WEDNESDAY,' FEnftUAlTY 13, 101)2 IIBRALn AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OKKOON PAGE TURK Taft Supporters Claim Majority in Oklahoma I'lm Ainoeliitcd Vrrn Orlr ol " Krimt vlolory' and stmt lluhtlim" nlln reel llin buck rrn ol two tntriuiln 'IHi-mluy In the Hcpubllcnim' rnco lor tin ircl unity. It wmi a flny Itm iinlvrinnry of Abraham Miiroln't bh 111 whorl Itrpuhllcuna fvnrywhern tiikr Mock mid, In nn election your Ilka Ihln. Sri primed iur ths buck Mraltli il live. In Oklnhonui C'lly, i Held innnri. Crr (nr Hciiiitur 'I "It liullril thn outcome o( Okliihriiilii'n Itcpllbll run ulnle convrnt li.n Momluy nn "n Kient victory lor Tutt." The krnhlon wound up with nrvrn nam InntliK rlrlriMtrs IfhiiIiik to Tult. nrven to Urn. Dwlulit I). Elriilmw. rr mid two to Ocn. Uuiinlns Mui Arthur. PREDICTION Victor A. Johnnon predicted that 12 of Die 18 Okliiliomit drleiin tin would vote for Tuft on the Diiiiot t tlio nrulonnl convcntiuuj In .lulu But flennlor Cnrlnon H-Kiin. mnnntifr ol Elneiihower-for-Preil- lent hrndqtmrtcra In WimhffiKlon, Hold the V-7 Hcore in Oklnhntnn reprenciuii moriil victory Iur HI nenhower f'ljecuune n month nun It wu Kennriilly nmiumed Klsra howrr wouldn't kH wiy ol I be Oklnhomn clrlfiiutcn." In WimhliiKtoii, Hen.ilnr Aiken, ,R-Vt., nnld of Uenerul Blhenhowur: , "UnleM he ainrls f.'xhUiiK, he's dead duck. Ha In, qoiiiR to ):"i ta come home mid cumpnlKii II he wanta tlio noinlnntlon. II he doenn't he will be leavluu lot of hin pro moterii out on verylonit limb." Elsenhower, who hriidn Mutunl nnld he will nccept the OOP nomi nation hut will not ecrk it. Lincoln Day epcechcH were nchedulcd Tuemliiy bv Tutt nt Brut tie, on hit Northwrm lour, and by two olher OOP niiplrniitn, Ilnrold Staaiien and Clov, L'nrl Wnrren of California. The Demoorntlo nice alao wna inovlnu iiIoiik. The only Announced eiitriint, Bciiiilor Kefnuvor of Ten iicwiro, inutle two nppenrnnceii Monduy in New yor una rcpciim TuPMlny In ChlciiKO. in III UblciiKo nuarenfi, lor or- llvcrv nt u iiioollnir of the luliiiid Dully 1'rci.n Awtoclullon, Koluuvcr Mild: The corrupt politician tnrentrnK our deiiinciiitlc ytcni on mm front .Hint nn Communism threatens II on iinothcr ironi," 'I'uft nddrcKKcd a OOP luncheon nrowcl Monduy In Bpoknnc, Wneh., nnyliiK Kepubllciina muni huve n prcnldentliil ciinuiiiiiie wno wnuiu KiithuHc iiurlv worker bv "urmnnil. niK the Innucn clearly." Ho lrlt no donln he cuiinldcrs hlmnclf audi a ..ullr1n In HtHfisrn' told newmrn In Okln- homii fMtv he hones to become wmmroiiMnr cnndldiile nt the OOP nutloniil convention. "My chnnrrf. nre Kteiidlly Improvlnu," he unld. "No ono hiia n cinch." Queen Begins Official Work LONDON W Queen Ell.iibeth n conducted her flrnt olllclul cere money nt Huekmxhiim Pnlnce Wedneediiy, receiving Prime Mill iliter Wlimton Churchill In n Mule itudlenrc. Accompnnlrd by 20 member of the Home of Commons, Churchill presented nn addrena to the Queen nnd received a formal reply, court nttnehea anld. The texta of their remark were not nnnounred Anionic olhera from Pnrllument who pnrtlclputed In ihe brief cere mony were Onponltlon Lender Cle ment Alllee, the former prime mln later, nnd ForclKn Secretary An thony Kddl. JOHN L. RICHARDSON, former manager of the Klamath Falls Social Secur ity Office, is now assistant regional representative working out of the San Francisco Social Security Office. After leaving here he was assistant manager of the Portland office. KIIOWMtH, KNOW PORTLAND I Eastern nnd Western Orriton ahnrcd the name weather Tuesday with one Impor tant dlllercnce In the east the temperature wn low enouKh to turn the hower to anow. Vote Defeats Dutch Premier BflUSHKLS, Belgium W The Boclul C'hrliitlnn Oovcrnment ol Premier Jean Van lloutle wna ile fi'und III a voto In Parllurnrnt Tueaday over Klnif Uuudoiiln'a ile clalon not to attend peraonally the fiint-rul of Klnu Ocornc.VI of Brit ain. A Bocliillst-Llbcrnl motion ex preaaliiK rerct nt Baudouln'a ac tion nnd blnmlnn the government wna not prcHcnlcd nn a vote of confidence, however. The vote was 111 to 84 with one iibnlintlon. Young- King Buudouln haa depu tized hlft 17 year - old brother, Prince Albert, to attend the Brit ish Klng'a liincrul. 'Ilie Boclullat Newspaper I.e Pi u plc aald the decision "will Kurprlse und distress" Belgians. H aald the government tried to persuade the King to change his mind. One cxpluiiullon In that Baudouln did not wunt to go himself becau- e the Prince of Walea, now the Uuke of Windsor, Instead ol King Oeorgr V, allcnded funeral services tor Belgian King Albert In 1B34. Another explanation was thai Buudouln resents British criticism of hi father, the abdlcuted Leo pold, for surrendering to the Ger mans In HMO. Constitution Saves Commie WASHINGTON Wl Reliance on his Constitutional rights at the i right time has paid off for Steve ! Nelson, Communist leader and key figure In Investigations ol Hu.v ialan atomic Bpylng I "Even Bntnn would get a fair trial In the American courts," U8 District Judge James K Klrkland I told Nelson In acquitting him late Tuesdny of contempt ol Congress 'churges Nelson's defense In his two-day trial whs that he was within his rights under the fifth Constitutional Amendment In refusing to answer questions put to him by Ihe House Unnmcrican Activities Committee on the ground he might Incriminate himself. When the committee callerl Nel son as a witness June 8, 1949, It asked him many questions related to a Red cell set up In the war time radiation laboratory nt the University of California Nelson refused to answer scores of ques tions and 3S of his refusals were made the basis of an Indictment. Beautiful Valrntlnrs . . . Volilil'n rionrrr Offlre Supply Co. 839 Main. General Hans lci BOOKKEEPING Service I Ha I BOC P 2254 Se. 6th Phen 2-0293 INDIAN III HEAU SWITCH WASHINGTON W Leonard M. Hill was named acting California director of the Indian Bureau Tues day. He succeeds James B. Ring, who asked to be relieved on account ol his heailh. FOPS iO MUCH! IAUESS06009I Oregon Scribes Win Honors PORTLAND Wallace Tur ner and Ron Moxness, Oregonlan reporters, have received honorable mention In the. American News paper Guild's Hcywood Broun awards. Turner's Investigation and cover age ol gambling in Clackamas County earned him the award. Moxness earned his because of his Investigation of the State Liquor grand Jury Investigation. . I ATlMEi. AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Ton can rrnt lovely new plnt plan front the I.ouit K, Mann flans Com pan j, no fi. Kb. at a Uw monthly ral. AtXtr reasonable time yon can. If you wiah, rbange from rrnt to pur chase acrermrnl. Ihe rent already paid la all credited to your purrhate account and no olher down payment la necet tary Tbe monthly paymenta can be Utile higher than rent. Or, If yoa pre fer, you can rontlnue to rent. Ounce for Ounce. ..Bottle for Bottle 1 ii Ban 0 r nn JlU il o) c Si Tim ML i?r.f .ht ii ji" T r. - a 9 Yes, more real catsup in every ounce. Because Dcnnison's is richer by test than any other popular brand in meaty seasoning, sparkling vinegar, sugar and spice. Dennison's is luxury catsup at popular price, made in the world's larg- tomato solids. It's this extra tomato est, most modern tomato processing "meat" that absorbs and holds more kitchens. Get it at your grocer's today! From California WORLD'S CHAMPION TOMATOES Big, sun-ripened beauties from the greatest tomato country on earth, 9 or more in every bottle! Heavy and rich with glo rious tomato "meat", the very heart of the catsup. Full of natural juice, and loaded with flavor and good health elements. QoMiStmS means DoUcioos.. Sunday-Dinner Quality ONLY! And another thing P Dcnnison's is the world's finest Chili Con Cnrnc . . . all juicy, fresh-cut beef and big, tender Idaho red beans . . . nnd no filler to spoil its delicious flavor. I Prefer Mrs. Stewart's Bluing For Best Results! ,m; -frJ - 'J-., Say Mr. William H..rHinjf, 3312 S.W. Sprinjf Garden St., fort laid, Oregon, "i have been an ardent uwrof Mm. Stewart'. Bluing for years and am very pleased with the rr-ulu. I'm especially p!eaed at how well Mrs. Stewart's keeps the baby's things white!" Mm. Stewart's Bluing is a laundry necessity for really while clothes , . . use it in either an automatic or regular washer. It's so economical . . . less than a jenny a wah! A bottle, loo, in your bathroom keeps your "handwashabls" sparkling ( Compare Mrs. Stewart's wilh any kind of bluing at any price. Like Mrs. Hard ing, you'll find it does the best job for the least rrnt ! Get it at your grocery store. gNEW MOTORS! gSHORTBlOCKSI We have been able- to secure these brand new, complete Motors and Short blocks, either 93 or 105 HJ. II you Hov. bm lannina Intt.ll ing naw motor or thorl block. DO IT NOW whilo thoy oro Kill ovoiloblof USE OUR EASY BUDGET TERMS and take your time to pay! ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th Prion 4113 ' show ye heart's in tha right plat ' r-' vXU;f?-y' viyiA-vv s&M&Xlf t Exciting Special Purchase! Charmode all nylon slips Comparable to 5.45 Slips SEARS V ROEBUCK AND CQ Seems impossible but here they are! All nylon slips comparable to slips selling elsewhere at 5.45. Tailored 2-seam bias style is trimmed with embroidered nylon sheer. Pink or white Regular and large sizes 32 to 40. all nylon briefs 4 A nylon tricot knit H 0 U So dainty and long wearing! In our best 30 denier nylon tricot knit . . . with nylon elastic and sewn-in nylon thread! Pink or white. Small, medium, large. is r i wows!.'""'-' rr---.vr" :;'"t . In i ' ( ' V Woven Nylon 1.98 Hondsomo quolity fllovcs, with stitched fingers. Clossic favorite! . . .. olwoys welcome gifts. Pop ular colors and sizes. Excitingly Low Priced! First Quality Nylons 51 gauge '. '. ', 15 denier 89e pair Beautifully sheer clear and flawless ... at the amazing price of only 89c! Hurry in, replenish your supply during this sole. Choose them in all the season's newest shades to go with every outfit. 8V to 11. Dressy Rayon Faille 2.95 pu, tox Ultra-chic box bag In pleoted rayon faille. Zipper compartment divides interior. Unusual gift bag. Popular colors. r , 133 So. 8th Prion S188