. SATURDAY, FKBniiARY 10, lfir.2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK SEVEN ,.,T.Lt( ,'..A- , . , .. i if'-' '- ' 1 - In KiiKfiip- Jnlin lloiinliin, Kliun- III Fiilln Iiikiii iiiicp mini end hrinl il the UlilvrrMty n Oii'kiiii Alum III lirir, In In Kuiitmn imhiy nl. IxiulliiK mi iiiiiiuul iiiiflliiK nf xliiinnl limli'm Irum tliioiiuliuiit Ori'iiim. KfcnvrrhiK l.iiiru I'iiIiiiim lull, Mm lian bri'ii nprliiiinly ill, in ir porlril rrcuvcrliiK In it lijltul at Honolulu, Mrrla Tupudity Hiiil.iui Chill, til In of Bni i'rd llmrl am In mci-l 1 'l'limilay, .1:46 inn. nl Hip pnrlnti i lull. Mm. uiwrnnir I'muli, Uarni) Fire rxrciillvr illiirloi, will 1 mint mill Ilia inrrllng, j uril - llnllyuiiotl Ilniwlv Hulciil will l cltmnd a week hi'iilliiiliiu M oriel ii y, Murium Chili-, nl ('nnii Flrr In; to initnl Mmiiliiy, 7:311 pin. nl 1 1 it- : Voman Dies After Wreck KODIAK, Aliinka I Tim wll: of a II.iIiiiir bou I nklppFr with Imiiul lliud on AI'iK'i'ik l.ilaml. Fritlav nlitlil alirr lliifn mrn nlupwrrraoil iNrllh lirr were rcM-ucd from tt TirMilMp brnrli. 'Ilie frozen body ol Mil Kil Nevrra wan loiuut liiur nillr Inliiml from llir beach wlirrr Hip IIMihik bnm Kerry wan nlmndmiPd 'lucn day wlini lis mmlnrn fulled. Never and two t-rrwineii were fnund on Die bench Krliluy mid llown herd lor IwMillallnilloii. Due t rim Hld all Dure bud frozen leet lid Ibnl amputation inn)' be nece.v ry. The Kerry left Kcidliik Tuesday durlnit mow Moini on n l&iiillr trip to a cannery on AfnKiink IMnnd. Iinrlhrnnt ol Kndlnk 'Hie men re ported thev lell Mr. Nevem III n lean-to while tliev allrmpled In leach a cabin lor mate lies mid mppllev , , , All three men froze their feel hiking acroi the miow -covered bench nnd (hey were unable lo re turn for Mm. Never Cnpl. Nevera' parents live nl EUKfiio. Ore. hiniie of Mil. (lernld NcIhoii, 1334 Hiiiui-nl Any Kill iittniuliiit KUIIH In Welcome to iitlend. ( amp l ire lllreclora urn to have it I'cuulnr inrnlliiii 'lucndiiy, II p in. ul Uiu Cliiiinbrr of C'oin ini'n'1'. Tuple, for dlMcuxnloii will m tin! iiiiiimil candy aulo. NelKhbiiri of Woodcruft -Jloldn lis regular meeting Mniiday, tt pin. in the KG' hall, in c I in mi ni tho refrcnluiicnl uial entertain ineni cnininltlee all) Neva Jlnyci mill Bylvlu Tlltnn. To M'lrhlla Mm. June llinvn Iiiih Joined her huiiband, I'lc 1011 llrowii, who In with Hie Air Foiio In Wichita. Mm. Jean llunli drove Hint fur with her iiml went on In t loin Mrs. HuMi'a liunbund, I'fij llaiuld Kui.li, at l.oiimvllle, 111. Alionrd Klilp Wllllniii K. IVr 'nun. nun ol Mr and Mrs. O. H. Pnrwiii'i. Iluule 2. It now wr-flim IniHintd the dentioyer lender UbS Frontier. ! On Ht. Paul-Four Klainnth .men ,iiru nervliiK ii bun rd the henvy culls Irr UhH SI. I'niil III Korean v-Wura. Iliev are lllrhiird I., HaclnCv of lihuvhn, Frnni'lK V.. Btnink. Jninca II. Wnrenbuck and Jucpli U. lUln walcr. I ( noipletea Courne I'lc. Itobert 1 1,. I'li'in, son nf Mr. and Mm. 1 1.. A. I'liian, 027 Mllchell. ri ccntly ciuiiplcU-d n cuurue at lliei Army Mlil in I aelKHil, Furl Molllimntli, N.J. I lie received a diploma Fell. 12. Dancing The Bacrcil Heart Molhcr'a Club In apoiuurliiK a o ilul evcnlnii ol M il ii re dancInK in Hie KyiuuuKlum Ul tonliflil. This In ii beKlnner'n pioKriim arid hqun,r dniicein nre invited, otto e:iii win cull mill inntiuct. will be nerved. THE ROSE CITY FOUR tunes up for a dress rehearsal. Consisting of Tenor Bruce Van dcinriff, l':il Jaek Jenninjj, baritone .Jim Sorenson and base A. F. McDonald. The "Kour" will appear on the fifth annual Barber Shop Parade at the Pelican Theater April 12, one of nearly a dozen groups from throughout the West scheduled to appear. Tickets go on sale late in February. Party Chiefs Get Together WAK111NOTON iiTI The Chnlr men of the IX-mucratlc and flo inibllc.in national cnminltleen uot Itcli I'.iliiuciiU) i chiiuuny fur u few momi-iiU Friday. Ilv prenrrunKeinent they met at 'a duwn'own hold, uoned nmlcablv VUllor Mm. Homer Ileaton. Uir cameiumen, and Issued a lolnl fntmer lenldcul ol MerrlD. In here t Mittmif lit to demonntrate. nald the thin weekend on bunlnenn. Mr. anil icittxenn Cninmltiee lor the Hoover Mm. Healon now live at Weaver villc where Ileaton In alfltlnled with the Foicf.t Bervlcev Taft Petition Act Criticized PORTLAND Ml Jack Travis, Hood River newspaper publisher, him begun circulating petition to oul sen. Tail s name on me ore- the olflcc. Other candidate are KOn OOP presidential primary bal- Dorothy Lee Tries Again PORTLAND I Mrs. Dorothy McCullouiih Lee, Portlands wom an mayor, announced Friday she h a candidate for re-election. She In fourth person to file for Lew Wallucc. insurance man and politician; Arnold "Jack ' Lllhe lot. But Taft supporters said Travis Travelers Mr. and Mrn. Scoll MrKendrce, 18M Del Moro are va culloiiInK In Hoiilhern California She Does Own Dental Work WAYNE. W. Vn. I The T3-vear-old wife of a coal miner here ilors her own dental nuruery wllh a aierlllzed safely raaor blade, pulls her own teeth with an old pair of lorcepn and nays It "doesn't hurl as much" an a visit to a den llsl Mrs. Paul Napier, who lias pulled IS of her own teeth nnd hns 11 lift to yo. lint Into business after a dentin had ex'racled two teeth. Abscesses developed, so she ster ilized a nnletv razor blade, lanced . tha stuns, probed and worked on Ilia bits ol bone she said were causing the trouble. 'Ill nurgerv healed poperly. bu" arhen developed In other teeth so the decided thev all must no. She resurrected an old pair of forceps -T urandlather owned "teeth pli ers." she colled them and went lo work. , 'The eve teeth were the worst. Mrn. Nmiler said. It took two days of limiting whenever ihe could aland It to (ret one of them out. Her technique Improved with ex perience, however, and on her best riav she removed live. Seven up pers and four lowers remain. Car Sideswiped, No Injuries A minor traffic accident. Involv ing no Injuries, was reported to Htnle Police early Snlurdnv by Mrs. Hanna K. Mnckely. Modou Point. The woman said her rar was Ideswlped bv the trailer of a pass Ink freluht rig about 12:30 a.m. Mrs. Maekely said her car, tra veling north on U.S. llmhway 97 near Wocus, skidded across the highway and turned over on Its left side. She aald the truck did nol stop. Report, the "unity of support by both parties to the salient features" of the bipartisan Hoover Commis sion's rennit. 'IIAN(.;S Tills commission headed by lor mer Picsldcnl Herberl Hoover re- nod Mexico. While nwav Ihrlr commended scores ol chanties In i enforcement daUKhter Alice in wun wr. anu jperallon ol Ihe federal novern Mrs. J. A. Van Clevc. Intent. 'Hie citizens committee said ' tndav Ij5 per cent of the proposals New Hon Word has) been re- i have become law. eelved here of Ihe blith ol a son. i The ,111111 MiHiemcnt bv Democrat their second, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank K, McKinney and Repub Chniles "Chuck" Cci fl. l.os Antic licnu (uy U. Gabrlrlson was pre lis The little boy. I).rn Jan. 14. j hmlnaiy lo a second national renr welched 9 lbs 8 ounces and han innnl7nlion conlerence to be held here Monday to drum up support for the other 45 per cent. The statement said: "The many changes based on Uie recommendations of the bipartisan barber, and Maurice Willingcr. wa not , gyrnpalhy wjlh TaIf, candidacy ana mat they consid ered the filing an unfriendly one. Earlier Taft said he did not have time to campaign in Oregon and that he would repudiate, any filing oy nis political enemies. Travis said he was neither a restaurant owner. Two city commissioners. J. E. Bennett and Fred L. Peterson, also have been mentioned as candi dates. Mrs. Lee said her campaign platform would be endorsement of uie city manager form ol govern. been named Dave Allen. Mis. Ce cil's mulhcr, Mrs. Amirs Oood mn was with her daivtihler lo greet the new boy. Cecil, une-tunc an nouncer for KF'LW. will be aflll- lalrd after May 1 lth radio stn- Hoover Commission have stepped lion KFI I on Anneli-s and will be up the einciencv 01 inc icocrni heard nightly over a local station. unvernrne"i enormously. t.l "SIMM nHMnlr. fnr lhi RKmihllrnn TrK. have also caused tldrn.al n0Ininall0n. Rotary Learns Of Blood Bank The American Red Cross. "There Is No Hubslitute." as the subject of Friday's Rotary Club meeting at the Wlllard Hotel. Charley Harm, Toastmaster's speaker, con ducted the program, A movie on the Red Cross blood program was shown, giving all the steps necessary In handling blood and plasma from donors to the battlefields. "There never Is any charge for blood or plasma Itself," Hahn ex plained, "But It does cost about live dollars a pint lo process and handle It." That was given as last one of the many needs for money dona tions to the American Red Cross. Arnold Oralaoo was chairman of the day. Don Fisher of the Leva Beds National Monument, was Intro-' duced as a new member of the Klamath Falls Rotary Club. "Don probably Is the only new man we'll ever take Into the club with five years prevloua perfect attendance." said Vice President Scott Warren. Fisher has been a member of the Tulelake club and a frequent visitor at Klamath Falls Rotary meetings. Plane Disaster Averted MONTF.REY, Cnllf. W A char tered C-46 transporting 33 soldiers from Fort Sill, Okla., to nearby Fort Ord narrowly escaped crash ing Friday night as It landed at the Monterey airport. Airport officials said the plane "hit something" as It came In through a low celling. The pilot circled the field and then made a routine landing. The plane's undercarriage wns damaged slightly. Doughton Plans To Retire WASHINGTON ifl Chairman Robert L. Doughton. D.-N.C. of the House Ways and Means Com mittee announced Friday he plans to retire from Congress at the end of his present term. After making the announcement, the 88-year old 21 term veteran told reporters he sees no Indica tion that Congress will consider an other general tax Increase bill this year. Cupid Causes Funds Loss HOLLYWOOD Ml Kdward O, Robinson Jr., 19-yenr old son of tha actor, hns a now home and a new bride Saturday, but he'a minus 11 S70 weekly allowance from his iiirner. Young Robinson left the pnrentnl roof Thursday night nnd went with his brldo to their (9S apartment. Ho said he is enmlng B0 a week In 11 Boverly Hills airplane part plant as "a sort of maintenance mnn." He and Miss Frances Chlsholm, 21-year old actress, eloped last week to TIJiiona, Mex. They met at a dramatic school In New York. "They wanted me to marry somo one el.se but I'm In love with Fran ces," young Robinson told report ers. "His mother and I love the bov very much," the father snld. "All we have wanted him to do Is to lead a normal life and go to school, "I felt I had to tnko somo rep rimanding measure, hoping that In some way he would come to hW senses." ment and continued Impartial law 1 'Jf"" '"V? ' Ta"; , H of the Oregon voters" In reerrlng 11119 canaiaacy 10 inem. Lowell Paget, Tail's Oregon ' manager, said Travis is "known to j ! be very close to Sen. Wayne Morse, I an avowed opponent of Sen. Taft." Milk Boost Over Limit PORTLAND Wl A J-cent boost in Grants Pass milk prices ex ceeds the Increase called for In a new minimum price order which will be announced soon by the State Board of Agriculture. That was the report Friday of Thomas L. Ohlsen, state milk marketing administrator. He declined to say what the minimum would be, but he said It would be below the 24 cents now charged (or milk there. Usually retail prices conform with minimum prices, Ohlsen ex plained. But that is not required. The Board of Agriculture sets only minimum prices which means the cost of milk can rise above a set ligure but not below It. Grants Pass distributors an nounced the 2-cent boost Friday. It ducers now get 17 a hundredweight Instead of $6.21. U.S. SOIL POTENTIAL 1 TRENTON, N.J. iPi New Jersey I farmers were told recently at a ' farm meeting that the soil of the j United States Is capable of pro ducing - iood in abundance ' lor one billion persons. i SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA floceeisfBllr TrtiU4 ElailT Malbtd No. 1th Phan ?t Chiropractic PhTilotan miiiiiiiiitinttuumiiJiiunTimttji. ; CHsM'aM EAJtL MANCHBTU, (14 Kkaxtfc - PImm 2-0213 NAM! , . ... ! jAOMUSS I "mint lu-LUunii 1 1 Li 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iTrr Yarren Says No Ike Link SACRAMENTO. Calif.. ' Gov. Warren told a news conference Fri dny that his endorsement of Gen. F.l.scnhower's foreign policies was "In no tense of the word" an im plication that he was leanim; to ward a possible Elsenhower-War- len ticket. Warren himself Is a Pel (ione--Duke, large golden. ( "These reforms Miiootli-halred Labtudor owned by Dr. and Mrn. Raymond H. Kngel eke, trayrd last night Irnm Ihe family- home, 1129 Pacific Terrace, and has not been seen since. He has gray on the inimlc and lighter hair on his hatuaies. Is fili-ndly. A reward Is being, ollercd. If aeen call 4232. the uo'-ernment to be operated more economically. Knactmcnl of Returning from a speaking trip to Boston and New York, the Gov. these proposals mean, that we are rrnor s.,ld (nat , he a(,reed belter prepared lor the defense emergency. "But the job of reorganizing the federal government Is nol finished, fn fact, it will never be finished. It must be ri continuing effort. The with Elsenhower's views on the international situation, he did not know the General's position on ma or domestic problems. For Dial reason, he explained, he In nol in a position to state his Kuiinlnr Oorxlon Jacobs, mem- ! ber ol the Hoard of Supervisors I ol Siskiyou County will seek re- ! election In the June primaries. He has represented the Tulelake dls- ' Irlcl since 1832. Terms are lor four years. His home. Is at Horubrook. Roosevelt PTA, "The Public School Scandal by Earl Conrad will be reviewed bv Mrs. Victor O'Neill nl tlr Roosevelt PTA meeting Tuesday, 2:15 p.m. Found er's day will bf observed and past president ol Roosevelt PTA will be honored. Third grade mothers, headed bv Mrs. C. L. Matusch, will be hostesses. Snow Gives Good Ski Promise New snow was falling today at Warner Canyon .ski area. Fremont National Forest Supervisor John McDonald, ff.ild. niKl skiing should mKe d(mod cllllnu.d lnilt tllc Tny. be Pretty wxfl. lor grand Jui v "acted upon runiois. Moderating wealher yoM"tlay. ,.rnrsnv, r(.mr,.s nnd .,spirn and he reported. Indlca ed a possibility unauthorized communications . . . of poor skllaij. but It cooled off lost Ilcfllrl.rt outside the sessions of tho night and a light snow fell. grand Itirv " The ski area lies nine miles north B t,,. ji',;'. ttnr, t,,i,H and east oC Lakeylew, and Is about )C umu,Uiorized communications 103 nines uom itutinaiii runs. Warren reiterated that he Is not in there to "stop any candidate." He added: "I trust my name will be sub mitted to the convention and thai the convention will give it fair consideration. Beyond that I ask nothing and1 pretend nothing." He said he will act soon on the ouesllon of entering primaries In Oregon and Wisconsin. federal government must continue 1 .; oval or dlSHpproval of Elsen lo move ahead on reorganization. .lnwer', d(.s on domestic issues. Smyth Loses Legal Round SAN FRANCISCO Wl Federal District Judge James Alger Fee Friday denied motions of dismiss the Indictment of ousted collector o: Internal Revenue James O. Smyth which were based on claims that the Indicting grand Jury was "tampered with." Ihe Judge announced he would not allow a special hearing, asked by delense lawyers lo support their ciaini that the Taylor grand Jury received unauthorized communica tions and. therefore, Ihe indictment against Smyth and three others should be dismissed. The motion which the Portland came from Assistant U.S. Attorney Charles O'Gara who took it upon himself to break the Internal Rev enue Bureau scandal wide open on May 16, 151. SINGAPORE lift The French air craft carrier Arromanches, former ly H.M.S. Colossus, passed through this colonial port recently en route home from Indo-Chma. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENI, ORE. MEDF0RD Thoroughly Modern Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprietors and Joe Earley Embezzlement Charged DALLAS. Ore. OP A book keeper, accused of embezzling more than (10,000, was in Jail here Friday. He is Melvln M. Bowles. 36. of Grande Ronde. He was arrested a warrant signed by Elwln Lltllejohn of the Liltlcjohn Logging Company. The complaint said Bowles, who had been with the company lor five years, had signed the name of ; anotner owner 10 eneexs maae out lo himself ranging in amounts from $150 to S800. Bail was set at $5,000. Need More Horsepower? (Formerly Koler Auto Service) NEW LOCATION -2041 Radcliffe (Across South 6th from Troy V. Cook's) EASIER PARKING LARGER STOCK We Sell Quality Ports For Less! OPEN Evenings . . . till 8 p.m. Saturdays - . . till 6 p.m. Sundays . TO a.m. to 3 p.m. "If we ever do build thai hous - f want outlets, too" xrvt MTfxitr. full? USE OUR CONVENIENT SAVE-BY-MAIL SERVICE OtJf handy Snvc-by-Mail ice is perfect or you busy folks . . . who WANT to save but can't find the lime! All you ncicd do is put your check or money order . . . nVmg with your passbook . . , :(n an envelope. Then drop it in your corner mailbox. Your passbook will be promptly credited and returned by mail. It's as simple as that to SAVE UY MAIL... TRY IT TODAY! Generout) Earnings Added to Your Savings Every Six Months, Savings Insured Safe Up to $10,000 FlRtTFEDEBktaVINBS AfLOAN ASSOCIATION 1 11 a Don't Worry, Mother! It'll Come Clean In Cascade Laundry's ALL DRY BUDGET BUNDLE 10 BIG POUNDS 89' Washed white as snow, Sterile clean, completely dried, wrapped in a clean package. The Klamath Basin's cheap est delivered bundle . . . cheaper than home methods. Each additional pound only 8c. Phone 5111 for pick-up and delivery service! Make sure NOW : : . on the blueprint Flan all the way, Mr. Homebuilder ; . . and besides outlets, remember to include big enough wire and sufficient circuits to get full use of electricity in your home. Outlets are important so that electricity will be convenient to use. Plan for every apphance and all the lights you need. Wires must be big enough to carry the amount of electricity being used in our homes today and in years to come. Get full heat from toasters and other cooking appliances ... get full brilliance from lights. Individual circuits are needed for heavy duty equipment. Light circuits for the kitchen and for widely separated sections in the house should be separate. Plan for all three to be sure of adequate wiring in your future home . ; . ojr in the home you have now. LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Opp. Post Office SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 540 Main Klamath Falls Klamath's Finest CASCADE