Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 14, 1952, Page 16, Image 16

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    THURSDAY. I'-KHIUIAKY 14, 1 052
TIiIn mid Tlml About Women
Edited by Ruth King
IPs A Woman's World"
Plan Your Easter Wardrobe
For Variable Springs Days
Klamath Gir
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THE SPIRIT OF FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE must hover 'round every girl who chose for
her life work, the nursing profession with its grueling demands on hearts and hands..
Once started on the path of relieving human suffering, few nurses lay aside their caps
and close the door on their avocation.
' Mrs. Phyllis Itdhustoli, superintendent of nurses nt Klamath Valley hospital and in
charge of emergency surgey and surgical-medical patients, is a true "Lady of the Lamp."
She was horn In England where Florence Nightingale first saw the light of day . .
, planned her nursing career when she was very young and never swerved from her de
rision . . she loves it all from hearing that first cry of a brand new baby to helping a
weary soul take flight.
She Is a graduate of Salem General Hospital In Oregon, came to Hillside Hospital
here in 19.11 as an obstetrical nurse, resigned to take a much needed vacation and to
have a daughter Sally, planning now to follow in her mother's footsteps . . was called
back as head surgical nurse, served during the war years, then became superintendent.
Two years later she went to Klamath Valley in her present capacitv . . today she
teaches the lesson of gentleness to every girl who enters a hosnital sickroom . . her
motto Is "Do unto them as you would be done by." She has little time for social activities
except those affiliated with the nursing profession. She has served two years on the
board of directors of District No. 8, Oregon State Nurse's Association, this year is the or
gani7ntion's vice nresident. She is affiliated also with the American Nurse's Aco"'at'nn.
In private life she Is Mrs. Guido Robusteli. She can bake and brew and barter but
always . . 24 hours of every day, a part of her stands beside her patients.
Three vrrkn can miike a bin
difference In chunKlng the cournc
of tlilnxN fashion, too. The date
of EuKtt-r thin year of 10S2 In April
13 three weeks Inter than laxt
year. In term of, fanhlorw, this
time dllference make the differ
ence between buying your firm
i.nrlnK clothcn (or an early Banter,
or buying Kccond real HcaKonally
EaHtcr outfit, a5 you might very
well be doing this year, for a mid
April Eaater.
The second week of April proin
rcn the kind of temperature that
warranto wearing the Hunter aide
of spring clothcn unconditionally.
The fashion editor), In reviewing
manufacturer!!' Knowing of nprltig
and summer clothes, note that silk
hulls, silk con Is, lightweight wool
suits and coats, In the light pas
tels so enticingly scheduled, can
be worn on April 13th, making
fashions bloom to suit Uie season.
A grand way, too, to show off
new accessories that either add
froth or a touch of color contrast,
with no Interference from wintry
emits. Mld-Aprll, too, Is a wonder
ful time to wear the little fur
Kpenccrs and capes that have been
multiplied In numbers and style
importance lor this season. These
to wear with one-piece dresses cith
er In lightest woolen, or the new
crisp silks.
Day drc.ses with a costume look
will make some il the liveliest
news In the 1952 Easter parade.
Onc-plccc cuts fully designed to
require no additions or subtrac
tions with such style tricks as big
dress silhouette ... In one- nr
two-piece form. In two-piece? short
Hpcncers for Empire, fllted-to-walst
Jackets for the princess ef
fect, brlef-peplum fitted Jackets for
moulded torso. Throughout, all
round fulness and straight front
with back fulness share skirt hon
The short-Jacket suit comes
through as the most popular sil
houette, and there Is no doubt but
lhat thin will be the Easier num
ber one choice. There Is now a
swing away from full skirts ex
cept the novelty pleated skirts that
give a slim look.
Navy Is the surprise choice for
the favorite suit color this spring.
Second choice Is for yarn dyed
solely In favor of dry handle worst
eds of quality type, Thanks to the
colorful llnc-up of accessories,
"navy with color" or with white
will be heavy Easter favorites.
Pastel suits are an Important
part of the spring story. Here the
walstlength jacket that can serve
as a tiny topper. In lightweight coat
ing boucle of fleece, Is Important,
matched to skirts of gabardine dye
exactly to match. Dusty pink and
blue and pale mauve will be the
star colors In the postcls.
Three coat silhouettes will take
Ihelr nlocc In the Easter parade.
I The fitted coat, the loose coat and
the short coat will share the Hon
ors, and fabric selections will lean
toward spring-weight poodles and
lacy loops, and light-weight fleec
es. Because of the mid-April Eas-
...til im a tfrtialor num
pcplums or bolero-effects by seam- j , J, pa;;lcl coa,Bi as weii as
Ing arc the leading dress tvoes .. J... ji.i . i. iiohi.
Costumes of dress-plus-Jackct and t t over a darlt
suit softly styled w th a dress le wheat ln nub.
look strongly back up this approach bv iabrics and fleece point further
to the two-piece look. tnls costume look.
Crisp textured silks, lightweight The fitted silk coat Is expected
woolens, and sheer rayon crenes in inkn its nlace as the Easter
or tissue faille are the main fab- tar in ribbed silk and worsted or
lies In Easter-beamed dresses. I ln Shantung weaves. The fitted
Navy Is the top color, followed by coat that can parade as a dress
blcge and gray, some black. hs the big type: silk coats with col
Empire midriff, the princess, orjored llnlmts to be linked to the
moulded torso with modified full I dress or suit underneath also are
klrt make the predominant spring lexoected to oe sn r.amcr iw.
Local Interest Written
Cobina Wright's New Book
Lnkevlcw. home of the famous
vocalist and author, Cobina Wright
Sr., is the scene of several chap
ters ln her latest book, "I Never
Grew Up. Her memories are of a
wild and wooley Oregon, gleaned
Other books available Include
Fiction The Caine Mutiny. Wouk:
The Cruel 6ea. Monsarrat: Melville
Goodwin, USA. Marquand: The
President's Lady, Stone: Moses,
Asch; The Wanderer. Waltari;
before she became a sophisticated 1 Prom Here to Eternity. Jones:
New Englander ln the home of an I Wait For the Wagon. Lasswell:
aunt. Her mother died In Lakevlew j Winds of the Morning. Davis: The
a few years ago when Mrs. Wright
returned for a Drict visit.
Mrs. Wright a dally columnist
and mother of an equally famous
daughter. Cobina Wright Jr., has
Jufl about "been everywhere and
seen everyone." She was the only
American on tnc invitation list lor
the wedding of the then Princess
Elizabeth and Phillip. Her des
cription of the ceremony Is con
tained in the book, now on the
shelves of the city library. The
book Is written with real warmth
and very real humor.
Iron Mjstrc.'s, Wellman; The Cath
erine Wheel. Stafford; Barabbas,
Non-fiction The Sea Around Us.
Carson; The New Yorker 25th An
niversary. Album: A Man Called
Peter. Marshall; Closing the Ring.
Churchill; The Forrestal Diaries,
Forrestal; F-ow Biz. Green;
: range and Friendly People, Doug
las: Dance to the rioer, de Mille;
Kon Tiki. Hcyerdahl; The Confident
Years. 1885-1915. Brooks; The Mem
oirs of Herbert Hoover, Hoover;
Mother and Queen, Crawford.
For Women
A New Start
For Old Art
If you asked the average Amrrl
:nn woman how she would like to
weave her own cloth for a new
iress, she would probably tell vou
he would wear a flour (took first.
Most women would Jump at the
rhance to get a dress of original
design, hnml-loomed If they could
io It without going bankrupt and
without working themselves silly.
An up-and-coming textile design
er In Rhode Island Is banking on
this to start a comeback in the
age-old art of home weaving and
to creote a readymadc market for
a revolutionary hand loom td be
placed In stores soon.
With this small machine n wom
an con create a fabric of her own
design as easily as she can run
up a dress on a sewing machine.
In five hours. If she Is patient, she
can weave enough cloth for a new
spring suit. Add another six to nine
hours to cut and sew up the cloth
Into a garment, (we wonder).
How Enjoy Canada's Most
Luxurious SPA Resort
The holiday you've nlwnyi wanted now
Rt a special low prleel Amid the snow
enppeil peaks surrounding hcilliliftil I.ako
Iliirrlson, II. C, enjoy the happy com
bination of complete spa facilities and
every resort diversion. Two heated pools!
Kiolle Copper llmmi for dancing and
rrlniallon. Now Is I lie Ideal timet
T il Anrll ft i'rMK.. ..
IMHIIII.F.llhbiilh,f.Mll7.M IHnner - 2..W
' 4i
This new loom marks the first
change ln weaving principals made
In ccnlurles.
The Improvement Is simply a sub
stitution of sprocket-type of hand
wheel for the cumbersome harness
that controls the action of the big
woden frames on orthodox' looms.
A complete set of lessons and serv
ing will go with oach piece of
MERRILL The College of Re
gents committee, Women of the
Moose, held a pot-luck supper and
meeting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Bradshaw on January
31. Plans were completed for their
chapter night program to be held
on March 4, as well as planning
the menu for the dinner to be
erved by this committee at the
next meeting of the White Pelican
Legion and Loyal Order of Moose.
Members enjoying the supper
were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Icenbice,
Mr. and Mrs. John Stolt. Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Bradshaw, Dovie Reeder,
Rose VanMeler, and Rose Spolek.
Try this with a can of golden
cling peach halves. Place the peach
r.aivcs cup side up in a shallow
baking dish and spoon a teaspoon
01 orange marmalade Into each.
Sprinkle with shredded coconut and
pour a little peach syrup around
peaches. Bake ln moderate oven
about 20 minutes. Serve warm with
whipped or sour cream.
Here's a rich delicious prune
sauce to serve over hard ice cream
Combine a cup of chopped pitted
cooked prunes with a cup of cook
ing liquid, '2 cup each crushed
pineapple and brown sugar and 1
teaspoon cornstarch. Cook slowly
about 5 to 10 minutes. Serve hot
or cold.
Toa can rent a lorelr new ipirm plant
from the Lou( ft, Mann Piano Com
pany, 120 N. th. at a low monthly
rate. After a reasonable lime yon can.
If yon winh. rhance from rent to par
chase agreement. The rent already paid
la all credited to your purchase account
and no other down payment la neces
tary. The monthly payments can be
little hither than rent. Or, if yon pre
fer, you ran rontinoo to rent.
...The permanent so lavishly rich it's
i.i.. i
ime wrapping cream
Gives you loveliest
compared to skim mi
of waves, faster, easier!
For reservations, write, wire or
telephone the Mnnnger, Harrison
. Hot Springs Hotel, Harrison, II. C.
) or see your travel agent. Color
brochure on request.
D"J'i'' m
1&t SPA
IKe nutri-tonic
, s! v jJgiiiiM'iiiiiiiiii iii jy the patented, oil creme base
UIY MOTHIRSI Ngtri-Tonlc ll grand far
Unit girl, loo. Warn otntly vt is quickly
thi'y don't tiro out.
If you havo ploilic curl- $ I
r, buy tho REFILL ...
I prices
pfui fM
ioi patented OtL Creme base
Of LUXE SET with 2. 1...
plaitU curltri $3.25
Tilt the bottle. Compare. You'll see
Nutrl-Tonic's lavish richness in
stantly . . , the richness that gives
loveliness never before possible.
Almost H Is patented oil creme base.
Waves safely in little as-10 min
utes. Applies easier. Clings to hair
while processing. Has much more
pleasant odor. Hair rarely needs
setting between shampoos.
Nutri-Tonic's richness makes the
richest, loveliest of nil permanent
MtffJoni of ptrmanonrt bearing fho Nurrl
Tonic frooVmarfc havo boon givon in booufy
oloiu, priced lo $20.
Corvallls, (Special) Laura Hill,
senior In education at Oregon State
college, has been elected president
of the women's physical education
One of three women's athletic 1
u;kuimji nons at uau, this club Is
open to all women msjorlnir or
mlnorlnK In physical education.
Miss Hill is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis T. Hill, rt. 1, Box
667, Klamath Falls.
You'll love this rich buttery apri
cot sauce served over squares of
hot gingerbread. Add a half cup
seedless raisins to the gingerbread
batter and bake as usual. Com
bine 1 cup apricot whole fruit no.
tar, Vi cup butler, 1-3 oup sugar
and 2 teaspoons cornstarch. Cook
and stir until clear and thickened.
8erve warm.
Celebrate an important occasion
like an anniversary or birthday
with a big chocolate layer cake.
Frost with the new glamorous choc
olate walnut cream cheese frost
ing. Combine a 3-ounce package
cream cheese with 1 tablespoon
milk, 2'i cups sifted confectioners'
sugar, 1 square unsweetened choc
olate, melted and 'j cup finely
chopped walnuts. Decorate frosted
cake with walnut navies.
A 9- or 10-Inch pie plate will
yield six or more servings; to
serve four generously or five ade
quately; use an 8-inch pie plate.
Ft at rhoot heart
1. M9 For Ot4m To Take Oa
Ben B. Lee, Mgr.
tewt perfect lockstitch on any material. Comet complete with spot
light, foot control, trouble-free motor, duet-proof carrying- case.
Liberal Allowance On Your Old Machine
633 Main
A Trad Mark of THS UHOU wro. CO.
Phone 2-2513
You'll Love Hazel Bithop
No-Smear Lipstick, Too!
.'onl Eat Off I Wont Klu Off I Wont Sowar Off I
No wonder Wi America's laractt-Solling llpitidil
Croamy-tmaothl 7 Flattering Shades, $1.10
Amazing Beauty Miracle Makes You
Instantly yon can transform a
pale, tired complexion to one that
glow with Irresistible new radiance.
Just smooth a drop of
Hazel Bishop Complexion Clow
on each cheek.
This luxurious creme
blends perfectly, beautifully
with your skin tone . . . make
your glorious new radiance
seem to come from within.
Unlike "tell-tale" rouges.
Hazel Bishop Complexion Glow
never cakes, streaks, clogs
or blotches never leaves that
"painted rouge" look, - -.
Smart Boudoir Size $1.50
Handy Purse Flacon f 1
1111. MAZtL illMOC. INC.
2212 So. 6th
Your Neighborhood Druggist
Phone 4321
tome and see rte
9rB W
Tesol tan W f f
blU 1
i ft
Truly a sensation. See how
easily it flexes, eroded of fine calf that
takes a bright shine and cuddles
your foot like a soft glove.