hit i n i . r i.i mi i u it i in. M'o JU ' llTUAllONS W ANTKD , " " tA1 , " ' pr AL ESTATE FOR SAU I 30 REAL 8STATI FOR SAL! 46 FINANCIAL LOANS U r ""jiuaiTO anij imwiuuti-W r llmiltl A Nrwi Cl.AHHIHKO ADM tJnp 'rm to (hid ii U'khI Job iuuI I'linnuo woo In "(IoiikIi." I'httnc mil (,'llll.D varm at my lionie fui working !mrinti. iMnmr 7 Mil itfl.lAltf.K young wuimuii will car for tut nr Iwn v hi lil i pit In in v home fm a WMiklnH nmiiipr. Phum. :mmi4. fuAN end wilt wuul loli tit ltilit hi in tnp, Ki"i iriircd imm.Ii noil huh r ft Wrllr II-mI New. Mm itil VI1.L H e It-t illi'lirii 111 inv iniiim Phone 0:I7II II All1 "KlTTINfJ," lioiici"all l vrnhj iio.tiTw.iiV.i ""ii .;... ' " ( AllPKNTr.il WORK wanted fir pull iri'Mlly. .Ilm Ale M riimi ti.ma. 1 IMl ll fAHK ' Pli"nr"7.Vi iiAilv'klitiiiii "Viiiimp' a "Vra WII.I,"Vre tr rhllilieii in my ti ilia or your home evenings, a imi 22 MiMlrr, aiiWl 'Ittiinpl tall ROOMS FOR RINT KKAUY TO 1II.M YOU? Ilrrnld At Ni'wn i CM.AHHiriKL) ADH Uso 'cm to rout your viicunl .win. IMiuup Bill hOAIili''riMiiii "rrVnnMc IMuinc Art. NICK, heal-d rooms.' " 3-i I'u.lflc fer HOOM and hoard or rooms. Mm on.y MM) No. wilt i is lor ipni, clean. lTuj lii I'iniiic j a own ; iMK)MrtrT'tl"'f,"""",'l'' PhofV 4;!T iuiiimh"ii.u 1 1 i cr it " .6VKI.V"ntfimt for "rent lfl -7 "nk Cioti in. plume 4ia 24 "APARTMENTS FOR RENT MOtffclltf ' furnished ii'liii'Ml. " (irwil Plum 114.10 I i OlT ""HUNT. fWnNheil" ntmrlnirnl fur wnihlng glri, t'llllttc ftll nlhril Sltme kllrhrn an III Hi t'r i.f ontninnlH' w hrr ami di yr. :i' i ih ki truo Till and Main. Phone 7110 or call A 1 N. 7th miNIHIIKlV "lhra roo'ii mint tmenl. II .V), all iHlllU.i Included. Ailulla onl) 41(1 N TiHh. 1 Hitf.V"' riu-nii imff irtii-lif(. r.tovr. GV ra. 41 Iminlre 3.H0 Whl1 HTI!(t"aiarloiriil"artiiin uilii t.ntfi (i((irnlihtl hpparatr antranra. Ilr(. larlrlr atfiva I0inllirtl Phona 3-(7n J'UnNtHHKt) two i.ium itlimnl Walk In K tlUlattr Phnur t2ni UlrtNT "rouin' lor" rrnt.'tiircr Apail- ntrnl. Tin Main ton IlKNT. furnurtcd apartment lor atMIU X'lnroad VAt;AN'V. Iwu" nwiin rTit iilahvil 3u pie CW Im pluina 44fl? SMaTX ?ufniiiii apatloioni l.iN-atrd nil Mnni1la Hrl A'l'Hl rni m "i M'KAMIIKATK1)' aparlmant with'lwif loom nan Oak Kt . rt'nNlSHKt apartment fu rant Aparlmanll. 3' Maikrl . MOtlKnN ft"roin 3llroom aparf mant. UUllUca furnUh?J OLYMPIC APTS. L r- Mln flMAt.I. fl-an apartment , HectrlraTf af(ilprf1. 4'ii N. loih. Tllfirt HOOM furnlihcd apartment. 3ll Whit. NICK lVam.h'alVd apai tment. adulta. t'orner Plna and OiUr YllMl:Kro"nn ftirnlihad. rlnr In Ijiun dry C'tun'a only, no peU. ImH Lincoln Tall 3H70 tiNt" ItafiriMHti iiiunTiKJtT'apartnient. Claa eiHpiad. II 3 Ortl I .rWLY drrorated. "private Pith. STil rhenatta Bteam heat, alerirle ranae if ik II Aripi Anrtment r'OM I1KST" furnuhed apart r-ant In ntllrp AIR Hlfh FOR RENT NEAR ACADEMY A iiood Iwo linlriMiin IWKlfil rhHie In M'linoln, cliurnhtn unci biiKliiMii cllntrlct. I.nrne llvlim room wild Mrniilime, nice dlnln room, hmikfiiNl, iiook mill lull hnwmnit. Imincilliiio piiMBPHnlun, I'rlii-d rlKl't HOT SPRINGS A qimllly liomc In very Booil nrlKlilwrlKMXl. H lo bPdrtHimn, Imur" living room Willi clrculMlng flrciilnnn. (lining room mid direr. f i, kitrhrn, U1 at built-in utorngf )nr(, very liirge wiudrobe clonclii In brilioom. rlTlrlr. Iimt. nd ex rrllrnl - room iinmigrincnl. I'luy rwiin with llrrplucr In buneiiirnt run bit tn.nl gnrl brdriKJin. 'I1il In ii new home mid rcpieM-ntu gwid vnhie on prriicnt ninrkrl. Hhown by iiiioliitinrnt only. MILLS ADDITION A well built home In a good loca tion. Nriu in n pin Imlrte mid out. A 50 by im loot lot provldrn 8 nlre turfed nlny yurd for the chil dren mid n umiill giirdrn iipol. A good buy nt 7DM1. Let un nhow you till-, home. PACIFIC TERRACE An iitlnirtlve hiinie comhtlng ol two bedroom, living room, dining room, ilrn mul kitchen, linn full biiM-meni with rxlrn room flnlnhed In knotty Dine. The liirge lot pro vldrn n nice netting for the house mid iiIIow.h a nice view. This In n drhlnible property mid In priced right, Cull un lor more ilrmlln. Khown by nppolntmrnl only. CLOSE-IN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AUTO-COURTS APARTMENTS Commercial Buildings 2- ricclronin modern with remenl bimemeiit. Clone to Hnil mid Jllgji School. Price HW. Tcriim. TRADE FOR TRAILER HOUSE 3- nedioom modern with i ncrn. Oowl oulbulldliiKii. OliilPK room. Price M7M), Uiw termi or take trnllcr hounc M Prt trade. fltnain modern with nlmont one mie, Exceueni inm room. kitchen and liiunilrv. All In good condition. Price I44f0. Will tnke trailer houne as part trade. MILLS ADDITION We hove one of t lie brM built j 107 Ho. 7th Phone 4193 (Even. 0409. homes In thin town. 3 bedrooms with emphasis on iimllly through out. It' priced right. No hold up. Please sec us for details. Shown by appointment only. Wall Diet., with T. B. WATTERS HEALTOn and INHUHANC'H 107 Bo. 7th Ph. 41U3 i Eves. l)4G9i RANCHES We have several offerings on above mentioned properties. They warrant your Inspection now. Please see ut for details. Your Inquiries will be appreciated. Walt Dlrlz. with T. B. WATTERS REALTOR) and INSURANCE $$MONEY$$ ON THE KIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On oui salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day" loan a apeclalty 110, 125, IM loaned till "pay day" or longer. a costs but 1? cent for one week. No other charge. PAGE ELEVEN $25.00 Down LOCAL LOAN CO. US No. 10th BU M-3M DON Mi INTYIlE, Mgr. 43 Years friendly Service Phone 2-2537 B-216 42 LIVESTOCK I POULTRY Bee Fred Cofer R. 1.. Hlrphrns Evenings 0730 Barnhisel Agency 1 12 S. 8th Phone 4195 DESIGNED FOR MODERN LIVING Beautiful 3 bedroom suburban home with large living room, dining room and beautiful kitchen. This Is a brand new ranch style home mid has one acre of land for gardening and play area. Locuteil In a new neighborhood. This home has at tached double garnge. fireplace mid utility room. Hee us to sec It today. Price 119,500 with terms. U RANCH v' 99 acres located at Modoc Point. 90 acres under cultivation. Modern 5 room house on oiled highway. Total price (18.000 with convenient terms. 1 FOR SALE 112 acres of the very best of sandy loam soil. 50 acrea alfalfa and clover. Located on oiled road. Good modern house. Will consider terms. M. A. BOWMAN REALTOR 1 Phone 7302 Merrill, Ore. THESE ARE NEW FARMERS! EGGS TO SELL? We are now buying delivered lo our plant. Gooding Poultry Farms Phone 4946 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DOWN IN ( ( ( s? Herald & News CLASSIFIED ADS Use 'em to turn your unheeded things into cash. Phone 8111. THE ONLY REQUIREMENTS STEADY EMPLOY.",' MENT FOR 1 YEAR GOOD CREDI'f STANDING ; ALL PRE-WAR CARS SOLD AS IS . '40 Olds L-S0 Sedan (3 '40 Plymouth Spec. Dlx. ...i,HA '41 Olds "78" Sedan. Hydra. 1495 "38 Bulrk Special 4-Dr (195 '41 Pontiac Streamliner (495 '41 Chev. Sp. Dlx. Clb. Cpe. (395 '41 Nash "600" Sedan (345 39 Ford Deluxe "39 DeSoto Coup , '38 DeSoto Coupe SHOP EVENINGS rittv ;iw HI Open 7:30 p.m. for your convenience, Saturday till 6 p.m;"j KLAHN NASH CQI A liTllflf'IA' Pruma 6721 M Bo 022 niiFi niN(; sehvick C. iChucki Warran Hi MKUlKST price paid for poultry, now ana vtEniin.n. BIO Y MEAT MARKET Laktvlew Juncm-n Chant Tzn 44MIS'CELLANEOU WANTED CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER (5 lo 115 per acre buys good ranch and limber land at Gov t, State and Countv land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lanls 1021 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. HOUSES nr. NT Itil rfl Jllll imllt Kulh 26 roii lu.ii.c. Inuli ion ' nr.NT, Ural, hoi ' 17 Ptune :i7wo VN'K"l(lrn..fii ho.i.i. sn IM.of.i. ara, VWO IwilnKiniurnUhrd h'u lur rnl. 4S AillilU only. Ph.MIr n.127 'TllltKk 'r.hifii fuinl.hcxl Iuiubh fur rrnt i'i,rtn r:n run iir.T r.Mm itiiu.ij iurnulird ,t. lis llrnurt TWiVhyrillOOM hirnUltrtl hnu.e tlon In Peterson School di-.trlct. Near bus line. Ground plowed and ready for garden. Selling price ftfiSOO 12.r,o0 Hown. This won't last Claire Ellis Phone 2-2650 lollf ko hurry. Jay P. Griggs Phone 4254 ! Gene Favell Phone 0045 ,. W. W. Thompson at Malm ' FRED E FLEET 1', acre on Lakeshorc Drive. '! acre on upper side, of road. Each has 100 foot frontage, rock retain ing wall all In. Ground all leveled for building. City water In. (800 of new lumber at location. A lovely view of the lake. No hills to climb. Several fruit trees. All for (2(125. t Lovely two bifdroom home on 'i j TE to buy' CuU "putU- Phone ft WANTED ft GOOD PASTURE WRITE HERALD NEWS BOX NO. 23 FOR SALE '1001 BARGAINS' motors, radios, 606 South 6th Phone 3650 DON'T BUYi nan WITHOUT A 2 DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL MONEY-BA'Ctw r.ITARANTFF SmBF.S OK PF.OPI.F. AGREE "IT'S THE ttrr's.' She"; K I ONLY WAY TO BUY!" LISTEN TO ALL CLAIMS - READ knives, garden hose, lawn mowers, ALL, ADS BUT REMEMBER ... AT DUGAN & MEST, LP etc. Vflll DflNT I.IKK THE CAR YOU GET YOUR MONE- Cofer's Exchange back.-- a VI 610 Klamath Ave. Ph. 7160 I J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 tlt.itlrv m Hut MurlnKB ri.ld Wktrt furnlthftl Abulia No p-ta. $.10 nionttt. Call 12 n..on, l-wii rrNrO'HNIMIlrO lir tim lunl. T.r r.pl lor alov.a. S.V0. Call 2I bl"i. a rm. ' 21 MI5CILLAN EOUS FOR RENT -kT BEEHIVE Hot Springs Addition Nice two bedroom home with fire place. Hardwood floors, good base, incut. (8750. CLOSE IN Nent three room home. Some furn ishings. 12850. 1500 down. A very good buy In a two bedroom home. Basement, laundry tubs, double garage. (3500. SUBURBAN Good three bedroom home on acre. Near school and bus. (5600. BEARD AGENCY . REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Pll. 2-3471, 4880. 4734 REALTOR DENNIE COATES. Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 What We Do For You When you list your rltv or subur ban property with CHILCOTE & SMITH, Realtors. 1. We appraise fairly and at once. 2. We finance properties If you need your cash, ion exclusive llstlngs. 3. We guarantee to advertise all exclusive listings regularly. 4. We do all the work Spend our time our advertising money. 5. All you do Is sign the deed. 6. All we ask Is the chumc to nerve you. Open Evenings by Appointment See Don Sloan Homer Stiles- Fred Scott 32 BUILDING - REMODELING u TRUCKS W DRIVE Move Yourself 8ave 4 New Trucks For Ixmg Trips Pickup Stakes Vans REACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 nrrfrt "space 'i.ir rem. i'lth an. Mam Co.. I lo C.'tStiire rirriCt lor rent. UXX si-ln. I'hon. 7ir . rbn IIENT floor tandrra lata.t lvn .nulpm.nl fitihiirhan Lumbar Co. Iltn nrl Walnut Phon. 7700 CAR STORAC!": HEATED, d '.k or monlh. Eirl Lamb, phona 4S73 or nnt. 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PROFIT BUILDERS Herald tc New CLASSIFIED ADS Use 'em to find customers for your Building Materials. Phone 8111 $12,500 Consists of 70 acres. 27 acres of pasture, 28 acres of alfalfa, balance grain land ready for alfalfn. Cheap water. Fair Improvements. Close to school. On good roiul, $0500 down, .balance easy terms. JACK C. MACE REAL ESTATE Tulclakc Phone 7-1611 it FOR SALE 160 ACRE FARM 30 cows Dairy barn Milk house Irrlgatol pasture llav nnd (train land Apple orchard Fenced and cros fenced for sheep Four bedroom modfjii house Numerous outbuildings. PRICE $50,000 -EASY TERMS Located even miles from Klamath Falls on Old Midland Hond. Inquire of owner Route I Box 924. Fifth House South of Grunge Hull Sldl)KIIN'wopri7oonV"hoiiie. cloie In. Iimilntcri, Ahlicalim Hldlnil, electric lirnl. Mhinll flown jiHymrnt with low month ly imymcnt, Phone 537jl. P'VVn SALIC, well' Unproved Iwo ncrcn on Knno 81 Tclrphonci 4II7U or call at HIM" Kane. 2 BEDROOM ' FURNISHED (1250 down will handle this com fortable two bedroom modern Home near Hillside. Completely and well furnished good foundation, large comer lot, garage and work shop. Full price (5250. MILLS Nearly new one bedroom modern home. Excellent condition through out. Beautiful kitchen, wall to wall carpeting. Insulated walls nnd ceil ings, attached garage, laundry room and work shop. (6500. Term, HOT SPRINGS Very attractive three bedroom home In fine location. Extra large living room with fireplace. Dining room and convenient kitchen. Two full baths, sewing room, basement. Also three room guest house nt rear of lot. (17,000. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) ALSCHMECK REALTOR nnd INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 Ph. 5658 Eves. 2-24C0 Eves. 5703 Eves. CH,LCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 ONLY $3500 For this rich half acre with com fortable 1 bedroom house, large garage with spare bedroom In rear, chicken house and small barn. Good terms can be arranged. $6300 BEST BUY $45 pcr M FOR YOUR EARLY SPRING NEEDS IN LUMBER 8-1012 in. TOKETEE FIR SHIPLAP 2x4 S4S 2.6 S4S DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY WANTED, utted truck bed about 16 ft. Call 2-12fl4 evening WANTED to rrnl. 2 bedroom unfur- nirhed hounc. Clote in. Adult. Frione fiTrfJ7. WANTED. David Bradley or Harris Bale Loader. Adams Ranch, phone 7221 Merrill. FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. . . . Your Choice Only (1 EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. 6th Phone 5708 Ro.e Stotor Co flip and 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Par Onl? (100 (7.27 Mo Repav In 18 Installments UP VO (300 ON FURNITURE OR 8 ALARY UP TO (1200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars "nance1 at bank rate "MONEY LN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. iQ year serving KlamaUi Basin See "Chuck" Bailey. Mt. 114 N 7th St. Phone 3325 8-341 M-27 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. IMS Market Phone 5149 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1949 OLDS CLUB COUPE 1949 STUDE. CHAMPION 1947 FORD 3-PASS. COUPE 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1949 DODGE CORONET 1948 PONTIAC SEDANET 1946 FORD CLUB COUPE $7.00 Down Specials "38 Plymouth ( 97 "38 Chevrolet 37 Plymouth ..t. (127 39 Plymouth 36 Pontiac $ 67 9 Plymouth impel ,!-.c,n. ...... m ..... $397. ,.wi For the BEST in the WEST see DUGAN & MESlto. 4 DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS . 1 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 "1 - H DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 POSTS for sale. Red Juniper and Ce dar. Phone 23 Malm. STARK BROTHERS Nuraery. Fruit trees and ahruba. Pnone a-Kt, CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 2-I1S7 910 Spring Phone 5610 Buys this attractive 2 bedroom .sub urban home, S years old, automatic heat, hardwood floors, concrete foundation rietnrhed Dftrnne. thor oughly modern, 'i acre good lrn-3 gated soil. On pnved strret and " bus line. Only $1000 down, $52 per month. I ROOFING Built-up Composition Shingles Aluminum Shingles SIDING Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443. Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED Commercial Furnishes Cash! i.-c-r, PtmNlTl.BE va1u4 Can alW3'5 be found at Kiamain rurmiuia - . Main. Phone s-uj- 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe. 70 cents per loot. , . ,. DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone Joe Ban. 9755. OIL atoraga tanks. S35 Market. Peyton and Co CRUSHED ROCK, Phone 551 1: driveway cinders. LANDSCAPING, evergreens. shrubs and trees. We trim, apray and remove 1kes"orb GARDENS NURSERX Phone 4286 MIRRORS resUvered, new mirrors made to order. KlmbaUs Glass Shop Phone 7378. ; FOR SALE, used -electric range. SZSO. Halter rumnurc. am " BROKEN window glass replaced. Kim- 1 balls Glass anop. rnont . 55 AUTOMOTIVE V I f ASHLEY'S ( JC I YEAR MAKE MODEL 1942 BUICK Sedanet 1942 CHEV. 4-Dr. Sedan 1941 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Sedan ... 1941 NASH 4-Dr.' Sedan : 1941 PLYMOUTH Coupe ...... 1941 MERCURY Coupe 1 940 CHRYSLER 4-Dr. Sedan . 1940 DODGE Vz Ton Panel ..... USED CAES 4 us. . PRfE rrt i .... $450 .... $450 .... $235 .... $'245 Hte ..... m ..... $05 CASH LOANS (50 to (300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary FUEL HEATING X HUMES FOR 8AI.E KVKIIETT DENNIS IIKAI.'IUR Den Klrkoslrlck. Salesman f N HIS . . P'l 4.J f oil KALE hy owner. Small" modern two hcriroum home In HIUhIiIo socllon. Phone 7SS.1 or rail at I2S shelilon. ilEHrLftti,K'IIANCII IN VALLEY ml acre siinily huun ill, near Adum I'olnl. 14", ei-res rea'ly for noltitoes. la nerea of clover, hnlnnce barley and ftlfnlfa. Twit bedroom inorlcrn home, barn, chicken house. $27..1(H. Terms If (loBjre(IErlP.()pc;Merrlll. T'Oti 'SALE. (Ivn hedriinin modern hoiie, corner leal . by owner. (31100. Phimo liia, Merrill, Oregon. MILLS ADDITION (4.950.00 Attractive 2 bedroom bungalow only 4 blocks to school. Automatic floor furnace, fireplace and concrete foundation. Terms. $9,500.00 Lovely new 5 room home on paved street. Only B months old. Large closets, hardwood throughout, dining room and ex tra large living room. Large gar age. Well built nnd conveniently arranged. Reasonable terms. SOUTH SUBURBS $5,600.00 Newly redecorntcd modern 2 bedroom furnished home. Gar age and work shop. Solid founda tion. Paved street past the door. Very economical to hent. Assume O.I. loan or rcflnnnce. $6,500.00 F.H.A. Appraised 3 year old 2 bedroom home In the Sum mers Lane District, Extra large living room. Automatic floor fur nace, gnrngo nnd work shop and 'i acre of good fertile soil, Also small burn. Al Longmlic Joe Perry Eves. 0724 Eves, 5332 BURTON E.GRAY REALTOR nnel INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Ph. 3005 or 3421 NEW MODERN 2 BEDROOM In Hot Springs. This benutlful home was built last year. Yard Is completed, with lnwn, automatic copper sprinkler system, stone walls, etc. Full concrete basement, complete with garage, work shop, utility room, large party room with bar and second fireplace. Fully In sulated, electric hent, comfortable separate dining room, nnturnl wood cabinets In kitchen, tiled bath, and a world of built In storage spare. Cnll us for an appointment now. INCOME Located In Mills, this property con sists of 8 rental units. Total In come now (155 pcr month net. This enn be substantially Increased with very little expense. Total price $15,750, Open Evenings by Appointment See Don Slonn Homer Stiles Fred Scott Phone 5658 Eves. 2-2460 Eves. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4504 or 5523 SUBURBAN $4200 full price for a 5 room home on large corner lot. Concrete foundation. Well Insulated. Electric heat. Small down payment. Anne Mnson Eves. 6714 Eddie Hoslcy 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S, 9th Phono 7266 FOR SALK. fl percent contract on bouse and laise lot on Mnnranlln Hot Sprinns. Due for foreclosure around (2,300, worth $4,000, Closing partnership. P.O. BOX 7S4. NF.W HOMES for sale. Powell. Phone 8020. William B. STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove ' Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Gunrantee Of Hcnting Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER - Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Sprint; SU Phone 4153 SiHl GOVT, wood i'oal kitchen n to yes and parlor heaters! u!sed but exrel- irni:i en. fou, io .w. Buna PnrttanH. firp. S & II GtlKEN STAMPS Riven on heit tnjt oils Phon 3ti81 or 2-9-60 (or orompt del'vftr. CLIFF VADFN'S S1GNA1. SERVICt 2.160 So 6th STANDARD HEATING OIL Steve, furnace light fuel, coal, wood. charcoal Peyton and co. ku Market. rnone 3H9. DHiTTlue blocks for sale. Open eve nine and weekends. Metiers Bros. PltVsTOl.OGS pickup or delivered, Ciiff Yadens Sicnal Service. 3560 So flih Phone 3flSI or 2-9-tlO. 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES otifnoAitn MOTOR Lay-away. Buy vnur low-nrirrd smooth-perform in Keo Kinfl motor on lay-away. S10 holds it until Mav I. with no payment neces sary until then. Be ready for the "sen- r.on, .t II. t. iNeuiTHi twin ?-;. i n.r. gearshift twin S24I. MONTGOMERY WARD ftth and Pine Phone niRR ANDERSON Boarding Kennels Phon 3047 S6H8 Delawa-e off Homcdaie. HOARDING KENNELS Dor hoard i iir by day. week or month Sm.it At-v kennels. Well balanced diet Clean individual oMtdoor runs for each do Dors handled durta maung. vtui ptcK up and oenver Vlcitnr- Welcome Phon M7B Werrm Rd. Rt 2. Bok 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 40 TO EXCHANGE KlllllY Attachments and polisher $33. P h one 20Q. t 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for Miy amount. Top market prices mr uuu iiuhihjt. i For quotations PHONK 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS YOU SALK Jersey cow nnd call. Route 2 Hox 444. Phone 2-20;W. v o 1 f s.A I.E. 1 1 1 ice hon rs. Phono FOR SALE, day old calves. 1U22 Home- fltue, WANTED colored nena, Phone 4391. $50 to 1500 A u torn ob ilea (paid (or or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed I Make your deals CASH deals I I FOMMERCIAL ClNANCE Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. UC S-251 N-223 107 No Bth Phon 7711 1950 . OLDSMOBILE ROCKET "98" CLUB SEDAN Full equipment, one owner. Service record on We. Salety-Tested and guaranteed. $2295 Dick B. Miller Co. 1939 FORD Vi Ton Pickup '.. $235 1939 OLDS 2-Dr. Sedan $225 1936 CHEV. Vi Ton Pickup..:.. $H5 1936 ZEPHYR 4-Dr. Sedan $$5 AcWow r.h o i 1 1 s y n ' i i s v i 1 "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th arid 623 Oak near So. 6th r- nini SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE KELVINATOR refrigerator. 3.5 cu. (t. SiiO. Phone ti.174 days. HIAWATHA alrl's bicycle for kale. Phone 2-tiri4 after 3:30 p.m. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 SEARS refrigerator, lot. Point range. Montgomery Ward was, her. All in A-l condition. All for sitJO. See owner at People's. Warehouse. - mn sale, used bathroom fixtures. Small oil stove. Phone 2-1625. AUUiNU MACHINES, caiculatora, type writers, cash registers, deska, chairs, (lies, for sale or rent. PlONttK UM-itB aurrn 62! Main Phone 7412 EL.LC THOLUX CLEANER and polishei and supplies. Phone 7167 farkei Tweet U-J MHIKCl. Kin k a l.F!. lute model D-2 with or without dozer. W. J Dixon. Macdoel. t-ntj ai F flhout :5 ton eood stock hay, 15 tvns oats, balance alfalfa. Lad die Toieii. pnone KOH SALE, twin size inner spring mat tress. Likencw. Phone -38. , Vv7VtKINS PHODUCTS. Phone 633il. EACH EXCHANGE w hn used ttres. O.K.. Rubber Weld' r. 2Jtfl so- em. rnone -.uj. 3u "ION choice aitalln nay. Paul Chris tv Route 2 Box 176, Tulclake. Calif ornia. Phone Newell 2233. i-UH SAt.L. catilifi pointoes. Phnne flVM skluNIJ cut tint: ait aha hay for wale. (i .P. Wii. Bonanm. Ore. Ph. 21t7. GOVT. iJLDC. SALE: 20 ft. X 40 It. Ani HunlcK houses! Only SI 300 - Complete, including free delivery In nunioercd, easy -u.-ereci panels aircci "o vour lot! TEXAS WRECKING CO. N.W. Front Portland. Ore. FOR SALE, certified Netted Gem seed potatoes. Grade A. one to six ounce, fa.ao without bag At Algoma. Phone 3-0337 or AlRoma l- AN SCO Rf Ilex Camera. Case, flash gun. New condltion.i.'u. --.-iw. FOlfliALE. while leghorn chickens also potatoesPhonc Jfll3J FOR SALE", four new blond limed oak living room tables. Walnut antique nec dlcmiint occasional chair, needlepoint fireside bench. SpOde dlnnerware (But- nrattomi. innmi. nictures. mir rors. Other numerous articles. Phone H2B3 or see at '.r1-. small wood cook range. iiKe new. i j prlrt.S'iJ't2l?.il..0?.k: vna -ai e mnimonnv mirror top cof fee table 520. Good condition. Glass front door with Venetian blind. Inquire 1643 MUCncil. Vnn A t V FrloirlAlr" dePO frCMC 8- cight tenths cu. ft. $273. Lunnie Adams, Box 034, Chlloquln, Oregon. Phone 327, BEST VALUES! , USED 1 RUCKS -CARS . GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 077 S 7th Phone 7771 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO, Main at Etolanade 1950 CADILLAC "62" 4-D00R SEDAN Fully equipped and lully guaran teed. We sold new and have service record on file from that date. Ph. J3 . ma " $3345 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 11M9 CROSLEY station uagon. radio and heater, good shape. 4100 Washburn Way. WILL PAY CASH lor U pickup. Phont 2-IB3.Y COMPLETE aulo slass service. Prompt, reasonable. Kimballs Glass Shop. Phone 7378. BUS SARtj ANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets Phone 82115 fc NEED CAKS: Gel top price now Rose Motor Co aih and Plum WHY WALK? 'DRIVE MURE MOTORS 303 E Main Phone 3570 "W will sell vour car lor vou." W buy an.l trade' WOULD like lo buy IP32 to :U Ford coupe. State price. Write Box 24. Her ald Kews. 1951 WILLYS pickup In Immaculate con dition. Less than 5,000 miles. Has bia healer, defroster, spare tiro never been used. Really a bargain 1.1!I5. Dlmbal Motors, sun Mnin. in.,., nAlir.f a.Hlin OllO OWhCr. LOW mlleaae. Radio nnd heater. Excellent condition. S1.000. pnone uu.m. FOR SALE, late IMO Chevrolet 4-iloor k..,.. .vnll.nt cnndltlon. SI400. Dorrl's Motel', Dorrlt, Calllornla. Phone 1011 alter 3. . tot a NEW or USED TRUCK; Always See ,. "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath ?hone 2-2S81 1951 CHEVROLET 1 DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Power-Ollde. 10,000 miles. New car condition In every respect. $1895 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th It Klamath Phone 4103 FEBRUARY iT' The Shortest Month Jt BRINGS THE YEAR'S ' , SHORTEST: PRICES 51 '49 49 '48 '48 48' '47 '50 '47 '41: '40 '39 BUICK Spec. 4-Dr. Sedan DODGE Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan PONTIAC "8" 4-Dr. Sedan HUDSON Super "8" 4-Dr. Sdn. HUDSON Com. "8" 4-Dr. Sdn.- . PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan OLDS "8" 4-Dr. Sedan STUDE. Charnp. $ 4- Dr. Sedan STUDE. Champ. 8-Pass. Cpe. PONTIAC "6" 2-Dr. Sedan BUICK Convertible CHEVROLET 5- Pass. Cpe. $229S '1565 136155 1435; '1465: '1195: 1545s 1050 425 1 395 325 JUCKELAND MOTORS llth & Klamath Phone j-Soitl ONE 1049 Ford Club Coupe V-8. Radio', and heater. Good upholstering. Verjrn good rubber. In first class condition. l.;5.'i- r loyn . ujru ..uw..,, . ., lake. Phone 7-2072. 'y fi47 BUICK. Hoadmasler sedan, ridlofc f ! and healer. Priced for Immediate alet; i ; : Sinoo. Phone a-o:nl after .J.m; ;si FOR SALE or Irado for i4T-4n Chevro.t ( ' let 1047 DeSoto 4 door sedan. Accos-j ; soHes. Phone 2-24:14. roiiSALE, 1H50 Plymouth illation Wm '.: gon. Less than 17.1X10 miles. Cal af i( : aiOQNlghts and Sundays 6240. '.i-Jk ! 1 Sot MODEL A coupe Good Urea,, mijt ')., tor fair. 100. Phona Merrill, J2I2. 'c J,