THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 10152 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN tops LLee SsivoDd: Xi-V -.'.. JOT '4,1 r rt rim aariirl .ltii ,ji 7 Jersey Fighter May Quit PHILADELPHIA A flKlilr-r Imn til have bin iinnultlca paid up bffore lining uituliinl Ilouky Mai cluno. Marclaiw, Uin Imnl punchlm hmvyweltilit from llrocklon, M. not only ncnta Ills onniiiirntn Into blocxly aulunlaalor,, bill he them nctirryliiK or a rocking chair and retlrrinent. Like WednpMlay titiiht when to II Intent and purpoMen he enclrd the career ol the veu-run Lee Ba. void. It In no exaKgcratlon to ay that Marclano alauiililrred Bavold. The 30-yrar old Knt.'lcwood, N. J., lighter wan n bloodmnked hulk when hla maniiRirr Bill Unly, aked Ilelerec Pete 'J'uniaaao to atop the 'i 'THE LAST ROUNDUP Cowboy Carlson limps down the aisle to the dressing-room with the help of Second Norman Naiigli after the Montana hoy fell victim last night to Herb Parks' stomping toe-holds. Gorky's Loss Touches Off Brawl at Armory Ivan Oorky had to Hunt three men lnl nliiht at the armory be fore tho punch party was over mid he came out aecond brat all the way around to Uie dHlitht of a larite crowd that "welcomed" bark the KufMun rulllun. Officially, he lost lo Itiiuiaman Yorg Cretorlan with an aMH from Referee Herb Parka and that's when Ultima started happen ing. Karri had a fall when Ivan, us ing Yom'a pointed muMnrlie ' aa a handle, played handball, with C'relorlan's head on the corner post Parka tried to break It up but all he not was the back ol CJorky'a hand for his efforts. Hut Hurri cane Herb, not one easily dlncour aed. rcarhed around, iirabbed a handlul of Ivan's kIhikkv brard and yanked him oil tho rtumanlan. ItKiilT HAND Yorg landed a right hand on Ciorky a follaued face at the same time Herb yanked bark. Goiky toppled over like a well-worn ten pin with Cretorlan In the driver's .!. Hie bark body bend gave Cre torlan Hie rubber fall. That's when Oiirkv made his blc j.rt.1 mlMakr. He attacked I'nrk. wrapped his leg; In tho ropes, utul CAGE SCORES (ullrie Uankt-tliall IS y 'j he Asanrlaled 1'rcsa KAIl WK8T Fan Jose 8late 41 San Francisco 40 Hawaii 61 St. Mary's lUulll) 60 (two overtimes i i;asT Princeton 70 Columbia 03 Cornell 60 Harvard 44 he Ion Hall till Kutgrri 42 Kordham 64 Iona 40 Army 63 Amherst 50 MIDWEST Bradley 61 St. Loult 60 Cincinnati 68 Xavler (Ol 03 Ohio Wesleyan 70- Kent Slate 73 KOl'THWKST New Mexico- 74 Arizona finite iMagstaff), 56 - ' hOt'TH Georgia Tech 68 Auburn 60 Florida 74 Oeorgln 60 Western Carolina 77 Catawba 73 was giving him a thorough going- over, when Herb's brother Billy, In civvies alter showing In the opener, rUhhcd pell-mell Inlo the ring. Quicker thun you can any Sta lin, Gorky was bouncing around like a football on a rirv Held on the business end of Billy's knee upperculs. UNTANGLED Herb by that time got untang led from the rones and caressed Gorky's chin with a Jolting right hand for good measure. When Ivan went lor the corner-stool, the Parks bovs hustled lor the dressing-room. Oorky won the first fall In II minutes with the Octopus hold. Cre torlan Die second in 6:05 with the Cobra hold. Cowboy Carlson came In the ring on the cheers of the large welcome-Back committee but went out on a limp leg, victim of Herb Parks' enthusiastic stomp- jinn toe holds. Carlson won the first fall of the .icml'Ulndup with the flying head vlssors alter bull-dogging Herb. 'I lint look 26 minutes. I'ltll'Pl.l:!! But lit six and a half minutes, the veteran Parks had Carlson out ol kll'er. He used the stomping too hold, then the rolling half Bos ton Crab. The Momma bronc-bust-er couldn't make it for the rubber fall J!ll)y Parks' victory over Buck Davidson In the opener gave the Parks boys a big evening. It was a rough scrap that looked like It would go to Davidson after slightly more than 25 minutes of furious milling that wasn't alto gether legal, Davidson was tossing Parks around like confetti on New Years eve when the Kid surprised Buck with a back dropklck. Parks fol lowed It up with a stomping toe hold that brought an uncle from the Klamth Falls wrestler-referee. HOCKEY Pai'lflu Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Edmonton 6 Seattle 2 Tacoma 2 New Westminster 2 Watch This Space . FRIDAY NIGHT K FOR T;v. PROGRAM IS QO&. Upper Klamath Fish Derby Winner This Week: BEN STOUT-1025 Addison St. Cleaned weight - 4 lbs. 6V2 oz. Caught in Upper Klamath Lake Brinq in your fish before S p.m. Monday evenings! A complete line of SPINNING REELS $13.95 up SPINNING RODS $13.95 up Garcia . , SPINNING LINE 4 lb. thru 10 lb from $1.55 Steel CASTING RODS $3.95 CASTING REELS ... $2.95 A complete assortment of HOOKS, SINKERS, EGGS to catch that biq fish! BICYCLES - TOYS - Sporting Goods 222 So. 7th ; v Ph. 5520 i.ADrBio i.r.Ai.rr w 1. r. 1 Al Brhm.rk .... ..... tn 20 t ill SJl'X.p SchuU 41 29 2lT Molalor'. 37 .'IS Mi noundlip 34 .IS 472 Mirvin'i .31 4l 4:il Lowcll'i I.ock.r. . . 2S 47 .347 I. nl w.ek'i S. lulu noundup 4 Lowell' 0 ffrhrnerk't 4 Marvln'e 0 SluUtore 2 Slioop-Schulz 2 Al S'hmeok's bowlers In the Ladybug league stayrd three games ahead of Bhoop t Bchulz In last week's outing with a 4-0 win over Marvin's, Hchmeck's 2630 team game was good enough to edge Into the third spot of the season's Big Three. Marvin's leads with a 2660, Just four plus better than Bhoop-Uchulz 205. Bchmeck's team captain, Mary Bolhwell, had the Individual high game and aeries, 212 and 558. Mary already holds the season's high scries, however, with a 563. ahead of LaRayne Harris' 536 and Penny McCormack'a 626, the latter mark notched last week. Roundtm rolled the high team game, 81)3, not high enough for a spot In the top three. Browns Eye Working Pact With Jap Club stockholder and scout "I can make an excellent work- Can I do It?' The question stumped Vecck but ST. LOUIS With nary a Browns' word of recognition to Puccini, restless Bill Vecck Is mak.ntr nlnnc to cast his St. Louis Browns In a ! lnH arrangement with a club In the production that smacks of a "Ma- i-eague," saperstein a caoie read. dame Butterfly" plot. j In the Italian composer's opera, an American Naval olllcer woos' and weds a Japanese gal. Vecck s Idea Is Just about the same. He gave word Wednesday to start planning a working agreement be tween the Browns and a Japanese oasenan ciuo. wnetner such a thlg is legal can be decided later. The Idea cropped up In a cable gram from Abe Saperstein, owner of th fabulous Globetrotters of basketball and Incidentally a not for loner. He told Bapersteln to go ahead. Meantime, he said, he would question Oeorge Trautman, president of the National Baseball Association, to find out It It's legal. The big thing now la to rewrite the "Madame Butterfly" eorlpt. In the original, the Japanese gal com. mlts suicide, hardly an acceptnbl. fate for Japanese baseball. Wilson Signs BOSTON I Big Jim Wilson telephoned General Manager John Qulnn from Ban Diego, Calif., Thursday that he had signed his 1652 Boston Braves contract. A rlghthanded pitcher, Wilson appeared In 20 games for the Tribesmen last season and com piled a 7-7 record. He was pur chased from the Seattle Pacific Coast League club after the 1950 season. FREE FLY TYING CLASSES CONTINUE MONDAY EVENING FEB. 18 -8 P.M. The GUN STORE This month only! complete LUBRICATION AND OIL CHANGE CUSTOMER CAN SELECT ANY FIRST GRADE OIL AND GREASE! DRIVE IN! 3 00 (Applfefl motor! with S ql. crftnk cue cspftdlr-) ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th Ph. 4113 ROCKY MAKCIANO . . . too many bombs uneven match at the end of the sixth round. "The will was there but not the body." said Daly. "I'm frolng to advue Lee to retire from the ring tomorrow." John Ox DaGrosa, Pennsyl vania stale athletic commissioner, said he was going to auspend Sa void indefinitely and ask him to retire. Savold never had chance. The unbeaten Marclnuo charged across the rlntr from the first bell smashed two tremendous left hooks Into Savods face and then un mercifully cut down his bigger op ponent. Marclano weighed 186 ' j and Savold 200. The announced at tendance was 9.243 and the gale a dlsappoltlng 501.386. - ,lcinhqn WR WBNHAID COMPANY POITIAN0, OtEOOM WISE BUYS FOR YOUR WORKSHOP! You Can Always Buy Craftsman Tools With Confidence Because They Are Backed By a Positive Guarantee! CRAFTSMAN Tool are guaranteed Kafnt de fect in material and workmaninip. and to five you the you have a right to expect. Any tool how Ins defects in either material or workman ship will be replaced without charge. New! For home workshops! Lightweight 6V4-in. electric lUlYfMllTi, Lightweight! Eosy to handle! High speed develops 1 h p. No load speed, 5200 RPM. Depth of cut 0 to 2'i-in. With cord, plug. 44 95 Split Phase Motors Guaranteed One Full Year 14-h.p 14.95 . Pvl size, fuR power, dtelaned lor g era I ut. PeoKires dtaMOMdbord por on bronte beoriaae. Set It tod ay I Handy Drill Kits Fomous Craftsman Brand Al Sears, Just.... 24.50 KH indudti drill, bih, bufftn; grinding wtitah, landing dim, point mixar and Own. A rtaliy handy ectfill Al Stan! Duckbill ' Snips 1.73 Crf. ilraigM, k rtgwlor shopai. "Supar Tad" Xaal. CraHtiam aioaa. 7-ia.t l-ia. cat. Expansive Bit Sets 3.34 Microaierrlc od JutHng screw. 3 cuHert and drive wrench. Creftimon brand I At Searsl Bench Vises 10.82 Sami-tlaal body rainforcod. 3 In. iows opan 10 4 -in. Sat of pipa jaws. Dunlaol 10-in. Pipe Wrench - f RftfTSMBH; 6 Power Wood Bits Sensational New Flal Design Set of 6 Bits 5.49 Drill heu n wood front to 1-ia. with .in. drill. Will drill through hiddaa noill. Heat Iraolad oiloy ttaal. 10-pc. Drill Set 1.99 CreftiHienl Cuts asily, cleanly. 1 High spaed steel drills: 11 (VW With stand. If?' 1.83 V Broke Pliers 2.60 For all cart. Fargad allay teelf chrome . plated. CrafUnan, Cork -screw hook. Dunlap Pip Vises 4.15 raaparad tool rlaol owii Iran freaia. Automatic kxk. CopMlty, to IVi-lntS.i. Dunlap tn Stitlien pattern. Specially hardened jaws. 2 other ilies avail oble at Seors. Craftsman Push Drill 'OtsitDtti 4.02 Superb quality for this prlcel Bores small holes In fait time) 8 fluted drills inctuded. tMuamj carpenters' Pencil 9c Craftiman flat typt with bevel edges. 7-inehei long. Black lead. Get several todoyl : m t : Rotary Tools 29.95 It's a CraUatl Hundreds of as. Handy stand hv clvdtd permits ate as bench laal. Craftsman Tool Boxes 5.79 .Hip-root. UN eat troy with handla. Waldad al.tlrl- colly. l?7m In. Gray flnlih. "1. Punch and Chisel Set 1.29 High corboa ttaal, Mtln aickal plattd finish. Flva placaa ell In hondy matal clip. Oat younl HOMART ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Sheathed Cable 7c Perfect for damp treat. Rip cord for easy stripping. 2 wires,1 14-gouga. 25 amp. JL Bracket &(VY.iiVMW",K.WW.f Early American style. Brass front with 6 tn. shade. 10-ln. high. Decorator Colors Modern Fixtures (or Bedrooms At a low 4.60 Accant your room color icbaiM with tWc 2-Hght baoulyl ai raaa, graan, yallow or Mtia-cryttaL Qar baodad rira. "Navaio" Fixtures For Gome Room or Child's Room Harmony House . . . . 9.10 G.nuina Indian bkmkal daiige with' cowboy riding bucking bronc dailga. Bright color. Extandt down 8-iachac Electrical Supplies r Wide Assortments Coble connectors 8c; 25 Staples 19c; 50 Coble Strops 2Vi-in. Switch Box 40c; Oct. Outlet Box 41e; Switch Plate lie; Double Plate lie; Receptacle 15e. 50c; 20c; Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 133 So. 8th Phone 5188