FRIDAY, FKnilUAIlY 13, 1052 42 LIVISTOCK t POULTRY f SALE FEB. 26 300 wle fared wennrr nnd year ling hrllrm mid slrcr mixed nil one Irun from ono rnnch. 30 head whltcfiicrd stixk rows 28 hend white fined feeder slrcrs. 20 head dnlty rows, Jerseys nnd ClurriiM-ys. Jlcuvy Mirlnnrivi. Entire lirrd from oik dnlry. T il. nnd Dungs Iralrd. BRAHS BROS. AUCTION YARD GRENADA CALIFORNIA SALE STARTS 1 O'CLOCK EVERY SATURDAY POULTRY WANUO Cash p&Jd fur i-ny amount. Top market prices Cor good quality, For quotation! CHUNK 3867 KLAMATHPOUlrRY FARMS . UK hXl"R"jerir"i iiw mXJTt )luui : , no 444 1'hfnic i aom i in'UAi J. TTiir Fn nVr " ft tvi n'r DVM rtin BAtt. dy ohilv. 1333 liuiim f'On ifXTt , f Mt r n y t.ntf holitrin cow. Th. ar fir at valf hlfr, fruti two Hki. tJM Hfli. T'hoif lrH 3i:t7 AnfirVnX.', fiit:.DtN(j viir Phong BT3I M. C. .Churkl Wirtan. l 3 Hoi 623 frAfrtTEft coIofOinTP'hon 1381 ril7ifH;"(iT,"pilcti picfor poultry, hot and UvMtnc-k. BIO V MEAT MARKET I -k Tt w Junction P hon 410 CB SALE, herd only, JO hud Ciutrnta rowi anil lialfan to (rh rn httwtn now and May, On rgl lfr4 Guerniy hull. The cowl art hrtm ana heavy produrari and moit of lham ara vaccinated. Will mII all dairy aqulpmanl. DaLaval tnllkar. Au tnmille cooling Unit and milk ram Complat up for rad A dairy JU Roy Klatt. 4103 Sumnitn Lane. WATFfTrUi buy aqufly In auburban hnnt Phnna J-11H. WXNlYb "to-rent! 3 Wlroim unfur nihad bouia. CIom In. AdulU. Phone cmvr 44nMllCllLANI0US WANT ID V(5HA"M wants kltrhenctl aparlmant or room and hoard In hnma near houa tnf project. I'hona Mil. W AN TO O a' full hoot tr ae "l art Town Jamboree" Saturday nffht Feb ruary III, at 7:30 In tha Henley ttlfh vm. Admlilon- ? -free wilt offer ing. Freceedi to help build new Ml. I.akf Church. U aKT to rant, grain UndT'rUBb IB. Herald and Niwi. WAfitr.O lnrnfbmit MarTh I h middlfag ed builneu couple. Two hed rnflm unfurniehed hoiue with garage MHla Add) lion or Roulh Suburban pr ferred Phona J OVV7 trr.P fwfDiif mvwllrr Phon. WANTSft HUlory of- Modoc Wr hi Mrarh.m nr IIKMU. IUv prottur.f frtnd. lnlrrl(1 In m.WInf movl n( nr nny W llodS". Calif. fMinn. 7 0711 U'ANTfrrt. D.vld BrmiTrv nr Il.rrii n.l leader. Adam. Ranrtl, phon. 7Zil Merrill WKUrt'ti a lo.o or lD-vDMymouth Kta linn waluii. Will pay tup price. Duan and Mnl rrtnna 8101. XI NT.r.D CARSI O.t lop prlca now IM Mnlnr Co am and riunr 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay OnI $100 17.37 Ma Repay In 11 Installment UP TO 1300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11300 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay; LooaJly owned New Cars ftoaiocarl at ban rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 30 years serrlnt Klamath Btvds Sm Cbuck" Bailey. Mtr. Ill N 7U1 Bt Phone 3 8-341 M-37 Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 190 to MOO Auto Furalturw Urea lock Salary $50 to tWO Automobiles (paid for or not). Prtvats Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealjl Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. ' Lie, 6-361 N-333 107 No th Phona Till WANTED In burrnw. $4,(100 it a parent Inlarast. C.n furnlah Write Herald New.. Box 18. 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE SMALL RESTAURANT OoooJ location, close In. Doing large volume of business. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT TERMS Phone 6144 after ( p.m. fOR SALE, Income properly near A.h and. Monthly Income 44H. Inrludea two houses, two apartment bulldlngti, con l.llni of nine rental unit.. Automatic laundry. One block from bin slop. At tractive buildings- Total price 827,230. Term.. Ralph Slices 2183 Siiklyou Blvd. Aihland. Phono 4B4S. 51- MISCILLANIOUS 10 I All PUBLIC AUCTION i COMPLETE DISPERSAL i ft MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1952 - 12 NOON-SHARP- On the Floyd F. King ranch ont milo on old Alturas highway and one mile north of Malln, Oregon. Follow the signs to sale. LIVESTOCK 17 Head Ourrmey Com 3 Head llolaleln Cowl 1 Hliorthoni Cow 1 Guernsey Hprlnger Heifer i Cluermey Ilelfera I Onerniey Bull 3 Yr, Old 1 llolsleln Bull 1 Yr. Old All theMt cowa except one ara young, They are all T.B. and Banna tented and an Individual production record will be read nl unit. LUNCH AVAILABLE TERMS OF SALE CASH FLOYD F. KING. Owner G. W. (Jerry) FALES 5304 Alva St., Klamath Falls AUCTION SALE FRIDAY NIOHT, FEB. IS 7 p.m. H&H AUCTION MART WOCUS Table, chalra, stoves, good windows and doors, hand tools, merchandise new and used. Bring your items for sale. Col. Fred Howard PHONE 9410 WEEKEND SPECIALS 8INOER PORTABLE with new button hole maker $47.50 6INOER TREADLE $22.50 BINOER TREADLE and ELECTRIC COMBINATION new motor light - controller $67.50 PORTABLE ELECTRIC $55 CONSOLE ELECTRIC $32.50 NEW SINGER PORTABLE $89.50 NEW SINOER CONSOLE $142.50 All Theje Machines Are GUARANTEED For Oiie Year And a Free Sewing Course With Each On SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main Phone 2-&J3 POSTS for le. Red Juniper and Ce dar. Phone 4JJ Malln. TOR BALE large ell healer lftO gal torage tank, aland and pip. 940. 344 North 10th St. Phona glM. ft fX h iCb R OTl I CKS Nursery, fruit tree. inainruw, rnone 3-3037. 14 ImV rAtfe HrIM. Try 1h new Sunbaam 8hvemater gi noma oarore vnu puv. oniv k9oq, R1CKYS JEWELERS 70 Main Phon 3111 C R U sil EO 'rock' &nd 'drivgway "eindara. rnone x-1107 he found at Klamath rurnituxa Co. 121 Main. Phona l-INCII concrete culvwl ip."7Q"cnw B(T UOV PEYTON It CO bnlVliWAV MAWn.Alo. " Phona 1 Jog OIL itoragg tank. ' Paytea ' and' Ca b.k warnei. CRUSHED XOCK, Phone ft.V4t. driveway siadtrg. LANDscAPIKCi. avarareani. ahrubt and treea. Wa trim, gpray anal femovt LAKE3HORE GARDENS NUBSEET Phona CUI MIRRORS raillvsrad. new mlr made to order. Klmballa CU 1 Shap Phona 737g. FOR SALE, uted glectrlc range. 2t.50 naner furniture, atn ana ruamatn ADDING MACHINES, caleulalan, yp wruara, caan reguiera, ogaaa. aeUira. sue, iof ! or rn. pionxxr orricB supply tio Main Phona 14 11 ELECTRO!. t)X CIJPJWeIE and sHahaU ana auDDiiaa. rnona 1107 iiriu i-mi. wii tnarKai, GLASS iumltur leas and m.d. to order Kimball's Class Shop. rem SALE. 1st. model D-3 ulth without dorer. W. J. Plxon, Maedoel. FOR SALE, about 39 ton seed etocl hey, 19 ton. oali, balance alfalfa. Lad- nie -roren, pnone 337 Maun, K-M SSiW revolver, lo! Phone 323. . ann alfalfa hay 1790. Alio S Ion third cutting oaica aueiie 9149. rnone auieiaae, iMew. ell 316.1. FOR SALE, twin aire Inner .print mat IrcHB. Like new. Phone 8238. BROKEN window flail replaced. Kim. hall. Cilmi .Shoo. Phone 7318. WAIKINS PRODUCTS! f"hon. 8399. FOR SALE, one 30 fat. .. water hrater, one automatic washer, two ! x S" one panel door.. 1340 WU ford St. WALNUT metal b.dit.ada only, ' and alngle .1... 1403 Lookout. OR SALE, alfelfa hay, lecond cuttln) at aiacK. v. j. rjuraia, TuiaiaKt, calif. ,-nnrie n.ivfii tf34. KF.NMORE portable waihlna machine wun wrinser, uaca out vary inue, via. Telephone flflB3. BLONDE, 8-plece bedroom atilta with mattress and eprlnss. 188. 333 North. lh. KELVINATOH refrlserator S.3 cu. it. SM. Phone P3T. qaye. FOR SALE, Case VAC tractor with hana-on plow.. Nearly naw. Tractor due, 12 A romnine. rnnne a-osso, SINCEn electric cabinet sewing ma chine. Late model 133 N. Broad. Phona 7440. 600x18 RECAPS S3 03 EACH EXCHANGE We buy unad tires. O.K. Rubber WaleV er. 2.181 So. 8th, Phona 4318. .10 TON choice .lulls bay. Paul Chrli ly, Route 2 Box 178, Tutelake, Calif. nrnls. Phone Newell 33.12. i'OR SALIC, eallng poutoen. Phone 87112 SECOND culling alfalfa hay for Mle. Ci P. W11, Bonanra, Ore. Ph. 1187. CiUVT. Bl.UG. SALE! 28 ft. X 40 ft. '2 Apt. I duplex houel Only 81300 Complete. Including free delivery In numbered, easy -to-erect panels direct to your lot! TEXAS WRECKING CO. N.w. Front Portland, ore. BE IN THE KNOVVI Head Her- n Id Si News Olaaslfled ads dally Qet the latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends. MTLKINO EQUIPMENT 1 Universal 2-unit M(lker 1 International 6-can Milk Cooler 1 Water Coil Cooler 14 Ten-gallon Milk Cans MACHINERY 1 No. 2 International Hammermlll. 1 Set harness complete with coll.. 1 John Deere Mower. AUCTIONEER Phone 2-2452 FOR SALE "1001 BARGAINS" Appliances, tools, motors, radios, furniture, shoes, clothes, pocket krilves, garden hose, lawn mowers, etc. Cofer's Exchange tl Klamath Ave. jh. 7160 CLEARANCE WARD'S ELECTRIC BLANKETS 30 only single control Reg. 2S 95 SALE 419 M 10 only dual control Reg. 133.76 SALE I29.U I YEAR GUARANTEE Montgomery Ward Ith and Pins Ph. 3188 FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. . . . Your Choice Only II EACH BARGAIN SPOT "07 So. 6th Phone S7M Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 35 Market Phone 6H9 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Grovel Co J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 AUTOMOTIVE 1950 CADILLAC "62" 4-D00R SEDAN ftilly equipped and fully guaran teed. We sold new and have service record on file from that date. $3345 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th L. Klamath Fhone 4103 ' ARMY JEEP, needs tome repairs. iipo naney vaviaaon 125 C motorcvcla. 1rlin a? 8230. or u-oulrl A- ..' car. Phone I 07S1, Looking for a big car at .mall aar price? We have a 1M9 Bute It Sud KatdlA. Heater. Dvninnu- uMt ride wall Urn. Dlmbat Used Can. South w ana num. rnone wiJ9, evenings MOTOROLA car radio. 1nive mvw a ngrnun, no, loin. q wamnn, no. loth. nviuiw line u Duy lujs to a rora . . "lilt SUA 4k 1 4Tlr aid Hawai. JfFAT ai a Bin. Thli 1BW Plymouth a-rrvp saHaN Hvlnaul riih.i Ittatj fat- Ann Ik K.ih m.. Phona t!3fl. avanltigs and Sundaya 823 TAV T& TtiP TMI DMT 1M0 Ponllac "" Sllvanilraati rw1iiv 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, healer. Hydramat lc drive, plaillc teat covere. glaamlnf Riaca paini. l4okh ana anvei itke new one. CeUlng prlca 1?49. Our price 1505. H. X. HAVCJER BV1CK GARAGE u ma lu iMnnrnni Main al Broad Phone 8151 1BU1 DOIXJB Corrmai Cluh Cmm A real bargain thla weekend, only $1493, Dlmbat L'tad Cart. South fllh and Plum rnona itict, evening! ana aunoay aaza, BACRiriCK to huv home. IDftO Thrva. ter l-iud count, is, wo actual mileage. SunvlBor, radio, beautiful seat coven, apart never uied. Selling for about naif wnat naw would coat, li you aee It. you'll buy Itl 333 No. flth. T.1.B IS VoUr" omMrtunllv to nun Wlndaor Club Coupe, extra sharp. Dim bat Uted Can. South Sixth and plum. Phone 8130 evenings and Sundayi B23. irtne is a bahciain" Chevrolet Aero Serlan. ItarilA. heater, swell - mirrmn Kntih. wll equipped. A-l condition Inside and out. H. k. HAUGEll BUICK GARAGE Used Car Denarlmenl Main at Broad Pno"?.Vgl ,9!ftRCURY sedan with radio, heat- r, ovvranva. niuai ieu, win Ukte Old er ear In good condition. Phone 3-1638 after 7 p.m. or set at 1323 Wllford evenings. ; lititl WtlllVS pickup In Immaculate con dill on. Leu than 3,000 miles. Has big heater, defroster, apart tire never been used. Really a bargain 91393. Dlmbat Motors, 230 Main. HERALD AND NEWS. ss AUTOMOTIVE. QUALITY ALWAYS REGARDLESS OF PRICE! THIS SELECTION OF CHEAPER USED CARS WILL GIVE YOU TRUE DOLLAR VALUE TRANSPORTATION. We will arrange terms to suit your budget! 1941 DODGE SEDAN Thli car la tops mechanically and will give many mllea of trouble free OQ transportation JLj 1039 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. SDN. Ready to go and at 0l very little Investment J 1940 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Radio, heater .good body and Interior. Nice In appearance and good in mechanically. O I U 1941 BUICK 8PECIAL SDN. Radio, heater, good interior and body. A real buy In a O.M. product. .'475 MODEL "A" FORD SEDAN Runs like a ? Q c "Scared rabbit"! O J THESE CARS ARE ALL BARG AINS AT THE PRICE SEE THEM TODAY - WE ALSO HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF LATER MODEL CARS IN ALL MAKES. DickB. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath LAST TWO DAYS FOR $7.00 DOWN COMPARE Price . . . Condition . . . Cash Outlay YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT OUR DEAL! ! 1938 PLYMOUTH $ 97 1939 0LDSM0BILE $397 1937 DODGE $127 1937 PLYMOUTH $127 ' 1936 PONTIAC $ 67 1938 CHEVROLET $127 1939 PLYMOUTH $297 1941 FORD $197 1939 PLYMOUTH $197 1937 DODGE $147 RIDE AND ENJOY YOURSELF PAY AS YOU GO! For the BEST in the WEST SEE DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th .1951 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Power-Ollde. 10.000 miles. New car condition in every respect. . $1895 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 BEST VALUES! USED i TRUCKS -CARS f GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER T7 & 7th Phone fT7i COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade WHY WA1KT DMVl MORE MOTOR! 801 E. Main. Phone 357a "We will sell jour car far you." We bur and trade 1848 FORD Super Deluxe sedan, above Jif.r5- .yu" r ""'y 8339. down. 8W5. iul) price. Dlmbat U.ed Care, South Sixth and Plum. Phone 8138. v.mns" ana aunoay. 8H2S. A GOOD LOW-PRICED BUY l Dodfe 4-Dr. Seden. Radio, heater, lale motor, dandy rubber. A real re liable oar. Drive it homo tor only H. E. HAVCJER BUICK GARAGE Uaed Car Deoartment Main at Broad Phone S1.11 COMK IN for the ben 1941 Chry.ler Wlnd.or Club Coupe on the market. Radio, heater, tos llsht.. .eat cover.. new engine. Dlmbat Used Car.. Soulh sixm ana Plum. Phone 8139, evenlnn 3-GOOD S'OflD BI1Y51.!! 1848 Pord V-B Cu.tom Fordnr aHan Redlo. heater, overdrive, low 813HS. J848 ford V-8 Cuilom Fordor Sedan. Radio, heater. Flnt claia in every way. 81363. I. nAUuER BUICK GARAGE U.ed Car Denartmant Main at Broad Phone 51SI WILL PAV CASH (or '41 nlckun. Phnnj, J-183S. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON IN SAFE DEPENDABLE 1841 OLDS '76" CLB. SDN. The famous '41 six cylinder Olds mobile. A low-priced 'IQ' family car O D 1940 OLDS '76" 4-DR. SDN. A roomy 4-Dr. In good O0 C mechanical condition AVD 1937 OLDS 'V SEDAN Good body. Interior and tires. Dependable transportation at low cost. See and trjnc drive It 7J 1940 PONTIAC T SEDAN Radio, heater. Good mechanically but a bit rough in body, Worth the money. M95 Phone 4103 Phone 8101 A TIP TO THE THRIFTY! LET OLSON SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR NEXT CAR 1950 FORD FORDOR Radio, heater, overdrive. $ 1665 Seat covers 1949 DESOTO 4-DR. Custom sedan. Radio, heater, seat . '1635 1950 DODGE 'i TON Pickup. Like new. 1395 1949 INTERNATIONAL Ton Pickup. $1195 Like new 1942 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SDN Radio, heater. A real buy 525 SEVERAL OTHER BEAUTIES. STOP IN LOOK 'EM OVER! JIM OLSON MOTORS 315 So. 6th Phone 5126 1950 OLDSMOBILE ROCKET "98" CLUB SEDAN Full equipment, one owner. Service record on file. Safety-Tested and guaranteed. $2295 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th. & Klamath Phone 4103 1849 CROSLEY .tHtlon wagon, radio .id healer, food shape. 4100 Washburn way FOR SALE, 33 ft. standard dual-axle eeml-traller. ,1350. Excellent condiuon. Phone 2-8103 Aahland. AUT0MOTIVI FEBRUARY ... The Shortest Month BRINGS THE YEARS SHORTEST PRICES EVERY YEAR USED CAR PRICES ARE LOWER. JN FEBRUARY, NICE WEATHER BOON SENDS AT THEIR LOWEST. SAVE WHILE YOU CAN . . . BUY NOWI 1951 BUICK SPECIAL 4-D00R SEDAN Radio, heater, Dynalow drive. New car shape. Below celling price. . 1949 DODGE CORONET 4-D00R SEDAN Radio, heater, Fluid drive. This car has had good care 1949 PONTIAC '8' 4-D00R SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc. Metallic green llnlsh 1949 PACKARD 4-D00R SEDAN Heater and overdrive. Low mileage 1948 HUDSON SUPER '6 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. For comfort and safety see this one 1948 HUDSON COMMODORE '8' 4-D00R SEDAN Radio, heater, dark green paint, new white aldewall tires 1948. PACKARD 4-D00R SEDAN Radio, heater, tutone paint 1947 OLDS '8' 4-DOOR SEDAN " Radio, heater, Hydramatlc, one-owner 1947 STUDE. CHAMPION 5-PASS. COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive. Orey and blue finish '. 1941 PONTIAC '6' 2-DOOR SEDAN Good mechanical shape 1940 BUICK CONVERTIBLE Radio, heater 1939 CHEVROLET 5-PASS. COUPE Radio, heater ....... if COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 194 FORD V-8 V2 TON PICKUP Deluxe Heater Was $795 NOW Juckeland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 11th & Klamath Ave. Phone 2-2581 ASHLEY'S OK YEAR MAKE MODEL PRICE 1942 BUICK Sedonet $450 1942 CHEV. 4-Dr. Sedan $450 1941 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Sedan $235 1941 NASH 4-Dr. Sedan $245 1941 PLYMOUTH Coupe $175 .1941 MERCURY Coupe $395 1940 CHRYSLER 4-Dr. 1940 DODGE V2 Ton 1939 FORD y2 Ton Pickup $235 1939 OLDS 2-Dr. Sedan $225 1936 CHEV. Vi Ton Pickup $125 1936 ZEPHYR 4-Dr. Sedan $ 95 Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near DON'T BLINDFOLDED! . Be tough. Be hard boiled. Ask a million questions. Check every state ment we make. Get in and drive any ol our finer, cleaner SELECT used iAno. men youu agree our values 1949 NASH SUPER AMBASSADOR Weathcr-eye, radio, twin bed 1949 NASH "eOO" 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, overdrive. Weather-eye 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, overdrive, Weather-eye. Two to choose from. 1949 CHEV. STYLELINE DELUXE CLUB COUPE Radio, heater 1947 STUDEBAKER COUPE Regal Deluxe 1947 MERCURY 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater 1946 OLDSMOBILE "98" CLUB COUPE Hydramatlc, radio, heater 1942 BUICK SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. KL'AHN NASH CO. 606 South 6th COMPLETE auto Prompt, reasonable. Shop. Phone 7378. glass service Klmballa Glas. WILL .ell equity In 1930 Hudson Pace maker. Phone 6823. BUS SARUANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur blrecu pnone sras rVt NEED CARSl Got top price bow Rose Motor Co otn and Plum fOR SALE Chevy 1'i ton .tock rack truck. SIM) with batlery 883 without. 3022 Butte St. 1949 STUDEBAKER 2 ton S yd. dump truck. Good rubber excellent condition. 81300. Box 831, Tulelake. THEM HIOHER TODAY THEY'RE '2295 M565 '1795 1595 M365 1435 '1465 Ml 95 M050 1 425 395 325 '695 . USED CARS Sedan $225 Panel $195 So. 6th ' Ph. 4113 BUY cant be equaled anywhere I 4-DR, SEDAN M545 feature, overdrive. ', $1445 Ml 95 M445 995 $1035 '1095 $ 595 Phone 3650 For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath ?hon 1-3581 PAG8 ELEVEN ss AUTOMOTIVI HURRY, THESE FEBRUARY;: SPECIALS ' Will Be Gone Before The. ; MARCH ; WINDS BLOW 1951 DODGE CORONET SEDAN ' Gyromatlc drive. Less than .000 miles. 100 Guarantee! ,$2295 . 1951 DESOTO ; CUSTOM SEDAN : Radio, heater, automatic transmit, slon. Fully guaranteed for only 4- m $2345 j 1950 PACKARD j "8" SEDAN Nice clean car. good conditidn. Has radio, heater and overdrive ff)r economy. Sale priced ... $1895 i 1950 CHRYSLER ; WINDSOR SEDAN; Clean, one-owner car, fully equip- a.lfk ...J!.. 1 . . . ) . r n.w. -omu, imKr bums auto matic transmission. Condition guar anteed. ) $2125 ; 1950 CHEVROLET : , Vz TON PICKUP j Deluxe cab, 4-speed transmbsloji. In tip-top condition. . t $1395 j 1950 WILLYS : PICKUP : Economical light pickup. Hat 6-ply tires and is In good condition for only ... ; $1095 ; 1949 DODGE CORONET SEDAN I Very clean, condition. One-owner. Excellent ; s1595 i ' 1948 BUICK CONVERTIBLE Buy now before Spring price In creases. Priced $200 under celliiig at only ... , ; 1495 ! 1 f . I ' "' ; . PACKARD WILLYS lee! HUFR USED CAR. DEPARTMENT 7th & Oak Ave. Phone 72ft 1 I