WEDNESDAY, FEURUARY 13, 10.p.2 1IF.RALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PAGE THIRTEEN HOUSIS FOR RINT full littNl, Hmtr rn fliifir room jmnlilitd Iimiiro. Ja mi. Iitijul) tfnuk I awtuMi. Ililll Waiitiamt. VOU JlKNT, (lv "n, furriUhrif Vniu two IjIim Nb from N P. dtpot. Adults ,.w. iii am No. riiinndv VnitNlhUKI) 'tlHftr.,'wlara roiiMtt ml bath. Nfinr Ixi lino. ID par iiiunlh hujulra 442U flhatle Way. t TWOIiriHIOOM fiirnUhVil Ii'mim Adiill Nu pris. ng month. Cull ifin 111 niiM, Will NKN'l " lNi7iiVnWirH""4iMorirViiUMi In Mill Addition. Adulls only. Phunr m7. ftMAr.rTTmuM"reiitT I'hi'mi J" "l V4 JilOliritN "" two"" room ' f u iilnhed hmui ..r rant. Call 7Mii, i',Vl"UMSihMKI fitiir fiiuhi (iiinlniii"" "RT lept fi.r stoves. 50. (.'II .l)7 before " n1, oii II KK'I! lu i-nuiifc. small hirtiKri1 hrun. Mrfilii'i hi flour furnace, tin ninntli. Nr t", Phnnv 1'W VOVftt f'nrrrtit'"liHtilriit,iirU "vyijfgTy ri ,iiiKririi"riiir''"i'lt( hoiia Tn MlIU ArtrtMInn, r'hnii42(l7. "Villi UK "llOOM niMflriii"" lim. parity fiiniMied. Yt'arroll. Ul'i Hum-dale K)H " MKNT. onr Umttumm" furnished ttoua Inquire nl.oll Volt IlKNT, Iwn hailrnom fimtlhcd lititut. I1HI3 Orgun. 4.1 innnlh. Two Itntlinnrn unfui hUlied lioiiat, 1230 flown, Ul noril(i. 't WO "furfiliOOM fiimUhed """"huuta Phona WHO, 28 MISCELLANEOUS T JJEISIUVB " U TRUCKS DIUVB 26 Move Yoursrlf Kiivs ' Nrw Trucks I'or Long Trips Plrkupi Blukcs Viii P.EACON MOBIL SKKVICK 1201 E. Mull) Phono 8304 hrffclt TM'AC'- 1th "imfM-tn Cna.i t ('u..t nun IIAIlAfilTTorVenl."" liii-lierilily Vf- lv. . rOiOOfWITitn ar'r.. l.n.i n h. plnw.4 for .pud. and grain. Will, liar- aid N. IS. 4 fifl'IC lor rant. M3 Mem. pfiima kOiTTlWf door .and.r. I.K.I ivp. Suburban t.utnbar Co. lltb nrl Walnut Phone 7700 f ARTOnAftir"'iti(AT:r. dev Wart nr month, Earl Lamb, phono 473 or TIPS, JO RIAL 1ST ATI ton 5ALI SUMMERS LANE Comfortable Two Bedroom Modern home on one lull Here purl buMment. Now on reclrrnl OI lonn lor only W0 Rrrniirrotor unci electric mnite Included i. FIREPLACE! Wonderlul two bedroom home clone In. Hnrdwood lloor throimhout, tlarlifrt plnyroom with electric lient. Will atniid good loan. THREE BEDROOMS THREE ACRES . hi. la the nlace tor thoe children unci pew. All modern. Wonderlul oil. Ilreplnce. Full price IB940. Evening call FAYE TRAVI8 Phone 2-3:'M VERN W. EMLEY IlEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 2001 60. Phonr 2-3239 $4,950 MI1.U1 ADDITION. Bmnll modem 2 bedroom home on concrete foundation. Automatic door f urn are and Ilreplace. Nice lot with luwn and garden space aluo garage. Duly 4 blocks Irom Mills School. Iteasonable terms. 4312 SHASTA WAY Modern 2 bedroom home on corner acre. Oarage and cooler room. Owner transferred, must be sold Immediately. Drive by and look It over. Priced lor quick stile. DUPLEX FOR SALE In an excellent location on paved street In MILLS ADDITION. Doth unllti leature plastered walls, auto malic heat and dining rooms. One mill fully lurnlshed. 2 car garage. Nice yard. 1120.00 per month in come. 112,000. 3 BEDROOM HOME Situated on a beautiful view lot on the North side of town. About 6 years old this home Is well con structed and conveniently arranged. Large lot with garage and extra lorage room. Prlred very reason ably at 8M0. Will lake any type loan. Al Longmlre Eves. 6724 Joe Perry Eves. 5332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main St. ' Ph. 3605 or 3421 HOT SPRINGS . Bee this fine five room home In excellent location. Large living and dining room, attractive Ilreplnce, two spacious bedrooms, well de signed kitchen and utility. Modern bath, large unfurnished room over garage with Inside entrance. Quick possession. iVi.TM. MILLS ADDITION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION on this nttractlvo two bedroom home fea turing large living nnd dining room, convenient kllrhen. elevated bed rooms with double closets, nice bath, garage nnd pnrl basement. Insulated and wcntherstrlped. A floor plan Hint Is different. For quick sale $0500. Terms. Suburban Ranch Style Located among nil flno homes off Bummers Lnne n e n r Peterson School, Oversized living room, two large bedrooms with wardrobe closets, beautlul hnth with tub and stall shower dining room, well planned kitchen mid utility. In sulated walls nnd ceilings, wentner stripped. Attached gntnge, largo Inndscnpcd lot. $12,500. Terms, HARRY -VAN (Eves, 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) ALSCHMECK , REALTOR and INSURANCE t117 Mnln Phone 3211 f'Oh SAXfe. nna two hndronm liom. practically new, lor loaa than coat, 1'liona 4701, 30 REAL ISTATI I0R SALI MILLS ADDITION Ncnt an a pin and an comfort a bin your eahy chair. Two lovely bedrooma, with corner wlnilowa, llvlim Mitiin. tllnette rind ' kitchen, Attiiclie. I garage with ullllty room, concrete flour 11 tul diivewny. Itciiullftilly hind aenped lot with lota of ahrulin iind flnwera. Kleclrle heal In every room. Only 18300. SOUTH SUBURBS Here It M Three comlortuble betliooiiM with In run living room with hurtlwood floor, dinette kitchen and biith. Cloud garage. Lame liindai'iipcd lot. Bltunlccl utni'tig nice home. Thla home hna been newly decorated In side. tltfiOO. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Ph'one 2 VM MO 1026 Main Evcnlngt Ron Kloher 81110 Hruce Owena Merrill Ut 3 ACRES -2 HOMES Large 3 bedroom, basement, oil furnace, outbuildings. Bmnll 2 bed room, with fireplace. All modern Can be bought as unit or scpar atcly. Terms. Dy appointment. VERNON DURANT ANDY SI LAN I REAL ESTATE 031- So. Sixth Phone 0195. D544 or 7023 Selling Your Home ? Don't let sales problems "tangle you up." Just phone 2-3545 or 6446. or drop by our office. Right now the demand for homes Is good. So right now Is a good time to sell. REALTORS "Pal" Howes Johnny Blaylock 1025 Man Ph. 2-3545 C446 Large, Comfortable Suburban Here Is the lovely country home you have been looking for. A 1200 q. ft. house. 2 large bedrooms, separate dining room, dlnelte space In kitchen. Electrlo heat, fullv In sulated, norm windows, automatic washer. Barbecue pit In cleverly landscaped rear yat.l, fully fenced. 50 rose bushes, etc. 100x160 ft. lot Price $12,500. Easy loan terms. Income Property IS ITnlt annrlmrilt court Within riy walking distance of the bust ni.t rilKtrtrt. Ttila nlace shaws a consistent net profit of over $5000 per year. Make reasonnuie oown payment and the place will both rtnv 1nr luplf and fflve o handsome Income. In excellent condition and always FULLY rented. MILLS ADDITION Just l block from the busline. You will like this cozy I bedroom mod ern home. Insulated, automatic oil heat, concrete foundation, de tacln.1 garage, ynrd ail fenced. Price $4500. 3 BEDROOMS Newly redecorated and ready to move Into. Dining room, breaklast nook. lull basement, lorced air oil heal. On paved street In good neighborhood. 1'HA terms. Price $12,000. " OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Ph. 5658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1900 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 or 5529 6 BEDROOMS Completely Furnished Home In Hot Springs Tlils home has many extras such as natural hot water heat, two baths, wall to wall carpeting on Main floor, corner fireplace, two picture windows In living room, full basement. Some of the furnishings are General Electrlo range and refrigerator, stnnll upright piano, modern sectional living room suite, bed linens and blankets. It you need a luiRO furnished home phone to see this one todny. Price $26,500. Terms. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9tll Phone 7266 240 ACRES Brut toll In tht county. 02 acrea tn alfalfa. DM) rre ready for ipiidrt. Untie potnlo eel I nr. In excellent con dition, big liny barn, machine the d it, lfliighter hoiue, modern home, aluo pimtuie along Lost Hlvcr for SO head of entile. Including all machinery price sun ,000 terms. T Mi ACnES rotir mile nut. All under free Irr I ga llon. Nice large home. On muln high way. Price 27,WO. 13,000 down, bal ance on long term. NKWHOItSE HEAL ESTATE aoiiO South Sixth Phone tMWS SOW or KWJ. Von SAKK. 0 percent contrart on hoiine nnd Iin ho lot on Manranlla Hot Sprlngx. Due for foreclosure around M,:ioo. worth 84,000. Clotting partnership. P.O. Box 7H4. MOPirriN two ied room home, rloac In. Inaulaleri, aubcatoa aiding, electric heat. Small down payment with low month ly payment, rnona oai. FOn SAUK, lot on highway 87 near Junction. Suitable (or rdgn dliplay. Dirt fill, jow alona wall. Make ma an offer. mono euii sjitur. run hale C V EN ETT DENNIS R E A tfl OR Don Klrkpatrlck. Saleiman 121 N 8t Phona IW FOR SALE by owner, small modern two bedroom noma in ffllUldo lection. Phona 730U or call al 130 Sheldon. 44 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto (Jit your salary or furnllur up to (300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty - $10, $25, $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer. $25 ooau but 18 cents for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. lOltl St. M-354 DON McINTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years Friendly Service 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER (5 lo $18 per acre buys good ranch ami iimocr innti at uov i, mine nriH rVntntv tiinri Hf,li Vf?l'l, LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lnn-J i nil se tanuenga uivu. nonywuou 28, Calif. FARM FOR SALE 62 acre farm, near city on highway, very good home with electric hent. also other buildings. Land plnmed lo pasture grass, clover, alfalfa and baltince grain land. Very good set up for diversified farming or dairy. Call office for more Infoi million. See Fred Cofer R. L. Stephens Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th Phone 4195 EAST MAIN Three bedrooms, kitchen, breakfast nook, dining room with alcove, living room with Ilreplnce. utility entrance porch. Two garages with concrete floors. Large lot and lawns. All lurnlshlngs and furni ture, ready to move Into. TWO BEDROOMS Kitchen, living room, utility. In sulation and plaster. Late con struction. By appointment only. 160 Irrigated Acres Located In Langell Valley. This ranch Is worth the money. Good terms can be arranged. $10,000 down balance pnyable $1000 per year plus 4 per ccui inicrcb. See or Call James Hesclllne Craycc Eaton 6669 7737 Salesmen with M. L JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 5113 HOT SPRINGS Very nice two bedroom home with fireplace, full basement, nice yard. $8750. MILLS ADDITION Well-kept two bedroom home, near bus and school. $8500. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS nnd INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 2-34714880-4734 MILLS $5500 Modern three bedroom. Llv Ing room kitchen, utility. Large lot. Terms. $7500 Modern two bedroom. Liv ing room, sun porch, kitchen, util ity. Large garage and lot. Take car or pickup as part. Terms. $9500 Two bedroom, excellent con dition. Hardwood throughout. One year old. Terms. SOUTH SUBURBS $5500 Modern two bedroom, new. Needs some finishing. Excellent. Two and two tenths acres. Terms. $6850 Modern two bedroom. Nice condition'. Large lot. Assumed GI Loan. Terms. VERNON DURANT ANDYSILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 0105, 5544 or 7923 NEW HOMES tor salt William Pow.ll, Phone 8M9. FOR SALE, well Improved two acrc on Kant SL Telephone 4070 or cull al Haiti Kane. 32 BUILDING REMODELING ROOFINO Built-up Composition Shlnales Aluminum Shingles SIDING Asbestos Ccdnr shukrs INSULATION - Blown-Ill Flbcrglnss COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443, Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED ROLL DH1CK SIDING v Buft blend, red blend. S3. nil roll. CALL WARD'S FOR FREE ESTI MATE ON ROOFINCI AND SIDING MONTGOMERY WAnD 0th and Pine Phone aifls WARD'S IIARDBOAHD 4xR-'., $2.30, 4xU-'.. M.12 Phone Slfifl flth nnd Pine 34 FUEL HEATING ASHLEY AUTOMATIC WOOD HEATERS Engineered lor safety nnd amnz lng economy, burns wood or presto logs. Priced from $52.50 to $149.50. On display at Big Mkt Bldg. Phone 7052 Johnny's Big V Bakery LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-270 34 FUEL HEATING 8TANDAHD A HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METKIt PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Ileutlng Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" .Rliire lOlfl 821 finrlne fit Phm nit S ft H Clir.r.H St AMpjrilvan iii-haal-Iria nl flu,,,, nun ... ... " . lMv.r " "f ' Ul.irr YADr.N'H SIGNAL KKItVICl 2S0O Bo Slh STANbAlin' HEATINCfOit; Uttrim lurii.t'. Hah, ,.. . - -mi, wnna :harcual Peyton and Co. 34 Maraat Pit Y pint bjorlii for mIc. Open eve 1?'Safid wrrkfnrlji. Mfllef Hroi PII.STOtGS pickup or dfilviTed CiMf Yadrna Slsnal Hrrvic. 3MO So nihPhona snni or 2.02S0 38BOATS PETSSPORTSHb'BBrES in the time-honored trouble shooter Oot any trouble you'd like to have shot right ciulck? Like mnybe recover a loss, replacing the help Hint left you suddenly? Or perhaps you're eager to find good tenants for thw-e vacant units that lore you money every duyv Well, I m Klnmnth Fall's time-honored trouble - shooter! I'm a HcrnVJ nnd News Classi fied nd. I tell nearly 13.0(H) subscribers dally nbout your need or your offer within n few hours nftcr you hire me. Quite often I shoot peoples troubles fnr.tcr than they dare expect. To hire my up-top trouble shooting services, simply phone 8111 for an ad-writer OUTBOARD MOTOR U)-wa. Buy vfur low-priced irhoMti -perforin ng Sen King motor on lay-away, fio hold It until May I. with no pay men ti neces sary until then. Be ready lor the "tea on." H H P. Neutral Twin 132. 12 II. P. gcanhlft twin i?4. MONTGOMERY WARD 'tit anrt Pine Plvon- 31 EP t66MVEAWAV. pup Phor.e B1?7. KOR SALE, M fool hlfchcraft boat and trailer. Big Ten Hurricane Mer cury moinr t'ed 13 houra. 5.V). See at 3318 Shatla Way. Between 0 a.m. 5 p m ATs'l ) EHSON Boarding "kennels Phone 104? VKin Drliw.'e oft Homed ale HOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day, week or month B.t Hilary kennels Well balanced diet Clean individual cjtdoor runt (or each dog Dogs nandled durtfg mating. Will pick up and deliver Visitors Welcoma Pbona 5078 Merrill Rd Rt 2. Bon 904 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 40 TO EXCHANGE KinnY Attachments and polisher U3, Phone Mud. 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY FARMERS! j EGGS TO SELL? I We are i)ov buying delivered to our plant. Gooding Poultry Farms Phone 4946 FUULIRY WANTED Cash paid for sny amount. Top market prices (nr good quality. For quotations PHONR 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR SALE, guernsey and holsteln cows There are first calf heifers, fresh two weeks. each. P h o n c Lore 1 1 a 3137. TOR SALE, day old calves. LJ2aHome dale. AKHKIC1A.'. BREEDING SERVICt. Phone S721 M. C (Chuck I Warren. Rl 2. Box A22 WANTED colored bens Phone 4391 Highest prices paid (or poultry, bogs and livestock. BIO Y MEAT MARKET Lakeview Junction Phona 4Bni FOR SALE, as a herd only, 20 head Guernsey cows and 6 heifors to fresh en between now and May. One regis tered Guernsey bull. These cows are well hred and heavy producers and most of them are vaccinated. Will sell all dairy equipment. DcLaval milker. Au tomatic cooling unit and milk cans. Complete set up for Grade A dairy. See Roy K latt. 4 1 03 Summers Lane. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTKD to rent about March 1 by nnddlcoKcd business couple. Two bed room unfurnlhhed house with garage. Mills Addition or South Suburban pre ferred. Phone 2-0507. WANTED lo rent, two or three bed room home for OTI Instructor. Phone 2-ltiHl. WANTED two small or medium cook stoves. Good bakers. Box 103, Bonanza. SHKKP tagging an v where. Phone 2-OWa. WANTED to huv. nlr compressor. Ha IIP or larger. Phone S3ff. WANTED History of Modoc War by Mcncham or Riddle. Have producer friends Interested in making movie of war. Roy W. Hodges. Tulclake, Calif., Phone 7-0711 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pn.v Onl $100 $7.27 Ma Repny In 18 Installments UP i'O $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS . THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pa? Locally owned , New Cars financed: at bank rates " "WONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 10 year serving Klamath Bails See "Chuck" Bailey, Mgr. HI N 7Ul SU Phone 3325 6-341 . M-276 31 MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION FARMERS!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THESE GOODS USED TRACTORS 1 Int. TD-6 Wide Gauge Crawler. Painted and Recondi tioned W'Ur. mounted Hyd. Pump. $3100 1 Farmall "II" Tractor W'llyd. pump, Power take-off and good rubber. Painted, overhauled and guaranteed. $1050 11950 Case Tractor model and lights. Wide Frt. Axle. little use. $1000 1 Farmall "B" Tractor completely overhauled and painted vdirect-connccted I-II-C Mower. $850 FLOYD A. BOYD CO. rULELAKE, CALIFORNIA 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED. David Bradley or HanTi Hale Loader. Adams Ranch, phone 7221 Merrill. WANTED lo rent, garage, vicinity Rad cliffe and Homing Project. Phone 2-jiC.H WENKKb a 149 or lt50 Plymouth Sta tion wagon. Will pay top price. Dugan and Mct. Phone 8101. tVE NEED CARS' Get top price now Ro Motor Co 6th and Plunv Commercial Furnishes . CASH! CASH LOAN8 $50 to $300 . Auto Furnltura Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles ' j (paid lor or fcbtl Private Sale of Autos Financed Make four deals CASHdeals) Commercial..., -Finance ' Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 8-251 N-2Z) 107 No 8th Phone 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE SMALL RESTAURANT Good location, close in. Doing large volume of business. 1 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT TERMS Phone 6144 after 5 WANTED to borrow. $4,000 at 6 percent interest. Can furnish references. Write Herald News. Box 16. KOK SALE. Income property near Ash land. Monthly income $445. Includes two houses, tun ana r I men! hiilliiintrs. r, -in sisting of nine rental units. Automatic laundry, une DlucK from out stop. At tractive buildings. Total $21. 2M, Terms. Ralph Sikes 2183 Siskiyou Blvd. Ashland. Phone 4646. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TWO CARLOADS CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES $5.25 PER CWT. F.O.B. KLAMATH FALLS Phone 7960 or 8763 PRACTICALLY new G.E. stove. price, alio Garden. Phone 9059. PUSTS (or sale. Red Juniper and Cc dnr. Phone 42:1 Malm. USED WALLACE bedroom suite, van lty chest bed and bench. S49.95, used bieached bedroom suite, vanity chest, bed end bench, $,19.95. Terms. Lucas Furniture 193 E. Main. USED davenport and choir $19.95. dav enport and chair $;)4.30. davenport and chntr $:J.93, davenport and chair $b7.30. large overstuffed chair $9.95. one swing rocker $9.95. another S4.95. Terms. Lucas Furniture. 195 E. Main. USED large size extension chrome ta ble and four heavy chairs S&5.93. tued wooden table and four chairs $19.95. mahogany drop leaf table, $29,95, used oak buffet $12.50. Lucas Furniture 195 E. Main. - FOn SALE large oil heater 130 gal. storage tank, stand and pipe. $40, 340 North 10th St. Phone BI96. STARK BROTHERS Nursery. Fruit trees and shruos. I'none a-uoaf, 14 DAY FREE TRIAL Trv the new Sunbeam Shavemaster at home before you buy. Only $26 50. RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Phoc 3131 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinder. Phone 2-1167 USED FUHNITURE values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 321 Main. Phone aaaJ. 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe, 70 cent PEYTON ft CO DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone J 06 wan, viiK. OIL Moras, tank.. Peyton and Co. r;is siarKci, CRUSHED ROC'Kl Hrlvewajf cinders. Phone SS4I. ' LANDSCAPING. evergreen,, alirub, and trees. W trim, apray and remove large trees. LAKESHORB GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4288 eooxte recaps ss.os EACH EXCHANGE Wt tniv uied tires. O.K. Rubber Weld ers. 3391 So 6th. Phone 4JH ONE small ,afe. one medium size sate, both fireproof. 241S South Sixth. YOU SALE, used ''Cat 26 crawler tractor tn very good condition. S330. Floyd A. Boyd Company,' Tul.lak., CaJ-Uornla. FOR SALE BUYS ON VAC VV'Hyd. Pump, Starter This tractor has seen very PHONE 7-2072 in me you have a celebrated salesman When you hire me to find you buyers for real estate, cars, merchandise or personal be longings, you're employing the services of Klamath Fall's cele brated salesman! I'm a Herald and News Classl lied ad. the canvasser who de livers your message to nearly 13.000 subscribers In a few hours. I talk up your proposi tion, too. and bring cash cus tomers to your premises prontol It's a cinch to employ me, simply phone 8111 for an ad-writer . CLEARANCE WARD'S : ELECTRIC BLANKETS. -20 only single control tnn .oft or care cioag ' . . f "-ft- V ..wv 10 only dual control Reg. $32.75 SALE $29.88 I I YEAR GUARANTEE Montgomery Ward 9th and Pine Ph. 3188 - FOR SALE . USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. . . . Your Choice Only $1 EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. 6th Phone 5708 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 1 835 Market Phone 5149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 D-2 Caterpillar. Good condition. M. M. Cllne. Bly. Ore . MIRRORS resilvered, new mirrors made to order. Kimballs Glass Shop Phona 7378. FOR SALE, used electric range. $29.50. Hatter Furniture, 9th and Klamath. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs files for sale or rent PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 829 Main Phone 74U ELECTROLUX CLEANER and polish! and supplies. Phona 71tJ7 Tarkel Tweat. 921 Market. GLASS furniture tops and shelves made to order. Kimball's Glass Shop Phone 7378. FOR SALE, late model D-2 with or without doier. W. J. Dixon. Macdoel. FOR SALE, about 35 ton good stock hay, 13 tons oats, balance alfalfa. Lad die tocii. pnone zoi aim. HEAVY tilt bed farm trailer. Dual wheels, vacuum brakes with winch. Phone 3-1 168. K-2 S&W. $60. Phone 3292. FOR SALE, antique walnut needlepoint occasional chair, antique table lamp wired for electricity, needlepoint firs side bench, mahogany six piece 4 pos ter twm bedroom suite, spode dinner ware. Buttercup pattern. Phone 6285 or see at ieu worm mn. FOR SALE, approximately 30 ton baled alfnlfa hay $750. Also 5 ton third cutting baled alfalfa $123, Phone Tulclake, New ell 2263. FOR SALE, twin size inner spring mat tress. Like new, rnone aa.ia. FOR SALE, Phone 9449. tons excellent alfalfa. FOR SALE, used two-piece living room sets, $29.50 and $39.30 matal bunk beds with coil springs $39.50. Hafter Furni ture. . . ' - BROKEN window glass replaced, Kim balls Glass Shop. Phone 7378. 55 AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE Chevy 1 ton stock rack truck. 9 UK) with battery $85 without. 3022 Butte St. 1949 STUDEBAKER 2 ton S yd. dump truck. Good rubber excellent condition. $1300. Box 631. Tuieiake, for SALE 1936 Ford Sedan. A very good buy at $93. See at 2379 So. 6th. 1951 WILLYS pickup in immaculate con dition. Less than 5,000 miles. Has big heater, defroster, spare tire never been uined. Really a bargain $1393. Dim bat moiors. a;iu main. FOR SALE. 35 ft. standard dual-axle semi-trailer. $1350. Excellent condition. Phona 3-3102 Ashland. ii AUTOMOTIVI BUY, NOW for only;. '' $7.00 Down (ON APPROVED CREDIT) . ' : 1938 PLYMOUTH $ 97 1939 OLDSMOBILE $397 1937 DODGE $127 1937 PLYMOUTH $127 ' 1936 PONTIAC $ 67 1938 CHEVROLET $127 1939 PLYMOUTH $297 1941 FORD ; $197 1939 PLYMOUTH $197 ' 1937 DODGE $147 RIDE AND ENJOY YOURSELF PAY AS YOU GO! ! For the BEST in the WEST SEE " ''-.V DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Jdb Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th phone 8101 QUALITY ALWAYS REGARDLESS OF PRICE! THIS SELECTION OF CHEAPER USED CARS WILL GIVE YOU TRUE DOLLAR VALUE IN SAFE DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION. We will arrange terms to suit your budget! 1941 DODGE SEDAN 1941 OLDS '78' CLB. SDN. This car Is tops mechanically and will give many miles of trouble- free $ooc transportation. .. ... 7J 1939 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. SDN. Ready to go and at tr i r very little investment. .. i40 1940 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Radio, heater .good body and interior. Nice in appearance and good 'iin mechanically. O I U 1941 BUICK SPECIAL SDN. Radio, heater, good interior and body. A real buy in a G.M. product. ... JA75 MODEL "A" FORD SEDAN Runs like a $Q C V ' "Scared Babbjt'1 .....'..... ... OO . H THESE CARS ARE ALL BARGAINS AT THE PRICE SEE THEM TODAY j WE ALSO HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF. LATER MODEL CARS IN ALL MAKES. ' - ' ; Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath $25.00 Down SPECIALS! WITH APPROVED CREDIT '41 Olds "78" Sedan. Hydra. $495 '38 Bulck Special 4-Dr. $195 '41 Pontlac 6treamllner $495 '41 Chev. Sp. Dlx. Gib. Cpe. $395 '41 Nash "600" Sedan $345 KLAHN NASH COi 606 South 6th COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING - REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 877 a 7th Phone 1771 For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES 11th and Klamath ?hone 2-253; 1949 CROSLEY station wagon, R&H, good shape. 4100 Washburn Way. 1948 WILLYS JEEP with winch. First class condition. Five mud tires. Tow bar. $793, See at 321B bnaita way oe twetn 9 a.m.-S p.m. WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 303 & Main. Phona 3579. "We will aell vour car tor vou . wa pujt ami imne 1931 WILLYS nlckUD in Immaculate con ditlon. Less than 5,000 miles. Has big heater, defroster, sparo tire never been used. Really a bargain. Privately owned $1395. Phone 3130 evenings, loia mKVROt.KT 4 TON PICKUP. Ex cellent condition. Low mileage, Phone 9438. ' CASH for" '41 pickup. Phona 3-1835. The famous '41 six cylinder Olds mobile. A low-priced' 'lO' lamlly car. OYO 1940 OLDS '76' 4-DR. SDN. A roomy 4-Dr. in good IQC mechanical condition. .... 2.7 D 1937 OLDS '8' SEDAN Good - body, interior and tires. Dependable transport-tion at low cost. See and .295 drive it. 1940 PONTIAC '8' SEDAN N hanlcally Radio, heater. Good mechanically but a bit rough in body. 195 Worth the money. Phone 4103 '49 Olds L-90 Sedan $395 '40 Plymouth Spec. Dlx. $345 "39 Ford Deluxe $375 "39 DeSoto Coupe $295 "38 DeSoto Coupe $175 Phone 3650 ; IN '52 We've the CAR for YOU NOW is the time to BUY! We can and will make you a better deal on our PERSONALLY INDORSED USED CARS 51 49 49 49 BUICK Spec. 4-Dr. Sdn. HUDSON '8' Com. 4-Dr. PONTIAC '8' 4-Dr. Sedan PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan PACKARD 4- Dr. Sedan HUDSON '6' Com. 4-Dr. HUDSON '6' Super 4-Dr, CHEVROLET 5-Pass. Coupe STUDE. Champ, 5- Pass. Coupe OLDS '8' 4-Dr. Sedan " PONTIAC '6 2-Dr. Sedan 2295 1695 1795 1595 1465 1435 1365 1145 1050 1195 M25 48 48 48 48 47 47 41 . COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1950 FORD V, Ton Pickup ...... '1395 ; JUCKELAND . : ' . MOTORS , llth it Klamath'. Ph. 8-2581 FOR SALE, 1D47 Jtep, 103 Chevrolet Phone ,iwo. Complete auto gta,. servirt. Prompt, reasonable. Kimball, Glaaa Shop. Phone 7378. WILL it'll equity lit IBM Hudson rso maker. Phont Mil. .. Sus BARUANra used Cars we BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shut Way and Arthur Klre.u Phone saoa tlt NEED CAKSi (Ml lop prie, nom Rom Motor Co. llh and Plum.