PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1002 House Heat, Light Come From Atoms By ALTON L. BLAKESI.EE AMocUicd Freu Science Reporter OAK RIDGE, Tenn. Ifl Atomic energy is heating s house here and lighting electric lumps in Ida ho, both by peaceful power. And "In the not-too-distant fu ture,'' energy from atoms In atom ic ovens may replace the TVA electric power system, Dr. Alvln M. Weinberg, research director ol the Oak Ridge National Labora tory said Thursday. In fact, "we have to make atom ic energy work" to produce useful harnessed power or civilliatlon will suffer because of dwindling cqal supplies, he said. NEWS TOUR Dr. Weinberg gave the hopeful news and the warning during a tour when newsmen were shown the Oak Ridge atomic oven, the nation's first big atomic reactor, end other newly-bared secrets at this hune atomic research center. Dr. Weinberg's report: 1. The house has been heated for your years by winds that cool the Oak Ridge oven. The hot air is car ried off through filters and through concrete ducts and then up a 200 loot smokestack. 2. The lights were lit by elec tricity generated by the atomic re actor at Arco. Idaho. The heat from splitting atoms 'as used to make steam to run a generator. 3. About 200 million dollars have been spent so far on ovens de signed to create electric power. So far the public has gotten only a "measly 100 kilowatts of electrici ty running a few lights a few days at Arco." TVA THREAT But there is hope, Dr. Weinberg said, that "in the not-too-indeflnlte future, we may put the TVA out of business. We may push the button to turn TVA off and turn nuclear energy on." It is "no longer really a ques tion of whether we can make atom ic energy work this way. We have to make it work." he said. AMUSING THEMSELVES at the nursery conducted by the Red Cross at the armory one afternoon this week were these youngsters, while their mothers were donating blood. Left to right in the picture are Sharon Jeati Randall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Randall, 4430 Clinton; Cheryl Bingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bingham. 1177 California; Bobby Budka, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Budka, 3818 Boardman, and John Ran dall Jr., brother of Sharon. Dry Pot Gets Things Going PORTLAND OB the fire alarm sounded, and off went a fire truck. It never got there, for a fireman fell off on a curve, and the truck had to stop. Another fire truck set out, only to collide with a freight truck. The freight truck finally pulled free from locked bumpers, but backed into a trolley bus. The bus had to be taken out of service. Bumper and fender dangling, the second fire truck finally got to the apartment where the fire was re ported. Firemen dashed Inside and found: Smoke, from a coffee pot that was burning dry. Heart Trouble Top Killer Diseases of the heart and blood vessels topped the six leading causes of death in the United States in 1950, according to the American Heart Association. Statistics say, 745,000 persons died of heart troubles that year, more than three times as many as died from cancer. No. 2 killer. Accidents killed 88.000 persons. pneumonia 47,000 tuberculosis 34, 000 and nephritis 29,000. To battle the disease far in the lead of all other killers In the country, the American Heart As sociation has established the Heart Fund, and it's 1952 quota stands at S8.000.000. Klamath county's portion of the overall goal is but $3,000, but chair man Norm Wilson has announced the county drive is lagging some what. About 25 per cent of the funds raised go to the national program of the American Heart Association, and Wilson said a large portion of the remainder remains In the com munity and state for local heart work. Red plastic coin containers are being placed in various stores and lobbies in down town Klamath Falls to facilitate collections. Wilson pointed out that tomor row, Valentine's Day, is the fea ture day of the drive. ValenUne has as a symbol a heart, the sym bol of the Heart Fund campaign orive. Capitalists' Jail Marked LOS ANGELES I Bigger jails and San Quentins to put the capitalists in were advocated at 1937 Communist Party school 1' San Francisco, Government Wit ness David Saunders testifie Thursday at thi- federal conspirac trial of 15 party leaders. Saunders, former waterfront or ganizer, said undrr cross-examination that this line was strongly advocated in the class he attended. He added explosively: "I knew what we were going to do when we took over, brother!" His remark was directed at De fense Attorney Ben Margolis. who immediately asked the witness if he had been coached since Wednes day by the prosecution. Saunders denied this, adding: "I don't have to be coached I speak with my own free conviction." The witness said that "we also were taught that the 1934 San Francisco general strike was a political strike a manifestation of the poUtical arm of the working class." Class struggle was emphasized in the school's instruction, the wit ness said, adding "only, we were told It would be a sharper and bloodier struggle than any before." Trio Gets Death As U.S. Spies WARSAW, Poland Wl A Polish military court has sentenced three Poles to death and a fourth to life imprisonment as spies for the United States. During a four-day trial. 11 had pleaded guilty, to the charges of treason and espionage. Those sentenced to death were Vitkor Marszalek. Franciszek Sz curek and Teodod Wyrwas. Fran ciszek Bartosz was given a life sentence. Convoy Exercises Set by Navy NORFOLK. Va. The Navy announced Wednesday plans for three weeks of convoy exercises bv Its Atlantic Fleet beginning Feb. 27. Navy transports, tankers and cargo vessels, escorted by destroy ers and protected by carrier-borne and laud-based aircraft, will sail from New York and Norfolk for South America. Foreign Trade Record Broken WASHINGTON Wt The United States sold four billion dollars more in goods to foreign countries than It bought from them In 1951. And total U.S. foreign trade broke all records. The Census Bureau sketched this booming picture for this nation Wednesday, in sharp contrast with continued trade deficits reported Tuesday by both France and Great Britain. United States sales abroad In 1951 amounted to $15,021,500,000 up almost 5 billion over 1950 and approaching the all time record of $15,300,000,000 In exports set in 1 1947. I U.S. purchases abroad broke all records at $10,961,600,000 In 1951, up two billion from 1950, the previ ous high. Truman OKs Press Quotes WASHINGTON Wl President Truman uiutenirorcd (he Imuor- tance of hla press conference slutc nu'iH Thursday on the question ol his running for re-election by giv ing newsmen permission to uso di rect quotations. Ordtmirlly news conference re marks may not bo quoted directly. The President told the reporlors: "I don't want to confuse you. I haven't tried to conUse you. I have told you that it Is a difficult deci sion for me to make, mid that as soon as It l time for tho an nouncement to be made, you will have the Information promptly. "8o let's go to some other subject Unit the country is Interested In. and discuss Unit, because I have said all to you that I am going to say on this subject, and I am be ing kindly to you, and friendly to you. It is not in any spirit of not wanting to co-operate with you. Hut I nm not ready to make the announcement. And when I net ready, you shall have It." RUNNING AGAIN catcw m Mnvnr Alfred O onuuiu j Loucks announced he would run fo. a second term, iia Viari rnnsiripred run- jlc i.w " ning for the State House of Rep resentatives. Wreck Puzzler For Police BOISE. Idaho W When Rich ard Buchanan, 15, rammed his mo tor scooter into a school bus and fractured his leg he touched off a i jurisdictional puzzle. Both Ada County and Boise peace officers went to the scene and sur veyed the situation. The front end of the school bus was outside, the city limits, the back end Inside. The city took over the lnvestiga- ; tion. The part of the bus that was ! hit was inside the city. VICE-CHAIRMAN RESIGNS ASTORIA. Ore. fP Edward W. Thompson, who had been with the Columbia River Packers Associa tion 28 years, has resigned as vice chairman of the board of directors. State Prison Escape Foiled SALEM Wi Two convicts were foiled Wednesday in an attempt to escape from tho prison, State i'eniienilnry Warden Virgil O Mul lty said Thursday. O'Malley. who did not disclose tho convicts' names, said Utat three convicts, using rubber com position, made masks of their faces. Two of them put the masks on their pillows, so that guards would think :hey were still there. The warden said the third man appar ently decided against escaping alter he made his mask. The two convicts who wanted to escape didn't even get out of the cell block, the warden said. O'Mallev said the masks are perfect Images of the convicts. He Isn't going to charge them with attempted escape. O'Malley said, because it's difficult to get enough evidence to stand up in court. Agencies Oppose Setup Of 'Fair Trade' Prices WASHINGTON W Govern ment policing agencies Joined forces Thursday against congres sional proposals to ulvo federal sanction to compulsory "fair tiulo" rvinu price-imiig agiecniriHS. Mnlng up against proposed "fair trade" exemptions from the anti trust laws were tho Justice De partment and the Fedodul Trade Commission. ntOl'OHAl.S Two House com-Jilltees Jousted, meanwhile, over a score . of pro posals to enlarge "fair trade" luwn by making them binding on retail ers who do not sign price-fixing agreements as well as Uioso who do. A Judiciary monopoly subcom mittee culled James W. Cassedy, nsslslant general counsel for the Federal Trade Commission, while the Interstate Commerce Commit tee heard from Justice Department and other witnesses, Forty five slates havo "fair trade" laws under which niam facturers. Jobbers and retailers may contract to sell brand-name goods at not lcs than an agreed on price. Under the federal Mtller-Tydlnits art. these state laws apply to cer tain brand -name commodities, moving In Interstate commerce and exempt "fair trade" piice-flxlng laws. DOUBT But their effectiveness came In doubt when the supreme court ruled recently In two Instances that "fair trade" agreements do not apply to non-signers and there fore are not compulsory against nil retailers. Assistant Attorney General II. O. Morlson Wednesday told the Judiciary subcommittee that "fair trade agreement were "an affront" oanffl! SB Altai tftaj uffiWTTTl to ths American people, He called them a "cloak" for monopoly prlco-flxlug which kIym the consumer "no choice but tf buy at tho price which private I roup have decided l "fair." VMl fnlrlnf, colorful , . SAN WANCISCO 5i it lh Hole! Whltromb. at U Cilo Ootw I" ' th' "'I thoppliui di.lriel. la direct iiae wills twin tmi Dnnie Urini your Unillr for a or Innser, inJ enjoy the diMlnrtite Whlleomb euiiiiM sail writ m tun ti ii.iu: m " MAIKIT ITIIIT Ilk 9kii to HOTEL WIIITCOMB KAIl C. Willi rr.tl4at Oantr.l More Candidates File Entrys SALEM W Candidates who filed for election Wednesday In cluded: John Morgan. Portland, for dele gate to the Republican national convention from the third district. Frank A. Doerfled. Salem Repub lican, for state representative. Roderic T. McKcnzle. Sixes Republican, for stale representa tive from Coos and Curry coun ties. Jess W. Savage. Albany Repub lican, for state representative. TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTED To Sell Athletic Supplies ATHLETIC EXPERIENCE PREFERRED APPLY IN PERSON THE GUN STORE Yellow Cab JUST '-tfj PHONE 2-1234 Many Old Age Benefits Seen WASHINGTON Wl-Nearly twen ty million Americans are expected to be drawing old age and survi vors' benefits under the Social Se curity program by the year 2000. In testimony published Thursday by the House Appropriations Com mittee, Oscar C. Pogge, director of the Bureau of Old Age and Sur vivors Insurance, said 4,600,000 are on the rolls now. He estimated the total would In' crease to 7,195,000 bv 1960, to 14. 142,000 by 1980, and to 19.872,000 by A.D. 2000. He said the esti mates are based on "high employ ment assumptions." V Thofi good qutition, and vt havt Hit atifwtr. Stott farm Muhtol Automobile Imuranct Company strivM la lmur only careful drlvtri. Careful driven havt fewer j accident!. You pay the telling celt only once thafi the kind of Iniurance Start Farm It famoui for. So it costs State farm lest to do buiinesi, and became Stott ' Farm h a mutual company, the policy-holders oet the savings If yoa don't have 1 this tow cost dependable car insurance, caK 3262 , and let your State Farm agent show yoa how you can get complete protection at low cost! Wm. N. GOEN 2133 Madison Phone 3262 E sllilll.'JMIllllilMillHili'iIililllilt'MIIJtHtKOi'ilJ:!:! TfrTMnrSTSTkihilivJii 3 r Hiirrv.."' i .nnrl here's sTi.."T i buys J-jthevvonT .iTVoo'iongni FIRE SALE CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK Merchandise Mart ITSJIWRIN (fSrftSfl AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Ton cn rent lovely nrw tplnel plan from the Louie K, Mann I'lano I'om rtya l'.'Q N. lib, e.1 t Itw nioaltily rale. After a reasonable lima you can. It you with, change from rent lo por ch an afrremenl. The rent already paid li all credited to your purchase account and no other down payment la nece a rr. The monthly payment! can be little hither than rent. Or, If you pre fer, you can continue la rent. dynamically engineered! new mmm automatic WASHER with the new exclusive RINS-SAVER that saves up to 56 gallons of water each washday $65.00 less thou the average price of automatic washers 22995 $35 Down $12.13 per month Fully automaticyet no wrineer, ' no spinner, no bolting down Powerful UNDERTOW AGITATOR WASHING FLOATAWAY-FLUSHAWAY draining New porcelain top for extra work surface One , dial does all the work. You don't even have to be there, . 1 vo.Mu:it Tl It Cuarnnticil . Years In Writing! TOOT Fraud Charge Books Closed WASHINGTON Wl The Ro- construction Fliinncr Corporation closed Its books Thumluy on cluirnc.1 of fruud and collusion In it n 80 million dollnr RFC lomi to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, lindtnu them Vnt Junttllcd." The RFC snld the big novcrn ment lending nitcncy hud accented n recommendation to that edect from a special Investlnulor. There wan no Immedlnle Indica tion Dial Con ureas would reopen an Investigation Into the loan made in 1W4 and holly disputed In the courts. Congress, the In terstate Commerce Commission and the RFC. Put SPRING TIME ZIP in Your Motor! TUNE-UP NOW! OUR SCIENTIFIC MOTOR ANALYSER INSURES A PERFECT JOB More Pep - Power - Performance ADJUST Distributor, Timing, Gtnfrtttr, Valve Taaprtt, F lilt. CHAN lattiry Ttrmlaall, Spoil Plait, TIOHTIN ' -k ft" , CHICK Gintntor, Coll, Dlitilbutar, C 4mu, Velti CaaMal, laNtry Vsltait, Vacvum Central, Cm arttiion, Htat Caalral, CyliaaV H..d Maallala, HM Cll"l, hak Carbure tor. 20 OPERATIONS EXTRA SPECIAL SI45 J3 port, axlra ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th Phone 411 J r S J S A s XX 9th and Pine Phont 3373 I-1 M WwWM ASK FOR A LIBRARY COPY OF OUR SPRING AND SUMMER CATALOG This big, new Catalog makes it easy or you to ihop at Wards for practi cally every need. You have wonderfully wide Catalog selections from which to choose. 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