SATuitnAV, kkrwiatiy m, mn? HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ftvr There will be n society page in MondnyVi paper. REFLECTIONS FROM PAST QUEEN AND PAST PRESIDENTS Zuleima Nile Club, who were honored on the 21st birthday of tho club, Feb, 6, at Jcned's, scaled from left to right, fast Queen Mac Moss, and past presidents: Olive Cornell, Ciairalice Kppcrson, standing, same order, Lil lian Ilillis, Ailsa Kuykendall, Huth Ilokomb and Edna Jones. Mrs. Ethel Matthews, a so past president left before the TROOPERS APPEARING at the Zuleima Nile Club 21st birthday party Feb. 6, at Jencd's were, from the left, Lois Scrruys, Lillian Ilillis, Heulah Balsigcr and Josephine Kittredge. The act was such n success the performers are booked solid far into the future. ' Photo by Kettler Daughter Born To Orton Manns In Munich Germany A cablegram from Munich, Gcr niunv, was relayed to the Louis Manns while thry were In San Francisco recently, iinnouiioliig the arrival of tlirr first Krandchlld, Marilyn Buffo, 7 pnunds-4 ounces, born Feb. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Mann's oldest son and his wife, Lt. and Mrs, Orion li. Mnnn. Lt. Man Is Willi the dental clinic In that ana. He arrived In Mu nich last Juno and was Joined by Ills wile in Octulr. The proud grandparents relumed recently from ll two week trip to Bun Francisco. Royal Neighbors Of America Royal Neighbors of America met In regular .session Feb. B. In tho KC Hull with the slate supervisor, Mae K. LoRan, Portland, and Mrs. A., Uend, as guests. Neighbor Anna Shafcr, Martha linker, mid lllln Simpson were ap pointed on llio resolution commit, lie. Plans were laid lo allenil the rally at Mi'dfonl, April 2.1. when the Kiipi-eme Oraelp. Francis Tor kelson will visit. Friendship Camp Mm, Klnninlh Fulls, will perform Hie Initiatory work. I he password drill and cxumpllly the work of the Unices. Refreshments were served by Dora Olierir, Karen Lancasler and Jessie Steele. CONVERT YOUR OLD COTTON MATTRESS rinhhrtl T Look Jint I, Ike Onr Ol Our New Mi'lnry MUrrnp MnlrAN1! Mattress Sanson s 4 Uph0iory picture was taken. Mother's Club Plans Carnival The Mother's Club of Sacred Heart Academy met in Pile Acade my auditorium on Feb. 7, with Mrs. Ray Kami presiding. The new tape recorder was dem onstrated for the mothers. Final nlnns were made for a card party ami spring fashion show to be held Feb. 26. 8:00 p.m. in the Snered Heart parish gymnasium. Mrs. John McAndrews Is chair man of the card party, and Mrs. James Cronon will be In charge of the fashion show. It was announced that April IS Is tho tentative dale set lor the school carnival. Albert Lnvenlck Is chairman for Die carnival. Feb. It! Is the date of the next family square dance. This Is held In the parlRh hall, and Is sponsored by me Moiner s uiuii. The next meeting Is to be held on Marrh 6. Following the meeting rcfrosli ments were served bv Mrs. I.vlc Oervals. Mrs. Edward Casey. Mrs. Mlko Holland. Mrs. Carl Schmim. Mrs. Delvan Hclley and Mrs. Jack Gallagher. t'ontf To The - - -Wi-Bfi-BBSii COFFEE SHOP not just to eat lint To D:.-ii lEHIer Food at reasonable prices-! ! 4 I i nuiu uy miuu PROSPERITY REBEKAH LODGE Prosperity Rebekah Lodge hon ored two outstanding members at the Feb. 7th meeting. Nellie Wat tenburg, who was llnanclal secre tary lor 30 years, and Charlotte Martin who lor 15 years was Chap lain. Thev were brought to the center of Hie floor and each presented with a corsage by Cheryl Thur man: then were sealed by Noble Grand Zelma Howard. Vera Fritsch. Junior Pasi Noble Grand, presented each wilh a gift from the lodje. The members also hon ored them with a handkerchief shower. Ada Wllllts read a short history ol the honored members' work in the lodue. Written by Elizabeth Hamsby, the history referred to t ho ninny years Mrs. Wattenbnrg and Mrs. Martin had been alflll aled wilh llio organization, and their untiring work to further the ludne interests. Aller the meeting Wayne Angel, accompanied at tho piano by Jan ice Larson played two violin selec tions. Refreshments were then served In the anteroom. NEW OFFICERS Zuleima Nile Club of Klamath Falls, from the left, Charlotte Osborn, vice president, Phyllis May, president, Edna Jones, past president, and Peggy Chilcote, secretary treasurer. Picture taken on occasion of 21st birthday of the club and election of officers. Retiring president Edna Jones presented corsages and installed the new offi cers. Photo by Kettler BRIDAL SHOWER AT BONANZA BONANZA A bridal shower was given nt Die Bonanza Library Feb. 7 In honor of Mrs. Keith Hitson, the former Pat Eager. Hostesses lor trie party were Mrs. John Brown. Mrs. wuiara kodjc ana Mm. Orville DcVaul. Carnatloni and other pastel flow-i era were used lor decorations, and ' the (flits were piled under a big , pink umbrella. Mrs. Guy Hitson and Mrs. Dick Smith assisted the bride In opening her. gilt. Pauline Nome entcriainea wun accordion selections. Mrs. Aaron Andrews won the "Jack-Pot" prize lor guessing the most titles ol pieces Mrs. Andrews played. Refreshments were served to: Mrs. Keith Hitson, Mrs. Earl Hit son Sr., Mrs. Bob Colwell. Mrs. Louis Randall. Mrs. Dick Smith. Mrs. C. J. Andrews, Mrs. Lenore Pedcrson, Mrs. Hugh Davis, Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mrs. Lester Lcavltt, Mrs. Aaron Andrews. Mrs. George Noble. Mrs. Russell Walsh. Mrs. Walter Smith Sr., Mrs. Merlin Da vis, Mrs. Lloyd Gilt, Mrs. John Sullivan. Mrs. George Fcrnlund. Mrs. Lester Boggs, Mrs. June Sim mons and baby daughter, Mrs. Clif ford Sewald. Mrs. Virgil Schmoe, Mrs. Paul Fltzhugh and sons Del and Bobby. Mrs. Guy Hitson and sanara, Mrs. LaKue Knitter. Mrs. Waller Smith Jr., Miss Leah Dye, Mrs. Marilyn Markham, Miss Mar gie Brown, and Miss Polly Noble and the hostesses. Many Irlcnds who were unable to attend sent gifts and best wishes. The newly married couple are : both graduates of Bonanza High School. She has been working in Sun Francisco and he returned the middle of January from two years in Korea and Japan. They were ' Married Jan. 30 In the Reno Mclh-1 odlst Church by the Rev. Thomas in a candlellghted double-ring cere-, mony at 6 p.m. She wore a tan spring suit with brown accessories and had a white corsage. They i arc at home In Sacramento where i he will be stationed at Camp Ma son, i . ! BPW Board Meeting In Eugene Isabellc Brlxner. Belli Griees and Edna Albrccht recently attend ed a Business and Professional Women's board meeting in Eugene. Plans were made for the state convention scheduled for May 9-10- 11. in Klamath Falls. There will be 55 clubs represent ed; and it was learned In Eugene lhat a national speaker from Mis souri will address the convention. c Someone's birthday or anniversary? For 'something' excitingly dif ferent . . , just browie through YOUR STORE'S two gift floors and mcstoniae You'll find a gift to luir your rash) and bud get) "For Distinctive Gifts" VIII 11 STORE 721 Main ST. AUGUSTINE PARISH HALL MERRILL Mrs. Don Harris, newly-elected president of St. Au gustine's Altar Society, presided at a regular meeting of the group held Feb. . at the home of Mrs. Ben Murphy. Co-hostesses with I Mrs. Murphy were Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Dale Walker, and Mrs. Hugh ; 'aivey. I Father Phelan led the group In I prayer. Chief topic for discussion I was the coming St. Patrick's day oan Marcn n. Mrs. Maurice O'Kccfe was appointed chairman of the supper committee for the dance, assisted by Mrs. Tom O'Kccfe. Father Phelan displayed plans for the proposed parish hall to be constructed this year, and the lay out and arrangement of the kitchen in the hall was discussed. The next meeting will be held March 5. at the home of Mrs. John Madden. A dessert luncheon will precede the 1 o'clock meet ing. Mrs. Dan Barry will be the co-hostess. Members present were Mrs. Don Karris. Mrs. Cosla Dellls, Mrs. Tom O'Keele. Mrs. Dan Berry, Mrs. Jerry Ahern. Mrs. Dan Cash- man. Mrs. Dale Walker. Mrs. Den nis Hlckey, Mrs. Maurice O'Keefe, Mrs. Mike McAulilfe, Mrs. Tom O'Keefe. Mrs. Pete Calise. Mrs. John Madden and Mrs. Ben Murphy. Live and entertain with iMymm II.., AMBER BIRCH L RUSH-TIX ApTi , There's "something old, something new' JT'rdf'',. JP1 about Country Modern's worm amber birch '''l'' finish, uncluttered lines . . . that's at home " '-ftSaSa3j!f'. Sjj . . . anyplace . . . anytime. Come in and see felViViBiJ -- it, won't you? Fl jZSl " BELOW: Easy comfort ot ffA 1 , Your fingertips with this VI ' chorming Cocktoil toble. , Top is 24 W; stonds ABOVE: Entertain easily . . . infor mally with this fashionably round Dining-Game table, 43"x43", ex tends to 63" . . . $74.50. Saddle seat Mates choirs, $21.25 each. "Four SACRED HEART MOTHER'S CLUB A pre-Lenten card party and fashion preview of the spring style trend will be sponsored by the Mothers' Club of Sacred Heart Academy. Tuesday, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m.. in the Sacred Heart Gymna sium. Pinochle, canasta, bridge and all other types cards will be play-el. with high and low przes awarded lor each type game. During the refreshment hour, the Madrigal Chorus will sing sev eral selections. Other entertainment will be fol lowed by a preview of the spring lasnions. Models lrom Miner s Lie- partment Store will show mother and daughter ensembles, children wear and sub-teen clothes: Town Shop will feature resort fashions and Whytal's will model high style in street wear and the formal finale. High school boys' evening wear will be shown by Dick Reeder's Store. Mrs. James Cronon Is general chairman of the Fashion Preview; Mrs. J. K. McAndrews, chairman of cards and refreshments; Mrs. W. G. Ely. publicity, Mrs. Dick Miller Jr. and Mrs. P. J. McAul iffe will take reservations, which should be in by Feb. 25. Floors of Fine Furniture & Floor Coverings". THE JOHN C. CLEGHORNS are being congratulated on the birth of a new granddaughter born to Ray and Catherine Janz, Feb. 10 In Portland weight 7 lbs 11 oz The young miss not yet named wnen tne communique reacned us has baby sitters right In her family Sister Phyllis, 14 and brothers Blly, 12 and Bobbie 11 Mama Is the daughter of the John Cleghorns, 218 High. NORA RINKER at the time this Is written looking forward to the arrival ol her nephew Capt Walter C. VanEmmon Army Air Corps weather permitting should have arrived by now. SOJOURNERS Thirty-one Sojourners and guests met for a no-host luncheon In the Paul Bunyan Room, Feb. 13, 12:30 p. m. At the business meeting which followed. Mrs. Winston Pur- vine. Dresident. introduced the guests of the afternoon: Mrs. D. A. Richardson. Mrs. E. G. Murphy, Mrs. J. F. Lechemny. Mrs. u. u Motursch, Mrs. C. E. Chase, Mrs. W. N. Trotter, Mrs. Madelyn House, Mrs. Martha Bennett. Mrs. Lois Widjer and Mrs. Gladys Ten nant. Mrs. Sayde Libbey was greeted as a new member. Mrs. Charles Dakin. chairman of the Annual Soring Dinner Dance, announced that it would be March 21 at the Yacht Club. Hostesses during the social hour were: Mrs. w. J. Fayette ana Mrs. Anna Cook. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Earl Murphy, canasta; Mrs. E. J. Howell, pinochle; and Mrs. C. E. Chase bridge. Next regular no-nost luncneon meeting is scheduled for Feb. 27 in the Willard Hotel Paul Bunyan Room. Newcomers to Klamath Falls are welcome. PMA Meeting At Gearhart LANGELL VALLEY Bill Bur nett and Alden Bruner attended the state PMA meeting at Gearheart. I I FROM OSO New Sigma Chin Boyd Engelcke Ed Zarozlnskl and Glen Guyer. TRAPSHOOTIN" Is what Elinor Adams did last Sunday and we mean shooting 23 out of 25 birds not baa nut or course spouse J. Martin Adams was high for tilt day. YACHT CLUB Fried chicken dinner tomorrow Informal danca Feb 23 Sync Halaas music cock tall hour 8-4 Mr. and Mrs. Thom as E. Walters will head the deck hands FLORENCE PIELiCE well known teacher at Riverside School la reported recovering at home from a sprain and a broken bone ankle region she slipped on Icy pavement in front of her home 134 N. 3rd. - KNOW IT'S MEAN of me to mention it but Just the same 60 years ago sirloin steak was 24 ' cents a pound and ham. pork and;, lamb chops all 18 cents per. . A BELATED VALENTINE 1 1 weighing six and one-half pounds named Donald William was de- llvered to the Scott Mlliigans (Ellz-v abeth Graham), Longvlew Feb. 14. TONIGHT AT THE ELK'S CLUB" the annual Valentine dance mu- sic by Morrison-McDonald for Elk's and their ladies. 4-DAY SERVICE! Invitations and Announcements Eniravad r Precmid. Ptrwnaliied napkins for year reception Caps and plates. Shaw Stationery Co. 729 Main into a 312 coil INNERSPRING 0 A 59.95 Quality , 32.50 Save with Carlson1! 2405 So. 6th Phone 4510 221 Main Phone 5353 or 5339