PAOBTEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, FERRUARY IB. 1012 CLASSIFIED RATES CM day I, per word 4 Three Day , per word llo Week run , . per word 30c Month run per word 65o MINIMUM The minimum charge tor any one aa i one. BOX NUMBERS Anaweri to ads may be handled ' through box numbera at the paper j or a service cnarge oi ioc DEADLINES ' Classified aas accepted up to 6:30 pjn, (or following day's publication ' Classified display ads accepted up Legal Ncfice NOTICE OP ELECTION AND ANNUAL MEETING Notice U hereby given, that the board of supervisors of the Foe Valley Soil Conservation district have eel Tuesday the 19th day of February. 1852. at the hour of R o'clock P.M.. at the Olene Community Granite Hall at Olene, Oregon as the time and Jilaca for holding the annual election or the purpose of electing one super visor for a three year term to suc ceed the expired term of A. W. 6chaupp and for the further purpose of holding the annual meeting. Dated this 6th day of January. 1653. A. W. SCHAUPP Secretary r-t-S-lS No. 878 tc u noou lor louowuui any a pub lication, . . ADJUSTMENTS Pleas mane all claims lor adjust ment! without delay. Correction) or cancellations re ceived by 8:30 p.m. will be made In following day's publication FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath runeral Home. S3 High Street Phone 3334. Legal Notice CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the Quarter Ending December SI, 1051 Funds Balance Sept. 30 Disburse. Receipts Balance Dec. 31 MEETING NOTICES KLAMATH LODGE No. 77 A.F.&A.M. will hold a special meeting Feb. 15. 7 pjn. Work In EA Degree. Visiting Breth ren lnvltnl. DALE BEBBER Worshipful Master if STATED MEETINQ OP MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 O.E.S. will be held Fri day, February 15 at 8 o'clock in the I.O.O.F. hall. Valentine Party Visitors welcome. VERA FRITSCH-W.M. JOHN LARSON -W.P. Better Cough Relief When new drugs or old fail to stop your cough or chest cold don't delay. CrcomuUion contains only safe, help ful, proven ingredients and no nar cotics to disturb nature's process. It foes right to the scat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal raw, ten der, inflamed bronchial membranes. (Guaranteed to please yon or druggist i refunds money. CrcomuUion has stood j the test of many millions of users. CREOMULSION eelieea Coesdo, dent Cetds, AM leaackiHa REGULAR MEETING of Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary will be held Friday. February 15, in the K.C. Hall at 8 pjn. 8.674.17 8,380.70 101 General . $83.867.83 176,763.00 $133,563.75 103 Bond Sink 30,884.88 . 73.63 6.834.03 103 State Tax St, 36,505.08 15,484.31 1,131.55 104 Sp. Em. Fire Equip. 1.931.93 105 K M P. Operating .......... 13.739.71 5.938 38 106 K.M.P. Levy , 33.105.00 108 Jail Levy 33,067.73 8.340.93 109 Depreciation Sink, 37,197,79 7.036.03 110 Park. Meters 33.365.00 17,339.60 201 Airport 4.916.48 8.604.58 203 Park 5,900.44 4,550.83 203 Perpetual Care 389,40 997.53 304 City Property 31,554.83 1,333.97 11,937.40 Suburban Service 1 On Your Worn Equipment 11th & Wolnut Ph. 7709J By MARJORIE OVGARD Hi! Heyl Hello there! This is Sporkie, and there's "No School Today!" Yes, here's a picture of Sporkie, the elf who wants more thon anything in the world, to be a real boy. And down in 'the other picture you see Sparkie's creator and friend, "Big Jon" Arthur. Now you've seen what these two look like, don't forget to tune them in tomori row morning on "No School Today" 8-9 a.m. "Better Living Club" members are in for big treat when the Klamath Theatres will pre sent the movie "111 Never ForjetYou" star ring Ann Birth and Tyrone Power, for Hie special benefit of club members only. A Priia-winning short subject, "The Big Idea' 'SPARK IE will also be shown. through the courtesy of Swift 4 Co. There'll be free gifts and prises of groceries and appliances, from the sponsor of Better Living," Oregon Food Stares, and Minnie Surles and Hank Henry will do a typical broadcast of their daily afternoon program, direct from the stage of the Pelican Theatre, where all this takes place. And it's all FREE to "Better Living Club" members, upon presen tation of their membership cards. So if you haven't joined the club yet, better send in your cards and letters because there's not too much time left. Meantime, listen to "Better Living" every day at 1:15 for homemaking and cooking tips, and suggestions en hew to save an your food budget. They'll also tell you mere about the free movie. A "new" "Carmen" Is In the offing for opera listeners tomorrow on the 11:00 to 2:00 broadcast of the Metropolitan Opero. Rise Stevens will star In the title role, with Nodine Conner, Richard Tucker end many others In supporting roles. This new production of Bizet's "Carmen" received high praise from New York critics ofter its first performance on Jan uary 31. Billy Graham, New York welterweight who calls himself the uncrowned champion of the world, faces Jimmy Herring, Golden Boy of Osone Park, Long Island, in a 10-reund main event tonight, being broadcast from Madison Square Garden. Tune in 7:00 p.m. for the description of the fight by Bill Comm. and Don Dunphy. Chorlie McForlan Is on vocation this week. Believe he's reloxing at home, and probably help ing care for that buxom young son, Charlie Jr. 13 Jos Arthur 205 Roads 5,443.03 206 Swim. Pool Subscript. . 3,135.84 207 Charities 3.476.05 208 Imp. Revolving ,.. . 1,054.03 209 Library 3,240.15 210 Lot Revolving 3,332.98 311 Recreation 34.441.17 301 C. Moore, Linkvllle 761.60 302 Part Payments .. 353.36 303 Boxing Commission ... 738.70 304 Emergency 3.305.83 305 Park Paving . 813.38 306 Unclaimed Property 873.75 307 Kl. Imp. Fund , 309 Occupation Tax 12.208.00 310 Veterans Mem. Parle . 51,133.60 311 Kl. Crem. & Maus. S3.595.59 401 Linkville Cemetery 1.893.73 403 Linkvllle Cem. Sink. . 7.000.00 403 Employes Retirement . 10.810.38 404 Airport Sinking 5.963.93 405 Fire Dept. Levy . 589.04 73.35 11,475.56 5.396.78 5.051.45 151.35 924.70 1. 10.423.63 13.611.60 16,112.58 33,427.88 811.78 3.421.18 33,793.17 15.00 7.995.67 17,660.34 33,303.37 30.00 178.50 3,668.68 873.75 836.066.68' 46.645.38 13,143.30 1. 931. 93 14,475.60 31.465.70 13,736.80 30.585.40 39.546.90 3,501.53 33,777.49 303.68 33.653.04 16,306.80 3.160.84 3.403.80 4.533.93 9.133.41 3.332.98 7.189.33 610.25 333.36 917.20 6.049.81 613.38 873.75 50,000.00 1,531.58 338.00 298.95 8.367.4 1 6.533.33 4,479.85 13.370.91 23,029.18 13,446.00 1,433.65 60.863.00 5.903.47 7.000.00 19.601.44 6.963.93 31,440.14 $363,031.00 337333.37 345,483.34 370.180.87 Indicates Overdraft Investments. All Funds . $272.248. 31 Cash In Banks , 370,180.87 I, Ruth'T. Berry, Treasurer of the City of Klamath Tails. Oregon, and I, Robert M. Elder, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true exhibit of the receipts and disbursements and the condition of each particular fund of the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at the close of business on December 31. 1951, as shown by the receipts and paid vouchers on file and the ledger of said accounts and funds: and that the above cash balance is a true and correct statement thereof. Witness my hand and seal this 35th day of January, 1953 State of Oregon ) County of Klamath ) ss Ruth T. Berry. City Treasurer City of Klamath Falls ) Robert M. Elder, Police Judge NO.-877 1 HELP WANTED, MALI Help Wanted AGRICULTURAL SALESMAN By one of the leading agricultural dealerships in this area. Excellent working conditions. Write BOX 17 HERALD AND NEWS Locomotive; to operate and maintain St) ton shay. Part time swltchliui around lumher plant, but ance of time worklns In machine shop. Year around lob. l,ow rent housing. Phone or write Fruit Grow. era Supply Company. Hilt. California, ft' ANTED, re-uphuUierer to ha mile I'ot tract upholstering, pickup and deliv ery. See Mr. lllalr, Hears, Roebuck. Phone MBS. YbuN5MAN to assist shop foreman In truck shop. No experience necessary. Prefer young man tvliu Intends to make the mirking liuslnrsa hta career. i.i, iterant and news. Uos It RIAL IJTA.TI FOP. IALI SERVICE SALESMAN for li.l "tr.irl, dealer. Plenty of chance for advance ment If you are a responsible per son. All replies kept confidential, uux 14. Herald and News. IS SITUATIONS WANTID MAN and wife want job In hotel or camp. Experienced cooks and bakers. write Herald News, Hi WILL care for children hi my home days. Phone S.170. BAnv"!fltTlNu7"phoiie 9-SI3S evenlnas. HOl'H work. Phone 324a. CARPENTEIl WORK Weill.? a specialty. Jim Alexander, 3130 Tunnel oi. rnone s.u. CHILD CARE. Phone 79.10. HAtlY BlttiniHpluine 3.0372. WILL care for children In mv home ua.. vs- your noma evenings, uau 22 ROOMS FOR RINT R E NT," housekeeping room vl BOARD, room, ruimonihlt. Phone 42341. NICE, heated roomi. 322" Pacific T.rC rmvm. ROOM and board or room a. Mate, nnlv GENERAL NOTICE HAZEL'S CAFE KNOWN AS GOLDEN BEAR WILL OPEN Saturday, Feb. FREE 16 Coffee & Doughnuts All Day 100 yds. South of the Inspection station Dorrls California PERSONALS REAL silk. Phone 8208. WASHINGTON Beauty Shop. Evening appointment. Phone 3622. 1018 Washlng- ORDER your Spencer garment before jelecung your spring wardrobe. Phone STANLEY Home Producta. Phone 8609. 10 SERVICES MOVING?... Call 742S Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekin's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1818 i MlBBflDv r for any ARoom in the Homeijj VUIA E Main HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprietors and Joe Earley 10 SERVICt FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO, Phone 6878 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 3386 HOOMS lor rent, 'dun. Clou in." Phon ea-tf.104. ROOMS, Dricri remionabU. Phnna litW COVEI.t rrvm. ne- rt rM - teiuaij in. tnon uat. ROOMS 1034 II. fh 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT VACANCY, two room furnished dir pi"uoe in. rnone 4403. two bedroom (urnthd apartment meg w. wo peu. rnon 3-0O33. CLEAN furnwhed apartment Two siecpinc unit and uumiea Xurniihtd. wa no. Third SMALL furnished on Homtdale Koad. anartmen Adults Tocatc3 Phone BIB7 THR EE room unfurnished basement apartment. J7 so. iirat. water nished. Phone 3410 after 6 p m. FURNISHED apartment for rent, $30 per mom i.. ino.uire j-j.-. Msirhcy Apt 2 AitGr. furniithed apartment. Close in. Adults. Phone 4317. heated, FOR RENT, two room furnished apart. men i. oupies 3i tJienn. Phone 73 IB. STEAM HEATED apartment with bd room, UKSl FURNISHED for rent NEW aoaVtment 2141 CsTrv Z blnek off So. tith, furnished living room, bed room. oin ana Kitrnencite. (.oupie on ty rnone d-nnn. jso grinning. EXCAVATING Mobil 8hove! and Trench Hoe Bulldoier -. Fill Dirt . TopsoU Crushed Rock Driveway Cinders . compressor I CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 6541 or 110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Etc ED T. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 9841 paperhanjmf. Phone PAINTING and 7617. TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen Mc worK. rnone WW. ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or uiiu.. rnpns 2-1U1U. CURTAINS liimri...rf Phone 4914 end stretched J. L. DEAN Publle Accountant Office at 308 No. 7th. Phone (34S PIANO TUNING WM M unsr.,H. Factorr trained technician and tuner. ?J luninsa call rtyie Morgan Piano. AL1EHATIUNS nn .an wnman'. children'! clothing. Jennie Hare, Seam.' c. inm a. iui Main. and While Quantity Lasts Starting Friday - TBKllSSAILll Made By Leading Manufacturers - - - All 1st Grade Tires and Tubes FIND YOUR SIZE - SAVE SOME MONEY PASSENGER and TRUCK TIRES IMPLEMENT TIRES 600x16 700x16 550x17 500x18 500x19 700x20 750x20 600x16 550x16 500x15 8-24 9-24 9-36 GW 3049 South 6th FARM SUPPLY The Home of Massey-Harrit Farm Machinery Phone 8144 DITCH d! IT (Tins' inrl hsflr flllln uHeh Fordson Trench Ho. CU 3-16M. .36M DOCTORS - WAITRESSES - NURSES - ocnu i it. i a Pi &. HOUVEK WYLON miirwtflia. rtiVNZ 3-aWBD. FULLER Brushes. Phone 9604 or 3677, TOR TREE TRIMMING Phone 2-0355 INCOME TAX RETURNS For appointment Phone 3-0231. Harvey SEWING and alteration. Kitty DresseL 12 EDUCATIONAL MONOTHEISM divorced from seme tic theology; baaed on Genesis ft.ia. first tnree discourses $1. S. C. SORENSEN Brookside Ave. 2 Paradise. Calif. LORILL SIDTON PIANO AND THEORY 1831 Summen Lane, Phone 2-0040. BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing kin dred subject, office machine. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine Phone 47SO CHILD CARE and education. Preschool center. Phone 427 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, therapeutic exercises for women. Spot reducing featured. Phone 36633506. 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE AMBITIOUS woman of character, ed ucation, refinement, 26-90. Prefer one experienced in teaching, club or church work. The type who does not usually answer advertisements. Must be un employed now and desirous of ren dering service of national Importance. For Interview write fully, stating age, education, phone number. Mr. Huff man. Write Herald and News. Box 21. WANTED, housekeeper to live in. with flood r)fernci. Five In th family. uooq wages, ynone mid. WANTED stencitrranher and seneral office worker. Must be thoroughly ex perienced and caoanie or earning too salary. Steady position. Apply in per son. Dick Reeder's Store. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for payroll and general office work. Apply after 4 p.m. Cascade Laundry and Cleaners, EARN money at home. Full, part time. Box 12, Herald and News. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE MAN to drive tractor with spraying equipment and help with other work. Steady for right man. Must know Klamath Baaln. For full particulars stop at office of Spray Center, Main Street, Tulelake. AMBITIOUS MEN A MARSHALL FIELD OWNER EN TERPRISE ha openings for ambi tious men of unquestionable character age 27 to SO, college education pre ferred, accustomed to earning above average Income and must be ready for Immediate acceptance If selected. For Interview write fully, stating age, education, phone number. Mr. Huff man. write. Herald and Mewa. Box No. 22. MODERN 3-room 3-bedroom menu Utilities furnished. OLYMPIC APTS. 207 E. Main apart- TWO rooms completely furnished ex cept groceries. 11 43 Pine. ONE modern apartment, one bachelor apartment, hid uaK, rnone 2-1WH, TWO ROOM apartment. Fireplace adds to homelike atmosphere. Private bain. Electric heal and water furnished. Phone SMALL clean apartment. Electrically equipped, i.ui n. imn, THREE ROOM furnished apartment 2061 NICE steam-heated apartment. arner rine ana ceaar. adult. THREE rooms furnished, close In. Laun- ary. toupie Call 2-3170. FURNISHED two room apartment, re frigerator $35; all utilities included. 410 N. Tenth. ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment Gas equipped. Call 2-0011. N EWLY decorated, private bath, cncneite. sieara neat electric 110 week Rex Arms Apartment FOR RENT, furnished apanirenL outre 518 High CLEAN, warm. modern. furnished apartment. Couples. Phone S450. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT THREE room furnished house for rent. Phone 4733. FOR RENT well furnished two bed room house. 1740 Key St. off Pennine Way. r'OH RENT 3 room house furnished. Adult. 3.TH Broad. UNFURNISHED five rooms. S37.50. In quire 2340 White. THREE room non-modern partially furnished cabin. SIS. South Suburb. Phone 34IQ after 6 p.m. FOR RENT, clean two bedroom fur. nished house. Close In. Ideal for work- couple. Adults only. Phone 743. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Hrre Is real hom' In wonderful condition ram ton tn Imi bedroom home with Imrdwodd floors mroiignaut. Lsrge kltolirn. extm targe utility room, which would b ed u en extra bedroom, or den. Dinning room end Inrge living room with tlrenlnce. The nrlre la only 110.000 for this lovely home. neiier ect isi on tills genuine bergnln. GIs $500 DOWN South Suburban 1S acre. 1 Very nent homo, Ideal for couple. This bungalow Is only 16500 end has hardwood floors, large living room and dinning room. Take advantage of tills fine offer now. Farms and Ranches We now have some good buys on farms and ranches call or come In and see us soon. From 8 acres to 3400 acres. Claire Ellis Ph. 3-3699 Jay P. Orlggs Ph. 4364 Oene Favell Ph. 6045 W. W. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1313 Main St. Phone 1531 46 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Op to 1500 on your auto. On vout sulury or furniture up to UOO "Pay Day" loans a specialty - 110, 135, 160 loaned till "pay day" or lunger. 136 coats but 18 cents for one week. Mo other ehargoa. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th 8U M-364 43 DON MnlNTYitB, Mgr. Years Friendly Service Phono a-3537 8-16 10 RIAL ESTATI FOR SAL! RANCHES We have three dandies. 100 acres wonderful black soli. All Irrigated and well drained. No buildings, fenced on three sides. Selling for $31,500. 176 acres 40 acres dry land. 36 acres In alfalfa, 13 acres In clover, 10 acres In new pasture. Three bed room modern home and lots of good out buildings. Selling price $66,500. On very good highway. 100 acres under soli conservation, all In alfalfa and pasture. Well leveled. Three bedroom modern home, large spud cellar and several out buildings. Ideal for sheep or as la. a good Oracle A dairy. Buy this as you can't start a new Grade A quota. All for $30,000. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENOTE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 3-3335 Eves. 3-1365 One bedroom home, Two nice corner lots, attached farago. New electric heat. In very (Inn condi tion, Lois of flowers and sliude. Selling because of poor health. Price $6000. We have a beautiful pumice Iirlik home. Two bedrooms, fireplace. 13 acre In suburbs. Will trade If we ran find them a small acreage near town, SUBURBS Four acres beautiful groins 1. Four bedroom home, two car garage. On good hlgliwuy for $10,500. The little hot spot of town. Rent on this cafe for only $35 per mouth. 8 stooln, three booths, new steam table. 18 toot a. E. Box, good gus range. Fully cqulpiwd for $3500. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 3-3335 Eves. 3-1305 Hot Springs Addition Nice two bedroom home with fire place. Hardwood floors, good oase menu $8760. CLOSE IN Neat three room home. Some turn WllngJ. $3860. $500 down, A very good buy In a two bedroom home. Basement, laundry tubs, double garage. $3600. SUBURBAN Oood three bedroom home on H acre. Near school and bus. $6600. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS nd INSURANCE 1030 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4880, 4734 FOR RENT two-bedroom ho'ue Stoves furnished. 2-Tfl Nevada. Call 3-0325. ONE bedroom furnished house and rase near hish school. $40 per month. References. Bofue Uaie Keillor. izz South 9th. TWO-BEDROOM furnUhed hmm, Adults No pets. $50 month. Call after 12 noon, a-zrisi:,. UNFURNISHED" four room dnolex. T. cept for stoves. $30. Call 3027 before o.m. THREE ROOM modern house, partly furnished. Y. Carroll, 1212 Momeoaie. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save 14 New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 GARAGE for rent. WImjIv. Phone S2.1l. Inquire Ptffgly rOR BENT, rich Irrlnled land for barley, potatoes, and some A-l onion ground. Box 101, Klamath Falls or phone owner Lorella 2I0.V FOR LEASE 17S acres Irritated do- taio grain, clover land in Butte Valley Box IB. Herald and News. OFFICE SPACE for rent. 11th and Main Coast to Coast Store. OFriCE 71(11. for rent. 623 Main. Phone FOR RENT rioor Sanders latest tvre eaulpment. 8uburhan Lumber C& 11th and wainui rnone nva CAR flTORAGE HEATED, dav Week 'or month. Earl Lamb, phone 4673 or 7700. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6 BEDROOMS Completely Furnished Home In Hot Springs This home has many extras such as natural not water neat, two baths, wall to wall carpeting on Main floor, corner fireplace, two picture windows In living room, full basement. Some of the furnishings are oeneral Electric range ' ana refrigerator, small upright piano, modern sectional living room suite, bed linens and blankets. If you need large furnished home phone to see this one today. Price $26,600. Terms. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 1 BRISTOL AVENUE 2 bedroom home In one of the fin est suburban districts. This home has large living room, dining room, kitchen 4c utility room, at tached garage, storm windows. Large, well landscaped lot. A home you will be proud to own. sosuu. YALTA GARDENS A large, new home that has been occupied for less than six months. Large living room with huge win dows, hardwood floors throughout. Attached double garage. Paved street. A grand place to live and raise your family. $7000 4 bedroom home on 23 acre of rich soil. Lots of raspberries and straw berries. Oarage and workshop. All fenced. Terms can be arranged. HOMEDALE ROAD Attractive two bedroom home. Very nice Jiving room, dining room, kit chen, tub and shower bath. Lots of closet space, attached garage. Ap proximately 13 acre. A steal at (8100. $500 DOWN bedroom furnished home In Pelican City within walking dist ance of several operating mills. yitwo iuii price. HOT SPRINGS See this fine five room home In excellent location. Large living and dining room, attractive fireplace, two spacious bedrooms, well de signed kitchen and utility. Modern bath, large unftirnuhrd room over garage with Inside entrance. Quick posseulon. 112.750. MILLS ADDITION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION on this attractive two bedroom home fea turing large living and dining room, convenient kitchen, elevated bed rooms with double clo.trUi, nice bath, garage and part basement. Insulated and weathrrstrlprd. A floor plan thnt Is different. For quick sale B500. Terms. Suburban Ranch Style located among all fine homes off Summers Lane near Peterson School. Over.Mied living room, two large bedrooms with wardrobe closets, benutlul bath with tub and stall shower, dining room, well planned kitchen and utility. In. sulnted walls and ccUlnns, weather stripped. Attached (tannic, largo landscaped lot. 13.580. Terms. HARHY VAN (Eves. 820i) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-05117) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Cheaper Than Rent 31)3 acres. $I5 per. paved road. Ill level, ami under illicit BOo water t'lrctilclty good well. Will trade. Two mill's from Merrill. 110X IKItl MKHHIl.L TTeR'ley'district 150 acres excellent sandy soil. Irri gation, acres In a good stand of clover, 'ill acres lame pasture, bal ance ready for any type of farming. Modern three bedroom home first class condition. All good outbuild lints and another dwelling. Price H7.600. Terms. Jat'k Oaitlnrr Phone 01171 with Newhouse Real Estate 3000 South Slxlh Phone 5045 or 0832 SUBURBAN 14200 full price for a 5 room home on lurae comer lot. Concrete foundation. Well liuululed. Elcctrlo hrat. Small duwn payment. Anne Mason Eves. 8714 Eddie Mtialry 5-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 123 S. 0th Phono 7268 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 15 to 115 per acre buys good ranch aim tiniuer land at Gov't, State and County land Sales. rilEB LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lands itui Kg Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28. Calif. M )b r. It ,W "two-licTironnrhome, rlose In. Iiiiuleleil, aibestiM, slillnl, electric heet. Knoll down parmenl with low month ly perilienL Plt.iiia 337s. FOli HAt.K. well improved two acres nn Kene tit. Telephone U7u or call ! 2JUU Kane NKW iii'VJtFd tnF Powell I'none tarn. 12 "BUILDING" " "sale W!7iiam RiMobiTrNj Johnny Hobson Dale Orubb Art Frederick-son' (Eves. 6804) . (Eves. 3544) .(Eves. 6725) With AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th ' Phone 8283 FOR SALE, fl percent oontract on house and large lot on Manxanlta Hot Springs. Due tor foreclosure around $3,300, worth 14,000, Closing partnership. P.O. Box 764. IT HELPS YOTJ in to many ways when you learn the trick of bene fiting by Herald ti News Classified ads. They're excellent for telling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost articles. Phone Large, Comfortable Suburban Here Is the lovely country home you have been looklna for. A "N. ii. nouse, a mrae bet rooms separate dining room, dinette space In kitchen. Electrlo heat, fully m sulated, storm windows, nutomoii washer. Barbecue pit in cleverly .., rrar yara. luiiy renced. 50 rose tnishes, etc. 100x100 ft. lot Price 112,500. Easy loan terms. Income Property 15 Unit apartment court within easy walking distance of the busi ness aistrict. inis Place ahaws a consistent net profit of over 15000 per year, iwaxe reasonable down payment and the place will both pay for Itself and give a handsome Income. In excellent condition hm always FULLY rented. MILLS ADDITION Just I block from the busline. You win iiKe tnis cozy l bedroom mod ern home. Insulated, automatic oil heat, concrete foundation, (If- tacnoa garage, yard all fenced. Price 45O0. 3 BEDROOMS Newly redecorated and readv to move Into. Dining room, brenkfost nook, full basement, forced air oil heat. On paved street In good neighborhood. FHA terms. Price $12,000. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Ph. 5058 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2400 Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1000 111 N. Oth St. Phone 4504 or 5520' ROOFING Jliilll-up Composition Shingles Aluminum Shingles SIDINO Asbestos Cedar Shukrs A INSULATION Illmvn-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4458 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443. Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED 34 FUEL HEATINO ASHLEY AUTOMATIC WOOD HEATERS Engineered for safety and amaz ing economy, burns wood or presto logs. Prlned from 152.50 to 1149.50. On display at Ills Y Mkt Bklg. Phone 7092 Johnny's Big Y Bakery A STANDARD A HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKET3 Your Guarantee Of Heating Sallsfactlun FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service Slnrn lata ByRprlng st Phone 4153 SIM) GOVT. u'ra.f .....t Ln-i : rr-- and parlor healers! itlsrd hut excel. SIO en. mil si w u Porllnnrl, Ore. lent!) 8 & H til!FNSTAMPa"li7enb7nSar-j, CLItr YADEN'S SIGNAL aenv.rm .iiu no nin HUMES rOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR Don Klrkpatrlck, Salesman iai N eta pnona seal FOR SALE by owner. Smnll modern two bedroom home In Hillside soctlon, Phone or call at 12SSheJdon. BEST LlftLE IlANCil IN VALLE (JO acres snndy loam soil, near Adams Point. 14'. ncres rrndy for potatoes, 10 acres of clover, balance barley and alfalla. Two bedroom modern home, barn, chicken house. S27.SOO. Terms If desired. Ed Pope, Merrill. FULL size lot on Pacific Torrace. Assessments all pnld. S10S.0. EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. Bin Phone 11401 bedroom modern by owner, tuuoo. Oregon. FOR SALE, five house, corner lot, Phone lag, Merrill, DRIVE by 4017 Shasta Way and see this attractive two bedroom home with garden land and chicken house. Bus service and pavement. Only $1,100 down EVERETT DENNIS. HUAl.Tnn STANDARirilEATlNcToTir-" rlV.V. .!Urn"r".- "hl ". Kl.M ''V pine ' blocks (or sale. Open eve nliuts iind weekends iJtlers Urns PitKSTtnotis pickup 6r5iViiFiS: ?.'.!" .J1"1"1" "lnl Net-vie asoo So, mhPhone3nni or a-osao. 38 BOATS PETS SPORTSTjOBBitS""" SOME PEOPLE call us L'be.-oTcaFesT-. we l, they'r, half rlitht. Our mother, you see Is really a beautiful Chesa nenke, hut rind - he just didn't havn much to do with us! Wa six puppies are now a mnnU) old and need homes. Moms eittlna down on the food and pops , traveling an we're told. Foe 1.7." i,...''1 .Purchase in your life, nhiine4lllaflerS p.m. piJTnOAill) MOtortTay-away. fluy vour low-priced smoolh-norformlnit Sen molor. 011 Iny-away. 1 holds It unlll Mny , will) nn payments neces sary until hen. Be ready for the "sen. S U P. Neutral Twin S1S2. 12 II P. gearshift twin $341. o.k a M"NTGOMEriY WARD l)tnnndjne pno ninn siK.l?,!?N,, nrdlns keTmefs-Phone' 1047 IHinn Delaware off llomednle. llOAIinisirl irvuMtrr Dog boarding by dny, week or month. Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet. Clean Individual outdoor runs for each doav Dogs bandied durlai mating. Will Rick up and deliver. . Visitors Welcome Phona 07S Merrill Rd. FU 3. Bos SII4 DMMOjn USSI AUE KENNELS TO EXCHANGE 40 oi,inYA,""!hmcnU "nd Polisher I.1J. 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY WK HAVK A lUUHAIMI whit WITH mil lirninril run Nniu Hsie. uiit ng mr .ti earn Haitirriny oniys arr ill. 121 No, ath. Phono nidi oiAHUrtHU r KKIJ STORK Phono 8300