FAOITPJ HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 10B2 MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grains Overcome Early Losses CHICAGO tfl Oralna recovered from an early sell-off on the board of trade Saturday, wiping out loss es and In some cases substituting fair-sized gains. Wheat led the upturn. Buying de veloped In the bread grain from milling Interests toward the clone, reflecting sales of spring wheat flour In the Northwest. Earlier, ex port houses had taken wheat, but this had not prevented a slump to new lows on the decline starting Dec. II. Wheat closed 1 ' to S cents hlffher. March 2.53 4i. corn higher, March $1.82 oats i hleher. March 83 '4. rye un- changed to 1 'i higher, May $1.97 'A. soybeans 1 to 2 , higher, March $2.99 and lard 8 to 25 cents a hundred pounds higher. March 13.30. Wheat Open High Low Close Mar 2.51 ' 2.63 2.51 y, 2.53 May 2.49 2.51 4 2.49 2.51 V, July 2.43 Ti 2.48 2.43 74 2.45 ' 8ep 2.45 Vt 2.47 2.45 Va 2.47 Dec 2.48 2.50 2.48 2.50 , Quotations New York Stocks By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allls Chalmers American Airlines American Power & Light American Tel. & Tel, American Tobacco Atchison Railroad Anaconda Copper Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtlss Wright Douglas Aircraft dupont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homes take Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew't Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacifio Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacifio Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. Phllco Radio ' Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp PW Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil " 7 Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck 4i Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union OU Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westtnghouse .Electric Woolworth Company 27 H 72 , 51 14 H 23 158 y 62 78 61 M 50 V4 65 S4 47 45 H 70 108 33 17 58 H 9 7. 58 '86 4 45 Vi 14 H 58 7. 44 51 H 22 Vt 44 Vi 35 -i 34 V. 49 65 84 i 8 V 21 V, 11 6S 19 19 65 15 35 110 ft 4 4 11 4 JVi 28 25 V. 62 Vi 36 42 64 31 62 A 64 S 37 52 78 V4 33 Vi 10 94 32 H 22 18 38 112 29 31 V4 5 Va 32 39 4 14 r 42 ' j 28 Va 35 43 Stock Prices Mixed In Narrow Range By RADER WINUET NEW YORK ( The stock mar ket pursued a fairly steady course Saturday with prices mixed along a narrow range. With the exception or some ten tured issues, prices moved a point or less eiuier way. Interest in the whole proceed lngs of the two-hour session was at a low ebb. The volume came to an estimated 400.000 shares. That's around the lowest level since Saturday trading was resumed last (all. a week ago volume was 480, 000 shares, the low for this year ior a aniuraay. Amerada Petroleum was an out. standing feature. It raced ahead between 3 and 4 points on a hand lui 01 sales. It zoomed 11 at 177 on a volume of 4,400 shares rriaay. The rails, steels, and motors held steadv. Rubbers were a shnrio lew. er. Oils, non-ferrous metals, chem icals and most of the other sec uo were quieuy mixed. Funeral POTTER Funeral services for Dim) w.n. roticr. ov, wno aiea nere sen. 14. will take place from the chapel of Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Sunday, Feb, 17. 1933 at 10 a.m.. Rev. Hsrl-v 711 v, muiamson niver officiating, com mitment service and Interment will use piace in uie central Point, Ore. ..vurc.u s. A p.m. RTROMKIRm Tuners! services far Artnlnh .... Strohklrch. 64, who died here Feb. 13. win taxe piace at tne graveside m Uie Malin cemetery on Monday. Feb. 18. IBM at a p.m.. Hev. ueoree M Shu. man of the Maltn Presbyterian Church officiating. Ward's Klamath Funeral nom in cnarge of the arrangements. Obituary LOITAMA Clarence M .Srnttvi Tunica m 40 died in this city Feb. 18. Survivors in clude tne widow, Dorothy ; two sons. Kicnara ana Robert, ol Klamath Falls; Wash., and Jonn Wallace of Vancouver," waul.: nu mouier ana iieDiainer. Mr. and Mrs. George Leichner of Portland. He was a member of No- J247 BPO EiKs, Klamath Falls, also American bow una- lonxress, and the Keno Prom. naders Souare Dancinr Club. For years he had been an active worker in me tsoy scouts ot America. Time and place of funerat services will be announced Dy u Hair s Memorial Chapel. Weather Western Oregon Partlv cloudv with scattered showers late Satur day night and Sunday, except ram Saturday morning in extreme south. A little cooler Saturday. Highs both days 42 to 48. Low Saturday night 28 to 38. Northerly to northwesterly winds of 10 to 20 miles an hour oil the coast. Eastern Oregon Intermittent snow Saturday through Sunday. Little temperature change. Highs both days 32 to 38. Low Satnrdav night 20 to 30. Grants Pass and vicinity Cloudy with rain Saturday, becom ing partly cloudy with a few show ers Saturday night and Sundav. High Saturday 45. Low Saturday night 33. High Sunday 48. m nours lo .iu a.m. Saturday Max. Min. Freeh). eager 33 24 Bend 40 27 Eugene 46 35 La Grande 33 28 Laxeview 36 33 Medford 45 33 North Bend 46 38 Ontario 35 28 Pendleton 39 31 Portland 44 34 Roseburg 47 35 Salem 46 37 .12 .34 .53 .05 .27 .97 .40 .38 .60 ' ; VISITING his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kester of Poe Valley, is Pfe. Dwayne E. Kester, who recently arrived from Cha mite Air Force Base in Illinois. Pfc. Kester is scheduled to report to Camp Stoneman, Calif., Feb. 23, for assignment to the Far East. He was form erly a student at Henley High School. Farm Union Meet Slated BROOKS IT) The Oreron RtntB Farmers Union will holri' its 4?nH nnnual three-day convention at Woodburn starting Tuesdnv. Ronald E. Jones. Brooks, will give his annual reDort Tupsrinv afternoon. Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 the junior members will meet m eleri officers. The annual Junior ban quet will be held that night. Herbert Rolph. national vice president, will be the nrinc-inul speaker at a Wednesday night ban quet. William Jensen, vice presi dent of the state organization, will be toastmaster. Election of a state president, vice president and two members of the executive board will conclude the convention ses- slons Thursday. Ike, Warren May Be Paired By Tim Associated l'rcaa The possibility hits arisen in Wis cousin of a coalition between Gen. Elsenhower's backers and Gov. Fnrl Warren of California for the Republican presidential nomina tion. Philip F. LaFollette. former Wis consin governor, announced Hint a conference would be hold In Mad ison Saturday to enter such a slate in tho slate's GOP primary April If Warren accepted the plan he would agree to enter the pri mary and campaign in Wisconsin. Delegates elected in his name would sUDUort him nt tho tinlinii.il would shift their votes to Elsenhow er -f it became apparent Warren could not win. However, there was an Indica tion Warren might not accept the LaFollette plan. He told a news conference in Sacramento Friday his endorsement of Elsenhower's foreign policies was no implica tion he was leaning toward a pus. slble Elsenhower-Warren coalition. The California governor said he does not know Elsenhower's stand on domestic Issues and therefore cannot know whether he approves or disapproves of them. Elsenhower has said he will not seek the nomination but will ac cept if It is offered to him. CLASSIFIED RATES One, day ,., per word rhree Days per word llo week run -... per word aoo Month run per word (So MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one aa is doc. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper ior a service charga ol ?bo. DEADLINES Classified am accepted up to 5:30 p.m. for following day'a publication w Classified display ads accepted up to 12 noou for following day pub' llcauon. ADJUSTMENTS Please matte all ciiunu lur adjust' menu wiuiout delay. corrections or cancellations r celved by 8:30 p.m. will madt in following day's publication CARD OP THANKS DEAN We wish to aXDrrsa our annra. vlallon for the many acts ol kindness ami expressions of sympathy and con dolence extended by our friends and netMlibors during the recent Illness and arum ot our beloved brother and uncle. innpsnuiy ot William u. uean. FUNERAL HOMES WAKD'S Klamath funeral Home. MS fimn street, rnone 33.1. GENERAL NOTICE gawd ifi&coAcU DISTRICT COI RT Mae L. Holloway, no vehicle license. Forfeit S7 SO ball Fredrick A. Maddox, overload. For rit ii K-.i Earl J. llitson. no ooerator's li cense. Fine SS. Verle D. Steels, nn vehicle llren.e r ine eo. Myron Murray, no muffler. Fine SS. .Ml'.Ml ll-Al. t til KT Al Hudson, drunk. Sentence. 15 day Elllil Dodson. drunk. Fine Sl. or 7 days. Lewis Cluckey, drunk. Fine SIS. Fred Fletcher, rtmnk and i-.ur.n..i- mtiiuiuca. Boise Chicago Denver Eureak Los Angeles New York Red Bluff San Francisco Seattle Spokane 36 31 41 64 67 42 55 59 42 32 32 21 18 43 47 27 50 54 33 29 .03 .06 1.14 .01 T .07 .27 State Senator Not Running ROSEBURG in Thomns Park. inson, Kepuoncan state senator from Douglas County for the past iu years, wm not seek reelection, because "it's eettins too comnli. cated." he said Saturday. "I do not feel I can afford the sacrifice demanded by service in tne legislature," he added. ReD. Paul Gerldps nrpsirlAnt nf the State Bar and last year voted oy press representatives as the outstanding man in the house, was mentioned es a possible candidate to succeed Parkinson. But Geddps T said he has not definitely made up ins mina wnetner to continue in the political field. San Francisco Potatoes SAN FRANCISCO Wl (USDA) Potatoes: 15 cars on track; arriv als, California 2, Oregon 8: market firm; Klamath Russets No. 2 A, 2 inch, $3.44. LOS ANGELES UPl (USDA) Potatoes: 83 cars on track; ar rivals Nevada 2. Oregon 4; Idaho 13; by truck 18; Idaho Russets No. 1 A $5.10-.20. ATTENDANCE RECORD EAST LANSING, Mich. WV The all-time home attendance record lor Michigan State basketball was set in 1947-48 when 88,750 spec tators saw ten home games. Big pest single crowd was 15,384 for the Kentucky game that season. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO in Hoes, cattle and sheep were quoted nominally steady on the livestock market Saturday. Hogs declined 25 to 50 cents for the week and the average drove cost at week's end hovered near the 21-month low of 117.28. Average weight this week rose to 247 pounds, highest of the season. Order buyers were less active than In the previous week. In the cattle section, choice and prime steers closed strong to 25 cents higher, but other grades lost 50 cents to $1.00. Prime heifers lost 25 to 75 cents desoite the fart uiey were verv scarce. Vealprs gained S1.00. Top for steers was eotf.uu. Slaughter lambs and vearlWe cuuea tne wees au lo 74 cents down. The early top on fed wooled lambs was J28.75, but nothing sold Bruina (tOD DE A. 1 t wwc at uie ciose. Mercy Dash Appeal Set ROSEBURG ifi The conviction on a reckless driving charge of a doctor arrested in a dash to a hospital with a sick child will be appealed, defense Attorney Spen cer Yates said Friday. Dr. Howard M. Ferguson, Glen dale, Ore., denied the charge in district court here. He was fined $75 by Judge A. J. Geddes who suspended a 10-dav Jail sentence. Dr. Ferguson and his wife were taking the three-day-old child to a nospnai in Eugene in his car. equipped with a red light and bunker. He was cited bv state no. nee. Portland Man Hit, Killed PORTLAND Portland's eighth traffic fatalitv of the vear was recorded Friday night when Casper Peng. 70. wits killed when struck by an automobile. Driver of the car was Gene A Knapp, is, .Portland, pollco re ported. witnesses told them Peng was seen walking down the middle of the road before the mishap, po nce saia. Man Dies After Portland Fight PORTLAND Wl Kenneth Tay lor Abercrombie. 41, a construc tion worker, was held in Jail hero saturaay wnile Dolice Investigated tne aeatn ot Donald B. Seliars. 39, anotner construction worker. The two had lived together In a hotel room. In a signed statement to police Abercrombie admitted hitting Seliars several times In fight that occurred while two worn en were visiting them at the hotel He said they had been drinking together. Seliars died Saturday morning. Church Sponsors Lecture Here Will B. Davis. Chicago, will speak Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Fremont auditorium on "Christian Science. The Discovery that Solves Today's Problems." The lecture is under the spon sorship of the First Chruch of Christ Scientist here. The lecture will be broadcast over radio station KFLW at that time. COOS BAY W Logging firms represented by the Oregon Coast operators, have opened contract negotiations with the CIO Wood' workers here. II LISTEN TO SONGS OF FAITH" SUNDAYS FOLLOWING BILLY GRAHAM The Nation's Finest Christian Artists and Your Most Beloved Hymns PRESENTED BY UHLIG'S ELECTRIC 1026 Main St. KFLW AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY Snow Aggravates Hay Shortage PRINEVILLE m New snow has aggravated the Central Oregon hay shortage, livestock growers re ported Friday. Vern Higgins said he had been offered as much as S65 a ton for 30 tons of chopped hay. Most hay nas been selling for about $50 a ton. Three inches of snow fell Fridav night at Bend and Prineville, and Madras reported one Inch. 5 Tree Farms Certified MEDFORD W Five Jackson County tree farms, totaling 106,000 acres, were certified here Friday night at the annual meeting of the Southern Oregon Conservation and Iree f arm Association. Largest of the five was 65.000 acres owned by the Timber Prod ucts Company. Others belong to the Southern Oregon Sugar Pine uorporation. Kogao Lumber Sales. Inc., Elk Lumber Company and Fir Milling and Planing Company. Certificates were presented by E. P. Stamm, Portland, chairman of the Forest Conservation Com mittee of the Western Pine Association. DOOM JAKARTA. Indonesia W) The 10-month-old Indonesian govern ment appeared doomed today as the Nationalist Party Joined the powerful Moslem Mashuml Party in condemning Foreign Minister Achmed Soebardjo's acceptance of United States aid under the Mutual Security Act (MSA). BRIDGE READY MUNSAN, Korea Wl A new .350-foot rail and highway bridge across the Imlin River has been opened for the possible return of Allied prisoners of war from Red prison camps. TRAFFIC MEETING SET MILAN IB Europe's mounting traffic problems and the methods and machinery which can help to solve them will be high-lighted in Milan's second international traf fic and safety exhibition. Bureau to Lease 375 Acres The Bureau of Reclamation has announced the advertisement for leasing some 375 acres of land on Lower Klamath Lake. Klamath Project Mgr. E. Laton Stephens announced today sealed bids will be accepted from World War II veterans at the Bureau of fices. Municipal Airport, until 2 p. m. Mar. 5, at which time they will be publicly opened. The 375-acre plot is known as Lot No. 2 in the Lower Klamath area. FISH LADDER OPEN PORTLAND Wl The Washing ton shore fish ladder and collec tion system at Bonneville Dam, closed since last December for ren ovation and repairs, was reopened I- naay. WANTED GOOD PASTURE WRITE HERALD NEWS BOX NO. 23 Legal Notice IQl'ITY NO. I0.08 ... NOTicr or SALE IN THE CIHCIIIT COURT OT Ti'E STATK OF OREGON r..R THE COl'NTY OK KLAMATH i"5, r'"T NATIONAL HANK Or KENNETH R. WIZNER. rword own.r; P. R. KRt'GER; PAUL W. SHARP S. IT. ADAM. I-D1VV U'.-n-ne A. IVAN THOMPSON AND mrUABn L. Ut'KRIIV. muartnors r1.n t... ....... ..-"uniii ..truirat innir: OWENS ADJI STME.VT WBVirr IMr-rtnnm. fi2' ." ,arr" corporation: DALE WLST. L. LYON AND C. E. SHARP, co-partners, doing business as Shsrp S",'2 Company: and CARL L. CHAM- S5,iSc..RSUI5KT D- ".CLEAN and RAY SMITH, as mtrntum r .nrf stttutlnc the Slate Tax Commission ol ...c auir di urrgon. uelendants. Br virtue of an execution. ll,Hm.nt Order, decree and nrH.r nt l.... out of the abova entitled Court In th. above enUtled cause, to m. directed and dated th. 7th day of rebruary. 1952. UDon a lurifm.nl rnrtmrA mwA entered in said Court on the 7th day of rebruary 1952. in favor of Plaintiff Th. First National Bank of Portland. . national banklns association, and also In favor of defendant P. H. Krueer. the d,f.nrinni. p-i.t AT i..n F. C. Adams. Frank Waters Johnson' Robert L. Mueller, A. Ivan Thompson Ktrhard L. Currin. rnntrin.n dome; business as Klamath Medical Clinic, the defendants Dal. West, L. Lyon ami c. K m,m .nB.n. doing business as Sharp Grain Com pany, and against the defendant Ken neth K. W'lzner. for tha ioUowlne sums: 1. The following sums, with interest at ine louowing rates and from th. following dates: interest Date from Which Rate , Interest Runs 4 per annum Mar. 1. IMS B'i " Aug. 10 IIMI B'i " . " Aug. 3. 1931 none Aug. a. 1031 Amount M.2OOO0 29.5(1 40 00 13 VI MS. 00 4.u7 in .T7.B11 78 fil 48 2.5 17 50 35.05 26.25 fi.1 68 T73.0O LOST AND FOUND LOST, blark lauradTir retriever. A awers lu Nick. I'hun. 3600. Reward t MRSONALS Real siik'.'Phon. asbaT WASIllNOT0NhT.lltvKon lv.nl appolntm.nl., Phone ami, 1011 Washing- OlUIKrl'yitUr' Imnrsr sirm.iil "hrnI jeltcllng your spring wardrobe. Phone fftANTf? 10 SIRVICI Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weight. Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 3803 South Sixth Ph. M40 or 33B0 EXCAVATING Mobil Bhortl and Trench Ho Bulldonr Fill Dirt Topsoll Crushed Rock Driveway Cinders Comprtuor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue ftMl or QUO Septic Tanks Cleaned Hewitt Sanitary Methodi Alto ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cieuu 6wer Line of Roots, ta id r. KINO mi OrchM Phon N41 mcpAin sirniliT On waihtri. radio and outboard mo- MONTGOMERY WARDS th and Pint Phona 31IM AVOID SOUR NOTE 4 tw h.vtr,- Wm Morgan tun your Dlano. & vim at XParltnca hava nrmnrmd him in ...v. jm riann mom a-wiuu. ki Morgan Planoa. i A I NT1NO and nMrhn.(n. TiTlPPS Airfb painting, body and fan dar work. Phona 4040. ELECTRIC WIRINO, work by hour or CURTAINS UundatJ and atraicha-i J L DEAN Fublte Aerountanl and Aurfltnr Offlra at SM No. Tth. Phnn. aa PIANO TU N I N C3 W M H. M OR GA N irino lacnnwtan and lunar. ALTEHATIONS nn mn'. wnm.7 childrana clothing. Jnnla llara. Vfinu DITCH dltfalna and hek fitlli,' Fordon Tranch lloa. Cll a-itul or M3JI. DOCTORS - IfTth BEAUTICIANS. MOOVra wvinw v'tir wwwa. rnuiXB ajeun. FULLER Brmhaa, Phona 90O4 or Mil, FOH THEE TRIMMlN(3r rnnnt i-u.ua NCOME taV" nr-ri'BKTT For ippolntmant Phono 3-0331. Harvoy SEWINC) and allaraiiona. Kitty DrauaL PhonaJ-0M8. 12 I0UCATIONAL MONOTHEISM divorced from acmetic tholopy: based on Geneaia 4; 15. First three discourses II. S. C. SORENSEN Brooks Id e Ave. 2 Paradise, Calif. BOOKKEEPING, ahorthand tvnina fein- wsju lUDjmu, oiiiro macninM. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE tt? Pln Phono 47 to CHILD CARE and ewJumiW ITZrwvl can tar, rnona wra. HEALTH MASSAGE, tharaocuilc axarcliai T, woman. Spot raduclng faaturad. Phona 4 HHP WANTID, IMA LI 1930 1MB 1030 law 1930 MAY RUN GRANTS PASS to Samuel M Bowe, Grants Pass attorney and former state commander of the American Lee ion. said Saturday he iscons iderins becoming a can didate ior state attorney general. Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is herebv civpn that the under signed hajt filed hit Final Account, ai the Executor of the Estate of Sam A, oi8. deceased, with the C erk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, ior ruamatn county, ana mat a. j. Hoddnrd, District Judgp Pro tem ir the absence of David R. Vandenherg, Circuit Judge of said Court, and M. A. Oirtcr. District Judee. haa net Mondav the 17th dsv of Marrh 1032. at 10 o'clock a. m.t as the time, and the Circuit Court Rnnm In the Court House. ai mama in rails. Oregon, as tne Diace. for hearing objections, if any, to snld final account, and tha settlement there- 01. Datetf this 15th dav of February, PETER P. KATCHIS Executor of said Estate ie-23-M 1-8 No. B05 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE TS HEREBY CIVVX. That 1 have filed my Final Account as admin istrator with will annexen or the estate of ELLA MAY ANDERSON, alo nown as MRS. OLIVE M, ANDER SON, decerned, and the Judee of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, mr Klamath County, has fixed Mon- dn.V, the 17th day of Marrh, 10S2. iind tne courtroom of said court in the Courthouse at Klamath Fall, Oregon, a.i the time and place when and where ny person may Drosent any on tec-linns or excentlons in anvthinB therein con tained, and at' said time and place the Court will finally settle said account. L. OHTH SISEMORE, Administra tor With will annexed of the Es tate of ELLA MAY ANDERSON, also known as MRS. OLIVE M. ANDERSON, deceased. 10-23 M 1-B No. flttfl NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Mailer of the Estate of LAURA . CRAWFORD, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have A'- per annum Dec. 8, None fl'r per annum May 77, S " Feb. 23. fl'; " " May 13. 8t " Nov. 18. fl' " " Feb. 33. 13I a"- " " April 2. 1M1 None plus the cont4 and disbursements In curred oy the plaintiff, taxed and allowed in the sum of S37.18, all of the same being due to the plain tiff in accordance with the said de cree: and 2. The further sum of 8342 00, plus In- irrcsi inereon at ine rate oi a per cent per annum from the 12th day of December. 149. together with the sum of 519 70. plus the costs and disbursements Incurred by the de fendants Paul W. Sharp. F. C. Adams, Frank Waters Johnson. Rob ert L. Mueller, A. Ivan Thompion and Richard L. Currin, copartners doing hustness as Klamath Medical Clinic, taxed and allowed In the sum of $Zfi.25, all of the same being due to the said defendants In ac rnYdancc with the said decree; and The further sum of 81 ,630.00, plus interest thereon at the rate of S per cent per annum from November 33. l'49, together with the sum of $100.30, and plus the costs and dis bursements of the defendant P. R. Krujtcr Incurred, taxed and allowed In the sum of 831.13, all of the same being due to the said defendant In accordance with the said decree: and The further sum of 8003 00, plus In terest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from May 18, 1930, together with the sum of 819.70, plus the costs and disbursements of the defendants Dale West. L. Lyon and C. E. Sharp, copartners, doing busi ness as Sharp Grain Company, taxed and allowed In the sum of 827.88, all of the same being due to the tuild defendants In accordance With S Together with Interest on the ag gregate of said sums at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 7th , day of Fehruary, 1932, and the costs of and upon said writ of exe cution; commanding me to make sale of the rouowing desennea reai property, situ ated in the County ot Klamath. State of Oregon, to-wlt: The Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter 'NE'SE1', ) and the South half of the South half iS'jS'ji of section 1. Township 41 South. Range 12 East of the Willamette Meridian, and the North half of the Northwest Quarter (N'iNW'A) of section 12. Townhln 41 South. Range 12 East ot the Willamette Meridian, subject to all easements and rights of way of record or apparent on the land, and subject to future as sessments for irrigation, drainage and Rectnmation purposes. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale, and In compliance with the commands of said writ. 1 win. on the 8lh day of March, 1032, at 10:00 o'clock am., at the front door of the Klamath County Court House, in the City of Klamath Falls, County of Klam ath, State of Oregon, sell at puhllc auction (subject to redemption!, to the highest bidder for cash In band, all the rleht. title and Interest which the defendants and each and all of them In the above entitled suit had on the 3rd Jny of May, lf)47, the date of the plaintiff's first mortgage herein fore closed, or since that date have had In and to the above described prop erty or any part thereof, to satisfy snld execution. Judgment order and decree, interest, costs and accruing I costs. DATED February 7. 1032 FIRST publication, February ft, 1A32 LAST publication. March 1. 1&32 J. M. BRITTON Sheriff of Klamath County. Oregon F-0 M-l No. HUB WANTED, tlrl to learn tefat v mmi 1 1 n must be exceptionality fast typltt. At lea.it one year collage aduratlon. See wr. am i m mi rieraig ana News. AMBITIOUS woman of char7ta7 ucatlon, refinement. 24-30. Prefer one expenenceo in teaching, club or church work. Tha type who do not usually answer aaveruaementa. Must b un employed now and deslroua nf rn daring aervlce of national Importance. for interview write fully, elating age, education, phone number. Mr. Huff man. Write Herald and News. Flox il. WANTED, housekecirtr to live tn. with good references. Five in the family. wow wiiii, rnone aia. WANTED, stenographer and reneral outce woner. Must oe thoroughly ex per lanced and capable of earning top (jr. Omar posiuon. nppiy in per' mun. uitra. nevoer a aiora EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for payroll and general office work. Apply after p.m. lascaae ieunary ana Cleaners. EARN money at home. Full, part time. Box 12, Herald and News. H HELP WANTED. MALE Help Wanted AGRICULTURAL SALESMAN By one of the leading agricultural dealerships In this area. Excellent working conditions. Write BOX 17 HERALD AND NEWS BOO FAMILY Watklns route now avail able, if you want your own business with better than average Income, write for Information to The J. R. Watklns , 137 Dexter Avenue, Seattle 8. Wash ington MAN to drive tractor with spraying equipment and help with other work. Bteauy ior ngnt man. Must Know Klamath Basin. For full particulars stop at office of Spray Center, Main Street, Tuieiake. AMBITIOUS MEN A MARSHALL FIELD OWNER EN TERPRISE haa openings for ambi tious men of unquestionable character age 27 to SO, college education pre ferred, accustomed to earning above average Income and must be ready for Immediate acceptance If selected. For Interview write fully, stating age, education, phone number. Mr. Huff man, write Herald and News, Box No. 22. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER U operate and maintain 80 ton shay. Part time switching around lumber plant, bal ance of time working In machine shop. Year around Job. Low rent housing. Phone or write Fruit Grow ers Supply Company, Hilt. California. WANTED, re-uoholsterer to handle con tract upholstering, pickup and dellv- u.air, dears, iwbmuvk. ery. Sec Mr. Phone 3188. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED CHILD care at my home for working parents. Phone 7318. REM A RLE vnunf woman will care ?or one or two children In my home tor a working mother. Phone 3oq, IS ROOMS FOR RENT RSvtLVWmsT.e C.osi tn. Phone 418t 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT H)rTNlllEtT "Three -n 832.no; alt utilities Included. Adulls only, siv n, renin. fl fit Elf nanus ui!firMidr-,Aiovesr Oa" rageirjtiqulre 9340 White. STUniti aiiarlnieut. l"nMmswftlt liatl, imfurnlihul. Separata enlrance. Heal, eleclrlr stove furnished. Phone 1 win FmiNlMHElwo rootn aWrlmeiiL Walking distance. Phone 3Hfl. iMttJNt room for rent, (J rear AT'irP numta, 710 Main. FOHRFNtfurnfilieJpartment for adiilts. liai Broad; VACANCY, two rtmiu KiriTlilie.r du plex Close tn. Phona 4WJ KM ATX" f li hi lhed" apartment. Lm-a.nt on HiMiiedalM Jtmil. Adults. Phnue lllf7 TlIitftK room unfurnished' basement apart mant. f ,17 !W. Heat, watsr fur nished. Phone 3410 after 0 (i tn. FURNISHED, apartment for renlT3d par month Inquire 443 Markey Apt n rAlttJK fur'nis'heri apartment,- nested, Cluse in. AduliB. PImno 4.HT. FOR nE,'''twoV(wiii'liinils)inepaTt" mant. Couples 3134 Illehn, Phue 7318. STEAM" HEATED apartment wlthbaf. room, fian Oak Ml, FURNISHED apaVtmsnt lur renT. Apartment I, 900 Matket. MODERN ft- room" 3 - be d nioin a pa r U maul. Utilities furnished OLYMPIC APTH. 207 K Main TWO ' rooms completely furnishfci ei irocarlas. 1143 Pine. nachelof anartment. Hlfl Oak. Phone 81HU4. rept ONE modern apartment. SMALL clean apart ntent. Electrirally equipped. 433 N. I0tl THREE ROOM furnished apartment. 208 White. NICE "st'ram-healeit apartment, a (Jul Is, Cornar P Ine and Cedar. THHEli rooms' furnUhed. close" In." I-aim- dry. Counla only, no pets. 804 Lincoln. Call 2-3170. ONE bedriMini ' uuflirni-heil 'apartment ias equipped. Call 2-QtMl. N EWLY decorated, private hath, k It chenette. fit asm heat, elactrte range 810 week Rex Arms Apartment. F6ll RENT." fiirnUhednaparrireni quire aiw Htgn 26 HOUSES FOR RENT r;tVRTltASET"lO rntun "nue with three apartmsnts. rnmie .u. SO RIAL 1ST ATI FOR SALI FOR SALE ClitNipnr 'I'linn Hnit y 303 rc-ith, 45 per, pnvcil runil. Ut Itn'cl, .1)0 miller (lltih H(Hi water olrctllrlly kocjiI well. Will Undo. Two inllen from Men-Ill. 1JUX 1130 MliUUII.L SUBURBAN 14300 lull price fur n ft roiiiii home on liunn emner Int. Oniicrelt (iilindiillnn. Well liiaiihiteil. Elcctrla Klieut, Bniiill (town piiyiiienl. Anno MiiMin Even. 0714 Kdclle Iliwlpy 3-OIM B0GUE DALE, Realtor ''J2 8. 0th Phone 7208 iiriHiHMt Close In, 873, fwCTtwdrooiti urnished1 house for rtmtT 43.Adult only. Phone 8:137. FOH MEN'f, two" tMtiroom ftiritTsht-il house. 840. Inquire 3J44 Hume Avenue. TMREfrodinfurnlshed Wue ior rent. P'tivne 47:U. FOH HENT writ furttUheil" twn Iwd niom hutue. 1748 Key St. off Pershing Wiy. r6"H KENT .1 rmiiu house furnUheti. Artults. .Tin II road. THHEE room non-mfdorn itartiallv fiirnlahen cabin. SIS. Sou in suuurua. Phone 3410 afler 6 pm. rOH lit NT rlran two lw"ilrim fur nished houe. Close In. Ideal for work- Ine couple. Adulls only, rnone nn-i- f w6HEI1K66m furnished hmue Adults No pels. 830 month. Call after 13 noon, a 30J3 UNFUHNlSHKO four roni duplex. Je- cept for stoves. m. Call 3037 tternre n m THItEE ROOM modern home, partlv furnished- Y. Carroll, 1313 ltomelale 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS PRIVE Move Yourself Save 4 N-w Trucks For Long Trips Pickup Stnkrs Vnns BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 E. Main Phone 8304 i A H A OE for rent. Inqti Yr9 V laitly Wleelv. Plione MM. rein li NT Vt c'h Irrli atrd land 1 n i barley, potaloes, and tome A-l onion grouna. not mi. Mumiin r mum phone owner Lorella 3103. rnn I rr I7A arras irrivaied no a to grain, riover isna in nuue veuvj F1ot IS. tiara Iri and Nwa OFFICE SPACE"forrni. iith and Main Coast to Coast Store orFICE for rent U3 MairT Phone CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 8 to lift per nrre buys (rood rnnrh unci timber liiml nt Gov't, Hints mid County liiml fliilen. FKKIC LAND CATALOG. Pnflflp, Lhh.Ih KU1 KK Culiurniia Ulvd. Hollywood 38, Cullf. One bddrooin home. Two nlr corner lot, iittnrhed mirinte. New . electric brut. In very film condi tion. Lots of fluwern mid nhiulr. Helllim Imtuu-io of poor llcultli. Price $5000. We hnve a brnutlful pumlre brick home. Two bedrooma, flreplnce., 13 acre In suburbs. Will trnde lf we run find thein n smull ncreuKe nrur town, SUminUH Four ere beniitlful Krouitl. Four brdnmm home, two enr KuniHr. On aixxl huhway for 110,500. The Utile hot spot of town. Rent on this cute for only tat per month. 8 stool, Ihrro booths, new stenm table. 18 fool O K. Ilox. gim u rnnge. Fully ciulpM-d tor 13600. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DKNNIE COATl-a, Snlcilndy 40a Main Office Ph. 3-3339 Eves. 3-1305 RANCHES iai. Fiin BtNT floor sandsrs lalasl IvD nulem.nt Buhurban t.umbar Ca lltb .nil Walnut Phon. TTO0 CAR TORAr!:"r5n!ATr!b. d.r w,. or month. Crl Lamb. ohon. 4073 or 7700 30 RIAL ISTATl COR SALI BRISTOL AVENUE bedroom home In one of the fin est suburban districts. This home has a lance llvlim room, dlnlnit room, kitchen t utility room, at tached Karaue. storm winnows, Lance, well landwoped lot. A home you will be proud to own. idsoo. YALTA GARDENS lance, new home that haa been occupied for less than six months, Laroe llvinK room wun nuue win- dows. hardwood floors throuichout, Attached double naraee. Paved street. A Krand place to live and raise your family. $7000 bedroom home on 33 acre of rich soil. Lout of raspberries and straw berries. Oarage and workshop. All fenced. Terms can be arranged. HOMEDALE ROAD Attractive two bedroom home. Very nice living room, dining room, kit chen, tub and shower bath. Lota of closet space, attached garage. Ap proximately 13 acre. A steal ul 18100. $500 DOWN bedroom furnished home In Pelican City within walking dist ance or several operating mills, 2500 full price. Johnny Hob.ion' Dale Orubb Art Fredcrlckson 'Eves. 6804) (Eves. 35441 (Eves. 8725) With AL LONGE, Realtor HEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th Phone 8283 MAN and wlf, want Job In hotel or camp. Exp.rl.nced cook, and bakers. Wrlle Herald News, Box 20 WILL care for children In my home days. Phone 0370. BABY BITTING, phone 3-31.18 evenln. been appointed administratrix of the estate of Laura A. Crawford, deceased. All persons having; claims attains! said CHtnte are required to present them to me with proper vouchers, at th. office i f Clanong ft Ganonic, 724 Main Street. mnmmn rails, urexon, wiinin six months from February S. 19S2. which is dale of first publication of this notice. Ann H. Prook. Administratrix Gnnnng St Genome Attorneys for Administratrix F-9-10-2J M-l No. 886 HOUR work. Phone 3-24S3. CARPENTER WORK wanted. Repair a specialty. Jim Alexander, 2120 Tunnel St. Phone 9302. CHILD CARE, Phone 70.11). BABY sitting. Phone J-0S72. WILL care for children In my home days or your horn, evenings. Call 2-1MS. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT BOARD, room, reasonable. Phone 42.14. NICE, heated rooms. 022 Pacifio Ter race. ROOM and board or room.. Men only. 900 No. 9th. ROOMS for rent, clean.- Close In. Phone 2-9208. BOOMS, prices reasonable. Phon 4627. OM8 1034 High. FOR SALE, Q percent contract on house ,u imtk. ,u, on manzanna not sprouts. Ue for forrlfi.llr anninil A'l ...... i. v-i.uvu. iuskis uHnnerenip. i'.li. Box 784. MODERN two bedroom hnma In Insulated, asbestos siding, electric heat Small down nnvment with Inu. m,.n, i.. ly payment. Phone S.27B. FOR SALE, well Improved two acres on Kane St. Telephone 4070 or call al 2829 Kane. NEW HOMES for Powell. Phone 8S29. ale. William HUMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Klrkpatrlck. Salesman 31 N atk Phon 0491 FOR SALE by owner. Small modern two bedroom home In Hillside section. Phone 7.1.13 or call at 12.1 Sheldon. BES? LITTLE RANCH IN VALLEY 80 acres sandy loam soli, near Admns Point. 14!', acres ready for polatnes. 10 acres of clover, balance barley and alfalfa. Two bedroom modern home, barn, chicken house. 27,noo. Terms If desired. Ed Pope, Merrill. FULL slxe lot on Pacific Terrace. Assessments all paid. 110.10. E.EUETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8401 SALS FOR SALS five house, corner lot, by owner, , fjlioo. modern bedroom n.use, corner 101, oy own Phone 132. Merrill. Oreann. DRIVE by 4017 Shasta Way and see this attractive two bedroom hnm. will. garden land and chicken house. Bus service and pavement, only si.loo down EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 131 Ho. 8th. Phon 8401 We have three dandles. 100 acres wonderful black toll. All Irrigated and weft drained. No buildings, fenced on three sides. Selling for 131.500. no acres 40 acres dry lan.1, 3d acres In alfalfa, 13 acres In clover. 10 acres In new pnature. Three bed room modern home and lota ut good out buildings. Helling prko 56,600. On very good highway. 100 acres under soil conservation all In alfalfa and pasture. Well leveled. Three bedroom modern home, large spud cellar and several out buildings. Ideal for sheep enr as la. a good Onvlr A dairy. Buy this as you can't sinrt n new Grade A quota. All for 130,000. .FRED E. FLEET REALTOR. DENNIE COATES. Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 3-3335 Eves. 3-1305 Hot Springs Addition Nice two bedroom home with fire place, tlnrdwood floors, good base ment. 48750. CLOSE IN Neat three room home. Some furn ishings. 12850. 1500 down. A very good buy In a two bedroom home. Iliisemenl. laundry tubs, double garage. 13500. SUBURBAN Good three bedroom home on H ncrc. Near school and bus. $5600. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS nnd INSURANCE 1020 Muln Ph. 3-3471, 4880, 4734 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED $1260 down will handle this com fortable two bedroom modem home near Hillside. Completely and well furnished, good foundation, large. corner lot, garugo and work shop. Full price M60. MILLS Nearly new one bedroom modern home. Excellent condition through out, nenutlfiil kitchen, wall lo wall carpeting. Insulated mills nnd ceil ings, attached garngo, laundry room ana work hnp. $0500. Terms. HOT SPRINGS Very attractive three bedroom home In fine location. Extra large living room with fireplace. Dining room and convenient kitchen. Two full baths, sewing room, basement. Also three room guest house at rear of lot. $17,000. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) ALSCHMECK REALTOR nnd INSURANCE i SI? Main Phone 321 !