T1IUHSDAV, FEBRUARY 14, 10.ri2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORH.'ION PAOE THRE8 Russ Professor Holds Lattimore Tomes False WAHII1NOTON (in A former Ituuiliin nrolaaaor told Hpuntnrii 'fwatlay that aoint ol th wrltlnitn nl Owen Lattlinnri. about Outer MoiikoIIb were "cltlirr kiipprftclnl or dlMnrllnim ot the trulh." 1 ho wltnnna win Nirlmlna I'lippr, now a profnnaor ot Far Kiintern IniiKiiauo nt i'ic Unlvrrally ol WanhliiKlnn In Belittle. The noil of n cr r It-1 nl In tin' O.iirlKl tori-Inn iirrvlrp, tip liiiiKtit Oriental Inn KiinKPH In I.pnlniii'iid nd Moacow undpr thn Hovlnta but until lie never win h (.'oimnunlal. KXI'KIIT l'lippe mild he wit an expert nil Oulrr MiiiiHllit. 'Die Hcnnte In tpi'iiiillniml Si'curlly Hiiliconiiiilttpe culli'd him particularly to lontl ly nliiiiil Hie willlima ot Lalllmoro. A Jnliiia llopklna Unlvemlty pro fmnor who hux pulillfihcd ninny book mid arllilra on Uie Orient. l.nttlinore ha been a centritl IlKiire In the nubcoiiiinltlc'a In quiry Inln poiuilble Communist In llltrHtlnn Into the Inntltiite of Puri ne Itelntlonn, a pnrt nf It Inquiry Into ci.mplnliita ol Red Intliiencr over Aiiierrntl Inreliin policy. Hrn. McCarthy. It. Win., hat culled t.nttlmore a Fled. chariie Lutllinore hnn denied. I'oppc aald Lntllmore wrote Unit Outer MonKollit hnd H Democratic form of iinverunieiit In the 11130'a mid thnl iirpnl advancca hnd been made there, ll'iSTHIICTION fho wltuetut aald he would anrco i arhoola mid hmpllalfi hud been built miller the Bovlet-domlimted n-iiliiie unci thut thus represented "m'hlevrnientn." Hut he aald the old Moiniollun government hud been denlroyed and niiuiy people deported when the Soviet, took control ot the country. you ciin't cull auch a uyntein a driiiocrnllc one," he cmninenleU. 'the prolewior uld Liilllmore ap pnrenlly waa talking uboul "de mocracy" In the eiue the Soviet undernlnnd It. GOPs Blast Charles Taft CINCINNATI I Chnrlen P. Tnll'ii home county Republican tmrly acnrchlnnly renounced him TucMlny nlKht nnd endorard a rlvnl ol hill for the OOP nubernutorlul lionuimilon, Htnte Sen. Roncoe R. Walcull. The parly'a action came aa Wei cull wan uriilim Uie Clnclnnnll t torney nnd orother of Ben. Tun. R -Ohio, to gel out of the ruce and let two "eleur-cut" Republican former Gov. Thomaa J. Herbert of Clevelund and hlmncll battle It out lor the nomination for gov ernor of Ohio. The Hamilton County OOP or ganisation' lelt no doubt thut It nub of Tuft wu deliberate. It bitterly attacked the Clncln nattnn'a candidacy and hla pant record, mentioning particularly hla "1 Jobs tinder the New Deal and Kalr Deal administration." U nrruwi htm, too, of having asnociiitcn nnd aupportera who "hav. loUBht tooth, and nail" 111 thj part to defeat hla older brother. Sen. Taft. . - llninlltoil Countv la regarded aa the blKgeat Republican county In Ohio and one of Uie biggest In the country. ' Taft appeared unrulfled when In. formed at Toledo of the action. Hp remarked, ' It la, of course, their privilege to endorae anyone thev want. With the help of my Republican friends, both Inalde and oulald the organization. I expect to carry Hamilton County In the primary on May 6." Georgia Tech'a croaa country tenm clewed lis neuron by captur ing the AAU title In Atlanta. Idaho Potato Probes Nixed BOWK, Icliiho Ml Idaho potato prower and ahlppera were free nt oniniitiUnru fwltrn I lnKt,ir-l Inn Wednendiiy, compllcallng atlll fur- iner ine eniorccmeni 01 apuu pute cellngn. I...,liir1tn,r Ihn fedpl-nl tnur- ketlnn rcKuTiitlona by Hecretury of nuriOUILlUfl JJIIIIimill w n mi- pounced by R. K. Hurt o( Pocati-I-in . tt.iniiiifpf tt the trliLlm-Rantcm Oregon potato Control Coinmlttiin. The action mcuna nun leoerai in spection now la voluntary for grow era and ahlppera. Harry B. Yoat, dlatrlcl Ofllco nf Price HUiblllr.nllon director, aald the action would complicate en forcement of price celllnga, but he wnan't aura yet what the effect would be. Price celllnga will remain In of- i , u- HnM unme rhunirefl probably will' be inado alnce they are bnned on u.n. grnnea. inr Iilnlio rlnndnrd and utility grndea. he auld, are allghlly lower Uian U.B No. 1. Idnho growcra may now ahlp out aide the alula potatoes which menu tire 1 Inchca In dlumclcr aa U.S. No. 1 and those which menaure 1 ,'j inchca us U.B. No, 1. Idnho stulntOH permit urowcra Ui market aa utility i.puda those which measure 1 'h imhea and weigh four ouncea. Meanwhile, a clnlm by the re gional OI'B In Seattle thnt there la . hl.k mnrkel. nt the (hlPPerS U vel In Twin Palli waa denied In Boise bv I). Worth Clark, district OI'B enforcement omcer. ,ii..-i, ..hi-i uUn ihnt no evidence nf retail blnck mnrketlng hud been tound In Idaho groceries. Officer Says Fluoride Safe nr AoiftkrnivMJ im Th chief dental officer nf the Public Health Service told Congress Wednesday It la perlectly sate to add fluoride to drinking water to help reduce loom aecny. i..U,i..,i Borimnn flwneriil HrUCe D. Forsyth gave Dial assurance to a BIM-Clal llOUSC COmnimci; wiihi, Is Investigating possible harmful e( ii.ni nf the addition of chemicals to food and drink. Forayth aald one purv oi iiuonac to a million parta of water i .,Mtirl nnrnlrntlnn reo- m wiv h' v---- . --- -..-n.i-.fi h..t this mil be ad- Justed upward and downward to conipen: aie lor ciimuvic mcmin fectlng the amount ol wnter drunk In various acciiona oi me couimj. Invalid Breaks Leg in Bed NEWTON, la. I Carl Bnckua. Jr., a, Invalided by a awlmmlng accident aevcral years ago, has had more bad luck. He broke his leg while In bed. Backua was doing a aeries of leg jw..ij. It. hn when the fracture occurred Monday night. Wurlitzer A Maqnificent PIANO At a Low Prict LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th i Hurry! This Bargain Ends Saturday! BUY A SUITE GET AN OUTFIT ! These 6 Pieces ' "' INCLUDED These 5 Pieces With Any Living INCLUDED Room Suit! Occasional Chair With Any Cocktail Table . Bedroom Suite! Lamp Tabla . . End Tabl. Mattre.. 2 Lamp Toblei Co11 SPrina I Pair of Pillow i Boudoir Chair Living Room Suites Bedroom Suites .,,.., 149.88 .,,., 149.88 InlAFr FURNITURE CO. SI FOOTLOOSE Some folk put their hest foot forward but the Wallcn twins (Eileen, left, and Enid) prefer to put theirs 'way over their heads. The sisters, starring at a Miami Beach night club, practice acrobatics on the sunny beach. itish Atom Bomb Rushed LONDON 11 Work on Britain's first atom bomb la pujihlng ahead so quickly that the money la run ning out. The Ministry of Supply, the gov ernment department responsible for mnklng the bomb, u.skrd Par liament today for another 800.000 poiind-l2.240.0O0. This la In ad dition to the one million pounds $2,800,000 already voted by Parlia ment this year. The request said that the extra cash was needed for the production of uranium "because work la pro gressing more quickly than ex pected." Britain Imports uranium, key material In making the atom bomb, mainly from the Belgian Congo and from Canada. A ministry spokesman declined to say whether the money was needed to buy more uranium or to proms uranium already In this country. But the request lends weight to reports that the 'irst "made In Britain" A-bomb will be exploded soon possibly this summer. Keith Thomas, newly acquired outfielder for the Philadelphia A's. at Kansas State College. SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA Rirlailri Mtht4 No :th fhB 7ftf bironrat tic Phv-J'-i-n TUETRlENPi-'"- . , - Select Your Spring Wardrobe Now . . . USE OUR SIMPLE CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN Chooie your new coat, suit, dress or an entire wardrobe now while stocks are new and com plete. Pay a nominal sum and we will reserve them for you until you are ready to wear them. ft New ' if The Year-round Wear Appeal of SUITS 1995 Com in toon and the new ryp of fabrics mtd thil m ob . . . i.t Iht .xcltlnf B.w w.av.1, colon ... all th. rtylas whether man-tailored1 er dr.li maktr faihionl art definitely n.w . . . definitely different. It's th most lntritlna suit newl in y.orl. Others $15.00 to $42.95 Casualties Reported Low WA8IHNOTON The Defense Department Wednesday reported tho smallest number of casualties lor any week during the Korean war. The Increose was 237 for the week ending laat Friday, making the total battle casualties for the war 105,508. The Defcruie Department' week- Black Market Fire Gutted PUSAN, Korea W A wlnd swopt fire gutted Pusan's busiest black market section Wednesday. A government represenla'lve said the loss was about $130,000. The fire started In a house crowded with refugees and black market goods. In three hours It de atroyed 100 small shop-dwellings and 85 other homes. Authorities said a large amount of U.B. Army clothing and Ameri can cigarettes and candy were destroyed. Floating Record CEalmed SANTIAGO. Chile W Julio Moreno Toledano claimed a world record for "floatablllty" Wednes day. Moreno, also known as "The Corkman," stayed afloat In a swimming pool for 14 hours and 30 minutes with' his hands and feet tied. ly summary, based on notifications In families for tho week, reported 20 persons killed in action, 19 miss ing end 1BU wounded. The report also listed a decrease of 708 In the number of servicemen currently listed aa missing In ac tion. This followed a review of the "criteria" heretofore used In estab- J llshlng the status 0f men believed captured by tha enamv. , , Tha new totals since th War started are IB'ikh kmt4 in n.. I7B.513 wounded and 13.833 mlaalnu! r,. N0WD0 AWAY WITH that PALE, TIRED LOOK! Amazing Liquid-Creme Rouge Adds Radiant Glow To Your Cheeks! - "No Painted Look'! You'll Love Hazel Bishop No-Smear Lipstick, Too! Won't Eol Off! Won't Kin Off! Won't SntMr Off I No wondr Wi America"! larsnt-Stlllns lipitlckl CrMmy-Hnoelhl 7 Flottiring Shodtt. $1.10 Just smooth a drop of Hazel Bishop Complexion Clow on each cheek. This luxurious creme blends perfectly, beautifully with your skin tone . . . make your glorious new radiance seem to come from within. Unlike "tell-tale" rouges, Hazel Bishop Complexion Glow never cakes, streaks, clogs or blotches never leaves that "painted rouge" look. Smart Boudoir Size $1.50 Handy Purse Flacon $1 ' v Cllll. MAUL lltHOP. INC 530 Main (astteberry Drugs plu tu Ph. 3333 "of iva - , iM-Xc mmmtium itAf , ran ri n is a iff lai wwiiaiiiiliii i "r i i'vii-l a AMJAum i .1 l'Thiifln'iI i The miracle of telephone communications came to vivid life for Ann on her introductory tour of a busy telephone office. Ann White-and the Spirit of Service , Ann White could be the girl next door... or any of the thousands of capable young women who decide each year to make their first job a telephone job. Her first day was exciting, and a bit bewildering, as she began her training as an operator. But soon she gained confidence, learned to meet many situations with poise and skill. She began to feel the importance of getting every call through ...the "spirit of service" shared by telephone people everywhere... the feeling which is perhaps the most important ingredient of good telephone service. K " W f J3 One unforgettable day during her training, Ann's super visor helped her put through an urgent call from an anxious wife to her husband away on a trip in the logging country. She noted how patiently and carefully the supervisor traced him from camp to camp. And Ann never forgot the calm, reassuring way in which she completed the call. Your telephone is one of today's best bargains You can seldom put a price tag on a telephone cll...for it may save a life, close a' business deal or it may be : just routine. But it's good to know' that, even in these days of high prices on most things, your telephone serv ice remains one of today's best bargains. Ann's own chance came a few weeks later when a fright ened little voice on her line cried, "I'm lost Could you find my Daddy for me?" Ann did, of course. Such things happen often in the telephone business. And it's gratifying how often we hear good reports about such extra services on the part of our operators, our installers and others who meet our customers directly. We like to hear them. For they tell U that you recognize the "spirit of service". . . so much a part of day-to-day telephone work... so important in making your telephone ever more valuable to you. .- ... ; ; fi E H MsjmJ Pacific Telephone 9th and Klamath Phono 4878 617 Main