Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 15, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1952
Here Mr. and Mr. J. A. J.eeeh,
MedfnrU, lorincr Kliunalh Falls
lenldrnla v. nr hero Thursday on
business, l.eech, owner ol the Val
ley Drive-In In Medford, allpprd
and loll, Inht Dm. 20, brrakltiK two
bono III hi lfu tK, Mm, I.eech
was the lurmrr manaiier ol the
Mode-D'-Diiy Drum Hhon here.
I hey will vlnlt Bend before return
Inn home.
Food Hale The Its-organized
(:hurch ol Latter Day Hnlnln will
sponsor cooked (xid f n Ir Satur
day on Ihe Mnhi llnor at the J. O.
I'rnney atore. Money (ram the aale
will no Into the lulldliiK fund.
Health ( Utile There will be a
veil child clinic lor Infinite and
pro-school children at the Klamath
County Health Department, 104(1
Main, Feb. 18 between Ihe hour
ol I and J p, ni. For appulntinenta
tall 7114.
Vl.llora Mr. and Mm. Robert
A. Kllloll. Medlord, are xueiiUi here
lor two day ol Mr. and Mr. Nor
man Wilson. '.'.M3 Vine. F.lllotl. new
Iv elected Chairman ol Ihe Repub
lican Slate Central Committee lias
unit returned from Portland where
lie met Presidential enndldule rtoh
ert A. Tall. He la district manner
lor the Connecticut Mutual I. lie In
Hirance Co. with which Wilson la
.No alllllaied. Wilson 'In local
chairman ol the Heart Fund.
Ilonn Mr. and Mrn. Charles W.
Fvock returned veslerdav trom
New York where Fyock. owner of
Pvock'n Appliance. was guest of
General Eelclrlc. Ilia trip wan an
award In recoimltlon ol aalea cred
it. Kyock atood flrivl In the atale
In a recent aalea appliance content.'
The trip, planned by General Elec
tric. Included a brlel atop In Chi
reito. The trip was made via Oreat
Play-The Tulelake Senior claai
I 'lay. three-act comedy, "BoardlnR
louse Reach" will be trlven
p.m., Feb. 22 In the high achool
County Aaaoclatlon Women ol
Farm Bureau luncheon meeting
Mondav 13:30 p. m.. In the Crater
Itoom of the Wlnema Hotel.
Cenllnulni The revival being
conducted above Trulove'a market.
BIS E. Main, will continue over the
I rrilrr Here Ernie Kolbe.
chief lore.nler for Western Pine As
sociation, was here on business
Thursday and went to Medford to
day. Indian Meet
Eyes Switch
Two represenlatlvea of the Klam
ath Indian tribe and E. J. Dlehl,
Huperinlendenl of Klamath Agency,
are In Balem today to confer with
Male officials on tlie mailer of en
aumptlon by the elate of certain
Jurisdiction over the -Tfidlrtir now
exerciaed by the federal govern
ment. Dice Craln. actlnu Tribal Dele
gate, and Gibbon Cook, secretary
of the Tribal Council, went to
Ealem with Dlehl and were eched
uled to confer with Col. E. Mor
can Pryee ol the Portland Indian
Fervlce office. Gov. Douglas Mc
Kay and Harvev Wright, director
nf Indian education In public
The Idea of chitting from federal
to state wardship has no precedent,
Pryse aald yesterday, but aomt In
dians have asked for such a change
and there la reason to believe
manv problems of the reservation
could be handled belter at a local
rather than federal level.
In particular, alate assumption of
police end court authority on the
reservation, as well as Jurisdiction
In Juvenile matters has been sug
gested. ,
Last December the Tribal Council
resolved to ask for a change.
The Klamath hav been ward of
the federal government for 17
years, elnoe the treaty of UM.
Prvse aald the Indian Service has
approved the principle of the pro
nosed change as one phase of a
lone-range program of freeing th
Indiana from all apeclal controls.
Super cook
Man . . Woman . . or
. . . who will exchange one hour
of their time and baking tal
ent to win valuable priici ana
to help the Compfire Girlil
YOU tit the above description
. . YOU are invited to enter
CONTEST! All ingredient, in
cluding baking equipment and
a new Crosley range to bake
vour pie in, are furnished
FREE! Just come in before
February 29th and bake your
pie After iudgina ... all plei
will be aurtionea for the bene
fit of the Compfire Girl.
It's For A Worthy
Your Crosley Dealer
1001 Main
Ph. 2-21 II
VUltlnf - Mr. and Mr. George
Kennett of Redding, formerly of
Klamath Falls, are vliltlng Jriend
end relative! here.
Injured Ankle Mm. Florence
Plelke, Riverside leather, aulfered
a broken bone above the inkle re
cently when aha allpped on Icy
pavement. Ah I confined to her
home, 134 N. rd.
Guest Speaker Mr. Frank
Queen, Portland, aoclal welfare
chairman or Oregon League of
Women Voter, la to address the
luncheon meeting Monday, 13:45 In
Ihe Pelican Party Room. Public In
vited. Make reservation through
Mrs. Edward E. Ward, 4348, and
Mrs. Paul Buck, 5847,
Yacht (lob Make reservations
with Beulah or Mike Regan at the
club for fried chicken dinner Bun
day. Member are also reminded
of the rumba sessions every Wed
nesday eight.
(apt. Walter C. Van Emasea
Army Air Corps Is expected by hla
aunt, Nora ntnker, Saturday morn
ing, by united Airlines.
New Milk Tanks
To Be Shown
Klamath dairymen will get a
preview of lour eeparate types of
milk bulk tanker tomorrow at 10
a.m., County Fairgrounds, accord
ing to Dairymen's Association Pres.
Lawrence Oeraghty.
Oeraghty aald four manufacture
era are scheduled te aet up shop
to display their bulker In one of
ih tint eahlbltlona to be mad
to any county organisation any
where. Klamath Falls and Medo-Land
Creameries have arranged the
bulking display, Oeraghty aald. A
lunch la planned at noon.
Co-op Goes
LAKEV7EW -Alva Weekly, man
ager of Interatate Cooperatives,
hag announced that the Alturaa
branch I no longer connected with
the local co-op and I operated
separately by the newly formed
Mudoo County Cooperative Assoc
iation. Manager Is Leo Whiting,
who formerly managed the Allures
branch of interstate.
The local branch will continue
In operate under the name a' In
teratate Cooperatives, with Weekly
aa manager. The local co-op was
started In May, 1045, aa the Lake
County Cooperative, but In 1940 It
wa expanded when Allure rancn
era and farmers wanted In with the
branch t Alturaa. The name was
then changed to Interstate.
The local co-op must soon ap
point three new dlreelora to re
place Modoc County men who va
cated these positions when they
affiliated with the new organiza
tion. The poaltlon were held bv
Maaten Ramsay, of Likely, who
Is nresldenl of the new co-op: D.E.
Hill, of Cedarvllle. who was vice
president of Interstate and now
vice-president of the new group:
and Jo Wlstos, of Alturaa.
aminer Martin 8. Bennett has rec
ommended that the National La
bor Relations Board dismiss unfair
labor charges against the Blue
Mountain Mills, John Day, Ore.,
and the Dayvllle Lumber Company.
Dayvllb, Ore. The charge was
I brought by the AFL Lumber and
Sawmill Workera Union.
To relieve miseries
without doting, rub on
I flBBsa. WESTERN "Spa I.
I 3 J 5 W. P. MARSHALL. ""CNT 1 TIME f-ILCP 1 .14
I .
This cor bears special significance for you if ihe car you are now driving
is over two years old. The 1952 Mercury is the only really new car in
its price field. Next year everybody will be attempting to copy it. Yet
recent government restrictions on machine tools will render these attempts
ineffectual. And in all probability, prices on all consumer goods will
continue to rise just as they have been rising. Therefore, why not get this
most forward-looking of new cars now while the price is right and
while you con enjoy its exclusive, advanced engineering features years
before the others catch up. If the car you are now driving is over v2fc
two years old, you will be three whole model changes ahead instead
0 only one!, let us give you further particulars at our showroom.
3 Iransmisiien choicest Mtrc-O-Maiie no thift Touch-O-Mafie Overdrive;
tr Standard. First two optional at extra cost. -
Annual SCD
Sessions Set
Klamath County' three oll con
servation district have scheduled
their annual meetings for next
The Klamath BCD has slated Its
meet iur uic miuisim uiuiiao iimii
at I p.m.
p.m. Monaay. oupi. uene
Gross and Dr. A Halvorsen of the
Klamath Experiment Hla Hon have
oeen selected as apeaxers, accord
ing to Director Wilbur Harnesbur.
ger. They wll Include problema
lor the coming year in tneir dis
cuslons. The Poe Valley SCD Is to meet
Tuesday at p.m. In the Olene
community nan, wnn wo oiscur.
slon slated for the proposed In
clusion of most of northern Klam
ath County within Its boundaries.
Director Rex High reported Miss
Pal Riley, Bonanza high school stu
dent, will speak on soil conserva
tion, as well as Dr. Halvoren who
will discus problems lor the com
Inr year.
High Invited farmers who own
land within the proposed area to
attend the meeting.
Langell Vallev's meeting Is slat
ed to klckoff with a potluck dinner
at the Lorella Copimunlty Hall at
7 p.m., with Dr. Halvorsen and
Richard Shlrtle. Bureau of Land
Management, a principal speak-
Sole Management
ftr.tfa.tt Weittra f'.ll.tt
Of A.elln..rin . . . RHUnf. M.nt.
Certified Pedigree Reader
Hueceuful Sale are Ihe Remit el Proper
Promotion, Management and Auctioneering.
Specialising In FARM. PL'RF.BRED LIVE
G. W. (Jerry) FALES,
5304 Alva KUmath Falls Ph. 2-2452
Free Service on Church A Benefit Auction
424 So. 6th. St. Phone 7778
State OKs New
Street Surface
LAKE VIEW The Stale Highway
Commission has approved asphalt
ing, from Its 1052 special city al
lotment fund, of M street from N.
4lh to Jst South, Recorder C. A.
Fesler received this Information
from J. W. cattrall, highway en-
iglneer In charge of county
j city relation
The approval was made on the
basis that the town would pay that
part of the cost over IIS.OOO. Cat
trail stated. The present estimate
of the Job cost Is 15,0O0. The en
gineer said that the town will be
contacted later to work out details
and negotiate an agreement.
Leader Named
By Fire Belles
Thelma Lovelace Is the new pres
ident of the StewarULennox fire
Belles, elected at the Feb. 7th
meeting In the Stewart-Lennox fire
hall. Other officers are, Jean Ron
nlngen, vice-president and Sarah
Snyder, secretary-treasurer. They
will be installed Feb. 21.
The meeting was the first held
In the lire hall since the auxiliary
was organized Sept. 6. 1951. Other
meetings have been In homes ol
jcharter members,
I The fire hall Is newly remodeled.
Speech Meet,
Tule Monday
TULELAKE Public speakers,
parliamentary expert and co-oo
fjulz specialists of the Tulelake
chapter. Future Famer of Amer
ica, will be on a competitive pro
cram in the high school, 1 p.m.
Monday. Winners will represent
the Tulelake chapter at a section
al contest, Feb. 24-24 at the Etna
Union High.
Cash awards will be given by
the Rogers Insurance Agency.
Public speaking contestants will
he Jim Crown. Bob Parker and
John O'Keele. Their sectional con
test Us Feb. 25.
Glenn Taylor and Mike Peder
sen, competing In the co-op quIz
i ponsored' by the California Co-op
Educational Committee will com
pete Feb. 24.
Parllmentnry procedure will be
demonstrated also Feb. 23 by of
ficers of the Tulelake chapter. Bob
Terry, president: John O'Keefe,
vice-president; Bob Parker, treas
urer; Jim Crown, secretary; Dan
ny Kelleher, reporter, and Verne
Hemstreet. faculty advisor.
Hw nfMt-flavond mal
daodorlxt bfath and body!
Now a great improvement bu been made
' in the dog meal all dogs love! Ken-L-!
Meal if now fortified with tbkrophylitn
i nature's own miracle deodorant. A regu
lar diet of Ken-L-Meal will quickly rid
your dog ot bid breath and body odors.
Ken-L-Mcil, the meat-flavored dog
meal, is a complete food that requires no
supplements. And it ends odors fast. Get
Ken-L-Meal at vour favorite store or
dealer's, or write for free special certificate
that saves you 15f on your first package.
bend this ad eon a postcard to Ken-iV
Products, Dept. 249, Box 3339, Chicagc
77, IU.
For Election
Babe Reeder and Jerry Short '
nave been nominated for president
of the Klamath Air Search and
Rescue Unit, and an election is
scheduled lor Wednesday, March S.
at the Pilots Club.
Vic Douglas la the present
KASRU president.
The nominations were made by
a committee composed of Ed A.
Scholer, Reeder. A. O. Davlg, El
don Alt and Ivan Kestcrson.
Candidates for vice president are
Tony Stelnbock, Archie Davlg and
Chct Llechty; lor secretary-treasurer.
Margaret Payne and Daisy
Douglas; for flight commander, Ed
ARCH Theatre
Feb. 17 and 18
"Lullobye of
In Technicolor
Dori Day Billy DeWolf
"Two'i a Crowd Cartoon
Feb. 20 and 21
Abbott & Coitello in
"ComiV 'Round the
Two Cartoons
Feb. 22 and 23
In Color
Lew Avret Andy Devine
"Little Raicol" Comedy
ifilfiRRI? llRvf
en .( o 11, r
Scholer and Cht Stlnon! tor
f,ro1unl desljne. Don Enirlck and
Hal Ogle, ,
Hans Norland Fire Inaurane.
627 Pine St.
Learn How
Prayer Can
Heal You
How does chrlstlnn Science,
heal? How does It remove fear,
solve personal and business
troubles? II you. want to know
something about the healing
power ol prayer aa taught In
Christian Science, come to
A Free Lecture
"The Discovery
Which Solves
Today's Problems",
Will B. Davis, C.S.B.
Chicago, Illinois
Member of the Board of Lec
tureship ol The Mother Church,
The First Church of Christ,
Scientist, in Boston, Mass.
Tuesday, Feb. 19th
8:00 p.m.
Fremont School
715 High
First Church of Christ,
of Klamath Fells, Oregon
Cerdially Invites you.
Radiocast KFLW