SATURDAY, FEniUIAHY 10, 1052 HERALD AND KEWS. KIAMATTI FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN JO REAL CSTATl fOR 5ALI THESE ARE NEW I'i nnc mi l,iikflnirn Drive. ') ni iT mi iipiirr nldp ut ruiiil. Kiu h liim Km tool triiiitmii', lin k rotiiln Hill wiill nil In. (Iiiniml nil Ii'viird I nr IjiiIIiIIiiu. Clly wnlrr III. II(IU nl lifW liniilii'i' nt Iih'iiIIiiii. A luvc-ly vlrw il llir Inki. No hill Ui rllinli. Hrvrrnl frull Iiimm. All lor niyib. I .lively Iwn brill mini liiiinr nil 'i mm lul, nil unoil iriiinit Imuiilit. lluil In I'rti'iniin Hi'liuiil dl'.lllil Nrur bun llnr. (Iiiiiinil plnwnl mill reiHly lur Bunion HcIIIiik pilir Uiaoo, VJMIO ,i,wii. Thin woii'l lu.'il limn i, Inn i y FRED E. FLEET - HKAl.TOIt ' DKNNIE CUATK-S. BulivJiuly 4118 Mil I II Ollli ! I'll. 'i-XIM r.'vrn. 2-1305 Whar We Do For You When ynii lift your rilv or Milnir linn mopeilv Willi CIIILCOiK A: HMITII. Itriilli.i. I -Wo uniniihr lull Iv--unci lit oner. I a We lliiiince )iiopcrUen If you i need your ru.ili. ion rxcluMve ! Ilitlnitni. 3. Wp Kiiiirniitrr to ndvrrllM oil ; exrlii.ilvn lii;iiu,s ri'ttuliirly. 4 We di nil (lie work Hpend mil tnnrmir udvertlhliiK money. h All you do In Mil Hie deed. 8 All we nik In Hie cliumc to nerve you. Open Kvcnlnio by Appoint niriil Kre Don Hlimn Homer Htllre, l i ed Hem I I'll. Mm Kves. a-24(iO Kvc. 6(03 lives. CHILCOTE & SMITH HKAI.TOHH HIIICO 10UD HI N. OUl Hi. I'll. 4M)4 or ONLY $3500 I'or this rich hull aire with rum. loi utile 1 bednxim house, lame liiimue with pnre bedroom In rnir. ehirken house nnd hiimll burn. Uood teriu.i can be nrrunued. $6300 Ituyn thin nttrnrtlve 2 bedroom Mifo urbiin home. 6 year old, automatic heal, hardwood floors, concrete foundation, deluchcd mirniie, llior. ouuhly inodein. iicrc uood lirl Knlnl oll. On paved street and bus line. Only $1000 down, $63 per inonlh. NEW MODERN 2 BEDROOM In Hot ijprlnus. TliU beautiful home was built last year. Yard Is completed, with lawn, iiutomatlc ropper sprinkler ayslrm. atone walls, etc. full concrete basement, roniplcle with miraKe. work shop, iiilllly room, lnrue party room with bar and nccond fireplace, fully in Alnted, citrine heal, t'oniforlable M'paraie dlnliiR room, natural wood rnblnets In kitchen, tiled bath, and a world of built In alorniee spare. Call us (or an appolntincut now. INCOME luxated In Mills, this property con sists of 8 rental nulls. Total In come now $IM per month net. This can be substantially Increased with very little expense. Total price US.750. Open Evenings by Appointment. lee Don Sloan Phone 5058 Eves, tinnier Stiles 3 3400 Eves, fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH rtEALTOIU) Since 1009 111 N. Dth St. Ph. 4564 or 5523 NEAR ACADEMY A Rood two bedroom home located close to echooR churches nnd business district. Large living room with fireplace, nice dining room, breakfast nook and full basement. Immediate possession. Priced right. HOT SPRINGS A nuallty home In a very good neighborhood. Has two bedrooms. large living room with circulating fireplace, dining room and cheer- nil kitchen. Lois of built-in storage '.fpacc, very Inrge wardrobe closets In bedroom, electric heat, and ex cellent room arrangement. Play room with fireplace In basement can be used as guest bedroom. This Is a new home nnd represents good value on present market. Sli(n by appointment only. MILLS ADDITION A well built home In n good loca tion. Nent as a pin Inside and out A SO by 120 fool lot provides a nice turfed play yard for the chit' dren and a small garden spot. A good buy at 17050. Let us show you this home. PACIFIC TERRACE An nttracllvo .homo cnnslsllng of two bedrooms, living room, dining room, den nnd kitchen. Has full basement Willi exliB room finished In knotty pine. The large lot pro vides n nice selling for the house nnd allows n nice view. This Is a (leslriible property nnd Is priced right. Call lis for moie dctnlls Shown by appointment only. Sec Fred Cofer II. L. Stephens Evenings 0230 Barnhisel Agency 111! S-. 8th Phono 4105 MODKItN 2 bedroom limine. Pnrlly fur niHhfft Willi nt tl II v mom, $2700. .1120 Uhiinond street, mewm i loimix. 30 RIAL ESTATI FOR SALE 34 "AUTO-COURTS APARTMENTS Commercial Buildings RANCHES Wr Imvr niwrrnl nllrrlniiii on above mi'iitliiiii'd iiiopiTllen. They warrant vmir limiiectlun now. PlniM! are iih tor driiiiln. Your Inquiries will be iiiirccinlr(l. Willi Ulrtz, Willi T. B. WATTERS HEAI.TOH8 mid INSURANCE 107 Hii. Illi I'liono 4IKI I Even. tMODi TEACHERS HKK TIIIHI -Well built two bed room. Close lu llllli Hrhwil, Qrnrie Heliool. 1'iived utrret. Will lukc any typo loiin. iriBfiO. LINDLEY HEIGHTS :HM)- Modern two bedroom lioine IiiMilnted utility room. I.ihkc Inwn. MlKlil KO bTATK tl I. MICE IJenlic Snclicr Evening C0U4J With ' BILL SULLIVAN realtor lOlfl Mnlll Phone 6568 FOR SALE 113 acres of the very best of sandy louin soil. 50 acrea alfalfa and clover. Located on oiled road. Oood modern Will consider terms. M. A. BOWMAN ItEALTOIl Phone 7303 Merrill, Ore. CLOSE-IN 2-l)edrooin ni'xlem with cement biiheineiit. Cloie to Grade nnd Hliih txhwl. Prlec t4760. Ternu. TRADE FOR TRAILER HOUSE 2-rtedroom modern with 'j Here. Oood outbuildiiiKS. Dining room Prlri ft47'iO tiw (j.rm nr liikn ' i rire i ijo. iav. terms or tano miner (louse ns linn iraoe. 4-Ilooin modern with almost one ftrre. ICxcelleiu fruit room. Lnritc kitchen and laundry. All In (toed condition. Price 44M. Will lake trailer house as purl trade. MILLS ADDITION Wc have one of the best built homes lu this town. 3 bedroom with emphasis on quality through out. It's priced rmhl. No hold up. Please see us for details. Shown by appointment only. Walt Dlcu. with T. B. WATTERS REALTOR nnd INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Ph. 4103 "Eves. 9460) DESIGNED FOR MODERN LIVING Beautiful 3 bedroom suburban home with large living room, dining room and beautiful kitchen.' This Is a brand new ranch style home and has one acre of lurid for gardening and play area. Located In a new neighborhood. This home has at tached double garage, fireplace and utility room. See us to see 11 today. i-rice si u.sou with terms. RANCH it 09 acres located at Modoc Point. 00 acres under cultivation. Modern room house on oiled highway, Total price $16,000 with convenient terms. Claire Ellis Phone 2-2659 Jay P. Orlggs Phone 4264 acne Favell Phone 6045 w. w. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 12 Kl Main St. Phone 7521 32 BUILDING & REMODELING KOOI'INO Built-up Composition ShhiRlrs Aluminum Shingles SIDINCI Asbestos Ccdnr Bhnkcs INSULATION Ulown-ln Flbcrglnss COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCRKISN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 44G8 or CLEM LESUEUR J-2443. Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS. Slovo Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check nnd Kill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of lleiitlnn Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Puds that Satisfy Plus Service," -Stnco 101D B21 Snrlns St. Phono 4153 300 (JOV'T wood coal kitchen atovea and parlor heaters! (Used, but excel- lentil in ea. FOB, St.. Portland. Ore. 5120 N.W. Buna S&H UHEEN STAMPS given on heat ing nils. Phone 3081 or 2-8260 (or prompt delivery. CLIFF YADEN'B SIGNAL SERVICE 23G6 So. 6th FUEL HEATING ASIILKY AUTOMATIC wood iieati;h Engineered for surety and nrnnz tnil economy, burns wood or prcslo lous. Priced from 163.50 to 1140 60 On display lit Ili Y Mkt Illdu I'lione 7002 Johnny's Big Y Iiukcry STANDARD 'lIKATINCTolL Btt'V. turns a. light ful, crisl, wood. :li4rrosl Peyton and Co. S.ID Markal I'iiiinai4u. t)l(V plnq bUiik's riir"nlr. oiian ttvs tillif ,nl wrrhrnfU, Mllrr IIHJS I'llKtTlol.lMitt ilrkup or uilvBrei. Cliff V.ilcin Kimnil HrrvlCa. 2MU bo Olh Plum .infll in 3.02(10. 38 BOATS PETS SP0RT5 HOBBIES ODtllCMIll) MMTUII Ly uy. Iluy vi, or lew iiilrril iiio'illi-nrl'.rni'tiK h'-u King motor oh Uy-aWNy. III! hol(i n until Mhv I. Willi no pjyitifnl sry umll tlin. Iln reudy fur lti- "iru. ion .1 ii i' r.rinnii 'i wln siaa. i n i icsrtliltt twin fell, MONTOOMK.ItY WAItt) (llh slid rnot'p 'llllh ANIKI(H(JNn7is'rdins Kem.U ' Phmit 3047 MIIIS hclWMrjill llolnvdslt nOAIIUINO KKNNtl.S Dot hmnlliig liy day. wrM ur month astiltary ktmicla. Walt halancad dirt Claan Individual outdoor (una lor aarl. dog Ooga nandlad durKg inallng. Will pica up and dallver Vlaltura Walcoma Pnona SOTS Marrlll Ru HI 2. Iloa S04 miAHIA CAHrADK K 40 TO EXCHANGE KlllllV'tachiiieiit"andp',lulicrs. I'luMia naiKl. 42 LIVESTOCK I POULTRY FARMERS! KGGS TO SKLL? Wc arc now buying delivered to our plant. Gooding Poultry Farms Fhone 4940 POULTRY WANTED Cut) paid for tvny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONK 3U57 K UM ATHPO U LT R Y P A R M 3 KVKHV Clfftrk A CUCKwripn iCcumr tram KlNfitMlh t'rui Cu! No "ty-- tick" Mr. every une a hravy producrr Aik (oiks wliu know, ihrit conic lu lfj3 0roar. phrin 3 .117). CHICkiT BKCOMK CIIKCKS Ul i'hn thvy ar from Ktaroath F'fd iln. r our babies grow ft. mature early, lav heavy and nay ofl good: WJl Broad. phont 2-317 r-07rHAI.KJcr.rjy cuw und cuff Jtouir 2 llox 44. Phone 3-2o:w. "'6lt lH'Ai'r. lUrr iwian. "phrme tnr? RjHSALk."day"old"talvci7't:J2gl Hotiic- llale AHTiriCIA. Rl r;rj.Ni t STH VK'F. Phnna &72I M C. IChurki WVrrcn. Ht 2 Una a22 WANTKD colored hana Phone 50l iTuiHKST prlcca paid' fur poultry, hot nd Hvetock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET uakavlew Junction Phona 407 K(JM SALE, at a herd Ouernhey rn Iwlween now and May. On rcMU- urfj iu,Iny bun. The are well bird and heavy prodiircr Ann moil ui them ate varrlnated. Will aell all dairy r(,tiiimrnl. DeLeval tmlkcr. Au tomatic cooling unit and milk rnn Complete el up fur (Irnde A dairy He Itnv Klatt. 4Hin Siimmrn l.ane MISCILLANEOU1 WANTED WANTED lu buy. CuH puda. Phone 3427 r.buurioiT. WANTED, uied irurk bed about lu It Call evenln. WANlKli to 1" l.v ruuiO' m WjUurtU Phoni a-llfll. WANTED In rtrit 2 bettrtx.m unfur nlrhed hou. Cloae in. Adult. Phone WOMAN want kltrhentMta anartmrnl or room and hoard In home near hou- m projact. Phone max. WANTTD to rent about March 1 hy midrileaied hiiMneaa couple. Two bed room unfurnished home with RarAsr Mtlli Addition or South Suburban pro rerred. rnnne WANTED HUtofy of Modoc War by Mearham or Riddle. Have producer frlenda interealed in ma kin movie of war Roy W Hodgei. Tulelakc. Calif.. Phone 7711 V ANTKB. DaMd Bradlev or HarrU Rale trader, Adajna Kanch. phone T221 Mrrrlll UT NF.fb a IO40 or lfM flvmnuth Sta tion waaon. Will pay top price. Duan and Meat. Phone HJOl. WE NEED CARS' Gel ton prlcia now: Bof Motor Co (Mh and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Put Onl $100 $7.27 Mo. Repay In 18 Installments UP TO 1300 ON rURNITUKE OR SALARY ' UP TO 81200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars "nanceI at bank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 year serving Ktamath Batir. Be "Chuck" Bailey. Mgr. Ill N 7th St Phone 332!. B-J41 M-27H Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 190 to $300 Auto Furnltur LiTeitock Salary ISO to $500 Automobiles (paid (or or not) Prlvnts Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I FOMMERCIAL ClNANCE Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie, S-UM N-m 107 No flth Phont 7711 4! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOfiSAI.E, Income properly" nenr Ash lnnd. Monthly Income $44;"t. Includes two hounei, two apartment buildings, con slstlng of nine rental units. Automatic laundry. One block from bus slop. At tractive buildinfl. Total price $27,230. Terms, nnipn sikm ataa Siskiyou Bivd Aithlnnd. Phune 4H4U. SI- MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC AUCTION r vV COMPLETE DISPERSAL -U ii MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1952 - 12 NOON-SHARP- On the Floyd F. King ranch one mile east on old Alturas highway and one mile north of Malin, Oregon. Follow the signs to sale. LIVESTOCK 17 Head Oucrnsey Cows 3 Head ilolntelu Cows I Khoilhoiu Cow 1 Guernsey HprlnKcr Heller 4 Oucrnsey Hellers I Oner ry Hull 2 Yr. Old 1 llol .teln Hull I Yr. Old All these cows except one arc youiiK. They are all T H. and HaiiKs tested and an production record will be read at sale. LUNCH AVAILABLE TERMS OF SALE CASH FLOYD F. KING. Owner G. W. (Jerry) FALK.S 5304 Alva St., Klamath Falls Build Better With Pumice-Concrete j BLOCKS ! Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. I 8:!0 Market Phone 514!) DKIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. , J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes1 Ph. 7G59 Ph. 7991 ! BEST BUY $45 pcr M FOn YOUR EAHLY SPRING NEEDS IN LUMBER 8-1012 in. TOKETEE FIR SHIPLAP 2x4 S4S 2x6 84S DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY iwviuii viVirniN l : D1 si)rins Phone 5610 ! I'OSTS f.r ic. Hrd Juniper and Cf dar. Phone 4i3 Malm. STAHK HHOTHEHS Nurwry. Fruit tree ajid hrub. Phune 2-3ti37. 14 DAY FKEE TRIAL Try the new Sunbeam Shavcmaiter at home before m bu. Onlv S2(i M. HICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main I'pov.e 3131 C'itUSllKD rock and driveway cinders Phonei-llU tSKD KUHNITUHE values tun always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Mnm. Phone 5jJ. S'INCH cuncrcle culvert pipe, 70 cent per fuot. PEYTON gt CO IJHIVEWAY llnrl, 9753, .MATllAUi. I'nune Joe OIL lanka. Peyton and & driveway cinders. LANDSCAPING, evergreens. nrubt and tree. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42tiU MIRRORS rcallvered. new mirrors made to order Kim balls Glass Shop Phune 7.TIII. FOR SALE, used electric ranee. $29 30. Hnflcr Furniture. 9th and Klamath. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs I ilea, for ale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY MP Main Phone 7413 ELKCfHOLUX CLEANER and poltshe. ar.d supplies. Phona 7167 Xarkel Tweet til M arke t GLASS furniture lops and shelves made to order. Kimball's Glasa Shop Phone 7371!. T I-OH SALE, late niodrl D-2 with or without dorer. W. J. Dixon. Macdoel. FOR SALE, about 33 ton Kood atock nny, is tuns oats, balance allalta. Lad' die Tnfell. phone 7 Malln. FOR SALE, twin sue Inner spring mat tres. Like new. Phone UKOKEN window glass replaced. Kim- baH Glo Shop. I'hone 7J7H W ATKINS PRO I rCTS. Pjui n e KKWT FOR SALE, one yt) gal. gas water heater, one automatic washer, twe a'6" x 8 8 ' one panel doora, U4Q Wtl lord St. WALNUT nietiil bedstead: sIl'Klc aire. H05 Lookout only. and FOR SALE, alfaUY'hay. Second cutting at stack. V. J. BurMk, Ttilclake, Calif. Phone Newell 2 1. VI. IU.ONDE. .V-ptcce bedroom suite with nuittress and springs. $U3. J32 North dth. FOR SALE. Case VAC tractor with hang-on plows Nearly new. Tractor dlic 12 A combine. Phone 2-OBlHl. SINGER electric cabinet sewing ma chine. Late model loi N. Broad. Phone 744ti. lilXlxlti It EC APS S.YD5 EACH EXCHANGE We bttv used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld. ri. 2HH1 So 6lh. Phone 4315 W TON rhotcr aUfn hiiy. Paul Chris ty, Route 2 Box 17li, Tulclake, Calif omtn. Phone Nrwell 22."i2. I- URS,M.K. c.mnB pou.lpps. Phone?17r2 SECOND cutting allalla hn lor tnlc. C. .V Wu, Hon.inin. Ore. Ph. 21ti7. UOVT. BL.OCJ. SALE! 20 It. x 40 It. 2 Apt.t duplex houses! Only SI .100 -Complete. Including free delivery In numoorod. cany -to-erect pnnel direct lo your lot! TEXAS WRECKING CO. N.W. Front Port Innd. Ore. POWERFUL POULTRY PROFITS come, from rugged, healthy, productive chicks with Klamath Feed Co. and be assured of biddies bred to pro duce! nil. Broad, phone 2-3171. FOR SALE, certified Netted Ccm seed potatoes. Grade. A, ono to nix ounce. without hag At Algoma. Phone U-0:t:i7 or Algoma I. AN SCO Reflex Camera. Case, flash gun. New condition. $130. Call 2-:illH). KOR SALE. 2(it) white leghorn chickens alfo potntoes. I'honc 7iu,(. FOR SALE, four new blond limed oak living room tnblcs. Walnut amtnue nee' dlepolnt oerastonal ch-ilr. needlepoint fticsine tirncn, spodc mnnerwnrc mut tert'itn nut tern). InmtiK. uictures. mir rors. Other nunierotis.nrticlcs. Phone Ot.1 nr see at .122 North ftth. SMALL wood cook range. Like new. P?.!00- See a I 212H FOR SALE, mahoaany mirror top cof fee table $20. Good condition, front door with Venetian blind. Inquire HM.i Bincneii. FOR RALE. Frlgtdalre deep freere. 8- eiohl teiilhfi en. fl. $27.t. Lonnle Adams. hox ti;i4, (Jhiioquin, urcgon. ruonc mi, FOR SALE MILKING EQUIPMENT 1 Universal 2-unll Milker 1 International B-can Milk Cooler 1 Water Coll Cooler 14 Ten-gallon Milk Cans MACHINERY I No. 2 International Harnmermill. 1 Set harness complete with collars. 1 John Deere Mower. AUCTIONEER Phone 2-2452 FOR SALE "1001 BARGAINS" Appliances, tools, motors, radios, furniture, shoes, clothes, pocket knives, Burden hose, lawn mowers, etc. Cofer's Exchange Gig Klamath Ave. Ph. 7160 ' FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS , ETC. . . . Your Choice Only tl EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. 6lh Phone 57J8 55 AUTOMOTIVE CORRECTION NOTICE The COMMERCIAL SPECIAL listed In our ad Thursday and Fri day was in error concerning the year of the pickup. Instead of be ini! a 1948, the ad should have read: 1946 FORlD v'8 1; TON PICKUP , Deluxe Healer $ AC Was NOW U7J JUCKELAND MOTORS 1 1th & Klamath Phone 2-2581 1946 FORD 2-TON DUMP TRUCK 2-Speed Eaton 8:25x20 Tires One owner. $1395 SEE JACK MILLER AT BALSIGER'S USED CAR LOT 1152 So. 6th Phone 4354 complex; Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Mflln at Brolanade WHV WALK? DRIVE MOKE MOTORS 302 E Mum Phone 3379 "We will telt your car for vou." We buy n,1 trade' MOTOROLA Ed Hamiin. radio. Universal No. 10th. 7."4 WOULD like to buy 1932 to M Ford coupe. State price. Write Box 24, Her ald News. TRY TO TOP THIS ONE 1!M! Fonnac "6" Silvcrstreak Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater. Hydramat 1c drive, plastic sent covers, gleaming black paint. Looks nnd drives like a new one. Celling price $1743. Our price $I3IM1. 11. E. 1IAUGEH BUICK GARAGE I.eri Lar Dtrjartmcnt Main at Broad Phone S1A1 SACRIFICE to buy home. 1950 Chrys ler Club Coupe. 16.900 actual mileage. Sunvisor, radio, beautiful sent covers, spare never used. Selling for about half what new would coat. If you sec it. you'll buy It! ;t:i2 No. 9th. HERE IS A BARGAIN 1046 Chevrolet Aero Sedan, Radio, rreater, Mvell maroon finish. Well equipped. A-l condition Inside and out. $905. 11. E. H AUG Kit BUICK GARAGE Died Car Ocpailment Mnin nt Broad Phone SIM IfMiTMERCURY sedan with radio, heat or. overdrive. Must rell. will take old er car in good condition. Phone 2-1&19 after 7 p.m. or tec at 152.1 Wilford evenings, lil.M WiLaLYS uirkim in iminuculatc con dition. Less than 5.000 miles. Has big heater, defroster, spare tire never been I'scd. llenlly a bargain HVMi, Dimbat Motors. 2:i9 Main. FOR SALE. 11150 Plymouth Station Wa gon. Less than 17,000 miles. Call days 3400. Nights and Sundays 6240. 1929 MODEL A coupe. Good tires, mo tor fair. SloaPhonc Merfclll, 1212. 1047 DODGE sedan. One owner. Low mllcnge. Radio and heater. Excellent condition, Phone 3o;i8. FOR SALE, late 1949 Chevrolet 4-door, rnrilo cvrelleilt condillon. $1400. Dorrls Motel, Dorris, California. Phone iuii alter a. THE c Directory J OF' BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES "Klamath's Only Directory That is Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week" AIR CONDITIONING fAriE & HOI.I.AND-il22 Spring Phont :u.lo Air Ci idltlonlng lleatlng-Vfrnlllat. log gheat MaUI-Weldlng.stec il f abrlca- ARCHITECTS PEBRIN. llOWAnn R. ARCHITECT. A I A. -Phone MI7. 1121 Main Street. AUTO DEALERS USED IJIIIVK MORE MOTORS Why walk' We buy. aell. trsda or sell on con signment only the cleanest. fined newrM. :mi2, Min Phone n,7fl BAKERIES I'OLI.Y ANN BAKERY liri N'.rlh Sth 7277-"Blrthday Cakea Our Spe elaly " V AC'S B"aKERY "Sperlal Ocrailon Cakei Mai(e to Order " 43011 South 6lh Ph'ne M?A. CAMERA SHOPS fllD-S PHOTO SERVICE 1031 Main Phone Everylhlns Photorraphlc P'jlm Developing In by 10 a.m.. Ou b) 4 p. m. UNDERWOODS CAMERA SHOP 727 Msln Phone 700T Leidlnf Krand I'hntoirraphic Suppllea. Expert Photo Finishing Riutcraft GreetlnK Card. CHINA-SILVERWARE niCKYS JEWELERS 7O0 Maln- rhone 3131 "Home of Famoui Bra..di -I.enox-Plrkard - Royal York - Royal Doulton Wed-Lok - Gorham - Wallace Kirk Towle - Lunt - International CLEANERS-DYERS CHAPMAN CLEAVERS Phone 7026 - .118 Eat Mnin Ptrk up and Oellvery ffOWAKD S CLEANERS f2S Eat Main Phone D8S9. "In At 10 a m.. Out at 5 p m " KLAMATH CLEANERS "Klamath'! Oldeit and Finer;' 431 Main. Phone 7i2 NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1451 Es planade. Phone 4471. "For Particular People." C LOTHTnG N EW AND USED THE CLOTHES MART 123 South 9th Phone :1.1m. Clothing For Aill Hand Made Gifts CLUBS TAVERNS 1 1 NY TAVERN S. W. "Perk" Perk tn. W. t. "Bill" Mathei. "Acrei of Paiklng. "Mallory i Big Y DRUG STORES CASTLEBERRY'S DRUGS P. D Mead Prop Drug;. Prescriptions. Sundries. 330 Main Phone 3333 ELECTRIC APPLIANCES LAST SIDE APPLIANCE Bob Rn bnt - Dewey Randolph, Owners 623 K lamath Phone RaaQ. "Your Friendly Wtinf houe Dealer." MERIT S Sales and" Service Maytag. Phtlco - Servel Ironrite - Hamilton Necchl. 6QQ South6th. Phone -3420. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS EAST SI DE ELECTRIC G25 Klamath. Phone 3164. Industrial Wiring and Sup plies ELECTRIC HEATING EI.KCTRIC HEATER SALES CO. Car rol Colvln. Owner. 623 Pine Phone 2- ELECTRIC LIGHTING VAN FLEET E1ECTRIC 2nd and Main Phone 4415. Modern Electric LiRhttnir Fixtures. FARM MACHINERY CRATER LAKE MACHINERY CO. Caterpillar - John Deere. Phone 2-2544 FLOWER SHOPS CHARLIE MACKS KLAMATH FLOW. Elt SHOP 1211 Main. Phone 4159. Member FTT). KOHN S FLOWER AND GIFTS Bill and Rita DcPew. Phont 8173. 430 Main. FURNITURE KLAMATH FURN1TVRE CO. 221 Main Phone 5353. Willard Hotel Buiid- ing GROCERS MARKETS COMMUNITY GROCERY 1040 Ea. Main. Phone 5636. Free Delivery, Fresh Vegetables. Meats. GRIGGS SUPERIOR FOODS Three Stores Klamath Falls Merrill - Stew art Lennox. 55 AUTOMOTIVE A TIP ' TO THE THRIFTY! LET OLSON SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR NEXT CAR 1950 FORD FORDOR Radio, heater, overdrive. $ 1665 Seat covers.- 1949 DESOTO 4-DR. Custom sedan. Radio, heater, seat covers. 16v30' 1 Perfect condition 1950 DODGE !i TON LteL $1395; 1949 INTERNATIONAL Ton Pickup. Like new. $1195 SDN. 1942 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SDN. Radio, heater, A real buy $ 525 SEVERAL OTHER BEAUTIES. STOP IN LOOK 'EM OVER I JIM OLSON MOTORS 316 So. 6th Phone 5126 A GOOD LOW-PMCFD BUY 1939 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, healer. late motor, dandy rubber. A real re liable car. Drive it home for only s:'5 II. K. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone MM 2-GOOD FORD BUYS-2 . 1040 Ford V-8 Custom Fordor sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive, low mileage. $1395. 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Fordor Sedan. Radio, heater. First class in every way. $1363, H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5151 HERALD AND NEWS ified ass GET THE HABIT Read and Use THIS CLASSIFIED SERVICE Your Weekly Guide to Klamath's Progressive Merchants GUNSMITHS RALPH'S Ct'N SHOP 4320 South 6th Phone 4273 Authorized Winchester anq Femtngton Gunsmith. INSURANCE GENERAL DR1SCOIL AND PADGETT Fire .uto - Farm - 206 Williams Building pViop 7313 JOHNSON M L - 35 Yean In One Block. Associates: Grayce Eaton - Fob c-fniemaker. 434 Main. Klamath Falls, Oregon JEWFLERS HA R WIN'S "A Jewelrv Store of Out. standing Values." 701 Main. Phone 8P21 3 C RENTE. JEWELER tOIft Main Phone 4006 Watch, Clock & Jewelry Rrpairlne. Diamond Setting Engraving Grange Blossom Diamond Rlnss. Ham Hton - Elgin & Wvler Watches. RiCKYS "Home of Famous Brands The finest ntmef In Watches. Diamonds Silver. China and Apoliances Lenox-PIckard - Foyal Yorn - Vrd-Lok Gorham - Wallace - Kirk &var.k Tow! - Lunt - Rolex - Bu'ova - Ham ilton - El Bin - Art Carved Speidel In ternational and many others. Rlrkys jewelers, certineo t.emoiogi'ts Reg istered Jeweler 700 Main Street. LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICE BOB'S SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY 1711 Main. Phone 9234. Kenmore Auto matlcs. MASSAGES MASSAGE Natural hot water mineral baths. Open evenings. Phone 8405. AUTOMOTIVE DON'T BLINDFOLDED! : Be tough. Be hnrd boiled. Ask a million questions. Check every state ment we make. Get in and drive any of our finer, cleaner SELECT USED CARS. Then you'll agree our values can't be equalixj anywherel 1949 NASH SUPER AMBASSADOR 4-DR. SEDAN Weather-eye, radio, twin bed feature, overdrive. 1949 NASH "600' 4-DR. SEDAN rive Weather-eve Radio, overdrive, Weather-eye. 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, overdrive, Weather-eye. Two to choose from 1949 CHEV STYLELINE DELUXE Radio, heater - 1947 STUDEBAKER COUPE Regal Deluxe , 1947 MERCURY 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater Radio, heater. 1946 OLDSMOBILE "98" CLUB COUPE Hydramatic, radio, heater 1942 BUICK SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater - KLAHN NASH CO: 606 South 6th BEST VALUES! USED . TRUCKS -CARS V GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED' West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 677 S 7th Phone Vm COMPLETE auto Prompt, reasonable. Shop. Phone 7378. alana service. Kimball. Glaaa BUS SAHUANTS USED CARS Wt BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur streets Phone trauo fit. NEED CARSI Gat top prlc. oowi Ron Motor Co. 6th and Plum. m 9 MOVING AND STORAGE PF.OPLE3 WAR KTlO U SB Pho n 74S 42.1 South 6th. Movtna Loral Lnna Dintanre. Storaiffl - HH Good FurnU ture. AnenU Beklni. ORNAMENTAL IKON HOWIE BROS Pre-Kut Ornamental Iron Fences and Railings 2437 South Phone 4:162. PHOTOGRAPHERS PHOTOS BV CUDEKIAN 1125 Main Phone 2-2701. Commercial - Portraits , Arrtiil - Copying - Pictiira Framing Oil Coloring. FEREUF.E STUDIO In I! 8. National , k Bulldinff. Phons "Vnrth. while Photography at Reasonable ' Prirt " PIANO DEALERS KYLE MORGAN PIANOS 1033 Main. m Baldwin pianos, organs; Selmar-Holton band InstrumcnU; piano tuninsr: pianos Ph'ine band Instrument for rent. "r,r1 2-02fif). LOt; IS R MANN PIANO CO 12(1 North 7th. One of Lamest Stork ld. " ln Make Pianos In West Hammond organ - Solovox. Rental Sale Plan. H ' PLUMBING G. C. MOTLEY )1 12 Klamath." Phnni - 18. Plumbing . Heating - Sheet Metal. tvf PUMPS GARRISON EQUIPMENT COMPANY Merrlll-Lakeview junction. Jacuxzl Dumot and wattr ivittnu. KiUi ind services. Phone 7312. RADIATOR SERVICE 1U! KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 1901 South 6th. Phone 6042. Eves. 6667. RADIO STATIONS KFLW American Broadcasting Co. radio listentngJ" li50 on " o "Tops in your dial. RESTAURANTS CAFES BARNEY'S CHAT-N-NIBBLE Eat th f.imoua BAR-NEE-BtJRGER. Horns) " made Pies. 1319 Esplanade. Plat 2-3406. SAW FILING BODENHAMER SAW SHOP 331 East T Main. Sales and Service. Liwnmowcri. -r- r B S A. Motorcycles, - All Saws and Tools. SAWS POWER .Mcculloch saw shop McCulloch Chain Saw sales, parts, " service. --r 325 Market St. Phone 6300 . SEED STORES MURPHEVS SEED STORE "Seeda That Grow." 8.14 Klamtih. Phone 3443. SECOND HAND STORES COFER'S EXCHANGE Roland Cofer, Owner. 619 Klamath. Phone Phone 7160., "House ot 1001 Bargains" New and tlsed. h SERVICE STATIONS RALPH'S MOBIL SERVICE. 11th ". and Klamath. Phone 5422. Auto Repair- Ing - Motor tune-up - Mobilgas - Mobil '" oil "Complete Line Accessories." ir,r SEWING SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main. Phone 2-2513. Complete Una of No tions SHEET METAL PADE & HOLLAND 222 Sprint Phone 3618. Stainless Steel. Flue Kx- " tensions - Kitchen Ventilators. -' SHOE REPAIR ED'S " SHOE-SHOP Tom Dunn. Phone " -60211022 Main St L( QUALITY SHOE REPAIR 912 Mnin O'i Street. Phone 8702. Expert Repairing, r'' SHOE STORES MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes for En tire Family. Featuring Naturallzer Roblee - Buster Brown. 717 Main. Phone 7363. VAN ORMAN'S "Klamath Falls New est Family Shoe Store." Trlm-Tred Poll Parrot - Rand - Star Brand. 52? Main. S&H GREEN STAMP STORES BROADWAY CLEANERS 4333 South 6th. Phone 6403. "For Those Who Oare." 1 BUY . 1545 - $1 A A C - ' "" Ml 95 $1445 $. 995 CLUB COUPE - - ... JlQOC - . I JJJ '1095 595 Phone 3650 For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International True Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth end Klamath ' ?hone 2-2681 1949 CROSLEY atation wagon, radio and healer, good ahape. 4IU0 Washburn Way. FOR SALE. 33 ft. standard dual-axlt eml-trnller. HIM. Excellent condition. Phone 2-5103 Ashland. T WILL PAY CASH Jor '41 pickup. Phone 2-1839. l-itfit it-1 HlJ V