I f AQ15 TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 19fl2 it Undemocratic : Ouster Voted ) 'djUs FRANCISCO M A Chi- ' tMM family, voted wit of a white i ( neighborhood on the ve of brother. I ' hood week, was swamped Monday with offers of welcome from across j lha country. i Bing Sheriff, 28-year-old air line I mechanic "aid his telephone hasn't i (topped ringing since Saturday, ! - when white residents of South San I I Francisco's Southwood Tract voted i J7r3S they didn't want hurt as ; ! neighbor. -Bhang had suggeitted the-ballot- ' ing, explaining "I was sure every- M body believed In democracy." ii -vXhe Shengs could have Insisted oa their right to occupy the house. ; The1 U.S. Supreme Court has ruled ! . home ownership because of race or creed la not enforceable, j I , Southwood residents said they ob- l! jested because property values ', would decline If Uie former officer I rn the Chinese Nationalist Army !, moved In with his American-born I Wife and two-year-old son. ,. The Shengs, who are expecting i' another child next week, reclaimed 1 i the 2,950 they deposited on the !i f 12,300 home. They hoped to get ; back deposits on $1,000 worth of , furniture. fi - There were calls from Wichita j ; with a Job thrown In: from Indiana- 1, polls, Seattle and all around the ji pan Francisco Bay area. Govt. Reform ii Forces Rally WASHINGTON HI The Citizens ! Committee for the Hoover Report ,j assem oiea jvionaay uj moouize a ! last-ditch effort at further govern ment reforms before going out of Business May 31. )' t Amnnff thi rnmmillM's motor : targets are the government's two billion dollar a year medical serv ices, the massive Veterans Ad- i ministration and the sprawling De- ; parunent or Agriculture. " President Truman sent a mes sage of welcome and announced he will recommend further reor ganization plans to Congress this year. Of the 37 reorganization plans so far submitted, 28 have been approved and one is pending r-the reshuffle of the Internal Rev- : nue Bureau. t. But the American Lesion Sun day greeted the committee with a ; blast at what it called its "fan- ' tastic" and "outdated" proposals to streamline the VA, and Secre tary , Brannan accused the com mittee of being "destructively crit ical" of the Agriculture Department. ,, The privately-supported commit tee is headed by Robert L. John '. aon, president of Temple Univer sity, Phildelphia. Former presi dent Herbert Hoover will address Monday night's final session of the Aitfjlnv mpotinir h o n H aH h . bi-partisan commission which .Inhnoin Dnnnlin,w1 CitnHatt" (hnt j the citizens committee, formed to I lobby the. Hoover recommendations :i intA law will riiKhnnri this snrtniy I tK "nvnlH hpnnminc tnvnlvH in ) politics" during the election cam- I palgns. Wedding Trip m mm m mm mMmMmmmm LV a M - WfZIK Mil I i ' KAYSVILLE, Utah. Ml Seven 4 MMnlur, of n wMiriino- yinrtv in. .. eluding the bride and groom, were killed Sunday when their car : crashed into a semi-trailer truck. Killed were: Martin Edward ureen, a nis onae, r,eiue dune Wilson Green, 16; Ralph E. Green, 37 brother of the groom and driver of the death Car; Mrs. Edna Wil son, 40, the bride's mother; Mrs. Fliynis Christensen, 38, aunt of the bride and Gen Charles Wadsworth, 38r all of Ogden, Utah, and Mrs. Clarence Sharpless, 33, of .Clear field, Utah. ' The young couple had been mar ried Saturday. TrooDer Farlln Wood of the Utah State Highway Patrol, said the Green car failed to negotiate a curve on U.S. Highway 91 at the entrance to Kaysville and crashed into the trailer. V.' .... SWORN IN 'WASHINGTON Wl Eric Johnston-was sworn in Monday as cbair - man of the international develop ( ment advisory board of the point four program. IF D.I I earn How rPrayer Can ? Heal You Row does Christian Science, heal? How does it remove fear, solve personal and business troubles? If you want to know something about the healing power of prayer as taught in Christian science, come to A Free Lecture ' entitled -Christian Science, . The Discovery Which Solves .-r j n ui u ;t " ' by Will B. Dovit, C.S.B. 'Z Chicago, lllinoii Member of the Board of Lec tureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Tuesday, Feb. 19th' r 8:00 p.m. Fremont School 715 High First Church of Christ. Scientist ef Klamath Falls, Oregon Cordially Invirai you. - Radiocast KFLW sm. jr-.Shw Y IH If 3 - . It - m I ... "..'4 V . '1 l".r . .iwui . " Ertl:riW 97 .Hck.W'"'"' ot in . whites..' IT'- - . .- Vu Ao to ' " 2 ti . i thar- . . . '. 77 . Holly" ooa BStSlS ;v J e.ae 5V , n1 - :., - - ;;si',v - v tii'aVrtij'tr'rir1fr'--Ai: if- Jl- I., .1 The Last Call on All Seasonable Merchandise,.. QjLfj-S DECKS for SPRIMG T,,at'sihe Crder ofThe Day . . .Final Mark Downs Taken... pjg g0 DAYS Tuesday Thru Saturday ... All Sa!es Final . . . mmmmmm . ti : k r- i inrsi pig groups ... inrce low pricei ... couons . crtpct . . . satins . . . . values are to 24.95 97 A snoaktr on the salt . . Cahhoon ajabordine skirts . . . ortry color ... all siits. 387 Slippers . . . scuff style L Spun-nylon anklets . . . , . . many colors . . broken sises . . . values to 3.95 ... while they test. 1 00 pastel shades ... all L sites . . fi. rl eOf oo, Oo colors . Cor.rY.'w' T, fcy w.y ' Mh 1 1 velvets . . . the works 77 Movie Star . . . Superior . . . Trillium ., . Stocks are heery . . . slips must be sold . . . barf ains are terrific . . . multitude of styles, colors to choose from . . . fine crepes ... 1 00 nylons. 177 47 y Aim 5 OSG . regular 99c. J V , 4mV a rA? . M O" . . a . CO'" t. . a ytn it- n Ml; Y it- SPORT SHOES Loafsrs ... hand-sewn moc casins . . . oxfords in all tha stylos . . . smokad alk . . . brown and whitts . . . brown elk . . . Valuor you'll racoo nixo . . . I 77 97 DAYS J U ' 525 Main ALSO Mcdford l W.l- Aot1 hork.L ' w. " ri . loo Dress iWs . t.U. 00 . I D'sce rfe. " ... . 00 a-- mi It) Off , a;;;'-.- axtll " food I motet!"' . TO 497