Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 16, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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"1 tUm'l Hunt lo uptrt you,
Mart tin, liul I rr rvrrl grry
PolksiIillS M(ekil IF o on DT t IrQ
r'rulay'a (olli-gr llatkrlball
iiy me nkH(rutra rrr
rr Writ
Wviiriilnii 64, Utah o'l
IIC'LA 1'., Hlnnlorcl UK
miwmm loung uu, uuill miur dii
Cnlllorma OH, Hoiillicin California
Oii'llun 1)7, Orutt"!) Klnir 44
Washington 10, Idaho 114
JTnlurado Bute 411, Colorado Col-
' Irgo 40
Willamette 74. Whltmnn 01
V unpon 10. Oregon Trch Ml
Mrmluiin Uinta (HI, Colorado Mines
Nnrlhwe.il Nar.nrene 17, Wrurr (II
Lewis kiiU Claik It J, Bcullle I'acll
Ic 48
Culll AwtM-s (II, Southern Oregon It
Hratlle 80. OunzuKa 70
( lilro htnlp 97. tliimlmldl Hlnle 61
- I'acllln Lutheran 73, Central Wash-
limlun 611
Pimrl Hound Ml. HI. Martin' 48
Wintworlh 60. Western Wanhlnglon
Ii Anirlr Loyola 61, Whlltlrr 4U
Wlllhniiclle Krush 711, Oregon Edu
cation Jayveri 41
Oiegon Btalo Jay vers 68, Oregon
Jay vers 66
I'aciile Frosli 00, Lewis and Clark
Froth 66
Miami (Oliloi 05, WfMrrn Mlchl
nan 00
Case 77, Western Itr.ierve 61
Eastern Illinois 61, Central Mich
lliun 67
Kansas WcMryan 86. College of
Emporia 6
Culvcr-Blockton 86. William Jew
ell 70
Itlce 63. Ilaylnr 34
letan Trtii 84. Arlrona 61
Arlna Btato (Tempo (10, Texas
Western 66
Arkansas CollrRe 00, Hrndrlx 60
New Mexico WcMcru 04, Adams
Slnle 60 ,
D.H.Mlolllh 611, Yale 60
I'cnn Miner U, KlUKle Island 68
Navy 70, Ituiuers 00
Ion,, 48. Oklahoma Clly 43
Maine 66. Northeastern 64
('onnecllcul 06, New Hampshire 61
Went Vlrmnla Wealryan 77, Mor
ris Harvey (13
Iltmdulu 16 MIT 03
' tr South
'We.il Virginia loo, Washington and
Leo 76
, Virginia 80. VMI 80
' Mouth Carolina 01, Davidson 68
'Ilie Citadel 74. Wollord 04
MiKeiule 42 Creswcll 30
1'lrnsanl Hill 41 Mohawk 38
Trlaimle Lake 86 Lorane 14
hlaylon 42 balrm Acadeinv 41
Hoseburg 57 Myrtle Creek 38
Drain 43 Yoncalln 37
Canyonvlllc 60 Comas 'alley 20
1. 1 It Ion 38 Oakland 37
Cilcndale 43 Riddle 36
Brownsville 69 Shedd 38
Wheeler 4B Neatucca 39
Willamette i Eugene) 60 Oakrldge
1 48
Clatskanle 60 Seaside 68 (over
' tlmei
Oswego 77 Concordia (Portland) 60
Cascade) Locks 42 Maro 41
Hay Clly 60 Nehalem 36
" Fcho 60 Phoenix 34
Sheridan 61 Wlllamlna 40
Dallas 43 Wooribum 33
Keedsporl 48 Ta(t 33
St. Paul 48 Detroit 41
Marshllcld 62 Coqullle 49
fit. Francis (Eugene) 48 Elmlra 33
The Dalles 74 Columbia Prep
i Portland i 71
'. North Bend 63 Myrtle Point 62
Mllwaukle 63 Tillamook 64
' Park Ross 63 Vernonla 63
Albany 70 Lebanon 62
', ' Molalla 62 Cnnby 33
Newborn 63 Beaverlon 60
: McMlnnvllle 77 Forest Orove 67
t'acred Heart (Salem) 67 Cascade
Union 44
Mt. Aimcl 05 Sandy 43
;'."tllverton 52 Estacada 30
Ranks 42 Amity 31
1 Pendleton 08 Hermlston 42
! Klamnth Falls 63 Grants Pass 39
Hcnppose 41 St. Helens 39
rTlgard 61 Hlllsboro 42
Rainier 63 Warronton. 6S
Hherwood 61 Yamhill 34
Dnvton 61 North Marlon 36
Medlord 00 Ashland 64
Jacksonville 60 St. Mary's I Med
lord. 58
Bprlngflcld 37 Corvallls 31
OrcRon Cltv 51 West Linn 49
' Central Catholic. (Portland) 45 As
; torln 32
Bend 78 l.akcvlcw 65
; Nampa (Idaho I 33 Baker 32
, cnrbclt 41 Mosler 34
' Parkdnln (14 Dufur 25
' Clresham 40 Rood River 3.2
; Portland l.eame '
I Incoln 68 JcIIcrson 48
Cleveland 6'.! Benson 32
! Tloosevelt P3 Orant 54
Franklin 61 WashlnRton 48
By The Aasoelated Press
New York Billy Graham, 148,
New York, outpointed Jimmy Her
rlnR. 160, New York, 10.
Hollywood, Calif. Carl "Bono"
Olson, 102, San Francisco, outpoint
ed Tom Harrison, 167, Los Ange
les, 10.
I In 1951 the University of Florida
, Sootuall team scored 18 touchdowns
rtinnlnir, five passing, two on punt
? returns and ono on a pass Inter
J ccptlon,
53 to 39
lly Itl l) II l lll)
' A deal second'hall drlenslve sllnt
plus a third (juarter acorlux blnue
Have the Klamath Pellrana a 63-39
lini.kelbnll win over Urania Pans
last nlKhl.
'I he win was the lourlh slralKht
In district play lor the I'cl and
kept cooktnu their chances of over
tn k IhK Medlord. sllll one game up
with Its win oer Anhlund last
Giants Pasi Ihru.iti-ned In Ilie
III 1.1 hull, three tlmei lying the
score, but never Rained the lead
as Hay Hell ncored Just belure the
Intermission bell to ulve the Klam
ath live a 26-22 hit 111 linn lend.
The second hull was a dllleicut
The Cavemen could pierce the
Pelican defense for Jusl one field
Rbul In each of (he third and
lourth uuurtet's.
Without Dick Jamci' accuracy on
the free throw line' the dnvlnii
RUard dropped II of 14 from Hie
charity slrlpc the Cavemen would
never have been In the Rame.
The Grants Pass train hit with
Just clitht field Rouls In the game,
while the Pels had 10. Bui 23 of
31 from the foul line kept the
score somewhat respectable. The
Pels polled Just li of 37 free
It v. us tied 3-3 early In tho game
aa both teams worked the ball cau
tiously. Then Jerry Johnson gave
the Pelicans a 6-3 lead and Hie
Klamatha nursed a allm advantaite
the rest of the first half, although
Grants Pass manaRed to knot the
count 20-all and 22-all late in the
second chapter.
Hut a slclrcourt shot by Jack
Horton and Hell's two-polntcr Rave
the Klamath Falls a 20-22 lead at
'Ilie Pels perked up on the sec
ond half lip-off and In less than
two minutes had a 34-23 lead on
Held Roals by Bell, Calvin Gllmore.
I lor ton and Ralph Carroll In that
Tlie Cavemen closed It to 38-31
going Into the lourlh on a Held
Koal and four free throws by
James, a pair of Iree losses bv
big John Harbour and one by Dick
Pepper while the Pelicans cooled
somewhat and found Just tour Irom
the gill line.
Hut Bell accelerated another
spurt that widened the counl to 50
34 midway hi the fourth.
Bell fliilthcd with 18 points, Just
a tlmlt better Ihnu James who add
ed three Held goals to Ills 11 Irvc
The Iwo teams meet BRaln to
nlRhl with the Junior varsities of
both schools supplying Die 6:45 pre
liminary action.
.2HG ,
SIX PLAYERS jump into this rebound act from last night's
Klamath Kails-Grants Pass game with the Pels' Ralph
Carroll (right) and Hay Bell (center) the bosses. Others arc
Klamath's Calvin Gilmore (44) and Grants Pass Bruce Rob
ertson (5. John Harbour (17) and Sam Dean (16). The Peli
cans won, 53-39, to stay alive in the Dist. 4 cage race.
IV .
OIcm. I
Sporu K'iutpmenl 0
Hidy arid Kendtr H 2
ft-tit Hall S 2
HlJUlflCa' .7 4
CunintMtiinK 2 h
Wutch Keuair .. . I H
Engineering 0
Scurlnc Traders: Lund he rf,
147: Duncan, Gun im l thing. Mi: Jnck
Mjn, Htxiri Efjutpment, 17; Ott. ire
Hall, 01: Uotion Dle-rl M. D Smi,
IJietcl, 1ft: J. Hmlth, Kport Kqulpment,
VI. Griffin, fiporU Rtjulpnient, 70;
Kianl, Dicftel, Q5; Burton, Kngincer
Ing. (IX Kleld goal: Duncan 64, 1-und-brrg,
00, Jacitaon 42. Free thrown
Lund berg 27
, . , joins brother
Duos Ink
For Row
mmm mm,
hares Crown
W I. Trl.
Chlloquin . a I Ml
Bonanff ... S I .H.W
Saered Heart S 2 .714
Malta 4 3 . 571
(lenity t 3 4 .
Mtrrlll s M
biv ... i s .tm
GHchrlit o 7 .ooo
Nlfhl'i Rtaulli
Bonanza M Chlloquln S3 (two over-tlmeti
Ntibitt Orancc . .... it 14
Jnhnaon Ini. ift 2U
Orclrch Faculty . 34 M
Uriva Food . . .13 M
Ahley Chevrolet ... 27 41
Baraooo lec. 16 2
Tatioar'i Beaallft
NeMbltt 4 Athley 0
Orelech 3 Johnon I
tings 3 Baraboo 1
Ncsbilt Orunie, ehoo-ln leaders In
the Commeicial Bowlum league,
bulited its advantage Tuesday nlKhl
in a 4-0 win over Ashley and net
three season records at the same
Joe Bcllottl's 620 line with a 24'J
liame established both hlfth name
and series for the season's rolling.
Nc.'bitt's S983 series was also the
season's top team score. Nesbltt's
name score was 1010. not a record.
Hollywood script writers couldn't
coolc up a better natural than the
one that will hnw on the armnrv
Mr'. iXS : niRt Wednesday nlKhl.
rire Hall. ,., ,, iah, ,h
wrestllnit fans made themselves, al
though they didn't know it would
come .o soon.
It will put family against family
In a tax team match.
The Paries boys Hurricane Herb
and Blasting Billy face the Gorky
'clan Ivan and So'.dat.
i Illll BARB
The match follows a rhubarb at
the armory last Wednesday in
which the Parks brothers teamed
up to hand Ivan Corky a bunk of
Ivan asked for It when he at
tacked Herb after Parks, as referee,
had unwittingly given Yorg Cretor-
574 jian an assist in beating the Rabid
.MX) Russian.
Billy, at ringside, went to his
brother's rescue and. between
mem. naa ivan uorxy pouncing on
his backsides.
Ivan promptly called for his bro
ther and Promoter Mack Lillard
signed the attractive team match
in less time than it takes to ten
about it.
Cretorlan returns to meet Buck
Weaver in the opener.
Both are down lor one hour, or
the best two of three falls.
Castlcberry Drugs, ticket head
quarters. Is preparing for a huge
advance sale of reserved tickets.
Sacred Mean 71 Merrill 3
Malm 6(1 (lllchrlil 38
Henley 43 Bly 43
Little Vernon Haley ho has to
stretch to make five-seven is the
biggest man In Bonanza today.
It was Haley's basket In the sec
ond overtime last night that gave
Bonanza a 55-53 win over unbeat
en Ctuloquln In a storybook wind
! up to the regular season.
1 The victory gave Bonanza a tie
for the traveling trophy..
unnoquin won tne toss oi tne
coin and chose the second-seeded
spot In the tourney, leaving Bo
nanza first-seeded.
Third - seeded is Sacred Heart.
71-36 winners over Merrill last night
on the Trojans' floor.
Hun corr:
HartKiur, f
lledgepttli. t
.Noiricii, c . .
Jan-ta. g
ItoberUon. g .. .
, .
ttrhweinfurl . .
Hrll. (
Morton, f
Carroll, c
Johnion, g
(ill more g ...
Sum mart ....
id it rft Tr
13 4 1
Owl Rally Fizzles
Stretches Lead in
as Vanport
70-56 Win
o a o in an Orcuon Collegiate Conference
. ua.skeiDau game here Friday nlglu.
o i a i
Total. ... 1 13 31 S3
Hallllma acorai KlamalU as Orant-.
PaM. aa Fret Ihrovve mUfted: (Irani.
Pau a (Harbour a. iean 1. Janiat 3.
Prpper ai: Klamath Falla 32 iBell 3.
Horton 3. Carroll 6. Johnaon a. Gllmore
I. Young 3. Barron a. Summer. 1.
Pence I). Olflctala: Fllnk and Saniou.
Jar Cafe
Klamath's Junior Varsity defeat
ed the Hilltop Cafe team of the
city league, 38 to 27, In the pre
liminary to the Pcllcnn-Cavcmcn
game last night.
Hilltop held an S-3 lead at the
end of the first quarter, then
dropped behind 17 to 12 at the
half. Klamath Jumped to a 30-19
lead at the three quarter mark.
Vernon Keller, Klamath center,
had a total of 12 points to lead
the scoring, with teammate Don
Mills close behind with 10.
flox .core:
llll.UOl' I'll 13(1 KLAMATH
VV.yhr.nl a F 10 Mills. D.
MIIHaan 3 F 0 Doughertv
llarrl. (' 13 Keller
friend I n 1 Owing,
Carrier 3 G I Detroit
Hilltop auha I.ohrey. Robert. 4.
Klamnlh nib. C. Mill. a. Wrlfht a.
Mall, Flnniian. Fredrlckaon-
PORTLANU i Vanport. Paced on the wav to an PAW vlrfnrv Ttnt
;by Jim strader who scored 24 Oregon Tech rallied as the third
; points, defeated Oregon Tech 70-56 quarter got underway and moved
wunin lour points. uO-54, in the
final qunrter. Vanport. however,
hailed the rally and staged one
of Us own lo win the game.
Three Oregon Tech players left
the game on personal fouls. That
weakened the OTI lineup.
Tho two teams meet again Sat
urday night.
Oregon Tech had four bovs who
grubbed large hunks of points but
match Strader s per-
1 1 ne win. uie sixih III seven
I r F ir , starts, put Vanport farther In the
7 4 J is lead in conlercncc standings. Orc-
4 i iii! Kon Tcch now 1,as record of five
I u s a s and four losses, and has
..a o 3 4 j dropped to third place, hull a
I n a a I Mm behind Oregon College of
on 1 a Kducallon which now Is in second
. o a a a place.
Vanport led 32-25 at halftlmc , none could
Friday night and appeared to bc'lormnnce.
Wade Halbrook Sets
Season Score Record
Stackhouse Quits
SALEM (An Chester Stark
house, athletic director, football
coach and track roach it Willam
ette University, resigned Thursday
He gave no reason, and said he
would announce his future plans
Associated Press Staff Writer
Nearly all of Orecon's toD-raled
high school basketball teams
mowed down their opposition In a
busy Friday night round of nlav
around tho state.
Of the first 10 teams In the
weekly Associated Press poll, only
uBKcr, uca ior no. a. lost. It
dropped a close one to Nampa,
Idaho. 33-32.
Central Calhollc of Portland,
rated No. 1, in the state for the
past three weeks, defeated Astoria,
45-32, lor Its 16th victory in 17
Cleveland and Lincoln, ranked
No. 3 and No. 3, respectively, won
their games to maintain their one
two standing In Ihe Portland Prep
Cleveland captured Its 15th win
In 10 names bv drubbing Benson,
Si-3'1. Its only loss this season has
been to the Portland U. Froh.
Lincoln, with towering Wade
iSwedei Hulbrnok setting a new
Portland Lchruc scoring mark for
a season, deleated Jefferson, the
MSI stale champion, 58-48. He set
the oltl record, 314, in 14 games
Inst season.
In 17 contests this season, Hal
brook has plied up 816 points, an
average of about 38 per game.
Mnrshfleld, ranked No. 4 in the
poll, walloped Coqullle. 62-40, to
win the Coos County title and
qualify lor the Southwest Oregon
Class A district 5 final.
Mnrshfleld will meet the winner
of the Douglns County double elim
ination play-off. to be held late
this month and early in March, for
the title and a place in the state
15th WIN
The win over Coqullle was
Mnrshflcld s 15th against four de
feats. McMlnnvllle, rated No. 5,
crushed Forest Grove, 77-57, for its
17lh victory in 21 games.
Mrdford mid Klamnth Falls, the
big two In Southern Oregon's dis
trict ,, boin scored convincing wins.
Klamath Falls, trailing Medford
in the district but ranked No. 6
in the state, trounced Grants Pass
5.1-39, to Rnln its 13th victory in
19 stnrts. Medford. rnnked No. 7,
defeated Ashland, 69-54, for its 13th
win against four losses.
Pendleton, a power in Eastern
Oregon, nailed down a sub-district
j litle by overwhelming Hermlston.
Dit-42. It will play for the district
chnmpionship against The Dalles,
which hnd trouble beating Colum
bia Prep of Portland, 74-71, in a
non-district game.
Homer Duncan led the Owls with
is. wnne substitute Jerry Wvatt
aaaea u.
Tom Schubert and Marv Ham
mack each chipped in with 10.
The loss virtually squashed Ore-
lecn s cnances ior a title. The Owls
nave three games left with the
viks. 10 Be sale, tneya have to
win mem all.
This isn't anticipated
dox .core
Malin, BV
In Gun Tie
Butte Valley
Klamath Falls ...
Lansel valley .
American Legion
Malin and Butte Valley are In
deadlock for tne Midland Empire
rifle league lead at the hallway
Malln's 1838 score oesied oom
Moose and American Legion and
Butte Vallev upset Klamath Falls
in recent matches. Langell Valley
outshot Cluloquin in the other
match. 1859 to 1822.
box .cores
Plnklcy, i
Schubert, c
Hammack. g
Genetln. g ...
Foreman, g ....
Lewis, g
Wyatt. I . .
Henslee. f
Humphrey, t
Totals ..1 .
Strader. I ....
MacLean. f ..
Mclntyre. c .0000
N. Johnson, g 10 3 3
Kcaki. g 0 3 a 3
Hubert, f . 034
B. Johnson, I ..- 12 0 4
Barnes, c - 3 3 3 S
Poetach. g 4 13 8
Hinii, ( 4 2 1 10
Totals 23 30 23 70
Free throws missed: Oregon Tech
Duncan. Wyatt 2. Schubert 5. Hammack.
Vanport Strader 2. Mclnlyre 2. Barnes
3, Poetsch S. Koskl.
B. Noble
D. Settle
W. Noble
M Settle 369
Hunter 382
Crlss 376
Pyiert 372
Egellna 37U
Lucas 3t3
MALIN fl96
F. Viclorine 3S
Haley 384
Powell 377
West 373
B. Victorine 374
F. Victorine 3
Haley 3S4
-ouell 377
West 373
B. Victorine 374
M. Athev
,17311 LEGION"
339 Royse
333 Otterbein
34. Tellin
:!44 Walder
339 Hartley
117171 junior.
Of Tie
Northern Division Basketball
By The Associated Press
W L Pet.
Washington 11 2 .848
Idaho 8 5 .815
Oregon 4 5 .444-
Washington State 5 7 .417
Oregon State 211 .154
Friday Night Gamei
Washington 79. Idaho 64.
Oregon 57, Oregon State 44.
By The Associated Press
Washington's defending Pacific
Coast Conference basketball cham
pions clinched a tie for the North
ern Division title Friday night and
could take It home Saturday night
with a second victory over the
Idaho Vandals at Moscow.
The Huskies, eight-ranked na
tionally, whipped the Vandals In
the opener of their two-game road
series, 79-64, with big Bobby Hou
bregs and lanky Frank C-uisness
leading the way. The win gave
Washington a three-game lead over
runner-up Idaho, and each has only
Oregon, meanwhile, moved Into
undisputed possession of third place
oy Dealing- napiess Oregon State,
t.7-44. at Corvallis.
The only million-ln-one shot Ida
ho now has at the crown would be
to sweep its remaining games while
Washington dropped three in a row.
That woud throw the division race
mto a playoff.
No such outcome is anticipated.
me nusmes were in command aft
er overcoming a lour-point Idaho
ieaa in tne nrst period Friday
night. Houbregs, Guisness, Mike
McCutchen and Joe Clprlano led
uie sDuri mat crave wasnrncrtm a
40-32 halftime edge.
nouoregs nit lor 26 and Guis
ness for 24, dividing their points
almost evenly in the first and sec.
ond half.
Oregon won the oDener at Car.
vallis lrom the free throw line,
sinking 29 of 43 while the Beavers
were good for only 16 of 34.
Neither team could eet a clear-
cut lead under the close of the
intra quarter, when two charltv
tosses and a field goal gave a 43-39
ieaa to me ducks. Alter that, the
Beavers seemed handcuffed and
were unable to add another field
goai. .
The score at halftime had been
tied. 29-29. They reDeat Saturday
night at Eugene.
. 21 14 as 36
...11 2 2 24
1 3 1 S
Chinese To
Enter Games
MOSCOW tH Pravda reported
Saturday from Peking that the Chi
nese Olympic Committee there has
announced it will send a Chinese
team to the summer Olympic
games at Helsinki this year.
Ring's Moses
CHICAGO I.TI Heavyweight
Rocky Marciano will be honored
as the man who did most for box
ing In 1951 at the lirst annual ban
quet of Ihe Chicago Boxing Writers
and Broadcasters Association Sun
day night.
GENE WOODS, Insurance
Chartered Life Underwriter,
Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter
122 South Ninth
Phone 6369
Klamath Falls, Oregon -
Fire . . Casualty . . Auto . . Life
Top Old Line Companies Only
Don't Miss
John Deere Day!
A big day full of entertainment,
refreshment and profit! Here
at your John Deere Headquarters in
Klamath Falls.
Crater Lake Machinery Co.
1410 South 6th Phone 2-2544
LAKEVIEW The Central Oregon
baseball league will operate with
five teams this year without Red
mond and Madras. 1951 members.
The teams entered for the cam
paign that opens May 18 are the
champion Lakeview Blue Sox,
Bend, Burns, John Day and Frine
ville. Howard Maple, Bend, was named
league president In a meeting this
month. Vice-president Charles Fos
ter, Lakeview, said a schedule is
now being drafted, calling for a
double round-robin and a play-off
between the three top finishers.
All teams will lay off July 6.
San Jose
Boxers Win
SAN JOSE, Calif. If Idaho's
mittmen went down to a decisive
7 to 2 'ii defeat at the hands
of San Jose State Friday night in
an intercollegiate boxing meet. The
win was San Jose's 25th straight
in dual competition.
Cubs Count
37 Players
uhiuauo w The Chicago
Cubs had all 37 players on their
roster under 1952 contract Satur
day. Jack Wallaesa, one-time White
Sox shortstop, was the last of the
Cubs to get Into the fold. He now
is an outfielder.
Malin slipped Into the Number
4 spot wilh a 66-38 triumph over
(iowii-trodden Ollchrlst, eighth
placo team without a league win.
The Henley Hornets cantured
fifth position by edging Bly, 43-42.
That left Merrill and Biv tied
for sixth. Coln-lltpplng will decide
ihelr positions In the tournament
that opens for a three-day run
Thursday on Henley's new gymna
sium floor.
The Bonanza-Chtloquln game was
a whirlwind wlndup to a topsy
turvy season that saw favored
Sacred Heart fall by the wayside.
The pantners needed the win to
capture the title. It looked like
they had it In the first quarter
when they added up a 16-6 lead.
But the Antlers staged a furious
rally to go ahead 24-22 at Intel''
mission time and still led 36-34 go
ing into the last frame.
But It ended 48-all at the end
of regulation time. Both teams
popped five points In the first over
time with Chlloauin's Olen Parker
scoring the big one that sent It
into sudden death.
That's when Haley slipped under
the basket for Bonanza's biggest
two points of the season.
Gene Gentry scored 31 noints In
Chiloquin's losing cause, while Ir
win Crume counted 20 for Bonanza,
handicapped without Don Hubble,
sidelined with a sprained ankle.
If any one Henlev boy Is to be
singled out for special praise It
would De Deioert case, a transfer
from Washington. Case held Bly's
mgn scoring franklin Hutchinson
to just one field goal.
The best the Hornets could dw
for two and a half quarters was
to tie Bly 16-all In the second and
24-all in the third. Then Henlev
went ahead to stay and held a
34-28 lead going Into the lourth.
With a 43-36 lead. Henley tried
control tactics that came close to
backfiring as the Bobcats cama
within Just one point of closing
the can when time ran out.
Ralph Hayes, Don Anderson and
Gordon Ramsey scored 14, 12 and
it ior iiemey out jonn Jaquysu
was high, throwing in IS lor Bly.,
Merrill Jumped ahead of Bacred
Heart 10-6 in the first quarter be
fore the Trojans found the range
to post a 15-10 first-quarter lead.
Ray Beard, Wayne Neubert and
Jim Mahoney sparked a second
Quarter binge that gave the Tro
jans a 32-13 halftime. lead.
From that point It was Just a
matter of how high the score would
go as the Trojans ran up a 54-21
lead opening the last frame and
three of Merrill's regulars fouled-
cut late in the third and early in
me iourm. ,
Heubert's side shot was working
to give him 18 and high-point lau
rels, followed by Beard with 17.
Maun led an the wav in earn
ing the fourth position in the toD
division. Dale renters, Wayne. Rick
ami liarv Maunev oancrm nn an
Gilchrist with 20, 19 and 18 points.
in B preliminary jousts, Maun
beat Gilchrist. 34-25; the Trobabes
beat' . Merrill. 32-24: Bonanza
drubbed Chlloquln, -39-26, 'and Bly
edged Henley, 36-32.
Box acores:
SAC. NT. (71) (311 MEKItn.t,
Helderer 3 r a Hnnsvcult
Pratt 1 F Welstuma
Wcasell 3 C I Hasklna
Howard 12 G Reave
Beard 17 C 11 HenoVlck.on
Sacred Heart subs Mahoney 11. Koch,
4. McAndrews 1, Neubert IS. Merrill
subs Sanders 3, O lOell 3. Winters 3.
Garry t.
W. Rick 19 T 2 , rreeman
Mauney 18 F 4 WilHniham
Stevenson 5 C .11 Brader
Travis 3 C '.' Bliss
renters 20 G : i Sloe
Malin subs Macken 1. Rajnus. Lyons.
Parts. V. Rick 1. Cllchrlst subs Wlrti
1. Garrlck 10, Burger, Ware 3, Traw.
Crume 20 F . .8 Parker
Haley 8 F ,4 David
Chandler 3 C 31 Gentry
Wilson 9 G 4 DuBots
Hood S G 2 Nicholson
Bonanza subs Barney. Dye 4. Law
yer 6. Chlloquln subs George 2, Hea
cock 1. L'nive Q, Anderson.
Anderson 14 F 6 Lybrand
B. Hill 2 F 10 Wessell
Hayes 14 C 13 Jaouysh
Ramsey 12 G 5 Hutchinson
Cae ' G 2 Chronlster
Henley subs McPherson, Yadon,
Lehto 1. Bly subs Cavan, Dillavou 4.
Pilot Win
Skein Cut
RENO, - New I Portland Uni
versity's 12-game winning streak
was snapped Friday night by the
Nevada Wolf Pack, 74-60. The Ne
vadans held a big 37-24 halftime
lead and stretched to 59-40 early
in the fourth period.
O'Brien Nears
Tally Record
SEATTLE UP Seattle Univer
sity's "Mighty Mite," 5-toot-9 John
ny O'Brien, was within 155 points
Saturday of the nation's all-time
basketball scoring record for a sin
gle season.
Johnny O's 36 points In the Chief
tain's 80-76 victory over Gonzaga
Friday night brought his total for
the current campaign to 812 and
boosted his game average to 27.1.
The mark he is shooting at is the
967 set In 1949-50 by George King
of Morris-Harvey. He has six reg
ular games leu.
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