PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1.1, 10152 ( 1 MINNEAPOL1S-MOLINE pioneered factory built LP gas burning equipment on the famous MM U tractor in 1941. LP gat steps up the horsepower of the already power ful U about 1 0. MM jiclory-bniU LP gas tractor! hart high compression (6.8 to 1) and cold manifolds. Wiib. out their use, power will be low and fuel consumption,' will be high. LP gas burns clean and prevents carbon deposit and crankcase dilution. Oil will last several times is long due to less contamination. These tractors run cooler. Time between overhauls is greatly prolonged. : i 4MUTV CONttOl m MM .ACIO.III MIAN1 tONOIt. tima UCVKt 1SI f) y 5 ' 6 fl r MM IP moon arc faaorr . a. j- fimrpd ith irl ot M "lH'?CT3C5i',f fsf I indcr head, cartturtior, m x V'iif-B ft' 2"W'.C. lank hfauly Knit to ri- &tfaB oil w(vr to w 1 BYRON JOHNSON "Your Minneopolis-Moline Dealer" Merrill-Lakeview Junction Phone 9789 Malin Phone 309 FOn FULL RETURN FROM TRACTOR POWER Match your tractor with implements that make full use of modern power features. The imple ment is just as important as your tractor for faster farming and precision work. Allis-Chalmers TRACTOR-MATCHED imple ments attach and operate as if they were a part of the tractor. You get accurate work almost like having the steering wheel on the implement. You can quick-change from one implement to the other before the engine cools . . . shift tractor wheel spacing with engine power. Stop in and look over the most advanced line of tractor implements you have ever seen. Tune in IK. National Form end Homt Hour Ivory Jotvrooy NIC ( fULIS'CHflLMERS V jjtiu jtwo Slavics GMC TRUCKS FAIRBANKS 677 So. 7th February - Crater Lake Moch.nerV To ALL Who FARM: In cooperation with John Deere, we've arranged a big day full of entertainment, refreshments and profit. Plenty of variety movies, new farming ideas, new equipment on display . . . and a chance to visit with all your friends and neighbors. Be here for sure! Crater Lake Machinery Co. 1410 South 6th i Sec your friendly MM dVater for complect facts. MORSE POMONA PUMPS Phone 7771 c.j i r. ii ; a i ruv.r e., i?-.yJLi 0 ANNUAL TROPHY for 4 H Leaders Associations was won by the Lakevicw group shown above for their outstanding program this year. It was presented at Corvallis during the annual Leaders Conference late last month. Left to right: Lee Hansen, Lake County 4 H Club Agent; Mrs. John Scaville, leaders association vice president; Secy. Mrs. Frank Padget; Pres. Cecil Swingle; Trcas. Mrs. Ch arles Drinkwater and Director Clarence Tracy. The original term of copyright under existing U.S. law runs (or 28 years. relieve " distresswithout dosing, rub on... When You Use Adoptobl Butler Buildings FOR IMPLEMENT SHELTER & TOOL SHOP FOR CATTLE SHED Save on farm building costs , with Butler Steel Buildings. ' Permanent. WeathertighL Rodent.proof. Fire-resistant. Widths: 20', 24', 28', 32', 36', 40', 50', 60 70' and wider; lengths variable. In quire today. BUTLER Steel Birildinqs Straight Sidawalls Us All the Space You Pay For Sold end Bocommoncjoa ly HEATON Machine & Supply 429 Spring Ph. 6691 THE wj" -A FEB. a- Phone 2-2544 m a yw V VAPORUB ! nfflSESSPn F0RC ;ST0RAGE n t. - J t: i if ' .? i y Mechanmcal Damage To Spuds Checked Mechanical Injuries to Oregon's potato crop, caused somewhere be. tweeii larm and niarnei, are tax. ing a slice out of the Industry's Income. O. B. Davis, assistant ag ricultural economist (or the Ore gon State college experiment na tion, has reported. The proof Is contained In pre liminary results of a study con ducted in three central Oregon counties. There economists found defects caused by some form of mechanical Injury in nearly 44 per cent of all potatoes examined. They classified bruises, cuts, breaks and wet decay that devel oped as a result of such a defect as mechanical injuries. The experiment was conducted In Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson counties. The OSC experiment sta tion, Oregon Potato commission, and the three county extension agents cooperated In the project. Most of the delects uncovered about 30 per cent were non-grade I defects. That means they were not 'serious enough at the time of In- Bean Study Made For Oregon Development of a bush variety of the popular Blue Lake pole green beans grown in Oregon and California would improve the com petitive position of the western can ning bean Industry, Dr. W. C. Hal field. Pacific Dlvlson agronomist for the American Can Co., said today. Dr. Hatfield told the Oregon State College Canncrs" and Freez ers' School at Corvallis that me chanical bean-pickers now can har vest beans from Dusnes out not from pole vines. Emphasizing that he was express- in only hi, (Ponal opinions based on Held studies. ,Dr. HJ"eJ of the can-maklm? firm, said costs of harvesting pole beans and ect nomic pressure irom ousn oean; areas "point towara moaincanon of the Blue Lake Industry's cul tural production methods to take advantage oi the mechanical pick er. A new ivdb oi ucan uiom, win be needed if the industry in the I west is to keep its advantageous position." said Dr. Hatfield. "This proposed bean can be developed, but it will take considerable time." Dr. Hatfield said that In 1950 there were 12,000 acres of green beans In the Pacific Coast states and Utah. Almost the entire ac reage was planted to Blue Lake beans, he said. From 12,000 acres, the Pacific Coast and Utah obtained 81.700 ton of beans, compared to 175.000 tons obtained from the 107,000 acres in the rest of the country. Thus frdm 10 per cent of the acreage, 32 per cent of the tonnage was ob tained. The west averaged 6.8 tons per acre compared with 1.8 tons for the remainder of the country. "The industry in the west, be cause of certain desirable qualities of the Blue Lake type bean, has an enviable position in the bean picture currently. The west wishes Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment 11th &Wolnut Ph. 7709 J Wurlirzer A Magnificent PIANO At a Low Price LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th iO ar 4 ir-j &i'Buich' cut and wrap your beef and pork for your locker And we itill cure your harm and bacon SMOKE A. G. "Butch" Klamath 427 Market ! spection to cause (he spuds to drop out of the U.S. No. 1 grade, tc- cording to Dnvls. Such injuries do affect appearance and could devel op Into something more serious later. Grade defects, which meant reduction In quality and conse quently a lower price, were dis covered in about 13 percent of the potatoes. Every major operation In hand ling potatoes, from digging to ware house packing, was scrutinized by OSC economists to find the points where mechanical dumage occurs. Results showed some injury being caused by each of the operations studied. Warehouse oacklng and dlcelni i ranked first and second as causes o( both grade and non-grade de lects. Binning and cellar sacking were next In line as causes of grade defects, but ranked well be low warehouse packing and dig. ging Ui the percentage column. Hauling operations caused the least damage. All this doesn't mean that con sumers are buying potatoes with such high percentages of defects, Davis explained. Potatoes packed In the producing area must meet minimum grade defect require ments tn qualify under U.S. grade standards. to keen this advantage. However, because of certain aspects in to day's economy this position Is threatened. This threat. In my opinion, can bo overcome." Lamb Price Decrease Forecast Lower lamb prices this year lecmh annua, meel , the West. ern Oregon Livestock ..ssoclailon. 0era)f 6tanfleId Wetaer Idtth0i Lresldent of the 0rMon WooI firow. - . --eft.lft(,.n ,.,.. activity In the wool market nd Increasing sheen numbers would result la lamb prices below those of 1951. As a consequence, the range operator with extensive hold- . - .. .t '""'-'"J nairi for western Oregon mirebred yearling rams wou'il be down some what from last year's record high. Among resolutions passed was a request to the U.S. fish and wild life service for a study to deter mine feasibility of using 10-80 to poison coyotea in Western Oregon burned over lands adjoining agri cultural lands. The material is now used in sparsely settled sections of eastern Oregon, but livestock operators point out that trapping is not holding predator numbers In chck. The association also endorsed the r.lx mill limitation on property tax levies for state purposes. The reso lution was worded: "since such limitation would serve to elimin ate money for the basic school fund, the association endorses en actment of a state sales tax which would be used to provide money tor financing schools only." Howard Lcatherman, Cofluille sheepman, was elected president of the association for the coming vear, succeeding Archie Rlekkola, Astoria. Vice-president Is Roger Dumdi. McMinnville. Harry Llnd trren, Oregon State college exten sion animal husbandry specialist, was re-elected secrctarv-treasurer. Coaullle will be the 1953 meeting place. Brucellosis hit an all-time low In the state lost year, Dr. R. R. Younce, state veterinarian, repo't cd. From 285,000 tests, only 1.23 were reactors. Officer Admits , Shakedown I PORTLAND (fl An Indian Service special deputy pleaded I guilty In federal court Tuesday to ! extortion taking money from a truck driver transporting Christ mas trees through the Klamath In i dlan Reservation, HOUSE Zweigart Falls Phona 7060 CLASSIFIED RATES Ont day .....,.,... per word 4 Hum Dr per word lie Week run m... per word 30c Month run per word OBo Legal Notice NOTint Or PINAL SRTTIaRMRNT Nolle U hrhv flvn II.mI Hit Untltriit(t arinilnUtralrlK of Hit Utt o( Alnl Wirt, tUfHaf1. tiai (Mtd In th Circuit Court of Hit Ut of Orecm. for Klamaih County h final report of hr aditilnUlrallnn or tatd vatata and th Court h appolnttd ttit 1.1th day of rkhriiary, at Hit hour of tltwn o'chH'k in Hit furtttonn of aid day ittt ttn and Hit Court room of itld Court at tht pi tit fur htarlni and Mltltmant of aald final icuort. bona January, leth, mi, rlma Sullivan, AdmlnutralrU of tht tatata of Alnl Wait, dtctaitd. Ittnry r. Ttrklna, Attnrnty for aald axtatt, 7Jt Main St., Klamath Falla, Urrion. J-ltt.iJ-.10 r-6 1,1 No. BIT NOTICFI OF KIN AU ACCOUNT IN THK CINCUIT COUNT Of TitK state or OltriiON TOn TlIK COUNTY OF Kl.AMATII In l ha Maiitr of tht Kitatt of JAMtS rSANClS. Utctaatd. Nolle la htrtny gtvtn that t hava fUtd my final at-rount aa adtnlnUtratnr of th tait of Jamtv rranrla. t rtaaail. and that tht Court haa att rtU. ;'8. tOfla. ( th hour of 10. HO A M,, aa tht tlmo fur tht htarlng of ohjtciiona to aald final account and tttlrmtnt thrrtof Uattd Ihla i;ird day of January, 1D3X J. C. O NRI1.L. Adiu, 3. C. O'NKll.l.. Attorney for Ailm. J -00 r-d-U M No, aOU notice or sitTRtrrs sai c By virtu of an aitachmtnt txtru tlun duly lautd hy th Cltrh of th Circuit Court of tht County of Klam ath, Stat of Orttfon, tht lit day of 'tbruary, 1M3, In a rtrtain action tn tht Circuit Court for tht Said County and Stair, wherein, Owtna Adjustment Service. Inc., aa Plaintiff recovered (udiment atjaltut "Lawrence J, Slaley and Hernlc Sltley, hi wife, for Iht auin of 91V00 with Inltreat tlitreon al per cent per annum from April 1H. 1M4, until paid; for tht turn of 9173 34 with Interest l hereon at fl per rent per annum from tttptemlwr 3. 99. until paid; for Iht aunt of VA M with Intertat thereon at aU per cent per annum, until paid, aa appear hy tht tranacrlpt of th Judgment and pro ceeding filed In ttit oft let of tht Clark of th Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for tht County of Klamath on tht 13th day of December, lu40, and th further aum of WOO coata ac crued herein. Nolle la hereby given that I will on th ath day of March. 1052, at tht Court Hout of tht County of Klam ath. tn Klamath ralla in aald County, at 10 o'clock In th morning of Mid day. etll at public auction to tht hlgheat blddtr. for rath, equity In the followlng-deacrlbed property, to-wlt: Northwest Quarter-Nnrthwet Quar ter, fiction A. Townahip 39. flange S rWM Alio. - A .or lot No. ma-P tn tot 3 described tn Deed Volume 147. Tage -I7U. ;u acrea tn Section 31, lownahlp JT, ftanga Taken and levied upon aa th prop erty of th aald I-awrem-e j. h.tle and Bernlc Sltley. hla a-lfe, or a e neceaary much thereof, aa may to tatlafy th aald Judgment in favor or The owen Aaiuaimeui nervtr. Inc.. Plaintiff, against aald Lawrence J. Hlaley and Demlr Hlalry, hla wife, with inlcreat thereon, toaelhrr with all cot la and dlaburatmtnta that hava or mav accrue. Dated at Klamath ralla, Oregon i eo- ruary 1. I9 j. ai tin 1 1 tun Sheriff of Klamath County Oregon nv DORA OOUUARU Deputy r-f-u-ro-i7 no. mi NOTICE Or HE A NINO O.N riNAI. ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HERF.nY GIVEN that 1 hv fllad my Final Account. lUport of Extcutrlx, and Petti Ion for Dutrl button in the matter of the ritale of Italo rerronl. doatd. and the (. ir cult Court haa aet Thursday, the day of March. at the hour of tart o'clock A M. In th" Circuit Court rtoom of the Klamath County Court Hou. Klamath T la. Orrron. aa the time and place for hearlnf of exception ana oujecuon 10 Mia una. Account, It any there by. Pamela rr.nnoNi, rxrcuTRix or Estate of ITALO ItUHOM. Deceaaed. EDWIN E. DRiaCOLL Tine Tree BuiMini Klamath ralla. Oregon Attorney for Eatatt , .0-13-30-27 M l No. tU N OT1 C EoVE I.ECT1 0 N NOTICE le hereby given, the Board of Supervlaort of the Lan(ll Valley M Comervattnn Dlitrirl hava aet W. neiday, the 30th day of February lliA? between the houra of aeven o'clock and nine o clock In the evaninf of the aaid date at the Lorelta Community Mall aa the time and place for holding tiu ANNUAL MEKTtNU and annual rlr tlon to elect a uprvior for a thri year term to aucceed the expired tei. of leiur Jonei, William Burnett Secretary r-l ll-13 No. M7 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have (lied my final Account In the matter of the eatate of JOHN P. BUNN. DECEASED. AND Hon, David R Vandenberg. Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County of Klamath, haa aet Monday, the 10th day of March, 1M2, at the hour of lu 00 o'clock A M . In the Circuit Court Room of the Klamath County Court Hnuae, Klamath Kallt, Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing of excep tion a and objcctlone to aald Final Ac count. If any there he. WM. NOVOTNY, ADMINISTRATOR of the EaUte of Joim J', iiunn. Deceaaed. CLAYTON J. BUR BELL Pin Tree Building Klamaih rail, Oirgon Attorney for Eatate F-ll-10 U M 3 No. B93 NOTICE I.WITINO BIDS The undersigned Police Judge of the City of Klamath Fall, Oregon Wilt re ceive aealed hldi up to Monday, March 3. IBM, for the furnlihlng of one com mlnutor. .Specification and plana may be obtained from the city engineer. The city reaervta the right lo reject any or all bidi. Robert M- Elder Police Judge F-ll-12-13 No. BM Gem Seed May Be Checked Klamath Netted Oem need po tatoes are reportedly being sold in the Fresno vicinity lor table use, Field Rep. W. J. Broadlicnd, Portland Western Miirkctlng Field Office of the PMA has announced. The matter, he said, Is being in vesllgated by government agen cies, Broadhead said certified seed may be shipped If actually used for seed, under permits without complying with marketing order grade and size regulations. Likewise, he said, certified seed potatoes, If actually used for seed purposes, may be shipped and sold without regard to celling prices. Such spuds being sold for table use, though, must comply with the price ceilings. No Other Rub Ads Faster la (SnD.a23 to relieve cetiihs aealni muiclos Muaterola not only brlnga fant relief but ita great paln-relleving medication breaka up congeation In upper bron ehial tubes, Muaterole offers AM. the benefit of a muatard plaster without the bother of making one, Just rub it on enmt, throat and back. I'MEHJS us: Minimum The minimum tlinr.o for any ont id U OUc. BOX NUMHEF13 ' Atifiwrrn to ndn nitty be linndlfd Mirouith box iiumbrra fit tho puprr (or acrvlce ct initio oi iw DEADLINES Clarified aui iccrpied up to 6:30 p.m. (or followliif day i publicatlou C.RMilflrd (littplAT ftd accepted up tt? U noou lor following day i pub lic U on. a ADJUSTMENTS Plrast mitKi all uiaiuu Ii' adjust oionLj without delaj. Correctlonj or raneetlaMoni re ceived by 0:30 p.m. wtll ba made in ifnllftwina dnva puiiiiraMnn C f UNtRAtMOMli WAHD'8 klamaih Piihtrgl Honia, 93 High Hlrtel Phon 3.114 l" MEETING NOl'tlS Kliinmth Chaptrr No. Hi Itoyiil ArrivMnMma will hold a atnled meet ing Wfd.. Feb. 13. 7:30 p.m. VMtlnn foinpaii Innn Invited, Urn full incnU. Chits. H. nonnry, II P. -LdDGEM'EETING EVERY THURSDAY i oAtfZJV niltltatlmt every VSTKtlilid Tluiradny S3 111 W. C. HOOPErt V Htcrelary 1010 Plnf KLAMATH FALLS Acrle No. 3U00 RrguUr mertlni rr Id ay iii-ALl.l'. O. E. Hall. 811) VVffATOid Walnut. Vltlllng members cordially Invited Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 am. "regular "Meeting" of Disabled American Veterans ar.1 Auxiliary will be held rrlday. February 1J, In the K C. Hall at 8 p m. Ureter take Lodge No. Ill ATA AM. will hold l apcflfti Communlcft Uon in tike MM drfo. riiursrUy. February M u 7:30 pm. VUUIng Brethren. Wm. rink Xt76l'15i:itVft ANOnVmOUb meeu rrlday. pm, for Information, write Boa JO. Phone a.in3 2 LOST AND FOUND noTtT'trown ahori yearling calf. Mon- day I hone Jl-10.13. Jtlta Miliar Ave. f Ojfr," YmA ' diamond ring In ilownlown Klamath Ealta. One large and two email atone Reward. 1'hone OO'ji f.6sT,Sloote riingV vicinity MoutrTuTh and Martin. I'hone 3-1321 aftwr all p m. ft PERSONALS REAL allk Phone toni WAHHlN;tON Bcautv Shoo Evening appointments Phone M32. Italt Waehlng ion. dllOltn our Apencer garment"" before dealing our aprlng wardrobe- I ho tie iTtlT'Sn'aCtriACti.'OlllirU.-m Phnn rt34 SI AN: ""Tlornt Pro3urti. Phnn wm to ScRVICI i moke it (un to get things clone I'm a Herald and Nrwa Clar ified ad, the acout who does hundreds of good deed dally for the people of Klnmalh Fa II j without blinking an eye lid. And all you do to aolve your problems Is spend a min ute to call for my help. Whether you're Interested In selling, buying, renting, hiring help, finding a Job or recover ing a lou, I help you do It the easy, pleasant way. Bo have fun in getting things done. For my scout-services, simply phone 8111 for on ad-writer Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Invired ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 3803 South Sixth Ph. 0240 or 3389 FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 MOVING? ... Call 7425 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bckln's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1018" EXCAVATING Mobil tihovel and rrench Hoa Bulldozer Fill Dirt lopaoll Crushed Rock Driveway Clndtn Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 5M1 or 9110 Septic I anks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sevier Lines of Roots, Eta ED F. KINO 2AM Orchard Phone S841 PIANO TUNINO-WM. If. MORGAN Factory trolneO technician ancl tuner. For tunlngi coll Kyle Morfon Piano, I03S Main or phone 2-03OP, AI.TF.RATIONfl on mcn'a," women'a, chlldron'e clothing. Jennio llaro, 8eom. ire.. Anno , mi mom. DITCH dllllna and bnck fllllni with Fonlunn Trench Hoa, Call 3-IOM. .111.14 or S43B. odctdhH - WAiTitF.ssF.s - NimSifs - BF.AUTICIAN8. HOOVER NYLON UNiFonMS. phonb a-aoso. FULLER firuihea. Phone Oflut or 3677. 10 SEKVICtS pATNirNraiiii "poptrlionaiiia IMtimo;niTi7Vdnn,rifs rii worN lhno 4n40 1 Ki.iTHItVlltlN(llTkiirTu"ur ur wnlrarl. I'hnno 9 ICMII iil'llTAlKH "" laundi'oo' anil trVlrliC I'lltlMO 41114 J"tr)K A N Plllilir Ari'miHlonl and Amlitiir OfHro al SlHi Nn 7IH -- I'horo (nil un 'iiikK 'inlKtSfiNU " I'lrinoa imt TNi.oMi! ta iumircfjg For apnoliiiiitont I'hnno a uaai, Jiorvrr nhrtl". "altorailoiia, KiiTrTIrouoC IMiono a 12 I0UCA riONAL i inrrmnii i . i'iNii x n r Arjn-rii rmi 9 Inil KlMMKir.4 t-nn". I'hnno 'J-DtMM iniKKt::i'lMi"ih"iihoM(i "ivpuii "no" dil ,ulij,ru, nlflio inorhln,. Kl.AMATII UuaiNr.HS L'nl.l.ruE 1X1 I'lno Phono 4l rilll.D CAlllt"oiroiluc-oiliinl I'ff .chool yonlor. I'Uono 4VI9. 11"" HEALTH Kl ACftRXclK. TRoro"iolilln OHorrliToT-li? H'ntiion. Nitiit loiitirlnf looluioil. I'tmiio .1110.1 ftflOO U HILP wanted, female WAN'i'tU. 1,ituiknper lir model n tuiiiT. Ir hum. I'luiiio .1.1 Molln liklBHir'.fiCI!l imoittiior"l"r poVri'll omi ai'oi ttiiifo wmk. Apuiv arirr 4 p in. ('N.rmlo l.ottnilrv ontl I'lootirri RlliHTtViojnionir. "llourYVVm "lo I n in. Must bo oblo lo lypo. KUniath Vollov llntpllal KAHNnuiniiv oOiiniio ull, pari lliiioT. Mux IJ. Ilmlil Olid NW4. U HELP WANTED, MALE iV WANTED ft Kxpcrieiiccd USED CAR SALESMAN Apply at cur lul Till Si Onk iirrrU LEE HUFF MOTOR CO. cim- tracl uphnUterliig. piikup ihI deliv ery. See Mr. lllalr, beara. ttocbuilt. I'hone MRU aalt ahop foreman Tn truck erwt. No erlenca necaseaty. I'refer young man who Intend to make the tmrkltig bit i net hla caiver. Hut U. Herald and M HiTRv'lL'K 'HAI.KNMAN t orotic dealer. IMenty o( chance for advanra. mailt tr yoil are a repiniHile pet- aun. All repllea kept confidential. It., U. Herald aiidNrwi Ml OCKIt'tKJM nutn, eipetTe'me pi e. ferred I'hone AVtl EXI'EiTfENcK tiv titth fng anran"orViVi. for haiutday fielo only. Aooly Draw Manalore. II SITUATIONS WANT ID CATnWS'fwWfYtli! "wa""Me R.nat'r a apecially. Jim Alexander, 21W Tunnel Ml I'lXHie V.IUJ, VOUNfT'waman eKitMeVrrP1ln aeneVel office work and credit Invaatigator da aire pvrmanenl petition flume 3-1713. MAKMIEO manwanta farm Jobrur- lah cabin. HO nmnlh. P. O. Udi Ul. Ccntralla. Wathlngton'AllE I'liniie 7dV II AMY aMting"lihne JOJ l.L car for children tn my hone day a or your hum evening. Call 22 ROOMS FOR RINT whatever i touch turns to gold If you don't believe In mimic It's because you linven'i met me. 1 m the fellow Hint turm Into gnld anything I hnntliei end )uu gur?rd It I Im Herald and Ncwa Classified nu If for example you've vacan cies to fill, I find you tenants snd you collect the rent. If you've litmus to kcII. I round up buyers and thry bring you the cash I If you've Idle time on your iianda, I find yuu a Job and you're paid a auiuiy. Yes, gold - gold - gold l liat you iniike thruimli mel 1 or my magic touch, alinply phone 8111 for an ad-writer fir6yViTlirro''" riiTriinyh')ne42. NlCfc'r hall roume. 2 Iclfic Tar- rre. HOONrindbi"rdor"oariia. bfta on.y. io.jNo.Oi h; uun.Mii tut rant, claim. Clow in. I'hona an. t6(Mf.,'prtca rwontt1c. t-.a4rT C6VlV" rnoma for Vent $fl"T. "wMlt. Cto in. Phont ii&9 HV)OMHjiri;W IhKtt. 24 APARTMENTS fOWBCNt fl n N 1 h 1 1 kl apart tiTt til ir f n I. ApartnrtMil I. JOOMmltel. ItOYAl. "ARMtt anarimtnU. Vacinc). M4 High. Phon C.71. -rDHNISHKIJ three lane rfioma In du plex. Clou In. Ideal for working roiinle. Electric heat ami grfe at VJ7 Ja(- feraon. Plume 3243 NKW" Vpurtment" 2Ut iary ' Hr-t off So. Oth, furnlhrrl living room. le1 I'tnw, bath and kllrheneMe, Couple only Phone a. 1097. No drinking WO bedroom t urnlahed apartineiU. Prlre $40. No prta,ion 3-D;t.iA. MOhKHN" i-room :i-t)dioom apart ment. Utilities furnUhed Ul.YMPIC APTS. 207 K. Main TWO fiOOM fiirnlahed 'apartment ! WJA Harrow, VHwchrltir preferred 'I lllfKK liOOM "fiirui'lied aparlm :mo JLnnrpnj)hono V )'"- M f ()i HKNT. aitraiiivr" one liedn.ui.iA aparlmenl. Klectnc atove, iwfrlgernlor. I Garage. Heal and watrr f urn ! Ailulla. No pcla. S7.S0. Phone 7jM. TWO HKimoOM "tinfuinlaheU aparl- mnti;i4 Nfhflfth. . TWO rwiini completely lurnlahed ' cept grocerlaalM:! Pln ... ... ONK modern snnrfmeht, one hnrhelor apnrtment. 1110 Oak. I'hone 2-IHII4. TWO HbbM"iipartme'nt; Klrrplnre ." lo homelike atmnaphere. Privnie nam. Klei-irlo heat ind water furnlihed. Phone 2-0070. . . riMALt clean apnrtment Eiectrlfilly etiulpperj. N. lflill ib. CLASS tinnirnlfhed dun!'' apartment, newly deroraied. In P,fffrJ rondlllon Hirdwood floon. e:;celleni laundry faclllllc-t. llral and water pr vldedl Couple only il7,flq. Phoneg'i" Aparlme"nt'fir I wo. Utlliiiei lur nlahedI-'rlnUlalreiS No.nrd. . tJIHEB nb6M"furnuWdpariiiient. 2nfll Whlltv NICK atenm-henled apartment, atlulta. Corner Pine mid Odiir. TIIIIKR rnoma fuinlahcd. cloae In. Iun dry. Couple only, no pete. IM) Lincoln- Ca l 2-a 170. MJUNiMhtvO two room npurtmenl. rr frlKcrntor :i.1; all ulllillea Included. Ill N, 1nth. . . OUTHinr. apartment for rent. 710 Mam. (ireer Ajvta. ai . . ONE bedroom iiiifiirn'Hl'wd aVi''l'"en1, (;an e nutpned. Call 2 Q'li I. . (m'-WLV decorated, privaft oalh. k'' clienelt. Steam heat, electric ranee Sin week Hex Anna Apartment KH KKNf. furnii'lied aparlrehl In- aulre 819 High i CIoKAn, warm. modern, furnUhed apartment. Couplea. PionaB4jP- 26 houses Tor rent ONR l)eclroom ftirnlnhed hoTnte and if" rage nenr high arhonl, 'I0 per nwii fieferonrea, llugue Unle Henltor, 1U4 Soulh Oth, i. PhBTTiTlTfira three room cottagej"?! nlfthed. S55 month. 17:iA Jnlmaon. J'horie