WKDNKSDAY, MUHUAHY 13, 11)52 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALIJ3. OREf.ON PAGE FIVE From 1'nrtlmirl Murk rciontly Iroin I'oiiIiiihI urn Mi. mill Mm Cllllurtt 0. VolHhl, Wlilln in II ii Hone C'lly lliry iitti'lKlMl h ir tllrtwlnu (if llin new (iriinil 'Inlnl Mudrl lTldrn CiiIciiIiiIIiik MihIiIihv Vnlldll I" (iWllrr ill llin i'l'jl r Olflio Supply (iliirn lirif. I'.iillatril Dnvlil Niimhi Miinlrr, II, Clii-mull. Iiuh cnllilril In llir l .l Nitvy unil la iiikIi'ikoIhk re cruit tin I li ll ik ul Hun IJIi.'ku. II" VK pillCPKMMl llllllllull Ull- lotlll iccniltiiiK Muliim, l'ii.-.iiilli o iikl HntiK Alt Cull's, Merrill liluli WIIV', la Imlllfl 11 inn hull J,'l'lillrlr.(-M where li" wiim Willi ii iIihikIHit. Mm. J. I). H1M1I, whii Mini it-rent MU'ijrrv lit IVriiiiihrnttt Jltmiillii). Ilrr home l In O.ikluml Mrrlluj Till ii-Kiiliir liimlnrsn liirrtlliK n( Mt. Ma.iimu 'I 'iiiiHtniln Irnnnnn In pliinnrd lor 0 n.iu. Thui'iKluy lit llm WllhiKl lloli-l Hume - l'fe. tlmv M Fii-IIhk, mhi nl Mr. ami Mill. Jfihii KrelliiR, Mu lln, Is lioinn limn l.owiy Air Hum!. Urnver, where he linn cmupli'leil hlH HtuilleH unil hi iiiluiiti-rt Iroin lechnlciil M-lmol Willi excellent nil It IK In photo IhlcrpietuUon jir rliillM ul InielllKence currier Held. Alter mcjillli n lurlmiuh with rein liven unci lili-mln lie will report to Cmnn Hlnneiniiii, Hun I'mnclHi o 4 lor ulflmi'iil lor overneim duty. Mertlni I'ytlilun Blslern Huclnl Cltili will meet ul Hie home ol Chnrlolle Cuiiay. H18 Walnut. Frl cluy, 8 p. in. lor putlui lt luni-h.1 Wriinif M.in-Tlin John Me.Cul IoiikIi iirreKti-u Ihln week tor drunk en ilrlylnit In not W. John MrCul IntiHli. 4(1111 C'rent Hlreel, employed by the Klmniilli l-iilh Creamery. MeelliiKn-'llie non-ilennmlnnllon-ul revlvul meelliiKN IwIiik lield ev rrv nlnht, Tift p.m. Old KuhI MiiIii, ii Ii -, I ii I i s uhovn Trulnvo'H Market, me open to the public. The npeuk er In Mm. KdUli (Com Cowuer. Food Mule A linked food mile will be held Hiiliirdnv on Hie Muln Floor nl Ihe J.C. IVnnev Mure, hponnored by the Ki'oiiranl.fd Church ol I.iuter Unv Hiilnm, Mon ey Iroin the nule will no Into church bulillnii Hind. New lliiliy Mr. mid Mrn, Melvln Moore, 2VM Auliimn, urn parcntn ol ii ihiiiKliier, born Keb. 4. 'Ihe Utile Kill welithed 0 poiiudn, 7 oiiucen nnd linn been mimed Nona Kuy. Ilcr nuilerniil rriui(linreiils lire Mr. nnd Mm. A. M. Murray, ol Kliininlli Kulln. Mutlirr Dlen- Mm. C. I.. Benson elte, KiiKene, punned uwny Feb, I 'J nt her home utter n len(tliy lllneMn. Khe wim H2. Funernl r.erv lees F'-b Iter duuiditer, Mrs. J. It. lliilziinK, 10-10 Cnlllornla wan with her ul Ihe limn ul her dentil. timers Club -Meets 7 o'clock loultthl at the Moonn Hull. Joint meeiinit ol movie and nllll dlvl nionn, I Jt-inrin-.tni linn on IikIiiiiik bv an An.ico ri-iiencntiitlvc. UiIiik ciimerun nnd lllm. Freak Acclilent Mm. Frank noenier, wile ol navy recruiter, Chief Trunk Hornier, wan victim ol u Ireak uccldenl lant weekend. Hhe broke Ihe tip ol her none In fulhnit niialnnt her bed when nhc slipped. I'mnnns (irnniie Khustn View C'iranue In to be hont to n Khun Mh l'omotm Oranue ulllcvrn Iruln Inn merlliiK Friday, 8 p.m., nt Hhiinlu nchool uvm. Vern I. ant, ol Kcdinond. dlntrlct deputy, In to be prenenl. Members ol nil Kmrmen are Invited, and ench uruiiKe In In liirnlnh cuke nnd snndwlchcs lor Hi mciiibcrn. Orimiil-iliiir Hellred federnl rlll- ploye nrn scheduled lo meet nt Mcdlord Friday, 3 ti.m. lit the Fed llnlllltiif lii form u Koullinrn Ori-Kou chapter ol lilt: National An Koelntlnn ol Itetlred Civil Employes llelcKi'tes nrv expected iroin niuin ath, JoHophlno and Jiickson Coun- llen. Principal topic will be pres ent nnd luliirn uiiniiltli-n lor mem bers. Olllcers will be elected. Itehcursnl Choir rehearsal of Ihe Flrnt I'renbvterlun church won't be held Wednesday nlKht ns sched uled, but lniiteiid will be held Thurs day, 1:3(1 p.m., ut the church. The lorccd Ihe postponement. ('iiinirexutliiiisl Church May flower Club In to have rcnulsr business mcetlnu Friday, 1 n.m lor desiert luncheon at Ihe home ol Mm. K. I). Mitchell, IBM Avn lon. For tnumportiitlon, )hone 4a or 71)08. Pilot's Club A bunliifss niect i . u... u..iinHiili,.l for the club lor Frldnv at 8 p.m. Plans v.lll be made lor Ihe Valentine n dunce Saturday. I)nce-Merrill volunteer lire de n..,,tii i in nnonnor ti dunce nt Ihe Community Hull Feb. 23. Mimic will be by mnay s nana. Fslrview Study (Irnun-Holdn lln meetliiit ThuiKday, 1:30 p.m., nt the home ol Mm. Tom Lawrence. I 1840 Oregon Ave. Meets Friday A regular meet- t Inn ol the IJInnbled American Vet- , ernns niixllliiry Is scheduled lor. Friday. 8 p.m., nl the KC hall. i OSC Mothers club meets i Tliurndnv evenluc. at the recrea tion hall In the housing unit, i.ju p.m. (iAS HIIIPMKNTS PORTLAND More than three and a half million gallons ol gnnolnn were moved upstream through the locks at McNary Dam Inst month, according to the Corps ol Engineers. . Dance Concert Here Tonight T1..II. Mnla mil 1Tliti,ne ltftrl Hwlss-born satirical dancers, are scheduled to appear on Ihe Fell can theater stage tonight nt 8 In Ihe second of the seuson's commu nity concerts. inn mum eon nan i.-n,ii, n,i,.,, has spoofed the legitimate theater activity irom iurneum nun io i:: vision, has performed throughout the United Btnten. Coming season Community Con cert renewals may be mado at the concert tonight. What Happened To Him! OKLAHOMA CITY I Before pleading guilty to charges ol trans nortlng u stolen auto ncrosn state lines Tuesday, Kenneth Paul Ay cork told his story to deputy mar bhu Is : He saw a drlverlenn auto going down hill and Jumped In to stop It, but before he could bring It under control he had cronncd state lines. Bonanza Girl Joins Waves Margaret Kathcrlno Ralph, 18. Box 144, Bonanza, has enlisted In the Waves, nnd Is in Ilainbrldge, Md , undergoing basic training, the local Navy Recruiting ofllc6 an nounced today. Mlns Ralph is the third ulster of her family to enlist In the Navy'a women's organization. Arn enlisting through the local station wus Clarice llucna Fine, 20, of Tennant. According Ui Recruiter Frank Roomer, the Klamath Falls ntntlon Is prcncntly lending the state in wave recruiting with a totnl of lour for hebruary to date. Women between the nges of 18 and 20 may be eligible for duty with the Waves, he f.aid. Young Man Gets Marine Honor PHILADELPHIA Iffl-Churlcs A. Cohn didn't get everything he want ed but at least he's an honorary master sergeant in the Murine Corps. "I would like to give n pint of blood. My life is not worth that of a living soldier In Korea." Charles wrote the Red Cross blood center. "P.3. If I can't Rive blood I In sist you let me Join tho U.S. Mu rines," he added. Charles, a veteran cub scout was "inducted" Tuesday by Mnj. Clark A. Morrow, USMO recruiting of ficer, nnd given his honorary stripes. And, the major led a group of Marines to the bluod center lo donntc blood in Charles' name. Charles wasn't allowed to con tribute his 'because ha la only 10, Irritation el Externally Cum4 PIMPLES To gently cleanse broken out akin, then soothe Itchy Irritation, anj so aid healing use tlmt trnted RESINOLS FREE YOUR DOG OF OFFENSIVE ODORS! lint td nw, improvd Kmn-L-Bltkltl Now chloroplijrllin niure's own mir cle ileodonni is added 10 meat-flavored Ken I.-Biiku! F.xcluiive feeding of tint completely noumhmg food cwii all un pleaiant dog odori in 7 dayi t .' Uogi love Ken-L Uiikit it liai appe tizing sniff appeal. Ken-L-Bukit with added ihltnphyllin Jtill sells at lame low price. Get Ken L-liukit at oui lavonie nore or dealer's, or write for free special certificate that saves you 15C on your first package. Send (lift ad on a poitcard lo Kcn L-Producis, Dept. 249, Boa 5139, Chicago 77, III. MOKE LILACS THE HAGUE W) The export of Lilacs to Britain has doubled to 600 cases a day Mnce the death ol King Oeorge VI. Exporters nay they are a lavorltc with the Eng lish for floral tributes. "Hot Flashes" Stopped or strikingly relieved In 63-60 of caiet in doctor' ttili If you're miserable from the "hot fja.hes," and accompanying Irritable, reKtlirw, feelinKs of "change o life" you may be Buffering unnecessarily! For...in tent by doctors . . Lydia Plnkham'n Compound and Tablet brought relief from &uch functlonally- caurca ffunering to tJu ana nu (re spectively) of the women tested! Complete or Miking reltet YmI Rrch has proved these med icine thoroughly modern tn action . . . had shown you where to look for relief from thoM dlstreBHinR. nir.ou. "out ol sort leeitnRs of mld-we cbsnRe 1 Bo. ..get Lydia E. Plokham'i Vgettb Compound or new, improved Tablet. with added iron, i wonaerjui, 100, for ine functional patnn of menitrual period i.) g. II irl through tomin'i Rouge Amazing Mew Liquid-treme Does A my With Pale, Tired Look! Now -HOW CAN HE RESIST YOU! IVIRY MAN is attracted lo girl whose face clows with aofi, natural color. So, don't let a pule, tired complexion handicap you. Today, discover how this amazing new beauty miracle mnkes you look more attractive, younger... instantly. Instantly - This New Beauty Miracle Gives Your Cheeks Natural, Youthful Radiance! Never That "Painted Rouge Look!" NEW YORK, N.Y. Beauty experts and women everywhere are hailing an entirely new-kind-of cosmetic that does what no makeup, cream or powder has ever claimed! It's called Hazel Bishop "Complexion Glow." Instantly, this beauty miracle does away with'that pale, tired look adds a glorious, natural-looking radiance to give -your face a wonderful new personality-flattering new. in-. I i iLf.,1 i 1 leresi mure jruuuum uinim. . , , . aj ,,.u hr beauty that men admire And nobody would guess that new glow is not your very own: Just smooth a magic drop of Hazel Bishop Complexion Glow" on each cheek. Instantly, this luxurious creme blends nat urally and perfectly with your" skin tone. Never cakes, dries streaks or blotches. Never leaves that "obvious rouged look. Thrilling Results! When you see yourself in the mir ror, vou won t believe your eyes And when you hear the compli ments of your friends, you won't believe your ears. Now, with Hazel Bishop "Complexion Glow" vou too can start each day looking "fresh as a daisy" at the end of the day still look vibrant. And when you go out for the evening, you'll have the kind of shimmering complexion New Beauty Aid Revolutionizes Make-up By Betty Hist How often have you turned to look at a woman whoso face seemed to glow with soft, radi ant color? I low often have you wished you too could have her P"" 7 youthful charm .alkVl -her interesting ncrsonnlitv? T jell ,,!ro'8 K 3 jl news! Now you $ "-I can stop wishing, ! mv appearance . . . my morale. I m sura you re going to have the same thrilling experience. Last year whon Hazel Bishop introduced the first long-lasting No-Smear Lipstick, I predicted sho would revolutionize tho cos. motio world . I pred ict "Complex ion Glow will do the same. But nothing can convince you as much as an actual trial. And I urge you to do so as soon as you can. I promise you'll be ovcrlaatmgry gratclul. s Li; and start enjoy- ing the fresh, vi brant, com- nlnxinn-cnlnr of HAZEl BISHOP your dreams. craoior of ih. yna inntnntly No-Sm.or llp.ll.k ym cm , trnn. form tho palest, most tired looking complexion into ono which glows with now radiance -one that mnkes all your friends exclaim, "You've never looked so wonderful!" Tho secret is Hazel Bishop's "Complexion Glow." Unlike tell-talo rouges, this smooth cremo-color blends so perfectly and naturally with any skin tone tlint nobody suspects your now radiance is not your very own. It novcr cakos or streaks, . As a beauty editor, I've used practically every kind of cos metic from 10c to $25. But take it from mo, no beauty aid I'vo over used did so much'for Unbelievable,But True," Say Grateful Thousands Mrs.T.N.K Detroit "For years I'vo been reading about that 'schoolgirl complexion.' Now at last, i'vo really got it thanks to 'Complexion Glow.' It looks so very natural that my husband says I look ton years younger." Miss R. C. I., Nr w York Secretary "After working all day at the ollice, I used to look so pale and tired I didn't even feci like going out in the evening. Then tho girl at my beauty shop told mo about 'Comploxion Glow.' I'.S. My finnco says I look so wonderful ho's fnllon in lovo with mo all ovor again!" Mrs. V. N., f.oa Angclet, Calif. "I never use rouge because it mnkes a woman look hard. But after 25, a woman definitely needs color on her checks. And 'Complexion Glow' eives it without that painted look." Never Before Such" Raves From Beauty Editors Philadelphia, Pa. "Beauty be. gins with your comploxion! If your cheeks lack color you just can t look as attractive as you desorve. But I'm not suggesting old-fashioned rouge. There's an en tirely new kind of beauty-aid at your cosmetic counter, supe- Dot o drop joned roURea. on flng.rtlp u.g a crcme thnt blends boautifully, naturally with any skin tone. It's called 'Comploxion Glow'." New York, N.Y. "If you can take a vacation whenever you want, you probably don't need to worry about your complexion. But if you're like mo indoors most of the time, then Comnloxion Glow is lust what vou need to put a healthy-looking glow on your checks." San Franelseo, ('!. "... The most startling feature is that Hazel Bishops Complexion DOES SO MUCH COSTS SO LITTLE Never Before Such A Beauty Aid! Kverylwdy agrees there's nothing so flattering 3 Flatlirln lo your complexion as glowing color on your . rnecKsi mil yon can r gei 11 nun nui'iinniuii rouges that leave a hard, painted look! Now, fur Ihe first time, Hazel Illshop "Com nli' v Inn Clnw" elves vnii a anft. Iriiiisnarciit rndinnca Hint la completely natural-looking M"""m "'"' -perfectly heniillfiill (Jet It today! Look love- Rote Glow Her, younger. ..Instantly! Pink Glow (for tljhl SMn) Coral Glow 1 r Glow' is not a cake rouge . . . but a creme; that it blends with any skin type ... looks complete ly natural. And immediately transforms a 'humdrum', indoor look to a complexion that glows with youthful beauty." ' Chicago, III. "Exciting news to women ot all ages is Hazel Bishop 'Complexion Glow.' Unlike old-fashioned rouges, it looks completely life like. Everybody will compliment vou on vour new complexion beauty . . . but no body can tell it's not natural 1" Dallas. Tex. "No matter how tired you may feel, there's no longer any reason to look that way! Now an amazing new complexion discovery puts a rosy bloom on your cheeks. When you look so fresh and vibrant, you feel that way, too!" You must be thrilled with results, or your money back! 2 and other women envy. , Money-Back Guarantee Never before has a new beauty discovery become so popular in so short a time. Everywhere, "ComplexionGlow"hasachieved sensational success. f But the only experience that counts is your very own. So, get Hazel Bishop "Complexion Glow" at any of our conven iently located stores with this assurance Hazel Bishop "Complexion Glow" makes you look lovelier, younger in stantly; or your money back! FITS PROVE IT YOURSELF- Smooth on tach chook Try This Convincing Half-Face Test Put your usual makeup on both sides of your face. But on one cheek, smooth a drop of Hazel Bishop "Complexion Glow." Instantly you'll see the ex citing difference! Now, look at your ot her cheek. You'll be sUr tled how pale and colorless it looks by comparison wonder how you ever got along without complexion uiow. Women Go Wild Over Sensational Hazel Bishop No-Smear Lipstick WON'T EAT OFF! WON'T BITE OFF I WON'T KISS OFFI No Wonder It's America'! Largest Selling Lipstick! 'ccViUtnany qood WY "VJ tOO iw" i f RE SALE CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK Merchandise Mart 2964 So. 6th Phone 6660 happens it ir. J : 4? to the best of us THAT KNOCK.;.knock.:.knock!ngat the door isn't always opportunity! Sometimes, it is respon sibility and the need for a little ready cash; So, when those extra expenses pile up get t PERSONAL LOAN from the First National Bank of Portland. It's Quick, Easy, Convenient and Costs So Little! . .-, . , ... . ..... . 11 iL bF-II. M-..l. e-.Jl. lL eiMiJ Baaa-aaimla 1 4U . Merrill Branch FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND The fconlc ffcof itoyi OPEN 10 TO 5 SIX DAYS A WEEK for your eonvie "LET'S BUILD OREGON TOGETHER" NdarjDiaeeeatMea: uai. natiL eiaHof inc. A drop of Hoitl Bit hop "Compltx Ion Glow" on tach js chick ) all you nita 10 91V your fact fftth, nalurol looking color. It'i tht final touch to ptrfict grooming. $150 ; Smorl, convtnltnf- to-corry punt tta con pnty $ L You Must Be Completely Satisfied or Your Money Will Be Refunded GET YOUR HAZEL BISHOP "COMPLEXION GLOW HERE NOW! PAYLESS DRUG f V-njJ ALL .' . 'v r' -i TViik>w Ski Togs ... Snow-Proofed ...Ski-Teslecf tv) sh. vvr - Thja; 808 MAIN JACKETS DOWN HILL SKI PANTS ,V SKI UNDIES (Red Hots) SKI SWEATERS MITTENS CAPS LINNERS SKI SOX