HKHALD AN'I) NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN 1 3(V RIAL I5TATI fOR SALI HENLEY DISTRICT" Jfifl anea excellent Mindy null. Irri tation. ''f In R'"l fitinul il clover, lift acre, tmim piiaturc, bal , mire ready lur nny type nf liirnilim. Modern Hirer, bi-droiim home Hint rliiMl conillllon. All iinnd mil lull Id -inns mid iinotliir dwelling. 1'ilcr 117,600. Tcinu. 'Jink Onrdiipr Plume o:ni i with Newhouse Real Estate ' MOO South 81x11) '' Phone 6045 or BR:i2 12 BUILDING ft REMODELING BEST BUY 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20lh 1:30 P.M. CATTLE) 1IOOH 8IIKKP AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVI Ml Hereford lirllcr ciilven. 2! Itcg. bulls lor Wed., Feb, 2711). Also HOD to 600 head mixed Cuttle, Hugs., Hlicrn. Llvexlock truck, for hire, one head or cnrloud. KLAMATH LIVESTOCK INC. DON'T BUY WITHOUT A 2 DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. SCORES OK PEOPLE AGREE "IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO BUY!" LISTEN TO ALL CLAIMS READ MIDLAND HO AD It. "HOII" RHODES, AUCTIONKKIl FINANCIAL LOANS PHONE m $45 per M KOH YOUrt KAIll.Y HI'MNO NKKDH IN LUMIIKIl . 8-10-13 In. TOKKTKE Fill BHII'LAP 2x4 HIS 2x0 848 DRAKE $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to IMKI oo your nuto On your talu-y or furnlturt up to 1300 "Pay Day" loan a ipeclally 110. 125, 150 loaned till "pay day" or longer. 125 ooata but IS cent lor ont week. No other charger ALL ADS BUT REMEMBER . YOU DON'T LIKE THE CAR BACK! 11150 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1111 Ol.hH CLUB COUPE IIMfl HTUDK. CHAMPION 1047 I'OilD 3-PA8S. COUPE . . AT DUGAN & MEST, IF YOU GET YOUR MONEY IBM CHEVROLET BED AN 111411 IXJDOE CORONET IH48 PONTIAC BEDANET 1040 FOKD CLUB COUPE LOOK! LOCAL LOAN CO. 119 No. 10th BL M-3M DON M'iNTYRE, Mgr. 43 Yeara Friendly Service " i' miscellaneous' ioV sale" Phone 2-2W7 8-278 LUMBER COMPANY BIO Spring ft WATCH ft TRADE IN'S -SOLD FOR REPAIRS- Phone bUlO 1 KOOHNO lluill-up Composition Shinnies Aluminum SlilnKlra 6IDINO Ahbralov Cednr Shakes INSULATION lllown-In FlberiiliiM COMHJNATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4400 ur CLEM 1.ESUK.UII 2-244:1, Aiient ALL WORK GUARANTEED 14 FUEL HEATING hTANUAKU HEATING OILS Stove 1 Furnace Ilcpvy Fuel DEPENDADLE Check and Fill Byotem METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Healing rinllMuctluii FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels thai Satlnly Plus Service" Since 1BID- r.'lHprlnRSt. Phone 41W ft-,0 l.OV'l. wood coal sYiVr anil purler lie.lrr.! il'.ril hut rrr.' lo ... I OH. il ju N w IIiiim H' Pod'unil, Drr 1 V"if "iiil Ef.N BTA MI'tTVl vnorrhr li, it nil, I'hunt 3ual or 1.0JW tut Drompl V Cl.irr YADKN'H SKIN A.L aRRVICI I j 2M0 Bl lh . .. .... ETANtaAHn" HEATING bit kti,'. rurtii' liahi fual, coal, wood rharcual f.ylon and Co K13 Mars. I rrtnn IK IlliV plna Blocks for alr, Ovttl sva nlnei and y..r.k.nil M.llfr. Urol I'UKHTtii.oCill ptrkun or d.ltvemT Cliff Yad.ns ftlfnal ftirvtc. iLMiO So fiir, minn. WBI or 31 31 SOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES rfifl HAl-K7"rtUIril wirtiiitreiiir rlr pup. Call or ,e l Julfl Clui- 1n Arntt. i tiftVi: nio"'ilh will nile"MIfnre (I'll for sale. 1443 Orrion Ave. IMione luma ANI)ICIIH6N"llnarrtlna Kanr,alt' Ptiont no47 MM Dclawa-e off Homadala 1 Iliiinlllon Mini's Yellow Oold Filled 17 Jewel lo yii) WrlKl Watch. O 2-Ilulova Mnn's Yellow Oold Filled 17 Jewel IrtSII Wrlnl Watch. ZO p-lrurn Mann Stalnle Steel 17 Jewel IrinM Wrut Watch ZZ 4 EIkIii Man' Rose Oold 17 Jewel in ,bO Deluxe. 4 t Hulovn Mnr' Yellow (lold llllcd i -i50 21 Jewel. I 7 7 Cniny Man's' 17 Jewel Shoc k Proof $i qJO Wrlnl Watch. 10 10 Kliiin Man'n Yellow Oold Filled 15 fl ( 50 Jewel Wrlat Walch. I 4 12 Mn mil ton Man's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel I-i rib Wrlnl Watch. 10 13 Huren Lady 14 Curat Yellow Oold ir a 50 17 Jewel. Z4 14 nulova Lady's Yellow Oold Filled Jri50 17 Jewel. Z I 10 Elgin Man's IS Jewel 12 Sl i 75 Pocket Watch 10 18-ElKln Man's 17 Jewel 10 Size $-)O00 Porket Watch. ZO 20 Elgin Man's White Gold 17 Jewel 10 Size $r i 50 , Pocket Witlrh, 4 21- Hnmlllon Man's Yellow Gold1 Filled 17 Jewel s-t 75 12 Size Pocket Walch. I O $7.00 Down Specials Plymouth i VI 'M Chevrolet !27 , "17 Plymouth I27 MB Plymouth , .. 2B7 ; "M Pontine f 07 '30 Plymouth 1B7 For the BEST in the WEST see DUGAN & MEST D 0 b G E PL YM 0 UTI I D 0 D G E "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 01b Phone 8101 $25.00 Down THE ONLY REQUIREMENTS STEADY EMPLOY MENT FOR 1 YEAR GOOD CREDIT STANDING ALL PRE-WAR CARS SOLD AS IS USED CAR BUYERS! EVERY CAR LISTED HERE A REAL BUY 1949 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDANET Radio, heater, Dynnflcr drive 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET Radio, heater, standard transmission 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDANET Radio, healer. . . 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET Radio, heater, Dynaflow Drive. . . 1942 BUICK SUPER SEDANET Radio, heater LOOK! - '1765 '1795 '1395 '1895 ' 595 1950 PACKARD '8' DLX. 4-DR. SEDAN I ' Radio, heater, overdrive. 1 1948 BUICK 8UPER CONVERTIBLE I Radio, heater 1 1947 OLDS 8 "76" CLUB SEDAN ! Radio, heater, Hydramatlc ; 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM FORDOR Radio, heater 1949 CHEVROLET 1i TON PICKUP 4-Spced transmission. 1925 '1495 1165 '1345 1195 1951 STUDE. CHAMP. REGAL 4-DR. ii n q r " Radio, heater, auto, trans IOVO 1948 PONTIAC '8' STR.MLINER 4-DR. l 1 Radio, heater 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM FORDOR Radio, heater, overdrive 1950 CHEVROLET li, TON PICKUP itacno. neater i 1949 PONTIAC '6' STR.MLINER DLX. 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, Hyd. 1195: '1395: '1395: '1595 : ioo J325 '41 Oldi "78 ' Sedan. Hydra. S495 '38 Rule Special 4-Dr 1D5 '41 Poitlliic Streamliner S49.j '41 Chev. Rp. Dlx. Clb. Cpe. J.195 '41 Nash "U00" Sedan $345 40 Olds L-90 Sedan 40 Plymouth Spec. Dlx $'145 "39 Ford Deluxe .... . 1275 Vi DeSoto Coupe .. S295 38 DeSoto Coupe 175 SHOP EVENINGS Open 7.30 p.m. for your convenicnee, Saturday till 6 p.m. KLAHN NASH CO. 606 South 6th Phone 3650 '19 75 No. 24 GRUEN MAN'S WHITE OOl n 17 JEWEL 12 SIZE POCKET WATTH THESE PRICES INCLUDE TAX ALL WATCHES IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION NEW WATCH GUARANTEE WE AI.SO HAVE SEVERAL OTHER BRANDS AND MODELS NOT LISTED SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main nOAHDINCi KENNKLS T)of bnardini by day. week or month Kanllary kennall well balancad dlat Clean Individual outdoor runa for earn dog Dofi handled durlfg mating. Will pick up and deliver VUItor Welcome Prion S07S Merrill Bo fit 3. no S04 SIIAHIA CASCADE KENNELS . 42 LIVESTOCK 1 POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid tor any amount. Top market prices (or good quality. For quotations PHONK 3N57 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FARMERS! EGGS TO SELL? Wc are now buying delivered to Oregon State Hatchery. For your convenience wc now "have two receiving stations. Oregon Slate Hatchery Gooding Poultry Farms Buyers Phone 4940 Kon SALE, Ihree whit tlllkrv hmi, una hiiinre turkey hen, one hrnnre tur key golihlor, all H mo. old. Phone 3-12n:l. wmFii'iA'. hiiBE'niNCj SEnvii-h rtinne S73I M C. IChuckl Warren. Bt 2. Roil S23 HKIHKST prices paid for ooullry, him and llveniock. BID Y MEAT MARKET ' l.akavlew Junction Phone 4Wi' rrOII 8AI.E Jemcy cow and i'nH. Huute a Box 444. Phone 2-2n:u. 1 OH SAI.K. Ihrer Imam, Phnnr fl7.",'! VvaNTED colortd he'na Phone 4S0I 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED : WANTED ft , GJOOD PASTURE WRITE . . HERALD NEWS ' BOX ': . NO. 23 A'ANi'Ki). aohrr ilenenriiihle joiin nhio In do npnrltnent tminie or liulldlnii maln-Innnm-e. I.lltht plunihina, elrrtrlral nnd I ma n'l'iiiTa, niinie jnniiorini worn. Steady etnploynienl. Write aac, phone r.o an.' . WANTEb lb buy. Ciifl-"pydirWne iVANTTTb to renT 2 beclniiim un"iu7 Ami heel homa. Clone In. Ailtllla. Phone mtt. 1 WANTED, David Brndley if Ilnrrla t:nle Loader. Adama Ranch, ptlnne ml Merrill. ' WE Ni'.F.n CAHS! Get ton n'tce nowl tlo Motor Co, otti and Plum- ' - 46 FINANCIAL LOANS vV WANTED vV Vr BORROW $4,000 AT 6 PKR CENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - AND TWO LOTS AS SECURITY WRITE HERALD NEW8 Box 27 IMMEDIATE : Cash Loans Borrow pa,. onl S100 17.27 Mo Repay In 18 Installment UP VO 1300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11200 ON CAJIS rrre ideal place to borrow Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to paj : Locally owned New Cars 'tnancfl at bank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 yeara serving Klamath BaiU 8e "Chuck" BaJlej Mr. 114 N 7U1 8U Phone Sm 8-241 M-27S DOVN IN $ S 's? Herald Jc News. CLASSIFIED ADS : Ute 'cm to turn your unnecjed I j things into cash. Phone 8111. j ! FOR SALE ! , "1001 BARGAINS" i I Appliances, tools, motors, radios, ( I furniture, shoes, clothes, pocket ; ' knives, garden hose, lawn mowers. ! etc. ! good used appliances j Cofer's Exchange Reconditioned & Guaranteed m K1"mnt" Avc- p1'-7160 Phone 3151 SALE! 1950 OLDSMOBILE ROCKET "98" CLUB SEDAN Full equipment, one owner. Service record on file. Safety-Tested and guaranteed. -U OUR WARRANTY ir "THE CUSTOMER MUST BE SATISFIED' REAL GOOD LOW-PRICED BUYS 19.16 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN. Heater 1839 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE. Radio, heater. A wonderful buy 1940 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE $225 1941 DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Fluid Drive $395 1939 DODGE LUXURY LINER 4-DR. Radio, heater, late motor. J295 1940 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. TUDOR. Radio, heater .305 1940 BUICK SPECIAL 5-PASSENGER CPE. Radio, heater. $305 1941 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. FORDOR. Reconditioned motor . $425 1941 OLDS '6' 78 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Radio, heater, Hyd $495 QUALITY IS SUPERIOR PRICES ARE COMPETITIVE Shop Around First Then SEE US! H.E.HAUGER "29 YEARS YOUR BUICK DEALER" USED CAR DEPARTMENT Main at Broad Phone 5151 $2295 USED ELECTRIC RANGES 5' !395V USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS I FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. . . . Your Choice Only i $1 EACH I BARGAIN SPOT Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 707 So. 6th Phone 5708 !595, VERN OWENS' CASCADE HOME FURNISHING CO. IJ4 No. 4th phone 83P5 FEBRUARY i inc snortcst Month j BRINGS THE YEAR'S SHORTEST PRICES Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 150 to 1300 Auto Furnlturt Livestock Salary 150 to 8500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Plnanced Make your dealt CASH dealt I Commercial -k Cinance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Llo. 8-361 N-73 107 No 8th Pjion 7711 51 MISCELLANEOUWORSALl OAK dinette eel with RreVfrlca'therctte chiilrjenla, ai. 3:119 Union. UWK elerlrle rnngo in xcelieTHcon- dlllon. Phone 077. nOVEItt'OA. sire 40. like new. iS. .See Mr, Lowe, Model Shoe Store. fOlTSA'l.E, eiei'iric'drTiriiet. Ma finely menftiPrke till. CnU7a.1.V roH NAI.Eor' "Trade, iil.ln" model Cold apot rrfrlKoralor. ErlKltlalrn alove. Uoth exi-ellent. Elerlrtr Sunbeam Iron. Phone iuui. . CuH i latin oak. UciVaL Single margin typewriter lor anle .or trade. Phone K200. folilKkA a'n'd a'tinchm'enta. tlt-DO. Phone 0200 . Foil SALE, 1O0 T choice hay. Phone rP44l. ; . . i-7ii(ELESS RECcTrinTNOS, fenturliii artlala from old to -newCarttao to Como Whlteman trr Wakely, are available for copying. Now you may lane record your own custom-made mimical pro-err-m from thla aelecllve collection of ao.000 record dating from 1BBS. We In vite ynnr Inquiry. Kyle Morgan Planoi. 10:1 Main. Phone 2-02O0. Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 ton SALE. Coldpot 7 cu. ft. refrli!- erator, exrellrnl condition, tloo. Phone , SllM .Jlarlan Drive. POSTS for nalc, Hed Juniper arKrCe"- dar. Phone42:l Mnlln. S'lrA'ilK lino'TilERS" Numery, Trult I reel nu urn,,,, i-iione ii-.m.i. CltuSHED rock and driveway clndera. Phone a-llli7 HIAWATHA glrl'n RlcycUl for anle. zlr wiier .i:jo p.m. SEARS refrlaeratnr. Hot Pnim r,7 Montgomery Word washer. All In A-l rondlllon. All for tloo. See owner ill People s Warehouse. KOH SALE, used bathroom fixtures. Small oil stove. Phone 2-1G2S. ADD1NU MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chain tiles for salt or rent PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY B0 Main Phone 7412 ELKCTROI.UX CLEANER and and supplies. Phona 1107 Tarkel Tneel. 921 Market FOR SALE, twin sire Inner spring mat Ire ss. Llk e ne w Phone 2:iH. VVATKINg PRODUCTS. PhonJlaM tillllxlU RECAPS aa.IIJ , EACH EXCHANGE We buy used 1 1 res. O.K. Ruhber Weld- r. 2301 So lh Phone 4:113 l'OH SAI.K, ruling pMiilcca. "hnpr 07.13 CIOV'I'. ULIJU. SALE! 20 II. X HI It. '2 Apt.! duplex houses! Onlv Sluoo -Complete, Including free delivery In numuered, easy -lu-crcct pnnels ulrrcl to your loll TEXAS WRECKING. CO. N.W. Front Portland, Ore. FOR SALE, certified Netted Gem seed potatoes. Grade A, ono to six ounce. without hag At Algoma, Phone 2-03:17 or Algoma 1. ANSCO neflex Camera. Case, flash gun. New condlllon. SlllL CaU 2-3100. FOR SALE, 266 white leghorn chickens also potatoes. Phone. 7HI3.. SMALL wood cook range. Like new. Va price. See at 212FI Oak. FOR SALE, mahogany mirror top cof fee table t2fl. Good condition. Glass front door with Venetian blind. Inquire 104,1 Mitchell. FOR SALE, Frlaidalre deep freeze. 8 elght tenths ril. ft. S27.1. Lonnle Atiams. Box 6J4, Chlloquln, Oregon. Phone 327. Farmers, Truckers, Car-Owners! Drum-Lot Oil Sale At WARDS BIr savings on Wnrds Vitalized oil limited time only. Premium Grade none finer. Wards con tract plan protecus you asainst rising prices, elves savings to you if prices go down. Come in today and save. Vitalized Premium Grade Rcr. 80c in 55-gnl. drum, now 63c gal. Reg. 83c gnl in 30 gal. drum now 70c gal. 3 Five gul. cans Reg. ,5.98 now $4.99. Montgomery Ward 9th & Pine Phone 3188 I'SED FURNITURE values can always lie found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 33.13. U-INCIt concrete culvert pipe. 70 cents per loot. PEYTON fc CO DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone nart, 07.4.1. '51 '49 '49 '48 '48 '48 '47 '50 '47 '41 "40 '39 BUICK Spec. 4-Dr. Sedan DODGE Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan PONTIAC "8" 4-Dr. Sedan HUDSON Super "8" 4-Dr. Sdn. HUDSON Com. "8" 4-Dr. Sdn. PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan OLDS "8" 4-Dr. Sedan STUDE. Champ. 4- Dr. Sedan STUDE. Champ. 5- Pass. Cpe. PONTIAC "6" 2-Dr. Sedan BUICK Convertible CHEVROLET 5-Pass. Cpe. '2295 M565 1795 '1365 M435 1465 1195 1545 1050 s 425 $ 395 s 325 1950 OLDS Rocket "88" Four-Door Sedan Standard transmission, radio, heater. Recently had valve grind and complete check-up throughout. Tutone grey body. Very clean Interior. $2045 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 t or a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Vour International Truck- Dealer JUCK ELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath Phone 2-2581 Outstanding VALUES at , : Outstanding PRICES! SEE THESE TRIPLE-CHECKED PICKUPS & TRUCKS ' V VALUE V PERFORMANCE V APPEARANCE 1950 G.M.C. V'2 TON PICKUP Low mileage. Very clean 1950 FORD la TON PICKUP 4-Speed transmission. New paint. 1949 CHEVROLET 34 TON PICKUP Check this carefully for real value. 1947 DODGE PANEL Excellent value at a small down payment. Down Payment $44900 $43500 $37500 . $24750- OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co im Market CKU8HEL) HOCK, driveway cinderi. I'hotw ft VII. I LANDSCAPING, evcrRroens. atmibs nnd trcci. We trim, spray and remove larKi trees. LAKKSIIORE OARDKNS NURSERY Phone 4afi MIRRORS resilvrrcd, new mirrors made to order.. Kim bulls Ulasa Shop Phone 7370. FOR SALE, med clpctric rane. $2).M. Hnfter Furniture, 9lh and Klamath. UHOKKiy wtndow Riass replaced. Ktm baits Cila5s Shop. Phone 7:t7B. 55 AUTOMOTIVE BEST VALUES! USED . . 1 RUCKS-CARS - GUARANTEED AS .REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER trrt87th Phone 111 FOh SALE, Model A Ford. 24Z6rr. rhnrd Way. FOR MALE,, a HM V-B Ford. Good run ning order, good rubber. Phone 7933 or see at 12.1 Sheldon. "41 PickViP. $275. IfMO Army (Ixtt In tcrnationnl. $imw. 4Z3 Clinton. HMD CkOSLKY atalion wi.Ron, radio and heater, good shape. 4100 Washburn Way. Will pay casii for "41 pickup. Phone UHS SARGANT3 USKU CARS WE ni)Y. SELL AND TRADF. Corner Shaata Wny and Arthur Streeti Phone 8205 V(t NKED CAKS: Uet top price nowi Rnn Motor Co 6th and Plum WHV WALK DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 B Main Phone :t7S "We will ael. your car for you." We buy and iradal JUCKELAND MOTORS llth & Klamath Phone 2-2581 1951 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Power-Glide. 10.000 miles. New car condition in every respect. $1895 Dick B. Miller'Co. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 V ' CHECK VALUE OF THE WEEK 1947 KB-1 INTERNATIONAL Flatbed. Good paint, good rubber, good motor. Come in and try this outstanding bargain. FULL PRICE 750; AUTOMOBILES full; PRICE 1948 ENGLISH FORD (Prefect) - $ 595' - $ 795' .. $1310 $ 110 1947 KAISER SEDAN 1947 OLDSMOBILE 98" 1941 PLYMOUTH TWO-DOOR 1941 WILLYS SEDAN OUR BARGAINS ARE ALWAYS ON SALE I 1949 MERCURY SPORT COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive. Per fect interior, spotless dark blue body. Low mileage. $1595 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 ONE 1P49 Ford Club Coupe V-8. Radio and heater. Good uu ho lettering. Very good rubber. In first class condltlpn. $1. 225.00. Floyd A. Boyd Company Tulc lake. Phone 7-2072. 1029 MODEL A coupe. Good tires, mo tor fair. $100. Phone Merrill, 12t2. WOULD like to buy IIK12 to ;i4 r'ord coupe. State price. Write Box 24, Her ald News. 1(151 WILLYS pickup In Immaculate con dition. Less than 5,000 miles. Has big heater, defroster, spare tire never been ued. Really a bargain $1305. Dim bat Motors. 23ft Main. COMPLETE auto glass service. Prompt, reasonable. KimbalU Glass Shop. Phone 7U78. COeMPsUfiTB Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade 632 So. Sixth Visit Either of our Convenient Locations 677 So. Seventh A. H. "Shortie" WEATHERFORD WEST-HITCHCOCK, CORP. ' Phone 5276 Phone 7771' 1950 FORD "6" Vi TON PICKUP Low mileage. Perfect cab and body. Good tires. $1295 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 FOR SALE, late 1049 Chevrolet 4-donr, radio, heater, excellent condition. $1400. Dorr Is Motel. Dorrls. California. Phone iun auer o. A-l USED CARS YOUR RA YUR A9 CHOICE CHOICE 7 , 1950 CHEVROLET STYLELINE 1541 DESOTO SEDAN DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN in fine running condition Radio, heater. 1949 MERCURY, DOOR ""OR . Heater, overdrive. Clean is a pin. , 1950 FORD "6" CUSTOM DELUXE TUDOR SEDAN Radio, heater - 1949 FORD "V-8" CUSTOM DELUXE TUDOR SEDAN Heater, overdrive 1946 FORD "V-8" SUPER DELUXE FORDOR SEDAN Heater, 1951 HENRY "J" TWO-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. Just like new 1940 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DELUXE TWO-DOOR Clean as a pin. . M585. 1395 $845: '1095. 395 BALSIGER'S USED CAR LOT . 2152 So. 6th Phone 4354 1947 DODGE sedan. One owner. Low mileage. Radio and heater. Excellent condition. l.OOO. phone TO.ta. for sale msn Ptv mouth Station Wa gon. Less than 17.000 miles. Call days 3400. Nights and Sundays 0240. 1047 RtlICK Roadmaster sedan, radii and heater. Priced for Immedtata aale siooo. Fhoneg-o.HH after a p.m. FOB SALE or trade for 1947-48 ChVvrrv let. 1947 DeSoto 4 door sedan, Acces oriel. Phona 3-2434.