THURSDAY, KF.nnUARY 14, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE .... iiiph i 111 mi i mm, inii .iiiiiii ii iii mini i i ii in IT '., 'J -jm- ', ''' , ; A'tiW 'S'l i VvA'F'; L. V' Vsu Lodge VOA, Klamath . I.nnk 40, will (ilmnrvn lln 'III nn , nlvnrniiry Hi llm Biilurdny mcclliiK ., m v:m p.m., in tim looi" Hull, liilllittlnu u iifw incinlioift will 1)0 Inllowrd by riilrnnluiipiilH unci iliinc liiK, Members mid friends Invited. Iillrrimllniiul Relations Htiidv . Oriiuii of AAUW meets tnnlHhl n't . H Hi llm home of Mm. Frank John , nun, lutu MmiKiinitii. Iiljurrd Denny Srwnld, two Mild (inn linJf.ycur-olcl nOn ol Mr. mid Mm. Cllllcird Hrwold, wns , brought to llllltldfl hospital Turn- i diiy alter fulling Irnin a bed at hi home runt ol Dairy, Injuring Ills , right li'ii. X-niys nhnwcd u silvered , break of thn large. Wu bone. A ,,cui, wim put on in id the lllllo buy Willi tiikuii liome Wednesday. Inltllrd-Kcn Miller, Mnlln, has . Iircn liiltluted Into I'hl BlKiiut Kup pa, the liiilrrnlty which he pledgrd nt the beginning ol the full term m Oregon Blnle College. He In the Mm of Mr. nnil Mm. 1). L. Miller, mid was a lotil miKluulc of Mullu high. VIllor-Mr.' mid Mm. Wllllnm Cimry. Mlnol, N. D . narrnlN of Mrs. Cliiln Lolilwn, wA Orchard, liocoinpunlrd Mr. mid Mr. I.uhbrii mid thi'lr fuinlly on trip through the redwoods recently. Ucfnrn re turning home the visitors will no Ja 'orlliiml. , ' M'TA Mrrt-Kalrimven PTA held ii Founder's Day meeting Feb. 8 in the hcIiooI midlUirlum. A nomin ating committee headed by liny Oehlrrlch wnn appointed. Pimm fur the new Addition to Include lour classrooms, n culelrriu mid arts mid crnltn room to be built In tlir neur liilure were nhown. Two lllmn on Boll Conservation were nhown, Mrrllnf Tlie Builders Class of the First Methodlnl church will hold a Fellnwnhlp Night, Friday, H p.m. ul the church. League of Women Vnlern Unit 2 will meet Friday, 1:30 p.m., nt thn home; of Mm. Paul Duck, Woiuin, KIbii Knock will lend n discussion on Inflation. Anyone in tuicntcd In Invited. rllmata-llnmcdale Extension unit mcoln Friday, 111:30 a.m. In Jonn'a Kitchen. Demonstration on Kitchen nrrmiKcmrnt. Jlrlnn your kitchen Hour plan. y, Oreion Ktate Motlirra meellnit tonluht, 7:30, In the. recrcntlon hull ol the hounliiK unit, Bob JJoiuicy will bo the (iicuker, Correction There will not lie 1 biitiliicnn inrelliiK of the I'llot'a Club on Friday evenlnir nn nil nounced In hint nliiht'a llornld mid Nnwn. The meetlnif wnn to huve been held on Wcdiirnduy and the Friday dute wan released throuiih mi error. There will be Valen tino ihuito at the club Buturduy. Altamnnt Home Kxtennlon Home I'liliithm clunn will meet Wednendiiy, Feb. SO, lit Joun'n Kitchen, in a.m. Buck liuichcii will bo tnkeii. Fur further Information cull Mra. Peyton at 6307. I.aillea Nlnjhl wna observed by Toketeo Lloun nt their Wlmmitt Ho tel dinner Wednendny nlKht. Hon ored Kiirnt wun Dr. Elmo Steven non, BOCE prenldent. Enlertnln inenl wnn provided by the Chuck Miller trio. Correetlon Mr. and Mra. Tval C. Taylor aro the piircnm of a boy bom Feb. 3. lOYi, not a Klrl an prcvlounly reimrted In the Her uld und News this week. Tulrlnke Chapel of Church ol Jenun Chrlnt ol Latter Duy SulllUi will be the ncene ol a "Ui-neolOKy Puiteunt" prenentcd by members of Grazing Fees Up on Modoc ALTUnAB Fees for grazing live- ntock on the Modoc Nutlonul For- ent will be hlKhcr In 1052 than luHt ynur. 'Hie foe for cattle will be 71) ccntH a month, for hornen 117 ccnu a month and for ahecp IN. 76 centn u month, compurnd to 1061 ruten of (13, 77 and 1A conln, respectively. Nutlonul Forent grazing feea vary from year to year according to Ins relation with the provlnun year's llventock prlcea with a 1031 bane. Tlie Bureau of Agricultural Eco nomic llgurex thut furmera and lunchern In the Went received nil averugn price of $2910 per hun dred lor beef cuttle, exclusive of cnlvcni In 1051, and 131.10 a hun dred lor Inmbn. The beef Bvcrnge reprcnentn a 440 per cent Increnne over the 1031 bune, and the lamb average a 340 per cent Increase. Jets Collide, Pilot Lost TOKYO !'; Two UJ. Thunder- Jeta collided on a routine putrol lllgnt ihumanv ana plunged into the sea In Tsugaru Hindis be tween Hokkaido and Honshu I.1. lundn. One or the F-84 pilots was res cued, only slightly ln)ur I. by Japa nese fishermen. The other appar ently wan killed by the forte of the collision, Fur East Air Forces said. Mumca wero withheld. the Klamth Fulls LDH chivch Sun day, Feb. 17, at 6:30 p.m. Vlallor Mrs. W. E. Krueger ol Hucramenlo, a lormer Klumatn Fnlln resident, In vlHltlng with her non and his lumlly, C. E. Krueger, Vit N. 7th. Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. Jnck Wurd of Eugene are the par ents of a daughter born Feb. 13, 1052. The buby wan named Gull Leo. Piiternnl grandparents arc Mr. and Mm. J, W. Wnrd ol Zleg ler's Cabins on U.S. Highway 07. Sweetheart Ball The Mutual Improvement Association of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Duy Hnlnls Invites all members and friends to the annual Sweet heart Bull Friday, Dancing from 0 to 11:30 p.m. Danee An old time dance Is scheduled lor Saturday night at the Midland Orange. The public In welcome. Street Lights Shot Out City street lights are "sitting ducks" these nights for some van dal's hlghpowered air gun In the Hot Springs area. City Police report the bnxscore for Wednesday night was very costly. Lights were shattered at the In tersections of Pacific Terrace and Munzanlttt, LeRoy, Fremont, Mel rose and Esplanade streets, also at 1040 Melrose, 1048 Esplanade and at Esplanade and Del Moro. TEST DltlLl.lNO PORTLAND im Diamond Drill haa been awarded a (16,002 con tract lor test drilling at the Pelton Dnmslte on the Deschutes River In Central Oregon. The Portland Ocnerul Electric Company said drilling was to start Thuriiday. Malin Club Plans Show MALIN The "Mariner's Show Bout of 1052" Is this year's theme lor the Malln Mariner's Club an nual extravaganza, to be held Feb. 28 and 20 at the Broadway theater. Starting at 8 o'clock both nights, there will be a continuous program of songs, comedy, music and dunces with the curtain drawn only during intermission. Local Basin talent will be featured and cos tumes are to carry out the show boat theme. Veterans of past shows who will appear Include Mary Jane Paygr, Nell Kuzac. Lynn Roycroft. Don Miller and his boys, Diane Mlcka, Jed Murph, Olney Rudd, Louie Stewart, Howard Dewey, Vesta Shogren, Lynette Lyon and the old timers' orchestra featuring Charles Dobry, Ivan Ottoman, Fred Mc Donald and Ray Van Meter. New performers obtained by by show director Mrs. Hab Wil son Include Jerry Fales. Eileen Hcrringshaw, Juanlta Fabianek, Tom Williams, Mrs. Dave Bridge. Woody Chambers and a 18 - girl chorus, directed by ' Mrs. Ruby Kujac. This chorus Is made up of four girls each from Merrill, Tule lake. Bonanza and Malin. Admission will be tl for adults and 50 cents for children under twelve. Tickets may be obtained from any Mariner member. Your policy la fitted to your needs If you let It from Hans Norland. 637 Pins St. Wi-ne-ma COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Our new ond sanitary kitchen and meot coolers ore open for public inspection at ony time . . . See for yourself how your food is prepared ond hondled! Southern Oregon's Finest CHfO Hi R312I I 1 1 Mil s i r ib i i IJI lUil aWJ TLaaioJ" H. it l 1 ill w n TT. ii' a m M(' 9 t?M r7 HI3t?-ni a m ' a t. ".m sv. km an ar aa ffl mi Ml b t h s I at .... ...... . . - .. ' If , I J .J . .1.. 1- r, D.rblns " - ; ! I .. V Come see the car with America's most revolutionary engine design. It's sensational! TREMENDOUS NEW POWER I Biggest engine advance in a generation ... 160 horsepower . . . terrific acceleration and cruising performance on regular fuel! TREMENDOUS NEW FEATURES! TVy new Power Steering '. . . it's unbelievable! Super-safe Power Brakes. No-Shift Driving. Electric Window Lifts. Lots more! DESOTO HAS POWER STEERING! j . It's absolute magic! . . . now you can turn f i the wheel with one finger. Hydraulic 4 power does the work for you. Parking is child's play. Come on in and try itl NEW, UNIQUE AIR-VENT HOOD! Look at the new De Soto above . . note the Air-Vent that directs air to carbu retor. This helps increase engine power! WMIf llrf.walf Nrtt, wh.n ovnll. aM, or optional tquipmtnf. FIRE DOME has famous dome-shaped combustion chambers with centralized spark plugs ... the engine design that gets more power , from every drop of gas. This new De Soto will be the most talked about car of 1952. See it TODAY I JIM OLSON MOTORS So. 6th & Walnut - Klamath Falls Don't Mlu GR0UCH0 MARX In "Yet 1st Tour Ills". . . Prtitntsd by DE SOTO-FUMOUTH Dialers on both Radio and Teltvlslon (NSC Networks) ... Sit Newspaper lor Time and Station. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "Hallo Thanks for waiting. We ants hovo boon busy all i nlaht. Thai doodIo) horn dldn t do th dinner dishes I"... You'll 1 enjoy better service and j won't miss incoming calls if you answer promptly .. . Pacific Telephone. j TAUCHER'S MEATS IN CARTER'S FINE FOODS .Z. FRYERS swiH' T,y pc,c Pork Shoulder Roast FRESH GROUND BEEF PURE PORK SAUSAGE EASTERN BACON HAMS ib. Lean Ib. Ib. Ib. Seal pack, Mb. pk9. Tenderized, holf or whale Ib. 79c 41c 65c 55c 49c 59c MANY MORE SPECIALS TO CHOOSE FROM! VYlahiha $lwpA and Sh&pA Can't fiive You the Stars Can't pluck you the moon nor sweep the milky way Into your waiting arms but we CAN tell you where to get the biggest thrill in all your life . . you'll be catching your breath until old age creeps up and catches you, after you have seen what WE saw at RICKY'S . . Coming tenderly out of wrappings this week , were MORE "nuggets" from SASCHA BRAS- TflFP thnfc inmmmr. able "dreamer of de sign" who is sweeping America from Holly wood to the Empire building, from Texas to Canada with his ceramic ART. We ALMOST "curtsied" before the dignified, mustachioed "gent" who flirts a wicked eye as a MARTINI JUG surrounded by six IN DIVIDUAL "cups" . . YOUXL adore the "cache" boxes, several sized "vases" to tuck away your shekels In . . the precious grooved FISH ashtray, huge enough (almost) for a serving platter . . the darling double SNACK DISH . . the gigantic PLATTER . . covered cigarette boxes . . the slender SQUARE vases . . Pegasus, golden steed of mythology . . SASCHA has caught the gorgeous colors of the autumn, the gleam of sun, the gray of shadows, the plum and brown of fruits and greens of virgin forests, the grace of a ballet dancer, the challenge of the archer, the heady troth of purple wine as it Hows from an oaken cask into a tumbler . . the DARING that Is in all men . . caught it all and brushed It on cer amics . . look as you may . . you'll lind no TWO bits ot his art are quite identical . . his brush Is flung with the sweet abandon of the artist who dares to do the unusual and he signs his name to all and sundry pieces . . No need to look into a crystal ball to know that RICKYg Is ALWAYS on the beam for the UNUSUAL youH know it after seeing the SASCHA BARSTOFF bits of beauty at 700 Main, Hitkys ft ft Stop worrying about what yon don't have concentrate . on . your . assets ... all . women can't have soulful eyes but if they are blue, play them up If your locks are snowy, your nose a bil on the bumpy side, your lips too thin or your neck not as graceful as the swan's. You can wear any shade of blue . . . play up your eyes. If yon wear glasses with blue plastic frames . . . wear blue earrings .a bit of blue veiling ... a touch of blue eye shadow, a blue hair rinse ... a touch of blue at your throat and wrists ... all tricks to make you beautiful nd they work. ft WIIKX IT'S SI'ISI.M, and "birdies" sing and your winter wardrobe looks "old and gray" and the boy across the aisle looks right THROUGH you and the telephone NEVER rings and you teel just like shedding your skin and stepping out all FRESH and NEW. it's time to go to MILLER'S gals . . it's time to go to MILLER'S but DON'T go .blindfolded . . keep your eyes WIDE open to see the pertest, 1 prettiest, gay get-around-ers in the SPORTSWEAR world on the SECOND floor at MILLER'S. MILLER'S has dreamed you up BLOUSES . . SHIP 'n SHORE and well-known HENDAN . . sanforized, color-fast, SMOOTH new' BLOUSES In beautiful new SPRING shades . . , checks, plaids, plains . . LONG sleeves to cover your wrist bones . . SHORT sleeves to your dimpled elbows and NO sleeves "a'tall" . . ALL sizes at prices that won't send the old budget into a tail spin . . $3.50 to $4.95 . . saucy, sweet GLORIFY yourself with the CREAMIEST, slim, trim . . pleated, pretty SKIRTS to ar rive in THIS city . . MATERIALS are simply DIVINE . . young-hearted PLAIDS, CHECKS, PLAINS . . in TEXTURES that are making HEADLINES for Spring . . C A S H A S . SHARKSKINS . . AILL-WOOL WORSTED . . Styles with SPARKLE . . $5.95 to $14.95 . . EVERY woman, married, single, popular or NOT needs a JACKET, little fling coats . . DARLINGS of ANY WARDROBE . . look for THEM at MILLER'S In men's-wear gray with BIG patch pockets, wee little back pleat like the "kick" pleat in a skirt . . fully lined . . $19.95 . . magical "Easter Dream" PLAID ones . . brown and yellow . . navy and red . . blue and rust . . lined from neck to hem , . $16.95. AND it's a SWEATER year and the BIG sweater news is NECKS . , TURTLE necks 'n CREW necks in "prlnky" pastels . . little cuffed sleeves with seml-bnt-wlnd "umph" . . tuck them In. take them out just to be DIF FERENT . . found SOME without any sleeves at all, another fashion plucked from tomorrow . . time's run out . . we hope we'll see you "Manana" at 512 Main street, ft -ft Have you registered? Registration books close April 15 . don't forget. IF YOC'IIE HEADED toward Palm Springs where the mountains meet the desert '. . to the Mardl Gras where colors flash like Northern Lights against a winter sky . . to far and fragrant Scotland where pink heather flaunts Its fronds across the moors . . don't stay TOO long or linger late to sum mer, BECAUSE Spring i V iVVfc JVy romping down the highway vv? J Sh of tne year hclPed W C4)mC5 CARTERS! iVL. Ahntt fhl lima n All long winter, we need a HARBINGER of warmer days to coin and wha SURER sign than SEEDS In colored PACKETS . . FERRY-MORSE ' SEEDS that raise a BETTER GARDEN. Open the door on SPRING by tucking now, into your GROCERY basket enough SEEDS to help you OROW your MENUS . . golden carrots . . sweet com, plump, big ears to dunk in melted butter . . tender peas and string beans, long and brittle . . wee BURR "cukes and long-necked snuash and VIOORO to grow them . . CARTERS' SEED DEPARTMENT will make you "itch" to garden . . To cover SEEDS of BLUE SCABOSIA and red and yellow ZINNIAS in moist, warm earth to waken . . it's SWEET PEA time and don't forget it . . 'tis EARLY planting that brings them into blossom before the summer sun grows hot and hungry for the roots of grow ing things in gardens. Found old-time PORTULACA . . the very same that grew 'round the flagstone step when we were far, far younger . . and SCAR LET RUNNER BEANS to climb the wall and ramble off to greet the Neighbor's DAWN PETUNIAS . . ALL the seeds you'll NEED to grow you BEAUTY, "way" beyond your winter expectations. SO . . make your list of bread and butter . . honey for the Johnny-cakes and all the little fancies" for your Winter tabl. then ADD your SEED and don't forget tnem, for winter wanes and Spring is laughing in the willows. The gloom of skies that were grey and low ering fled across the mountain and the sun came out to shine on FERRY SEEDS this week as we looked and leaped in thought to ward summer while shopping with "Your Most Thoughtful Grocer," 1420 Esplanade, Phone 2-2511, f Carters' ft ft- Did yon ever stop (o think about the art of friendship? The unexpected telephone call Just to say "Hello" that means so much ... the letter that arrived out of a blue sky . . . the sharing of life's happy moments ... the brew ing of a cup of tea . . . the offering of a prized recipe ... the loaf of warm bread or the pat of fresh churned Jersey butter ... it takes so little to bind true friends together with in visible ropes, strong as steel. ft ft if America's Most Attractive women NEVER need to HANDCUFF a man to hold his adoration . . they play the game with CURRIN'S and watch for SPECIALS . . while scouting the COSMETIC bar this week at th "Friendly Drug Store" dis covered there's a painless way to keep you looking lovely as a danseuse . . the TUSSY way. A glamorous woman Is one with the soft and supple skin and to KEEP that way, the long years through, takes CASH, So unless your purse Is stuffed with silver, here's a pointer . . this is TUSSY TIME . . February 7 until March the 8th . . the davs you'll get the TUSSY SPECIALS . . EMULSIFIED CLEANSING CREAM for skins as dry as brittle winds In autumn and PINK CLEANSING CREAM lor skins that TUSSY says are NORMAL . . the ounce slz that usually EXTRACTS $2 from your hand bag may be taken home for $1.25 . , the GIANT size that sells for $3.50 at any OTHER time, now goes for $2.25. The sages say that age brings wisdom but wilts skin beauty . . that climate etches lines and diet sometimes ruins texture of the "skin you love to touch" . . so TUSSY, ready to help you walk in beauty Is offering, once more. THIS yenr, these specials with the help of the BEAUTY BAR, Ninth and Main, Currin's ft ft Easter blouses will lake (wo directions this year , . . new synthetic fabrics make the usual Easter frills easy on the eye and easy to main tain . . . you'll be wearing ruffles and frills, lavishly displayed on the nylon tricots aad nylon - and orlan combinations ... all with quick-drying, no-ironing properties. At the other rnd of the blouse story, it's the ckunle salt blouse, the soft, feminine, individually detailed type called the French blouse. Most have a ' curved dropped shoulder but no sleeves, some bustllne or midriff-section detail, such as pockets, tabs, buttons. at t