Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 18, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 10!52
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken
nc'tli Wiulo, 4730 Shasta
Way, i.s headed for Guam
with tho U.S. Navy's air
corps. Uc Is 18, enlisted in
the Navy last August and
has been at San Diego.
Photo by Guderian
Truck Policy
Suit Filed
'ftOHrcnuria m a nuit has
jc-en lllrd line to determine whe
.her counllen Imve the right to re
lulre truckers hnulliiK ions over
:oiinly roads to obliiln county per
nits. The null to enjoin the county
'rom enturchiK Its log hauling reg
ilullonn wnn filed In clrrult court
y James E. Liuiry, Itoseburg,
iKiilntt Cotmly Commlnntoner Lynn
V, lieckley und Klmir MetHer,
Jtlditn Call C. Illll mid Sheriff
T. (.'niler. Limey nituln logs
'rom Little Itlvrr, east of Hose
ling, to the Martin llrothrrn Uox
Jo. pond nl Oukliind. using Hitch
niv DO und the Nurlh Umpqua
The county court approved the
15 MT limit fee In 1(HB. Ijiney roll
.ends the reuulntlnn In contrnry
n n I9M legislative net giving
iiirlsdlctian ol county roudx to the
itnle IIIKhwny Coinmlnnlnn.
Lnney also contendn the law la
Scouts Mark
CHII.OQUJN In recognition of
lie 42nd blrUidny of the Boy Seoul
Movement, the Chlloquln PTA.
ilionnorliiR group lor the locul
icotiln, wnn entertained by Uie
Icout Inn I week.
Tltree drus ol Culm biiiir nevernl
lonKn niter Jim llrrron rend n bin
ary ol the organisation. Kenny
fteed displayed the reitulnllon
icout puck; Clury llcgluud review
he troup'n netlvltlen ol the past
cur; nnd Victor Nlnsoii won pre
iruted with merit badges lor leed
production n n i! gardening b y
l .kouinui.itcr Lcs llobuck.
' The Explorer group nnd Its Fori
(hiniiilh lenders nlno took part In
Jib progrnm.
-. I a , .. V'.i
2 j"0 Thursdoy - Feb. 21 . r g
: II ) ,n lctomD
Canadian Women Claim
Success in
TOIIONTO I Throe month
hko (IU0.0U0 determined Canadian
women bunded toiiothor to attempt
to cut living coat.
Their leader, Mm. Allnn Tumor
Rone of Montreal, president of tlin
Nntlonnl Council o Women, says
tho crusade lum l)ocn "n (rent nut'
oenn," Uhe hopes It may prove a
burrler against furtlier Inflation.
Launched lust October by the 60
yenr old council, the Thrift Cum
pnlun linn moved Into towns and
cities from count to coast,
Housewives huve been urard to
cut out the frllln In their buying:
To nerve only one kind of enke nt
tea purtlen; not to tuiunt buru;uln-
Suicide Reds'
Top Secret'
BERLIN Wl Bulclde hnn become
"top secret" In the Russian zono ol
The Cnmmunlnt Kovernment 1ms
Impounded nil records ol suicides,
tins forbidden all newspapers to
list suicide ever us the cause ol
death, and In mnny cases has corn
polled physicians to falsify their
An East Zone doctor ventured
an opinion that the suicide rate Is
"very high" but only the light
lipped People's Police have any
Idea what It Is.
The "outlawing" of suicide Is In
keeping with Uie Red philosophy
that such thiiiKS Just don't happen
In a Communist "pnrndlse." The
orders to keep up such a fncudo
reply apply to Gerhart Elslcr's
piopagundn ministry which con
trols the prexs; to the Interior mln
Inlry which governs the police nnd
to Uie central admlnlntrutlon wheh
hnndlrn statistics.
Tho Ministry of llenllh Rets Into
tho act by frequently ccrlllyng u
suicide as a death from heart at
tack or merely Irom old age.
Known tuberculosis cuncs are nev
er listed as such.
East Oermans, still not accus
tomed to such llnkerlUK with ob
vious truths, say Hint almost three
fourths ol the suicides In the Run
nlnn tone are traceable to "the
hopelessness" of life under tyran
ny. A clergyman commented:
"It Is Uie hopelessness of the
psychic, the spiritual and the eco
nomic situation whlcb mnkes men
and women throw their Uvea away
so eslly."
With a population ef 2.300,000 the
American. British and French sec
tors listed 63 suicides In October,
74 in November and 67 In Decem
ber. An equal number of unsuc
cessful attempts was recorded.
The lending motives In West Ber
lin were Incurable diseases and
hypochondria. Economic distress,
oddly enouuli, ranks fairly well
down the list. Fear of punishment,
a ntroiiK factor In Uie East Is al
most non-existent In the West.
Thoroughly Modern
. Ilr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley
and Joe Enrley
and Joe Earley I '4i- 1
In cooperation with John Deere Plow
Co., we have arranged a big day full of enter
tainment, refreihment and profit. Plenty of var
iety, movioi on new tillage and cultivating equip
ment for Western conditions.
Dollar-making farm ideas, like saving up
keep money, applying profitable new methods
will be yours to take to use. Equipment thot
fits this area will be on display, for you to look
over. And your friends and neighbors will be
here,, so you can have some good visits.
Be here for sure. We guarantee you'll be
glad you did.
Machinery Co.
1410 South 6th
Price War
counters lor luwis thev don't need.
They've been told they're likely
to net more value and more vit
amins lor their moliey II they buy
tho cheaper meats Instead of high
prlcud culn. For Instance they huve
been told pork liver at 3U cents a
pound In 'loronto contains "almost
three times" an much Iron us beef
liver lit lt:t cents ii pound.
The 13,000 member Cuiindliin As
sociation of Consumers Is one ol a
doon minimal women's orgunlzu
Linn bucking the drive.
III monthly bulletins It urges
houficwlves to uho twlntcd news
paper Instead of wood for kindling;
to suvo vegetable water for soups
und gravies.
Tangible results are difficult to
determine In thin kind of cam
paign. Hut Mrn. Bono nays they
ure beginning to show. 8ho cited
us evldenco the fact thai some re
tailers now tulk ol "consumer re
sistance." She prefers to regard the drive
as a loiig-runge educational pro
gram. Began on a plea to women to
exercise purao control, the cam
paign's pnth hasn't been too
smooth. Tho word "thrill" met
with opixvilllon In sections of Can
ada not ns uflluent as others and
chiefly from housewives who fig
ured lliey n I ready wcro practicing
11 to the limit.
But once explained an an antl
Inflation measure. It won support.
From Its national headquarters
In Ottawa the council distributes
tin M ftanHrilnn hfUMiulvi TIiakj.
include Inexpensive recipes.
"Hie more demand we make for
goods the more producers and
munulacturers will be pressed Into
supplying them," the council ex
plains in a folder. "Shop windows
ure not always un accurate Indica
tion of background conditions. We
can create shorguges by over
buying and so pushing up prices.
"Women hnd to be convinced
that they could curtail cxnensc."
nuys Mrs, Bone. "And to do this
we had to show that, while Uie
cost ol living had Increased 00 per
cent, mo net personal income had
increased 100 per cent and despite
nign prices and high taxes, per-
sonnl suvlng was 147 per cent
mgner in ium man in lion
Women were not aj.ked to stop
spending, but simply to defer It.
to give careful Uioughl to their
needs rather than their wants.
Why were women approached?
Because statisticians claim they
spend 80 per cent of the consumer
money In Canada.
TOKYO Wl The U.S. Army
has asked tentative bids for 300
steel mills, Kvodo News Agency
said today. The agency quoted
trnde sources."
Crater Lake
Phone 2-2544
of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Berry,
1911 Fargo, is now sta
tioned at the Naval Air
Technical Training Center,
Jacksonville, Fla. He was
graduated with the class of
1950 KUHS and was em
ployed at Specialized Serv
ice when he enlisted in the
Navy in October, 1951.
Ex-Gridder New
Wheat Chief
DENVER Jens Terjeson. !
50, who once played halfback for
University of Oregon football teams ;
was elected president of the Na-,
tlonal Association of Wheat Grow- j
era Saturday. The association Is
winding up Its three-day conven-1
tlon. i
Tcrjerson, who operates a wheat ,
ranch near Pendleton. Ore.. In ;
partnership with his brother. Tom,
succeeds H. W. Clutter of Holcomb, I
Kalis. Terjeson has been assocla-1
tlon vice president during Uie last
His wheat farming experience
goes back to days when, as a high
school boy, he drove a 33-horse
combine on his father's ranch. He
was graduated from Oregon In
10J4. '
There's more power in that dynamic
engine than you'll ever need except for
the rarest emergency. And it should never,
never be used for dramatic display on the
If somebody else wants the honors when
the light turns green let 'em go. You don't
have to prove anything, anyway.
But that great power works for you even
Chinese Casino Operators
Hit Jackpots
8AIOON, Indochina lI'i There's
a bitter war In Indochina, but that
doesn't stop many ol the Rich
Chlneso In this country from get
ting richer.
In addition to controlling much
of the rice trade and other vital,
essential businesses, the Chlneso
operate gambling casinos. The way
they operate them could be a good
tin lor the owners ol the famous
Casino In Monte Carlo on how to
moke money even In "olf-seasons "
The Chinese run casinos In the
heart of Saigon and Irr the twin
all-Chinese city of Cholon. About
half of Indochina's Chinese popula
tion lives In Cholon.
The Saigon Casino usually draws
most of tho European-player busi
ness, while the one in Cholon never
lacks for throngs of avid, expect
ant, would-be Chinese winners.
It's still possible to win In either
Saigon or Cholon, but not many
people do.
One big factor Is that the Chinese
casino operators have reduced the
winning chances to a bare mini
mum. For Instance, In roulette, when
the little, round white boll lands
In the grecn"zero" slot, the house
sweeps the table.
That Is, of course, with the ex
ception of the player or players
who might have chosen the "zero."
Then they get a pay-off of 35-to-l.
Those who have played the colors
red or black or any pair or
odd number automatically lose
715 Main Street
It's Loaded
Before you drive the
Golden Anniversary
Cadillac, there is one
thing we should like to
impress upon you: It's
loaded so be careful!
710 Klamath Ave.
in Indochina
That's not so In Monte Carlo or
other casinos In France, where the
money rides lor another chance,
lor a "zero" Is neither red or
black, nor odd or pair.
Overall, the Chinese casino oper
ators In this country have reduced
their chances of losing despite the
ever-present 35-1 advantage on a
single number to as low as pos
sible. BIG TAKE
But they never lack for business.
The casino In Saigon or Cholon
will gross, on an Average, a mil
lion Plstrcs (S50.000) nightly. The
operators Bay they pay about half
of this in taxes.
Gambling casinos never have
been targets for Vlctmlnh terror
ists who like to toss bombs and
grenades about In crowded places.
That's reportedly because the ca
sinos "pay plenty" In protection
Nevertheless, every one entering
a casino, man or woman, is sub
jected to be slapped on the thigh
or searched for the possible pos
session of explosives.
T PWTRTON Irinhn 11 RnHnff
lambintr has begun for sheepmen
ol the Lcwition vaney m wiim-i
camps along Uie Sanke River.
Earl Wood, owner of the Wood
Ranch near Sllcott, Wash., said by
Feb. 25 some 4.000 ewes will be
I dropping an average of 250 lambs
a day.
IfnilhiDd and hone enndnr'tlnn
drvifcs avallsblc at moderal
extra coit.
. 575 W
Only U I
when you're not unleashing it to the limit.
It works for you as a reserve and gives
you that easy, quiet, flowing ride which
makes a Cadillac such a joy to own and
such a thrill to drive . . .
It gives you that slow-moving engine
that simply loafs at all legal speeds and
which is a literal Methuselah when it
comes to long life . . .
And it is a primary reason for that unbe
lievably low upkeep expense, at which
Cadillac owners never cease to marvel.
Some fleet owners have found, for instance,
that Cadillacs cost less to maintain than
any other cars they have ever used. And the
Former K K K
Members Held
arrest of 10 former Ku Klux Klans
men caused further tension In
Southeastern North Carolina s Co
lumbus County, where many ter
rified people bolt their doors at
People In the prosperous tobac
co and truck forming area have
LEWISTON, Idaho Ifl The
Lewlston Chamber of Commerce,
In a gesture to "promote Interest"
In Americanls Week, mailed bulle
tias to governors of the 48 states,
mayors or neamy towns ana Jo
seph Stalin in Moscow.
Wonderful how
when coughing colds strike
Special mtikaXti steam brings
coughs and stuffiness
Now those raspy, croupy
coughs of children's colds can
be relieved almost Instantly
with this fiome-proved treat
ment . . . two heaping spoon
fuls of Vlcks VapoRub In a
vaporizer or bowl of boiling
water as directed In package.
It's easy, tool . . . Your little
one just breathes In the sooth
ing steam. Every breath car
ries VapoRub's rallef-bringlne
medications deep Into troubled
throat and large bronchial
tubes. There (Ws wonderful
tnaiwni medicates and
soothes dry, irritated mem
branes, eases away coughing,
helps restore normal breath
le Careful
easy-going engine, that never operates under
strain, is a big factor in this economy.
Yes Cadillac's great power works for
you and is necessary and is one of the
vital reasons why Cadillac's performance
is so outstandingly different.
But we trust that no Cadillac owner will
ever use it for dominating the highway. To
do so is not only counter to the rules of safety
but is not in keeping with the graciousness
the motoring public has come to expect
from the person at the wheel of a Cadillac.
Have you seen this great Golden Anni
versary creation? If not, we should be
pleased to welcome you to our showrooms.
grown tearful because of at least
five floggings or white men bv
nlghtrldera last fall. Bherlff Hugh
Nance says It'a likely other beat
ings, of white persons and Ne
groes, have occurred but Uie vic
tims have not reported Ihem be
cause of fear. Authorities have
been working on the cases for
months. The first break eamn with
the 10 arrests.
time try and Prut Httirti
At i,tdtnr Deitartnitni,
Woo I f oo m Corp., Now York 1, N.Y.
ing. Real comfort comes fast!
For coughing spells, upper
bronchial congestion and that
choked-up feeling caused by
colds, there's nothing like
using Vicks VapoRub in steam.
And always rub it on
for continued relief
To Insure continued ac
tion, always rub VapoRub
on throat, chest and back.
Works for hours even
while your child sleeps
to relieve distress. It's the
best-known home remedy
you can use
when any cold
strikes child
or grown-up..