PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALI-S. OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 10152 CLU t - ' t ' 1 .4-pX,.. A V-.a , hi. iiwiiijii ii.B.wt I ;m H'VT KFLW-1450 Ke-PST Thursday Evening, Feb. 14 DO Sports Hlihllfhu :19 Horn Town Nfws 35 World Ncwh Summary f :30 Suburban Serenade ( 45 Headline Edition ABC :59 Comlni Atlractiont cn ABC 7:00 Mr. President ABC 7:30 Defeiue Attorney ABC 1:00 Orlg Amateur Hour ABC 1:45 rorelfn Reporter AHC :0U The rtedhead ABC 9:TO Concert of Furone ABC to.oo 10 PM Headline! 10:15 Club Can Do ABC 10:30 Popular Muile 10:45 Town Houe Orch. ABC 11:00 Kewi Summary 11:05 Slfn Oil Friday, Feb. 15 :00 Slfn on Newi 6:05 Corn In the Morn :45 Tarm Tare 7:00 News Bkftt Edition 7:15 Charlie'i Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred it Newa ABC 7:40 Top ol the Morning 7:55 Jonr. Coilte S'ngs .ABC 1:00 Breaktatt Club ABC t:O0 Hank Henr' Show 1:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 diet Huntley, Newt ARC 10:15 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:55 Edward Arnold ABC 11:00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:15 Stop tt Shop 11:30 Aiainit the Storm ABC 11:45 Mutlcal Roundup 11:55 Market Report 13:00 Newa, Noon Edition 13:13 Payleta Sidewalk Show 13:30 Lucky U Ranch ABC 1:00 Paul Harvey ABC 1:15 Batter Living 1:30 Mary Margaret McBrlda ABC 3:00 Bailn Brief! 2:15 Accent on Melody 3:30 Joyca Jordan, M.D. ABC 2:45 Rom. Evelyn Winter! ABC 3 00 When a Girl Marriea ABC 3:13 Ted Malone ABC 3::to Dean Cameron ABC 3:45 Mary Marlin ABC 4-00 Requestfully Yours 5:00 Fun Factory ABC 5:23 World Flight Reporter ABC ,VM Burial ol a King ABC 6 00 Sport! Highlight! 6:15 Home Town Newa 6:25 World New! Summary . 6 30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC li 'ka New! Roundup ABC 7.00 Gillette Fights ABC 8:00 Richard Diamond ABC 8 30 Thii is Your FBI ABC 6 00 Ouie and Harriet ABC 0:30 Cone, of Favorites Irt-'Vt 11 P V. He-"l"e- , 10:19 Dr. Glno's Musical ABC 1U 3U insomnia Cluu 11:00 News 11:05 Sign Off NOT SINCE "GONE WITH THEW ND" ..such a nnwprfni drama of the war between the states! From MGM who gave you "The Big Parade" and "Battleground J. uui4i hi rtHf : if t Itodav I NOT SINCE "GONE WITH iS 1 It. ...tOTflil KFJI-U30 Kc.-PST . Thursday Evcntnr. Ffb. H 8 00 Gabrlil Htatlrr MPS ;I3 Klam. Theater Quit. S:30 Around Town New 6:45 Sain H . Newi MPS M Bill Henry MBS T OO Harmony llm t:IS SwrU Album 1:30 Bobby Baiuon MBS h I. .tii . it, 8:30 Adveniur U Your llcrltai hviurloria hi .iK.nairN 9:00 Glenn Hardy Newi MBS 9:13 Fulton Lewii Jr. MPS D :M Kort & Gun CUib MBS V. 3-Mimitt Final MBS lOiM I Love A M.vtry MBS 10:15 Serenade In R'ue 10:30 Bandstand VSA MBS 11:00 Night OwU Edition AM Nifht Owlt Club 12:00 Sin Off KFJI 1150 Kc. rST Friday, Feb. 13 6 00 Miuicai Rexcill h . i ' nulletin Board :53 Local Ktwc 7:U) l.eiiuniiwai - Nw MBS 7:13 Breakfast Gaut MBS 7:30 New 7 45 Best u- 00 Ctc'. Brown MBS 1:13 L.akfat Gang MBS 8 :V Bible Institute MBS 9:00 Honiemaken Harmonies 9:13 Hair-Ralslns Tale 9::t0 Platter Parly 9:45 Favorite of Yesterday 10:00 News MBS 10:13 Tello-Tett ' 1C:: 1 I Pofr1ei 10:45 Concert 10:30 Currint 10:53 Ken Carson U:uO Lai. tea ir MBS 11:23 Newa U'-tO Queen for Day MBS 12:00 Nam Bands 12:13 Headline Newt 12:30 Dance Tunes 12:45 Market-Livestock 1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS 1:30 Tune Test 1:55 New 2:00 Newt MBS 2:05 Network fwi MBS 2:15 Tea Time Tips a:ti Answer Man .1BS 3:00 Rtcxy's Request 4:00 Speed Gibson MBS 4:15 Hemingway News MBS 4:30 Curt Masse y Time MBS 4:45 Sim Haye. Newa MBS 3:00 Twilight Time 3 30 Wild Bill Hickock MBS 3:33 Newa MBS :00 Gabt.'el Heatter MBS v 0:15 Quit Show :30 Around Town News 0:45 Sam Hayes News MBS 6:55 Bill Henrv MBS 7:00 Adven. of Maii MBS 7:JU Cisco Kid .it 8:00 Basketball 9:00 Glenn Hardy, Newi MBS 9:13 Basketball 0:43 Fulton Lewis Jr. 9:a3 3-Min. Final I0.()0 1 Love A Mviery MBS 10:13 U. S, Navy Band 10:30 Proudly W Hail 11:00 Night Owls Laitioa 11:03 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sifn Off Truman to Get Controls Extension, No Changes WASHINGTON Ml President Truman will Ret controls extru sion Uw on the books this year, but not with all o( the chmujes he Is seeking. Tills Is the initial Congressional action on the controls mrsnKe sent by the President to Cnpllol Hill Tuesday. Mr. Truman asked a two year extension of the Defence Pro. ductlon Act the Uw that carries price, wage, rent and credit cone trols phis production and alloca tion powers lor the- mobilisation drive. GOP VIEWS Republican lawmakers avatlnble for comment Wednesday said the President would probably get a one year extension of the law rather than the two years sought by the White House. They also said they would try lo ease the present "stifling controls" instead of strengthening them as Mr. Truman asked. The nresidentlal message par lie ularly crltlclned lour provisions of the present law which he said "se riously weakened" controls. They Included the so-called Capeharl Amendment, which allows manu facturers and processors to get price boosts to covor cost Increase between the start of the Korean War and July 36. IBM. SCAPKnOAIS Senate OOP Floor Leader 8tyles Bridges, N il. said the President wits trying to initke the Capchnrl and other amendments "scape goats for his administration's fail ure to extinguish the fires of In flation." The act should be extended, Bridges said, "but our efforts should be directed toward easing stilling controls Instead of toward strangulation of productivity by government bosses." Some key Democratic lawmak ers also Indicated less than whole. Hedy to Reap Big Reward When 'Interlude Is Filmed Bv KRSKINK JOHNSON HOLLWOOD iNEAl Exclu sively Yours: Hedy Lainorr has definitely decided to star In "In terlude," with filming to be done in Mexico. It's one of those whopping percentage deals that will pay Hedy large hunks of cash over a period of years. Errol Flynn. whose slick comedy sense surprised everybody on TV's "Comedy Hour." Isn't admitting that he is planning more parlor screen appearances. "I did it be cause Bud Abbott is a close friend." Errol said. "You might say It was, an act of charity. "The Sea Around Us," Rachel Carson's best - seller about the strange life at the bottom of the ocean, has been optioned by RKO. Dentist Draft Quota Coming PORTLAND W Oregon's quota if dentists to be drafted will be nnounced within a few days, acc ording to Col. Francis W. Mason, ie state's deputy draft director. Youngest men will be called up irst. Mason said Tuesday. Some 3b dentists throughout the nation lace draft calls. I Joan Bennett, set to do a TV series before the bullets whined through that "purple hare," was paid off to the tune of 12.000 to ifcrget Uie whole thing. ! MGM's remake of the Norma : Shearer-Clark Gable-Lionel Barry- more classic, "A Free Soul." may still reach the screen with the orig inal title. The current tag. "The Girl Who Had Everything," Isn't final. Liz Taylor is the girl and Bill Powell will do the attorney role created by Lionel. Gable's part has not been cast. . John Payne on his romance with sultry Lina Romay: j. aon i tninn eitner one oi us is serious. She's 'a nice girl. I've been out with her half a dozen times, that's all." PLEASE NOTE : - IN ORDER TO SHOW THESE TWO GREAT PICTURES OY A SINGLE PROGRAM SPECIAL PERMISSION flAD TO RR. GRANTED BY THE PRODUCER MGM. BOTH PICTURES HAVE! KtUtlVtU SPECIAL AWARDS. nXfrtltl'-'Ji kROD CAMERON At H.UTHL1SS . t toNMrfMsN-HL.. I "IIIJF' I VJsVT I CONTINUOUS FROM 1:30 ' " ' W if NX rr- is m nm rr adult .,j.Ti. ENTERTAIN- Gt3SSl Tmenti" JT THAT BORN YESTERDAY" STAR 4 VVl H' 1' SEE "THE MOB" FROM THE BEGINNING - I . J I J I uinw at 3n;.i.' I XiSlX I I You've heard the walls of actors about the rigors of doing live TV. Nov, lend an ear to Mary Ander son's account of what an actress goes through working In a Holly wood-made tnort mm lor TV. "I'd thow up at the' studio at 1 in the morning and work until 10 at night," moaned Mary about her starring role In "Mardl Gras," one of the features of the "Unexpect ed" series. "I was on my feet the entire time. The pace was killing. How the crew stands It, I don't know. "But you know something? II was fun." Rock Hudson, who looks enouch like Robert Ryan to be his broth er, will co-star with Ryan In UI's 'The Texas Man." His role: Ryan s brother ... Scott Brady's heart sick. Hal Wallls offered him his top salary to date to play the mus cular college iaa in tome nac. Little Siieba," but UI and Fox said "No." Raliirrlav't twin hill nt fh T.V ccum children's matinee In Clcve anA thin 1e sin., fnr ih hnnW Th. Hm' "T.nv Nmst" and "Let's Make it Legal. There's a serious wobble In the marriage of actress Dolores Moran and Producer Benedict Bogeaus. Alllnn UQltl Xf,-nnnlll TrVlA 1IH when sne receivea nowcrs irom John Marsh of Atlanta. Ga. Marsh married to the late Margaret Mitchell, who wrote "Gone With the Wind." the picture that won DiSalle Wins Truman Praise WASHINGTON (VP) Michael V. DiSalle, the little fat man from Toledo. Thursday neared the end of 14 months' service as the na- ton's nrice boss with a farewell pat on the back from President truman lor a gooci joo cione oy "a wonderful guy." Further, the President told Di Salle. "I hope you will succeed In helping the Democrats to retire a distinguished Benator" In Ohio this fall. Truman referred to Sen. John W. Brlckei" (R.-Ohlo) whom DiSalle hopes to unseat. The former Toledo mayor quits the price post Friday io go home to Ohio to begin his cpmpaign for the Democratic sen atorial nomination. If he wins that, he'll opose Brlcker In November. The President spoke briefly in a surprise appearance at a testimon ial dinner given for DiSalle by about 1)00 persons. He said that DiSalle's efforts had made the nrlce post "a bed of roses" for Ellis Arnall, ex-governor of Georgia, who la awaiting Senate confirmation to become the new OPS chief probably next week. Arnall attended the dinner and was Introduced. Gas Explosion Injures 15 FARMINGDALE, N. Y. (Pi A leaking gas main explosion demol ished a small savings and loan as sociation building Wednesday and Injured at least IS persons. Fire burned through the wreck age of the one-story colonial-style lrame building of the Farmingdale Federal Savings and Loan Assocla tlon. UpwanJs of $10,000 In cash, and a largo number of mortgages and other documents were destroyed. Hattle an Academy award. A quick shot of two bums In "War of the Words" Is getting projection rooms howls at Para mount. The bums were played, as a lurk, by Producer George Pal and his associate, . Frank Free man Jr. Claire Trevor, whose TV appear ances have been limited lo com mercials blurbs about wrist watches. Jumps Into the live arena with a series of dramatic shows from New York. Taboo subject matter In the Trevor book of rules: Female private eyes, heart-nf-gold tough dolls and gangster molls. Mrs. Paul Muni Is seriously 111. . . . Daria Massey, who played the daughter of Danny Thomas In "I'll See You In My Dreams." will have an important role In "The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima." . . .Bob Hope has a TV sponsor on the hook who wants to build him his own video theater In Hollywood . . . The Photoplay Gold Medal Award Dinner has been set for Feb. 11 at the Embassy Room of the Ambas sador Hotel. Sllvano Magano, the earthy star of "Bitter Rice." plays a nun In her next film . . . Frank Parker, the ex-tennls champ. Is coaching Katharine Hepburn for her racket wielding in "Pat and Mike." She plays a professional lady athlete who's also a whiz at golf, baseball, basketball and skeet shooting. hearted support for llnuse requests. the White Ex-Con Fears Another Fall VANCOUVEIl, Wash. I.fl-A man who has spent half his life In pris on, walked Into the pollen Million here and asked to be locked up. Unless he was, he might rob n bank, police quoted him as miylng. Chief Hurry Diamond idrutlflc.l the man as Terry Donovan, H, released less than two weeks ago from the Oregon State Prison after serving four years lor armed rob bery. Donovan, who has served seven sentences which total 31 years Ill various prisons wants lo go straight now, Diamond said Mon day. So the police held him until they could Ilnd a Job fur him. MOHK I'ASUAlriKS WASHINGTON I.H Tho Detente Department Thursday Identified 30 more battle casuulllrs In the ftooth list Issued shire the start of hostili ties In Korea. 11 reported one killed, 3 wounded, three missing In action and four Injured. C.OOI) Something to write home about are bnnnnss, cut lengthwise In half, dipped in condensed milk, rolled in coconut, then placed In shallow pan and bnkcil In the modern gas oven (375 F) for 20 minutes or until brown. Dam Opposed Bv Chamber . Vti suolo agninni the dam. t 1 J ' Mint oilier Central Orcgbn; BISTHHS, Ore. Ml Tho Slaters Chamber of Commerce wont on re cord 'luesduy nluht opposing con struction ol peituu Until uu (lie DoMihutes River. The vole cnino after a lulk by Xnllle UuhIcs. Piirllnnd lunik Wnl ton League Chapter president, lie Chambers uf Cuiniuerco have voted lo support ciiuntrurtloii of the dam by the Portland Oumil Klrclrlo Company. ' 1 nS ,00 9 a.m. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY SPONSORED BY EMIL'S MARKETS "50 5000 n'T Wott, Dial KFJI 0G & G 9 8 0 6 & d U toi 4: ij.. s Assorted Candy Coated CHOCOLATS Take home M & M'l os a special family treat. Bile-tire cho' colotes, with deli cious candy coatings in different colors. As good to look at as they ore to eat. m FULL POUND rO,aO,i:i4Vi:H:l:4VfF Take the wheel toM tlwfeel of this amazing performer! i Words can't describe It you have to drive the great 1932 Dual-Range Pontlac to appreciate how amizlnf it really l! Only by driving this wonderful new Pontlac yourtelj can you completely enjoy the thrill of having, under finger-tip control, two entirely different types of performance: quick, eager acceleration for traffic or economical, almost silent cruising for the open road. Once you take the heel, you'll say, "This la It!" for never before has auch spectacular per formance been combined with such remarkable economy. Come In today experience the most exciting driving In all the world. Optional at extra eon. Hnllar tor Hollar You Can't Brat a Pontine! . at n m m 4 with spectacular Dunl-Jlftttgc Performance PARKER PONTIAC CO. Ml M 4th and Klamath Ave. j Klamath Falls, OreiS