HERALP AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY lfl. 1052 CT3 ff 'Thur U onirinKS PAGE TEN Tops :.r V f 2 u vs 11- Xy i ! Ihit aiiT--" 'iMini hiiiii,iii nwii mirma i rr Vfr T i i' - ir ) r f m Prep Cagef est Opens On New Henley Floor The minunl Klamath County bas ketball tournament, where the chips are nil blue nnd the stakes are hlh, tips off Thursday alter- noon at Henley, The thrce-diiy cage extravaitaniia to pick the team to vie tor dis trict honors moves Its ofternoon .sessions from the phone-booth stie Altamont trvmnaslum to the spac ious new Henley Iloor (or the first time. Evening rounds, as usual, win show on Klamath Union high school s Pelican Court. So topsy-turvy was this seasons regular run. tnnt coin-iiipping de cided two positions m the eight' team tournament. DEADLOCK Chlloouin and Bonanza tied lor the traveling trophy. Chlloquln won the toss and picked the Number 2 position. Bonanza's Antlers, last year's champs, are first-seeded Bly landed In the Number 6 spot. Merrill in Number 7 alter anoiner TEAMWORK ON ICE Dagmar Lippe and Alexander Balisch execute a leap at Frank furt, Germany, ice show. He's a veteran skating titlist while she entered competition in 1950. RED HURO, SPORTS ED TOP. Central Sticks; KF Sixth By The Associated Press Central Catholic of Portland rounded out a month Tuesday as the No. 1 team In the Associated Press nigh school basketball poU. For the fourth consecutive week, Bportswriters and sportscasters in the state named Coach Bob Mul der's Central team as the most likely to become the new state champion. In fact the Bportswriters made virtually no changes in their selec tion of the top 10 teams of the state. They named the same group as last week, but, after further re flection, picked La Grande to beat out Baker for the District 1 title in Eastern Oregon. Last week they bad named Baker over La Grande. TIE The new standings advanced La Grande to an eighth place tie with Salem, dropping Baker to tenth place. The others remained the same with Cleveland and Lincoln of Port land following Central Catholic at the head of the list. Central got 12 votes for first place. The only other first-place ballot went to Cleveland, which meets Lincoln in the top Portland City League game Tuesday night. Marshfield was named the top team outside of Portland, followed by McMinnville. PELS NEXT Next came Klamath Falls, the Bportswriters naming that team to nose out Medford for the Southern Oregon position in the state tourna ment. Medford currently leads the race there, but the teams must play each other twice more. Salem, La Grande and Baker completed the top 10. The poll, with the season record listed for each team: Points 129 1. Central Catholic, 16-1 2. Cleveland, 15-1 3. Lincoln. 15-2 4. Marshfield, 16-4 6. McMinnville, 17-4 6. Klamath Falls, 14-3 7. Medford. 14-4 8. Salem, 15-5 . 9 .La Grande, 11-5 10. Baker. 12-7 Others: Pendleton 7, Oregon City 7, Astoria 3, Milwaukie and Day ton 2, Milton-Fieewater 1. Payless Quint (Upsets Ricky? enr LEAGUE Paylesl Drugs Klckyi Hilltop Cafe Coca Cola Herald-News . Palmerton Hercules W . 9 . 8 .7 . 4 . 3 . 3 Kesalli Last Nleht Payless 07 Rickys 61 Hilltop 66 Hercules 31 Tel. .900 ,SP1 .700 .384 .300 .273 .182 Payless Drugs jumped into the city league basketball lead last night with a 67-61 upset win over erstwhile-unbeaten Rickys. Each team has dropped Just one decision, but Payless has played one more game for a 9-1 record. Rickys now has 8-1. Third-place Hilltop Cafe beat Her cules, 66-51, in the first game on the Altamont program. The Drugs team turned the trick with a last-half rush after trailing 15-21 and 29-36 in the first two quarters. Bob Erlandson led a third-quarter onslaught that netted Payless 20 points while Rickys was col lecting just 11 to give the Drug gists a 49-47 lead going into the last frame. Three Payless cagers Erlandson Jim Palmer and Rex Young Metiers Win 9th shared evenly 60 of the 67 points. Paul McCall led Rickys with 13, while Jim Bocchi and Bob Harvey each had 12. Don Peterson and Cal Bonney potted 11 each. The two teams can end in a tie for the title with 11-1 records if both go through undefeated. Rickys nas mree games leu, Payless two. Paul Heins led the Hilltoppers with 16 points as the Cafemen led Hercules all the way. stretching a 30-24 haiftime lead with a 21-point fourth quarter. Box scores: HEKCIXES (31) Beyer 15 Floetke 13 Winaer S Lohrev L. Adreon 4 (60) HILLTOP 10 Friend 6 Carrier t Harrlf 13 Waybrant 7 Martinez Hercules subs E. Bever 2. McKav 9. D. Adreon. Hilltop subs Heins 16. MiAl gan 3. Jackson, Roberts 5 RICKVS (SI) (67) PAYLESS McCall 13 F 20 Palmer Peterson 11 F 20 Erlandson Harvey 12 C Trout Foster 2 CI 3 Brosterhous Hendershott G 20 Younl Rickys subs Kemnltzer. Vaillencour. Bonney 11. Bocchi 12. WIUs. Payless subs Derrah. Pope 2. Cada. BiKgers 2. 3 Bonanza Boys Booted Three Bonanim basketball players, one a reiular. were dismissed from the squad for "flaKrant Infraction of tralnlnr rules", it was learned late last night. Bonania Principal Clayton Sharpe told the Herald and News that "although unfortu nate. It was a situation that called for immediate action". The Antlers, first-seeded, tied with Chlloquln for the traveling trophy and were rated a strong chance In the tourney. The boys booted from the squad are Julian Hood, flrst strins; guard, and substitutes Benny Lr-srver and Alfred Lugo. deadlock; was decided by the fickle flip of a coin. The other positions in the tour ney were clear-cut, according to the finish of the teams In the pre tournament round-robin. Sacred Heart, pre-season favor ites, finished third. Malln edged in to the fourth position to fill out the top division. CELLAR Henley ended up fifth and Gil christ, beaten in all seven league starts, was sole occupant of the cellar for the eighth position. Here's the pairings for the first day of the tournament: Maim and uncnrist open tne tourney at 1:30 p.m. Thursday. The second first-day afternoon game puts Chlloquln against Merrill. nie sacred nearmiy ana bo-nansa-Henley games fill the night session at KUHS, starting at 7:30 pjn. Losers or uie auernoon games mix in the Friday afternoon open er of the consolation round; losers of the night games fill the second game spot in the afternoon. The winners of these two games open the program Saturday night for the consolation prize. Friday night games in the cham pionship bracket pair Thursday aft ernoon winners in the opener, Thursday night winners In the aft- SHUFF STUFF Suburban and Bill's Place are tied for the city shuffleboard league lead after wins last night in the second week of the second round. Both hold 11-1 records. Bill's Place shut out Summers Lane, while Suburban beat Wocus. 3-1. Schuss out-maneuvered Tat's 3-1 in the third game on last night's puck agenda. ei"plece, Winners of these two games mix for the championship in Saturday night's main event on Pollcan lourl, There are no Saturday afternoon games. The tournev winner noes into cils trict play with a trip to the state tournament In Salem March 13-15 the prise. Upsets tills season In county play iihvo oeen so prevalent, picking a winner Is like prophesying the wea ther It s a Job lor a stranger or a looi. The last two years have seen the first-seeded team lose in tour nament play. 1 TIME OUT! "Imagine my bowling a 300 on our anniversary. Dear! Now we'll REALLY have a reason to re member this date!" Wool Gals Win Tenth Oregon Woolen made It lo straight last night as the unde feated girls basketball team trounced Petroffs. 39-14. Peytons squeaked by the Dick B. Miller Rockets, 25-33, in the other gsme on the Mills program. Jeanette Ehlers was high scorer of the evening, throwing In 16 for the Woolics. Seattle Undecided Between Two Basketball Tournaments CHENEY. Wash. Hi The Na tional Association of Intorrollt'Kl ate Basketball haft given Uentlle University until Wednesday lo de cide whether it wants lo enter the Northwest NAIB tournament, W. B. (Red) Reese, chairman of NAIB dlstrirl one, said Monday the NAIB set the deadline no ar rangements for the Murcli 4-5 tour ney can be completed. Reese said the Chieftains have an outside chance of receiving an ai targe regional mooting nl Corvnllls and must deride which of two tourneys they prefer. Ore. the Salmon Out Of Tank Meets SEATTLE! W A lionvy netted ulo of elnsswork will keep Polo- Salmon, University of Witshlimloii swimming slur, out of Northern Division meets nunln.it Orimm ami Invitation to the NCAA Oregon State next weekend. The Wniiiiin's Intermit limit! Howl ing Congress wits lolinnd III 1110 i:ow Wodnoidoy DOUBLE S&H ki c GREEN SJAMPS ClifFYadcn's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 South 6th (Opon 24 hri. Every Day) urn m II owl m PvfcSif ' Tl i I I TTT rr it n i ii i in in i .mum, mi.., 4, V 1fca-,,i,riW-' ffirm , ,,; lW si, , , , .)fM.;-jJf(jtaJ . TO MAKE THE MIRROR OF THE PAWMAR TELEZCOPB largest in the World ! I TO 8RIN6 YOU THIS MATCH LEK WHirxy! A MATCHUSS atlNO OF IIISIOM! WHISKIIS It MOO' CONTININTAt OIJtlUINO COK'OHATIOM Mll A0llHI.r M tm jw cam compare mm aM jmdkfte - value ! Snead, MacKinnon Golf Favorites ORLANDO, Pla. W Sam Snead and Betty MacKinnon were the favored pair in the 11th annual International mixed two-ball golf tournament opening here Tuesday. More than 100 teams toured 18 holes over the 6,454 yard Dubs dread Country Club in the qualify ing round. T01 rop name teams included Bnhe Zaharias and Al Besselink and Edean Anderson of Helena, Mont., and Dick Chapman. Metiers' Dow paced a last-ouar- ter attack last night that netted the Victory League leaders their ninth straight win without a set back, a 41-38 victory over Gun Store. Dow scored five field goals in the final rush as Metiers erased a 22-26 deficit going Into the last chapter. Ronnie Cheyne finished with the same number of points as Dow, each with 12, but Gun Store's Bud Mullens bagged 13 for hgh-point honors. Crater Lake forfeited to Trades and Industry in the other sched uled game on the Fairview pro gram. - Second-place Klamath Pack was idle last night and saw Metiers grab a game and a half lead. Box score! METLEBS (41) Cheyna 12 F Lyons 4 P Robinson 10 C Metier 1 R Thornton 2 G 3 GIN STORE Henrv 13 Mullens 3 Keene 3 Blebv 10 Boettrher Metiers subs Roberts. Dow 12. Store subs Wood S, Plummer 3. Gun Cliff Mapes, outfielder for the St. Louis Browns has purchased a ranch in Oklahoma and plans to go into the cattle raising business. I to NO MORE HARD WASHING! a swish of a damp cloth titan new NOW Available en Harmony House Made-to-Measure Venetian TO ALL WHO FARM Don't Miss John Deere Day! THURSDAY -Feb. 21 A big day full of entertainment, refreshment . . . and profit! Here at your John Deere Headquarters in Klamath Falls. Crater Lake Machinery Co. 1410 South 6th Phone 2-2544 It Even Sticky Jam Wiped Off Cleon! Raised Pattern Looks Like Fobric Here's botherless beauty you wont and need! For, the non-porous surface of new Plastic Tapes won't absorb grease or grime. They won't shrink, stretch or fade. Add to this the exact flattering fit of Sears best made-to-measure Ve netian Blind. Save on both from Searsl Our new "SHOW DOWN" WAY gives .you Hie full facts and free proof you've been looking for! FILL OUT, CLIP, MAIL COUPON TODAY! Sears, Roebuck and Co. 133 So. 8th Street Klamath Falls, Oregon Send expert to demonstrofe New Plostic-Top. VeneHon Wind NAME. ADDRESS. .PHONE. CITY. -STATE. j etjtott money taW JbHllJ Stare Hours: e.m, to 1:10 p.m. 133 Se. 8th Phono SI88 Wher6 others give you "sell" i . we give you proof ! Stop by soon . . . well be clad to elve you your copy of the "Show Down booklet that helps you make car-value comparisons to quickly, con veniently . . . convincingly. You can take It home and make your money-saving comparisons at your leisure! ' Be youh own export on car value! Let the jach prove liow tho big new Dodge for '52 gives you more com-., fort, snfety and economy than even cars costing hundreds of dollars morel First, of course, you'll want lo actu ally inspect the smart lines nnd luxuri ous Interior of this lig new Dodge. Then . . . with tho free Dodge "Show Down" booklet . . . really get down to "brass-tack" comparisons. You con quickly compare with other curs tho Dodge features Unit givo you cxlrn sat isfaction even after thousand-, of miles. For instance. Dodge gives you big, smooth - stopping Safo - Guard Drakes with longer-wearing C.'yclebnml linings nnd six hydraulic brako cylinders Instead of the usual four. Seo how oilier cars-even those costing hundreds of dollars more compare on theso important sufcty features! opacifications end Equipment Svbltcl to Chongo without Notico NOW ON DISPLAY- DUGAN and MEST 522 So. 6th. Si.