PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY. IT.fmUAHY 14, 1052 ! J UI CO v--':-' xrzv v?' law ij FISH FOR LENT Know Your Herbs - For Lenten Dishes - Add Gourmet Touch The cook who only knows her onions is really no cook tt all. For in addition, she must know all about such mysterious sounding things as crushed basil , . . dried dill . . . marjoram . . . tarragon . . , celery salt . . . and so on. The art of combining these flavor giving ingredients is the secret of good cookery. For those who have never used herbs, there's a whole new field of cooking to explore. And here's a recipe with which to start. It's in keeping for the month for those of you who must forego meat in many menus . . . Fish Roll Dps with Herb Stuffing. Follow the directions carefully, using exact measurements of the herbs. And don't forget the last step of dipping- the roll-ups in crushed corn flakes before baking. For this last important ingredient will add the finishing touch that puts this recipe in the gourmet" class. Fish Roll-ups With Herb Stuffing - 1 pound fillets of sole or floun der U teaspoon salt s teaspoon pepper 4 cups Kellogg 's Corn Flakes 1 egg l'j tablespoons water tablespoons melted butter or margarine 'i teaspoon crushed basil Season fillets with salt and pep per. Place Herb Stuffing on fillets; roll up and fasten with toothpicks or tie with string. Crush Corn Flakes into fine crumbs. Roll Fillet Roll-ups in Corn Flakes crumbs, then dip in egg beaten with water. Roll again in crombs. Arrange fish in bottom of shallow baking pan greased with butter and basil, com bined. Bake in moderatelv hot even (u f.j about 30 minutes. basting several times with butter in pan. Yield: 5- servings. HERB STUFFING 3 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 1 tablespoon lemon Juice j teaspoon salt dash pepper 2 teaspoons chopped parsley 'j teaspoon paprina 1 teaspoon crushed basil ii teaspoon crumbled dried dill or dill seed I tablespoon minced onions 1 cun soft bread crumbs Combine butter, lemon juice and seasonings. Add to bread crumbs ana toss lightly with a fork, mixing wen. Home i Extension News CHILOQLIV The last meeting of the Chlloquin Home Extension was on the pro ject of improving kitchens and proved valuable to members attend ing. The stress was not placed on building new ideal kitchens, since that is impossible for most women, but on making the most of the kitchens we work in each day, in en effort to arrange equipment to lave as many steps as possible during preparation, serving, and cleaning up after meals. Leading the discussion was Mary Glenn, county home demonstration agent and the meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Gerrv Wolff, with a good sized group attending. Mrs. Charles Hale, president, pre sided at the business meeting which preceded the discussion. Women brought sack lunches. LANGELL VALLEY The Langell Valley Home Ex tension Unit met Feb. 6th at the home of Mrs. W. D. Campbell. As an eye-opener Mrs. Joe Potucek gave an interesting demonstration on cake decoration. The February project was "Eas ier Ironing H" which included pad ding and covering an ironing board. Project leaders were Mrs. Bessie Campbell and Mrs. Bill Burnett. . Present were Mrs. W. D. Camp bell, Mrs. Dick Botens, Mrs. Ted Schmidll, Mrs. Dick Smith, Mrs. Ed Graiian, Mrs. Les Urbach, Mrs. Bob Colwell, Mrs. Mike Dearborn, Mrs. Louis Randall, Mrs. Delbert Faulstick, Mrs. Joe Potucek, Mrs. Louis Stallen, Mrs. Bessie Camp bell, Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mrs. Felt and Mrs. Bob Seater. '. The March meeting on "Kitchen Storage" will be held at the home of Mrs. Mike Dearborn. Guild Meet TULELAKE The Guild of the Tulelake Community Presbyterian church met this week at the home of Mrs. Ronald Ward with Mrs. Elizabeth Hand, Mrs. Mabel Free man ana Mrs. A. . Hutchinson, co-hostesses. Valentine motifs marked fhe re freshment tables and were used about the rooms. Places were marked at sv dessert luncheon for thirty three members and guests. Mrs. George Fischer was elected u mi me ottice of treasurer, va cated by the resignation of Mrs. Ida Barrows. Mrs. Tom Newton, member of a committee on plans for observing Mrs. Tom Newton member of a. committee on plans for observing wona juay 01 rrayer, i'eoruary 29, reported on a recent meeting in Merrill. The meeting will be held here in the Community Presbyteri an church with women from Mer rill, Malm and Mt. Laki churches to attend. Mrs. Newton will be the leader. She also gave a partial review of the book, "We Americans, North and South." The remainder of the book will be finished at a later meeting. The next Guild meeting will be February 20 in the church annex. Auxiliary MAUN A Korean War film was shown to members of the Malin American Legion and Auxiliary by Frank Roamer, Naval Recruiting officer Monday eveniner. at the Ma lin Fire Hall. Members voted to buy material for five card table cloth covers, which will be sent to Camp White. It was also voted to pay Irene Freitag, Child Welfare Chairman, twenty five dollars towards her ex penses to the Child Welfare Con ference to be held at Dallas, Ore. Ponnv Poster Chairman. Norma Petrasek. will contact the schools soon about the making, of Poppv Posters. Emma Wilds, Auxiliary president, announced that she would give so.oo tor first prize and S2.50 for second prize for Poppy Poster winners, in addition to the $2.00 first prize and $1.00 second prize in each division which the Auxiliary awards. Arrangements were made for a birthday potluck dinner at 6:30 p. m., March 3. for Legion and Auxiliary members and their fami lies. The regular meeting will fol low the dinner. Norma Petrasek and Ethel Hamilton will be in charge of table decorations. Q O O ik z o ui ec O ui (A A -I UI CQ r- Q O O u. Z o u ui U O ui -I Ui CO -I r- M WHITE KING -r 59'h SSSsT Cottage Cheese"-I5t SmsKX .Shortftnina 55c -"to, PRODUCE! FEATURES! POTATOES K-"hN- J a.4'2C DRY ONIONS Spanish lbs. 39c CELERY HEARTS 2 , 45c Delicious Apples ,!;"' 5 ,b,39c GRAPEFRUIT SS.--8i38c ORANGES c"""n!."'" Crustiquick Deal 2 pkg. unit containing 15c coupon 29 CASHMERE BOUQUET Bath 0 Jf" ISi.e .... . lorJC COFFEE Maxwell House Instant 2 ox. Wilson's Colored 39 c LARGE SIZE FAB 29c Florida Oranges Full of juke. 538c ,k 8c Col Top Freestone No. 2 Vx Tins For the freshest produce In town don't shop around. It's Oregon Food Stores! TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTED To Sell Athletic Supplies ATHLETIC EXPERIENCE PREFERRED APPLY IN PERSON THE GUN STORE Kitcben-sbelf convenience! With Porter FRIHETS olways A on hand, a little meat goes a long, long way . , . your leftover fish, fowl or vegetables quickly become homey, hearty; i stick-to-me-ribs fare! J "IN II Tt J I Economical, delicious, healthful, nourish ing i J , and to taty to pnpan. ASK YOUR GROCER for these Porter products,, toe Spaghetti, Saladettej, Macaroni, Sea Shells and Kurle-Q-Noodles. a o o u. Z o o ui ce, O w j UI CQ -I r- ui I a o o z o ui U o ui fflOSlM TOMATO JUICE M"k,'. M Green Beans s,,i"',"1.sJr.14 TOMATOES """nI' j.,,,,. ii PEAS. 303. .13 SPINACH h. 3,,.18 HOMINY e"'" No 2.11 CORN 3 Sisteri whole Kemel 15 Lima Beans MXr .14 Ripe Olives E,""l'"S'J6 PINEAPPLE ' ,2 .15 PEACHES N. ,v, 2b APRICOTS H""" fc 2b Fruit Cocktail , 2b PRUNE PLUMS 0",".. , .11 PP Sunny Smile Bortlett 5,,1.00 8,1.00 5 , 1.00 8,1.00 6, 1.00 10 , 1.00 ,.,1.00 8..1.00 4, 1.00 7 f 1.00 4 wli 4,., 1.00 4, 1.00 10 , 1.00 3, 1.00 Peaches Fruit Cocktail Preserves peh ib 24' LARGE SIZE VEL 29c 25 Market No. 2Vi COFFEE Golden West . Ib. 29 29 79 AJAX CLEANSER 2 for 25c 51 Gauqe 15 Donier NYLONS PAIR 89c WESSON OIL Q' With Coupon 39c Fricassee FOWL Colored FRYERS Pure Ground Beef SLICED BACON FRESH SMELT PURE LARD PORK SAUSAGE SELF SERVICE FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE... Cut Right ! Trimmed Right! Guaranteed Fresh! Fancy Eostern, Tenderized Half or whole querantccd tender Cut up, pan ready Cut up, pan ready Ground fresh daily. Standad pack, heat sealed pkg. Columbia River Shipments daily. 50 Ib. Tin Country style, Seasoned just right. 'lb. 'lb. z o . (9 Grocery prices effective Ot Thursday thru Wednesday. O Meat and Produce Friday JJ! . and Saturday V) 0 mm m 4480 SO. 6th WE RESERVE .THE 2410 So. 6th NO SALES TO 1749 Or A Avf. Kiuni i u LIMIT! . DEALERS " " " w" OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS FOOD