ItERAL! AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON pace mm Pels Heady feir Covemeim Seiroe . -- : : f TIME OUT! nttDAY, FEBRUARY Iff, 10.12 mm i'kUhM Ji "I don't mm If yon are away ahead mi point I'll Irl vimi know H'tirn you ran lirruk training, Kid!" IS AH lew words as In possible Ml try In nlrnliilitrii out a nil MiiflrrnljiiKlliig Hint cropit period f Itnlly In I biwlnrjui ol puMMiliiit i aporU newt. H concerna the wearlnome wail tliut rpachea thin dcftk all and on IhrouKh the yi-iir: "Why don't you kIvo publicity lo boys ulio have Krndutcd from hiul) ochouj hero and are now playlne lor collme trains?" I'll answer the tiueMlon Ural, (hen add enoiiiih ttclall to make It clear: We do print news about px-Klam-alii Fall allilrtea WJEN IT 13 NEWaWORTHY. TURKIC 18 no plausible reason for blowing up the (act that an rx-Klamath Kalbi boy (cored two or three point a a member of a nearby college team. To bring II down to cae. the Norlharn Division Is handled on our wire In a roundup fashion. That la. league play la aumined up In one atory. Unleaa aomeone la hlxh-polnt rnnn or llnurca In hwhlliihl play that boy a name la not used ex cept In the box acore. Limited apace prohibit printing ol Northern Division box scores. when we run hundred of box score every year on local events In every aport. Running a detailed nlory o( a tame In which a certain buy plays would Involve apeclal treatment by the Asaocialed Kxtra aer vice costs money even It we had the room to prim detailed stories of every game In which acorea ol former Klamath athletes parllci pnted. Mrnmt'hllr, we nuike an attempt to print ALL THK CURHKNT LO CAL NKWH OF LOCAL ATHLETES NOW PLAYING. . I.V THK PANT, thU aecllon- hJ carried lot of news about where athletes are, what they're doing, etc. On many occasions, there have been pictures. We'll continue to follow this poli cy. But every lime a former Klam ath Falls athlete now m coUcko or professional aporla and there are hundreds of them takes a deep breath, there Is no logical excuse. Journalistic or otherwise, for printing It. I cite as JUST ONE EXAMPLE of news about former local ath letes the recent COMPLETE ROUNDUP In this section of the Klamath Oema, a slory that told where each one was headed In baseball. FROM Br.lFS to briefs from the sports file: Rocky Marclano'a workmanlike Job on Lee Savold dors nothing to clear up the Jlft-aaw heavy weight picture In Flsllnna . . . Sa vold Is ancient, a tiood trlal-hornc perhaps, but nothing more . . . . Marclano'a victory means little more than Just another win lor Rocky ... a Mavclano-Matthcws fight would be a natural , , . Henley's new gymnasium will be ued for afternoon sessions In the Klamath County high school tour nament . . . the small Altamont gym was a hindrance to players, , particularly In a tourney where Hie title rides on every shot . . . ifenley'a new gym Is a honey, spacious and equipped to take care of a large crowd . . . exactly one week from the day and hour this la being written (Thursday, 1 p.m.) the tournament will be underway. The recent radio sport forum started a new avalanche of ques tions on whether Gems Stadium will be used lor high school, col lege, semi-pro and American Le gion baseball , . . this matter has been handled In this section In de tail . . . suffice It to say now, there will be no baseball of any brand In the ballpark until Uncle 8am has Borne 1000 from Klamath Baseball Inc. , . . until that hap pens, the doors won't even open , . . this was made very clear by Baseball Pres. Dick Maguirc on the forum. . . Trinity College, with student body of less than 100 nt the time, beat Yale In basketball by a score of 24-22 back In 1806. fvcimf- FRIDAY and SATURDAY It's Basketball Time At 8:00 P.M. KFJI S000 Wait Crucial Set Opens Tonight The Omits 1'asn Cavemen block the comeback trail the Klamath Kails, f'eltcima are Hying In a two night basketball serins that opens tonight on Peltou) Court. Dun Peterson's Junior varnlly opens both allows, against Hilltop Cute of the city league tonight and Hie Graiiln Pans Juyvcen Saturday nlKlit. 'Ilic Pels are riding a threc-gnme . league win wave that has carried them wllhln shooting dl.itunce of dlntrlcl-lriullng Mcdlord, one game away. Kycis will be glued to (he local 4 scries, rr tuned Rogue River Valley way where Medford and Ashland trade courts the same nlithts. HOI'I'.K C'ntte customers in Klamath Kails are hoping the Pels can sweep the Cuvrineii rrle, while Ashland can manage a split with Medlord. Buch a (nippy turn of events would tin Klamath Fulls und Med ford closer together than two ' cKinpers In a single sleeping bag. Even with the Pelicans all ac counted lor alter the flu bug hit virtually every player on the nquiul, the Cavemen won't come easy. They never do. Paul McCull'H pwteucs t'l.illed Grants Pass Jim. IB and 10 and came back with a split hi two games, WIN HTIUNti The victory In the second game slnrted u win skein that hns whirled consecutively now for flva straight games, three In conference play, capped by the Ashland two game grand alum two weeks ago. For the first time since (he open ing Grants Pn series, McCall Jf sure of opening with his regulars all hale and hearty. That means Forwards Ray Bell und Jack Horton, Center Ralph Carroll and Guards Culvln Ollmora and Jerry Johnson will be primed for starling assignments. Carroll Is the leading conference scorer with 103. Bell Is ltllb with 63. Grants Pass' starling Itne-up will have Dick James, second place scorer will) S3 and John Harbour, In ninth place with 44. The figures are lor six gamea. the hallway point In the district chase. Trojans, Huskies Mix Here The Sacred Heart Trojans a! lempl to ship their tour-game bas ketball setback siring tonight on the aoademy floor against Merrill In a league game. The Trobabes meel (he Merrill B team In a 7 o'clock preliminary. The Trojans, pre-senson favorites to win the countv title, gave the truth o the prophets wUh 14 straight victories. But they hit the skids and have lost lour straight, two In looplaie. Feature game on tonight's last round-of-four before the tourna ment, sends Bonanza to Chlloquln. The Antlers need win to tie Chlloquln for the traveling trophy. The unoeairn raniners can ciaim sole ownership of the crown with a victory. The other two games show Blv at Henley and Malln at uucnnsi. Honest, Joe? NEW YORK W Joe Louis, tin. beaten king of the heavyweight flghtern tor 12 years, has ought his last fight. The one-time Brown Bomber an. nounced Thursday night he Is through with fighting except lor exhibitions. Asked when he had made up his mind to definitely retire Louts re oiled: "I made up my mind when I was knocked out by Rocky Mar clano." That was last Oct. 28 when Joe took the count for the second time In his career. The other knock out was by Max Schmellng before i-ouis occame cnampion. Dons Retire Motson's Number SAN FRANCISCO If) U. of San Francisco, which quit football a few weeks ago, dug All-America Fullback Olhe Matson's No. 33 Jer sey out of mothballs Friday and put It on display in showcase. The Dons said they were retiring No. 33. Last fall Mntson led USF to lis only undeleated season and came within lour yards ot tying the all-time collegiate ground gcuiv lug record of 1,670 yards. Expert Gun Repairing end. Reblulnj THE GUN STORE 1150 on your Dial ' ''V T f - i f . i i - - ', "V 'sl - ' ' i I ' S aUmA 'vwHj THE HERALD AND NEWS camera supplies proof ibe Pelicans are back in the thick of the Dist. 4 basketbaU raceleet first. The feet belong to the tall trio that composes the forward waU of the Klamath Falls starting five. Left to right, they are Forwards Jack Horton (6-4) and Ray Bell (6-5) and Center Ralph Carroll (6-7). The Pels host Grants Pass to night and tomorrow night as the district's Big Four swings into the homestretch. The local quint trails Medford by one game. . MLS Payless Eyes Lead in City Hoop League tit UEAOVr. tllcliy U f'.' 1 bruca j ' a llllllop C' t'ufl Col. 4 ttrmttt'Nmwt 3 I'.lin.rlon . .1 ltvcutc t 3 Scorta !,( A'itM P.vlM. 75 P.lm.rton 30 HllUog 93 Coca Col. 51 Pel. 1.IOO .am .BH7 .304 .:ioa .37:1 .200 Payless Drugs could take over the clly lesgue baskefbal lead Monday night but Rlckys will be favored to make It nine stralsht at the expense of the second-place Druggists who slaughtered Palmer ton last night at Altamont by a 7S-30 score. That brought Pavlrss" record to 8-1. lust a holt game behind Rlckys, unbeaten In right starts. Third-place Hlllloo had a nar row squeak fast night, staving ott a last-quarter Coca Col relly for a oj-.i:: victory. Ouerlno Lelll scored 16 tor the Cokes but the Hllltoppers had four cagers with two figures. Kt ear ner high with 13. boo Eriindson waxed hot to throw In 32 points for Payless as the Drue live dimmed 34 nolnts In the llrst quarter. Bn troren: PAYI.FSS 17.11 u) Muirtrst t tun T FoM.r c n.n Ct SchMrMln a Iff Tineitii RrotterhoUk 13 Pop. S Venn. H r.yi.u lUDI-Cim 4. TTOlIt 4. P.i mertrm uti Sitter, iUtan.rda. Y. 1. COVA TOLA l&Si l.73 mj.l.TOP n.mlotf t T 10 Frl.nrt Ar.nt I F 13 Carrier N.wmn S r s Mjrtjt-.v 1111 IS r. 1ft Tl.lrm J.rkton a G S H.rril Cor. Col. Illhl Kum 9. Dimtr.lcnt . rrl t. KIHtoTi ub Waybrant., Jtckton. MUllimn 12. Pitchers Ewell Blackwell and Kenny Raffensberger led the Cin cinnati Red nurlers in pitching the most victories In 1951. Each won 16 games. DC Blin4tu&BoHledbyF.V.Q.nStociilMtMf.V.GDlasbotou(liCotpotirion,Bi)limon,Ma CAGE SCORES College Basketball FAR H'EST Utah State 8i Colorado AAM 62 Ricks 11 Westminster (Utah) 46 Oregon Education So Pacillc ntv U EAST St. John's (Bkn io St. Bona ven ture SO NYU 61Nlagara SB . Slcnn 69 SVilhams 45 Holy Cross Si Sprlnglleld 61 MIDWEST Notre Dame 16 DePaul 10 Marouette 68 Toledo 52 SOLTHWEST West Texas 19 Arizona 13 Arkansas Tech 81 Arkansas A&M 71 SOVTH Dayton 60 Eastern Kentucky 59 Maryland 55 Richmond 45 SHUFF STUFF ' STANDINGS Pr(. J ono .ms .7.W .S2S .WO ..T73 .375 .12i .123 the Suburban BIIV. Pl.ce Mecca .. Schufti - V.ocu Tmft Roundup Summers Lan .... VfW Cllc. s 1 a s 4 3 3 I I 1 Undefeated Suburban tops city shufleboard league after a week of tlie second round, with Bill's Ploce close hehlnd. Games last night saw Subvn-bim blank Summers Lane, 4-0; Bill's Place do the same to Eagles and Mecca and Wocus split, 2-2. HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey Seattle 6 Saskatoon 5 Tacoma 4 Victoria 2 Vancouver 1 New Westminster 3 Steve Sebo, new backfield coach at Michigan State College, was a Spartan athletic hero in the '305. He starred in football and baseball. ' of distilling 3, "KNOW-HOW brings you the COLDSBOROUCH 9inatuie B)and "A NAME Y0V CAN TIE TO! H :' T f Jr JJI PORTIA 'Metier. Five Posts 8th Straight Win VICTOltt 1.IAGVE C et. Metier. 0 1.000 KLmlh Pick 1 .87 S .623 .500 .375 .333 .143 .115 DeMolay No. 1 s 3 Gun Store , 4 4 Iten't Hand lAry a s Crtttr hake 3 a IeMol.y No. 3 1 6 T m t ... t 1 8cm Lilt . Ximht M.n". Hand Ldr- 2X Crater T-jJte J7 Metiers made ft eight straight last night in the Victory league with a 31-22 win over DeMolays Number 1 team. Men's Hand Laundry nipped Cra ter Lake, 28-21, in the other game on the program at Fan-view. The unbeaten Metiers posted an 11-0 llrst-quarter lead and coasted in. Ronnie Cbeyne Jed tvltlj eight points. The Laundry live rallied lrom a 15-18 halftime deiictt. lor its upset win over Crater Late. Don Dexter scored 10 tor Crater, Thompson: il Jor the Laundry. Box .cores: CB.ATIR LAVSOllTt SI. John 2 F 3 Lund H.ruon 4 F 2 Anderson Lenu 8 C 11 ThompMn Flora 2 C 5 HawXint Dexter 10 U 1 Gonzales Crater Lake subs Taucher t tat. Laundry sub. Godard, 2ollz, DeMOLAY 1 (it) 3I METLERS Montecraecy IT s Chene PlcJcell F 3 Lrom Cummlnfs S C B ttoblnson Smith J C 6 Metier Vlahos 4 G I Thornton DeMolay mbi u.nnon It. Shomburg 2. Hilton. Atelier subs Boe, Dovf, Roberu. OCE BEATS PACIFIC U. MONMOUTH, Ore., (its Oreaon College of Education handed Pa cific Unhwsity its second straight basketball loss Thursday night. The score was 58-42. Julian. Amnya of Facitlc was high scorer with 18 votats, two more than Chuck Ptnfoa ot OCE. T oV. SATURDAY - Feb. loth MOOSE LODGE 90 Minutes of Entertainment Gals! Guys! Fun! Gogs! BAKED HAM DINNER Serv.ed at 6:30 P.M. IN CLUB LOUNGE Admission - $1.50 per person For Member of Chapter and Lodg ono! House Guests. Don't Miss This!!! Oretech in Series With Viks This weekend should give the an swer on where the Oregon Tech hoopsters are going la the Oregon CoJJegJate Conlerence. The answer will come lrom Port land where the Owls face the loop leading Vanport Vikings tonight and tomorrow night. Oretech 5-3) Is tied with Oregon College, one lull game behind Van port (5-1). The lourth member or the OCC family. Eastern Oregon, is hope lessly out of the race, with a V- record and just two games left. D PLAYERS Oregon Tech Coach Art KirkJand has 12 players With him. IVs likely he'll open against the Vitro mitt. Ka . . : r : - -oitc svaivura me ...... , yu. Owlies back in conlerence conten tion. Tom Schubert Is billed for the center position. Hanked by For wards Jack Pmkley and Homer Duncan, the latter second-high scorer in the league behind Lowell Kolbaba of Eastern Oregon. GUARDS Guard assignments go to "Lea Cenetta and Marv Hammack. Others on the trip are At Fore man, Jerry Wyalf, Lloyd Lewis, Dick Flanirujan), Tom Humphrey, Oohn Henslee and Wayne Holzfuss. Score boys lor the "Vikings are Emery Barnes, University ot Ore gon transfer, and Norm Hubert. The Vikings are defending- OCC champs. Cougar Ace Ineligible V PULLMAN Wash. The Washington State College regis trar's 0Jice reported Thursday Phil Brown, starting forward on the Cougar basketball team, has been declared scholastioally Vnelig- tote. mm " -i: Ji; hid HutOt twwTi ibttm ' ' ' v Olympic Ski Slalom Won by Norwegian NOREFJEL. Norwiv (AV-Stein Ertksea, a. handaome. bCond Not weijian won the men's giant sla- lorn skj race 01 the winter Olympic , games Friday with a blazing run ot twti minutes, 2b seconds lor the 1 2,3W mover, cour&e. The timing was 1 unofficial pendtag; review 01 ttiei Olympic olllcials. , The tenth man to make the de scent down the winding, hazardous course on the Noreljell hillside.1 Ertfcsen was rewarded: with a big1 hu at the finish, tirui bv Katy Hotlolph, his 21-year old American 1 girl .friend from Hayden, Colo., who, was tilth In the women's giant sla lom Thursday. In giving the has country Its llrst gold medal winner of the winter games, lormally opened Friday at Oslo's BisJett Stadium. Enksen won by 1.9 seconds over Austria's Christian Pravda, who was timed in 2:263. Ait ot the standings were subject to olllclal conlirmation with a re mote possibility that some racers might be penalized or disqualified Worsham In Lead SAN ANTONIO, lex. VT Lew Worsham ot Oattmont, Fa., had the scent ol his. first tournament vic tory In a year Friday as he set out at. the head ot the field In the sec ond round ot the J10.000 Texas open. Worstuus led the field of .it busters with au elht-undec-63 as they prepared lor cutting down time in the tournament. He held a one-stroke lead over Walter Romans, a tUe-xnown pro from Baltimore, Md., mating his top bid lor a tournament victory. He has been on the winter swing only two weeks. sioase ha s w x, ret. -ouie' TDodt ", St) .888 K-Amusement 33 31 .516 Suburban Flower 32 32 .500 LtKb STVe 32 Sa 9 Star Beauty , ,. 37 .423 Klamath Flower 24 40 .373's Vctaltl Kfamath Ffower 3 K-Amuem.nt Star Beauty 3 Louie. Food 1 Leach Service a Suburban flrwer 1 Although leading the Moose Ma's bowling circuit by 11 games. Lout. Food didn't get a looi-tti on any" ot Monday's scoring honors when they were toppled by Star Beau ty. 3-1. Suburban Flower had h i i h team same, 891. Klamath Flower the high series, 2457. Individually, Mary Mills, slam- ath Flower had the ton trame. j 193 while Leach's Stormy Hasijord ... , . . . . , . n irouea me nesv series, a oi. Red China Wants In OSLO HI Red China has ap plied to the International Olympic Committee ior recognition. Avery Brundage, international vice president, Friday said the ap plication was referred to the exec utive committee. No other action was taken. Russia and many other lion Cur tain countries are members, of the i Olympic organization. January Quits . ETJOENE W Ton January ha resigned as state softbaU director after six years. He said private business required that he give up the post. His letter ot resignation was sent to Raich Guvnes. Oregon City, president ol the Oregon State j OREGON'S am i fX'vv i f Now taste the extra enjoyment in Bonded Beam's extra age! Mellowed a. lull i years, this genuine oto-tashionid sour mash whisVty is the most luxurious bonded bourbon ever to come out of Kentucky. Discover the deiightfuU dif ference yourself, fhr smoother, ricfter satisfaction, buy Bonded Beam today, World's Finest Bourbon since 1"!D&. BONDED SBESi M;0Y $Tlii6HT!IOttfflKK 109 PROOF Botttart ta Bead . Jtnm tot stravtn ott tha toW5 w'i'i'a teg fis cootrot gates, Another Austrian. Tony Sglcss. the pre-race Javorlle, took third place In the Meld of B6 competitors lrom 29 countries, witb a 2:2a.m ctocting. A thtrd rtastrtan, Eton Sciwpt, tied with Italy's Zeno Colo. 1960 world giant slalom and downbJJl champion. In 2:29.1, lor lourtli and ll'Ah places. Hcooks Dodge. 21. (com Ooefia-m. N. H., was the only Amerteaa ta JJnlsh among the leaders. Ha tied lor seventh with Slut Sollander ot Sweden, each In 2:32.8. Dodge was the only non-seeded skier V CTacx, into tfte first ten. All ol the seeded competitors were given the tmvanlage ol early starting positions, while Dodire had to stan 36th alter the thin mow had Been cut up by earlier runner. Jack. Nichols Reddish., ZS-yenc-old navy veteran lrom Salt Lake Clly, was timed In 2:39.6 and Jack Nagel, a logger lrom Skyomlsh, Wash., was clocked in 3:. Ho was hftterty disappotated. Dartd Lawrence. 21 rear - olot Dartmouth student whose wile. Andrea, won the women's slant slalom gold medal Thursday, turn ed in a slew time ol 2: -.&.. Andrea met rum at the finish. Una. Matmen Go To Medford The Klamath Falls hlnh school wrestlers travel to Medlord tomor row to scrap with the Black Tor nado matmen in the last dual meet before the district tournatntri'a Feb. 22 a act 23. The unbeaten. PeCa. ho!d an tarti- season victory ever Mediant ihe pelicans will go to Bend toe the district meet, wher two wilj HualMy lrom each ol the J? weight classes for Vnt, state tryoiriarrjrnt Feb, 2S and Match, t. - Coach Dutch Simons Is tairtae about- 30 Jboys wiili him tomorrow. The Klamath muscle boya ar seeking their liltti straight atata title. BONDED BOURBON B8Y1 ff. Baara Putffinc C. .Octp Kit,' 1 ARCHERY EQUIPMENT k HOW ! AVAILABLE BOWS ,.3.?5 19 rrow(MB7 SETS ,4.95 THE . GUN STORE . ttuf0Z- 331'