MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON - PAGE FIVE w m M m m. W t 1L INSTALLATION CEREMONIES Dntrrn ol llnnnr FrnU-cllva An-MH-iiiiimi loMulliitton ct-rrinony un Jul., .'8 wiift wltnr.snrd by n lurr K of niiinliiTK mid trlfiuln, OiiIkoIiik; I'rotlilrm Jcnnlo Duck nillril ilia inrniMu to order, nnd lurnrd lllo niri'tliiK ovrr lo Uii HiKttillltiu officers: Minnie Duvln Curd, I'nrtliiwt; luMitlllnu T'rrM lri,t, Vlolu Dlrkicni, InnliilllnK l'u.t PrcMdrnl. nnd lu.'ttuliliiu U&h rr. Crcwwi (Iruljb. Al'.rr livta!ltJori. tlir ispw nrrsl-(It-ill, .Mnruui-illp Wliud. nrcMdrd. Nrw olllcrrn-rlret lire: i'iil l-rrnlfli-iH, JmiiiIo Duck: Kiwi Vice I'rrhldftit. lierlhn Wmlhrrhnlt, Hpc nnd Vice I'rrMdrnl. Kunlcc Miiym; I'lniimlnl bpi-rrlnry. Kubv Hell; Hi-cnrdlnu Herrrlnry. Kulh Mill iIicwm; TrrnMirer. Jrnnlc Hum: Willi! AwilMuiil V.-ntn Miles: tll A.v.lUii)l. LoulM" l.uHiillc; iilnnlnt, Kdnit Lonit: Km on Ktull: Junnlla I.iinchtcn. Opal lliiwklna. VlrKinln Haulm, nnd Liiuni Hurnplr. Killlh Winnl l Junior director tmiict Jennie Iluck Ik ndvlser to prmldrnl. Oerd Fiive Ludte nl to pl I.oeltn HrorlKC. Uerda Fuyo Limdnten nl the pia no nnd n huinoroun rcnduiR by J.oetltt Srhorlnrn. Under tlio Imdrrsliln of Cresso Oriibb. thn drill Iphiii'm pcrior limine drew much npplnuse. KolluwInK the I'PrenionleH re iPMhtntriH.t were served In J Antuiuet hull. U.ther nnd AssMunl Unlier were Mnrmiret 'Zlrkle nnd Kloretlce Oppell. rrupccUvely; Out rr nnd timer Wntch were, Anne l'celen nnd Dorothy Derrah. Dcoln Wiyn wns fluir benrcr. ORIONS ELECT NEW OFFICERS Orlgnx reRUliir meeting Jut). 22 wnn nt Uip homo ol Mrs. Arthur WlKKiiin, 820 Kldnrudo. Newly elected otllcerii wprp In Mulled by Mm. Onirics I.nrnon. Hhe khvp ench new olltcer cormiKe nnd explnlned lite dulleii lor Uip coiiiIhk yenr. New olllcprs kip- I'reMdpnt, Mrs. Charles Mc-1-iirlnn; Vice President, Mrs. B P. 'Ihompsnn: Treiisurer. Mrs. M. l.ehinnn; Bccrciury, Mrs. Richard Tenter. Mrs. McFnrlnn presided nt the icKtiliir mcptliiK. niter which the members rolled bnndiiiies. Mrs. Arthur Wluulns. Mrs. Pnul J)eller, Mrs. E. L. Putnam nnd Mrs. Iluv Wind served refresh ments to thp following-: Mrs. J. V. Wnchter. Mrs. W. D. Elliott, Mrs. M. l.ehmnn. Mrs. T. J. Auernnthy, Mrs. H. E. Bledemnn, Mrs. Chnrlps CiimniliiKs. Mrs. Churles McFnr nnd Mrs. Oeno Woods. Mrs. Chester W. Newton. Mrs. H P. Thompson, Mrs, Cy Bnker. Mrs. Onirics Cnrhon, Mis. Frnnk McCornnck, Mrs. Fred Menu. Mis. Itnliind Cnler. Mrs. W. J. Pnyelte. Mrs. Cillbert Wnllers, Mis. Chillies M Liuson, Mrs Jerrv Musschnnn, Mrs. Churles McOulnn. Mrs. Churles D. Mornn und Mrs. Rich ill r-i't.ter. , SOROPTIMISf Suroptlmlst Club of Klnmnth Fulls held n rcmilnr business meet lint nt the Pellcnn Pinty Room on 'Ihursdny, Feb. 14. Vice president Isabellc Brlxnrr presided In the nbsence of Presi dent Ofn Smith who Is vncntlon iiik In In Cnlllornln. Letters of Rrcctlnir were rend Hum Alice. Liimm in Sun Fran cisco nnd Lorcno Dcrlrnm, Phoe nix. Ariz. It's always nice lo know thnt folks miss Klumnlh Falls, ns lunch hh we miss them. A bciiullfiil tulip Plant with Vnl pntine motif wns nwnrded Clnrn Bhnw ns the radio for the dny. Ethel Matthews nnnounccd thnt next week's speaker will be Cathe rine BrumhauKh. The Merrill Fire Department Presents Their 45th Annual Fireman's Ball Proceeds lo be used to purchase now equipment MERRILL SATURDAY, FEB. 23 Music By BALDY'S BAND "Just- Good Dance Music" Dancing 10 p.m. till 2 a.m. $1.00 per person "BOUNCING BAMBINOS" from KUIIS, demonstrating the form ( above) they'll exhibit at the "Leap Year" production slated for the high school auditorium Feb. 21, with mem bers of the faculty and student body participating. Boyd Sprague is in the middle of a "one-and-a-half" off the tram poline as Stan Ktihlman, Coach Richard Vaillaincour and Jack Powell look on. Vacation In Mexico TULF.LAKE Mr. nnd Mrs. Don ald Snyder nnd Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barber of Tulelnke returned re cently from ft month's vacation In Mexico nnd the Southern United Stntes. While In Mexico City, they visit ed some of Mexico's famous ca thedrals. Before returning to Uie United States, they visited the Mcx lenn Pyramids which they consid ered were the greatest nttractlon lo tourists. Although they enjoyed their entire trip they wcro very happy to return to the modern conveniences nnd sanitary condi tions of the United States which they found lacking even in uie most populated places in Mexico. Mr. nnd Mrs. Snyder also ex plored Carlsbad Caverns while In New Mexico. Pinochle Party LANQELL VALLEY Mrs. Ted Schmcdll entertained at her home on Ilia afternoon of Feb. 12 with u pinochle party. The Valentino motif wns cnrrled nut In the decorations and tho re- ircshments. Mrs. Dick Bolens won the high prize, nnd also the travel ing pilzc. , ' Mrs. Ocorgc Fernlund won low prize. Others enjoying the afternoon were Mrs. Lester Urbnck. Mrs. Louis Randall, Mrs. Louis Stnller, Mrs. Chalk's Schinedll. Mrs. Joe potucek. General Hans Frei BOOKKEEPING Service 2254 So. 6th Phone 2-0293 "LEAP YEAR", literally, iwmiiH more than the exhi bition of the "Houndng Hambhios" of KUIIS (left) shown here (li'inonslnilinK the tiainpiilinu Nkill.s. They . will p;irli:i);ite in the high Nchool Hludenl-fueulty pro iluelioii "Leap Year" set for the KUIIS auditorium Feb. 21. In the air above Ik Stan Ktililman. Coach Richard Vaillancour is at left, while Jioycl Spraguc and Jack J'owell look on. Merrill-Malin BPW Meeting MERRILL Regular business mcctinu of Merrlll-Mnlln BPW was held Feb. 6 at the home of Kathleen Brlckncr. Routine busi ness was disposed of. and plans werp made for the Feb. 20 dinner meeting In the Presbyterian church social parlor. Four program chairmen will itlvc five minute talks on "Famed I Women.' and as this Is election year, women In politics will come up for discussion. All Interested women In the community are cor dially Invited to attend. Members present were Lillian . Thomas, Audrey Lewis, Vivian Fox, Eva Van Cleave, Lorena i Honeycul t, Bessie West, Helen Bruniley. Louise Trncy, Luetic Gray. Delia Itodiics. and Uie hostess Kathleen Brlckncr, Dinner Party at. Langell Valley I.ANOELL VALLEY Mrs. Luth er Noble entertained at her home in Liinnell Valley Feb. 10 with a lurkev dinner in honor of hr fath er Llovd Gift on his birthday. Following the dinner moving pic tures were enjoyed. , Covers were laid for Mr, nnd Mis. l.lnyd Olfl, Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell wnlsh, Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Ashhee, John and Roy, Mrs. Ola Wllllnm.s Mr. and Mrs. Bert Golf end Linda, Dni Dowd, and Ivan Youncc. Wurlitzer A icont LOUIS R. MANN PIANO co: 120 No. 7th IJTSrOfl Moqnif rsn in piano iVAt a Low Price Camp Fire Girls At Chiloquin C1HLOQUIN Anne AnnMronn rnKloniil advisor from the national stuff of Camp Fire (in Is, Mrs. I.Vlo Rothenberuer, president ol the Klamath Falls council, and Mm. Lawrence French, local executive met with Chiloquin and Fort Klam ath district women on Tuesday af ternoon to orinnlze a local leaders' association for Camp Fire, Iiluc Birds and Horizon Girls, Mrs. UwIkIiI Klrcher was hostess for Uie afternoon. Hie association, which will for mulate local policies for activities, will be composed of the Ruardlnns, assistants, sponsoring groups, cum nilltee of awards and parents. Mrs. W. B. Hcscock of Fort Klamath, leader of the Horizon Club, was selected chairman for the Kroup with Mrs. Glome. Kraut lacht, represent)!!!; the Chiloquin Home Extension Unit, sponsoring Kroup for the Blue Birds, chosen as secretary-treasurer. A program chairman will be selected at the next meeting which will bo held at tho school Feb. 14 at 8:00 p.m. Attending were Mrs. Waller Zim merman, member of both the home Extension Unit nnd of the sponsors for Camp Fire, the for mer worthy matron of the local Eastern Star group, Mrs. Victor Hihsoii, of Klamath Agency Blue Bird Assistant, Mrs. W. B Hcs cock of Fort KlHinath, Horizon club leader, Mrs. William Page ol Fort Klamath representing the CI club, sponsors of the Horizon club, Mrs. Lawrence Myers and Mrs. Harley Zellcr, both past worthy matrons. Mrs. James Van Wormer Fort Klamath Blue Bird leader, Mrs. George Brautlacht. Mrs Ij. roy Oicnger, member of the com mittee ot awards, and the hostess. Mrs. Klrcher, leader of a Blue Bird group. Announcement was also made that the youth center was now available for meetings of the dif ferent Camp Fire groups. Mrs. Klrcher's Helpful Bluebirds meet on Monday after school. Little girls who are completing their terms as officers of the first two months meeting are Baley Bwanson, pres ident, Delphlne Erlckson. vice nres- Ident, Barbara Slsson, secretary, and Allssa Hill, treasurer. Mrs. Blsson Is the assistant leader. i;amn Fire Girls meet on Tues day after school with Mrs. Leonard Swanson, Mrs. Walter Collins and Mrs. John Mannering. Girls completing Uiclr term a officers are Carmen Hill, presi dent, Janet Clark, vice president and scribe. Marcla Prescott, sec retary, Mlnda Mendenhall, treas urer, ana Hum Adams, shutterbug. On Wednesday afternoons the Little Acorns, Mrs. Albeit Brlcco's group of Blue Birds, meet niter school. Mrs. Joe Adamo is assis tant for the group. Their officers are cooxie Diuno, president, Mar ilyn Echlln, vice president. Sally Ravlzza. treasurer. Dlnne Klrcher. secretary, and Cherry Wolff, scribe ine nonzon iiuo nas been meet ing on Tuesday evenings, mostly in viuioquin out occasionally in Fort Klamath and the Fort Klam ath Blue Birds meet there entirely. There Is a great deal of furni ture reflnlshlng that needs to be done at the youth center and moth ers of Camp Fire Girls. Blue Birds and Hortton Club members are urged to offer their help when it Is solicited In the near future. The center has recently been and the young people are anxious to have the painting and furniture cuanges completed soon. BETA SIGMA PHI Mrs. Arthur Moore and Mrs. Norman Moty were co-hostesses to Xi Delta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi on Feb. 6 at the Moty resi dence. Following the regular business meeting, the cultural program "How Do You Know You Are Right" was led by Mrs. Moty. A Valentine party was held after the program, with prizes being awarded to Mrs. Russell Brackman and Mrs. Max Saunders. Present were: Mrs. Ted Hansen, Mrs. John Fceback, Mrs. Lorn Dalcour. Mrs. Warren Poole. Mrs. James Crapo, Mrs. Max Saunders, Mrs. 8. R. Warren. Mrs. Bill Milne. Mrs. Harold Shearer. Mrs. Layton Sleight. Mrs. Robert Thomson. Mrs. Russell Brackman and the hostesses. STORK SHOWER Mrs. Harold M. Mallory wns rlll highway, Feb. 11 for Mrs. Har old Crooker. Pink and blue Dredomiaateri in the color scheme and gifts for the honored guest were placed on a ta me. Present wero Mrs. Carroll B. Mills. Mrs. Tom Abernathv. Mrs. George Crain. Mrs. Etta Hastings, Mrs. naymona McwabD, Mrs. Charles Morris, Mrs. Sam Morris, Mrs. Victor Murdock, Mrs. Clar ence Oppegnrd, Mrs. Etta Shnw. Mrs. Olnf Wcllsnad and Mrs. Newman. NOTICE ! THE GOLDEN CREM DO-NUT SHOP Has moved to 2218 SO. 6th St. (Next door to Lee Hendrick's Drugs) We will feature A Complete Line of Pastries CAKES DO-NUTS PIES COFFEE CAKES We invite special orders CAKES DECORATED ART BROOKS, Prep. 'I WEDDING ANNIVERSARY their 28th was the occasion- for Mr. and Mrs. Dallie Luper, Henley, to pose for the above family picture. Gathered to observe the date on Jan. 24, from the left, seated, Mrs. Ernest Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Luper and Mrs. Earl Blankcnship. Standing, same order, Beverly Luper and Mrs. James Crutchfield. Photo by Miller-Brumbaugh St. Barnabas Guild Meeting 1 k WC.Cl T. VAI.T.1TV Mrs n . U..1...V nlarl,ln,H tht TlntM of St. Barnabas church at her I home on reo. i, z p.m. Meeting tvatt tnllfirl In nrrtpr hv th new president Mrs. Luther Noble. Mrs. Wesley uearoorn was maae tne new secretary and Mrs. Art Mon roe Is the new treasurer. Following the meeting a social nllomnnn WflH en IrtVpd nnd the 1&- dics did hand sewing. Mrs. Grace Blaser was given a gut oi neeuie work. Mr, Bnker served refreshments In titn fnllnu'lnrf Mrs. DOUI? Smel- cer, Mrs. Paul Monroe, Mrs. Mike Dearborn, Mrs. Lloya out, Mrs. Ola Williams, Mrs. Bill Cunning- Up, l.nthpr Knhle Mrs. Gor don Ashbee. Mrs. Ernest Graves. Mrs. Reg Thomas. Mrs. jvierrin Stewart, Mrs. Charles Partridge, Mrs. Marion Lindsay, Mrs. Wes ley Dearborn and Mrs. Blaser. Linoleum Is being laid on Uie nnpi,h Hull nnri kitchen floors. Thn nniiri ha,, wnrlcpri hard to raise the money for this project and will be very prouo. oi tnc nnyivvc ment. EASTERN STAR TnetriBU HVPTllniT. Feb. 12. Aloha fil Crrnw nt thn EflStem Star held regular meeting in the inunniA Tnmntu A lnrcp number of members and visitors were pre sented at tne ousiness session ulu- ing which several applications ior memDersnip were approve., .nap rh. reiriilnr meetintr. tables were set for refreshments ana games. Numerous prizes were awarded winners o the games. rr-v. i nrlnA Unit onrt RnnnUPt Hall were decorated in the Valen tine motif with flowers ana nearts. Those serving on committees ... r MAivin Hpnrv. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Dickson. Mrs? L. N. Huls and Mrs. Ellis Mattnews. re freshments. Entertainment and games, under the chairmanship of Mr. L. A. Murphy. Mrs. L. A. Murphy, worthy ma tron, announced that at the next meeting to be held In March. Aloha chapter 61 will be host to Bethel 6. Job's Daughters and all members of the Eastern Star and those who are entitled to attend Job s Daugh ters are invited to come and en jov the evening. Watch your evening papti further details. Card Party li,ltM! inrnn PtlWll attended -.i nnr, KV.h Q at the Broad way Hall, which was sponsored by ' n : i... r- 1 r-l.,u tne rrosperuy ouvm, v.,v. Bridge and Pinochle were played with prizes awarded to the follow ing: Pinochle: Indies high, Mrs. Lucv Graham; Indies low, Mrs. Helen Loosiey: mens nign. mnni InU- ll'IHt Pft m .'iC . Bridge; Indies high Mrs. Grant Perry; Indies low. Mrs. Bob Holl: mens high, Andy Street; and mens low. Riley Delap. The lucky winner of the three lavcr cake was Mrs. Laura Zla be'k of Tulelnke. Refreshments were served. for parties, dinners, etc. for Special Occasions Ph. 6491 LIBRARY CLUB MAGIC CARPET Monday meeting of the Library Club was taken over by a South American atmosphere with tangos, rhumbas and rastanet dances on the program and pampas grass, bullfighters and coffee bean branches among the decorations. The program, introduced by Mrs. Clarence Ward, program chairman was a group of dances by the pu pils of Mrs. Edna Howell of the Normadean Dance Studios. Mrs. Gerald Wlckersham was piano ac companies! and furnished intermis sion music. The first number, a tango, was danced by Jane Ann Craig and Jerry Ruth Wickersham. "Three Little Indians were Freddie Had lock, Norma Lee Baugh and Cathy McMillan. "Two Ballerinas to Be" were Alice Hatchett and Barbara Blanchard. A tap dance to "La Cucaracha" was done by Freddie Wickersham and Lynette Lyon pre sented a Castanet number and a rhumba. Another tap dance, "In a Little Spanish Town" followed, featuring ! Jerry Rum Wickersham ana jane Ann Craig. "The Hand Clapping ! Song" was performed by a group composed of Jean Shirley, Gall Voight. Sue Patsch. Alexis Drew. Jody Bcdard. Marllee Lyon and Frances DeBel. Linda Williams did a "Maracca Rhythm" dance. The finale was a gypsy dance by Bar bara Blanchard. Alice Hatchett. Jerry Ruth Wickersham, Lynette Lyon. Jane Ann Craig and Jo Campanella. Exhibits, arranged by Mrs. W.D. Miller, were of ceramic figures of a bullfighter and a charging bull, colored pampas grass, coffee bush brnnches and a Ceramic Cisco Kid and Pancho. A large rubber plant was humorously decorated with colored balloons for another decora tion. South American articles such as hand woven pieces, and leather goods from the personal collections of Mrs. W. R. Bovd, Mrs. George H. Merryman and Mrs. Clarence Ward were on display. The tea table was presided over by Mrs. John Ashley and Mrs. Charles Gilbert, and was also dec orated the South American way with a bright hand-woven cloth and turquoise candles wiUi pink carna-' tions as a base. A mirror held an arrangement of little native figurines and bur ros. A South American variety of tea was served with cookies typi cal of that region, such as Mexican wedding cakesi fruit bread and zombie cakes. Mrs. Arnold Gra lanp was tea chairman, assisted by Mrs. Alfred Collier and Mrs. Andrew Loney. Mrs. Archie James gave R re port on the recently-held benefit bridge and tea party, and ex pressed appreciation to her helpers and those who donated prizes. She announced that about $200 was rea For two at beauti ful Timberline Lodge! ENTER OUR &AKINr(bNT3T (held for the benefit of the Compfire Girls!) ALL INGREDIENTS FURNISHED FREE! Open to men and women of oil oges. Just come in this month and boke one of your mince pies in our new Crosley oven. All the ingred ients and baking equipment ore ready for you. After judging all pier will be auctioned for the bene fit of the CampHre Girls! Here's a chance to win valuable priies t to help others. Organtie a group of your friends and come on Inf FY0CICS Your Crosley Dealer 1001 Main Ph. 2-2518 lized from the party, which will go Into the fund to perform tonsll ectomies for needy local children. The next meeting of the Library Club Is to be March 10, and a book review by Mrs. Ralph W Stearns Is scheduled. Here's REAL FAST relief for SKIN! TROUBLES Zemo a doctor's intitibU yet highly medicated antiseptic promptly relieves itching of skin rashes, eczema and similar surface skin and scalp irritations. Zemo also aids healing. Backed by amazing record of success! For stub born cases use fc'zfro VPHJIA Strength Zemo liquid. llfllJ A Special Purchase For Our Klamath Basin Customers! AVE ON A ' ONLY $29.97 DOWN AND WE'LL STILL TAKE YOUR TRADE-IN! Powered by World Famous Meter-Miser Mechanism! large Super-Freeier . Quickube Ice Trays Rust-resisting shelves large, deep Hydralor come VERN OWENS' CASCADE HOME- FURNISHINGS CO. 124 No. 4th Ph. 8365 NAOMI SHRINE Nnoml Rhrlne 5 held lt. reunlnr meeting In tho Mnsonlo Templo Feb. 5, wilh Worthy High Priest, ess, Blanche Murks, und Watch, mnn of Shepherds, Jack Metier, presiding in the East. Three members of Nnoml Bhrlna who have been honored by nppulnt. menta to the Supreme Shrine wei present nnd received congratula tions. They were: Ben tries Denlson, chairman of the Supremo Mnterlal Objective Commute,, Nell Retterith, supreme nauo and in. nlor worthy high priestess of Naomi 8hrlne, nnd Oeorgo Retterath. an. preme king's gunrd. and tumor past watchman of shepherds of Naomi Shrine. LZ The ballot was exemplified. " It wns decided to entertain 8u !H preme Worthy High Priestess, Mem m Pointer with a no-host dinner In the Wlllnrd Hotel Paul Bunynn Room. Feb. 29. 8:30 p.m. Reservic m tions to be made through Blanche !J Marks or Blancho Schule. . Bingo wns played after Uie meet, m ing and refreshments were served. ( Next meeting Feb. 21), Is a spe- cial meeting, when Supreme 5 Worthy High Priestess, Mcta Point- m er will be received. All officers are asked to prno- lice in the Temple Sunday, Feb. 24 . 7.30 p.m. WRINKltO FENDERS SOOV FLAWS NCIEft, GCTS TMC GIRLS APPlAUSe 1 Stt US FOR Expert Body and Fender TZefinishitiq QUICK SIRVICI AT REASONABLE PRICES BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Mala at Prion 4 If you act ot -once. Limited Quantity BIG 1951 0CU.FT. STANDARD MODEL J Simplest cold-making mechanism ever built - gives you SAFE Cold from top to bottom. Has 5-Year Warranty 1 Adjustable Cold Control Cold-Storage Tray Removable half shelf Porce.'ain finish Interior Save $45 on your Refrigerator NOW!