MONDAY, remuMRY in, ,-.r- T T TT H-T-j ll!2 llrlll I'l'iiniHTity Ki'hi'kiili IikIi'ii trill U'lltll mill lll'UI'rn hint I nn n k ci I lii bit at I ! ioor hull ul i i. in. lor priii'llrr. Hrleclril - Ilex U. ltn li-lll llio, nun nt Ml. mill Mm. U. H. Illili'llllnr. Ifioa Ihirnii, In n ro-chiilriiiiin of mi tlll('IHHIUH viimli'Villi linw tn lm liriKliirrri tit tlio UnivtirMly ol Ok. 41,11 April JO Jtl. Npw lliiy-Mr. mill Mm. Wllllimi l.liivd Ciuli'r ,11'., '.Mill Vlim iuf iminiiU ul Ihi'lr 1 1 -. I child, n nun, Imrn I'Vli III ul Kliiniiilli Viillcv IuihiiIIhI, Tin llllli' liny, wi'lulii'd II I.iiuikK, :i'i iiiiiiri'i mill Ims tirrn I'iiiiiciI WIIIIiiim l.lnycl Cnrtrr aril. I In' iikiI In':' in llic I i i i Alum Nuuli'V mill niiiti'inul Hiiiiiiliiniriilii I'm Mr. mid Mm. I'liuik Ntinlcv. Mil) N. am. I'lili'i mil HimiillMii'iiin inn Mr. ii i id Mrv Wllllmn l.liivd Uiuli-r nr., Kil Mill lu ll, Mrrllnu -. 'Hit Klmiililli KiilW lli'lllf t'Xtl'llt.Inn unit Will inert III I hi- liuiiir ul Mr Hull. THII Mii-r Irln Wrdwwlay. 'I'hr? hi'"ilim hlnrlN ul Id ii, in., IIiimi will In- it lui'K nt noun mid nil iilii'tullnu nre I rintlldf'll In lliki' lilliti Ki-lvli'i mid n lliiiir plu n nt Hu ll' kllclii'ii iIiiiv.ii In Willi. Mnvr'1 Till! (inldi'ii (.'iiiiir Do r. ill HIhmi. Inriiirrlv Inciiti'd ul M"! I:. Mum. Ihih iniivi d In tv li'.tl. iiiTfirdliiK tn Art Hini'k',, owner nt I hi firm, iliiklui liu'llllli", i tin fhnii Iiiivi brrn iiuTi'ii.M'd with Hit' iniivo mid tin llrtn will now fi'ii lino n t'ont!rlf? linn nt pii.sli'ti'!. I'ntliirk l''iih Iiiivpii llninc I:xl'iv Mmi Unit will nii-rt Wr'lnMliiv, ID 30 ii in. Iii Jnnn'ft klti'lii-n nt Uji tiilrKrniindn for n Ii-mujii nn "'i- IinnliiK Nn. 2" -A pollurk lunch v. Ill lit enrd nt nnun. rim e I'Iiuiii -Tin Krrmr-nt I'TA Milliur dnilrllllf Ktoilll will litre' 'I iipmIhv nlu'lit III llif liHininrnl nt ll't city llbrnry fur thh Him nnlv. II Imi hrni iiiit.liii In II. i Krr inonl to'iniiu'di'iii. 'Him In H i. in. KIiiiuIiik -Woinrn of tin Klninnill lin-iln .11 r lllvlti'd til nlli'llil n MUllm hliowlii't of coiliinu li'Wflry ul Mil iii'l'H lli'iitity Hiilmi broiiitlit hrri bv one of the l:trit.t wliiil'vmlt' run limit Jrwclry firms on the I'arlflr count. TlmrMlnv nnd Kriilnv. 'Ildn will hi nnr nt the lurKf-it ril.ilnvh rvcr iiown hcrr. Thr union will In lnMd for business (lurlni llir twu tiny ul dlplny. I'rtitn I'liltl.iml Olrrr lllrw. (ifolHo Mclnlvrc. both nt Klninnill I'iiIIm. nnrl Minirii-r O'Cnlliiultmi, J'nrl nidwrll, rcliirnrd Siindnv from I'oilliind wlirrr Ihry nttrndrd Knnn clrr'fi liny crlrbrntton! for thr 1'hl Kiippu fiutcrnlty. Ilni VUltiim Ihp l.r Chum family, flume 2. vlf.ltcd In bend ovrr ihp Wfrkcnd. fiarilrn riuh Lost rlvrr Giirdrn c lub l.n to inert Friday. 2 p. in., at the home of Mm. Dale Merrill. Kriuicli Hinlth will Hive a tiemonntriitlon of prunliiK thiubn. HAVE YOU HAD DIFFICULTY IN FINDING A MATTRESS TO .'y ,11 1. lJ - Perhaps YouOT ltV'm X - -v l . ' . I Mattresses jo ar,oW" .... pernor ' scribed an f or DTI lliiine- Kxleniilon null In lo meet Tliinniln.v, III n, in. nl Hie Imilie ol Mru. Itli'lllinl llemln, 410 IIIIKIili. To di'liioniitllile lli.e nl lierbH III cookery, Mm. Murk 'lay lor mid Mm. (Jciie WooiIh will pre lime liincheon, llrliiK table nervlcp. frl.illla Dull Coin-remitloniil i Iniri'h null In In meet Tiiemlnv, II I' in., lit Hi" Imiim ot Mrn. Hdllh Kinudon, 2.'i0l Oellle. I.onli.n Walk Ii y will lir co-liimleH. Twvln KeiKU Mm will lend the id nun In lnlv ot HtepM ol I'ciicn," n tjiuikur slew nl U. S. Imelmi policy. Out of llOMilti'l --Diivltl Kiillerton. II iiioiiIIih, koii ot Mi', nnd Mm CIciiiKi' I'lilleiton. I7UII Main, wan r leiiM'd from lllllalde liospllul I'll day uiler toimllli'L'toiiiy. Il.niliiluriiir ITllll Will inert 'I hm mIii v nt iionnllmi nt Iho hnine nl Mri. It. II. tllllclic, 211 1,. Minn, I in puilui k lunch. Aiiierlcini l.enliiii Amlllnry-Will hold nn Iniiiortanl ineellnn to dli i nun tllMrlet conleience allnirit Tui'.mIiiv at H p m. In Hie Vet eialin' Meinoilal Hall. ttrder f Amumnlh Will meet Wedueidnv nt 8 p. in. In the Ma : onli' lemple lo ob'.ei ve the colirl'fi liliihday. I'iiM rovnl inatrmiH and IiiiIiiiiih will be hi clmre of ro ll e.ihnienla. Textile I'ulllllllii l lii Of AIlll inont Kxtennlnn Hull will meet nl 10 ii. in, Wcdnrndnv nl the I'alr. I't'nund'i. Thnse iitlenrliiii. nre re I, iietlei tn lirlnu (heir nwn pulnt inu iiniici 111I.1 und u Mick lunch. WeillleMlny ( lull Is lo meet i c ruin" liny, o . in , in mi- iiii i'ii hull nt Mt. I'nul llpl.M iipal church. I lliinievelt IT A Mm. Vletnr .O'Neill will review Ihe conlrnver ImiiI bnok The I'lllllll' Hihnol Scnll- tinl" bv Knrl Coiiind. Tuexdnv, 2:15 IP. in I'ouniler'B UaV will be nlj inerved and Mm Hubert A. Thump--"on. pinKi'iim chnlrmmi, will klve n 1 brief hihlniy ol Ihe ci Kanlzntlnn land will Inlrndiice pant pre'ddenlM. Mrn. C I.. Mnl'iM'h In chalrnian nl I Ihe tea cnininlltee. A hoard inert IllK xrhedtiled Inr 1 30 p. in. In thr teacher's room. Ilnv Heout Troop I2 In to meet nl the Klr.l I'lesbylerlun Church tnmni r.iw, 7:fl0 p. in. SSovTo Relieve Brenchifis CrcomuUion relicvcnpromptlyhecnin it poci right to the icat of the trouble tn help lumen nnd expel germ lu den Khlcgm and Bid nature to soothe and en I raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes, (iuarantccd to please you or money refunded. Crcomuhion bat tlood the ten o( million-i of tmrs. CnEOMULSION nlitm Co-flu, Omt Colda, AtuH IimcMIIi mmCSS rCfcr on extras D Perhaps You P'cfcr mattress hQS ?lC. yu 2 Chiloquin Thefts Probed C.'HII.ogtlfN Police here nre In venllKiilliiK burKlnry of Miirkwniill' flaniKe mid liny Clli'imei'ii utori) Matuiday muhl. l''niin Miirkwiii'tlt'H nrowlern ntnle it 11162 Chevrolet rtedaii mid it het of llcenae plnli'Fi from nil older enr Hevernl .'i'i calibre rlflen, ninmii nlllon, kiilven mid Iwu pnilnble rn dlox wen Inkcn lioiii Oieniter'R fltme, 'Hie thellnjiie nlinhar lo two bur UlurleH n year nun In which n new cm- v;mi taken fiuin the mirai! nnd Kiiii.i. iimmiinltloii, iiidlon nnd other nrtlclen lakei) Iroin nieniei-'H. Hevernl yoiini! lndlaiiH were cinil'hl mid coiili'i.ucd Ihn robberies ol n year iiho. School Bond Issue OK'd I.AKKVIEW In ii .prclnl elec tion Kriilnv, voleiH of Hihnol Dis trict Nn, 7 il.aki'Vlew) npproved two tiii'iir.iire! Inr Ihe Improve ment of the Hi-honls. A 1270,000 blind Iwnii Inr con '.triictlon of ii new 10 room Inter mediate itra'lc buildlni- wai, up- provrd 3IH to Hi.'i. The Hchool I Hoard asked tor the bond lirciiiiM jot ine.M'iit crowded condition-!, plus ' the forecant Irnm the Kchnnl cen j ims which Inilicatea cmnlng in I In enrollmeiiLH. j The hecond prupo.Mil, npproved rlM In 01, wni n mutter hi which the Kchnnl Hoard n.iked authority to alKii a 10-year Irnae with the Luke County Youth Foundation lor usliiK Ihe Vniith Center as n kinder Kartell. The Youth Foundation nurcf-d lo upend I r.WJJ of tuudn troin Ihe J. T. McDonnld-Trummi Colllim Trust Fund In uridine two rooum nl the Center nnd to lease Ihe bulldlnu lo the district with out renin). Arnall Approved By Senate WAKIIINOTON I Hie Bcnulc cniitlnned by voice vote Monday President Truman' nomination nl Film O. Arnall. former unvcrnor ol OenrKla, us 1'rlcc Slnblllzutlon Di rector. Arnall ftuccetils Michael V. Dl Hnlle, who resinned lo i.eek the Democratic nomination lor the U.K. Semite In Ohio. TO LEASE: 2 Acres Graded Land ADJOINING 1700 Ft. River Frontage for I09 rafting, mooroge, etc. For Lease Together or Separately Foot ol S. E. Spokane St. Portland, Ore. For 1IKRALD AND TECH. SGT. WAYNE GOBER is home from Korea after 12 months service on the front lines. He is spend ing a 30 day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Goher, Henley. Wayne, win ner of a Silver Star for gal lantry in action, graduated from the Malin high school in 1949. He served while overseas with the lilst In fanly, 7th division. He will report back to Fort Lewis this month. Firemen Plan Annual Ball ! MKRKILL Members of Merrills I Volunteer Fire Department are I completing plans for their nnniial oall to uc neid Banirnay in mc Merrill community hull. Fire chief 'loin Chatburn Jr. will be in churijo. n.s.;lMed by the 30 members of the dcnarlmint, and according to all available Informa- I Hon, llils years ban. the -tain an ! nual, l believed to be the oldest i In the stale. Tills Is Ihe only fund- irelslni! p"-i- ' iir -- sors during the year, and all pro cecds ure uscu u .u. ts-i-inent for the department. Daldy's band will furnish the muiic, and dancing Is from 10 till 'I. Portland Water Front Property Site luitobla for factory, ware house, law mill, etc. RICHARD HARPER 1 325 Yeon Bldg. Portland, Ore. I'M .I1 The BEST. . . In f EST For LESS See r orison's MATTRFW IIPHfll UFRIWf, CO NEWS. KLAMATH FAU.S. OREGON Snow BEocks Crater Road The Annie Bprlmts to Film VillnKi rond Ht Cniler t.ake National Park win reported temporarily closed to day ftfl Miow depth nt the park edi'cd nenr a 20-vear record. According to Chief KniiKcr Lou Hnllock, there Ik till Inches of Know on the ground "I pmk hcnd'iuur tera. Slnco 4 p. in. ot Feb. 13. he Mild, it measured 'iV , Inches of snow haff fallen hi the area. Tlie riinircr advised chain for pafttiennerH travelling Ihe two open roadn Into the park rei'inn the xouth nnd weM roads. He mild weekend Irtivel mnntinted to only 21 automobiles enrrviw 81 persons. T he weal her. he said, w as poor over the weekend. Beer Sellers Draw Fines Two beer retailers Monday morning paid District Court fines on convictions ot selling alcoholic liquor to minors. Dee Joseph Gerue, proprietor ot Fremont Grocery, paid $100 fine lor aale of beer Feb. it lo n 19-year-old vouth. His wife, Krnin. Is Iricheduied for court appearance 'Thursday for entry of a pica to I the luimc charge. Archie K. James, operator of South Sixth Street tavern, was suspended, for sale ot a case of beer Jan. 19, to an 18-ycar-old youth. The district attorney's office has indicutcd It will dismiss a similar charge against James' wife Vivian. GKOI'Nl) - PACKING MACHINE PASADENA. Calif. W.-A ma chine which does a pretty thor ough job of solidifying earth by shaking It has been developed by engineers at the California Institute the machine is to simplify and speed up the foundation work on highways, airfields and buildings. The underlying ground has to be packed lo tnke the weight with out sinking. Open again... Hamilton's Cafe and TRUCK STOP 6 Miles North on Highway 97 Vr Melva's back to serve you . . with an A Grade restaurant. Open 24 Hours a Day TJAf' 1 ! Russ Claim Nut Record J.ONDON lIi What the world needs, en Id Mahomet Andicv to himself, Is n nut cracker that wastes no time getting to the ker nel of the problem. This Is what he did, according to a Tass report broadcast by Moscow Kndlo Monday: After brooding on the matter on the Voroshllov Collective Farm In Russia's Belokansky District, he invented a Btakhanovlte nut crack er. It cracks 1.320 pounds of nuts nn hour, replacing 120 men who had been opening nuts In a primi tive manner. It Is all the more remarkable, said Tass, because Andlev Is 101 years old. Now the Ingenious old gentleman is constructing a ma chine to string tobacco leaves. Square Dancing Class Slated Jessalec Mallalleu. Oregon State College, will be In Klamath Falls. Feb. 26th at KUH8 for Instruction to leaders In square dancing. Time will be 3 P. m. Tills meeting will be open to leaders from any group. Other meetings tentatively scheduled are for March 25th and April 22nd and possibly April 26th. Any additional Information de sired may be had by calling the Home Demonstration Office In the Post Office building, 8151. SKATING TONIGHT Moore Park's Ice skating rink, chilled bv last night's eight-degree I temperatures, will operate starting 1 at 7 p. m. tonight, Park Caretaker i Bert Stott announced this morning. SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA Sleetiarill Trek.l EiclmlTa Helkoi tZt No. lib Pkna KM Chlmprftrtlfl PtaTBlnlfta 1 it Mp C.M.Lolcama Funeral Held Funnrnl services for Clarence M. (Scottyi Lolcnma were con ducted this afternoon from O'llalis Memorial Chapel, with officers of Ihe Klamath Falls Elks lodge of ficiating. Political Ads Lose Spirits Klamath County voters may sit In their favorite licensed premises and "cuss or discuss" political candidates. But, according to Oregon Liquor Control Commission representa tives, they won't be able this year to look at political advertising plac ards or cards, to refresh their memories. Two OLCC men today told the ' Herald and News a section of the Oregon code prohibiting political advertising in licensed places (tav erns and night clubs) would be slri.l ilfl,nJ The Commission representatives I said a recent opinion by the At ! torney General's office Indicated I the law would be strictly enforced during the coming campaign. FIGHTERS NKFDKD SINGAPORE I The British Army in Singapore and Malaya Is trying to get more men Into the front lines at the expense of those In the rear areas. High-rank. lng officers, noting the lew pro portion of rear echelon personnel to irontnne troops in the Russian and Chinese Communist armies, say It Is "essential" that the Brit ish army reduce its rear area staffs. This month only! complete LUBRICATION AND OIL CHANGE CUSTOMER CAN SELECT ANY FIRST GRADE OIL AND GREASE! DRIVE IN! ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th FIT YOUR liHiHMiMrMHaBiHirMl roOJt'. ' larrr.. - isr.,1;:: ; 1 1 . JtC 'ni. AO '' toi' couf CO '""""K'-nuk. PAOB SEVKM Burtnl wm at tlm irtamiw i- mortal cemetery. a Lolcnma, 48. died SaturdkV. flnr. vivora include the widow, riorolhy. ana iwo soilH, Robert and Klchnrd. nt th hnrnn nn I nb.l,.,.- rwi... ' " .-in,, ii miri: two brothers, Charles of Lnnu. .-, Tvnnii,, nnn tionn wnuacn. Vancouver WanK nnn Ul er nnrl nlnnfutl,.,. Vf n . : i -i " "im man George Lolchner of Portland. laiiciimn was actlVO tin BO? Scout and YMCA work hers ami Ihe family asked that Instead of 1 1 o r a 1 tributes contributions b mnde to the YMCA youth Kind, For vmATium of a n$w low prlt$ ii'tlht CentUry GRAPHIC i Only : 5UO0O Compltl with I EKTAR LENS x "800" Shutter Here's the new low-priced Graphic alR purpoM camera, doeigned to take every picture you've ever wantedact lop, por. trait, pictorials, spot mwa, family funl Takea great black-and-white and color picuree with ita coated, color-corrected Trioptar f4.5 lens, built-in flash sync, ground glass focus, Graflok back for roll or sheet film. Many other (amou Graphic features and all for this low price I See it examine It buy It today! CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS - 9th and Main Ph. 2 3475 t AppUtf 1a -motor with I qt. erank ease CftpMC.tT.) Ph. 4113 NEEDS?? HI ytll I iQ0e rs 1' 300 45.95 40 or Am nwm ill AO. S9.95 6l0w 702.95 , ! ' n 1 ' 1 6 huj dourn orn mono tJiu