PAGI TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATUMAY, FEBRUARY 10, 11)32 1 KrLW HSt. Kc.-PST Saturday Evening, Feb. It 00 Sporu HlfhllihM :1S Horn Town Newt :2fl World Newt Summiry :.W Selene Editor ABC '41 Wordi el Ufa 1:00 Mr. District Ally. ABC 1:25 Musle 7:30 Dlnntr In th Green Room ABC S:O0 The Lone Ranger AJ3C 0:30 Dancing Parly ABC 10:00 10 p.m. Headlines 0:1S Brother Art Program 10:30 Popular Musle 10:49 Buddy Weed Trio ABC 11:00 News Summary 11:00 Sign Off KFI.W MM KcPST Sunday, Feb. 17 1:00 News ABC a. IS Morning Song ABC 1:30 Light and Lite Hour ABC 9:00 Calvary Echoet :lt Chapel In Sky :30 Negro Collage Choir ABC 10:00 Sunday Nawa Special AFC 10:13 Brunch Time ABC 10:30 National Veapera ABC 11:00 Presbyterian Church 11:00 Christian In Action ABC J2:3fl Piano Playhouse ABC 1:00 Old Fashioned Revival 1:00 Vole of Prophecy ABC 9:30 Greatest Story ABC 1:00 Hour of Decision ABC 4:00 Songs of Faith 4:13 Jimmy Fldlcr 4:30 Bamm Kave Serenade ABC 6:00 Stop the Music ABC 6:00 Bing Crosby ADC 6:1ft Home Town News' A:?. World News Summary 1:30 Caacadtng Rhythms 7:00 Paul Harvey ABC 7:15 Setenade In Blue 7:30 The Great Adventure, ABC 1:00 Draw Pearson ABC 1:13 Mon. Morning Hdini ABC B:30 Bing Crosby ABC :4S Chet Huntley ABC t oa CBC Symphony Con cart 10:00 10 P. at. Headlines 10:13 Geo. E. Sokolsky ABC 10:30 Clnegrlll Orch. ABC 11:00 News Summary . . 11:09 Sign Off KFLW 1451 KcPST Monday, Feb. 18 1:00 Sign On News Sura. Hi. MH Nt Of4m U TmU 0 Ben B. Lett, Mgr. - V" KUtBUTM rAUA OOiaMO. f AMERICAN CHINESE A Special Purchase For Our Klamath Basin Customers! I PN A BIG 1951 ) STANDARD MODEL J S53 1 0075) now -MMm I "a aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa.s.--, I . ONLY $29.97 DOWN AND WE'LL STILL TAKE YOUR TRADE-IN! . Powered by World Famous Meter-Miser Mechanism! Large Super-Freezer e Quickube Ice Tray e Huit-reslstlng shelves e large, deep Hydrator "com? INI I COME YERN OWENS' CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS CO. 124 No. 4th :M Corn In ttit Morn :4ft Farm Fart 7:00 Newi Brcakhit Ed. 7:15 Charlit't Roundup 7:30 Bob Garrcd, Nwt ABC . 7:40 Top of 1h Mornini 7:M John Come ABC 8 00 Break f jut Club ARC , a rm Hank Uhfv Shnil' l:M Break the Bank ABC U) CO Che i Huntley Newi ABC 10:13 1-oue Journey ABC 10:.1Q My True, Story ABC 10:2s Edward Arnold ABC 1 100 Betty Crocker ABC 11:15 Stop and Shop 11:30 Afainat Storm ABC 11:41 County Agent Spaki ll:!U M.trkei Report 12:00 Noon Edition Ktvrt 12:15 Payter S'dcwutk Show 12:30 Lucky "U" Ranch ABC l:M Pa-il Harvev 1:15 Bitter Living 1- M Mkry MHigaict McBride ABC 2- 00 Briefi 2:15 Accent on Melody 2:.?rt Joyce Jordan, M.U. ABC 2 45 Bom Evelyn Whiten ABC 3:00 When Girl Marrtea ABC 3:15 Ted Malone ABC 3:.f nai Cameron ABC 3:43 Mary Marltn ABC 4:00 RequcMfulL? Your 5:00 Fun Factory ABC 3:25 World Flieht Reporter aBC 3:30 Chet Huntley ABC 5:43 Gttet Star 6:00 Sports Hifhltghti 6:13 Home Town News 6:23 World News Summary 3:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC 7.00 The Lone Ranger ABC 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC 7:45 Preview of Tomorrow 8:00 Could This Be You 8:30 "Should City Boundaries Be Ex tended to Show Additional Popul ation?" 10:00 10 PM Headlines 10:)5 Navy Star Time 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:03 Sign Off KFJI 1450 Kc.-PST Saturday Eveninj, Feb. 16 News' 6:1S Theater Quit a.M Assemoh- of ftod Hour 7:00 Hawaii Calls MBS ' ' 7:30 Klamath Temple s-OO To be Announced 9:00 News UBS 9:15 To be Announced 9:55 News MBS 10:C0 Stonica. Whalen MBS i - 40:15 Dunce . Music 10:30 Arthur Van Orch. MBS 11:00 Night Owls Edition 11:03 Night Owls Club . 12:00 Sign Off KFJI 115ft KcPST Sunday, Feb, 17 8:00 To be Announced 8:3i 5-Min. News 8:35 Music . ' 8:45 Children's Chapel 9.00 Radio Bible Class MBS 9:30 Rlam. Bev. Center 9:43 Island Melodies 10:00 News MBS 10:15 Mark Rogers MBS 10:30 Lutheran Hoar MBS If you act at once. Limited Quantity Simplest cold-making mechanism ever built g!v, y0U SAFE Cold from top to bottom. Has 5-Year Warranty 1 . Adjustable Cold Control a Cold-Storage Tray Removable half shelf Porct'ain finish interior Save $45 on your . Refrigerator NOW! Ph. 8365 11:00 Frank and Ernest MBS 11:13 Show Tunes ll:M Network 11:4.1 Master Radio Can. MBS ljno News 13:15 Bill Cunningham MBS U::U Air force ItoJf l:0ii M,tfrioiis Treve'r WBS 1M t'nder Arreal. MRS 1M Bobby Benson MBS 2:00 The Shadow MBS gtfO 'true Ue:eo-tive MttS 3:00 Gabby lUyti MHS 3:.- N'lck Carter MBS 3 U Cecil Brown, News, MBS 4:00 News MRS 4:13 Mark Hogvrs MBS 4 .TO Strsmlxvtt Jsnilwrrt MBS 3:rtl Keviwtne Stand MPS ft:3A rnrhanted Hour MBS f 00 News IS Quii Show :;0 Youth Views News MBS T:i-0 J. J. Am hoi. MHS ?:.t0 Adven. of Casanova MBS 00 Twenty Questions 8:30 forward America MBR 9.1X1 Glenn Hardy News MBS 9 t;uet Star 9:;J0 The Whistler CBS tu.uo Musical Comedy T 11:00 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc. PST Monday. Feb. 18 00 Musical Revel'lc t:4i Tarm Reporter T:uo ltcimntwsI.ews MBS 7:15 Breakfaot Ganf MBS 7:30 Headline News 7:45 Bct Buys ' ' y 8H) Cecil Brown MBS 8:15 Break (ait Gang MBS :;iO Bible lmtltute MBS -9:00 Hometnaker Harmonies 9:15 It's a Dog s Life . Platter Party 9; 45 Favorites of Yesterday 10:0-) News MBS . . 10:15 Tello Te 10:30 La Pointes 10:45 Concert V : 10:50 Currins 10:55 Ken Carson ' , 11:00 Ladles Fair MBS 11:23 News MBS 11:30 Queen for Day MBS 12:00 Nam Bands 12:13 News Headlines' 12:30 Your Dance Tunes'- 12:45 Market A Livestock , 1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS 1.30 Tune Test 1:55 Local News 2:00 News, MBS . . 2:09 News MBS ! , 3:15 Two at 2:13 2:45 Answer Man 3:00 Ricky's Request 4:00 Speed Gibson MBS 4:13 Hemingway News MBS 4:00 Curt Massey Tune MPS 4:45 Sam Hayes, News MBS if 0O Bobby Benson MBS 5:30 Wild Bill HiCkok. MBS . . 3:33 News MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS -6:13 Quit Show 6:30 Around Town News 6:43 Sam Hayes, News MBS 6 3 Bill Henry MBS 7:0) Woman of the Year 7:30 Bright Star 8:00 Let Georce Do It MBS 8:30 Holly woo Pla' house MHS 9:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS 9:13 rulton Lewis News MBS 9:M Crime rifhters MBS : .VBimuTe finu inos 10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:15 Country Music 10:30 Crowell's Nest MBS 11:00 Nlfht Owls News 11:03 Ntght Owls Club U:00 Sim Off Steel Strike Blame Aired NEW YORK Wl :-PhUip Mur ray accused the steel Industry Fri- jday of attempting, to. provoke-a nationwide sirnte s a lever w gew government authorlt rais pric es. The president of" both the CIO and the CIO :Unlted jsteelworkers Union told a' Wage 'Stabilization Board panel that the Industry had i rejected every one ol the union's 2 demands. . He said witnesses presenting the companies' case before the panel used hundreds-- of . thousands ot words which all added up to "no." The union has called' a strike for Feb. 24. Murray -and the union policv makers "Will meet In Pitts- ; burgh Feb. 21 to decide whether to proceed with the strife or to await the WSB decision. irigthe dispute. Food Checked tics PORTLAND if' Use of an In-, tricate device that analyzes flood waves by electronics will be ex plained at a meeting of the Colum 01a Basin Inter-Agency Committee here Wednesday. Discussion of the device, called an electronic flood routing ma chine, will be particularly signifi cant in view of forecasts of pos sible Hood conditions in the Colum bia River basin this spring, com mittee officials said. Other weather forecasting meth ods aiso will be discussed by tech nical experts from Portland, Seat tle and Washington, D.C. Col. Eck ley S. Ellison, head of the Port land Weather Bureau, said he ex pected Dr. F. W. Relchelderfer, weather bureau chief in Washing ton, to attend. lhe committee, Including gover nors of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, also will consider a mm. ' prehensive program for develop ment of the basin. The flood routing machine saves time in computing flood stages for downstream points when flood con ditions occur, Anthony J. Polos of the Portland Weather Bureau, who will explain the device, said. It computes quicker . and more accu rately than manual methods. Farm Credit Loans Listed SPOKANE Wl Thirty produc tion credit associations in Wash ington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana cioseo 13,1113 larm loans totaling $129,414,295 last year. The Production Credit Corpora tion of Spokane said Friday It Is an increase of 635 loans and $29, 437,921 in volume over 1950. - Montana associations led in the volume of new loans with $42,059.- 235; Idaho was second with $38,115,- oeo; Oregon third with $35,329,688, and Washington fourth, $13,909312. The corporation said the 30 as sociations had 8,405 loans totaling $49,677,991 outstanding as of Dec. 31, 1951. It said 13 of the associa tions are now member-owned. Great Falls, Mont., and Walla Wal la having recently repaid the gov ernment Investment In their capital stock. HEADS MEAT MEN LOS ANGELES ID E. Flovd Forbes of San Francisco was re elected president and general man ager of the Western States Meat Packers Association here Friday. C.E. Funeral Held Funeral servlrri for Cliireiu'e E. Mlllrr, ft KlHiiinlh County resUlrnt tor 45 yours, were coiulniMcd todnv from Word's CIihucI, with Inlei'- mrnt.m Klnmnlh Mpmorlul Ccnic lery. H dlrd Tursdiiy. Miller wns a unlive of Wnbnsh, Inc.. born tn I8t8, but for most of hi adult life hint been associat ed with looping and lumbcrum In Northern Calltornln and this coun ty. In his earlier dnvs he worked In mills In Butte Volley and lor a time worked as sawyer for Crane Mill lit Bly. In 193d he established the Miller Lumber Company nt Lake o' the Woods, operntlnir it until 1040. Me specialized in white pine. After that lie served as field superintendent for Klamath Forest Protective Association, and In 1940 he assumed the mnnaiseinent of the Silver Lumber Company mill ing operation at Plneluirst, and op erated that mill until the present time. Miller was a World War I vet eran, serviiiR In France with tho engineers, and was affiliated with the Veterans of Foreisn Wars and uaait Walton League He leaves manv mends here In logging and lumbering circles. Survivors Include the widow. ! Norma O. Miller, here: his moth er. Mrs. Margaret Miller, and two brothers. Warren and Robert. Sun nyslde, Wash.: a son. Glenn C. I Miller. St. Louis: and a sister, I Mrs. E. F. Meyer, Seattle. Kennan Gets Red Warning WASHINGTON W Career Dip lomat George F. Kennan has re ceived a pointed Communist warn ing that he had better be careful when he goes to Moscow as the new American ambassador. Kennan, an authority on Soviet affairs, was nominated early last week by President Truman. Officials reported Saturday the Warsaw radio, which takes Its cue from Moscow, has now given no tice that the envoy will be under close observation to prevent "spy ing." A broadcast by an official Po lish commentator said Kennan was chosen because of his long record as an enemy of Soviet Rus sia and because of the American desire to obtain all Information possible from behind the Iron Cur tain. Builds Giant Station - WASHINGTON W . The most powerful radio station In the World is being built by the Navv m the Jim Creek area near- Snohomish, Wash . . .T)tejNvy took the wraps of se crecy off the station Friday night. It. is scheduled to go into opera tion next yew. Three towers, each 200 feet hfch, have been built on hilltops above the station. They will support an tennae 7,200 feet long across the valley. The Navy said the mllllon-watt transmitter will enable the high command to keep in touch with the fleet around the world. TO MEDITERRANEAN WASHINGTON Wl Brig. Gen. Orvllle E. Walsh, the Army's North "acific Division engineer at Port land, Ore., has been appointed su pervisor of military construction In the Mediterranean area. His head quarters will be at Casablanca, French Morocco. LAST TIMES TODAY "THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE" - - - Plaa -"TALES OF THE NAVAJOS" Navy rictur&! 'It. A r mmmims V ,,v iUismirmif) M 1 jy?? l. PICTURE OF THE MONTH -"RED Deeper Channel Move Taken WASHINGTON i.fl Action has been started bv Hen. Anuell (H.-l Ore.,1 that mav lead to deepening of the Lower Columbia River chan nel. Anitell has Introduced resolutions to nuthorlno tho Army Uniilncrrs to brUiK earlier surveys of the riv er up to dale. He explained, how ever, that the Mouse Public Works Committee will not vole on the res olutions until an opinion has been received from the Kimineeis on (he need fur ft new survey. Committee approval la required before it new otirvey can bo au thorized. The OrcKon congressman asked whether the channel should be dredited from Its present 40-tnot depth to 48 feet or some other level. Murray Again On Fair Board Perev Murray, longtime mem ber of he County Fair Board, has been reappointed to the board for tnree-year term. I ...in0n.Pp. ,v8i..mnae0v I Z.rd , Z heV-".V. S .. ,. w !. nanus and J. A. Johnson, The County Court also reappoint ed Vein Moore, Marry Whird and Dick Hciucr to the County Plan ning Commission, for four-year terms. Other commission members are Jerry Slsemore, Scott Warren, Harry Obenchalu, Hans N. Hanson. E. C, Lcmler and Jesse N. Drew. Old Newspaper Sale Reported CINCINNATI 1 The Cincin nati Times-Star management an nounced Thursday It has purchased the 110-year old Cincinnati Enquir er, subject to court approval. The paper was bounht for ap proximately J7.5O0.000 from the es tate of John R. McLean, Wash higion. The agreement to buy was signed by Hulbert Tail, president and uub- Usher of the Times-Star Publish ing Company, and the American Security and Trust Company. It must be approved bv the VS uisinct court of the District of Columbia. Hulbert Taft said final court ae-! tlon might be delayed for "some months." The Enquirer Is this city's only morning newspaper.. . , Report Favors j SEC Nominee WASHINGTON Iff .A House Committee Investigating the Se curities and Exchange Commission reported Friday It has' "no crcdl- j Die evidence- relleettne adversely upon the honesty and mtctrrlty of SEC Chairman Harry A. McDon ald. McDonald has been nominated as administrator of the Reconstruc tion Finance Corporation but the Senate Banking Committee has re fused to act on the appointment while the House Inquiry is under way. The House group, a subcommit tee of the Interstate Committee, made its report on McDonald to Chairman Maybank, D.-S.C, of the Senate Committee. Rep. Heller. D.-N.Y., head of the House group, wrote Mavbnnk that his committee concurred , unanimously" In the report. ami BOOK'V MOVIE OF THE MONTH "CORONET" Army Totals Enemy Losses WASHINGTON Ml The Army Friday estimated total enemv cas ualties ill Korea at 1.677,734 Ihrouitll Feb, V, That flKine, coverlnR Commu nist military lases alone, Is an Increase of 14,3(10 slues the Jim, 2b estimate. The total Included 1.143.000 bat tle casualties, 303.J68 uon-lmltla losses and 13JJ77 counted prison ers of war. In addition to the military pris oners, the Army also listed 37,858 civilian internet's under United Na tions military control. The latest U.N. casually report, issued Feb. ft. put losses ot U.N. forces ut 3UI1.U70 up to Dec. 31. Re-Registration Time Set About 6.000 persons In Klamath County whose nainoa were lopped oil the voter roiiisirntiuu lists win I have to rc-reulaler between no now '!. c""blc ' vo1 e In the May 18 primary Registration closes at 8 p.m. April IS. The 0,000 wero persons who did not vote m the lust two genernl elections mid for that reason their icuislrailous were cancelled. Meat Control Foes Rapped LOS ANGELES t The Eco nomic stabilisation Administrator describes as unwise a decision of the Western Stales Meat Packers Association to fight for lifting ol controls this year. Roger L. Putnam told the Puck ers' convention Friday that such decision "puts tho meat Industry In a position ol not seeming to cure what happens, lo the consumtnn public in ft lime of national emer uency. I'm sure the Industry has no desiro to 11110 iiscn 111 sticu position." Declaring he Is aware of the dllllcuitles of applying price con trols and quotas to the packing . ,i)H Ihnl If there were no con:iols, iherr would be no way to check Inflation. EXTRA TONIGHT i MAJOR STUDIO PREVUE Wepromwe YOU-that this will be the new years No.lmakerof . . .1 merriment It's all about those wonderful malepluslemale, hugs-plus-kisses things that make i wedding bells ring with - OUR SELECTION "LIFE " MAO. iti" ..... 1 v.v sa u , 1. .a As i& 1 I II maV Actually lllmad hlah In tha ruiead. nanlad jaachea '. m m mm im'':vS warner bros: r!:mm wivSST .roaring aaga of We promise wi ffk&S ($iCvV landgiantswh0 YOU-that 1 YVF WkW tore the far i this wlllie V West apart the new years g Oi J) fortreasure No.lmakerof J iV' that piled a lt . --'.-WW', 1 ffi1 Ml tough-auywhoJ g-'i CM 'moves Won jUt - SO Petition Seeks Street Work Property owners ' of Laverne sheet lii'lueru the 4300 and 4000 Court for Improvements In Hie all eel between the 4300 and 4000 blocks. A pt'llllon beai lug the mimes of 1H properly owners and the wives of most whs turned ill lo the County Court Friday, The petition asked a survey lo 'florin the cost of Improving the (inches, grading and black lopping the street, so that the prop, city owners can iirranuo lo lliuince tho work. Rare Sclerosis Clinic Planned TACOMA 1.11 Construction on n ! $350,000 multiple1 ficlerosls clinic, ' first ol Its kind In the world, Is j scheduled lo begin hero early next week. The cllnlo Is being creeled 011 ! the grounds ot HI. Joseph's llo.v I Pllnl Willi funds underwritten by Sisters of the Order ol St. Francis. I who operate I ho hospital. , Dr. Illntoii I). June, Turninn : physician who has InlroduceTj a ! new tci hnliiue hi aiding sullerers of the illrasc will bo lit charge ol I the clinic. Mammoth Redwood Wilderness Mammoth Adventures to Match ! F7 i KIRKIJ r j sSV .raw m V . Ji " l" l. aatri sV Jt I 1 A. VftTH EVE MILLER PATRICE WYIvlORE K-ttlN nr r JohnTwist & James Death Proposed As Dope Rap LOH ANCIHXKH im A federal Kliilld jury liivestlgiillnit racketeer. Ii4 I1111 recommended tho dealll penally, II necessary, to hull tho imrcotiu tnilllu In Southern Cull lurnln. The liny t'liisslllid iiaiTollcs Iral lie as a crime similar lo murder mid kidnaping. kROD CAMERON ! PtUTHlUi , lOUNNUI MNIII... THE SEA HORNET TOT omtCTIo if ( R.Webb 'Felix Feist 1 " MtfJ . . filter asaaea y I ft' fF- m stsTa CHILI WILLS TSj f AmmritM't Wtttt Mmhatr fatmlnnaw In X . .aaL ML h AS f I1U