the apparently was in uie oars. 100. i heart fund is- research on rheu Then a couple of weeks ago some-1 matic fever, a devastator of chii one reported the barber to V. J. G. : dren's health. He pointed out that Stayridi, a U.N. official. ; heart trouble is Uie greatest of Stavridi promptly dispatched a I the nation's killers killing more letter to the Third Avenue barber j persons in a year than the next requesting that he "cease using i five top killers combned. the name." But Fucarino, who has been bar- oering around New York for 32 f f years, said he had no intention of . wrCQOniCn UiS chaneinor his shnnc nnmp until some one proves he is breaking a law. Thats where Congress comes in. PHOENIX. Ari. W A Merlin. There just isn't a law, although Ore., man died here Saturday 20 uie U.N. has asked Congress to : minutes after an automobile ac- In Arizona Sparks Heads Spring Show "Everything New for "52" is the theme for Uns year's Spring Open ing. March id and 14. it was an nounced following a meeting of ing. March 13 and 11, it was a commitiee heads tor the Klamath Merchants Association Monday morning. Carl Sparks, merchants vice president, is general supervisor of the event, and Bob Fredrickson of Miller's is chairman of the open ing. Noel Flynn of Payless Drug is chairman of window opening ac tivity. Windows will be unveiled Tuesday, March 13. Bob Mcst ot Ougan and Mest is chairman of industrial "rolling stock" displays, to be .shown on downtown streets Friday. Ciark Blair, assistant manager of Sears, is in charge of appliance ar.d kindred line displays, sched uled for the armory Friday night in conjunction with the fashion show. Fredrickson is heading up the fashion show planning. Tickets, at 50 cents per person. his Senate Finance Committee was i advised by the bureau that all nine cases had been turned over for ( prosecution to the Justice Depart-1 inent. ' 3. Rep. King, D-Cali(.. announced i his House Ways and Means suu- committee, now delving into in come tax scandals in sun Frunci.se-' co. will call Nunan us a witness for a public airing of the lime cases. 4. Sen. Williams said he wtl! in McCIure, Pope ONPA Speakers EUGENE iff The chief of the Army psychological warfare divis ion will talk at the Oregon News paper Publishers Association ban quet here Friday night. He is Brig. Gen. Robert A. Mc CIure. Another speaker at the con ference will be James S. Pone, executive editor of the Lou!s die. Ky.. Courier-Journal. He will be the Eric W. Allen memorial lec turer. Pope is chairman of the American Society ot Newspapers Editors' Committee on Freedom of Iiuormation. fl 'Ml ' ' 'I RICHARD GALLAGHER, who will represent the Modoc Toastmasters at the area contest in Medfonl or Ashland next month. Gal lagher was si'loeted in com petition with other Toast masters here. Winner in the area contest goes to the state meet in Portland. RABIES TKSTS SEATTLE Ml Continuing tests since a dog bit 12 school children in Bingen, Klickitat County. I'eb. 8 have shown no signs of rabies. Dr. W. P. oicdt, head of the State Health Department laboratory, said Monday. The tests will lc continued for a total of 30 days, however, as a precaution. The tests are made on mice. Private Traps A General j OSLO Lt. Gen. Olnf Helse' 1 of the Norwegian Annv was caught I by a buck private trying to climb in guard lenrp at the Olympic IS ; kilometer ski race Monday. "You've got to follow tlie rules even l( you are a general," .said the private, who hud been detailed to liein control a crowd of 10.000. I Helsel, commnnder-in-chiei of Norway's Southern Military Dis trict, niceklv withdrew. Ses &q snow, forests asssl through tlie Sky-View Picture Windows of tlie streamlined A scenic thrill every day! LOW PARIS MOM KLAMATH FALLS 5? 16.35 TO San Francisco Inclmlim,' reserved seat chnt Ke on Kisftt Ihtitlitht. l-'ederiil tax rxli'a. .S';n.sfa )ii!j,'if priiViilf.'l rnnvenl cut oveniixlit connection to Ios All-Keles. Never more beautiful than now! Ji0Ir The friendly Southern Pacific W. S. McBrido, Aqcnt Phone 2-2501 back up its resolution with federal legislation. French scientists maintain a year-round weather station on the Greenland icecap. cident in which he was not in-; jured. He was John Vomht, 66. He col lcpsed while discussing the mishap which occurred while he was pull ing out of a parking space. He died later at a hospital. i NOW Every Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN SJAMPS CliffYSen's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 South 6th (Open 24 hrs. Every Day) 'V riiimlTii will be sold the show and pro ceeds will be for the benefit of youth acitivity. Gene Bailey ol Underwood's is finance chairman. F "1 9th and Pine Phone 3188 H i " vM V if n's4mlM I til "'Vlf ''r ' "H "i ' - ; -f W ' 1 t ' 4 - " ' - -1 f I 1 j A Brand New Riverside . 6.70-IJ Plus Fed. Tax 13.45 With your old lire $ A No Place for a Heavy Foot ! FULL NON-SKID DEPTH, FULL TREAD WIDTH, FULL SIZE SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY SALE Every ounce of material in this newest member of Ihe Riverside family is strictly 1st quality. Save buy a set now at low introductory sale price, NEW RIVERSIDE AIR CUSHIONS THE SIZE THE PUCE IUIE PUCE 6.40-15 13.25 2.35' 670-15 13.45 2.70 7.10-15 15.45 2.80" 7.60-15 17.25 2.95 8-00-15 18.95 3.50 6.70-16 13.75 2.75 RIVERSIDES FOR OLDER CARS 6.50-15 15.75 2.70 6.00-16.... 11.95..... 2.40 6.50-16 16.25 2.75" Plwi Fed. Tox end your old tire, PIm Fed. To DELUXE TUBES REDUCED New tubes help tires wear longer with added safety. Plus Fed. Tax.. 2.70 6.70-15 10 DOWN ON MONTHLY TERMS TIRES MOUNTED WITHOUT CHARGE You'd find it out, in a mile or so, even if wc failed to tell you. But we think it's best if wc tell you now you must treat the accelerator Kith special respect when you drive the (lolcien Anniversary Cadillac! Down under the hood of this gorgeous car is the most powerful engine ever used in standard American production. So take it easy wherever you drive. Don't use that power to holt away when the liylit turns green and other cars have their, ways to make in the traffic lanes beside you. And never use it for unnecessary speed, or for dominating the highway. Use it, instead, for the thing it was put there for use it to give you that easy, floating, comforting ride which can come only when your engine is "loaf ing," and most of its power is in luxurious reserve use it to give you that "shot ahead" when an opening shows in the traffic line or when your sajcly calls for a blast of power use it for a thrilling sense of mastery over car and time and space use it, in short, for happiness and luxury and for adding satisfaction to every mile you drive. As you would expect, this amazing performance is but one of the wonderful virtues that have been added to the Golden Anniversary Cadillac. There is marvelous new beauty inside and out side. There is a wholly new type of power steering available as optional equipment at extra cost. And there arc literally scores of refinements and improve ments of vital importance. I'or its "year of years," Cadillac has certainly built its "car of cars." Come ht and sec it whether you feel you are ready for a Cadillac or not. It's an inspiration to inspect it alic! an experience to drive it. But if you do drive it, please remember it's no place Jur a heavy Jootl DICK B. MILLER CO. J 710 Klamath Ave. Phone 4103