J ' wkdnksday, rrcnnuArtY 1.1, 10,r2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NTN15 If 'ti , flttl ' 'v. t,'. ! l ... . J COWBOY CARLSON ... ut annory tonight Cowboy Appears Tonight The Krtjiory'n weekly iniitlme FWIMK.i from IiIkIi near Into over- drive timliilit with mi oiilntutulliiK U Ihrrr-buul nird ? I vim liorkv. Hie VouiiKcr of Ihr nelnrlmm Clrirky hrnlheri, In billed V for Ihr innln evrnt, He'll luce. Yum retnrimi wlin tnkr, a buck Rent to no one in the roinililiou.'.o clrpurl inenl. 'Ilil.n inn It'll I hrheduled for our .. hour or Hie bent, two ol Dure fnll.i. 'Ihr iirinl-wludiii) In mis Unit rl , vain thr innln rvrnt lor ulnmor. Cowboy CurlMm, nopulnr blond cow- boy from Montnnn, returns to -; Klninnlh Fnlls iiftrr Ions lib ornce. Cnrlnon. who liHndrd Pncllle ' Count Junior llnnvywelitht Chimin ton Prnnklr HUijmk nil hr roud bundle In two ixiulii luit nrnnnn, ' inrrlfi rrblr Pnrkn, not younu : irr Rnymorr but n rmiKh . thry : cmie lit thr rough biutlneMt of ; wrnillltii for pay. Pnrkn nd C'Arlnnn lire In 11 45 mlnulo tiff, or Ihr bent two of three tnlK i Jlrrb'n young brother. Billy. ; opens thr Miow lit 8:30 against ; Burk DnvldNnn. 'Hie minor y ticket-office opens nt i 30. No Snow for Opening Of Winter Olympics By lli;. I'lll.ICAIl OSLO i.ft-'lne naming Olympic torch, borne hlKh by the ftr.it of a It.uiiulu- n lay uf 100 men on skis, Mailrtl Wedne-diiv on Ils 170-mile Journey Irmn Moiegilul, llir birth- tl,'n t.t li,nrlr,i .Irlm, In 1 1, a .m,. iiik l eirinonles of tlie winter Olyin- inc uiime in 0-,lo pic gaillts III u.iu. At "" Mtine ttmr thr torch left Moregdal. the 0:.lo Weather H i- i, I...H.V. i,i,iMint.-ii uK-ir serins no inn.-. peet iur snow in Southern Norway, "lor at Icai.l jMrre or four days This predlrtlon rules out any pos sibility for good runs for the oprn lug skiing events at Noreljell 'lltursday. Ihr two-man bobilrds will get the competition underway Thurs day morning wllh the llrst ol four heats to be run In two days. And alter lunrh the women skiers take off on the giant slalom at Noref- WIL Meet Cancelled TACOMA ifl The Western In trrnatlnnal Baseball League has i rancrllrd a ilirrclors' mretlng J scheduled for Sealllc Wednesday. ! League President Robert Abel i sld Tuesday nlglit the mecllng was called olf when directors were j Informed Victoria has raised suf- flcirnl funds to maliilalu Its frail chl.'.r in the 1052 season. Transfer i ol the Victoria franchise to an other city, possibly Fugcnr, Ore., I had been tinder consideration by ' the directors. 1 o UNIVERSAL Seat Covers A REGULAR 13.95 VALUE! Bright plaiJ and check patterns of durable Kraft fiber lacquered to resist moisture, scuffing and wear. Top trimmed in non-cracking, non-peeling vinylite leatherette cushion trim of strong cotton drill in harmonizing color, lixpcrtly tailored with turned, double itiidicd scums and hem. Goodyear scat cincrs at this low price arc a real buy get yours today. 8th & Vandals Can Tie Huskies Northern, tllvlalnn Hiiakrlbull lly 'Mib AHHHi hitril I'rro IV I. Pet WiihliiKlon 10 3 JHM Idiihn 8 em Wnhhliiultin Btnlo 6 7 411 Orei.on - 3 f 37f (Union Hliitr 2 10 101 'I nevlny rrui: filiihn 40 Oleon Htute 43 II will be ldiiho nnd WiiMiIiikIoii down to the wire In Ihe Norlhern 1 Ji VI Ion. I'liclfld C'oii'it Conference, hit.'tkelhiill nice. The MkIiIIiik Vmidnlii from Mos- row, Idiihn, eclK'-n ureiiun mme 4im:i Tur.icliiv nlifht tor upllt In llielr two mune nerieii nere. The victory put lduho two untiles buck of thr dcfrndlim champion WiihhliiKton and "et the mane for lltlr buttle In the cruel! aeries Willi the llimkles t Moscow Fri day nnd Hiilurdny. Hnlh Ihr llu-kle, Ihr No 8 trmn on Mir AMifirlnleri I'rrnn porl, nnd Ihr V.incliihi have four unities left on their Mhedule. Hut the Vandal! munt win all four to lie WashliiKton lor thr lead and force playoff for Ihr rhiiuiplnmhlp. I.iist minute banket by Ilnrtlry Knitter "d lliirlnn Mellon kept ldiiho In the ritntiltiir Tuesday nlKlit. Oreiion Stale leil 43-42 with about nilnutr left when Kruner tipped In rebound. Mellon fol lowed Willi a free throw. KriiKer led Uie scorlnir with 22 polnu. Danny Johnson wan high for OrfKon Hlale with 13. The Washington Btate Comtnrs. thrlr Inst four Ichkuc (tames ached uled lor next week, stepped out of the conference Tuesday nlttht and clipped the Whltworth College PI. niton Ci bl. TCU In SW Lead llr 'the Aorlited Prr Itaylor'n upsrt 71-60 conqneft of Trxni luthllRhird baskribnll fare around thr nation Tursday nl(M The defent knoeked Texan out of flr.M place In the Southwell Con ferrner. Trxas Christian analn took ovrr the too rune bv beatini nice. K3-4fl .Jell. 70 miles north of here. I Hut the official opening of the i games w ill not take place until ! Friday morning when thr Olvmplc i torch Is carried Into Oslo's Nlslett : Stadium and the Olympic fire Is lii'hied above the traditional mar- i , ' ". . . ... Ihr American Jumping tram 'wlllrh huri heen lrii .1 v.... broke camp Wednesday, and! ramc to Oslo where the world fam-! Otis llfilmettknl en III I n lll lin will opened lor Olympic training. An Devlin of Lake Placid. N Y Is the only member of the Olympic team who has tested Holmenkollen. He Jumped here in 1948. Devlin was the only non-Norwegian to place In thr first ten In a linal pre-OlympIc inert at Kongs brrg Tiirsday. Ho finished fifth. Art Tnklr, NorwcRlan-born Brook lyn skier, was 12lh and Willis 0. sen. Fail Claire. Wis., 13th In a Held which aho Included Jumpers from Poland. Switzerland and Ja pan. T. v. Coming to K. Falls-Feb. 16th WATCH THIS ' SPACE! SEAT snug fitting long wearing colorful GOODTEAEl i95 Easy Pay Budget Terms! SERVICE STORE Klamath Phone 8141 .. .. m CAGE SCORES Collar. Ilaskelliall ' tt The Amic luted I'rraa l-'AK wi-;kt Idaho 40 Orison Klnlr 43 Wai.hliiHlon Mate. 112 Whllworlh 57 Mania Clara 01 CoIIokc ol I'm Hie 411 Hrattle 07 i'aclllc I-uthrnin lift I'orlland U4 Lewis and Clark fill Oioitou Kducatlon 61) Southern Ore (ton 37 Baatern Orrunn 70 Northwr.t Na- liircne 74 HAHT Holy Croia 72 Connecticut 63 Yale HI Uailuioiilh 67 Maulialtnn 72 CC'NY 64 Hleua 66 Okiahoinii City 60 (over lluiri midwi:ht Dayton 71) Uowlinn Orcrn 08 lloiiMon 64 Wichita 63 Toledo 02 Ohio Univ 60 Chlcauo Loyola 01 Western Michi gan 68 HOCTIIWKhT Texas Christian 83 Hire 40 liayior VI Texas 6 New Mexico AiM 01 Arizona Htate i Flagstaff) 42 Texas Tech 08 Ifnrdln-Slininons 64 eiOI TII Duke 71 North Carolina Slate 58 Roiilh Carolina 75 North Carolina 08 Franklin and Marshall 79 Navv 70 Orrgon High Si lirn.l Basketball ny I lie Associated Press Myrtle Creek 63, riulhcrlln 38 Pleasant Hill 63, Klmlra 40 Oakridgr 03, Crrswell 44 Dallas 85, Bandy 52 81. Helens 08, Lake Oswego 49 Hllverton 37, Molnlla 27 Warrenton 60, Knappa 47 Oervals 42. HI. Paul 31 Mt. Angel 84, Can by 65 Amity 3D, Yamhill 32 Tnft 44. Newport 30 Staylon 6.1, Phlomnth 34 Brownsville 44, Mohawk 3!) Concordia 68, Park. Itose 65 'both Portland) Willamette Frosh 60, Sweet Home 61 Hlllsboro 63, Newbrrg 62 University (Eugene) 40. Spring field 37 McMlnnvllle 85, Tigard 60 Salem 12, Lebanon 47 Woodhurn 43, Estacada 42 West Linn 68, Beavrrlon 49 Collage Orove 64, St. Francis (Eu- genei 35 Sublimity 58, Jefferson 34 Sheridan 45, Sherwood 37 North Marlon 55. Bnnks 25 Dayton 60, Willnmlna 3!) Eugrnr , Willamette i Eugene) o iForfelt) Central Calhollc 'Portland) 67. Gresham 47 Oregon City 70. Forest Grove 61 Garibaldi 76. nocknway 43 Powers 64. Coos River 24 Portland Leo rue Clevrlnnd 65. Orant 69 Lincoln 40. Washington 18 Roosevelt 55. Franklin 41 Jefferson 60, Benson 37 HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Prrss Seattle 4 Calgary 3 Vancouver 7 Victoria 2 nn .rz & Vv J 2. All-SIASOM SAFETY! AirRidM 4 I f V C 12mwrubbrmtr80o1$ifry-blocktrtod I XVi t VS ,r,p ,ru8'1 nin' mw' JrY lurtoctl f Vl Vu agintf tkldi ttopt yu qvickwrl I r!W Jf T H E NLY AIR RIDE T I R Designed to every detail and dimension of your own car's wheels the only Air Ride tires in the world! They absorb the road in silence at any speed . : . roll on special steering treads . . . run cooler and last longer! They give unique protection from road shock and vibration for your car and you! A your original tlrei now become ready for replacement here are the tires to replace them ... to see you through in safety . . . to give you extra riding comfort to save you and your car for years ahead, UNITED SHO0IP amid Main and Spring BOB'S UNION SERVICE STATION 4078 So. 6th COLEMAN'S UNION STATION 1101 Main Metiers Topple Packers vi Toar i.caui k w I. j Mrtlen , 7 a Klunialh I'ark .. I j ItrMntay No. I ., 8 2 ' c'mirr I.MSfl :i 4 I (fun Klom 1 4 Prt I a-,7 Men JlHnd Lary 2 ft 11 1 UtMulay N.i 2 10 si ori I, Mihl Mrltera 11 Klairuth Park 2! UeMolay Nu. 2 M Cfaltr Laka 'TeHtn riluv rinlrt raff for tha M.I lers last muhL when ihev won ihr buttle of the unbeatens" In Ihr Victory cage league with a 39-23 win over Klamath Pack at Fair view. The win gave Metiers a lead at the halfway point with acven wins : ". no defeats. I The Metiers wrapped It up In the first half when they forged ahead 20-12. bulged It to 35-18 at the Ihree-ouarter mark, then played control ball the rest of the way. i IHch-scorlng Dean Lowell man- I aged 11 polnlu for the Packers and onand Dixon added 8. Bui Mciicra' Tex Robinson, playing Just lime because of a bad fl" COId, dumped 13 points to pace the Met iers. Harold Metier ancied u. DcMolay's second team, vaMly Improved, upset Crater Lake In Ihc j opener, 39-30. It was DeMolay's first win against tlx losses. j Roland Blehn and John Mason ivnarkml Die Lu MoIavs wllh 14 nnd 10 points. i 'Hie second half onrns tonluht wllh Klamath Pack facing Crater Lake in 7 o'clock opener. Trades and industry and Gun store tang- ling In the afterpiece. I Metiers meet DcMolay's first team and Men i nana i.aunary mixes with Crater Lake In Thurs- day night s double bill. mi'.ti.ibs am - c!i pai ktrs I i.j., . a Dixon noeiirt,er 3 c 4 Berreii MeUer a o s ,0v"" Meu.,n. TubCrawford. RoSn. n! Dow. nohart.. Picker auba Wriihi. rildham. Clark. II. Mill. AV t ia) Klltrrdie 2 Klnmark fl Maren 10 H. Blehn 14 D. Biebo '30) tBATra i.aki: T 3 Han.nn r I Miller C 2 lnl n 6 DeYltr G 2 riora DrMoIav attna Lararm 7. Porter, Sweek Crater Lake auba St. John 4, Ifl 1. Taucher S. Rocky Picked PHILADELPHIA oPi Rocky Marclano. young, lusty and un beaten, figures to Cakewalk to his 39th straight victory Wednesday j night In a scheduled 10 round fight I against the battjeworn, 35-year old i Lc-e Savold. The 27-year old Marclano Is a heavy favorite to demolish Savold I in an early round. First choice on the finest of new cars and every year since 1947! For your own cars tire replacement now! . YEARS OF MILEAGE! n. "laty" rubber ! build up hall Air Rldtt run coeitK vn ! high pdt thus glv many lhwindi r xtrs miltil Do what you should do STATES TIRE SERVICE CAHOON'S UNION SERVICE North Highway 97 Trojans Drop 4th Straight To Mustangs Followers of the Klainulh Coun ty hlKh school cane tenina are won ilerlnir today what cooks In the Sacred Heart basketball camp. Winners of 14 atraliriit, the Tro- lana went Into a reverse sum and 'i4 last nlxht dropped their lonrib J slralht name, a clof.c 42-43 loss iiiito Malln In a non-leaxuc mune. .nu Defeats by G'hilonuln. I.akevlrw. l41tUien Bonanza, preceded last nlfht's loss, inc unnwiuin ana Bonanza game were leuiiue alhiirs. The Trojans jumped Into a lfi-JO lead last nlliht and manauod to leave the floor at halftime with HUVUIlinge III H Hru-y.w name. But the Mustangs lon;ed ahead I 31-30 going Into the founh rjuar- j tcr and stayed a Jump ahead the rest of the way. Bob Howard potted 15 points for i Hacrrd Heart but Wayne IticK and Bob Bievenson each threw In 11 for Malln. The Mustangs also won Ihe b ; preliminary by a 57-21 count. Box woie: SAC. HT. IIJI M.H MAMS' Heldtrer A Y II W H irk Mahonev 4 1 0 Matjnrv Wea.ell 7 f II HlK'nwn Heard O I Travi" , Malln .ub-V Rirk 3 Sacrerl le.-,rl i kuba - Pratt I, Neubert 1. Kth. Mc- Ar.drewi. SHUFF STUFF The Suburban shuffleboardcrs concentrated on the boards last night to hand the Roundup puck - siers a 4-0 lacing In the second I night of competition in the city league's second round of play. ism s riace ai.-u . uui noi as handily, getting by Schuss, 3-1. ..... Ydl-POrt WlHS Kirihii vieiru p. clflc In a non-conference game here Tuesdav niirht. I Pacific's Julian Amaya was high scorer wllh 19 points. Center Em- ery Barnes and Forward Norm Hu - bert were high for Vanport with 15 points each. 3 EXTRA RIDING COMFORT! f.clu- ilvt Air Ridt prlnciplt glvtt grtoftr Nn fltx Ibility cushions road shock and vibration savts you, your family and your carl EFFORTLESS STEERING! Trim. err, pad Sti-Easy Trtads roipond swiftly to your lightest sttorlng touch. Easitr car handling !tss driving fatigue loss parking problems) ES IN -replace your old tires NOW! SPECIAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES AHD CREDIT TERMS New Is Ihe lime to gel exfro Air Ride mileage, safety and comfort. Your U. S. Royal Dealer is now offering his bi'ggeif trade-in ofowoneet in years wilh long, easy credit terms to suit your convenience. SEE YOUR U. S. ROYAL DEALER TODAY! UBBER COMPANY SCHULZE Cleveland Rallies Grant; Rams Win By JIM ( Ol II Associated Prrss Kporlswrller McMlnnvllle, victim of two up sets in the past two weeks, re sumed Its winning ways Tuesday nntht by downing Tigard, 86-60. McMlnnvllle, rated No S In this week's Associated Press Oregon hlKli school basketball poll, wai ; paced by Its hlith-scorlnit forward. Don Porter, who registered 32 j points. I Thal wa, lwo more than Wade IKu,.vl., imthrnnk Hi. tnir' lend. Ing ncorer, made as he and his Lincoln mates beat Washington, 40 'C. in a Portland prep league game. Halbrooks' 30 points raised his season's toal to 685 In 18 games for Lincoln, ranked No. 3 In the I The state's two top teams came through with victories. Chiloquin Quint on Forfeit Win The Chiloquin townles pulled Into a second-place tie with the Jay. hawks last night In the Klamath Basin league wl.hout shooting a basket. r alter rav Saints didn't show 1 d forfelted ils game with Chllo- quia It was a make-up game from the jan 21 snow-out, as was sprague ; River s 42-35 win over Klamath Sons. The forfeit ended the regular sea- sono r ChUu.with 9" rec- . knniipri with lavhawks have make-up games left before the Feb. 28 and March 1 playotl , ooiween me Kp lour Cluira. Malln faces Beatty and Tulelake meets Bly probably tomorrow night : to aetcrmme pairings in me piay- I olf. In the event both Malln and Tule win and they're both favored, jicjifSjDl Mil I 1 II I today I 7 THE Phone 7741 SCOTTY'S UNION STATION 1 Main St. GIFFORD'S UNION SERVICE 201 So. 6th St. Central Cathollo of Portland, rated No 1, knocked off Gresham, 67-47, as Its all-state star. Bob Al tenhofen, poured In 25 points. Cleveland, ranked No 2, came from behind to defeat Grant, 65-5!), and remain In first place in the Portland High School League. Salem was the only other team in the top 10 seeing action. The Vikings, rated No 8, won 72-47, from Lebanon, which handed them one of their only five defeats ear lier In the season. Willamette forfeited a Class A district 6 game to its townsmen, the Eugene Axemen, when seven of, its 11 first squad members turned up with the flu. Willamette requested a postponement, but Eu gene refused, contending that Wil lamette should use members of Its B squad to put a team on the floor. In other featured games, Dayton Ties 'Hawk then a play-off game would be nec essary to determine the first and second seeded teams In the play off. Herble Snell and Billy Duffy paced Sprague River's attack last night with 15 and 13 points. Box score: SI'RAGL'E 14?) CMI SONS Snell 13 F 6 Miller 8. Welaer 4 V B Mlnatn MeNalr C 0 Frank!) Dufy 13 r, J Hill Lufo C Hall Sprarue River aubs Hamilton 2. Jack aon. Klamath Sons auba Ruff 6. Hood. Wilton 4. VK KK-- 24-MO. GUARANTEED "DELUXE" N. 1 Cat. Fits most models mouth, and many other makes. 25 OFF ON ALL OTHER SIZES Cleans as it Lubricates "SUPREME" Compounded Motor Oil is scientifically refined and processed from finest paraffin base crudes. It's safe, sure lubri cation for any car. k Keeps oil rings free k Dees eet Weak down h bet weather, flews ii cold WIPER REG. $1.19 burabla ond water proof lop dressing. Slops leaks ond seal crocks. Jel black. TOP DRESSING 59c 10 or IT live rub ber blade thai Is flex ible for curved wind-ield. Rebuilt EO. J2.79 1934-41 Ford V8.Conpl.t ly r.monufaclvr.d. Back d bya'lik.ntw'warroittyl CHEV. MUFFLER . ma. Fits all stondard ClMvralh lQSO.jV' Always p P P Better A satV Buy to Nip Again continued unbeaten by trouncing Wlllamlna, 60-30; West Linn de feated Braverton, 68-48 Oregon City beat Forest Orove. 78-61: and . University of Eugene edged Spring field, 40-37. Reedsport, winner of the Eastern division title in the Southwest Olo gon district, dropped a close on to the Llnfleld frosh, 6G-65. WftlNKltO rtttvttis 800V FLAWS WE VtH GETS THfJ . CfU8 APPtAUBC 1 SEE US FOR Expert Body. ana renaet 'Rehmsbing QUICK SERVICI AT RIASONABLI PRICIS BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Hals at Caplanade The West's Oldest and Largest Retailers of Auto Supplies "VARCON'? IS YOUR BEST BUY! Get a "Vorcon" for ef ficiency, dependability AND LONGER LIFE. It's super-quality in battery construction and engi neering. You can't buy a better battery at any price. . of Chevrolet, Jjeg, $1 f 96 11 1 5.95 40c per Quart PREMIUM QUALITY "Supreme" Compounded IN YOUR CONTAINER 15 2 PER QUART h loti of 2 or mor Gallons. Add 6c pr gal. for Excita Tax. k Fights rest, acid and sludge fa The oil Hint runs to hot spots with a Elm of protection . 1mi BLADE FOGLITE $4.19 $3.58 4'i" iaal.d bom unil. Smartly da sign.d chrom. plal.d shall. ili cart with splash pan. 98c Distributor 5l98. fX. 1039 MAIN t tmwai airiiiw