raiiMY, FKimuAnY is. 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FAGK nVS Co CHURCH DIRECTORY CHURCH OF CHRIST 2405 Wntillitnil PHnna 1(161 Arthur C. Illiukwcll 10:00 A.M. llllilc clwuira JIMIO A.M. Win ship arrvlca 7:00 I'.M, Kvt-iiliiK anrvlce 7:00 J'.M. WcUiiwfliiy mi-vice . KUmeth Revival , Center l'mitor, Rnv. Dorothy M'iClaIn 1025 Mllrliell Phone M 10:00 A.M. Hunrtiiy Bchool 11:00 A.M. MornliiK Wurnhip 7:45 A.M. HviiiikcIIbUc Borvlco 7:00 P.M. Tuuhiluy AYA group 7:4ft P.M. WadnriMlkjr Prayer McctlhR 7:49 P.M. Friday Ulblc Study 7:44 PM Halurday Young Peoplr's Mwtliif. Church of Chrltt 1774 Arthur Plion M1M looo A.M. Hlble Olaiuwa 11:00 A.M Morning Worahlp 7:30 P.M. Mutual cdltlcatluil 6:00 P.M. Wcdncadny Ulble Study Missionary Baptist Church 4134 Duuslae Kldrr C. V. niam-hard, pastor 9:4ft A.M. timidity Hchuol l.00 A M- Morning Worahlp 7:00 P.M. Training Union 8:00 P.M. Kvontng Bervlis 7:00 P.M. Thuraday Bible Study v tlllllHTlAN BCIKNCE CIIUIlCIl Tenth and Wathlnttoa 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Service 1:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Service 6:3C p.m. Hut. rudlo program KKJI. Klsmsth Tempi 1M7 Pine Phone tiii Rev. D. B. Anderaon, minuter Ilev. Warner Bock, Aaat. Paalor a :4ft a.m. Sunday school ll:0 a.m. MornlnR wornhlp. (1:30 p.m. Ovcrcomer services 7:4ft EvAngrllatlc aervlce 7:4ft pm. WrdncMlny, Bible study and prove rmcetlng. 7:4S p.m. Klday, Young peoplea' arrvlce. 7:30 p.m. Saturday, radio broad cast. KKJI Community Church of the Brethren 4731 Brtatol Rev. Edward Lander :48 AM- Church School 11:00 A M. Morning Worahlp 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. Wednesday Hobby 4c Craft Club Salvation Army 400 Klamath Ma), and Mrs. Jack Little 10:00 A.M. Hundny School 11:00 A.M. Hollncaa Meeting 11:00 A.M. Junior Church 6 30 P.M. Young People'a Meeting ' :00 P.M. Salvation Meeting Y " Immanuel Baptist Ulh and High Rev. W. P. Templln 1:4ft A.M. bible School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worahlp :30 P.R- Young People 7:30 P.M. Kvenlng Worship 7:30 P.M. Wed. Evening Prayer Service Hope Evangelical Lutheran Shaila School Rev. M. R. Anderson, Pastor Paraonage. 1143 Kane 9:30 A.M. Sundny School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service First Presbyterian Merrill Rev. Oeorge A. Milne 10.00 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Divine Service 7:00 P.M. Fireside Service Nursery Open First Christian Ninth and Pine 8ta. George Alder, Minister 9:4S a.m. Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship :30 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wed. Gospel Tabernacle Altamont and Maryland Rev. W. a. Blirby, Pastor 10:00 A.M. Bunday School 1 1 :00 A.M. Morning Service 7:30 P.M. Evenings Worship Also services at 7:30 p.m. Saturday and Wednesday. Merrill Baptist Mission Recreation Building 9:45 A.M. Sunday school 11:00 A.M. Worship service lamath Latter Rain Church in'!7 Washburn Way Rev. Art Simpson 10:00 A.M. Sunday School, all ages 8:00 P.M. Evening Service Stewart-Lenox Baptist W. E. Weeks, Pastor 9:4ft A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 6:30 P.M.- -T: lining Union 7:30 P.M. Worship Service 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer and Choir Praties Pilgrims Holiness 2301 Wanlland Fhone 5514 Rev. O. D. Weaver 9:4ft A.M. Sundny School 11:00 A.M. n'ornlng Service 6:4ft P.M. Y.P.S. 7:30 P.M. Evnngcllstlo Meeting 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of Tho Mather Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Most. 10th end Washington Services' Sunday Service, 1 1 a. m. Sunday School, 1 1 :00 a. m. Wednesday avanlnt Meatine. 1:00 e'clock. , Lesson-Sermon Subject February 17 "SOUL" Christian Science Reading Room 1021 Mai SI. Radio Broadcast Sat.. 5:30 p.m. KFJI "Our Real Heritage" to Church Sunday Church of the Nataren (iarden and Martin Rev, Deal Van Do drift 0:4ft A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 0:4ft P...1. Young People 7:30 P.M. EvaiiKcllntKi Scrvlca ViQ P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service. 8:30 P.M. Wednesday Choir Practice First Baptist N. Klh and Washington Dr. E. M. Causey, puator 9:4ft A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:1ft p.m. Training Union. 7:30 pjn. Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, young people's meeting. 8:00 pjri. Wednesday, mid-week prayer service. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, choir rehear sal. Keno Gospel Center Phone 2 3043 Rev. Ciladys xlllford, Pastor 10:00 A.M. Sunday School. 11:00 AM. Morning Worship 7:4ft P.M. Sundny Eve. Services 7:4& P.M. Tuesday, Prayer Meet ing 3 30 P.M. Prl., Children's church 7:4S P.M. Friday Bible Study. OTI Sunday School Ouest House 10:00 A.M. Sunday School every Sundny First Presbyterian Church 601 Pine Rev. Duvltl Burnett Jr., Pastor 9:30 A.M. Church school lor all a Res. 9:30 and 11 am. Morning worship. 11:00 A M, Junior Worship 6:00 P.M. Junior high Westmin ster Fellowship. 6:30 P.M. Senior high Westmin tcr Fellowship. Assembly of God 746 Oak Rev. Daniel BaylUi. mlnUter Rev. Donald Annas, assistant pastor hX'NDAY SERVICES 9:41 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning services 8:4& pjn. Youth services 7:30 pm Evangelistic rally MID-WEEK SERVICES 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Bible atudy and prayer service 10:00 a.m. Thursday, Prayer service 7:30 p.m. Thursday, preaching service. 8:00 p.m. Saturday, street service. FREE METHODIST 428 K. 9th Rev, Fred C. Neumann, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. Broadcast, KFLW 9:4 A.M. Sunday School 8:45 P.M. Young People 7:4S P.M. E v e n In g Evangelistic servlre. MIDWEEK 6ERVICES 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, Midweek prayer. Calvary Baptist E. Main at Garden Buries P. Baa-gelt, pastor 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:1ft P.M. Training union 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship MID-WEEK SERVICES 7:15 P.M. Wednesday, teachers meeting 8:00 P.M. Wednesday, prayer service J:00 P.M. Thursday, WMU. First Church of God 2802 Altamont Rev. C. H. Beahm 9 45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:45 ojwYoung People 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic 7:30 P.M. Bible Study. Union Gospel Mission 251 Commercial Pastor O. M. Tlmms 10:00 A.M. Bible School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service. Malin Community Church (Presbyterian) Rev. George A. Bhuman, pastor 8:45 A.M. Sunday School, all ages 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Senior and Junior High Young Peoples Societies Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses 833 N. 9th 7:45 P.M. Sunday Watchtower Study 7:45 P.M. Wednesday Bible study 7:45 P.M. Friday Service meeting 8:46 P.M. Friday Theocratlo 8chool Friendfy Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M, Ward and Sons 925 High Phone 3334 III z Mt, Laki Community Arthur L. Rico, minister 9:49 A.M Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 7:30 P.M. Christian Endeavor First Methodist 101b and High Rev. Lloyd Holloway 9:4ft A.M.-Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship ft:3ft P.M. Intermedia' M.Y.F. 7:00 PM Senior M.YJ. Seventh-Day Adventist 173ft Main Rev. P. C. Alderson KATIKMAY 9:30 A.M. Sabbath school 11:00 A.M. Church Service HUNIMY 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic service MIDWEEK 7:30 P.M. Wednesday and Friday evangelistic service Klamath Lutheran Cross and Crescent , Rev. Irvln Tweet 9:41 A.M. Sunday school 11:00 A.M. Divine Worship 6:00 P.M. Senior League First Covenant 8:!3 Walnut Phone 8S17 Carl O. Strom, Pastor 9:49 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 7:4ft P.M. Fellowship Hour 8:00 P.M. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH llth and High Rev. R, E. Oraef, paster 11 :00 A.M. Morning worship 9:45 A.M. Sunday school 10:00 A.M. Bible class 10:30 A.M. Lutheran Hour, KFJI Congregational ftardrn near Martin Sts. Rev. Donald M. Caaaiday 9:45 A.M. Church School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 7:00 P.M. High School Pilgrim Fellowship. Peace Memorial Presbyterian 4431 8, Sixth Pbone Mil Rev. Dwayne L. Proett 9:30 A.M. Church School 11:00 A.hL Morning Worship Reorganixed Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints City Library 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Church Service First Sunday of every month Sac rament service. For Information call 7890 or 6915. Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints Home and Martin 9:00 A.M. Priesthood Meeting 10:30 A.M. Sunday School 7:00 P.M. Sacrament 2:00 P.M. 8at. Primary Meeting 9:00 P.M. Tueaday Relief Society 7:30 PM. Tuesday M. I A. Bible Baptist Church 2244 Wiard Keith P. Fields, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday school 11 :00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:30 p.m. Baptist league. 7:30 o.m. Evening aervice. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, all family church night. St. Paul's Episcopal ttl Jefferson Phone 158S Galen H. Onstad, Rector 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion 9:30 A.M. Church School 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer 7:30 PM. Young People's Fellowship. Union Worship Services Set Rev. Edward Lander, pastor of the Community Church of the Brethren with hla congregation will worship with the Union Gospel Mis. son, 251 Commercial, at the eve nlng service, Sunday, Feb. 17. Time of the service will be 7:30 p.m. The choral choir will sing and all aro welcome. Pastor of the Union Gospel Mis sion la O. M. Tlmms. When you cook a pound of dried prunes you will find that it makes about twelve one-nan cup servings, This Is Your Attend BIG 3 in 1 Master Preaching God's Blessing ASSEMBLY of GOD 8th. and Oak Conducted by Internationally Known Gospel Preacher and World Traveler Eyangelist . Wm. Booth Clibborn Grendion of Gen. Wm. Booth, juit returned from Europe where he conducted 67 Re vivals In 7 countries. Just One Week Beginning this Sunday 1 1 :00 A.M. Feb. 17th Services nightly 7:30 except Saturday EVERYBODY WELCOME Tune to KFLW, Sunday, 9:00 A.M. and to KFJI Satur day 6:30 to 7:00 P.M. for Programs of the local church. For free transportation to Sunday School, call S73S. Rev. Daniel Bayliss, Pastor Colorado Man Guest Speaker Dr. William P. Whlttemoro, pas tor of the Flrat Baptist Church of Fort Collins, Col., will be the guest imeaker at the Bible Baptist Church lor both services on Sun day. His subject for the 11 a.m. aerv Ice will be, "The Spirit Filled Mfc," and for the evening acrv Ice, "Stopping God." Dr, Whlttomore was Invited to Oregon by the Conservative Bap tist Aririnclfitlon of Oregon as It Inspirational speaker for the an nuul meeting to be held at Leba non, Feb. IB through 21. The public la cordially Invited to the Hcrvlcca. Plans Laid For Building Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church members are laying plans for construction of a church build ing Hornellnie this summer. The recently formed congrega tion has been meeting at Shasta School on Madison St. Several weeks ago property was purchased on S. 6th St. near Home dale Rd., In anticipation of con structing a new Duiiuing. Final plans for the building will be approved when Dr. Bowman, director of Church Extension of United Lutheran church visits here this summer. Assembly Sets Revivals Here Revival services conducted by Rev. William Booth Cllbborn, D.D. Ph. D., grandson of Salvation Army founder Gen. William Booth, will start Sunday at Assembly of God Church. 8lh at Oak Sts. Services win De conoucieu iuhuv- , Iv. except Saturday, at 7:30 p.m. The first service will be at 11 a.m. Sunday. Rev Cllbborn has recently re turned from Europe where he con ducted 67 revival sessions in seven countries. He will be guest speak er Saturday. 6:30 p.m. on the As sembly radio program over Sta tion KFJI. The public is Invited to attend the services which will continue for a week. Pol-luck Planned By Congregational A pofuck luncheon has been scheduled for 1 p.m. Sunday. Feb. 24, at the Congregational Church, Rev. Don Casslday announced to- dBThe potluck will follow a short post-service congregation meeting, Kev. isassiuuy buiu. World Prayer Day Planned The Church Council of Women, Klamath Falls, Is Joining with the many countries around the world In observance of the 65th World Day of Prayer which is held toe first Friday In Lent, February 29. This year the meeting will be held at the First Presbyterian church, starting at 10 a. m. A sack lunch is planned for noon and the meeting will adjourn at 3 p. m. Theme of the session is to be "Christ Our Hope." Several of the ministers of the city ana many members of the Church Council will take part in the program. Mrs. Elbert will be at the organ for the morning session. Mrs. George Mc Intvre during the afternoon. Solists will be Mrs. Phil Hitchcock. Mrs. Marvin Nerseth and Rev. D. L. Proett. Purpose of World Day of Prayer Is the Christian fellowship of pray er around the world and the build ing ol World Brotherhood. Tlie snonsor in the United States Is the General Department of Unit ed Church Women of the National Council of churches in the United States of America. The program comes from a dif ferent country each year. It is dis tributed In 16,000 communities In the' U. S. and this year went to 104 oner countries around the globe. PORTLAND I Governor Mo Kay, Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee of Portland, and other officials are expected to attend memorial services here Sunday night for King George VI of Great Britain. Invitation To h REVIVAL Rev. Wm. Booth Cllbborn D.D. Ph. D. Transplanted Wins High Scouting Award By PAl'l, W. HARVEY. JR SALEM W Carl Maxwell la a husky, black-halred, moon-laced, half-Eskimo boy who became an Eagle Scout thin week, winning scoutlng'a highest award although he's only 15 years old. He did It all on his own, too. Carl came to Salem five years ago from an Eskmo village north of Nome, Alaska. Hla mother was an Eskimo princess, and his father a white construction worker. When they moved here, they lived in a made-over barn. His dad, Charles Maxwell, now la a plumber at Point Barrow, on the Alaskan Arctic Coast, He came to Bulcm to pin Carl's Eagle badge on the boy a breast. His mother lives In Portland, where she's an expert fur worker. REPARATION The parents separated while they lived here, and Carl and younger sister live in Albany with the Clark Lethins. Lethln Is a Boy Scout executive. There are two older sisters, one of whom Is a patient at the state tuberculosis hospital, and the other Is married and living In California. Carl la a handsome boy, a hard Distress Call Believed Hoax MIAMI. Fla. if) Answerlntr a radio distress call, the Coast Guard searched Cuban waters Thursday for a blazing freighter and her crew, then wrote the whole thing oil as a hoax. The SOS, picked up by the Coast Guard Station in Richmond, said the freighter was afire off the west coast of Cuba and had been aban doned by the crew. The call identi fied the ship as the S. 8. George Duketon and her call letters Indi cated Swedish registry. An amphibious plane and a 165 foot cutter searched the area thor oughly without finding any trace ui a snip or crew. Parishioners Donate Memorial Windows MERRILL Four new stainrri glass windows have been Installed in St. Augustlnes church durinr the past two weeks. Donations from parishioners were responsible for the installation of the window In memory of the Most Rev. Joseph F. McGrath. Bishon of the Baker City Diocese until his death last year, who did so much for the local parish. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McAuliffe of Malin, donated a window in mem ory of their son. Sgt. Con Mc Auliffe who died In Korea, Feb. 13, luau. The other windows were donated by Mr. and Mrs. James Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Falvey. SCENIC SAVING PORTLAND I Multnomah County gave its pledge Thursday to cc-operat in saving scenic stretches of the Columbia Gorge Store Sparkle White Pep-O-Mint Red Sky Turquoise Sun Coral Burnished Gold Buttercup Yellow . Eskimo Youth worker, an average atudent, and an outntandng artist. This boy arl his family have fascinated me ever since they came to Salem. About the time he arrived, five of us men in the Salem Heights area south of the Capital City started a Cub Scout pack. Cubbing, the junior branch of 'the Boy Scouts, is for boys 8 to 11 years old. Carl was a charter member of that Cub pack. He was the most enthusiastic Cub we had. He had an intense desire to learn all he could about nature. This desire and his hard work won him his quits auvBuuemcm w me yuuiucie gone lorever, It seema. 0'caCrTconife'cted snakes, explaining hoVht "JfS 04ht.T'!th01; he never saw snakes in the Arctic. s. o decided Thursday no more school for them. Time to get PRIDE out in the world and make a liv- The scout executives here are 'ng proud of Carl, because he has ex- Atendants at the Federal Build celled most white boys. lng In downtown PhlladelDhla res- 'Carl did It all on his own," Gorden Gllmore, Salem Scout exec- utive, said. "He didn't have any family push. At camp, he would spend hours In the woods all by himself, learn ing about birds and animals. He used to phone In to the Scout office mornings before he went to school to get advice about his ad vancement. "For our annual scout circuses. Carl won the ticket-selling contest two years In a row for the whole three-county area in our council. He rang door bells late at night to sell the tickets, and that made it possible for him to go to Scout camp for nothing, "He has more stick-to-itlveness than any boy I ever saw." CHRISTIAN Up in Alaska, Roman Catholic missionaries educated Carl and his Bisters. Today he's a devout church member, having won special awards for his service to his church. These awards Include one for helping the priest at Mass. Carl, whose Eskimo features are very prominent, hasn't run up against any race prejudice yet. Be cause of his friendly nature, he has more friends than most white boys. assasaMaVI8 . . ' TT-- Pemey's Hours 9:30 to 5:30 WEAR THEM EVERYWHERE! MJ 1 SMART YOUNG LEATHER V FASHION FLATS! Y C everything! Downstairs Shoe Store St. Augustine's Plans Parish Hall Addition MERRILL Facilities of St. Au gustine's parish will be further augmented when the proposed new Luck Deserts 2 Brave Boys PHILADELPHIA I The good fllH rinva a nrl tho. elmnla Iff n a rat cued them from an elevator stalled i between floors after hours Thurs- day night. Asked how come, they explained they saw no operator on duty and thought the elevator was self operating. Pulled the wrong levers, they guessed, and that's how they got stuck. But what were they doing In the Federal Building? The older one, age 13, solemnly replied: "Well, to get jobs we have to get our Social Security cards." Churches-Clubs-Lodges Need a 48-cup coffee urn, or an electric rssster? You can obtain one without cost to your organi zation. For information contact your Watkint dealer. Werner Bock Phone 6359 730 Jefferson St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Dr. William P. Whirtemore Pastor First Baptist Church of Fort Collins, Colo. at THE BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY- Feb. 18 1 1 :00 a.m. . . . "The Spirit Filled Life" 7:30 p.m. '. '. . "Stopping God' 1 I TOR DATING I SPORTSI Pick a soft pastel to COLORS! dress. Wear bright coral to class . . jade green just for fun! (You'll want white, too!) Soft smooth unlined leather with, a little-girl strap, delicate shell outline, and almost no heel! Sizes 4 to 8V&. Budget-value! parish hall, now In the drawing stage by architects Morrison and "0WVd. K1m"i rails, u com pleted later In the year. Specifications for the hall ar expected to be ready by March l. when bids will be called for. ' The new structure will be lo cated behind the church and par ish house, and will have a brick and tile exterior. Included In the proposed plan is a large main hall and dining room which will accommodate 90 guesta for dinner, and will be used for all organization meetings and so cial affairs. Folding partitions will convert the hall Into three seps. rate rooms lor Sunday School classes. A modern kitchen and large stor age room complete the Interior ar rangement. Cost of the hall Is be ing met by subscriptions from par ishioners and others Interested in the project. The Young People's club of St. Augustine's parish has added to the building fund by sponsoring sev eral functions during recent weeks. In making plans lor the construc tion of the hall. Father John Phe lan. pastor of 8t. Augustine's, has been ably assisted by James Lacey Gene Hammond, James O'Keefe, Toby O'Keefe, John Glacomlnl all of Merrill, and Ben Johnson of Malin. 4 ft f fx- SCHOOL! WORK! glow with a pretty da