PAGE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 10!2 U.S. Agents Raid Bank Accounts of Housewives HAPPY Helen KeUer, world - famous blind and deaf author, beams her happiness at recoyeri) cherished watch. It raised gold bars on the and other special construc tion to enable her to time by touch. Miss Keller says it has been "part of her" ever since she re ceived it as a gift when she was '14 years old. Her recent "appeal to the pub lic" brought it back from a New York pawnbroker, at whose shop it was pawned. Expense Guard Group Sought WASHINGTON Ifl Senator McCldlan, O - Ark., announced Wednesday he will move for an early vote on his biU to set up a superwatchdog committee on fed eral spending. "We're going to pass it." Mc GleUan predicted. He contended government agencies which do the spending "too long have held aU the cards" in shaping the miultl billion dollar budget. He said he will move to have the bill called up after the Senate has disposed of the question of ad mitting Alaska and Hawaii to statehood. McClellan's bill proposes to set up a Senate House committee with a staff of investigators to make year around studies of government spending. He said Congress needs the com mittee as a check against the work of the President's Budget Bureau. That bureau was created to guide the White House in preparing budgets for Congress, but McClel lan contends it studies requests "from the spender's view." "I'm of the opinion it will save the people at least 500 million dol lars a year," he said. He estimated it would cost a million a year for a staff of 60 to 100 employees. The Budget Bureau, he said, is seeking t3.S50.000 to finance its staff of 549 workers for a year. FULL DINNER A nutritious broiler dinner in eight minutes flat The easy-to-clean broiler of the modern range can be used to prepare broiled fish fillets, fresh broiled mush rooms and candied bananas. Have hot toasty garlic rolls, and for des sert serve a sherbet with date bars ummmm For Healthy Sturdy Chicks insist pn TRIANGLE CHICK STARTER KRUMDLES The- first six weeks are a critical ' period for your chicks. They need a specially prepared feed like .' Triangle Chick Starter Krumble to carry them through and insure rapid growth. Triangle Krumblet . are easy to feed yet safe for even smallest chicks. A balanced formula :. f essential protein! with amino acids, prime grains, mineral and B-12 Vitamin Supplement insure ' that your chicks will have the right ' start tojiealth and sturdy growth. hKRUMs)Ltl I If "SSMS," I Dealers! Troy V. Cook Feed Co. Klamath Falls Sharp flraln Ca, MtrrtJM Ore, MARSHALL, Tex. W U.S. Treasury ooents Wednesday raided the bank accounts of 11 Marshall housewives who have refused to collect Social Security taxes from their domestic servants. They collected a total of 57.U from eight of Uie women. The other three could not be reached immediately for amounts taken from their checking accounts. The amounts could not be gotten from the banks. This was the second time the agents have raided the accounts of the housewives, mey am it last June for uie first quarter of 1851. Wednesday's collections were for the second and third quarters of 1951. The housewives' spokesman. Mrs. Caroline Abncy, wife of a Marshall attorney, said the agents appeared at her book store this morning "bowing and scraping and asked if we were still of the same mind. ' "I told them,' Mrs. Abney said. "that we were each acting individ ually and I couldnt speak for the whole group, but personally that I was. I told them they could go ahead, that it wouldn't be embar rassing to us but only a reflection against their department. "We don't consider that we are law violators but that we are American citizens who feel we have a grievance and have taken the Democratic opportunity of ask' ing that it be heard, only to be ignored repeatedly. The housewives contend it is un constitutional to ask that thev serve as unsalaried tax collectors for the federal government. Jinx Airport Still Closed NEW YORK W Government and airline officials have promised to keep disaster-haunted Newark. N. J. airport closed pending Con gressional "and other responsible omciai investigations." Another direct result of the New York metropolitan area's fourth airliner crash in two months is an agreement by 25 airlines to create a special safetv committee and to hold flights over congested areas to a minimum. Government and airline officials met here for almost six hours Tues day in the wake of Monday's smash-up of a National Airlines plane in Elizabeth, N. J. The toll of that catastrophe rose to 32 with the death of another plane passenger. Miss Sarah Aron- wam, 03, oi tne Bronx. . y. Newsmen were barred from the closed meeting, but two persons who attended said there was strong sentiment for eventual reopening of the Newark field, which borders on Elizabeth. The two declined use of their names. Flight operations at LaGuardia and Idlewild Airfields in the Queens Borough of New York City and at Teterboro. N. J., airoort also were discussed at the meeting. ine rorr, ot .new ion Authority, a two-state agency, operates these fields as weU as Newark Airport. Elizabeth's disaster Monday, kill ing 37 persons, was the third time a plane using Newark Airport crashed in the New Jersey City. A total of 118 passengers and residents have died in two months. This area's other recent airliner accident was last month's dive into the East River by a Boston New York plane. All 36 aboard were saved by quick rescue work. capt. Eddie Rlckenbacker. American World War I ace and now president of Eastern Airlines. was appointed head of the 15-mem- oer airlines' safety committee. It wiU hold its first meeting here Friday. NOPE Ever try sprinkling shredded co conut on candied sweet potatoes before removing them from your gas oven? It does something rath er special for them. TV Almost Nabs Housebreaker WASHINGTON Ml Study this face on your television screen, the announcer said, because tins man is wanted for investigation of housebreaking. Mrs, H. H. Knowles, at home In nearby Alexandria, Va., studied the face. A knock on the door inter rupted her. she walked over and looked through the peephole, Yipesl Same face I Mrs. Knowles called police. The man fled. Police didn't catch him. U.S. Holding Tax Refunds WASHINGTON If) Newspapers throtiiihout the nation were credit ed Wednesday with helping the government refund $1,080.0(18 in in come taxes to 40,070 taxpayers dur ing January. But the Internal Revenue Bu reau says it still Is holding $35, 034,474 for 1,170.100 persons It tins Itl'XAXER If you aro fatigued and tired at the end of tho day, we auggmt rolling the head ten times in a com plete circular motion, first to the left and Uicn to the right. Do tills sitting down so that you are com pletely relaxed. It does wondors, been unable to find. The announce ment said a heavy rush for Uie ro tunds is expected this month. Tho bureau said 401 newspapers carried lists of taxpayers the gov ernment couldn't locate to glvo them refunds accumulated over tho years. 9th and Pint Phone; 3188 V DRUM-LOT OIL SALE SAVE UP TO 7.20 A DRUM Gallon price in 55-gal. r 1 30-gal. drums Now savs during Words Spring Drum-Lot Oil Sale. Sign up today for all your oil needs for the months ahead. Use Wards convenient Con tract Plan that will assure you future delivery of the oil you need at today's low sale prices. Free delivery service within Wards store trading area. CHECK THESE LOW PRICES Drum lot quantities priced per gallon. Vitalized in 30-gallon drum.... 70c Vitalized in 3, 5-gal. cans., ea. 4.09 Vitalized in case of 24 quarts. 5.22 Vitalized HD 55-gal.or 2,30-gals. 70c IOOPenna.55-ga1.or2,30-gals. 88c 'Federal Tax Ind. Small drum deposit. so So easy to take home welcome when it gets there. lOTTtED UNDER AUTHORITY OP THC COCA-COIA COMPANY IY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF KLAMATH FALLS, "Cols" h tfitlfd ftoctl marl:. 1951, THI COCA-COIA COMPANY n Right IWaeivetl H i timtl Quontillti THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY SALE 7rh and Main Klamath Falls Limb$wool SHOE 11 BUFFER M With coupon QC REG. '12c. (Until 2) Eton laVXI E3E3 mm ML. t i n KJ Natural Brlttltl Home Handy-Bag : 59 Oraton Self-Closing D-..U TIJu ToImam It. UULII ESIUBII I UI IHIIIVI V I!.. 39' 2:26' f 9c Bofte of , HUNDRED SACCHARIN Limit 1) 11' Largo Pack DUZ SOAP POWDER (Limit 1 2 only) Rubbing ALCOHOL I Qc ISOPROPYL COMPOUND. PINT iimi, .'. . f WOODBURY Q591c REGULAR SIZE CAKES ou) .... U R L I PAPER TOWELS JUMBO ISO-SHEET ROLLS (Lmi. . Mui 10 rtJil ftfclM Ton Teilefilef, lf Q9 end lilllolde 2133' 28'K IfTTtTOTOC Champagne Sfyfel 1.00 size Lustre Cremo I Shampoo 4 ox. ' 57c 100 Tablets Vitamin F Chloride) C BEER GOBLETS 15-oz. . . . Hold a full bottle . , , loamy head 4 98c Hollow-ittmt kttp drink bvbblt-frtik' m Ne.Sun flWt & 20x40.n. Ttrtyt BATH TOWELS 2 ! 69c Hon-de-Cantcr. Libbey Salcdge. 5-pe. BEVERAGE SET One 44-oz. decanter four 6 oz. glosses ' KNIFE and CLEAVER ffoirwood QrC hindlti . UU 9Rebtf PERSONALITY 5C Cigars 25198 5 BUTALITE n, ! Tht lighter You Refuel III ' 1 Juit Twice Year I l Compraased fuel gives about 6-months of light NoWick foe Refill! Pipe Tobacco 050CS Edftw.rtk r riff . . ttmZf PIPE CLEANERS Thrilty pack el 24 now enlf . , Svffl mBl ifi All-Mettl Da,bY 40-HOUR ALARM Smart 1 79 square I i. -Evenhirp. Schick INJECTOR BLADES- 20S69 4e issni i! " SmiVoy' Money Nylon Brlitlei l lOOrn K fcTT. r IfTrf I income Tax 1.19 Morley (I Pnuirlir t, I l iy.WmitFli I Guide Book Hair Brush UI rUWUCI EC L.Wjt WjfffVI QuetVont CflC Club OQe jf 27C Br CslmigmTl jl ieniwertUV ttyl VJ a n 9.e. ' H''H LUCKY fl BOX 10 A pi Bactine m breck M tiger tampax U n 6 ox. .ize Wk SHAMPOO rcpl HAIR GROOM fj s ASyng Air BcJ3"- Sl?-ou,nce QQel3in3 QQcLr J 8-ouncet Uvf bottle. ., .O (k Vv U 0r II Ease Ahtt Away ; i Plastic Coated . I I Mm..'J" II Heat Lamp 1 DIXONIA f . JattL J J II CHERRIES II With Stand 89- DECK IJg&dS&S&L in cream II ;rr. .512 iurn79e SSrl Grove's Cold Tablets OQc 8 U I Icq rX) H FEENAMINT Laxative c ( months or mort iS IB69.-' ; Chawlno gum lypa. 2SoboxlS ,' V Uooers or 1 25 1 I ISUCHARD SQUARES OOcll ADJUSTO C- Tfloweri td 1 I I .H-.-,i.t.. mvo. J NGHT NET Z5C -Jf 7 'f j! T J ASTRING-O-SOL Clc bOOMC I , " ' ' onllsapllo. 4-oa. , yvy-