PAGE EIGHTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1 052 Legal Notice CITATION IN THE CIHCUIT COI-HT OT THE STATK Or OHKCON rOH KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Adoption of Ronald jonn urm, jmnor. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby cited ana required to appear in the Circuit Court of trfo State of Oregon, for Klnmath county, at tne court Koom -.nerrm. VI. math F.m In tint CntintV of Klam ath on the 10th day of March, ipsa at 10 o'ciock in me lorenoon t" day, than and there to ihow cause. If any there be, why the petition f Jamti A. Bunnell and Helen Marie Bunnell, praying for the adoption and chance of name of Ronald John Crews to nama of Ronald John Bunnell, sno.iia rot ba granted, the adoption allowed and ehanie of nama permitted at in aald petition prayed for. WITNESS, tha Hon. David R. Van denberg. Judge of the Circuit Court of Oregon for Klamath County, with tha seal of Mid Court affixed this 4th day of February, 1053. ATTEST: Chaa. T. Del-ap, Clerk By Jane Waver. Depuly Clerk r-T-K-ai-aa No. saa "0ldat40,50,60?" Man, You're Crazy Torftt your srl Thmitanrt ut peppr at To. Trj' "prppliic up" wuh thiri. Cotiiaiiw tone fur irnk. rundown fethng dtie Mel, t Uxty's Urk al Iron whtrh many xatn Mid w-iur:i rU old " Twiwl by IhKiort! Mifi m-nricl fiwd tMiilM. Many. liiiiirrMd. l(l, "Will ih-i-m'-U Omrn Id fuliirf. Try Omit Tonic Tnlilrii tor pop, vim, ymincrr fflrliiut. Money bark l( sot detlgbted. 60f lauvduciory Wit i At all drur stores everywhere In KUmath Falls, at PaMrM EQUITY NO. 08 Suit for Dlvorc SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY ELM O. BAILEY, Plaintiff, 1 va. I ALICE BAILEY, a Defcndent ' To: ALICE BAILEY, Defendmt. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed atrainat you In tha above enuuea court nn nr iMfnro lh KirliOH Of fOUr weeks from February 7, which Is the dale of firt publication of this summons; ana you iau io ao inrr, for want inerroi. piamuii win ippn to the Court for the relief prayed for m hi (nmntjimt. til-wit: For a decree of divorce forever dissolving the bond, of matrimony heretofore and now exist ing between you ana me p.ainn.i. Thi tumtnon is served upon you bv publication thereof once each week for four uiveive weeks, pumiant to order of Hon. David H. Vandcnberg, Judge of the above antitled Court, rl ltd February 5, 1AS3. CHATRUHN & BRICKNER Merrill. Oregon Attorney! for Plaintiff F-T-M-ai-aa M- no. &u Don't Ntglect Slipping FALSE TEETH X falsa teeth drop. Blip or wobble when ou talk. eat. laugh or aneete? Ion'i be annoed and embarrassed by such handicaps. FASTEKTH. n alka line (non-neidl powder to sprinkle on your plates, keeps falsa teeth more firmly act. Gives confident feeling of se. curlty and added ctmfort. No gummy, fooey. pastv taste or feeling. Get FA8 EETH today at any drear atore. HCitoni, ni'R CHASMS and ROllY tun The Klamath County School DWtrlct will receive b di for school bus citattli, school bus body and one transit t pe school bus at one o clock p.m., Tnurs. dav. February 21. UM2 tn the lountv School Office. Veterans' Memorial Building. Klamath Falls. Ore ion SCHOOL Ut'S BODY SPECIFICA TIONS: One tki-pae tiger: 37 inch svat spacing: M ounce Korosenl or equiva lent upholstery; ba equipped to com ply with Oregon Law for school bus tKKties. (Alternate niti. two sucn unitsi CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS: 10 hole nudd wheels; 30 Inch rim: 400 cubic inch displacement or mora: to.ou tire, 10 ply or better; S speed transmission with fifth overdrive; ao amp. or Deuei generator: not less than ltt amp, noui battery: bus type springs - not mica: Hdro-vac booiter brakes or equiva lent: bus tpe chawis; full length frame: cantoned with Tachometer complete with tow hooka both front and rear; oil filters; roll tip tire car rier; bus chassis to comply with all state school bus regulation. (Alternate bid. two such tiniU TRANSIT TYPE SCHOOL COACH Capable of sealing 79 we use users; equipped with rear mounted engine ol not less than 4S0 cubic Inch displace ment; equipped with nut lens tnnn 10 00 x 20 x 13 ply tires: 30 inch rim 10 hole Budd wheels: five speed trans mtiftton with fifth direct; engine to be equipped with twelve volt electrical KVhtem: SO amn. or better Bcncrator: not lea than IM amp. hour with two (kvoll or one la-voil or equivalent oat- tery. or natter: out type apringa - not truck: Hydro-vac booster brakes, with alternate bid with air: equipped with tow hooks both front and rear: oil fl). ter: roll up tire carrier, mis chassis. complete unit, to comply wttn an state school bus regulations. The Kin. man. county srnooi uistrict reserve the right to accept or reject or all bids and to waive any or all irregularities in the bids submitted. Kespecuu i ty su on . 1 1 tea, lit J. F. HKYDEN. Clerk J-2S F-14 No. 871 Does your oil heo,r GIVE 100 LITTLE HEAT, BURN TOO MUCH OIL?! End your tropes today, fc SJITCH TO A CLASSIFIED RATES On, duj , .. per ward rhm Dayi , per word lie Week run , per word 30c Month run . per word B9c MINIMUM The minimum elm i no for any one d 60c. BOX NUMBERS Aimers to ds may be handled Uirough box numbera nt the paper I or service cluirge 01 joc, DEADLINES Classified ads auceptcu up to 5:30 pjn. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up tc 12 noon for following day pub' Ucatlon. ADJUSTMENTS Please mane all claims liv adjust merits without delay. Corrections or cancellation re ceived by 5:30 p.m. will be made in following dav'a publication FUNERAL HOME) WARD'S KUmalti runtrl Horn,. niinstrwl Pfton. 3334. MEETING NOTICES KLAMATH LOUOE No, 77 A. PA-AM. will hold a sprclul nicclliie Feb. 15. 7 p.m. Work In EA Desree. Visiting Breth. ren invltol. DALE BEBBER Woislilpfiil Muster if STATED MEETINO OF MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 173 O.E.S. will be held Fri dny, February 15 at 8 o clock in the I.O.O.F. hall. Valentine Party Visitors welcome. VERA FRITSCH.W.M. JOHN LARSON - W.P. KL"TH FALLS Aerie No. 3090 (Of RcKiilnr merlins . , I , ......... B. 1 J 1 1 1 tu-ij rriun.v '. O. E. Hall. 9th Mid Walnut. Visiting members cordially Invited Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. lo 1 n.m REGULAR MEETING" of Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary will be held Friday. February 15. In the K.C. Hall at 8 p.m. y-mU'lMIL!!i prater Lake Lodge No. Ill A-F.eVA.M. will hold special Conummirn lion in the MM decree. Thursday, February H u 7:30 p.m. Visiting Brethren. Wm. Fink Secy. LOST AND FOUND I '"y VPAnNffiD AUTOMATIC , jjjivS S OIL or GAS HEATERS WS00WM4 Zmi Mil ' iA ' ' S""fi Doe a betfer job f heating 1 i I OST. ladvS di.iTnincl rlnz hi downtown Klamath Falls. One large and two small stong. Reward. Phone 90ltti. LOST. Moose ring. vlcrnrtySouVh Sixth and Martin. Phone 2-1.121 after six p m. PERSONALS REAL silk Phone M08. I WASHINGTON Beauty Shoo Evening I appointments. Phone 3622. 1018 Washing- ton. ORDER jour Spencer garment before I selecting 'your spring wararooe. rnone 7132. HELEN'S BEAUTY SALON. 1719 Mam Phone 62H4. SI ANLEY Home Products. Phone M 10 Service i make it fun to get things done I'm a Herald and News Class ified ad. the scout who does hundreds of good deeds daily for the people of Klamath Falls without blinking an eye lid. And all you do to solve your problems la spend a min ute to call for my help. 10 SERVICES V'ATrHWQ and nauirhailgmg. I'hofy IfiiKp'S AllftrKlnirngrtweV ind Urn tier work Phona 4040. KXkV,fllldwiRiNU, work tr hour or conirari. rnona S-101O Pt'HTAlFfs- laun,H"'.i anB iTralcnVrf .-none .via TT Public Accotinlant ltd Auditor "lilca t atiti No. Tth - Phona I.14S 12 EDUCATIONAL MONOTHEISM divorced from semetlc theology: based on Oenesls 1:10. rust three discourses II. S. C. SORENSEN Brookstde Ave. 3 Pnradlse, Calif. Ml'll T ONlMANtTANru MKON i rB tiiie. I'luino a-uuiii. DookKKKI'lNQ". sir,nThaiTuvpiiurTrn" lrd subjects, office machlnts KLAMATH BUSINESS Ctll.l.tai 133 Pln Phono 47, CHILD CARI and aducalloii7lrr-w)ioo) U HEALTH mrtnnur,. incmprunc exercises IS 14 NILP WANTID, flMALl" WANTKtV houekeeiier t live in." with uod umjtjii phone :tTlfl. oftlce worker. Must be thoroughly - peririu'ttu mi cjiplil of eernlii tip i'."iiHiii rtppiy hi Mr- s'nn. nrrurr JMOrf. W A NTF DTTiini ek ee pe M n 'nBerncou n try home. Phone 331 Mslln. EXPKNIENCED bookkeecr for payrnll etui iteueiul o(fu- work. Apulv utler p-hi insi aue i aimtirv ami f lcnnfri EAft.N numey a( ho'me. Full, part time llox 12. ralil and News. 16 HELP WANTED, MALI Help Wanted AGRICULTURAL 6ALKSMAN By one of the IradiiiR ftgrlcultuml dealerships in this area. Excellent working conditions. Write BOX 17 HERALD A.VD NEWS VVA.NTED. re-upholsterer to handle con tract upholstcrluif. pickup and deliv ery. See Mr. Uiatr, bears, Hoebuck. Phone 31HH. YOUNG MAN to lull! thnn Inrrman tn truck shop. No experience nec.ary. Prefer young man who intends to make the irucklng biuine his career. Hoi m. Herald and News. SERVICE SALESMAN fnl- l.w.t dealer. Plenty of chance for advance ment If you are a reaponstble per son. All replies kept confidential. lto n. ncraia a nil news. 18 SITUATIONS ANTED BABY SITTINCi. phone a..fiMvenlna'. h6ur""woik. Phone""2-24:l. CAIIPENTER WORK wanlt n.'.V. 7.. 'V; ' J"" icAanaer, mi i unncl St Phone 9.1112. CHILD CAHKrSintivSS. BABY sitting. Phone 2 0372. it HOUSES FOR HINT rliinir!NfaemT-niiiilerir ,,.i,r,i iHiuse. ana no. inuutio jac llrwk in, mill Waiitlaud. roK BENT, llva room furnished house Iwo hlorks trout I', depot. Adults ouir. t ail 2ltl No. Klilnrado. rUHNIHIIEI) IIOIIHK. two large rmiim -,u i,ain. near nua line. a;io par ntoitllt. ,.m,- ...h niisns way. TWO.IirnnoOM lnnl,l hou Adults No pets. ISO month. Call after is noon, -d um. tlNKIIMNlmiKI) lour room dimlaa rj repl for stoves. S.10. Call .1027 before P l IX. roil RENT tn tollple. small fiirnlalied house, rireplace gas floor furnace. S40 tier titontit pats. Phone 74n TIIIIKK ROOM modern house, partly i ,,... s. i arron. I2ti iiontedaie OR RENT, on lieilnioin furtilshetl nous, inquir 022 Uiwell. TWO IIEDIIOOM furnished house' none oinu. 21 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT is DEE11IVE S"it tj" u TRUCKS V DRIVE Move Yourself Save '4 New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Blukes Vang BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 E. Main. Phone 1304 FOR RENT. ricrTTrrTg7t'.d7rur'rrr liarley, potatoes, and some A-l onion I' mi. id. Box 101. Klamath (alls or ijiiiinf, owner i.orella J t (13. OH i.EASE- 173 ' ana "irrigated""" tato grain, clover land In Bulla Valley llox III. Herald and News orricE sPAt-r fr r.,;i fiir;-jt.,. voasi io coast more. for rent no n:iinn:st7r ,nr snuos and grln. write Her aid News, llox 13. omcK for rem. 023 Main Ph'niie "IB HEIST f nor Bandar, Iviu r.,pi.m ouiHirnan t.tinioer uo llth ndWalnut Phone T7M CAH RTORAGR llATEDraa"vweek or month. Earl Lamb, phona 4873 or 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALS WILL care for Chlldran In mr hnV. days or your horn evenings. Call 22 ROOMS FOR RENT whatever i touch turns to gold If you don't believe in music It's because you haven't met me. I'm the fellow that tunu Into gold anything I handle and you guessed It I I'm a Herald and News Classified ad! If for example you've vacan cies to fill, I find you tenanu and you collect the rent. If you've things to sell. I round up buyers and they bring you the cash! If you've Idle time on your hands, I find you a Job and you're paid a .salary. Yes, gold - gold - gold is what you make through me! For my magic touch, simply phone 8111 for an ad-writer PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Here Is a real home In wonderful condition from Ion to bottom. Two brdroom home with hardwood floors tiirougnout. Large kitchen, extra large utility room, which would be used as an extra bedroom, or den. Dinning room and in rue living room with fireplace. The price Is only 110,000 for this lovely home. Better act fast on this genuine bargain. GIs $500 DOWN South Suburban 13 acre. Very neat home. Ideal for couple. This bungalow Is only $5500 and has hardwood floors, large living room and dinning room,. Take advantage of this fine offer now. Farms and Ranches We now have some goosl buys on (arms and ranches call or come In and see us soon. From t acres to 34O0 acres. Claire Ellis Jay P. Orlggs Gene Favell Ph. 3-3669 Ph. 42M Ph. 6045 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE One bedroom home, Two nice corner lots, attached garage. New electric heat. In very fine contll. turn. Lois of flowers anil shade. Helling bet'uuse of poor health. Price $51100. We have a beautiful pumice brick homo. Two briliouiiis, fliepliice, 13 acre in mihurua. Will trade II we can find them a small acreage near town. SUUURUS-Four acres bruiillftil grouts!. Four bedroom home, two car giiriuie. On good highway for 1 0,600. The Utile, hot spot of town. Kent on this cafe for only t'M per month. 8 stools, three boot lis. new sleam table, 18 font a. K. Box. good gas range. Fully equipped for lildOO, FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIB COATKS, 8alr.siidy 408 Main Ofllce Ph. U-33.16 Kves. 3-1306 HOT SPRINGS See this fine five room home In extellrnl location. Large living and dining room, attractive fireplace, two snaclous bedrooms, wen tie- signed kitchen and utility. Modern bath, large unfurnished room over garage with Inside entrance, quick pos.scs.slon. 113.760. MILLS ADDITION IMMKDIATK POSSESSION on tills attractive two bedroom home fea turing large living and dining room, convenient kitchen, elevated bed rooms Willi double oloseta. nice bath, garage and part basement. Insulated and weatherslrlped. A floor plan that Is different. For quick sale $0500. Terms. Suburban Ranch Style located among all fine homes off Summers Lane near Peterson School. Oversized living room, two large bedrooms with wardrobe closets, beautlul bath with tub and stall shower, dining room, we planned kitchen and utility. In. stilated walls and ceilings, weather 'stripped. Attached garage, large isnoscapea lot. 1 13.500. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 82041 JOE LEONARD (Eves. 3-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 817 Main Phone 3311 10 RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE FAR'MF0R"SALE7 02 acre farm, near city 011 highway, very good home with electric heat, also oilier buildings. Land plniilrtl to pasture griiaa, clover, alfalfa and ba In tire grain land. Very good act up for diversified farming or dairy. Cull office fur more Information, Bee Fred Cnfer R. L, Stephens Barnhisel Agency Phone 4 let "MILLS" 15800-Modcru three bedroom. Liv. lug room kitchen, 11 1 1 Illy. Large lot, Terms, 7600-Modern two bedroom. Liv ing room, sun porch, kitchen, tilll 11 y. Large giirage and lot. Take car or pickup as part. Terms. $0500 Two bedroom, excellent con dition. Hardwood throughout. On year old. Terms. SOUTH SUBURBS 5500-M(Hlern Iwo bedroom, new, Needs some finishing. Excellent. Two and two tenths acres, Terms. 0050 Modern two bedroom. Nice condition. Large lot. Assumed CII Loan. Terms. VKIINON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 831 80. Sixth Phone 1105, 6544 or7033 ton MALE. S perceni 'contract orThntii and lata lot on Slaniaulta Hot Sprltias Due for foreclosure arouod S2 W worth S4.OO0. Closing parlnerahlp. P o.' NEW" iMSlEg-fr Powelt Phone SS20. "sale. William-i'. KOH, wall linprnveirTwo acresnrl Kail" T,ephona 4070 or call al 20J0 J2 IUILDIN0 4 REMODELING W. W. Thompson at Miilln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1313 Mo III St. Whslhsr vnn'rs lntAroctH In ' FOR RENT, housekeeping room with Whether you re lnterestM in prlvlt bllh phone or M fls selling, buying, renting, hiring help, finding a Job or recover ing a loss, I help you do It the easy, pleasant way. So have fun In getting things done. For my scout-services, simply phone 8111 for an ad-writer 8th. BOARD, room, reasonable. Phone 4234. NICE, healed rooms. 322 Pacific Ter race. ROOM and board or rooms. Men oniy mm no. um. ..l,u.-,a tor rem, clean. Close 10. Phone a-iiatHi. ilOOMS. prices reasonable. Phore 4ii27" LOVELY rooms for rent S-7 a week cioss in. Phone 43s. HOOMS 1034 High Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE s 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 3386 GETS TO THE BOTTOM OF THE COLD FLOOR PROBLEM .w ii.i rj - your SiegUr Oil or Gas Heater doesn't . deliver more and hotter heat over the door than ANY comparable size heater regardless of make or price, yoa get your money bade." EXCAVATING Mobil rjhovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer Fill Dirt - TopsoU Crushed Rock Driveway Clndeis Compressor CRANE 3ERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 6341 or 0110 SEE YOUR NEAREST DEALER, or write Siegler, Central.a, irS SMOKELESS! IT'S SOOTLESS! Seigler Heaters Are Sold Exclusively At Septic I anks Cleaned Npwest Sanitary Method! Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans tScwer Lines of Roots, Ete ED P KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 6841 PIANO TUNING WM. HTMORGAN factory trained technician and tuner. I For tunings call Kyle Morgan Piano, nf.K wain or pnonc a-ow, ALTERATIONS on men's, women7? Jchildren'ti clothing. Jennie Hare, Seam. Ereshrtnnas, vuv main. DITCH dic-fl-ine and back fltllna with rnrnsnn Trencn hoc. uan a-iti.-vi. :mr or fA2H, DOCTORS - WAITRESSES - NURSES BEAUTICIANS. HOOVER NYLON UNIFORMS. PHONE 2-2QS0. FULLER Brushes. Phone 0604 or 8677. FOR TREE TRIMMING Phone 2-0:.3.1 INCOME TAX RETURNS For appointment Phone 2-02.11. Harvey mxpnam, SEWING and alterations. Kitty DreueJ. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREHV f.IVEN that I undersigned JOHN NKiBEHT has been, by an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oreirnn for Klamath County, appointed executor of the Last I Will and Testament and of tha aalala of G. NEUBERT. deceased, and that Letters Testamentary have been Issued I to him. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified R resent the same, duly verified and Drooer vouchers, to tha under signed at Room 201, First Federal 9th & Klamath Phone 4878 3 Sfivinai and Loan BuIIdlne. Klamath I Falls, Oregon, within six (6) months 1 from tha data of tha first oubllcatlnn of this notice, which publication la the ram aay or January. i9z. fuun, executor 01 me Last Will and Testament and of the estate of G. NetiberL daceaaed. FARFIKNS A MAXWELL Attorneys for Executor I J-24-31 r-7-14 No. nrifl By b, J. coddard 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT THREE room unfurnished basement apartment. $.'17 SO. Heat, water fur nished. Phone 3410 after 8 p.m. FURNISHED apartment for rent, :t0 per month, m-.ulre 4 Marpr Apl healed. LARGE furnished apartment. ciose in. Aauits. pnone 4.117. FOR RENT, two room furnished apart d apni ne 7:i! ment. Couples 2124 Blehn. Phni STEAJW HEATED apartment with bed room. fJ2tt Oak St. for rent. Vacancy FURNISHED apartment Apartment i, zou Market. ROYAL ARMS apartments. S24 High. Phone BS71. FURNISHED three large rooms In du plex, (.lose in. ideal for wonting couple. ciecinc neat- ana garage at wt Jel- ferson. Phone 3242. NKW apartment 2141 Gary i block off So. 0th. furnished llvln room, bed room, bath and kitchenette. Couple only rnone -i"J. wo grinning, MODERN 8-room 3-bedroom apart ment, utilities rurmsnca. OLYMPIC APTS. 207 E. Main FOR RENT, attractive one bedroom apartment. Electric atove, refrigerator. oarage, neat ana water iiirnisnea. A dults. No pets. S7.B0. Phone 73S8. TWO rooms completely furnished ex- cept groceries. 114.1 Pine. ipnrtment. 81 a part r 11 Oak. Phone 2-IRt)4. TWO ROOM apartment. Fireplace adds to nomeiike atmosnncre. private nntn, Electric heat and water furnished. Phone 3-OII7H. .SMALL clean aonrlment. cquippcq. n. nun. Electrically Apartment for two, $30. Utilities fur niched. Frlgldalre. 40.1 No. 3rd. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. 2001 wnne, ft ICE steam-heated apartment, " adul ta. corner Pine ana i;eaar. THREE rooms furnished, close In. Laun dry. Couple only, no pets. 804 Lincoln. Call 2-3170. FURNISHED two room apartment, re frigerator gia; an utilities inciuaeo, 4H) N. Tenth. ON15 Bedroom unfurnlrfhed apartment. uas equipped, en 1 1 a-onii. NEWLY decorated, orlvate bath, kit chenette. Steam heat electric ranae Sin week Rex Arms Apartment. FOR RENT, furnished apart r-ant In ouire sin High CLEAN. warnT modern. furnished apartment. Cou pies. Phone 84S0. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT UNFURNISHED five rooms. .wriwrTn qulre 2.(40 White. THREE room non-modern piirtiallv furnished cahln. Ilfl. South Suburbs. p honj 3410 after 6j),m, FOR HKNT. two bedroom furnished nouse. Artnur, FOR RENT, clean "iwo " iwdroom-fiir- nished house. Close In. Ideal for work- i ng cou pie. Adults only. Phone 74s. FOR hENT two-hedrsrm hotii t rives rurnlfthcd. $50. 2.10 Nevada. Call 2-012.1. ONE bedroom furnished houne and ga rase nenr hlah school. $40 ner month. rteferenres. Boaua Dale Realtor. 122 South Bin. RANCHES We have three dandles. 100 acres wonderful black soli. All imitated and well drained. No biilldlnits. fenced on three sides. Hclllne, for $31,500. 176 acres 40 acres dry land. 20 acre:i In altalfii, 13 acres In clover. 10 acres In new pasture. Three bed room modern home and lots ilf Rood out bulldlims. Selllnn price I56.5U0. On very good hlehway. 100 acres under soil conservation, all In alfnlfa and pasture. Well leveled. Three bedroom modern home, lnmc spud cellar and aeveral out bulldliutA. Ideal for sheep or as is. a Rood A dairy. Buy this as you can't start a new Oradc A quota. All for 130.000. FRED E. FLEET ' REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-.1335 Eves. 2-136S 240 ACRES Best soil In the county. 92 acres In alfalfa, 100 acres ready for spuds. Larue potato cellar In excellent con- riltlon, big hoy barn, machine sheds. slaughter house, modern nome. also pasture along Lost River for 50 head of cattle. Including all machinery, price 85,000. Terms. 175 ACRES Four miles out. All under free Irrlnatlon. Nice lnrno home. Good water. On main highway. Price $27,500. 112,000 down, balance on long terms. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 South Sixth Phones - 9832 - 6045 - 6371 Large, Comfortable Suburban Here Is. the lovelv country home you have been looking tor. A laoo sq. it. noiwe, 1 large bedrooms, separate dining mom. dinette space in Kitchen. Electric heat, fu lv in. suliilrd, aloriii windows, automatic wuslirr. Darbecue pit In cleverly lancincapen rear yam. Hilly frncrd 50 rose bushes, etc, 100x1(10 ft. lot Price H2.500. Easy loan terms. Income Property 15 Unit apartment court within easy walking distance of the bujl ness district. This place shnws a consistent net profit of over I5O0U per year. Mnke reasonable down payment and the place will both pay for Itself and give a handsome Income. In excellent condition and always FULLY rented. MILLS ADDITION Just 1 block from the busline. You will like this cozy 1 bedroom mod ern home. Insulated, automatic oil heat, concrete foundation, de- tnchtvl garage, yard all fenced Price 14500. 3 BEDROOMS Newfy redecorated and ready to move Into. Dining room, bienktnst nook, full basement, forced air oil heat. On naved street In good neighborhood. FIIA terms. Price (12,000. OPEN KVENiNOS BY ' APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Ph. 5658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2400 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Rc niton 81 nee 1900 111 N, Oth St. Phone 4564 or 5321 trnn raiTr int on hlahway 07 near Junction, Suitable for sign display. Dirt, nil, iow stone wan. mM .. pnone imi, uriMKR rOR 1ALE EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Klrkpatrlck Bleman 121 N 8th Phona bbi FOR SALE by owner. Small modern two bedroom home In Hillside section. Phorie 7S.VI or call at l'JBSheldon. BSSTIJtTLE RANCH" IN VALLEY acres Handy loam son, near Annm Point. I4M. acres ready for potatoes. 10 acres or clover, balance naney and alfalfa. Two bedroom modern home, bnrn. chicken house. $27,800. Terms If desired. Ed Pope, Merrill. FULL slic lot on Pacific Terrace. Assorismcnts all nnld. 8IOA0. EVER KIT DKNNIH, JtEALTtJIt 121 N. flth FOR SALE. ' flva bedroom house, corner lot. by owner. pnone ma, jwerriu, uregon. Phone 8401 modern 93800. DRIVfc by 4017 Shasta Wny and see nts attractive two nedronm nome witn garden land and chicken house. Bus service and pavement. Only $i:.00 down EVBIIr.TT tUGNNIS, RKALTOH 121 No. ath. Phone A10J 6 BEDROOMS Completely Furnished Home In Hot Springs This home has many extras Mich as natural hot water heat, T,wo baths, wall to wall carpeting on Main floor, corner fireplace, two picture windows In living room, full basement. Some of the furnishings are General Electric range and refrigerator, small upright piano, modern sectional living room suite, bed linens and blankets. If you need a large furnished home phone to ace this one today, Price $26,600. Terms. Anne Mason Eddie Hoslcy Eves 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 8. 9th Phone 7266 CATTLE-GRAIN . TIMBER $5 to (15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Oov't, Slate and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific- Lands 1021 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. M'JUr.nN two bedroom home, close In. Insulated, asbestos siding, elenlrlc heat Kmall down oavment with low mnnih. iy payment. Phona 0278. ROOFINO ilulll-iip Composition Shingles Aluminum Shingles 8ID1NO Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-ln Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOW! Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 3443, Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED hblilTBhtt-iOiolrlS Buff blend, red blend. S3 so roM. CAI.I. MAUDS COM THtl rSTI MATX ON MOorlNG AND atDINO MONTUOMEIIY WARD gib and I'lne Phone SI as WAnn'F'iiAnnno'AiiD IsS's. MM. ...... Sisl Phone .USB ath and Pine 34 lfL MATING ASHLEY AUTOMATIC WOOD HEATERS Engineered for safety and aniss Ing economy, burns wood or presto logs. Priced from $52.50 to $14050. On display al Big Y Mkt Dhl,' Phone 7092 Johnny's Big Y Bakery STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Ouaranle Of Healing Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since mm- 821 Spring St. Phone 41M S A II OitKr.N". dell?.;, P""n' M" or ,-,'M ' .Lirr VADEN'S SIGNAL (EltVlt'K urn So ath STANDARD" HrATINOfJfl 1l.,ve furnar. Kkt . Pbon. SItS. " diiy DinVUnrka o?r.rr-?,.;;:. nines and weekends Mf,r. (ro, Kt1?6' . """"n or KlivereX """ns nisnai Hervlrv Moo So. lh..,.,0"e.mai or 1 sano 3s'bo'at$pets sporthobbis" in the time-honored trouble shooter Got any trouble you'd like to have shot right quick? Like maybe recover a loss, replacing, the help that left you suddenly? Or perhaps you're eager to find good tenants for those vacant nulls that lose you money every day? Well, I'm Klamath Fah'rJL time-honored trouble -shooter! I'm a Herns I and News Class! fled ad. I tell nearly 13.000 subscribers dally about your need or your offer within s few hours after you hire me. Quite often I shoot people's troubles faster than they dare expect. To hire my tip-top trouble shooting services, simply phone 8111 for an ad-writer OIITHOAItl) MOTOR Lay-away. Biiy vnur low-priced smonlh-perfnrinlng Sea King motor on lay-away. Slo holds It until Mnv I. with no payments neres aary until then, ne ready tor tha "sea son." 9 II P, Natural Twin SI 93. Is II P, fear.hlfl twin t'H. MONTUOMi'.nv WAnn oth and l'Uie Phone SIS To0vAWAY, pups, Phone "77, rOR SAI.B, 14 loot Blrehcrnri boat and trailer. Tile Ten Hurricane Mer cury motor Used 13 hour.. S.10. Sea al .1218 Shasta Way. Between a m. .1 p.m. ANnEnso'N ftoTrdinf-kennels Phona .H147 MSB Delaware nil Homedalt BOARDING KENNKLS Doe noardlne hv dav. avaek or month. Sanitary kennels Well balanced diet Clean Individual mudoor runs for each Dogs nandled during matins will cs up and deliver Vlsltora Waleoma Phoas M7I Merrill RrL Rl 3, Boa sot SHASTA CASCADE KENNRLfl 40 TO EXCHANGI RlRIlY-Attschment. and polisher $SS. ruiiss ii.ihi, 42 LIVESTOCK i POULTRY OR SALE, laying hens. Phone 47. FOR SALE, day old calvaa. 1:122 Home 1