Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 18, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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.-.turvtowif )
Before Ml allnr banked with
! i
mnues of liuckolurrry sprays and
"ii wnue taper in canclrluurn,
Donna I.ee Webber became the
bride of Edward L. Whitney In a
four o'clock ceiTinonv, February
a III the Lulter Day Sulnts church,
The bride Is tho daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E Pulnrsnn Jll'lll
By Milly Ramiby
South sixth. Tho brlclrui'oom Is the
sou oi Mrs. Albert Whitney niul tho
late Mr, Whitney, Woous.
The double rlnir rerimionv wim
read by Ronald E. Phalr, church
. o -
1 - ' J, '
Mrs. Karl Shcrldiin. accoinnnn.
led by Kay Jempii, sung "The
Lord's Prayer" and Cadmnu'a "lie.
0 V. H V
S f
.t s ,
MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM C. ALLEN at the reception
following the marriage service read by Rev. Ralph Kleen,
Dec. 20, in the Forest Grove Methodist Church. The bride
is the former Lois Marie Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William L. Larson, Springfield. Lois was born in Klamath
Falls, and was a KUHS graduate class of '48. Her husband
is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Clair Allen, Roseburg. Both are
students at Pacific University. She is a senior and he is
doing graduate work in optometry. Photo by Don Benson.
Legion Post
Adds Three
New Members
At a special meetlrfg of Winema
American iegion rosi iu, in vet
erans Memorial Hall the evening
of Feb. 7; three new names were
added to the membership list, and
two visiting women veterans
pledged to come in as members
next meeting
The Post was sorry to receive
the resignation of first vice com
ander, Agnes Pickering, who
leaves soon to Join her husband
in Alaska. She will retain her mem
bership in Winema Post, however,
as her home is here, and both
she and her husband come back
at regular intervals.
Election of a new second vice
commander took place, and May
Spiers vacated that office for that
of first vice Sarah Allen, a former
WAVE, is the new second vice.
The new members who came in
Feb. 7, are: Dorothy Hall, Helen
McCall and Anna I. Thomas.
Following the brief business
meeting, entertainment in the form
of Bingo was played with prizes
awarded to the winners, and re
freshments were served from ta
bles decorated with the Valentine
Weds N
Girl '
apa Man
DONSMUIR Miss Joan Talmage
McGowan. daughter of Mrs. Ben
oaiimm lvera iaimage McGowan)
became the bride of David Niles
Jr., Napa, at a 3 p.m. ceremony
Jan. 30 in St. Joseph's Catholic
Church, North Sacramento. The
u.ium pair are Doth students at
the College of the Pacific in Stoc
ton, she is a sophomore and he is
a senior, majoring in radio.
Rev. M. J. O'Connell, formerly
of Dunsmuir. tied the nnntlnl Irnnt
and Miss Laura Callaghan, also
luiiiienjr 01 uunsmuir, was the or
Attending the couple were Miss
joyce nomano ol Fresno and Wu
liam Heckamovich.
The bride was dresserl in ft otav
suit with black accessories inH her
nai was grey with red trim. Her
corsage was of white camellias.
The maid of honor wore a navy
blue knit suit with navy accessor
ies and her corsage was also of
wnue camellias.
Mrs. Barham, mother of the
bride, was attired in a hnnev.
beige suit with a sky-blue hat,
with matchlne accessories and rnr.
sfge of yellow camelias.
Since their return from a honey
moon in Reno, the Just-weds are
theme. Entertainment and refresh- living in Manor Hall on the col
merits were under the supervision lege campus.
FIVE GENERATIONS are represented in one family above. Lower left, Alfred Carr,
89, San Francisco, great-great-grandfather of Hans Michael McAuliffe, young lad held by
Mrs. Tom Calme, Keno, his great grandmother. Standing, left, is Hans' father, Dan Mc
Auliffe, and to his right is Mrs. Michael McAuliffe. the child's erandmothor. His mother
was formerly Shirley Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hanson-2509 Kane, mater
nal grandparents. photo bv Guderian
oi Mav Spiers.
A "sweet-heart" apron was auc
tioned off in a "time" auction by
Martha Hurd, and the proceeds
were turned over to the child wel
fare fund.
Delta Kappa
. Gamma Meets
Alpha chapter of Delia Kappa
Gamma met at the home of Geral
dine Owsley at 224 N. 2nd, Feb. 2.
pensed with In favor of correlat
ing plans for the state convention
w oe neid here on April. 4 and 5.
Refreshments of maraschino
cake, valentine ice cream and cof
fee were served by the hostesses
Buena Stone, Ruth Lobaugh and
jsaoeue enxner.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Dea Jean Wright
, on march i ana win De given
over largely to organization of the
convention display.
Assisting Mrs. Wright will be
Olive Wilson, Ida Edsall and Ruth
Weather No Problem!
When We
Your Wash
8 lbs. washed, dried X Ac
& folded (inc. soap)
Free) Wm. Rogeri Silver
war redemption coupons
with each 25c worth of
So. 6h & Owens Ph. 6373
The new Mrs. Niles Is a native
of Dunsmuir, a member of a fam
ily of early dav settlers. Her fath
er was the late Frank Talmage
She was graduated from the
Dunsmuir schools and will contin
ue her education at College of the
The bridegroom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. David Niles Sr., of
DUNSMUIR Miss Barbara Jean
Erhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Henry C. Erhart of this city and
Richard Ormsbv Rismnum ni
Pasadena were united in marriage
at an aftornoon ceremony Febru
ary 3 in Berkeley. Dr. Loner rrt
me aouoie-ring service in the Frist
Congregational Church.
The bride, eiven in mnrrinpi hv
her father, wore a gown of im
ported French lace and nylon in
princess style with a long train.
Her neaddress was of pearl-petaled
flowers and her fineertio veil was
of net. She carried a bououet nf
white roses centered with a white
Mrs. John R. Feineman. lstr
of the bride, who was matron of
honor, wore a formal of Ice blue
net over taffeta and carried a bou
quet of white marguerites. She had
a matching bandeau of flowers In
her hair.
Individual cuts of the Broom's
cake were wrapped for each miest
to take home. Patty Simmons of I
Burlingame had charge of the
bride's book.
Miss Kay Wert of Berkeley
caught the bridal bouquet.
For her going away costume, the
bride wore a beige gabardine suit
with matching accessories. Her hat
was 6ky-blue and the orchid she
wore was from her bridal bouquet.
A week's honeymoon was spent in
Carmel. The newlyweds are resid
ing in Berkeley where the bride
groom will receive his engineering
degree from the University of Cal
ifornia in June. The bride com
pleted her studies there last
The bride was graduated from
the Dunsmuir schools and her hus
band was reared in Pasadena. Both
are active in the Social Bears or
ganization on the Berkeley Cam
The bride Is from a well known
local family. Mr. Erhart, her fa
ther is a U. S. Forest Service in
ine . bridesmaid, uelores Rich-
I F7 i
"sw --. , a io
LONEY whose given
name is Patricia Lee, is
five year old daughter of
Mrs. Lurena Rush, San
Francisco. Her maternal
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Rambo, Merrill,
and her paternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Maloney, Pasadena.
She and her mother have
been visiting at the Rambo
home. Photo by Ferebee
MERRILL Mrs. Mclvln Bow
man was hostess for the meeting
of Merrill Library club on Feb. 7.
with Mrs. W. J. Grove, and Mrs.
H. J. Hcndrlckson assisting.
The" following new books have
been ordered for Uie local library:
The Break in the Circle," Lor
raine; "King's Rhapsody," Novel-
"Sybil'' Auchlncloss: "The
flj oown of Glory," Turnbull: "My
uousin Kacnei au Maurier: and
The Scandalous Mrs. Clnckford,"
by Kane.
A new method of raisins money
will be tried out. Each member Is
to have a dessert luncheon, card
party, or anv entertainment she
wishes, and Invite as many guests
as sne leels she can accommodate,
and charge each guest SO cents.
which will be turned over to the
club treasury.
Mrs. Howard Wynant was vtV
corned into the club as a new
member, and Mrs. Tom Chatburn
Jr., and Mrs. Bruce Owens were
Refreshments were served to the
following members present: Mrs.
Riley DeLap, Mrs. Warren Fruits,
Mrs. Harriett Folherlngham. Mrs,
W. J. Grove, Mrs. Murray Howard,
Mrs. Max Hartlerode, Mrs. W. F,
Jinnette, Mrs. Roy McNeill, Mrs.
Ray Merrill. Mrs. George Milne,
Mrs. William Poe. Mrs. cfiif Shuck,
Mrs. Claude Shuck. Mrs. William
Walker. Mrs. E. Webb-Bowen. Mrs.
Jack Wynant. Mrs. Sherman Wal-
drip. Mrs. Howard Wynant. Mrs.
Harvey Denham. and the hostess
Mrs. Bowman.
The next meeting will be at the
nome oi Mrs. Roy McNeill or
March 6, with Mrs. V. C. Rexford
Mrs. J. L. Pope, and Mrs Harvey
uennam as co-nostesses.
Mrs. Orome Schaflor Jr. nluvrri
the Irutlttltmul neilillng marches.
llio bride, civen In tuniriuun liv
her mtlier wore n white slipper
satin gown, made cntiiiin with lace
yuan and long sleeves. Her linger.
Hp net veil was caught with a
luce unrn and alio carried nil nr.
iniiueiiiFnt of pink ruse butts lied
with whlto Mtiin streamers, she
wore a nennv in Imr .. i,i,,n
Wanda Whitney, sister of the brltln.
groom, inn Id of honor, woro a bout
huh truck of pule yellow tuMein
With Oll-lhe-shliuldrr lliklh and
linio ut Esther Heed daisies. How
era of her bouquet In her lialr.
BiHir.simiUlB were Edna Morris
In pale rose taffeta and Bhlrlrv
laWIU-v 111 Dale urrrn MniiAh. .U
both were Identical to' the m.uii nf
Little Karen Illeuk In vl InUf nr.
rntla Ittlrla lit
iiwi uuris una AcuiioriiiK
CUTTING THE FIRST PIECE of their pretty tliiee lieietl
wending cake are the now Mr. ami Mrs. Ktlward U, Whit:
wr curia ana scallorlng rase pot. . " V i r i ,. . , , iM
is irom white basket, preceded IU'V- married iii ii four-o clock ceremony I't'liniary i In UiO"
lV,'!i",fi::i'ty.!wn "le !"' Latter Hay Saints Church. The bride is the former Donna '
The rluaa uere rarrlrd mi ,vi,i,.
satin pillow by Bobble Phalr.
Best man was Howard Brown,
brother of Ihe bride. Ushers were
Lyle Shaffer and Ronald Smith.
mr.i. reterson cho.ie for her
augliter's weddhm .i,.r
frock In a senna tone, brown ac
cessories and a green orchid at
Uie shoulder.
Mrs. Wlutnev unre nw
maker suit with navy accessories
and corsage of pink rosebuds.
A recemlon In Um .1, i.
lors followed the corrinony for 17B
ihe new Mr. and Mn wiiim
cut the first piece of their three
tiered, fern-encircled cake, topped
.... n uiiuD miu urtiiruriwitti In
Heart-shaped caken were arrnnKrd
"Mt- aUC myrr. wniip mprrs
uacu w cumpicnicm me oth
Pouring were Mrs. Sam Smith
oodburn. Oreaon and Mr
ert Parks, Klamath Falls. Mrs.
asJI Behuke. Klanmih v,,ll.
aen'ed the eake. The guest book
3 in cnarge or Mrs. Rojce Srhaf
frr. the gift table In charge of
oniiur uuri mil and Tm iu..
ftiici jjerry assisted
Edna Morris, a soon-to-be bride,
Hm mo oruies oouquet.
For traveling the new Mrs. Whit.
ney wore a srav knit .,,11 ,,.
?.-yi.?'e,.sor'e!L ,nd duster of
r ih Z ,1" ncr Drla1 bouquet
at the shoulder.
t.n?' of 4?" ,,ue,", Vfre Mr- nl
I. ctA. Tom"y and Harold and
Mra. Richard Payne. Woodburn
Leo Webber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. I'eteison. Tlie
groom Is the son of Mrs. Al Whitney.
WOCU8-A bnbv hhower. honor,
mg Mrs. Jim Welch, dnuiihlrr of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hotter, was
given i me nome ot Mrs. Paul
Hurk, Frlduv evening Feb. . Mis.
Archie MiClurg, co-ho.ite.ss with
Mrs, Buck, plunncd blmto uiinies
lor entertainment, with prizes
awarded to every winner.
Refreshments were served Irnni
a table decorated In lilnk mid blue.
surrounding a bowl of bnby ro.:rs
that graced the center of the ta
ble. Mrs. Welch tthe former Char
lotte Pollen opened tho gifts lin.
mediately after the bingo games.
Those present were: Mrs. Em.
melt Chldester. Mrs. John Hlcvlns.
Mrs. Albert Bonotto, Mrs. Roy Fen-
mug, Mrs. rreii Morton. Mis.
George Russell. Mrs, Cecil Grouse,
Mrs. rrank Hurd. Mr.s. Archie
McClurg, Mrs. Paul Buck and her
bou' the I lwo dlllllera. pimy Jo, and Don-
Sending gifts but not attending
were: Mrs. Clyde Ash, Mrs. Al
Matson and Mrs. Robert Johnson.
Mrs. Welch was here on a brlel
visit with her parents, and has re
turned to Rweburg to Join her hus
band who Is In business there.
Tab tin rent a lovely new iplnct plan
Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid met
Feb. 7 in the church parsonage.
Gertrude Blind presented the top
ic on "Why We Pray" which was
A representative of the Luther
an Women's Missionary League
was invited to speak at the Luth
eran Ladies Aid Zone Conference
in Klamath Falls April 27.
Roll call was taken with 14 mem
bers and one guest present.
Mrs. Alma Strid and Mrs. J.
Oss were hostesses.
mond, buasmuir was dressed In an , cr ' tne bride, and Jack Hansen
Identical olino hinn rnigim nvnr tf. j and Robert Wale of Berkeley.
tron of honor, and the lunior ! . nl lne reception in me cnurcn i from the Loii a. m.hd run c
hrtdpimaidc MarWio IT.rhart ic. ' fCT OVer 100 KUe.StS a fOUr-tlerefl : n. I'!. S. Mb. .1 S 1W RIOBlblr
and Mary W I ' 'lh , ir,'iY,HTJT.r,: St
iiiuaocu, uriuegruuin s 5isier, naa , r - vnvn. i rhaie (rrrmcnt. The rem already paii
laentcpi ance Diue gowns over ini-: "p ""riwhh muuiur mrs.
feta. Their flowers and bandeaux Rasmussen was attired In a navy
a.tr nf whlta marottoritfle akn
Mrs. Erhart chose a toast l'ace'cnid corsage
over lime taffeta dress of cocktail
length. Her flowered hat was in a
matching shade with a short veil.
Brown accessories and a corsage
of two green orchids completed her
Ushers were James Erhart. broth-
hat and stole and a lavendar or-
ifl III crerilled to your purchase ocroonl
nd no other down noyment If necco-
ary. Toe mommy payment, ran oi
tittle hither loan rent. Or, If yon pra
ter, yon can continue I rent.
r- for ony
kKoom in rn nome.y
v. A"
Clip) aasi
IARI MANCHDTH, (14 Klem.ri, . Mm. J.0211
Mrs. Inez E. Stewart took her
husband and went to the
Mardi Gras...
Mrs. Grayce Eaton took her
husband and went ditto
I took two weeks off in Hillside
Hospital for a rest...
g The rest of crew all busy!! -would apprec
iate any friends of mine to call in the of
fice to help keep them busy during my ab
sence. M. L.
M. L Johnson
General Insurance and Real Estate
434 Main Phone 5113
in l.h0.me,' Mr"' Bou Colohan
on Feb. 7. The new offimr.
over their duties. Mrs. Bob Col
well president. Mrs. Charles Walk
er vice president, and Mrs. Orval
Wagner secretary and treasurer
Father Phelan of Merrill an
nounced that the name of the new
Catholic ehurch being built In Bc
nania will be St. Frances Cabrlnl
aftea the first United States clll
len to be canonized.
Refreshments were served to
Father Phelan, Mrs. Bob Colwell,
Mrs. Eddie Orallan. Mrs. Juck Mc
Cartle, Mrs. Orval Wagner. Mrs.
frank DeBel. Mrs. Clay Walker,
Mrs. Ernest Walker, Mrs. Frank
W. Brown, and Mrs. Charles Walk
er and Mrs, Colohan.
Stops Lnxntives
rrgiiin youthful rrgutnrity
"For thirty years, I took so many
kinds of pills unci laxatives to re
lieve constipation. Since I sturted
eating all-man every tiny, those
troubles are over," says busy
Bethany, Mo., woman. If you. too,
suffer from Irregularity due to
lark of dietary bulk, try toasty
all-man. It's helped thousands to
regain youthful regularity. Ilirli i
In Iron, high In cereal protein,
provides essential 11 ami D vita- i
mln.v Not habit-forming. It's the
only type ready-to-eat cereal that
supplies all the bulk you may
need. Eat 'i cup every day; drink
plenty of liquids. If you're not
completelu suttfled after 10 days,
send empty carton to Kellogg's,
Battle Creek, Mich., and gel
-fte your
loulhbovn1 Molnllnon
Uove or.... 5:10 P.M.
IOS ANCILIS . iy, hrs.
N.ilhbourwl Malnllnori
leave al . . . 12:35 P. M.
PORTLAND . . 2', hn.
,ATTLI 3hri,
'.I, hiiiwlovi HloMi
1. "mil II,, "
Airport Terminal. Call 2-1537 pe,
on ovthorlitrf
tral open).
)) o o o o simpmeTmrrv jrrtnr inmrrff onroTTiri
: r( (Zm 'w
... ' 'i . i
FEB. 21st
FrB. 22nd
9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
You are invited to attend this preview of what miladv will
E wear in costume jewelry this spring and summer for davtime.
c afternoon and evening. You will be delighted with this lavish 3
g presentation ot smart jewelry, which includes many unusual im-
porrarions, snown oy one ot the largest wholesalers on the Pacific
Meet vour friends he
C r " " ' w ,w' vij jVT.vn y f i jj y iiiu ui-
! aan Concert bv Marie Obsnrhnin nnrl cin rnfffin
w - - f -wiiww ttiiii Vrui cvnr
c pliments.
E 1023 MAIN ST.
PHONE 6576