WKSDAY, FHHIUlAllY 10, 1052 IfKRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE T.l.tVll New High in Mayhem Expected at Armory The Unrruloii (Hrkyn and tl Puitiiilii' Pinks tiiniflo tomorrow nlitlit In ii Ihk ti'ii'M miitcii Unit Miuirlui of lliiliiltllpcl Jdtiyltflu of e brand tit'liliini Hi'vn lit tin' armory 8 A BUCK WEAVER faces Yoif l5t 4w Night 4iM where rhubarbs urn s common m balus at cnurcn sonvouuun. In matching tlie Oorky brothers Huittitt line! Iviin mid tho I'm fiuvH llcfb mid limy promoter Muck Llllard hint Inked Hint ini tio Hint would fit In tb main event spot of any wrestling arena m me country. iieul arunt-snd-groitn eusiomera well remember the hectic golngs- on of last season when the Uorky clan Invaded ttie local ring. Even fresher In mind lire the sn- Urn ol the Parks boy who can hike cure of themselves in the fas tent of mat company. Bolitnt Is enmliiK Kf me rracue ot bin brother Ivmi. Fans rrtiMinbrr the lt tune fvmi culled III hid big brother. The reunite were nothing short ot dyne-mile. Tonight's niHlch started toward the signing stage last Wednesday night iiflor Ivnn lout a scrap w Itiiiiinnlitii ori Cretorinn, Ivnn objected strenuously when Herb Pnrks, en referee, lined his (Ivun'si heard s it handle when the ftunnlnn wan playing bounce, (mil wlih Yorg's head on the cor-iirr-po?,l. Ivnn mild it with knuckles on Herb's eliln. Hilly wan in the sudl- ence alter hi oiienlng Boui out not for long, lie broad-jumped Into the ring end dumped Ivan with a scries ot knee upjiercuU. Herb, bv Hint time untangled trom the ropes, Inndid an emphat ic rlKht hand on Ivnn s pus. Ivnn alerted yelling for his broth er Soldnt end didn't top until Ltlhird Htunect the match. Tlie oiiener should put the audi ence In the right frame of mind, it pelre Cretorlun end Buck Weav er at 8 30 p.m. . fly The Arlated l'rr Louisville. Ky Kurky Ornzi eno, llio. New York. Mopped fcd dlc O'Neill, Vi 'j. Milwaukee (41. Chicago Chuck Uiivev. Mil, Detroit, outpointed Johnny Hi own, 15(1. Chicago '. New Yolk Al Wilson, MS, Englewood, N. J., outpointed Ted Murray, 147, New York .). li,.lti,.,nrA furl flutter 143. Bnlllmure, knocked out !on Urauii, Hf j, iinltiiiioie (ii. IVMtilm, hi .1 v ciene Tltkltch 134 3t. Trenton outpointed John Camber, 135, Mlllburn, W. J. 'iu Kahut Underdog Against Brion POitTLAND W Cesar Ilrlon ot Argentine to favored over veteran Joe Kabul of Woodbiirn. Ore., in Uielr lOround Nutlonnl Boxing Club match here Tuesday nlKht. It will be Kahut's first appear ance here since he losi to Fr-zord Clpirles several wicks ago. Malin, Tule End in Tie Mullit Tulll"e .laytiswlii CliHofjiiln Merrill Iftirrtt Hl Kftio Attt i.M,Vl U last IUnlli) W .,.. l Inn in ... rt. .ftIS .yi?d KIH ,8iK Mfi . 4-,5 ..Hi ,l2 4 faitni 3 K!ffitfc ... 3 ftpmguc ftivr 2 Ui ettulu Kllkl Malin Ml llf.ll U Tullk tell Blr llrflti Tile Mnlln Townlee end the. Tule Snke Inner flnlhhed In dedm-k for tho Klamath Daaln bajiketbali leiiKiie title end will meet at e date to be announced to determine the tp-re(lcd Boot In the play-olln Feb. 28 and March I. Malm earned the tie with e t-4 win over the Beetty Lektre last niicht. while Tuleluke backed Into the tie when Illy forfeited. Both were make-up Ramea from en eerly-eceaon enow-out. Leaxue President Harold Hen drlckaon ld the two teams would meet either tomorrow night or next Monday nlKht In Merrill to leuie tlie knot. Bath were defeated just onre in 11 tllte. The Jayhawke end ChiiofUin fin inhed earlier In e tie tot third witn finishing 0-3 record. A flip of a coin will probably decide tlie play off third end fourth .polf. Jim Conroy paced Malin lest pight with 1 point. Ivy League Approves Huge Grid De-emphasis Program NEW HAVEN, Conn. root- bell wa e de-empiied major eport In the Jvy Leasjue Tueedey, nhorn of lie prc-neaeon end pont- oeaeon hoop-la by order of the preeldenui of the eight uehoole in voived. t Under en essreement ettnounced Monday by the college, neither coacbee nor players may particip te, among otlier things, in poet seMn Intereectional geme. This rule eturlenU t Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Princeton, Brown, Cornell, Columbia end Pennsylvania out of the North Bouth end Et-Wcst games. Nor may Ysle'e Herman Hick man again coach the North eouad s he has for the it two games at Miami, Ms., while Dartmouth's ToftM Mf'i.Roehrv. one of the roach. jes of Uie Kast team in ISecember'a i Hhrine game el Ban Fraiiciece, can't do ft egeln. Yale, whoxe footbelf hWory !e e history of the game itself, kicked off on de-emphesia last fall when it plumped for the elimination of spring practice, Lant Saturday, the American Council on Education included in it "Kanlty code" a ban on spring practice and bowl game. Mondav'a Ivy agreement has these points: Abolish uo-callcd football timice. Abolish Kprtttg football practice hecau.se of the peculiar pressures nr.AtTv nt 11. Writer 12 rHH(ui 10 Sanrirrvillt ? tiitiiii e K. Wrlr 8 Ul 1 Wwil'V O Krfllf IS t'liniov 2 AniWfcOti 2 Kfuifln Copirfr(ielt 2- Ilnt 0. Brthlin 4. DHoii 2, UrnlM, MrKncn 2, Sill 2. Norwegian Shatters World Skating Mark OKI.O I Ama?.liiK Hlalmar Andersen ol Norway completed the hrst eonseculive day triple slam In the hlslory of Ihe winter Olympics Tuesday when he won the 10.000 meter speed skating race in world record time. The sensational 28-ycar old ath letic hero ol Norway was clocked m 10 minules, 45 8 seconds J 1. 6 seconds better than his listed world mark of 19:47.4 set last year to win his third gold medal In as tnnnv days. Ills time was far under the Olym pic reenrd of 17:24.2 set by ewith er Norwegian sports hero, fvar Piillongrud, III 1MB at Uarimseh i'nrtcnmrrhen, Germany. Batlan grud captured Ihrco gold medals that year but not on consecutive days, t The quiet, modest speed mer chant raced the 10,000 meters, about 6 Vt miles, in even faster time ten days ago in an interna tional meet at Hiimar, Norway. Thai clocking of 18:32. will be lilrd lor recognition, Andersen, father of two and the owner, of a sporting goods firm in his native Trondhelm, won the 5, 000 meter race Sunday in the Olym pic record time ol 8:106 and romp cd olf with the 1.500 meter metric mile, VM yards less than a mile, In 3:204 Monday. He did not com pete In tiu; 500 meter race, won by Ken Henry of Chicago. Button Leads OSLO i America' Dick But ton, showing the oame skating mas tery that won him the IMS Olym pic and four world titles swept Into the lead in the Olympic men's fig ure skating championship Tuesday as tlie compulsory school figures were skated. Austrian Winj OBI.O Othmar Schneider of Austria won the Olympic slalom ski race Tuesday by making two runs down the thin-crusted. SOS yard Roedkielve course in two mln utee fiat. Americans failed to piece. Illinois, Iowa In Title Mix on players and to avoid intensity of athletic ipeetaiuauoa m single sport, Study way and means of reduc ing the number of game scheduled. Reaffirm the principle of the con trol of athletics by the academic authorities, to include scheduling, eligibility, the award of scholar ships and student aid. Amend the eligibility rule in the present agreement to Include: "Beginning in VM no student shall be eligible whose secondary school educetion was subsidised or whose post-college education to premised by an individual or group of in diviiuale not closely related to the family as a consideration for hia attending the college which he now attends. By The Associated Press Tlie "la- have it in the Big Ten basketball Jamboree, meaning lows and Illinois most likely will decide the championship Saturday mgtit when they collide at Cham paign. 111. ; Both hung up Important victories 'Monday night, leaving them locked sin a Mr?t place tie with identical 8-1 records. ! Defending Champion Tiltoois, led by John Kerr's 20 points, hurdled a big obstacle by defeating In diana, 77-70, lowe, shooting for its first title in seven yean, ripped Ohio Slate, 75-82, ss Chuck Darling iiipped in 26 points. Minnesota, the only team with a chance to catch the leaders, kept : pace with a 60-58 squeak over Mich igan Elate. In other Bis Ten games, Michi gan nipped Wisconsin 56-55. and Purdue turned back Northwestern 72-. Meanwhile, Duqucsne continued on its merry undefeated way with a 76-04 win over Cincinnati. Other scores included: Pitta burgh 82 Notre Dame 80. Banta Clara 59 San Francisco &8. Seton Hail 68 Oklahoma City S2, Duke 56 Maryland SI. Vanderbm 83 Oeor- Ria Tech 58. Bradley 74 Houston 47, LSI! 78 Mississippi 67, Missouri 72 Colorado 55, Oklahoma 65 Ne braska 59. classic U4ore Oregon Wool.n . , 34 2s .?sm Buhuehn Kitehtn ... 31 25 JM4 irkmor Dtivt lit 27 Lr,(i? y Snsursos 2S 28 Ml Krt,W . t 3 Mt DIxk Bnder's 22 XI JM csft f.t Wftk Piikmnr 2 Ojrn Wool I Stihuehmn 3 Lmirr 6 Vti a ftttget' 0 Suburban Kitchen blanked Lan dry Insurance, 3-0, last week to creep up on the Classic bowling league leader. Oregon Woolen, 1-2 loser to Parkmor. Suburban' 681-775-778-2244 line captured both team game and se ries honor, with Cliff Baxter help ing the cause with a 224 high game, Just a pin better than that rolled by K. Honeycutt, Wooiics, But Parkmor Charlie Booth had the high series with a 217-173-213-803 line. Booth la holding a 189 average. season high, followed by Mel Rob inson, Wools, with a 184 and sub stitute Al Hakenwerth with a 182. Huskies Sixth in AP Poll NKW YORK B Kentucky's high-geared basketball team Tues day ranked a the best eoMegiste outfit in the cation for the fifth straight week. Baron Adotoh Rupp'a Southeast ern Conference, powerhotsse drew 36 first-place votes and StS points in the weekly Associated: Press poll to remain ahead of Kansa State, Kansas Slate drew 18 iirat-piace vote and 7M points from Use Iu4 sports writers and sportseasters wits participated In Uie cf,s-',l-u- coast canvas. Hounding out the top tea are: Duniiesne, Iowa, Illinois. Washing ton, Kansas, St. John's, St, Loyis, and St. Bonavenlure. Tlie Washingtss Huskies sewed uo the Northern Division, Pacific Coast Conference, championship with a pair of victories over Ida ho and advanced from No. S 1s No. g. The Huskies received nine first place votes and 384 points. Seattle University, No. 21 in last week's poll, took over the 18U spot. The too 20 (first place votes in parentheses; Kentucky 3S, Kansas State IS, Duqucsne 4l, Iowa (tl, Il linois (1), Washington 9, Kansas 1i, 8t- John's, St. Louts en, 6t. Bonaventure 4, Davton fl. West Virginia (7), Fcnn State til, Seton Haii, Louisville, Seattle, Hoiy Cross H i, Siena Wyoming, LaS&iie I, CAGE SCORES Baskr (Ml Sre By The Associated tteat r WK8T Sarsts Clara SI San Frenches $8 Portland Ifntv 81 College t Paoifle 50 Wiiiamette 88 College of Idaho (S LastieM 85 Whitman 58 MIDWEST liiinoh 77 Indiana 70 Iowa 78 Ohio Mate 62 Pittsburgh 62 Notre Dame SS Missouri 72 Colorado 55 Oklahoma 65 Nebraska 69 Piirtiie 72 Northwestern 65 Michigan 58 Wisconsin 86 SOtfTHWKST I Hem Mexico 6? Texas Tech S3 iDuqaesne 78 Cincinnati 64 S Boston College M Boston Osiy 63 Betas Hal! 66 Oklahoma City 53 SOUTH Duke 5"! Maryland SI Wake Forest ffi South Carolina 58 Vanrtsrbiit 83 Georgia Tech Si Wiiitam end Mary as Virginia Ttt b 76 Lu-t WT-W- A-il 1 ,.l... mM l .' &T-jt IfcwWrf t,M r,lA,r r-r-v'i" 'ir .'t'"rr. r. '" " : v,'vrr77:y7 liSJ Aw"'"-'"itJ!.JgT..,. fill lieieJaMsl' . A0Ii. , w jrence Fm& rife, I . J MP T1RI will make the difft Will your car' rear wheel pin help, lessly in snow and slush this winter? Not if you put a pair of Goodyear Sure-Grip Tires on them now! With Sure-Grips pulling for you, you'll drive right through unplowed streets and driveways and you won't bog down in slippery, slush-filled gutters. Their big studs dig down deep for super-traction- give you safer and surer footing ag skids on slippery winter roads. You only need two Sure-Grips-while on your car they save your rei tires from, the extra wear and tear of ter driving. Get 'era today btfort going gets any tougher! tlAY SAFI-SIf YOUR GOODYIAR DIAUR NOW! Winters Leads Pilots to Win STOCKTON, Calif, im Jim Win ters clipped off 20 points Monday night to lead Portland University u a 97-30 oasaei&au win ever Col lege of Pacific. Portland took an early lead and was never headed. Sehoendienst Inks ST. LOUIS W Red Schoen- dienst, the smoolh-fieldinit second baseman of the St. Louis Cardinals, has signed ha 1953 contract, the club announced Tuesday. This leave Catcher Del Rice as the only unsigned Cardinal. Eight of the 1 men en Use Notre Dame basketball squad hail from toe state of Illinois. Linfield In Fourth Spot Py The AsesctsWtt Frm ttafSeM batsSed Whitman U SI basketball limmpiris Monday B)$5s to take ever ftwrtjs pioce in mm Northwest CenfCrenee, At astern, ictitm leading WBtometta MrMeb. es( s coofereiioe newt to Si win against one tea with. M-S8 H tary met iail-eni Colief of Mete, insHsijK-i TaeJAYHAlK Soy THERE'S VOW BETTER "fl" Octon E 31s J i JAYHAWK GAS 213S South ite omiTtntaratiniJim l WMh mil r ; ' 1 ' J"f V fx w mi iO 1 MW$ H i ' 4t-- 1. How to iresi your ieephone The best way to spruce up your telephone is to polish it with soft, dry cloth , never with water or my other liquid, buU find that it'll always be ready to jerve you better, too, if you keep these simple pointers in mind; Avoid "gadget" attachments , . keep cords free of doorways and other places where they may be pinched ... and always keep water away from wires and fittings, . . Sest in'ok fir twisted conk , , hold down the plunger, and let the receiver dangle ' and unwind itself. And then keep kinks out by remembering not to put turns in the cord as you handle the receiver during caib. mi it can develop ailments if it's dropped. So make sure it's in place where die imttiment won't be accidentally knocked off onto the floor. ) Pacific Telephone I 1 ft !