THURSDAY, FKHHUARY 14. 10!2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Hew Test Highway Strip To Show Truck Effects Ike Trails Taft in Poll rifll.ADiaPlUA Mi Hrn. nob rrl A. lull. K.-Ohlo, (Inli.licd nhciici ill Oni. DwIkIH I). KlNenliuwer In u pirnlili'iithii prWrrcnrc pull coil dueled by tl if I'lillmk'liihln Iiiqulr nr. Finn I IlKuriw ulno nhowrd Sen. IvjIhk Koliiuvi-i, IJ.-'l'din., Ilnllilll ahi-ari nl I'rnnldrnt 'i'riiiiimi. Tim wcck-liuiK poll wiin comluct Fd by iiipiiiih of biillotN printed In llm iipwnpuprr n ml mulled In by rciuirrn. Thp. lliml (iRurrn: Kopuhllcnn Hpii. Knlirrl A. Tnfl Urn. DwiKlit I). ElHpnhowor (If il. DoiiKlim Mm-Arthur llnv. Kiul Wiini'ii ol Oiilif. J 1 1 to la Btuwicn Demon-iillu Hen. hMm Krfnwvcr l'rcRltliMiL Truiinm A Inw volm were reonrdrd tor U.fl. Supreme Conn Jiwllco Wll lliim O. DoiikIkh, Unv. Aillul HIpv. rnsoii, mill Hen. Piilll Douulnit, U. 111. (1.547 3.441 6116 :M2 342 ion 614 tjueen, Duke At Royal Bier LONDON ill Eighty-tour yrnr old yucrii Mnry and her ion Uie Duke ol WlndMir. wrnl to wl- inliuiler Hull Wcdnrndiiy nlKlil and Mood ullenlly toitcther lor a time brlorc the bier ol King Ocome VI. 'Hip Duke, who gave up Uie throne to hi lute brother to marry "the woman I love", returned to London from New York enrllrr Wr-dnendiiy to Join In the national mournliiK with lliouriunan ol uni on ol nil ranka mid atallona. The Hull m cleared temnomrt ly while the Dowager Queen and tier on entered. Ouuide the llnll, 100.000 people. In two ulnni linen, waited to pay their renprcli. Some had stood (or over lour nours. Air Base Gets Building Fund WASIIINOTON Wl About eight million dnllarn In building (unda la being restored to the Air Force llnie at Mountain Home. Idaho, an Air Force spokesman said Wednesday. The olllcB of Senator Dworshak, It-Idaho, was told the money will build biirracka (or 4.200 enlisted mm and qunrlera (or 352 bachelor office. Newly 22 million was appro priated Irutt yenr lor construction at Mountain Home during the, year r 'mug nrm guno du. A Texans Pray, Heavens Spray WACO, Tex. Ml A thunder. storm early Tuesday dumped half an Inch ol rnln on Waco just a lew hours alter a Intrrdcnomtna tlonnl prayer meeting (or rnln. Individuals had visited the First Baptist Church chnpel all day Tuesday In prny (or rain (or this aroutn-slrlckcn area ol Central Texas. At 7:30 p.m. some 70 persons Ralhered In the chapel lor an In terdenominational prayer meeting (or rnln. Not a cloud was In the sky then, but one woman brought her rain coat. A few hours after the prayer meeting adjourned, the lightning, thunder and rnln hit. Eugene Station Seeks TV PORTLAND Ml Hadlo station KUON nt Eugene will (lie lor tele vision (ncllltles nn soon as the cur rent (reesc Is lifted. Its officers re ported here Wednesday. C. H. Fisher, president, and Ewlnn C. Kelly, vice-president, re ported plans to (lie articles of In corporation (or Eugene Television Incorporated through which TV win be sought. By PAI L W. IIARVKV Jit. RALEM 11 The long argument between tho highway builders and the truckers over how much IiIkIi why damage Is canned by trucks will be settled sclontldciilly next summer. The tenia will be stalled next August on a spnclully-bulll road 60 nines south ol focntviio, iiiiuio. inn contract lor building the teat road wns let Inst week by the western Association o( Btnto Highway Of ficials. The Wesern states eMc-h will con tribute iHO.OOO. The rest of the 1000,000 total cost will be paid by the trucking Industry, petroleum haulers nml the Federal Bureau ol Public Honda. W. C. Wllllnms, nsslslunt Oregon hlghwny engineer who Is chairman oi inn wahuu unvisory commit lee In charge of tho project, said It would give engineers valuable data on whether they are over designing or under-designing the hlghwuys, KHItFACICH On Iho lest road, Ihero will he pavement with flva dlllcrcnt thick- hnM.H. It If! 11 la t.twl 'J'J l..llW Trucks oi varying weights will run inousunus of tunes over each sec' Hon. hlghwny engineers over tho nn tlon have agreed that the max!' mum truck load per nxlo should be 18,000 pounds, or 32,000 pounds on a pair of axles. The tests, which will last through next winter, will allow they are right. The englnoers are designing roads 18 Inches thick to carry the 18-000-32.000 pound loads, but there are thousands of miles of out moded western highways that are only 8 or 10 Inches thick. The test will demonstrate maintenance costs on these, as well as on strong er roads. A similar test was made In Mary land Iukl venr. It showed tlutt trucks with 22.400-pound axle loads cause six times as mucn pavement cracking as those with the Icgnl 8-000-pound loads. The western engineers will use the Maryland dulu, but they any II is far Irom being complete. The Idnho lest will give the west ern legislatures a guide to levy taxes on various types of motor vehicles. The Oregon Hlghwny Commission says trucks cnuse third of the road damage, but the truckers deny It. The test will show who Is right. "The lest," Williams said, "will determine definitely and with posi tive factual data the type of de sign that must be used to provide maximum axle load weights on past, present and futuro highways." It should save Uie states a lot of money, too. Chances are that the test will show highway builders now tney can build tne most roaa for the sma lest amount of money It the test gives the legislatures Uie exact data tney neM lor iixmg load limits and apportioning high way costs between the trucks and Sassenger enrs, the legislators win e most haunv. BalUes between the truckers, who want to carry bigger loads. and the highway engineers, who say loads are too big now for many western highways, take up lot of time In the western legislatures. The 1951 Oregon legislature boosted truck taxes about 24 per cent alter a bruising battle be tween the Highway Commission and the truckers. This bill will be on the November ballot, because the truckers attacked 11 by rclcrcn dum. The Highway Commission says the proposed tax Increase would mnke the truckers pay their fnlr share of . construction and main tenance costs. The truckers sny they are paying enough already. The Idaho test will shed a lot of light on this argument. Poetic Tribute Prepared LONDON Ml Poet Laureate John Masefleld snld Wednesday he is working on a poetic tribute to Ring George VI. and Hint an ode to the new Queen would come later Mnselleld, now 73. said "I. like every other Englishman, wish to say what I can In praise of a very great man." Masefleld has been Poet Laure ate since 1930. He lives In Berk shire County, not (ar (rom Windsor where Uie King Is to be burled Frldsy. 5 aJIDBADC S ninnuiu y iRosm In the Home! ; 1WIA fc- Main V WOW! ALBERS USES QUALITY FOODS TO INSURE FRISKltf TABU-QUALITY. AND EVERY IN0REPIENT IS U.S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTEP1 to. WHAT MEAryFUV0R! AND FRISKIES COMPLETE NOURISHMENT , BUI LPS RESISTANCE TO MANY KILLING l yw cfog frisky with FRfSfCES AlltltS MIUINO COMMNV A DIVISION Of CAINATION COMrANT rM7 ' I AfcteSSJ Coconut . 25 'Mm. seasoned nn Fresh dressed, Tenderized Small size. Big Y brand lb. Grade "A' BEEF ROASTS COLORED HENS Good quality PORK CHOPS Center cut BACON ,K.pi FRESH OYSTERS 8 to 10 count pint LARD Fresh rendered. 50-lb. can FRESH HAM ROAST i Coconut IBS.!00? 69c CINCH, GOLDEN Pkg. GARDEN, SLICED No. 2 Tint ALLEY'S 25 2S Pineapple alad Pressini" 43' Jeivel Oil "S-he: 25' 29c SVRUP NALLEY'S LUMBERJACK 24 oz. 59c 6 K lb. ww lb. O ossoaa. . . rvrintKIT V A pa ' s Ifancake flour -i" .15 PJ SWIFT'S nm ik 59c .b 39c 59c A $6 i Tomatoes STATE FAIR No. 2Vi Tini SWIFT'S 20 oz. mm t ie j J "2 WTlWel STANDBY CHERRIES 1 " SPECIAL! Brown Sugar C&H ,b T0c Orange Juice Tz! 25c Cleaners 15c Cleanser SUNBRITE 5c NPUREX ,25c V IC (Pl (P. 5?. E 1. 2'25, Ice Cream Heart Center quart 39c Margarine DeI Rich Co,07b. 27c Crackers Sun hBeSoda 2 Ibs 57c CRATER LAKE Cottage Cheese pInf 13c SUGAR io,bs 85c Larqe Size 133 iVED. 27e FAB - 11 27 nlG9Cfl rfOC PEETS V GRANULATED T Sweet and full I of milk, each 58 35c c c 9 '4 f Cocoanuts Cheaper than the South Sea Islanders can get theml SOAPi C0 Q ADAkirCC F"ySunkhi Giant Size JL .aUIIAMULJ 5-lb. mesh bag CUCUMBERS -n9 green slicers for 25C 2 - 25c ,k 8c $2.95 o FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS 35c BRUSSEL SPROUTS -19c rge 30 size CASHMERE I..KI..W, " BOUQUET ,uTDLnju PLASTIC KITES 25c Y AVOrADO MLiD'l D i No need to sprinkle! Just add AO. I I &UL 3 immr-A-DAu woler, feoc-y t0 iro 7ot 1 1 icTTiirc NOTE BOOK, TYPING PAPER 0Cr 1 1 Al It &Ltmitfoey A,ona Reg. 10c for wC 1 1 WHITE I Im CC " Beouties, fii Fl FrTDIP FFMPF R'cha'd' guaranteed. SO1)50 LLLtinit Itntt Complete (less wire) LL PITCHER AND (GLASSES .np Red and white floral design. Set I.Z7 9-CUP PYREX PERCOLATOR M0, Reg. $3.49. Now ;.; W. 3 CHILDREN'S DENIM OVERALLS Made by Bluebell, red or blue. Sizes 1 to 6 V ' A J AX CLEANSER 2 for S4 A DDI CC ome Beauties, fine for eating iirrLLJ and cooking box 23c We Reserve the right to limit! ' PAGE SEVEN