AOS TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREOON MONDAY, FEnnUARY IB, 1052 if -4 MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grain Prices Fall From Saturday CHICAGO I The grain mar ket failed to carry through Mon day with the strong upsurge noted In the closing half hour Saturday. That neeatlve development wmt tne market's main feature. For most of the session the market Just puttered along with trading a title more active than most of last week and prices a little lower than Saturday's finish. Fairly liberal cash grain re ceipts, a prediction for moisture in pan 01 me ary winter wneat area, lack of support from mills ana tne aoscnce of any export business combined to set the tone lor -the slightly easier market. Wheat closed lower to ' high er, March 12.53 corn V jdwft, March $1.81 a-,.?., oats V4-!4 lower, March 83 Vi-83, rye to 1 cent lower. May $1.96 soybeans and lard 3 to 27 cents a hundred pounds lower, March $13.05. Wheat Open High Low Close 2.53 2.53 1, 2.52 , 2.53 H 2.51 2.51 i 2.50 Vi 2.51 2.45 a. 2.46 K 2.44 '4 2.45 'i Mar May Jly. 2.47 , 2.47 , 2.46 V 2.47 y pec 2.50 Mi 2.50 2.49 14 2.50 Stock Price Front Raggedly Lower NEW YORK (J) The stock market presented a raggedly low er price front Monday with trad ing quiet. Losses went a bit past the 2 point mark while gains ran to nearly 2 points with the downside crowded. Volume of trading contracted to an estimated 1,100.000 shares, around the lowest level of the year. Oils and chemicals were In the forefront of the fall while a vain attempt was made at one time by we raus to siari a rally. SUN OF CANADA CUTS COST OF INSURANCE "VcaaoaVs hading IHt company again increases VjpoicyhoWers' dividends f With 47 of Its assets fa. j vested la the United States and 4 announcing a further Increase ; In policy dividends, redactor In aranee costs, the sun. Ufa Assurance Company of Canada has Just released Its 81st Annual Report revealing the largest vol ume of new life Insurance issued by any Canadian company In 1951 over $461 million; an all- 4ime high in benefits paid, and an' increase in too interest rata earned on the assets last year. George W. Bourke, President, In announcing 1951 figures for Canada's leading life company. 'tutated that total Sua Life in surance In force now stands at $4301,000,000, an increase dur ing the year of (340 million. Annuities In force provide im mediate or future payments to the amount of $104 million per annum. Group insurance in force now totals $1,254 million, an Increase of $168 million (15.5) during 1951. The rate of Interest earned on the assets last year was 3.70 as compared with 3.61 In 1950; 3.48 in 1949 and $.Z0 in 1948. The Sun Life, a leading Inter-? - national me company with ' ! policyholder - service branches ; from coast to coast, last year , paid out to policyholders and , beneficiaries' the all-time record , sum of $125 million. $35 million . was paid to beneficiaries of de ceased policyholders, $16 million under annuity contracts, $36 million -for maturing endow j ments, and the balance in dlvi j dends to policyholders, disability , benefits, etc Since the first Sun , Life policy was issued in 1871, , total benefits paid to policy- -holders and beneficiaries have 'amounted to $2,486 million. I While the Company operates In 1 20 countries, 90 of the business originates In the United States, : Canada and Great Britain. A copy of the Son Life's complete 1951 Annual Report ro-jroucynoiaers, including me rTesiaenrs review of tne year. nwy oe ODtamea zrora D. DUANE BAKER Telephone 7777 2621 RadcUffe Street Klamath Falls, Oregon I Reply to Want Ad Music Publisher 1 MUSIC HOUSE -rma but. ApHr ' Max Winkler, Inventor of musical cueing ior pictures in silent-movie days and F now head of Belwin, he., one of the world's largest J music publishers, got his first "break" as a penniless Immigrant In 1907 when ha answered a Help Wanted ad in the New Yorker Staats- ' Zeitung placed by the great ' Carl Fischer Music House. k Want- Ads Mean ' Opportunity IS H Ttrrt mitt f m& tm MiHHf ClMt. M Ad.fttiiini rtiuit it, wt Kcfpt. Hntii rariA (n l, NW Ir, tiiwl 41, fit I Here In Klamath Want Ads Work Wonders HERALD & la Hit Quotations New York Storks By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical 27 Yt 71 i Allls Chalmers 50 S American Airlines American Power & Light American Tel. It Tel. American Tobacco 14 H 23 Vj 158 62 60 S 78 y 50 46 , 64H 17 ' Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific 26 V 34 a. 47 , 44 j 71 ' 108 s 33 Ti 57 9 V, 58 88 3, 45 . 14 i Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Crown Zrllerbach Curtiss Wright . Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric 56 S 44 V 51 ' 21 3i 44 4 35 H 34 . 49 Vi 63 i 84 H 8 4 22 16 i 41 H 621i 18 General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester '' International Paper Johns Manvllle Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Keivinator New York Central Northern Pacific 18 , 66 hi 35 110 4 4 70 4 18 V 9 l, 28 25 62 V 36 j 42 63 H 54 ?, 31 Pacific American Fish racinc uas s Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R. R. f epsi cola co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. 55 37 7'4 63 52 " 77 ti 32 Vt 10 H 32 H Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining swift & company Transamerlca Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific 23 4 18 , 38 . HZ 30 '4 314, 33 39 4 14 42 l 26 35 43 united Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westlnghouse Electric Woolworth company Potatoes CHICAGO Wt (USDA) Pota. toes: Arrivals 392, on track 465: total U.S. shipments Friday 840, Saturday 658. and Sunday 20: kud- plies increasing; for best stock, de mand moderate, market steadv: for others, demand slow, market dull; track sales, carlots: Minneso ta North Dakota Pontiacs 84.25-66 washed: local: Idaho Russets $5.66- utilitles 84.76. standards $5.25. bakers $6.26: Colorado McClures $5.26. Street sales, according to basis of sale: Colorado McClures $5.50-71; Idaho Russets $6.21-46; Minnesota North Dakota Pontiacs $5.16-39; Wisconsin round whites $4.50; per 500 lb: Maine Katahdins $2.4040; new stock: Florida Tri umphs $3.39-50. Recommended By Many Leading DM DOCTORS to relieve distress of CHEST COLDS gas Iraak Ds Paisfal Ucafeaaj Caag utita A number of baby doctor today are recommending Child's Mild Huiterole to promptly relieve coughs, ore throat, localited inflam mation and to break up conmtion in nose, throat and upper bronchial tubes of the lungs. Just rub it onl Muaterole instantly creates s wonder- ful nation of protective loarmtA on cneti, tnroac ana naca and brings mz- "'K "u. mcni mo ntguiar mna Extra Strong Musterolt for adults. Child's Mild I NEWS . Mark jk w ys Portland Livestock PORTLAND Ml (USDAV Cat lie: Salable 1,000: market uneven; sieera generally steady: cows steaay to BO cents higher with beef cows at advance and all cows 1.00 and more above last Mnnrlnv lnH choice experimentally fed steers 34.75: few loads Bood-chol on. i.uo ids ico steers 34.on-.uv 634-1,100 lb fed steers mnatlv M no. ou; commercial grades 30.00-32.00: utility 25.00-29.00: medium 850-950 lb stockers 27.00-28.00: nrfrl onnH neuurs aj.uusu.ou; few com mercial grades 29.00-30.00; utility ucuvis 44.3u-jo.uu: canrtpr.riitti.r cows largely 16.50-19.50; few 20.00; utility cows mostly 21.00-25.00; lew lots utility-commercial grades 25.-50-26.00: two loads rnmmnrr-iiil 1 . 035 and 1.181 lb cows 37.60; com mercial bulls 28.50-30.00: utility 25.-50-28.00. Calves: Salable 100: market steady; choice vealcrs 84.00-37.00; commercial-good grades 37.00-33.00 utility 20.00-26 00; culls down to 14. 00; choice light stock calves up to 40.00 ; 650 lbs 35.00. iiogs: saiBOle 1,200: market slow mostly steadv: chnlr-e inn-ass ih largely 19.75-20.00; few No. 3 butchers 19.25; 250-280 lbs 18.50; 75; choice 165-175 lbs 19.00-50: 150 lbs down to 18.00: choice 350-550 lb sows 15.25-16.50; lighter weights uo io K.uu-su; good cholco 61-115 lb leeaer pigs n.oo-18.00. Sheep: Salable 600; market slow, fully 50 cents lower: liberal simnlv heavy weight lambs off more: few good-choice 77-109 lb wooled lambs 37.00-50; several lots choice 111-133 lb 24.00-25.00 : 90 lb utility lambs 33.00; cull ewes 6.00-8.00; utility graaes to ll.uu. Portland Grain PORTLAND UPI No cos grains. Wheat (bid), to arrive market oasis jno. i ouik, delivered coast soit wmte 3.50; soft white (ex cluding rex) 2.50; white club 2.50, tiara rea winter: Ordinary 2.52 10 per cent 2.52; 11 per cent 2.52 12 per cent 2.52. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.50 10 per cent 2.50; 11 per cent 2.50 12 per cent 2.50. Mondays car receipts: Wheat -, uuney i; nour 14; corn 6; , mm ieua iu. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO (Pi Hog suDDlies were me smallest Monday for anv Monday since Dec. 31 but demand was even smaller. In consequence, the market was steady to as much io cents lower, cattle were un evenly 50 cents lower tn ns mh higher. Early sales in the sheen ucum uncut were steady out none of these were lambs. Most butcher weight hogs sold from $16.25 to $18.25 with order buyers going to $18.30 as the prac- ucai tup oi me market, sows look $14.50 to $16.25. Choice to prime steers ranged from $33.00 to $38.75 with good to low-prime heifers brine $30.00 to $3.75. Two loads of prime heifers grading high-choice to prime top ped at $36.00. Cows were $24.00 and below, bulls from $29.00. and veal ers from $39.00 downward. Asking prices on fed wooled lambs were up to $28.50 but early bids stooped at $28.00 or lower. Choice fed yearlings rated $22.00 and comparable grade ewes $14.50. Receipts included an estimated 14,000 hogs, 15,000 cattle, 300 calves, and 5,000 sheep. Portland Poultry PORTLAND MV-Eggs To whole salers: Candled eggs containing no loss, cases Included. Fo.b. Port land; A large, 44'i-45v2c; A me dium, 44':,; B grade large. 40-41 Vc. Eggs To retailers grade AA large, 51-52c; A large 48-49c: A medium 48-49c: A medium 46-48c; cartons 3c additional. Live chickens No. 1 quality f.o.b. plants; fryers, 2'i-3 lbs, 32-33c, 3-4 lbs, 32-33c; roasters, 4 lbs and over, 30-32c; light heas. all weights, 21-2c; heavy hens, all weights, 24-25c; old roosters, all weights, 13-15c. Potato Shipments 50-51 '51-52 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 42 41 39 22 500 .....8054 54 0 474 7383 Feb. 17 Month to date . Season to date Funeral I-OIXAMA Funeral service! for Clarence Scotty Lolcama, 49. were held from O'Hair'i Memorial Chapel, Monday, rb. 18 at 2 p.m. Klamath Falli Lodrfe B-P-O. Elkj officiating. Interment was made in the Klamath Memorial cemetery. "Hot Flashes" Stopped or strikingly relieved In 63-80 of cases tn docton'teilt If you're miserable from the "hot flashes," and accompanying irritable, restless feelings of "change of life" you may be suffering unnecessarily! For ... in tests by doctors . . . Lydia Pinkham's Compound and Tablets brought relief from such functionally caused suffering to 63 and 80 (re- giectively) of the women tested! omplete or striking relief I Yesl Research has proved these med icines thoroughly modern in action . . . has shown you where to look for relief from those distressing, ner.ous, "out of aorta" feelings of mld-llfe "change"! So. ..get Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound or new. Improved Tablet, with added iron! iWondcrul, too, lor the functional paint o menttrual period.) Hhb. 1( ana through a woman'! IO IIWlrlMI, OH JOI 1I0 ID KLomaTM u.s, ORceort UIH1 MO i'iv- s. ' I "i.-:':' .t-i.S&, WALTER AMBROGETTI JR at a party given on his seventh birthday for him and his classmates of Mills School second grade by the Fraternal Order of Eagles Saturday after noon, Feb. 9, at the FOE Hall. He is the son of the late Walter Ambrogetti Sr., who was killed in action over England in 1945. Young Walter is the only Klamath County "war orphan" at the present to come under the Fraternal Order of Eagles Memorial Founda tion, which cares for widows and orplians of World War II. Pictured with him is his mother, Mrs. Ed Ybarra, and his 2 year old sister, Joanna. Photo by Kcttlcr YACHT CLUB OFFICERS FOR 1952 Seated (1 to r) Elbert Stiles, director; Howard Pernell, commodore; Lewis Kandra, director. Standing (1 to r) Lloyd Derby, secretary; Bruce Davis, treasurer; and Bill Owens, director. Neil Black, vice commodore; Wcs Gu derian, director; and Bob Wagner, director, are not in the picture. it ' k " i & I f - COMMITTEE OF THE American Legion Post No. 8 auxiliary making plans for the auxil iary's hostess activities for the state American Legion convention here next summer are (left to right) Mrs. Charles TIahn, Mrs. Paul Otterbein, Mrs. Fred Heilbronncr (seated), chairman, Mrs. H. W. Petrick and Mrs. Bogue Dale. LUCKY MISS NEW HAVEN. Conn. Wl Miss Fumlye Miho, Honolulu-born Jap anese who was studying In Japan probably wouldn't be alive and a student at the Yale Divinity School today if she hadn't missed a train seven years ago. The train was one on which she commuted 15 miles daily to Hiroshima, and the day she missed It was August 6, 1945. The atom bomb fell that day. Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment 11th & Walnut Ph. 7709 j Weather Western Oregon Considerable cloudiness and a few showers of rain or snow Monday and Monday nlHht. Occasional rain or mixed rain and snow Tuesday. Snow in mountains. A little warmer on coast Tuesday. Highs both Monday and Tuesday 38 to 48. Lows Mon day niKht 28 to 36. Winds off coast southeasterly and 10 to 20 miles an hour Monday, Increasing to 20 to M Tuesday. Eastern Oregon Partly cloudy with snow flurries Monday and Monday night. Tuesday consider able cloudiness and more frequent snow flurries. Highs both Monday and Tuesday 26 to 3G. Lows Monday night 10 to 22, As low as zero In higher valleys. Grunts Pass and vicinity Partly cloudy with few light show ers of rain or snow Monday and Monday nignt. occasional rain or mixed rain and snow Tuesday. - "U V f High Monday 40. Low Monday night 30. High Tuesday 44. 24 hours to 4:30 a.m. Monday Baker 30-3 T Bend 35 10 T Eugene 46 30 .02 La Orandc :n 7 .05 Lakevlnw VB 10 .11 Mcdford 40 20 .01 North Bend 3R 33 .44 Ontario 32 3 T Pendleton 30 20 T Portland 44 30 T Roseburg 43 30 . T Salem 45 27 .03 Boise 34 17 Chicago 38 25 Denver 58 25 Eureka 42 35 .66 Los Angeles 50 41 New York 39 32 .41 Red Bluff 50 34 San Francisco 60 30 .12 Seattle 2 32 T Spokane 33 20 .03 CLASSIFIED RATES One day per word Thres Days ', per word Uo Week run per word 20o Month run per word fl&o MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad Is toe. DOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at tho paper for a aervlcs cnargo 'Do. DEADLINES Classified aus aocepwa up to 8:30 pjn. lur luiiuwum ub e iiuuui-awuu Classified display ads aocepted up to 13 noou for following day i pub lication. (r ADJUSTMENTS Please mnxa all olaiuis lor adjust menu without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 8:30 p.m. will be made In following day's publication C fUNIRAl HOMIS WAI1D S KI.m.Th runiral Home, til HUH Blrtal Phone 3M MUTING NOTICIJ IOOF NO. 137 Every Tuesday 8:00 P.M. Fifth and Main Sts. Stated meeting Scot tish rtlte Bodies Mnn (lay. Feb. 18th,. at 8:00 p.m. Election of onl cers, Lodge of PerfeC' tlon, and conferring of 7tli Degree. Refresh- menu served. Herman Olsvold, Secy, Leaal NotirA ffOTlCK TO CKKDITOHS IN THK CIRCUIT COtlHT Of THK HTATK Or OHrtJON IN THE MATTKH or THE If ST ATI OK ELM EH C. MANNING. DECEAWKU Jt i "roy givpn that th uiulor Liiiiivu nununitira tur of the, iiti ( Kiinsr c. Mannli dcfl by th Circuit Court of tha Mat of Orrn for Klamath County, and hai qi.allfltd All Mnoni having rlatmi again. t tha aa(it tat ar herrnv intiif tn duly vanned by law rnuird to Clerk of Klamath County at aaid Clrk in lh Cou,f Klamath rail Orvffort within aU month from iiUVc1 nd Ural publlahad. rabruary iJw ' ' ' l,ubIl",1n. Marth 10 Adminutrator for uld atUla Attornay for Admv. 511 IVarann 4th. Avt. Dldg. Portland. Oregon r-ii-10-aa M-j-io no, Kala of Tlmhtfr. Klamath Indian Mm. rvation. Aaalad hlda In duplicate, on forma provided therefore, marked out aide. "llld. Wlldhone No. 3A Unln lnit. addreaed to the Nuperlntenaenl. Klamath Indian Agency, Klamath pnct: Tmt"n- w"l rerelvad until r M . ramie HUndard Time. April B. ItM and will im roniifiwrirf the equivalent of oral aurtlon blda and ihisu mr ine information or all bid dera. Oral aurtlon hide will fx . ceived by the Huperlntendent. Klamath luian nrr. ueginnintf at 3 00 r M , Pacldc btandard Time, April I. 1032, inr tna purrhaae of tlmlrer on the Wlldhorae No. 3A Louring Unit. The oral auction bidding will be reitrlrled to ihoae who have previously aubmltted an acceptable aealed bid in acrordanca with thu notice The unit Includea ap proximately 7.80 arrea of timber landa With a total eallmated Hand in ha mi which eallrnate ! lint euaranlred. of approximately 4,oOO,ooo fret II M. of pontic rot pine. 3.(XM).000 fret n M. of augar pine. poatlbla amall volume of Dougl fir. tncenae cedar, white fir ann omer pec lea. Kach bidder mual tale the prire per thousand fet B M. Scribner Decimal C Ig Hcale that will o pain ror limner rut and Braird prior to any readjustment of ratea aa ipacl. flrd In tha contract. No bid will be considered for )e than .TT 23 per thouaand ftet RM. for ponderoaa pine and augar pine. 912. JO per thousand feet B M for Uouglaa fir and Incense cedar, 3.U per thousand fret D M for white fir, and $3.03 per thousand fVet B M. for other apeclea. A certified cnecR for Hlvty thousand doltara fo, oooi on a anlvent bank, payable lo the Treasurer of the United Statea. must accompany each sealed bid. Heraona oiaaing ior or on tMhelf or companies, corporation, or oarlnerahlne mml al the time of bidding aubtnlt In writing conclusive evidence of their authority to do so. The deposits will be returned to the unsuccessful bidden The de posit of the successful bidder will be applied as part of the ourchaae nrlce against timber cut on thla unit only or retained aa liquidated damagaa If the bidder ahall not execute the contract and rurnian satisfactory bond for rifty thousand dollar itM.OOQi within alxty days from acceptance of his bid. If an oral hid la declared to be high at the close of the auction, the rudder must immediately confirm the bid by submitting it in writing on an Indian Service bid form. The right tn waive ircnnicai aeierta ana to reject any and all hlda la reserved. The contract will specify that all designated timber ahall be cut and removed from the unit prior to April 1, MM, Before blda are submitted full Information concerning the timber, the) conditions of sale, and the submission of bids, ahould he ob talned from the Superintendent, Klam ath Indian Agency, Klamath Agency, urcgon; inn Area lm rector, Indian Service. Building 1. Swan Island. Port land 18, Oregon; or the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington 35, DC Dated THIS 3th day of January 1033 ai waantngtnn, u, c. naie r.. noty, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. j M r-4-M-iB-aa M-3-in-n No. nsn NATIONAL KOnKflT TIMBER rein halt. Scaled blda will b racelvcd by tht rorcai supervisor, u. a rnrftai Hvrv Ice. P. O. Box 82(1. Klamath Falli. Oregon, tip tn an nut later than 2:00 p.m. l-aetllc standard Time. March , 10.12. for all live and dead timber marked or deilgnated fnr cuttlnf. and all other merchantable dead timber lo cated on an area embracing about so .crci in section n. i. :i M. . H. ff E-. W.M.. lylna two to four mltea northweat of Pelican Guard Station, iioaue mvvr national rnreai, uregon, estimated lo be 87,000 feet board mea. aura more or leal or oonderoaa d im ana augar pine, lan.uuo feet ooard meaiure more or less of Dnuelaii.f r. and 122,000 feet board measure more or leas o wh te fir and other snecles. No bid of less than 127.2.1 per M board feet for ponderoaa pine and augnr pine, $7.00 per M board feet fnr Douglas. fir. and 11.00 per M board (eet for white fir and other species, will be considered. In addition to the prices bid for stlimpage, a cooperative de posit of 1.00 per M feet board mea sure to be used by the Forest Serv ice for paying the coat of slash dis posal, and a cooperative deposit of $:i.00 per M board foet to cover the cost of tree planting, tree seed low- inn, ana iimoer nana improvement work on the area cut over, for the total cut of timber tinder tha terms of the agreement, will be required. 91.800.00 must acenmnanv eneh hid. tn be applied on the purchase price, re funded, or retained aa liquidated dam ages, according to the conditions of saie. me right to reject any and all bids la reserved. Before hlda are sub mitted, full Information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and the submission of bids, ahnuM be obtained tram tha District Ranger, Klamath Falls, Oregon, or the Forest Super visor, Medford, Oregon. F-4-18 No. B70 JOURNALISTIC OUTFIELDER St. LOUIS, Mo. (P) Bob Nle man, the rookie St. Louis Browns' outfielder who made two consecu tive homers nn hln flrar iu,. i.iB to the plate in his first game with wie Brownies mat season, is a Jour nalism student at Kent State Teachers College, Kent, O. NIC man's WlfA la malnrlno- In tlsintr at tha same school. I MUTING) NOTCH Klnmnlli Inline No-vjt A.F. mid A.M. will lull a aprrlitl lurrllnu Turn, I'Vb. 10, 7:30 p in. Work In TO nrgrtT. Vlnltlnv brethren liivtlcct. Dull' Jlrhhrr Worshipful Minlur LOST AND FOUND LlflHT tail over coat iwken from Mei--ra. Party known. Please lelurn and nti questions asked. 4 GINIRAL NOTICI Colored BATH ROOM SETS IN STOCK No Doliiy-Titkn Them Willi Ymil We now linvn ninny stylrs ami rotors to channel from. Fito ltiUmiUe dlnilly Olvrnl COMIC JN TODAY G. C. Motley 813 Klamath Ave. rhone 00 1 6 our old ruslditters, of many years. mat wa are in business again and a lend an invitation to all In see our new equipment and hsva the lieet in ,-ii - i-,i,i,ren s snoe re- p " ., aiuart's HIiik Shop, lo:i;t Main. PERSONALS ltr.AL silk. Phone 02UA WASHINGTON ' lleaillvShT,Tn!veriii appointment!. Phone 3022, lola Washing ton. bllDKlt your Spencer garment irt aelectlna your .ri,i m-m..i...iu ,.. - 7I.U 81Anlefurlsn7"W.' 10 SRVICI M0VINGP77. Cull 74'JS Locnl-Lonu Ulatanre Tlano and nipllnnco nuivlns a apci'lulty Trimafrr mid Hiornito Brkln'a Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 11)18" FIX THAT RADIO. Our nunlllPKit Is Sntlltd CONNER'S SKRVICE CO. Phono (W7H Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE vnn Ilfntf Honest Rates Wclulit Service InMiretl ANDERSEN KHEIOltT LINE 3K02 South Sixth Ph. OHO or 3386 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Ho Bulldnter PHI Dirt Toiuoll Cruihed Rock . Driveway Clnden Compreunr CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phot.e 6M1 or 9110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Nfwwt Siinltnry Metijodi t Aluo n ROTO ROOTER RFRVirP Clean btwer Llnwi of lioou, tto, FD P. KINfl 3434 OrrhBM Phone 0MI Pumpcil, rnnrr lnk n1 drain fist Iff a lnlall -i... . 1 1 .a phon. W170 ,r invsra. lriiiluriMtP - Biii wrpim pa per. Wllh lllhle arena SlaUt.nrry with 3700 aUvsjrn St. I'honp 9t22 GLASS furniture "lopa anrt ariplvrt Phon 7J7H Ml On nhtri, ratlioa and out (ward mo tort. MnMtnnMrdv iu a u th and Pin 1'huua 3IIU. AVOIO iSOtill "NOTrjOiyhnvliu'Wrn: Morgan tun yoitr piano. 4fl yar of xnrinr hav pripartt1 him tn trv ym right! Prion t a-uaoo. Kyle Morgan Piano PXmTINC and pawhanglnii Pbotxi Tit W PH Al TO pamtinR. body and ran gar worn Phnn 4040 KI.KCTH!f2WlH!N(juorlt,"by hour or conUactPhnna 3-inio PUHTAINS ,U)umii.-ad at'haH. T I 1'if T, "" """" Public Aerouniant Offlr at son No. 7th. - Phone 0i4fl a F.t r it a f in w"b . .. " rr - ir -. . chlldran'i clothing Jrnnio Horc, beam.' ti nniia a, ni mnin. I iitV Ti rt l VJii.TZ Z7i ."-.. l. J . u I .. .:.r.La rordann Trench Hue. Call 2-tfiM. ;iM or 4an. OOCTOHS - WAlfilKSSK? - NI'liSKS nr AIITiriiWII lir.r.t'vn aivi ..11 UNironMS. phonr a-amio TUl.Lzn llruahi'a.hnne SHWH or Mil. rOH TURK TIM MM IN G I'non Tor appointment Phona Harvey RUpham. 12 EDUCATIONAL woMr.Ni irei.p rii.i. tiik need E D" Easy In learn i lw,... ...... S) ,nay. Many earn while learnlnr'. rnrr w "'"""J reHHred. Infonnnllcn . m-.-,. iii i-mi-iirai niir- S!1!!.??!! .!...' ""aid anil News. HOUKKKRIMNO ihorlhnncl tvolnaKln. drad aubjerta, of(le machines. KI.AMATH BUSINESS Ctll.l.r.tlF TXt Pine m . . CHiTb" CARrTafn) education. Pre rchool center. Phona 427. 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, thera'pent'ic1 exrrrlses fnf wnniMtt UmI ...1...1... .. ... . 14 HELP WANTED. MALt Phone ar-na!il ht,1,,ll'cn"r wanfe3 WA NTKn '-l.l I. "i -r-.t- -r ... . i ' " lr"rn irietypeseii tiff, must lie exieptlnnollly fast typist. At M;"onl!.1. ."'"' eiliirnllnn. See ?l'lSr,,!l!!.!!l.,l,,nI'lnnLN"'w"J SWANTEh, hniiankpnn'rr "to live In. Willi HZ i,''""!;.","' rive ln ' family. ood wanes. Phone :I7I9. It HELP WANTS B. aaAIR Help Wanted AGRICULTURAL SALESMAN By one of tho lracllwf agricultural uciticranips in inis area. Excellent working conditions. Write BOX 17 HERALD AND NEWS 'I0 VAMII.V WiilSlna mule now livn'll- yuu want your own niisioess wnn ueiicr inan averaite Income, write for information In The J. II. Wnlfcliji lint, million III i ne J. II. WniHIl Co., I;i7 Uexter Avenue, Seattle 0, Wni WANTED, rn-upholstitrrr lo linnillo eoii" tract linhnUlnrliiu nO-bnn u.l .ImIIv. ery. See Mr. Olalr. bears, ltoabuck. 4f rnon siea.