Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 15, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday Evening, Feb. IS
00 Sparta Hlghllghle
6:18 Home Town Neus
6:23 World Newa Summary
I 30 Suburban Serenade
to Headllna Edition ABC
6:A3 Sanka N(wi Roundup ABC
7:00 Oiled rilhla ABC
8:00 Richard Diamond ABC
8:30 Thla la Your I'RI ABC
e oo Onl and Harriet ABC
8:30 Concert of ravorltaa
10:00 10 P.M. Headline!
10:13 Dr. Glno'a Nuelcalt ABC
10:30 Ineomnla Club
11:00 Ncwa Summary
11:03 Sim Off
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Saturday, Feb. It
6:00 Sign.On Newa Summary
6:03 Corn In lhe Morn
6:43 Tarm Fare
7:00 Newa Brkfst Kdltioa
7:13 Charlle'a Roundup
7:30 Bob Garred, Newa ABC
7:40 Top of the Morning
7:33 Music
8:00 No School Today ABC
9:00 Saturday Serenade
9:30 Space Patrol ABC
10:00 Lad Skyhook
10:1.1 What America Waa Playlna
10:30 Shake the Maracaa ABC
,11:00 Metropolitan Opera ABC
j:so mild sarins
3:00 Junior Junction ABC
3:30 American Karmet ABC
4:00 Alert America ABC
4:13 Errar.da of Nercy '
4:30 Requcslfully Youra
5::1 Bob Croabv Show
9:43 Rhythm r Reaaon
6:00 Sporta Htgnllghta
6:13 Home Town Newa
6:33 World Newa Summary
6:30 Science Editor ABC
6:43 Worda of Life
7-00 Mr. Dialricl Attorney ABC
7:31 Muaic
7:ft) Dinner In the Green Room ABC
8:00 Lone Ranger ABC .
8:30 Dancing Party ABC
9:00 Dancing Parly ABC
10:00 10 P.M. Headline!
10:13 Brother Art Program
10:30 Popular Music
104S Buddy Weed Trio ABC
11:00 Newa Summary
11:03 Sign Off
Friday- Evening, Feb. 15
6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS
6:13 Quiz Show
6:30 Around Town Newa.
Extra Saturday 9:00 p.m.
Hollywood Sneak Prevue
Continuous from 1:30 i
Audi Bin
Morse Backs
Joint Chiefs
WASHINGTON (.ft In Senate
speech. Sen. Morse, R-Ore.. Thurs
day denounced attacks on the Joint
Chiefs of. Staff.
He also hit at what he termed
"the growing war clique in the
United States" which, he said,
wants to risk "a war with Russia."
"It is a great public disservice,"
he said, "in the midst of a partisan
campaign to make statements
which shake confidence in the
leadership of our military men."
Morse did not single out any
particular person, nor mention
specifically the remark of Sen.
Taft-of Ohio, a Republican Presi
dential candidate, that "I have no
confidence in the judgment of the
present chiefs of siau. '
Taft bad said at a Seattle news
conference that he "certainly
would" remove present military
leadership if be becomes president,
and that he also "certainly would
make use" of the abilities of Gen.
MacArthur, deposed Far East commander.
Morse is a supporter of Gen. Ei
senhower for the Republican Presi
dential nomination.
6:43 Sam layee Newa AUC
6:33 Bill Henry MBS
1:00 Malile MI1S
7:30 Cisco Kid MBS
t oo Basketball
9:00 Glenn Hardy Newa MBS
4:1,1 Baiketball
9:43 Fulton Lewla. Jr. MRS
9 33 3-Mlnute Final MBS
ln.nO I Ijivb a Ui.ta.il un
10:13 V. S. Navy Hand
10:30 Proudly We Hall
11:00 Nile Owl News
11:03 Night Owla Club
12 00 Sign Oft
, Saturday, Feb. 16
too Muilcal Reveille
tj.3 tatm Reporter
6:33 Local New!
7:00 Hcmirgu-ay Newa MBS
7-13 Breaklasl Gang MBS
7:30 Newa
7:43 Bet Bue
t:00 Mormne. Melodtea
6:13 Breakfast Gang MRS
,10 Haven or Rem MBS.
9:00 F.mtl a Saturday Speciala
8:13 Dance Tunea
:.tu eur Income Tax MRS
9:43 Favorites of Yesterday
10:00 Newa MBS
10:13 Name Banda
10:30 4.H Club
U.:4o OPS ,'rugram
10:30 Currln'a Program
10:33 Social Security Program
11:00 Music
11:33 News MBS
l!:.- Music
13:00 Newa
11:13 Mark Rogers MBS
U:M Ricky's Request
1:30 Local News
1:33 Music for Saturday
2:00 Matinee at Meadow-brook MBS
2 53 News MBS
3:00 Oklahoma Symphony MBS
4:00 You Never Know
4:13 Frank Hentlngwav. Newa MBS
4:.10 Mark Holers MBS
4:45 Twin Views of Newa MPS
3:00 Dude Ranch Roundup MBS
5:30 Christian Science
3:43 Bandstand V'SA MBS
3:33 Baukhnre Talking MRS
6:00 Al Heifer. Sports MBS
6:13 Quia Show
6:30 Around Town Newa
6:43 Marine Show
7:00 Hawaii Calls MBS
7:30 Klamath Temple
8:00 Basketball
8:00 Newa MBS
913 Basketball
9:33 Cecil Brown. News. MBS
10:00 Monica Whalen. MBS
10:13 Dance Orch., MBS
10:30 Arthur Van Orch..
11:00 Nile Owls News.
11:03 Night Owla Club
12:00 Sign Off
llvi " "o"''""
Hn inl in
maam 1 II 1 1
Schools Ban
Fund Drives
PORTLAND IJTI rund-ralstng
campaigns will be barred from
Portland schools in the future.
The city school board voted
Thursday night to ban the March
of Dimes, the Red Cross, the Com
munity Chest and other drives
from the classrooms.
Directors said too much pressure
had been brought on children in
the past to contribute to the cam
paigns. TulelakePTA
Party Planned
The Tulelake ' PTA has sched
uled its annual public card party
for March 1, 8 pjn., in the high
school gym.
Vera Hemstreet is in charge' of
ticket sales and special commit
tees are handling other phases.
The committees: prize-Mrs. Al
Porter, Mrs. Jerry Van- Buskirk
and Mrs. Burris Short; refreshments-Mrs.
Frank Manceau, Mrs.
Mrs. Dan O'Keefe. Mrs. R. S.
Haynes, Mrs. Gerald Wilson, Mrs.
Oscar Hammer, Mrs. Bert John
son, Mrs. Roy Coyner and Mar-
Saret Olson; supply Mr. and Mrs.
tto Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Ablard, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hol
brook and Mr. and Mrs. R. S.
Tackacs, Mrs. Ronald Ward, Mrs.
R. R. Baker, Mrs. Sam Anderson,
Mrs. Evelyn Galloway and Mrs.
Mary Goldblatt; hospitality Mr.'
and Mrs. Leonard Meshke.i Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Bridge and Mr.
and Mrs. John Quinn.
Six straight games the Pelicans
must win in order to make it to
the state tournament this spring.
ana me first of these games win-
be played tonight on Pelican court.
Gran's Pass cavemen are out to
win, but so are we; therefore to
night's end Saturday night's games
will host fine basketball.
Sincere good luck was offered
to the team by the student body
this afternoon in the form of a
pep rally presented by the mem
bers of the rally squad. Featured
on the program was the Chuck
Miller trio who are now playing
at Molatores resturant here in
Pep peppers practiced forma
tions this morning which they will
present during the half-time of Sat
urday nigra s game, wnne tne ru
band, directed by LaMar Jensen
plays, the girls will form a heart
and a key on the court In com-
inenoration of St. Valentine's Day.
Following the game tomorrow
night, the Junior class is sponsor
ing an after-game dance featur
ing Jensen's band. The dance will
be held in Pel court. Admission
will be the usual charge, 50 cents
a couple, 35 cents stag, the pro
ceeds of which are going toward
the Junior-senior prom fund.
Complaints from students have
often consisted of remarks that
even though given a ticket by the
traffic squad for a minor offense
there Is no means of punishment,
and thus no enforcement of the
rules of our schools.
A remedy to the situation Is now
in effect in the form of detention.
For every ticket that is given by
tramc squad members, tne of
fenders are given a certain number
of detention hours to fill. Thi Is
not a new plan, but was in effect
some years ago.
The detention Is given at noon
or after school in the study hall.
On behalf of the students' here's
wishing the Pels more thnn their
share of good luck in this week
ends' basketball games).
- at. .
, ,-i4 i "Jf
-i. ,... I I I '1 'V- '
The grand finale of conference
games lor tne Trojans is slated
lor tonight on the home court at
8: is. The Merrill Huskies will be
the opponents In this last tussel
before the tournament. Who plays
whom in the first game of the
tournament will be determined by
the outcome of this contest tonight.
After the game the juniors are
sponsoring a dance for all the students.
The Valentine's dance scheduled
for Wednesday night ended in
both a social and financial suc
cess. The unusual refreshments
and attractive decorations added
to the fun, as did the five new
records purchased by the school.
Another engagement of the Mad
rigals was the singing at a pot
luck dinner for the newly organ
ized Horizon groups at Klamath
Union arid Sacred Heart, last nlgbt.
Once again the Juniors will spon
sor- a skating party for the Junior
From. It will be held at the Mar
tin and Shasta Way skating rink
from seven o'clock to ten this com
ing Monday.
ill II
'''"' ,-,,,1131
Bensitive radio-phonograph
with AM-FM and automatic
3 -speed record player, to
which you can add TV later.
In blonde oak, $350 Tn rich
mahogany finish, . $335
stole aighl, Better sound.
Better buy...MAGNAVOX
I 120 No. 7th Ph. 4519
Arlehe Dahl Glad to Stop
Playing Sweet Film Roles
UnA rVill. li'lsns rinlil rn,inn,
camera for the first time since
she left MOM nine months ago,
is hailing her escape from the
"sweet little things 1 had to play."
Playing opposite John Payne In
'Caribbean. Gold" at Paramount.
Arlene took time out to say:
"This girt has fire It's a char
acterisation and I am learning
more from Director Edward I.ud-
wig than I learned from any other
Her L-lurnrliit.i for the future In-
elude a movie to be filmed in
Spain with, hubby l.ex Barker, tlf
Sol Lesser lets him out of his
Tartan tree), and a British musi
cal, "The Third Girl from the
A date with the stork for Arlene
..nd Lex?
"Maybe the next lime vou see
me." she told me, "I'll have some
John Howard's back on the sound
stages again in "Models, Inc.," as
the head of a model agency.
"I am nlaying John Powers," he
confided, "but don't tell anyone."
Once a great lover at Paramount
John calls this role a semi-char-ticter
part. "He's a guy who's been
around beautiful women an nis Ills
and has never married. Confiden
tially, that's the story of my life."
John said.
"The Fighter," a little-known
.lack London story, Is being filmed
at Motion Picture Center as Alex
Got tleib's first independent production.
Before a towering castle. Rich
ard Conte, and Lee J. Cobb, as
Mexican guerilla leaders who arc
trvlnr to overthrow a dictatorship.
slowly ride horses In a circle with
other revolutionists.
It's Conte's first time on a nag
and he has a quirk consultation
with the wrangler in charge of his
"Don't worry," says the movie
equine expert, "our horse knows
the script as well as you know it."
An Impressive set representing
a huge French inn occupies one
end of a sound stage at Fox for
the newest version of Victor Hugo's
classic. "Les Miserables."
British newcomer Michael Ren
nie. tattered and bearded, as the
suffering Jean Valiean. Is rehears
ing a dramatic scene with charac
ter actress Florence Bates.
Before the camera turns, a prop
man rushes to a table laden with
slabs of steaming meat and artis
tically applies olive oil and dabs of
water to the roasted surfaces for
that glistening look.
Yep, a leg of lamb has as much
right to Its own makeup man a;
top-grade ham In Hollywood!
' There aren't anv doubles at the
tNEA) Guya.artlflclnl mud lake that's being
used for Fox's "Cry of the Swamp.
At a atonal from Director Jean
Negulesco, Jean Petera, Walter
Brennan and Jeffrey Hunter whip
off (heir terry-cloth bathrobes and
plunge Into the cold mire.
Jean and Walter are playing
father and daughter who have been
hiding in the swamplands for
"We grunt and groan Instead of
talking," jean explains through
her clintterlng teeth. "We'll be
great as television wrestlers after
tills." ,
There's a cycle of movies about
rodeo riders on the way and "Thla
Man Is Mine," a Wald-Krasna ef
fort. Is shooting at RKO.
Robert Mttchum, Susan Hay
ward and Arthur Kennedy are re
hearsing when I arrive on the set
and the scenic crew is nailing
limbs and branches to background
When I comment on Susan's low
neckline, I'm shown a photograph
taken of the star in her outfit, for
the wardrobe records, with this
written notation:
"Have a big sweater for her to
wear with this Just in case the
studio censor yells."
At press time the censor hadn't
Now that he's glorified the cir
rus in "The Greatest Show on
Earth," don't be surprised If Cerll
B. DeMllle puts Ire skates on his
famed riding boots and directs a
backstage story of a big traveling
ice show.
There's a Mario Lanra listed In
the Los Angeles telephone direc
tory who Isn't the star. When ortv
nle call him under the Impression
he's the film Caruso, he explodes
and says he took the name of
Mario Lanra long Dciore tne star
thought about It.
Accidental Burn
Fatal to Child
PORTLAND t.f A 5-year-old
girl, whose nightgown caught fire
at her home near Lebanon, died
in a hospital here Wednesday.
The victim was Allyn Barker!
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Barker of Route I, Lebanon. The
parents said the girl apparently
began playing with matches after
they left- her at home with her
brother, Robert, B, while they at
tended church services.
5-10-5 Liability
Iniuranct) Current
6 Mo. Rate $ 1 1 90
At Low At I I
FiM ffmBll Vr,t"riif
Mmbtriblp rt
Lm ObUIib Ciir
Preferred Ins. Exch.
e. niLLARD reman!'
1)1,1. Agent
rkene t-tljf
.?: Saaia Slslb at.
Bold Approach
To UMT Asked
man for Ihe American Veteran
Committee urged Senators Wednes
day to approve a "bold approach"
on universal military training for
18 year old youths.
Louis O. Paklser, Jr., of Tulsa,
Okla., the AVO's executive direc
tor, testllled that both UMT and
th draft could and should operate
He sharply criticised aa a "timid
snnrntph11 a ttrnisnMal that nnlv
00,000 IB-year olds be trained Initi
ally and thru plared In the reserve
fniblocl to later call for active dutv.
I Pakiser also opposed a proposal
voted y the House Armea rierv
Ices Committee that the UMT
trainees not be called to active
duty until Congress specifically ap
proves. "To allow 18 year olds to re
turn to civilian life while older
men ate required to remain on
active duty would oe wrong," rak
ister said,
Council to Fight
Race Betting
PORTLAND l.l The Portland
Council of Churches will Join In Ihe
campaign against dog and horse
rare Drums 111 Oregon.
The Oregon Council of Churches
announced lust week It would start
an initiative measure, to go on the
November ballot, lo outlaw the
beltlnir. The Portland rounrll an
nounced the aame decision Thursday.
Ben Morrison, Mejr.
11th ft Klamath Ph. 2-2511
Introducing oUT&
4K $75
! n aT J . Mr Ilk
a..aa..a ..a .a..u.a ASY
testate astllskla al asaterale
lira call.
715 Main Street
The Whole Town
is Talking...
...about the exciting style news
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exquisite design, superb styling,
lovely new fabrics ond fine tailoring.
At Miller's, the smartly dressed woman
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looking for something new? see
Fashion Salon Second Floor