PAGE NtNB Pds. Inlan 01 Weekend HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON g Tough Suom SPRINGTIME l'elilo Zoo ' Yankee Outfielder Jackie Jensen, shows her father and coach. Art Olson, the kind of form she intends using to make the U.S. Olympic diving team. Shown resting (Inset), the pretty little iady is rated one of America's best bets for an oiympie diving championship. Owlies' Title Mopes lashed Yiks Sweep Weekend Set; Win Saturday, lA.NIIIKti w i. r.i Vtnport 7 I mi ,rtu Oillrga .1 :i liji Oregon 1rh 5 S "l trn Oregon . . 1 0 1W1 I'OUTI.AND. if Oregon Tech. despite Us 111-13 llrnl qurirlrr lend, vui delcntcd 5H-73 liv Vn)orl In lH Oregon CnlleKlnle Conteicnce lin.-Jcetbull Jiimc line Siilurtliiy nlRlil. Vnnport li'iw Irnds conference Mniidlnus Willi a record nl seven v. mn in eight nlnrU. OTI lui.i dropped lo llilrd plncc behind Ore lion College nf fcdueiillon. Vniirt Iwfc Hie lend Hnlurilny lilnlit iillcr three minutes of pluy In the second quarter. Hill during the MM uiinrler 'loin Schubert V cored 15 points lor Oi l. The Owls lurid BO lend belore Vnniioit leored a single Held iionl. Vnnport led JO-27 nl hnlltline and hd ex tended Its lend 64-41 lit the end of the third fliinrlor. Schubert scored 23 points lor OTI. Vnnport's Doll was hlKli for lln game with 24. Biilurdny s victory Have vnnpori clenn sweep ol the two-name con ference. erlcs here. Vnnport won 10-66 Frldnv night. The best the Owls could hope lot 1.1 tie but that's slinky dream IHw. To ie. Vnnport would hnve to K.e Its lour reiiiinnliiit guinea, two wilh Oregon Tech here Frldiiy and Palurdny and two with Oregon Col lege. Matmen Shut Out Medford The Klnmnth Falls wrestlers warmed up for this weekend's dis trict meet t Bend with n 60-0 win over Medford Siilurdny on tho los ers mnt. The Pels finished their fourth tin defrnted senson In a row nnd are seeking their fifth straight state mnt title. Conch Dutch Simons' boys scored seven Inlls nnd five decisions In the blank of Medford. t Bouts were won by Wiley 81m nnds, Curl Btcwnrt, Gooirc KiiIkIK, Hnm Wilbur. Jim DenrlitR. Don Plehn, i.ouln Tnticher, fiolnnd r.lclin, Elvis Mitchell. Hnrold Blin- mers. Vernon Tryor nntl Jim Vounn, United States 1 Draws Japan MELBOURNE. Australia W The United States drew Jnpnn n Its first round opponent In the Amorlcnn Dnvls Cup ellmlnn tlons for 1052. The tnnlehes will be plnved In Adelnlde, Austrnlln. The winner of the U.S.-Jnpniiesc nerles will meet Cubu In the sec ond round. Clarence (Chief) Boston. Rild coach nl the University of New Hampshire, la a member of the rules committee of Ihe American Football Coaches Association. FREE YOUR DOG Or OFFENSIVE uDORS! Suit d flaw, Jmprovod Ktn-L-Bltkltl Notr ehlnrnnhvllin mtute'l own min tele deoilortnt is added to mett-flavorcd Ken L-Diikitl Exclusive feeding of this completely nouridiing lood ends ill un. pleasant don odors in 7 iiiyl or '' Dogs love Ken-L-Biikil-it lias appe tizing sniff appeal. Ken-l.-lliskit with added Mtntilnlm still Sells at same low price. Get Ken f.-lliskit at your favorite tore or dealer s, or write lor tree special certificate that saves you I5r on your first package. Send this ad on ( postcard to Ren-L-Products, Dept. in, box jjjv, thicito rr. III. jags. v;j.;r2 Aim Olson, wife of New York 73 to 58 n,il In Ihnl event nreuon f7(,l- i-k'c could shp Into the throve loom. 'I he Wolves hnve two left wllij Eastern Oreuon. In addition ! u the pair with the Vikings with 'a current S-3 record. nncdiiN Dtinruii. f Walt. I SrluilMTI. c lUmmack. g Plnlile. f lltiriiphrf-y, ( MntilnNaiti Oonalln. II T..IN VAM'OUT Hlmdrr. I . . lltll,oil. I llain. i' PnrUctt. fl . Hutu, g Marital), t . Mrhur. e Jnhnton. s . . Koikl. 1 IT rr TP .1 .1 l:i 14 It .1 21 1 S II n n 2 4 3 CJ I II II II II I .1 1 in :u sn , rr rr H' .1 I :i ;i 1 .1 n I 1 4 i to III 24 II 3 a .1 I 4 " ' " rroe Ihrowt mltrcl: Oreon lecn: Dunr.n 1 Wy.ll, Plnklf). Srhuberl. C.cnrlin. V.nporl: Slrwjrr J MiCl.ln 3. Mclntvr. 2. Jihn.n. Mini. Pi. fill I TIME OUT! "Okay, Dear heads we have dinner at the lodge, tails at I'lerre'a Cafe!" Pacific Coast Hockey Ity Ihe Associated Press Victoria 7 Seattle 3 Saturday a results: Tacoma 9 Victoria 2 Saskatoon 10 Edmonton 3 Vancouver 4 New Westminster 2 k Si ' I ALWAYS CARPVASWRS ' Set til (or oil your automotive ncodi rtpalri and accessorial, all mokes, oil models. 4th & Klamath Ph. 8146 1 Medford Crucial On Tap lllnr. I ITANIUM, IVI. MS sin Ui (.mult I'att Atiilami . .. Saturday nlKht's llnal mm ended n Kood itiiine for n litrue crowd of the basketball faithful on Peli can Court but It was probably the most welcome sound lollowers of Ihe Pelicans hnve heard this year. ft nil n Ornnli Pass rally to IdVP the Pels a &.r-.r):i victory nntl a flKlitliiK chance to overtake Med lord In Ihe DIM. 4 chase that Rets more cdRy aa the final line near. The wiiieaky victory unve the coinc-bnckliiH Pels a sweep of the two Raine series, their fifth i IralRlit conference win. Hut the Klamath five is still a Knmc behind Medford. n tenm thn kept Its one-sinme lead over the weekend with two wins over the icellarliiK Anhland team. j Hiiownow.N 'Die showtlown Is scheduled for I the Medford rj iii Friday and Sat urday with the Pelicans needlna n I'.'innd slum lo pass the Tornado qulnl. After that, the Pelicnns have two here with Ashland while Medlord llnlshes with a series aaalnst Grunt Pass, a team that waxes hot from the free throw line. I 'the Cavemen rolled In 23 of 23 I from the charity stripe Saiurdav niRhi nnd lmlh1 w'lh a furious rush thnt came close to overtaking Ihe Pelicans. Tho lead chanucd hands four times In Ihe first hall nnd was tied seven times. 27-nll at the hall when Mel Norrlck threw in one of hli four for a perfect evening at the foul line. KAI.LV Klamath Falls staued a third r,unrlei' rally that nave them a 37-39 lead midway lu the period. Hut the Cavemen closed It lo 38- 43 koIiik Into the fourth and tied Li 4-nll early In the fourth on a free throw by John Harbour. But Knlph Carroll, who enme thiuush with 24 bin welcome points, scored five points in Hk fashion on two tip-Ins and a free throw to ; put the Pels ahead 50-46 with Dick James chlpplnR In with a foul toss lor Giants Pnss. Grants Pnss closed It lo 48-50 on i two from the Rift line by Norm l!cdiiepplh nnd Bain Dean. Cnrroll j made another' from the free throw line and Ed Barron added two bin ones when Harbour committed his j fifth foul to make It 63-48. Dean made it 49-63 on a free throw when Jack Horton fouled out for the Pels. But Carroll tipped another one In and the Pels had a 55-49 lead with less than a min ute to RO lames, who scored 20 for the rvenuig, closed It to 51-55 nnd with ' jusl seconds left Jerry Yoslen, who saw hardly enough service to get warm, closed It to 63-55 on a lone, I shot that bnrely rippled the net. The Pels froze the ball the re maining few seconds. nox tcore I.KAN1S l-ASS ' Harbour, f I'tppor. I KVhwrlnfurt. e Janirt. I . RctMrUon, f . ... n.terv.t: ilfdtrpclh Norrlck De.n .. Yottcn M AMATH FALLS Bell, f Morton, f , . Carroll, e Jnhnton, g Gllinore. g Rrterv.t: Young n.rrfm Smnjnera Penct it rr tp 4 S 8 i n l 0 2 0 5 3 20 13 2.1 M 5.1 ro it rr TP o l a i j l s it ... . 1 10 .12-1 2 a s a 3 3 4 ... 18 19 JS SS H.lllime .core: r.lit 27 C.r.nli P.M 27. Free throw, tnltied: Omnia Patt S (Harbour 1. J.met 2. Lii-.n 1, I'enptr It; Kl.m.lh F.Ut 10 l Horton .1. Carroll S. Gtimor. 1. Young 1 1. Fllnk and Sw.nton. OVERHAUL YOUR CAR MOTOR NOW . . PAY LATER ! OUR SPECIAL. complete overhaul wf WILL: Itilta" v . , - ..A .11 miMt Claan oil '"" ci.. Tun. motor. , t M0tor nuine A auaronteed J Chevr 9 ncrtorrneu yi r hpviui' f ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th RED omay Takes Lea Washington Wins Title, Eyes NCAA Northern Division Ity The Associated Press Vt I. j Washington 12 2 j Idaho 8 6 I Oreaon ft 5 I WnshiiiRton tatc 5 7 Oregon State 2 12 I (lames Saturday Night Washington 75. Idnho 66 Oregon 64, Oregon Suite 65 ! Stule; pit. .857 .571 .500 .417 .143 I Southern Division W f.Pi l. 5 3 .625 4 4 .500 4 4 .500 3 5 .375 California Southern Calif. UCLA Stanford With their second stralRhl Pacif ic Coast Conference Northern Di vision basketball championship tucked away, Washington's Huskies bcitnn pointing Monday for the PCC playoffs In March and a chnncc at the NCAA crown. The men of William Henry Har rison (Tippy I Dye. defending Coast champs, won the Northern Division title Saturday night as they clob bered Idaho'a Vandals. 75-66. Both Washington and runner-up Idaho have two games left In Con ference piny, but the Huskies' dou ble win at Moscow widened the gap to four. The opener went to Tip py's "Dye and Cleaning Co." 79-64. SOI TII FLOOR The PCC playoffs will be on the home floor ol the Southern Divi sion tilllst. with the winner Rolng to the NCAA regional: al Corvallls, Ore. Washington, ranked eighth In the national Associated Press poll, now has a season's record of 21-3. In other northern games last week-end. Oregon strengthened its hold on third place by taking Its second In a row from Oregon Slate. 65-55. nt Eugene after a 57-44 vlc- lory Frldny night at Corvallls. Washington Stntc. idle in the Con fcrencc for two weeks, was hard pressed to beat Central Washing ion Saturday al Wenatchee, 45-41. NON-I.EAGIE Washington steps out of the league next week-end with a two Rame intersecllonal scries at Lara mie against the University of Wy omlng. leader of the Skyline Con ference. Oregon, gunning for second place, hits the road to meet Wash ington Stale Feb. 22-23 at Pullman and Idaho Feb. 25-26 at Moscow. Oregon State draws a bye. Burke Wins Texas Open SAN ANTONIO, Tex. Jack Burke Jr. went to Houston Monday ! to show his golfing prowess to the home folks, a (2.000 check In his wallet as champion of the 25th Tex as Open. Burke shot a record 260 for 72 holes In winning the storied Texas Open, closing out with two rounds of tcven-under-par 64 Sunday. yE f URNriH Pilton i"9 Dlitf)tutar pointi , . . Cond' .... and P" j Quorti ell Jitioninq ---. RED HURO. SPOUTS IDITOP HURO, CAGE SCORES College Scores Saturday I Alt WLST I Southern California 73 California ' I 54 i Stanford 77 UCLA 68 Montana 67 Colorado A-M 46 iWyomlnir 48 Brlgham Young 43 Denver 61 New Mexico 44 , Washington 75 tdaho (56 Seattle 90 uonzatta 77 i SIIDWFST Kansas State 86 Missouri 58 Kansas 80 Nebrasa 52 'Illinois 80 Ohio State 53 Iowa 90 Purdue 67 St. Louis 73 Tulsa 55 Oklahoma 65 Oklahoma A-M 61 I (three overtimes i Indiana 96 Northwestern 86 MIchlRan State 57 Wisconsin 55 Minnesota 52 Mtchipnn 44 j SOl'THWKST (Texas Christian 51 Texas 47 ! Texas A-M 61 Southern Methodist I 47 .Hardln-Simmons 66 Arizona 63 EAST St. Bonaventure 68 Toledo 41 Princeton 68 Cornell 64 Villancva 88 Louisville 84 Colgate 71 Syracuse 58 Penn 70 Navy 65 jPenn State 86 Army 73 fcolumbia S3 Harvard 57 SOUTH Kentucky 95 Tennessee 40 North Carolina State 71 George Washington 58 Louisiana State 70 Auburn 64 Alabama 63 Mississippi Slate 61 Mississippi 74 Tulnne 70. High School Basketball By The Associated Press Eagle Point 47 Phoenix 40 Medlord 69 Ashlend 30 North Bend 48 Myrtle Point 41 Marshfield 70 Coquille 52 Seaside 40' Tillamook 31 Toledo 42 Rcedsport 38 Klamath Falls 55 Grants Pass 53 Clntskanle 67 Banks 34 Astoria 59 The Dalles 47 Bend 60 Burns 30 Sutherllp 51 Illinois Vallev 45 La Grande 58 Pendleton 55 Echo 86 Umanlne 41 Redmond 65 Lakeview 40 Jayvees Lose To City Aces Grant! Pass' junior varsity can celled its trip over the hill Satur day night so a mixed team of play ers from Rlckys and Payless Drugs, one-two In the city league, substituted against the Klamath Falls junior varisiy. The junior varsity was no rhatch for the city leaguers as Jim Pal mer. Payless ace and ex-Klamath eager, poured In 24 and Cal Bon ney. Rlckys star, added 16. The final score was 76-43 as the junior vorsity made It close early in the first quarter, then fell be hind their sharp-shooting oppo nents. Don Mills. KU forward, rolled In 13 for the junior varsity that trailed 17-43 at the half and 35-63 at the three-quarter mark. The Florida State University foot ball team set 21 Individual and 9 team school records during the re cently concluded grid season. For a limited time only Pay Only $6.63 Per Month! FIX YOUR CAR NOW AND FIX US LATER! Ph. 4113 Double Victory Does It !, OSLO. Norway W" Norway swept into first place in the winter Olympic games team race Monday ; by scoring a brilliant double vic tory in the 18-kllomeier cross coun try race and the Nordic combined. Halgelr Brenden, a hardy Norse man skimp over home terriiory, won the 18-ktlomeier cross coun try race In 1:01-34 the fastest "itic cti ,iiauc iui me uimc in the history ol the winter pj Simon Slaatvik. winner or the ' ski Jumping half of the combined ' a feared duo in tag team circles. Sunday, travelled the 11 milelagainst Herb and Billy Parks, hill and dale course In 1:09.40 sec- onds to clinch victory in the two- event competition with ah unoffi cial point total of 450. Heikku Hasu, defending champion from Finland, had 444 '2 points. The 20 points for the first two places alone vaulted Norway from third place In the unofficial team race past Austria, the previous leaders, and the runner-up United States. The U.S. was shut out of pomts in both the cross country and com bined events as expected. The Americans suffered their biggest disappointment so far Sun day when they were blanked in the women's downhill ski race. Andrea Mead Lawrence of Rut land, Vt., fell twice and finished 17th. Mrs. Trude Jochum-Beiser of Austria won the race. Betty Weir, an Omaha, Neb., typist who began skiing only four years ago, was 19th. Katy Rodolph. cover girl from Hayden, Colo., was 23rd and Jannette Burr of Seattle, was 27th. makes taste te . BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF. 65 Mutiltt-i. 1iilJW4lipWIt IVAN AND SOL DAT GORKY . . . plot lumps for Parks boys Full House Seen For Gorky-Parks Brawl Everything rhort of murder Is scheduled for the armory Wednes day night when two wrestling fam ilies clash in a tag team match. The bout, a mat plum in any circuit, was signed last Friday by Promoter Mack Lillard. and is tx . . . . . ..-i.. . rl Olym-j""1. """" ",c '"u" " maul iu cupnuy. " Puts boiaat ana jvan uoray, nara-nmintc canaaian Dromers. The match is down for one hour or the best two of three falls. Ivan called for his brother Sol- Bears Keep SD Lead By The Associated Press California's Golden Bears are still on top in the Southern Divi sion Pacific Coast Conference bas ketball race after a week-end of four games but no change in the standings. Resuming play after a mid-year recess, California eked out a bb-M win over the Trojans Friday night. But the Trojans returned Saturday night to hand the Bears a one-sided 73-54 whipping. Stanford lost out 72-68 to the Bruins Friday but turned the tables on the visitors the next night with a 77-68 triumph. ochenley every m mm better! sp . . because it's the best - whiskey in ages GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, iNrj., NEW YORK, H, dat after last week's rhubarb that? saw both Parks Herb In referee's garb and Billy In civvies unhinge, the Russian after Ivan's loss to Yorg Cretorian. Last year when Ivan was IntroJ duced to the local mat crowd, be brought In his brother and it re-J suited In a series of matches fans 4 haven't forgotten yet. .. . , . Cretorian, the Rumanian Ape.J JT returns in the one-hour openerv against Buck Weaver, ex-Indlanaa University football star. . m t It's a good bet thereH be morej customers than there are teats Wednesday night. Leastwise, Ll- lard is anticipating such a response, and is arranging to handle an SRO mob. J Castleberry Drugs has reserved tickets. . Bum Tar Moth Ho'im Worn Place R.wovcn . SALLY'S REWEAYING i S..HI. r.rifaaT trMf atf r TTUM'a ... drink b 1 1 1 I tasting VII 4 . ft !w : r 1 :i