PAGE FOUR AT THE JOBS DAUGHTERS ANNUAL KING OF HEARTS brant, Lora Lou Rolph, Janice Taylor and Vernon Keller. 4 mm gi i liMM iLilliifll 'l t ' a j THE BETROTHAL OF Zetta Spurting, daughter of Mr. and ; Mrs. W. H. Spurling, Junction City, was announced by her . parents at an evening Valentine party in their home, Feb. ; 9. Hearts and streamers on the table carried the names of ; the engaged couple. The bride-elect's fiance is Jack Bolton, j sn of Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Bolton, Lakeview. Both teach in i the Clty schools. .. Photo by Wes Guderian j Zetta Spurling j Reveals Plans I To Wed in June , vu6uBwurai oi ,eua spur- line:. d&Uehter nf Mr onrf r ... H. Spurling. to Jack Bolton, son of onu us. ira a. Bolton, Lake View, was announced at a Valen tine party at the Spurling home in junction City, on Saturday night. ' Hearts and streamers on the ta pie carried the names of the en gaged couple. (The bride-elect and her fiance both teach in the city schools, the former at Riverside and the latter at Pelican. 'Zetta is a graduate of Oregon pollege of Education, Monmouth, and Colorado State College of Ed ucation, Greeley. Colo. I Bolton attended OSC before the Jvar and was graduated from SOCE In 1950, and was at that time vice president of the student body. I A June wedding is planned. I I I I i PARTY 1 Kappa Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi held a regular meeting Feb. 5th tet the home of Bernice Jewett with porothy Whiteline as co-hostess. I Natalie Guderian reported on the success of the chapter's smorgas- !bord held Feb. 1 at the Yacht club md the chapter sent get-well-greet-ngs to Pat Stites, confined at home vith a broken ankle, i Out-of-town guests were Joan Elicit, visiting member at large, ftfrs. W. E. Ince, San Francisco and Mrs. McCollock, Medford. I Members present at the Valen tine party held after the regular Ineeting were Mrs. Isabell Brixner, fcroup advisor, Betty Borsting, Vera Gordon, Natalie Guderian, Bernice Jewett, Ruth McCollum, Lois Netzer, Ruth O'Hara, Iva 01 ton, Opal Parlsotta, Shirley Soran, Adra Turner, Kathleen White, Dor othy Whiteline, Evelyn Williams. Uj-B-B-oTm a'o aotmao CTinni m t , y ' rS Shower Given For Two Brides KLAMATH AGENCY Two re cent brides wero honored on Tues day evening at a double bridal shower given for Mrs. Floyd Frank and Mrs. Jack Morgan. The party, which was held at the club house, was given by Mrs urviue Knightpipe. Mrs. George Shorey, Mrs. Ray Walker and Le na Kirk. During the evening guests played Canasta, pinochle and cootie with awards going to Mrs. E. J. Diehl, Mrs. Dwight Souers, Mrs. Ches ter Jack, and Mrs. James Chase. Special awards were given to Mrs. Jack and to Mrs. Floyd Frank. A larse white frosted confeptinn topped with pink rosebuds, silver leaves and a tiny umbrella nested in pink ribbon was served at the close of the evening with other re- iresnmenis oy the nostesses. Gifts were onened bv the twn honored guests from the following who were not able to attend: Mrs. Bud Gentry, Mrs. Leonard Norris. Mrs. Friedman Kirk, Mrs. Floyd Ohles, and Mrs. Ed Cole of Chllo- quin, Mrs. Alice Spencer, Mary Ann souers. Jacaueline Shorev and Donna Hobbs and from Mary Kirk land, who has recently moved to Parker, Ariz. Those attending whose names were also on gift carda read as follows: Mrs. Chester Jack. Mrs. Robert Hall Jr., Mrs. Joseph Ball, Mrs. Dick Harrineton. Frieda Kirk. Mrs. Alvie Youngblood, and Mrs. Gerry Wolff, all of Chlloquln. Mrs. E. J. Diehl, Mrs. Charles Worth man, Mrs. Leroy Thompson, Mrs. F. D. Wilder, Mrs. Harold Wing, Mrs Mcrton Porter, Mrs. Roy Hobbs, Mrs. T. W. Sanders, Mrs Seldon Kirk, Mrs. James Chase Mrs. Dwight Souers, Twyla Knight pipe and the four hostesses. a c m a a a a inrmnra-on't a ii mi ALL I LUKriCllH Enfravtd Idsuddhw Invitations and Announcements 3 ll.fti Per Hundred Ask For Your Copy Of "WEDDING CUSTOMS" 3 By Evelyn Murray 3 FORMAL (1 to r) Bill Wav Photo by Kettler AMBRIEU CLUB Mrs. John Selby was hostess to the Ambrieu Club Feb. 5. Seven members and two guests were present. Mrs. William Leiser presided at the meeting, during which it was voted to send a donation to the March of Dimes. A new member. Mrs. R. Griffiths, gave an interesting account of her recent visit to England. The evening prize was won bv Mrs. John Selby. Next meeting'wiU be at the home of Mrs. Stan Hendricks, 1620 Ore gon Ave., on Feb. 19. I A 4i ' $ 111 ff J' A (J I . I I vc lit I'lA 1 J 'i i APPLAUSE FOR THE 1952 King of Hearts during the coronation at the King of Hearts formal, Feb. 9, in the Armory. From the left, Barbara McMahon, Lee Kinmark, Paul Jones , Ronnie Hershberger (back of Paul), Barbara Arnold, Doug Pence, Patty Teale, George England, Ann Henderson (back o f George) and Carrie Heilbronncr. Photo by Kettler Ladies of Eagles Patricia Henry presiled at the Feb. 13 meeting Ladles Auxiliary of Eagles in the FOE Hall, which was a party also, to celebrate birthdays of members born in Jan uary, February and March. Committees were appointed to carry out various projects. Next meeting is Feb. 27, initia tory work all officers to wear for mals. Plans are made for refreshments and entertainment. Trip to Idaho LANGELL VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cunningham spent sev eral days in Caldwell. Idaho, with Mrs. Cunningham's sister and brother and families. They stopped at Madras on the return trio to visit their daughter and family. Their granddaughter. Trudy Her ringshaw, 4, accompanied them home for a visit. Glamorenef the Miracle . Carpet Cleaner NOW IN STOCK You read about it in the Reader's Digest t Claud H. Davis CO. 426 Main Phone 4684 1 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. Oli KG ON CLAYTON HANNON, Knight, and Sharon Gienger, Junior Princess. Photo by Kettler Jobs Daughters Annual King of Hearts Formal at the Armory February 9, was one big Valentine, with pretty girls in pretty dresses, handsome young men and lavish decorations against a background of music by the Star lighters. Patrons and Patronesses for the affair were: Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ustick, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Owens, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bovd and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clark. Honored boys from KUHS were: Jim Tockey, King of Hearts, and Knights. Shannon Oldham, Clayton Ilannon, Marvin Nerseth and Tom Murdock. QUOTA CLUB Quota Club held its regular noon business meeting, at the Pelicar Cafe Monday. Several members were unable to attend, as they were working at the blood bank. Catherine Fyock was elected to the nominating committee. Winner of the birthday gift was Blanche Petroff. The 33rd anniversary of international will be celebrated at r led at the dinner meeting Feb. 25. and the Woman of Achievement, fnr the year will be named. It will also be past members night. 3 It's been wonderful! when con you of ford a ring from Rickys? Eul aiona Mrs. ' A. O. Rocnlck will be chairman of the hostess commit tee at the regular monthly meet ing of Eulalona Chapter DAR, Mon day, Feb. 18, 8 p.m. in the Cham- oer or commerce rooms, 323 Mnln Mrs. Warren C. Nouele. rhan- !'r regent, will preside during the ousiness session, ... A patriotic program is Being ar r"K-a. YAKDLEY 65, A BOIIlf YtrJki tfim lm Amtim lit Htv4 k rlft I. k4 m It 1 1 A fie Ow w-fjuil bflnh IwohIi LEE HENDRICKS Your Neighborhood Druggist 2212 So. 6th Phone 4321 HEARTS, FLOWERS AND PRETTY DRESSES lent color Hearts Formal (1 to r) Pat Lchto, Iticliard Geary, Diane Di Party nner LANGELL VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lcuvlli enlertnlned at their home In Lnngcll Viilley Fob. 5 In honor of Mrs. Bill Burnett who nns crlebrntlng lirr birthday. A social evening followed Uie tur key dinner. Those attending the party were Mr. nml Mrs. Ulll Burnett. Maria Monte and Richard Burnett, Mrs. Louise Kelt. Mnrtln Brown, Mr. and Mr. Leliind Hnrrls, Mrs. Jack Welmrr and John Welmer, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brown, Mary Anne Len. vltt. Margaret Roditera. and Mr and Mrs. Lenvltt. how far does your welcome reach? Doti your hoipiiality ito ihtrt uir thrt ild f h wtlcoma fnetf rtolly Inviting froeioui hofM wori rug or. carptW on tfi Hmt ' like our quality carpota. WKwHtr. you cHoom one 9x12, or iwo of iculotortd broadloom, Uf ut hlo you iprood your welcome throughout tro houio with famoui brond rugi nnd carpotlng. ""' KHamatri FURNITURE CO. 221 Main Phone 5353 X A ENGAGEMENT of Joyce Werner lo Harlan Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Johnson, former Klamath Kails residents now living in Rosehurg, is announced hy her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kugcnc Werner, 2327 Darrow. Joyce is a former OSC student and a member of Sigma Kappa sorority. Her fiance is a junior at OSC and is affiliated with Sigma Chi fraternity. No wedding date has been set. worn! Enter Fcrcbec Slmlio s Bm "Host. r. itH 1951 Grand Prite Winner Dolores, 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mn Oral Heavilin. OPEN TO CHILDREN 5 MONTHS TO 8 YEARS! 31 AWARDS ... 31 WINNERS! EQUAL CHANCE FOR ALL! Mothers! It's Free! No Obligation! Jtieiree iudi SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1(1, lD.Vi and beauty to the King of Oldenburg and Honnie Bryan. Annual LQ llll I lit I U.S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PHONE 3232 i BJULOJLBJUU). fl.B.QJUHJ HHimoiHnaoaooQtumoooo o o o o o p opl