nERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, FERRUARY IS. 1 052 PAGE FOUR llii)ii'lir"iV '"''"'"" '"riaUamm.ianaatW By MYRTLE WIMER Old friends residing at other Klamath county points -as well aa In Fort Klamath, will be grieved to learn that Mrs. Edna Pomeroy is seriously 111 at a hospital In Portland, according to word re ceived here by a dear friend, Mrs. Raymond B. Loosley. Mrs. Pom eroy, iormerly Edna Norrls, Is one o( the real oldtline Wood River Valley pioneers, having In the early days owned and managed a com bined drug store, confectionary and variety store In Fort Klamath. Her husband, Ed Pomeroy, also a well-known, longtime local resi lient, died two years ago. After visiting here for two weeks at the home of former Wisconsin friends, Mr, and Mrs. Marvin noe der and son, Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Art Schneider of Merrill. Wis., went last week to Mcdford for a visit with his cousin before going on to Cres cent City and Brookings on a busi ness trip. Returning here Thurs day for a further stay at the Roe- tier nome, on i-naay me ocimei ders aril another former Wiscon sinlte. Charles J. Bricco, spent the day in Klamath Falls, and on re turning here In the evening, Schnei der was suddenly stricken with a . severe attack of the flu. his tem perature soaring to 103 degrees Friday night. However, at this writ ing he is reported to be slightly improved. Mrs. Frank Edwards was con fined to bed all this week with the same malady, and was just barely able to be up and about on Saturday when her husband came down with the flu. Another local person suffering from this preva lent Illness is Audrey Varnuni, who was also 111 In bed all the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Varnum, but is getting stronger each day now. Friends here are sorry to hear that Mrs. Albert Bricco Is ill at the Hillside hospital, suffering from a nervous breakdown. She and her husband are former local residents of many years' standing, and are now living at Williamson River. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall were absei this past week when they enjoyed a trip to Dayville, Ore., where they visited with his brother, Bill, and family. During their absence, their home and chil dren here were cared for by Mr. and Mrs. Lew Yearicks. Going to Red Bluff last week to attend the Hereford bull sale were Fred Pope, Stewart Nichol son, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nich olson. Already in California, where they are spending the winter and also present at the sale, were J. P. McAuliffe and son, Joe. Loren L. Miller and son, Loren L. Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. William Zumbrun. Patrick J. McAuliffe of Klamath Falls, son of J. P. McAuliffe of Fort Klamath and Cottonwood, Calif., also went south to attend the stock sale. With his wife and family, he is spending the winter in Klamath Falls, where the Mc Auliffe boys are attending Sacred iiean Academy. Mrs. Raymond S. Loosley. lead er of the local 4-H cooking pro ject, has undertaken a drive in this locality to collect used cloth ing for needy Korean people, in which all the girls of her group ar participating. Any item of clothing which is wearable may be left at the Ft. Klamath Garage, articles left there to be placed in a large box and turned over to Mrs. Loosley a the close of the drive. Local women are asked to look over their wardrobes and do nate any kind of outmoded, un wanted or worn clothing to Mrs. Loosley and her 4-H club girls for shipment to the people of war-ravaged Korea, where they will be put to good use and gratefully received. ' Wood River Valley In wintertime Is beautiful In the daytime but on a moonlit night such as this, the evening of Saturday Feb. 10, the sight is just plain enchantment. Ringed about with a wide circle which some say presages a storm, the full moon looks down from the star-studded luminous siy on the acres and acres of ranch land .wrapped In the calm and quiet of a perfect winter night. Despite the mild weather prevailing since Feb. 1, several feet of snow still covers the floor of the valley, where it was piled up to a record depth by the severe continuous storms of December and January. A suc cession of crisp, frosty nights and warm days of brilliant sunshine have been enjoyed so far during February, and has caused the snow to melt somewhat. The unbroken expanses of pure white snow cov ering ranches here sparkle in the moonlight like diamonds, while the encircling lofty mountains with their peaks and evergreen trees mantled in glistening white keep their silent everlasting watch over the Wood River valley. Off in the distance is heard the weird howling of coy otes, their barking and yipping lending an eerie touch to the other wise serene quiet of the moonlit winter night. Although lovely at all seasons of the year, in winter time the valley has a special ap peal which somehow cannot be compared to its undeniably beauti ful aspects during spring, summer and fall. City-dwellers may scoff at these bucolic sentiments, but most of us who are privileged to live here the year round wouldn't trade the peace and quiet of our lovely valley for the hustle and bustle of city life ... we love it here in the Wood River Valley, its "wide open spaces" are for us, especially in wintertime. Mr. and Mrs. Earle B. Thorpe Sr., left last week for a month's visit with their son. daughter-in-law and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Earle B. Thorpe Jr. and son Jackie at their home in San Pablo, Calif. Nine members of the University of Arizona basketball team earned All-State honors while in high school. . . ....... Painful cramps of "Monthly Periods" stopped or amazingly relieved In 3 out of 4 cetet in dociori' own tests I Women and girls who suffer from those function, ally-caused cramps, back aches and headaches of menstruation who feel upset and irritable on cer tain "particular days" may often be suffering quite unnecessarily I ; Such Is the conclusion from tests by doctors in which Lydla E. Plnkhams Vegetable Compound gave complete or ttriking relief from such distress In 3 out of 4 of the cases tested! TmI Medical evidence shows Lvaia flnkbam a tnoroughlv modern In action. It exerts remarkably calming effect wonderful Dairy 4 4 1 By MRS. VIRGIL 8CIIMOE Ada Flackus of Roseburg arrived In Klamath Falls last weekend to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flackus, 1S34 Applegate Ave, and other relatives. Friends are glad to hear Charles Is feeling much better after his recent seri ous illness. Clifford Sewald and Curly Walker made a trip to California last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schmidt and Billy Hayes of Klamath Falls were business visitors In Dairy and Bonanza on Monday, Feb. 11. Everyone is Invited to vote for the king and queen candidate by coming to the King and Queen of Hearts nance at we Bonansa liign school gym, Feb. 16, at p. m. and dame to the music of the Ore gon Hillbillies. Crowning the queen will take place at 10 p.m. Re freshments will be served. The ( lair is sponsored by the Bonanza Parents and Patrons Club. Candidates for king and queen are Mary Chains and Irwin Crume; Marilee Kyser and Howard Koer tje: Catherine Dearborn and Bob Walker; Marie Lee and Dale Rob ertson. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Gordon and son, Jimmy, of Dunsmulr, Calif., spent the past few days with Mrs. Gordon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Butts and broth er. Billy, of Dairy and her sister and family the Bud Browns oi Kiamaih Ialls. They returned to their home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmoe spent Monday in Ashland with his father, E. B. Schmoe, and other relatives. E. B. Schmoe is reported to be in i ailing health. His sister, Mattie Borland, of Grand Junction. Colo., has suflered a heart attack and reported not Improving as last as she should. Mrs. Borland has visit ed here often, the last time in 1949 wnen 6he spent the winter here wun relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Woods 0f Klamath Falls spent Sunday with the Philpott family of East Dairy, and Sunday evening m the Clifford Sewald home. Mrs. Norma Haskins has been assigned leadership of Uie 4-H Cooking Club. She has seven mem bers. Their first meeting was held Tuesday, feb. 5, in Bonanza school. Friends are glad Olive Fraley has again been able to return to her work as second grade teacher ni x3uimua aucr iiiisins several davs last week due to injuries re - ceived when she fell from th ton at Bonanza after missing several ceived when she fell from the top of her basement steps to the bot tom on sunaiay evening. She was hardly Able In et arnimri. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Butts re- ceived an announcement In the mall irom Mr. and Mrs. rorman (Buster) Brown of Hillsboro, that tney are the Darents of their first child, a daughter, Shervl Carle, born Jan. 30, 1952. Mrs. Brown is the former Patsy Williams of Sprague River and Norman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Brown of Klamath Palls. They are all for mer Bonanza residents. i Summer Lake .vi IT By MRS. E. R. NELSON We have jumped out of winter weather into balmy spring weather. The days are warm with lots of sunshine which seems good after the rugged weather of the past month. This tiommunity Joins with me in extending deepest sympathy to Mrs. Lottie Simms and family of Crook ed Creek in their bereavement, the husband and father passing away Friday. Mr. Simms was well-known here, 'especially among the grang ers. Among those attending the March of Dimes dance in Paisley Satur day night were Mr. and Mrs. George Carlon, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlon, Glenn Harvey, Garry ad Clarence Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Graves and Mr. and Mrs. Max McLaln. Mr. and Mrs. Davie O'Connor were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lynch Wednesday afternoon. ine basketball game in Silver Lake Friday night was well attend ed. Players from here were Alvie Ivy, Jim Carlon, Clarence and Gar ry Nelson, Vernon Maw. Attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. Alvie. Ivy and family, Mrs. A. Deboy, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Caudell. Mrs. Colleen Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlon, Mr. and Mrs. George Carlon, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Penington and family. The Silver Lake team were winners by a score of 38-35 in a three-minute overtime period. LaPine was the opposing teams made up of former basket ball players. Square dancing and lunch com pleted the evening's entertainment. iteguiar session of the Grange was held Saturday night with a very good attendance and all offi cers present. Grange was opened wun me oincers' seating arm. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlon, Vernon Maw, Bill Foree were obligated in the first and fourth degrees by Master George Carlon. Dean Harris gave uie secret wors. The main toDle of discussion was the reshingling of the Grange Hall. Minor repairs were maae to. the roof Friday by the committee ap pointed, consisting of Frank Graves, S. D. Harris and Jess Penington. An offering was taken up for the March of Dimes Fund. Square dancing was enjoyed by mose present. Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Pitcher attended from Silver Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Harris and Mrs, E. R. Nelson served the sup per. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Elder left Monday morning for Eugene for chechups from their doctor there. iney went to Klamath Falls and visited friends Monday evening. Prom there they traveled to Mvr- tle Creek to visit Mrs. Elder's son, Sheldon Moss, and familv. Sheldon has been quite 111. They plan to on the uterui teithout th ust o fMln-deadenlnff drugs! Tha effectiveness of Lrdls Plnkham's needs no proof to th. mtlllona of women and girls whom It has beneflud. But how about you? Do pou know what It may do for you? Take Lydla Plnkham's rim (Mil inrougn in. monin. Dee 11 . pou don't get the same relief vjr7 from the pains and weakness r , oi --inose aaya i see n you don't feel better beore and during your periodl Get either Lvdta Plnkham'n ID Compound, or new, improved lydia Pinkham't Tableu, with added iron I has a Quieting- If you're troubled with "hot effect on the Itaahea" and other functional werine eontrne- dlstreas of "change oillfe" (loin (ee chart) you'll nnd Lydla FlAchua'a u'ltchotencauae for that, tool vneiutruat palnl iWestside ;. a By MRS. MERLE O NEIL The local Farm Bureau met the evening of Feb. 6 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Johnson. Present were the following mem bers: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peay and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Sun- det and family, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Stover, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Han sen of Lakevlew. Roy and Bob Peterson, the host and hostess Ray mond and Ardelle Johnson. Following Uie business meeting Mr. Lee Hansen t local County 4-H club agent! showed an Interesting film concerning soil erosion and the results. Mrs. Johnson served delicious refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Iltntt and family of Fossill, Ore., were Y1.-II-ing at tile home of her sister. Mrs. and Mrs. Leo Buck and iuiiiily over the weekend. Waller Lightle of the East Side was calling on the Bill Batman r'amuv on x to. a. A farewell party was given Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Christensen In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Norrls Christensen ns Norrls was to be shipped out for overseas duty. Relatives present were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Pete Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peay and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell of Fort Bidwell, the i h" 'd his w ife. Mr i a tii rv nitric a:lltwltivaii ill and Mrs. Norrls Chislensen of Fort Lewis, Wash., the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Christ ensen. Sunday dinner guests at the Ed Garrett home were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Buck and familv. Mr. and Mrs aiiio mail ana lumiij- oi r um ..... ...... .... j. . ana uie w uarreu iumii. Mri."ndMrf' Oeorge Fenunore and Earl Hawk were called to The Dalles Inst week when they re- celved I news that their mother had passed awav. Mrs. Hawk was un- j go, ou uie uuiire aueiiueu " ,ml?;','uj . . , ,Mrs- cl'de Fenunore Is home I V , ? i. V t-V ,V & T tion lasi weea in a n..amain ran hospital. She spent four days Uiere. and upon her return seems to be feeling fine. Relatives who arrived at the Joe Martin Sr. home over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mell and snn. Mrs. Anfleln Birandie and Ma. nf urtmanlA Tn ii o,',h ir ntori l ----j . 'ONeil were calling on Mrs. Grace I Williams in the Thomas Creek area - on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Howard of Klamath Falls were in this district I "o. n, as mey nau 10 inoe cattle. Harold Shults and Ed Garrett were amone those attending the stock sale Wednesday at Klamath Falls. Mrs. HBrrv Kolb was honored with a surprise Birthday dinner on the. evening of Feb. 6 when a j , i i group 01 ineuas urecicu i n bounteous chicken supper ana oirin- day cake and all the trimmings, it was a complete surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Kolb. Those participating In .hi affair H.r. Mr O nrf MfS. Lloyd Warner and family, Mr. and I . . ... .. , i . i. . ner ana iamuy, air. uuu , Warner and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Buck and fam- j Mrs. BUI Ity, Mr. ana Mrs. tawin ouiiue. : and family oi Laseview, ir. ana Mrs. Pat Albertson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sundet and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buck and Dick and the honored couple, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kolb. A lamp was presented to Mrs. xj. nrt Mr. .lees Roberts left ' last week for Oakland where Jess j over the weekend, before they re had an appointment with an al-1 '"ed to Klamath, lergy specialist Tne Union Mothers Club met at Mrs Lettie Ashcraft called on , 'he school on Wednesday afternoon. Ernoor07 mimre FH'U' "' i MrsSCCtnrTepeavhCOWC1o!e ffi lernoon. . M trQ ri r Q nro,.h v ceA,i Mr. and Mrs. Merle unci ano family accompanied Dy Mr. ana Mrs. John O Neil of the East Side attended the stock sale .in Alturas on Saturday. Others from West Side who attended it also were Mr. and Mrs. Koss roster aim family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawk and tons. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moors Mr. and Mrs. Bill Batman and Maudie who were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lightle and daughter of the East S'de. and H. R. Christensen Jr. who had trucked some stock down. DCS, OUWH. I Friends were saddened i to learn of the death of one of our oldest West Side residents, Mr. Quigley. who was the father of Mrs. Loy Lamb and Clarence Vandiver. He had lived on the West Side for many years until he suffered a stroke a few years back and de cided to move to Lakevlew where he would be close to doctors. His exact ge is not known but he was past 90. Burial was at the West Side cemetery Feb. 11. The Pie Social which was given at the Grange Hall, Feb. 9, to benefit the March of Dimes, was considered a huge success. A good crowd was In attendance and the pies were sold rapidly. Every one seemed anxious to bid on them for such a worthy cause. Auction eers were Ed Sundet And Harold Shults. An oven dressed turkey WAR donated bv Mr. and Mrs. Clar- .nrr Trace which was raffled off at midnight, with the lucky winner being Mrs. Joe Marun er. Mrs. Coral Hill, who was chair- return home late In the week. Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey were called to San Francisco by the death of Mr. Harvey's brother, who had been an invalid for years. They planned to return home Sun day. Sympathy Is extended to Mr. Harvey and his family. The dance scheduled . at the Grange Hall for Feb. 16, has been postponed until February 23. There will be a short grange session first. As we mall our news copy Feb. 11, It Is rather disheartening to see a decided change in the weather with overcast skies and a light snowfall. IF YOUR CREDIT'S. GOOD . . . it's good with us ! Painting Body and Fender Work Motor Tune-up Anderson Auto Service 632 Walnut r By the Post Office Ilv ("OKA l.KAVITT Mrs. UeleQ Lcbow Is hero from Bumcy. Calif, visiting relatives and Iriencls before going on to Portland lor medical care. Cecil Haley has returned home from a Klamath Falls liospltul whore he spent several days with Vernon are alsu much Improved. Mm, Nenl Jones recently re turned from Utah where she visit ed the Henry Morgans and visited her new griimlsun. Mrs. Morgan will be remembered na Eleanor Jones. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Johnson visit ed tile hurry Fnutcis on Thurs day. Mrs. Sadie Bray Is in Falon, Nev., visiting her daughter, Mrs. M'lson ami iuiiiily. Dave Meeker suffered n broken ankle on Thursday when his saddle '' '" rolled on him. Ills " "l" ,v "" " , v. ..... " Mr. and Mrs. Owen People were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F.w. lirown and Minim o Unwell Val ley on Friday evening Mrs. Annio Cllne is here from Alturas visiting her niece. Mrs. Florence Horn, and other rela tives and friends. Mrs. Olive Fraley Is back teach ing the second grade after being ubsent lor several days siifierlug from painful bruises suflered In a an down some steps. Mrs. Bobby Miracle tiuiglit the second grade during Mrs. Fraley 'a absence. Margaret RodKcrs spent Tues- day mulu in L: anseu vaiuj nun tilt- leavut familv. c Every one is reminded of the d lg u,0 ,.Swcci. ,leR,.t B ,v bv Plu,,nts ,lml Patl.011s ailb. km ,,d queeI1 wi be choscl, hat J, ,, ,her)S wiU bo woll(lerfu, d001. pn2t.s )d Bral,d muslc uv the 0rt.g011 , u,ii,.a B ; Frauds are hnppv to hear that Mrs. Birdie Burke is home from ,)lc hospital in Klamath Falls. She "' oe 111 wheel chair for scv era! months but Is happy to be home Mrs Bmha Vinson' Is stay, U1g with her. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pepple took ;Small Pam(.la Jeall l0 PofllHni t0 i I man of the affair, nrraniied a mn. I sicul uroul-am hv thu rhddfnn ,r Hits rilstriot whieh un o,-..,,itu ,,. 1. j ..:, ... . . " : i :,. , j , ., . " . -, Wed. Special thanks Is extended! to all who helped make it a sue ' ! cess, especially the Fitzgerald or- cnestra who donated their music : lor the dance which followed. nir. aim Mrs. Lloyd Warner ac 1 companied by Mrs. Leo Buck made business trip to Klamath one ; day last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tracy and ' Phoenix. Ariz. Mrs. Tracy nnd : cnnnren ten Monday to accompany her parents that far ns they were nn a fen r-.nn lf 1.... -.. . - i- . uuu ' ., ' . live and as soon as he sent word I . V " v " " to that effect they moved down I " 1 k ,i yi . , oow" too. We wish ttiem lots of success in their new venture, Mr an1 f,. T An ......, t. Mr- end Mrs. Les Pardue and farnUy were Saturday evening sup - -- ""V, " "'T . ' 1 "i""' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooner and dnughter were overnight guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tracy an, I family on Feb. 8. They are now making their home nt Klamath Falls where Betty is attending OTI and taking a business course. Thev visited other relatives in Lakevlew -- --.. . v- Nelson. Mrs, Leo Buck, Mrs. Mac Richardson, Mrs. Rod Cochran, Mrs. Bil Batman. Mrs. Lynn Tom lin. Mrs. Harry Crowl, Mrs. Merle ONeil and Miss Florence Morris. Mrs. Fred Nelson served delicious refreshments of Valentine Ice cream, cake and coffee and hot chocolate. Mrs. Ernie Geirsdorl was co-hostess but was unable to attend. Mrs. Coral Hill and Lee Hansen were invited to Join lor the refreshments as they were at the school for the purpose of or- nnl7infr a d.W I.amh flnn j - motored to Klamath Falls one day last week Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Lanfear of Burns were visiting at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle O'Nell and family on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mulkey and family motored to Klamath Fulls Saturday. Their son, Ray mond, has been ill. He attends an. Mrs. Ed Garrett has been quite 111 with the flu. Her many friends are wishing her good health again soon. Walt Thompson came home Fri day night. He and some other men have been making posts up at "Little Muddy." Insure with Hans Norland and BE sure. 627 I'lne St. Phone 2-2515. litre Work Mode Easy UKXT A TYPEWRITES er ADDING MACHINE Lleclrfo or Hand l.ltl month's rental Is applied lo the purthaae price. i srr. n I Pioneer Utticedupply Phone 1115 Motor Overhauling Clutch - Transmis sion and Radiator Repairs. see the doctor. They will visit the Bob Popples at Seaside and the Cliff Popples at John Day before returning home. Dick drove the mall lor several months while Owen Popple was III. U Malm . j Ilv MRS. JOK IIUOl'MK Malm members of the Daugh ters of the Nile who attended the monthly luncheon of the Nile Club nl Jcnrds In Klamath Falls were Mrs. Byron Johnson, Mrs. Ethel Hamilton, Mrs. Harvey Clug.ilon and Mrs. Joe lliilotisok. In observance of Boy Scout Week a Cub Scout display was placed In the window of Kullna's Market. Various things tho boys have made are part of the. exhibit. On the last Friday lu February the an - ni,, n.,M u, ...hi V.l"lL'Jur..." 1?" ? J'." ?"e. , V, Miillii Chiircli main tnuriii. A large number pf students In hnlh urmln mri h uh Ri'hnnl hnv been absent from school due to a- been absent from school due to, Uie recent flu eiildemlc UlO ICtCIll IIU CpiULIllH.. Attending the Bull bale at Red Bluff this week from Mulln were Mervyn Wilde, Hill Rnjnus, Louie nuiitm, tvnii . til oil, tj mi, Reber, Piuil Petrnsck. Rudy Jell nek, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Suty. A meeting of the Past Mntrons ri,,h was held Thursday evenlim Feb. 7. at the home of Mrs. Charles Hanillion. Present were Mrs. Bv- ron Johnson, Mrs. Joe Ilalousek, Mrs. oeorge Kelterelh and Mrs. Lester Schreincr. Members voted to serve supper , th1 KsU.r da mice wil cn will be held nl the Broadway Hall. Tho next meeting will bo at the home o( Mrs. George Kcltcrctlt. The Malin Home Extension Unit met Tuesday evening. Feb. 4 at tho high school. Tho Demonstra tion of "Planning a Step Saving Kitchen" was given by Dorothy Tol kill of KlamtHh Falls. The members voted to send a potted plant to Mrs. Teresa Mc Comb, who Is In the hospital. Those who attended the meet lug were Jean Freeman. Ami Lu hodn. Vloletle Kunz. Bonata Mau ney, Emma Mnrclock. Gladys Raj. nus. Mildred Rajnils. Agues Stey skul, Elva Smallry, Gertruda Hen derson, Helen Hnjniis, Mildred Helm. Mtidred DoUry and Viiglnw 1 RltlllUS. I The next meeting will be on , ,d,... i..k,n a..v.. i,,i-r.i. ,,ti f ed 111 making purses are asked 10 cn" 201 or 374- ! - - t- v iSUngeli Valley 'll By COKA LEAVITT and Mrs. Wes Dearborn. "a VU7 ,u. "in. w.viti.n". n.. .. Elliott Houses, they also spent two ""Vs t Tuleinko with the Pete hv Ivos A 1 r Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smelcer spent Sunday in the Kogue River viiev Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rire and 1 Mrs Keim Rlcn Sr FrU)liy eve. children of Mulln visited Mr. and mng. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Seater were , dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross of Klamath Falls on lues day evening. i Mnynard Hrlcslscse who Is sta tioned In the Navy at Bremerton spent last weekend wllh his par ents and other rclntlves and friend. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett' and family and Mrs. Louise Fetl were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Jack Wcimer and son. The Ray Mar chants of Klamath Falls were af ternoon guests. On Sunday evening the Burnetts and Mrs. Fett visited ihe F. W. Brown's and on Monday evening thev took Mrs. Felt lo visit Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith J Sr. Walter Smith Sr. eclcbrnted his birthday on Sunday when Mrs. Smith had all the children and their families for dinner. I Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith are j enjoying a vacation trip to Grants ; Pass and Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ilitson went as far as Grunts Pass with them I on their way to their new home near Sacramento, where Keith will be stationed for a year. Mrs. Jnck Weimer and son spent the week end at Grants Pass with Jack and the Russell Welmers. i Bob Spears. Yale's 1951 football captain, is the number one man in the shot put and discus events for the Ell track squad. WHETHER YOUR HOME IS OLD OR BRAND NEW - WHETHER IT IS BUILT OF WOOD? BRICK OR TILE - WHETHER OR NOT IT HAS A BASEMENT . . . YOU CAN SOLVE YOUR HEATING PROBLEM FOR ALL TIME WITH THE MYSTER IOUS ADVANTAGES OF Liiiifini l nil if nn m-inii i ii'imti ilm i in iiii) lOMI'I.AIMr. til. Ml rtvri W. C'hnpmnn va. Virginia C. OiNiimnn, uil for Uivnrr. t'ouul mar rlnl hpt. M. IU4II, Unto, Nv. I'hamt cruelly. A. C. Y Nil tit, IUrnty fur pUtntitr. J. I Krllry vi. r. M rulknrr ami Stmttvy T. Koran, doing lnialni ai Klamath Poultry parnu, till! to col Irri tULHUd. Wllh Inlet fM Ihvraim at Ix per rani from Nov. JIT, lint Sid ney Tltwina. annuity (ur .taiiillfr, Wllhtir FKHntan Nva Mi ni mi v. Ida Curliall, at al. uli lu he I tie teal prmiarly claim and tllla A, C. Vaden attorney lor plaintiff. Weather Western Oregon Mostly cloudy Friday and Saturday. Occasional ! ""'," 2 " f'JS f iEVS. . km ii,.!, i Tn '5,, , ' ' M rrldiiy and 60 to BO Satui' 'day. Lows Friday night 35 to 4 1 'Not ""sleiiy winds of 6 to 15 miles nil hour oft const, becoming variable Friday night and northerly -..t.. .. ' iW iiui iiivusieriy ouiuillliy. v. ,,.,. i.,i.. i...i.. r.astut II Oregon Mostly cloudy - . j)l.,.1..ri,. .,, n.--H .Miow flurries or light ruin showers Friday and Friday night. High both I days 35 lu 45. Lows Friday night ig jQt Grants Pass and vicinity Mostly cloudy through Baturdny with occasional showers Friday. High Friday 50. Low Friday night 38. High Satin day 65. 24 hours lo 4:30 n.m. Friday Mat. Mill. J'rrit. Baker 30 15 Bend 4 1 J8 Eugene 4!) 44 l,n Cirande 31 'M Lakevlew S5 17 Medlord 40 40 North Uoiul 61 44 Ontario 35 28 Pendleton 43 32 Portland 43 30 Roseburg 64 47 Salem 44 40 Bolve 33 28 Chicago 31 25 Denver 31 21 Eureka 63 60 Los Angeles Cd 45 New York 36 31 Red Bluff 64 47 .Oil .10 .24 T T .01 .21 1 (iiV.'iii.h i PONT neglect- your car now! This weather makes it even more imperative that it be serviced regularly. We will pick up and deliver your car so why put off your car in top most. VaOII lelle I WW COmtrORT that Peyton and Co. Is anxious to explain the revolutionary, newly engineered principles that have moved the Coleman Blend-Air plants SO FAR AHEAD In the field of home heatinf systems. Come in or phone RIGHT NOW . . . TODAY . . . for modernlxatlM plan. Plan COLEMAK and you plan happiness ... and COMFORT THAT COSTS SO LITTLE. 835 MARKET STREET TELEPHONE 5149 i Annual Sheep Meet Feb. 21 LAKEVIEW Tha Fremont Sheepmen's Association will hold it annual meeting Thursday, ret). I'l. at the Lnke County Chamber or Commerce office, beginning nl 10:30 a. in. It was announced by County Agent Elgin Cornell, sec retary. The Fremont Sheepmen, nn as sociation of wool growers who hold ginsing permits on the Fremont National Forest, win discuss grim ing problems, elect their ndvlstny board and discuss ginning prob lems, elect an advisory board and discuss plans for the 1061 rain sale, which will be held in Sep tember. Waller Leehiiinim Jr. Is presi dent of the association. In tho past few yenrs, this association linn been meeting In conlunctlon with the Lnke County Stockgrowers As soclntlnn, but this year they met srparutely in order lo have ndo ouate lime lor their own discus sions. San Francisco Scuttle Spokane 4i 30 28 T .08 .01 44 33 Legal Notice NOTK'K Or lirAHINO Nollr Is hrlty liven l puhllr hoarlnl lo b hlii ! lu.oo am. cb ruaiy ?Q. tOM. In Hooni M iba.vtlH-iit,. Stale Olll.a lliillUIn. 1" 8 W. Mill, Avanur. Purllanil. Orelt.n. Iiv Ilia Slala Indo.lrlal Ai-rlilvat CitliimU.lon fnr Ihr iiuri nf rmtilflerlnl lha liafardt In- naranl la KXiioive niwinu ,. ..... ,,. lit Hlllrf f.itn '1' I and In fnrtmilala inalhnda fur cnnlrull- lii at ihulr ute Htatv IndiHlrUl Acddeul Commliiion Pavil i:. dunk, Chairman j-ai r-i! Np my Nolle - l herehy given that the ' iinderdgned has been appointed axet u- rffrra.fd. bv tha Circuit Court or I Klamath County. Oregon, and that all I Drtuit having rlatrn agalfiat eald ! lata of Jecaaaed are hetrby noil- (led lo preet tha tame to aaid a 01 rt'Utriv at I Malltaaa llutldina. Klin .13 ' ath fall. Oregon, together with pnitt vuurhert, wiihin tlx muniiu oi inr del f IbU nollr. iated Ihli lit nay or riurinry. ... CAKOI.INIC H. MIANEY. I f B-15-33-38 No. FREE what you know is very necessary to keep shape. It may fail just when you need it lgVliVA thai you can finance any or nnwif all ONLY Vx Of 1 raw COSTS SO 5 i .HEATING SERVICE AVAILABLE f ON THE PEYTON ROUTE William C. Hnwarlh, nu I'UC permit, rorjtll H hall. JurK 1, 1'nllliia, no Vlieal envtn. ruiOU II hall. Kenneth V- Uennlng, nu Wheal ov re. r ... foil !t hall INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWINS INVISTMINT SIRVICI I.I.UO, lnaolla. llnlUlaS an4 Ovar-laa'Caunlvr buad. and Hle,-Ia. Inve.lmanl tanda 101 Med. Urn. Illsi I'ba'-a 1-1(11 KLAMATH FALLS CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Eiplanado Ph. 3121 Uur iae elerli al line mlr rare enable la meet any reaianabla demand ter a Una mlrrar tmt ararllrallv any Otnnlle mt. Wall, aver mantel, aedreem. raem. 4er and ather mlrrera ara ftered bare . . In One IMalllr trade. repairi on your car at LITTLE I COMPLETE I I RADIATOR I SERVICE ! 0,