Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 19, 1952, Page 12, Image 12

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1 Chlloquin : J
Tha Red Bluff bull title vu the
reason fnr many people going south
Inst weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Doak were there for several days,
she visiting with friends, and he
to attend tn ludRing ana auction.
nih.r. frnm iv,. unn.n..nn Di..
district at the sale were Joe Miller
Br. and two sons, Joe Jr. and
Clarence, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Wolff, Hans Anderson. Ora Sum-
mere, Jack and Gerry Wolff, all
tram rhiinnnin iTrmt Prm.
who lives In the lower Wood River
v.n.u .11 it-...i.H .n-.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall spent
the weekend In Cottonwood visit
,. .,uu vi0no. Thn .in visit.
rf hriofiv with Mr. end Mrs.
lo,.. n iHn-n,. m. nima.
er). The Rodrars had lust re-
turned from a trio to Alameda
and San Francisco where they had
.,....a ..in, v.i. n--.ni. Mr and
Mrs. Paul Donohue.
t nnoi n.nr.i. mill h. nrrv in
hear that Ernest Call, father of
Mrs. Kermlt Kcysor, now of Bo-
hut fn-m.riv nf wilUam-
son River. Is very seriously ill and
Is expected to live only a short
time. Mrs. itevsor ana ner two
younger daughters, Marianne and
Kathleen, are In Cutler, Calif.,
where Esther Is helping her sis-
ter Melita, In caring for their
father. Kermlt and the two older
elrls. Joanne and Marilee, are re-
mnlninff on the ranch at Bonanza,
Marilee, incidentally, is Junior
class candidate for queen of a
school dance to be held this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright have
another daughter, Wanda Amelia,
born at her home in South Chllo-
quin on Sunday morning, Feb. 10.
The baby, who weighed a little
over T pounds, has an older sister
And brother at home. Wright's
aunt, Mrs. Floyd Ohles, has been
taking care or Mrs. wrigni ana
the children.
Bud Cienger took seven bulls to
Ontario on Tuesday, in readiness
for a sale to be held there on urday in honor of Mrs. Charles
Saturday. Accompanying him was Partridge on her birthday. Guests
Dean Greear. Mr. and Mrs. Roy were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Part-
Gienger will drive over on Friday ridge. Mrs. Grace Blaser, Mike
and Nina Buck will make the trip Dearborn and Ted, Paul and Mark
with them and will visit with Dearborn.
friends In Ontario with whom she Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evans and
lived last year. Dixie of Klamath Falls spent Sun
George Swanson has been 111 for day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
the past ten days with the flu. George Noble, and other relatives
His little brother, Bill, has been
down part of the time and this
week their sister, Sally, is out of
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Les Hoback and son Jim
were Mr. and Mrs. Don Simpson
and Dale, Charles Hale and son
Phillip, Mr. and Mrs. Layton Ho
race ana &enny.
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Collins and
Infant daughter drove to Eugene
late last week ana brougnt Mrs.
Collins' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Prank Worlev. down here for the
weekend where the other Collins
children, Meta and Jerry, coma
visit too.
Mrs. Albert Bricco, who with
Mrs. Donald Potter, runs the
Pines cale, became UI last wees.
She was taken to Klamath Falls
where she spent some time in the
hospital, out on Monaay sne was
to iron tn Portland for observation.
Christie, the Bricco's small daugh-
ter, is staying witn relatives m
Klamath Falls.
Bob Knowles, who spent so much
of last spring and summer in the
hospital in Meotora ana ruamaia
Faus, nas oeen in ana out Bgmu
this last month and, although now
at home, is still very seriously 111.
Little Robert Berry had his ton
sils removed in Klamatn aiis on
Tuesday morning. He is 3 years
Glen Klrcher is a civilian once
again, having been discharged
7 4u. !. ...m ihic wuv
i. ,. i. ii rvir he
was confined to- the San Diego
v sn his wife. Bonnie, went to
Las Vegas to visit with Kircher's In Klamath Falls on Wednesday
mother, Mrs. Gerry Hardy, and of last week : While here they vWt
was joined there this week by her ed Mrs. Butts' daughter, Mrs. Bud
husband, 'rnev leii. on weanesaay
and were due in Chiloquin late on
Lawrence "Fat" Ohles, former
Chiloauin resident, was In town
brleflv last weekend from his
home in Anderson, Calif.
Mrs. George Hatcher underwent
major surgery at Klamath Falls
on ruesaay.
For Roberta McGee
Regular meeting of the Fort
Rock orange was neia saturaay,
Wph 9. with a verv large attend
ance on hand lor the meeting and
. 1 .. 1. Man. tmni-Atram an t o
Were disiuSed which were planned
K. ..M.n.r.iichui i tha ..Amine
vear. Master Hazel Ward was in
"v,. .
This past week was certainly a
chancre for the better as far as
weather conditions go, witn the en
tire week being warm and sunny,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown and
daughter were weekend visitors of
Mr. anS Mrs. Bill Mattls. Bob
tells me he is planning on moving
back to Silver Lake In the near
future to work for the Silver Lake
Lumber Co.
Mr. Hubert Wagers of Westslde
has purchased the old Miller place
a half mile south of town and the
surveyors were out running the
lines on it Saturday and Sunday.
Wagers plans on Irrigating the
jbiiu ana raising various crops.
Ralph Webber at Beal Siding cut-
naroia mues is working with
ting pulpwood. Ralph and Ruth
plan on moving out to the Horse
Ranch where they will be closer
to weir work. They have rented
the cabin from Minnie Stltz. Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Stltz of Bend have
moved into the big house at the
.nurse itancn.
Mr and m n..n, oun.i
- " r.T . ."'' .""WW
were visitors oi tne wara lamliy
and chrii fitinow , t.h,.j.
rori kock nas anotner new busi
ness now In operation and I he
lleve it is the first of its kind
here. Marvin Enlow Is now rais
ing mink for their furs. He has
11 of the little animals now and
plans on more. Here's wishing him
lots of luck In his new venture.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillette of
Klamath Falls were weekend visl-
wio ui uic nuimru ncuee mm-1
ily. Jack helped Howard with his
dehorning of calves. Later In the
aiternoon, Mr. ana Mrs. r. . mc-
Gee and Don McGee Joined them
of those turkeys over that we won
at uie summer ijane snoot last
Early Tuesday morning the three
memoers ot tne plane that was
lost northeast of here were brought
into Fort Rock on their way to
xeuu. ine piane was lorcea aown going to tne Belgian tongo, Africa,
near Walker Cabin and a ground as mlsslonalres.
search - party led by Rube Long Little Scotty Harbison was quite
and three men from McChord Field sick last week with the flu and
reached the stranded men at 3 an ear Infection, but is coming
B.ni. ueauity murning ana Brrivea aiong mcejy now.
fa""- " ' ' 1
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waldren of
Klamath Falls were Langell valley
visitors on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bcnmedil ana
lnda are spending a few days In
",'"0,"t ... ... , ., ,
Jack DeVaul and Maynard Hrlc
" 'riend- Jk Jn'
a ' f tt'neS t,Bm"7on' Jvah'
visited the Orval DeVaul and Pete
"r'Llllsc". Sunday dinner guests
l v"Y.'V,uL,uani ""2
Mrs. Paul Fltihugh and Del and
Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bcott
and sons. Jack DeVaul and Jake
Jacobsen. A lovely dance and party
8'ven in honor of the navy
" " -"'
Francis Lilly on Batruday.
Lewis Staller took Mrs. Banta
and small daughter Janice to Med.
ford where Janice will remain for
sometime and receive medical care,
I Mrs. Wlllard Noble took a car
load of band pupils to Henley Tues.
day evening to meet with other
pupils picked from the county
schools to have one big band. They
wiu practice twice a montn and
play at the Spring festival which
be held at OTI. Those picked
from Bonansa were Folly wooie.
nu uu,um-, - --i.. wmi-
lotte Passolt, Charles and Donald
Tunning and Charles Roberts,
Roy Ashbee is home with bis
parents, Rev. and Mrs. Ashbee and
will be held at OTI. Those picked
John, being discharged after
three and one-half years tn the Ca
nadlan Navy. He returns March 2
and then will study to become an
Episcopalian minister.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Parsons of
Mt. Hebron visited her parents, the
Walter Smiths Sr., on Sunday,
Mrs. Berta Vinson and Mr. and
Mrs. Luther Noble and daughters
spent Tuesday In Lakevlew.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hodges and
children are spending two weeks in
us Angeies ana us vegas visiting
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Mike Dearborn entertained
with a dinner at her home on Sat-
and friends
Langell Valley Women's Club will
meet at the home of Mrs. Bill
Cummlngham on Feb. 21 at 2
p. m. Mrs. Bob Colwell will be co-
hostess. Cards will be played fol-
lowing the meeting. Anyone Inter'
ested is invitea to attena.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeBel spent
several days at Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott House visit
ed their dauRhter Mrs. Don Ross
and family of Klamath Falls on
Tuesday. On Saturday Mrs. own
Dotv and children and Mrs. Ross
and children all of Klamath Falls
visited at the House home,
Mrs. O. C. Johnson received the
sad news that her father Fred
Spear who was 87 years old last
October is very ui in a earns
Monica hospital suffering from a
stroke. He has been in very good
neaitn up to mat tune.
Mrs. Christine Brown visited Mrs.
Margaret Burnett and Mrs. Fett on
weanesaay aiternoon,
Sunday guests at the Burnett
home were Mr. and Mrs. Warner
Fett, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ettrlem
ana Mr. ana Mrs. itoy im-
George Rice of LaGrande, Ore.
arrived in Dairy last Thursday to
visit his son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rice and family,
Mrs. Harvey Butts and Mrs. Ann
Jane White were business viators
wwM uu uui.v...
Henrv O'Keefe. rancher of Adel,
Ore., visited recently with BUI Ry-
ser at Dairy. They are former
schoolmates. having auenaea
school in Lakevlew.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tofen are
the parents of a son born Jan. 27
at a Klamath Falls hospital. This
la their second child.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoehsler
of Klamath Falls were calling on
old friends tn Dairy on weanesaay.
Mrs. Charles Boroughs of
Sprague River visited Thursday af
ternoon witn ner sister, Mrs. Mar
vin Michael.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Falkoskl and
daughter, Virginia, attended the
funeral of Mrs. Falkoskl's sister-
. Mrs. Goben in Prinevllle,
Ore., on Thursday.
.Mr- and M- Jack Goldsberry
of Klamath Falls visited on Sun.
daY Mr- Ann Jane White of
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lee have had
as their house guest, Mrs. Lee's
mother. Mrs. G. D. Hawkins of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ritter bad
as their dinner guests on Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pepple of Bo
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barker of
Klamath Falls were dinner guests
on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Bis bey
A number of the people of this
community attended the auction
sale at Sprague River a week ago.
Mrs. Olive Fraley had the mis
fortune of falling down on her base
ment steps and being hurt. She
5" not. been ,ble J atttnd
the past several days. Mrs. Fra
ley is a teacher in the Bonanza
Bill Neubert of Klamath Falls
was a business visitor in Dairy
on Sunday.
Mrs. Ted Falkoskl nas been on
the sick list and was taken to
Klamath Falls on Tuesday for med-
Wwil .tt.ntlnn
. . ,,,,.. ,.,,,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Welch and
children, Wayne, Nancy, Dlanne
and Pat, of Canby, Calif., spent
tne weexena witn ms sister ana
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
vin Michael.
here at Fort Rock about 7 a.m.
Roberta writes that she and Da-
vid are having a wonderful time
and getting a lot of sunshine ab-
soroea ior tne trip nome. Da via
can't understand why the water In
the ocean tastes so bad and the
water at home doesn't,
Mr. and Mrs. c. A. Read v..
gene. Ore., are the parents of a
gin, severiy Yvonne, born Jan,
24. Read served at minister ot the
Fort Rock church in 1950. In the
near luture both Mr. and Mrs,
Read expect to complete their
graduate work In the east, before
It Happened This Way
New Pine Creek
Item of the week filled with the
most pathos, was the poignant
message that little S-yoar-old Monte
Means has cancer of the blood.
Doctors have given him three days
to six months to Uvel The cute
and smart little tyke Is the sou
ol Mr. and Mrs. Jack Means, who.
up until about a year ago, were
residents of New Pine Creek. Jack
was called back Into the service
about a year and a hall ago as
he had signed up, upon his dis
charge from World War II, In the
reserves of the Navy Air Corps.
He Is now stationed in the Phll
Upines. Little Monte is now In the Navnl
Hospital In San Diego. He. sister,
Marlee, and his mother, Mrs. Jo
Anne Means have been UvUig In
Oxnard, Calif. The shocking word
was received by the child's great
grandmother, Mrs. Ed Httruog
Feb. 6., In a telegram, sent by
Mrs. Means from Pasadena, Calif.
She said her husband had been
notified and was expected to fly
home. No additional information
has as yet been received.
At the March ol Dimes Dance:
Can you Imagine a fiddler's cha
grin when (It was just before the
supper dance he was sawing
away on his fiddle and the "tail
gut" gave 'way, knocking out his
A" and E . This sounds a little
off pitch (and it was) but the only
thing left taut enough to find
a melody on was his "G" string:
like a weak vitamin, "D" had a
weak melody three and a half po
sitions above regular Ditch (vcrv
hard to find) but he managed to
play out the course. Well that guy
was mei tucay mere was another
name nanay.
Nevertheless It was a quaint lit
tle dance that netted the polio fund 1
around $135. Half of the take goes
to Modoc and half to Lake county
for don't forget, this burg has
been split for the last 50 years or
so. It started out all in Oregon
and kept squirming around until
Ai x-.-9.-x Xs-v i .1-. -MONTE
it got itself tight straddle of the
line and there it hangs suspended.
All the high school kids attend the
same social functions held here
but when It comes to book "larn
in' " half of 'em ride 40 miles to
Alturas and the other half take
the north bound bus for Lakeview
about 14 miles away.
Well what's all this duplicity
got to do with the March o'
Dimes? It's like this If you did
not get a chance to come to the
dance where you could kill two
birds with one stone just throw
in' your life away (some might
say, DU9 it s an in fun making
your donation while you play) you
still have a chancel Mrs. Thelma
Butler will take your donations on
the California side. She won't go
south with it but. she will send
it south to Alturas. On the Ore
gon side those who want to help
a good cause along can leave your
donations here at the Postoffice
and I'll see that Bob Howard, in
charge of the polio drive for Lake
County gets it right where he wants
it in the Polio fund.
A word of grateful appreciation
from the grange and orchestra
members goes to Ralph Foster.
expert trombonist and shop fore
man at the State Highway Camp
39 at Davis Creek, who sat in with
bis silver-toned instrument (for
free), lending considerable umpb
to the music for the good cause.
A very nice gesture.
The Happy Hour Club, at their
last meeting, Feb. 6, made a split
donation of $5. Half is in the box
for Lake and Mrs. Butler has the
other two and a half for Modoc.
The meeting was held at the home
of Mrs. Homer McLaln. hostess,
with 17 members present and six
children. Mrs. Pearl Lightle was
guest ol honor. Cookies, Jeuo
freeze with whipped cream, tea
or coffee was served.
Word has recently been received
by George Converse that his uncle,
Will Smith, passed away back in
Pykestone, Minn. Old timers will
remember him when he was a
former resident of new Pine Creek.
He lived here way back in 1912
and '13 when the big mining boom
was booming here. He worked sev
eral claims up in the High Grade
district panning out quite a bunch
of that precious yellow flour gold.
Week ago last Sunday was quite
a day here when 85 or more vets
of foreign wars, their wives and
friends, assembled at the old Ant
ler's Club building and established
the Warren Welch Post 9737 of
the Veteran's of Foreign Wars.
Chief of staff of the California
district. Alva J. Fleming present
ed the charter and gave the prin
ciple aaaress. Mr. Pratt of the
Alturas Post gave a short talk and
the newly elected commander of
the local post, Clarence W. Tuck
er, got In his two-bits worth which
turned out to be a right nice talk.
A movie centered around the
home for the Veteran's orphan
children was shown which took the
observer right through the history
oi now tne cnnaren became or
phans and how they are splendidly
taken care of.
The main officers installed at
this Initial meeting were Comman
der C. W. Tucker; Vice-commander,
Jim Edgar of Willow Ranch;
Junior Commander Layton Gentry
and Adjutant Charles Maw-
Mr. and Mrs. George Welch of
Alturas. parents of the lad for
whom the post was named, were
present at the ceremony.
A ladles auxiliary of VFW was
also formed with the nrinclnal of
ficers Installed as follows: Pres
ident, Mis. Marcus Partln Jr.
bailor Vlco-incsiiU'iit Mrs. Da
lcne Snider; Junior Vice-president
Mrs. opal Butler; secretary
Mrs. Hilton St. Clair and Chap.
inui mra. rriiiikie Williams.
Mrs. Vergie Myers of Alturas
was the installing officer for the
ladles auxiliary and Neal Phillips
oi Aiiui'H.x was the Installing old
cor for the vets.
Kt'lii'slmients of sandwiches,
cake. Ice cream and coffee w
served at the close of the very
impressive gathering.
1-iHiuy evening, Feb. 8, a pink
and blue shower was given for
Mrs. Walter King Jr., at the home
oi me hostess, Mrs. opal uutler
Those present were the ouest ol
honor, Mis. Walter King Jr., Joan
Carter, Mrs. Beulah Atawhlnney,
Mrs. Elsie Cundtff and Mrs. Ethel
t-unailt, Mrs. Darlene Snider, Mrs,
Ruth Lawson. Mrs. Mnurin Butler.
Mrs. Frunkic Williams, Mrs. Jesse
MCLatn. Mrs. Pearl Lit it e. Mrs.
Sara Johnston. Mrs. Mvrtl Oen.
try and children. Gordon and Glo
ria Lishtle, Dinn Cundlff. Kathy
uut.-r iinu L-aroi Ann Mcutin.
Those sending gifts who were un
able to am-nd were Mrs. Nada
frux. Mrs. Grace Srrlvner and Mm.
Jackie ONeil. In the games that
vie puiyea, ursl prizes were won
by Mrs. Dlirlcnc Knliirr. Mrs Elvln
i-uuaiii, jon Carter and Mrs,
Jxira Johnston.
Mrs. "Pcsb.v" King received
many nice and useful gifts for her
little daughter. "Poccv " Pmpan.
Hie up sine aown cake with whipped
vi cum topping and collee was
servea for refreshments and
had a vcrv dclk'litful time.
The annual bull sale held at the
Tehama County Fair grounds In
Kea uiutr is much more than Just
the peddling of a lot o' bull even
thoiliril the crand rhnmninn ehnrt.
horn sire brought $3,500, and the
oia ana resold March o( Dimes
bull netted the National Polio Fund
better than $ 1 1 .000. No one got
what you'd call "the apple of your
eye" as a sire and nace setter
lor the herd without paymg 11.500
ui ucuer ior me critter.
But aiotiK with this sale is skill.
tuny intermixed a myriad of other
attractions snows and entertain,
menus that anyone not necessar
ily fanciers of Dcriitrrpp hniu .i..n
can thoroughly enjoy. This helps
draw all members of the family
who make it sort of an annual out
lug or high-lighted excursion of the
year and a must to attend. Sorla
" .c- to go aown myself sometime.
Sever.il artendpri tmm i,...
some of whom were Mr. and Mrs!
nooneii, air. ana Mrs. Dar-
Vin Robnett find fnm.H.. M i
Ca"e,r- Mr- Mill Vernon "and others
iicu r-erry was admitted to the
Lakeview hospital Sunday after
noon suffering from what mav be
an attack of pneumonia. We hope
wen has a speedy recovery and
doesn t miss any of those basket
ball games. He Is a smr ,,i..
on lh a . r'f".
Ki. VL. "'go scnooi B
basketball team that has lost only
One cam. cn f ,u.
Rev. Euppi. R ...... i ....
motored to Portland last Mon
day week aco uh.r. h. "
periodical physical check up. His
dr.ughter, Mary Gail who is aZ
parently gradually loosing her hear-
.VakeV a Peciallst to
see what could be done for her.
fhere seems to be very little that
could be gleaned from the first
frMnrSVMary Miller received word
iocmii",son' .Lute Mler from
- ....KC.ti, no, wnn his wife,
Ester, were vlsltln. .uu '
MiiT'S..5,'"6,"'. Miss Ettie and
r-VTT. ' c V"-yara at Burbank.
Cahf. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are on
their way back to New York Cltv
where thev will icii .i.u . ....7L
here they will visit with r.m.i
.v e KOS and
mc ait'nt.q m in.
vSn!hey ?ome down trough
Virg,n,a and visit with his wlfl'j
lt V scat,tcri through that
f'ate- They plan to return about
iiiiuuic ui marcn.
Mm . ... .
h. i. "B,,cs nenaerson was
teht, ,h0mI 'rom the A'""-s
Hospital last Sunday and she seems
Tnnn ?eltmf( alonB flne- "a Lee
IM S c,lrlne'L her and help-
hJL , "ou5e work aurlng
her convalescence, r-
Mrs. Buna B. Faris is doing
nUU Weli and Was expected to
nf,,br2!'.gh' home from the ho
h u ,. on Llncoln's birth
day. If nil WPMI n-.ll I. r...
The fingers are crowed anV&re
ft,0?"1' By e way-lsn't hope"
ms , great boon to one?
17-months-old Barbara An-
aerSOn. dailffhlnr nf Atr , '
Sherman Anderson has had quite
a time getting something to eat the
last few days since having her ton
sils removed last Friday? But she
nouVishmenf. 8 "ttle more
Substantiated Rumor: has It that
nT. vruzon is exchanging
places with Pat Patterson as 8
?s her:f,,fssi.A"d ."
lUm.Ir I.. . ' M antl ,r0m
r," ' gettin- aiong fine. AJ.
though Cruzon is buying the sta.
tlon from Pat, he has engaged
oKuy to run it ior mm until some,
time later.
Polly Noble and her art teacher,
Joan Cody left Friday for Portland
to attend a luncheon and award
ceremony and receive the gold
achievement key for art work.
They will stay with Miss Cody's
parents while In Portland.
Mrs. Nonie Pepple of Klamath
Falls is visiting her son, Owen,
and family Tuesday evening din
ner guests at the Pepple home
were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gowen of
Jiiamain rails.
Mrs. Louis Randall of Langell
Valley visited Mrs. Lee Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Stewart
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Pepple at dinner and cards on
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dye visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Elliott House of
Langell Valley Sunday.
Walter Casebeer and Martin
Brown left Tuesday for Michigan
where Walter will buy a new car,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brown visit.
ed the Owen Pcpple's Tuesday.
Mrs. Ted Carncs entertained
with a birthday dinner on Sunday
for her sons, Howard, who was
17, and Charlie, who was 15. Other
guests were Billy Butts. Pat Giv
en, Sonny Brokrop, Alta and Pat
Colohan and Ted Carnes.
Everyone Is sorry ball player
Don Hubble will not be able to
play at Uie Chlloquin game but
Sewing Machine Service
Send In the attached Information,
macnine iret-oi-cnargt. .
633 Main Street
Klamath Falls, Ore,
Address or Direction ,
City -. ..l...
Maka ot Machlna ..
Remember, genuine Singer Service
service cars.
Ont day par word , f
Three Day per word Ho
Week run per word 20c
Month run ... per word We
The minimum chart t for any one
ad u toe.
Answers to ads may be handled
through box numbers at the paper
ior a service charge oi aoc
Classified am auceptM up la 1:30
pjn. (or following day's publication
Classified display ads accepted up
to 13 aooa lor following day pub
lication. ADJUSTMXNT8
Pleas maxe all claims lor adjutt-
tnents without delay.
Correction or cancellations re
ceived by 1:30 pjn will be Bud
in following day publication
WARD'S Kliirath IMnrrtl Hunt. Mf
Huh SUt Phont 3334.
Order of the Amaranth
will hold a celebration
annual Birthday of
Court Wednesday, Feb
ruary 30 at I p.m. Past
Royal Matrons and
Royal Patron In
charge of refreshments.
Klamath Lodge No. 77
A.F. and A.M. will hold
a special meeting Tues.,
Feb. 1. 7:30 p.m. Work
In FC Degree. Visiting
brethren invited.
Dal Bebbr
Worshipful Master
LOST, nalr Hint hornrLmmtd al.u..
vicinity 4th anil Miln. Phona 7111 r
LIGHT tan over coat takart from Hoc-
rariy Known. ntas rat urn and
no question ak?d.
No Deliy Take Them With Youf
we now hive many ttyles nd
colors to chooM from,
free EstimtUs Gladly Given I
G. C Motl
812 Klamath Avt.
Fhon HIS
NEW SHOE ShOD. Wa wl.h t.
v.u .utiemin, oi many yaari.
Hit, V V ,'.n ,bu"-' "fain an
tend an Invitation to all to ao our
n aqulpmant and hava tha boat in
..... ..,. ana cnuaron't inoo ra-
palri. gtuart'a Shot Shop. 1Q.H Main.
HEAL allk. Phona Slot.
ir,.!,'ST.0N.kBM'"'" "noJ. Evanlni
appolntmonta. Phono KU, 101 Waihln
ORDER VOtlr Bnan...' -- . L
.... - . ----- nMwuu.. rnanr
SIAWLEY Homi Producu. Phona i
Legal Notice
FOR K1.1M1TU r-mtl.-'nv
In tha Matt. ,K.
KENT, Dactaiad.
Notlca l haraby glvan that tho
undara aned Tha rr.t m.,i.h.i m.-i.
of Portland ha fllaH I. 4in.i
9f admlnlatratlon of tht abovo on.
.'L.n", tourt hai
appointed Fahriiarv 9T Itu fn .
" or haarlnf ebjactlona to
Kuguni ana ino aotuomant
Tha Pint National Bank a Portland,
Ganonf St Canon
Attoraavi for Exacutor
a r-D-12.lt No. (7
rnn K iwi -r-l rntivpv
In the Matter of tho ZttaUt at ALONZO
Not ca la harahv alvan ha f k.u.
mn appointed admintitrator of tho aa.
late of Alonio X. Cola, deceaied. All
prrwma navin Olalnu aalnat aald a.
ww ara rami, ran im nr.un M.
with proper vouehen, at tho office of
uanong at uanon. 7 Main atreot.
Klamath Palla, Oregon, within alx
montha from February 19. less, whieh
la tha data nf flra( nnhll. r.4 fkl.
Wm. Ganont. Admlnlatrator
Ganong c Canon
Attorneyi for Admlnfetratar
-1.-1K-.0 mi-m no. Ml
NOTICE TO raffnrtnaa ...
underlined hai boan appointed
naminutrator of tho aeuto of Olive M.
Burke. diMuit hv ih. riwirii r...
of the Slat of Oreton for Klamath
County. All penona hevln clalma
aalnat laid oiUU art hereby notified
to oreaent tha aarria aronarlv varlflad
tp ma at tho office of Oeorte H.
Proctor, 11 Melhaie BuHdln. Kfamalh
r na, in-eaon, wnnin tlx . montnt from
the date of flrat BUb1batlAn mi thla
notice which li Feb. 12, Its.
Georie H. Proctor .
Attorney for the Estal . '
aini no. m
are hopln he will b in the tour
Mrs. Dan Loveladtr left PorManrl
by plane on Monday for Bain
oriage Maryland where he will
go Into training for the Wave.
Her sister, June, Is stationed ther
also and her sister Judy Is In the
aves at Treasure Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Leg Leavltt and
Mary enjoyed dinner with Mr. 'and
Mrs. Owen Pepple on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCartle ara
building a nice new home Just out
i uonanza.
Mrs. Annie Cline visited the Les-
ier Hogg on mesaay. I
1 1
w will oil and adjust your sewing
rendered only by men driving Singer
Heavy Hauling
Honett Rate Weights Service
3s0a South Sixth
Ph. 0340 or 3380
Mobil ShOT) and Trench Ho
Builds? FUI Dirt Topaoll
Criuhtd Rork Driveway Olndeia
Phoi. 5541 or 01 10
Septic Tanks Cleaned
RewaM Sanitary Method
Cleans Sewer Line of Roots, Etc
334 Orchard Phon 4)
septic Tank
Puaip. eoncr.n lanki in drain
iiaiaa lntianaa. nrvin. M.ia.r.u.
phona 3070.
BIBLiflovara. Scripture taxi, all oct-a"-
alon siaalln
f card, atirt wraDDlna tim
tr, with Blblt icn. Slaiionvry with
.ituu iv)rn si. rnon aa.
G Labs' lurnltur Ioh and " ahslvtH
rnaia tn oroar. fumpaira uiaM Shop
rnana 737a.
repair nrnvif-
On waihars, radioi and outboard mo-
Ith and Ptna Phona si
AVoTlfU Rn?OTEJt by havinaWm"
Morfan tuna your piano. 45 yvara of
xpcrlanca hava praparad him to rva
tuu run 11 rnona a-ujug. nyi uorgan
I'Ainunu ana - paparnanging Phona
TRIPP A AUTO ni ntim tvH mA im.
otr wuri rnrnia tow
ELXCTMC Wfn.Nd. work by hour or
ontract. Phona 3-1010.
CURTAlKs lauodttd and ttratrha
Fubllo Accountant
and Audita
Offlc at 30a No, 7(h. Phona U4
ALTtRATIdNaf on man wnmorV
cniiaran a cioinina. jannia nan. Mllfli
Iran Anlta'i, TOT Main.
DlTCH during and back fuilnc with
Fordton Tronrl
-n Hoi. Call a-lftM. 3AM
or 6421.
PULLER Bruihti. Phona 00O4 or M77
Phnna 3-0:133
for aooolnlmant Phona 3-OUI. Harvav
help rn.L Til- NEED
Eaty to loam at home: apare time.
Oood pay. Many earn white learnlne.
No high achool required information
FREE. Wayne fehool of Practical Nur-
ein. box . care of Herald and Newa.
BOOnJCEEPINO. ahorthand Dpinf uT
drod aubiecta. office machlnea.
tn Pino Phono 47tu
CHILD CARE and aducaUcSTpreBool
center. Phone 47.
therapeutic exercUea for
women. Spot reducln feetured. Phone
RCSPONSIBLE woman, vicinity Mllli
School for baby cara. four houra daily,
vi 7 ww. rrrant I ijq.
2XPERIENCED book ke par for payroll
and ganaral of (lea work. Good ataadv
po.lt l on. Apply aftar 4 p.m. Caarada
Laundry and Claanari.
BODY and fender mmr hanir taiih rtmmimw
axpartanca. Man capahla of making at
Umataa prafarrad- Apply Salby Chavro-
lat, Aahland, Oregon.
ilAN to earn too week uo lng ntadd
Invention. AdvaiilMd Saturday Evening
Pott. Country Gentleman. Proipecti ev
arywhere. Full, part time. Exclualve.
No InvaitmenL Fraa tamplea. Write
Red ComcL Inc.. Daot. aa.H Liitutnn
WANTED, amblttoua vounv man fnr
permanent poeltlon with large company.
Excellent nromallon ivtalriilitiaa Phnna
3284 I to p.m. -
WANTED, hnuiekf-nT to live in. with
good reference!. Five In tha family.
Good wagei. Phona 3713.
Help Wanted
By one of the leading agricultural
dealerships In this area.
Excellent working conditions.
'800 FAMILY Watklna route now avail-
able. If you want your own builnca
with better than averaae Income, write
for Information to Tha J. R. Watklna
Co., 137 Dexter Avenue, Seattle , Waih-
Herald it News
De 'em to find a good Job and
change woe to "dough."
- Phone 8111
EXPERIENCED lady will care for chil
dren In your home. Phone MI.
HOUR work. Phon t-3128.
RELIABLE youn woman wilt cart for
one or -two children in mv noma fnr
a worain motner. inona aon4.
MAN and wife want Job In hotel or
camp. Experienced cooke and baker.
Write Herald New.. Box 30.
BABY gITTINQ, phone 2-313 evanln..
HOUR wark. Phone 3-2403.
CARPENTER WORK wanted, neoali
a fpaclalty. Jim Alexander, 2130 Tunnel
ot. rnone I.HH.
cniLD CAnE. Phone 70S0.
BABY alttln. Phone 2-oi73.
WILL ' cart for children In my horn
your noma aveninee- call
r6om! for rant, clean. Close In. Phone
ROOM, price, reaaonable. Phone 4027.
LOVELV rMRii ttir rani. ... m mamS"
Cioat In. Phon 4Mt.
FRONT room for rant. Oreer Apart,
ments, 710 Main.
B"OARD, room, reaaonable. Phone 43sT
NICE, heated room.. 922 Pacific Tar.
ROOM and board ar roome. Men' only,
soo No. tth.
ROOMS 103 Hlh.
Hwald aV News'
Use 'em to rant your vacant rooms
Phona 1111
fttilTmna'erit two room apariinTnTTml
nam. una iiacneior aparwient. aia m
III MTTTjlirRrJ iKree iwm apar4mJ
unable for bualnea eouple Alpni
Aparlmenti, tth andPlne. rhonat Wirt
rUHlfllltlV" 4-room aot'Tor 1 month)
laaa, or longer, Juit redecorated, nice
ana ciean. witn water, ngnta ana ntai,
all funuined. No don or ata. Man
and wife preferred. It you want eoma
thing good aee at asq Shaata Way.
ri'HNISHlcR two room aparlmenl
cioie to town. S month. Wa pat r
child ren Phona 51S3.
f W( "room KirnTahed aparbnent 'XliKG
ana waier. nza walnut.
l.AH(llC " furniiKad a'partniani, . haaUt
nn will, t-ioae in. rnone aaiT.
tw6 Iredroom urnlihat) apartment.
Price B40. no oeu. Phona lOU3.
Suitable for eouple.'saiB Summer Lane.
MoDf.ltH iuniBhe"aiear'tmenT'QaVae'
rnone aov.
working girt. Utllltlea furntahed. Share
kllcheit and hath. tre of automatic
waahar and dryer. 3i block from
Tth and Main. Phon Tiu r eall
3 N. 7th
riNNlS)lKD threeroom aoartman
M (W: all utllltlea Included. Adult only.
iw n. Tenth,
th7ik rtMtnti uniurnUlied. Iigvaa. Oa
rage. ao, inquire jiw wnue.
NIHDIO anailmanl. i rooms with bath
unfurnlthad. Senarate antranaa. Haa1
elecirlc itove furnished. Phona t-otll.
Two roorrT aMrtme'nf
Walking cllatanra. Phona 63flS,
rf)H ME n't, fur n f had "aparl imen t for
anum. Jail nroaq.
VACANCY, two room furnUhef
nVt Clie tn. Phi'ne 4412
.MAIJ, luntTtKTfi aoarlmant.' LoraVciil
on llDinfrtal ftnad. Adult, Phone NIA7
STKAM llAfY6 aparttnant with bad-
room. oj (jan ai.
Apartment 1. 900 Market.
born n
5-room 3-bedroora
ment. Utllltlea furnlihed.
107 r. Main
.SMALL aean anartmenL ' lleetrically
equippaa. a-'.i in. loin.
T H It t k ' P6oN'lKi7nli)iVd apartment toil
Nlcfc ataam-heated apartment" adults.
corner phi and cedar.
Otit "Iwdroom unurhtihed aaartmen
Dai eoulDDed. Call 3-0411.
mwi.y decorated, private oatn. aiv
cnenett. team neat, eieetne
Sin week Rei Arms Apartment.
fSit Ht.UT, fumlahdapartn-i
oulre 511
riO.TrKFrpIN3 eablna. Claae In.
Phone 32:1
MObritN furntahed cottage. SftTPhone
ON B bedroom houte. 143. Phone wlbf,
TWO badroom furnlthad houae for rent.
43. AdulU only. Phone a33T.
TllltP.e rn.m furnlihed Itouee for rent.
Phone 47 .VI
Y o n"TTfi5t 3 room houta furnlihed
Adult-, nroad.
UNPURNlSr.cn four room dtrolex. Zx
cept for atova. SM. Call 3037 bafara
a p m. J..
BEEinVX t " w
Move Tourwlf Bv H
New Truck For Lonf Trip
Pickup Stake Virj
1201 E. Main Phon U04
orflCt lor rent UI tiffin. Fhone
fOK KENT floar aanilara tefael trf
equipment Suburban Lumbar Ca
and walnut rnane ttu
&AX aTORA'Aaf trlX'i'KII. ay wee
or month. Earl Lamb, anon ears
15900 One bedroom. Ilvlnf room,
kilcheneitr. bath. Completely fum-
uthed. Term.
$000 Completely remodeled two
bedroom Home witn attaenra
rae. On comer lot Some flnlshlnt
led but can move rlfht In. Trm.
$10.000 Two bedroom, living room,
dining room, utility, fireplace. Very
nice lawn, inruM and tret, one
block (rom school. Term.
18900 Modern two bedroom homt
tlx acre Irrigation on pavtd high
way. Term.
631 So. Sixth Phone MM.
or 7023
ComUt of 70 acre. 27 acre of
pasture, 28 acre of alfalfa, balance
grain land ready for alfalfa. Cheap
rair improvement, cion'to
scnooi. tm good road. 18600 down,
vnmucc easy term. -
Tulelake Phon Mgll
30-cow dairy barn milk house
Irrigated paatur Hay and
grain land Apple orchard Fenced
and crosa fenced for hep Four
bedroom modern house Numerous
PRICE $60,000
Located seven miles from Kltmtth
Falls on Old Midland Road.
Inquire of owners-Route 1 Box
24. Fifth House South of Orange
Hall .,
ran SALE nice level lot N.l. comer
AddiHin and Lakevlew, Acctpt reaaon
rno Cellf rU Wn" r o' 1JM'
rOR SALE; attractive two, bedroom"
modern home. Paved .inlet, nicely lend-
.w..., Jim, rnung 910,
ran SALE, wall Improved two acre, on
Kane epnone wo or can at uaa
Oon Klrkpatrlck talaemta
1" N Ilk Phon Mil
'9? ."ALE, percent contract on ho'uie
and Una lot on MenianlU Hot Sprln..
DUO for foraclmura arming a im
Bo" hJ4,000' C,0,'n' ",r,"trehip. P.O.'
NEW . HOMES for tale. William .
Powell. Phona 3,
rdS Sale. iv krm
houaa. corner lot. h mn aiaan
Phona 182, Merrill, Orefon. .
PRorrr builders
Hrrald A Nwt
Um 'm to find eutUmr fnr
your Building Material. Phon 8111
A good two bedroom horn locittd
clot to schools, church and
biislneiM district. Urge living room
with fireplace, nice dining room,
brkfttt nrmk and full basement,
Immtdlat postestlon. Priced right.
A quality homt In a very good
ntlghborhood. Has two bedroomt,
larg living room with circulating
flreplac, dining room nd cher.
ful kitchen. Lot of built-in atorag
spac. very larg wtrttrob clots
In bedroom, tltctrlo heat, and
ctllent room rrngmnt. Play,
room with flreplac In bamnt
cm be used guest bedroom. This
Is a new horn and raprenenu good
valut on present market. Shown by
appointment only.
A well built horn In a good loca
tion. Nat a a pin Insld and out.
A M by 120 foot lot provide a
nlc turfed play yard for th chll.
dren and a small garden tpol. A
good buy at I7SW. Let us show you
this horn.
An attractive homt consisting ofw
two btdroomi, living room, dlnlnr
room, dtn nd kitchen. Hat full
baitmtnt with extra room .finished
In knotty pin. Th larg lot pro
vide, a nice setting for th hout
nd allow a nlc view. This I a
desirable property and I priced
right. Call us fnr nor details.
Shown by appointment only.
Set Fred Cnfer
Bob Stephen
Evening (230
Bornhisel Agency
112 8th
Phone 4 185
88 to 818 per acre buy good ranch
and timber land at oov t, mat)
nd County land dales. FREE
1821 KB Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood
2. Calif.
81288 down will handle this com
fortable two bedroom modern horn
near Hillside. Completely and well
furnished, good foundation, larg
comer lot, garage nd work (hop.
Full price 882BO.
Nesrly new on bedroom 'modem
home. Excellent condition throuih-i
out Beautiful kitchen, wall to wtllj
carptlng. Insulated walls and cell
ing, attached garage, laundry room
and work shop. I MOO. Terms.
Very attractive thre bedroom
home In fine location. Extra larg
living room with fireplace. Dining
room and convenient kitchen. Two
full baths, tewing room, basement.
Also three room guest hout at
rear of lot. 817,000. Terms.
HARRY VAN (Evta. 8204)
JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0827)
81T Main Phone 3211
. ONLY $3500 ,
For this rich half acre with com.
forubl 1 bedroom house, large
garage with spare bedroom in rear,
chicken houa and small barn.
Oood terms can be arranged.
. $6300
Buy this attractive 2 bedroom sub
urban home, 8 years old, automatic
heat, hardwood floors, concrete
foundation, detached garace. thor.
oughly modern. acre good Irri
gated soli. On oaved street and
bus line. Only 81000 down, 882 per
In Hot Springs. This beautiful
home was built last year. Yard I
completed, with lawn, automatic
eopper sprinkler system, stont
walls, etc. Full concrete basement.
complete with garage, work hop,
utility room, large party room with
bar and wcond fireplace. Fully In
tulsUd, electric heal, comfortable
eparate dining room, natural wood
cabinet In kitchen, tiled bath, and
a world of built In storage spare.
Call us for an appointment now.
Located In Mills, this property con.
slots of 8 rental unit. Total In
come now 81SB per month net. This
can be substantially Increased with
Jfjy .."' expense. Total price
Open Evenings by Appointment
Se Don 8loan Phone 8888 Eve.
Homer Stllea 2-2480 Eve.
Fred Scott ' 8703 Eves.
Since 1008
III N. Ith St. Ph. 4584 or 8629
POR t.t, line home, norihalde. Two
Dearoom. down, three room apartment
up. Furnlihed, stoo. will rent to rli
parly. . 't
Phone 7M7