WKDNKSDAY, FKHIIUARY 13, 10r2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Klamath Sellers, Buyers Fare Well at Red Bluff Bull Sale Olin Rnynl Ilrlr B, tinmed the li-Hcrvn rliniiililon bull of Ihn fled llliiir Itnll Ki.U In Itrfl Illlllf lllHl Wrck, wiih Huld lor S7.D00 olio 01 tlin hlKhont price ever piild lr bull coiiiIiik out ol tlio Klumulh Cuuntry. Tim rnnrtrve champ wn bred by ) I uny nud lr Oliciicliiiln. My. mid rriKllud lor Ihn mile by Hill McDiiniilil,, Acliiirm. It wii hold to A. V. llurirl nud Bon, Bllciuburg, Wimh. Tlio Krnnd champion bull of the nnlo, coiiilmied by Jcii.icn Urothein, l.oRiiii, Utnh, sold for it record i lor Individual) 11,61X1 to Frcdcr Icknon WuUioii Co., Oiiklund. In pen cIiikxch, the double M lli'ii'foid much, Adumn, rnterliiK ii pen of thTco itriulliiir two nlun, wun naiiied kiuikI dininplon 01 the "pcn-oMlircs" cliixn, RlKlit on the MM hrelri, thoiiKh, wiih n pen of thrre bulla coiuilKiii'il by Dun mid Mnhrl I.lnkry, Lout lllvrr Itiinch, which graded ut trululit two plus. They nold lo F). T. Brnmert" Cli'iiientii, Calif., for $6,026. A bull donated by the W. H. Hunt Kntiite for the "Mnrch of ijillirn iritiiire oi me ftiiic, oioukih In n total of II 1. 600, IncludlUK n J 1. 600 piirrhitne by the l,cwil Klvrr IWIIH II, Willi II IIIII1CU UIO WUI1 UKVft UKiiln for rcHuic. Ilrrrlordx brought record tliiPiikliiK HI8;j6 eome 3(12 ol Ihnm on the flunl dny of the rtulr. They avrrniird fl.lbft per head. Hrvrnly Hhorthnrim and 23 Aiwu) bulln Iind been nold the duy beforo. Seller from Klamath Full nd vlrlnlly and Norlhrrn Calllarnlas (CnimlKiirrB. number buyem, nnd miiounl In Unit order.) 1)111 MnDnnnld, Hurry nnd Inei ObriH'Imlii, Adumn; A. V. Hiirrrl nnd Hon, Ellrnnliui k, Wnnh.; one 1 1.600. Lout River Ranch; Elmer fltnlth, Kcnnewlrk, Wnh.; one; 13,160. Hoy's Hereford Ranch, Weed; Yiimnny I, nnd and Cuttle Co., KlniniiUi Fallii; one; $1,200. Lout Hlver Ranch; J. K. JoenRcr, (ihliiKle, Cullf.; one; 11.360. Iloy'n Hereford Ranch, Weed; C. Hoy Carinlchael, Lou Mollnoi), (Jul.; one; 11,300. Lot River Hnnch: Ruu Cattle Co . Kerndule; three: M.050. l.o.il River Ranch; Stoiaon Land and Cattle Co., Orlund; three; tl.ooo. Hoy's Hereford. Weed; Yamaay I nnd nnd Cattle Co.; tliree; 3.000. Hoy'n Hereford. Weed; Paul Krlrknon, La Cirande; three; 2.280. Hoy' Hereford. Ollroy; Bruce Ilrockclt, Rlinrock, Arlz.i three; 12.400. I.o.it River Ranch; Oeorge Rwlh HI. Fruto; four; 3.6oo. William Zumbrun. Fort Klamath; C. Shipley. Ycrlimton, Ncv.; two; il.ooo. Ituyrr from the Klamath area: (Buyer, eller, number of an! IiihIh nnd price paid, In Hint orderl ten Mr.shkc. Tulclnke; Double M Hereford Ranch, Adam; one; 2.IIO0. Vum.'.ry Land nnl Cattle Co.; P. R. Furnitworth, Portcrvlllc, JPullf.; one; $1,200. A. II. liiinnlntcr, AHurn; O. J. I'eterunn, Yiiklmn: one; $2,260. C. Ciillendlne, Tulelnke; Floyd Illdwell, Caascll, Calif.; one; $3,000. Ynm.iay Land and Callle Co.: Mnntvalle Farms, llcaldsburg; three: $2,700. Ynmftity Land and Cattle Co.; Wliiterton Bros.; three: $3,976. Henry Grimes. Klamath Fulls; Hidden Valley Hcrciords; three; $2,776. Ynmsny Land and Cattle Co.; Hoy' Hereford's, Weed; three; $3,000. Yamsay Land nnd Cattle Co.; J. L. Jacob nnd Son: five: $4,626. Ynrrmny Land and Cattle Co.; Hawley Herclordj; five: $4,875. Ynmsay Land and Cattle Co.; Teterson Bros., Ogdcn; five; $8,760. Yamsiy Land and Cattle Co.; II. Chandler. Baker: five; $7,660. Yamsay Land nnd Cattle Co.; Clover Valley; five; $4,075. Hiisklnn and Co., Bonanza; Double M Hereford; three; $3,000. Wolff Ranch, Chllonuln; Nordlor'B Hereford; two; $1,670, Wolff Rnnch, Chlloquln; Sacram ento Herelord; three: $3,355. In the Angus division, W. L. Clink, Tulcluke, purchased two animal: One from Rlvermere AA ranches, Bnkcrslleld, for $1,300 and another from Rancho Del Ellseo, Santa Cruz, for $1,000. The Rlvermere purchase was third on the list at the Kale: the grand chnmp Angus, wn sold by Morrl Doly, Cassel, to Charles McDowell, Corning, for $1,650; the reserve champ was sold by Rlvermere to H, D. Ban lord, Reno, for $1,000. feratiianliJItUis MALCOLM EPLEY, Jr. WL r - -m I'll 1 1 no Tree Bark Disease Can Be Controlled, Agent Says ii v j. i). vi:htiu:i:h County ICxIenalon Agent Do you remember that scale or cruitllnrns Unit you were worried about on your tree and shrub lust summer? This In most ciincs, was the Oyster Shell or the San Joe Scale. These small Insects ure covered with a hard surluce or scale and live under 111 Is protec tive coating on the llmlis and twig ol fruit trees and ornamental tree and shrubs. 'Illey live under this routing and suck, the snp Irom the UinbH. Muny people brought limbs nnd twigs ol shrubs nnd fruit trees Into the county agents ofllce lust sum mer, winning to know how to con trol this Insect. The summer time when we notice them most, Is not tho time to control these Insects. Upon inspection ol the trees and shrub at thl time of Uie year, we will see heavy groups of these In sects still clustered upon the limb nnd branches. Theso spruys can be applied now since It Is necessary to use a rather strong type of spray, which will kill these bugs. Sprays which must be used at this time ol the year are loo strong to he used during Uie summer time when the foliage and blossoms are out. The recommended spray for these several type of scale Insect Is a llme-sulphur solution. Another type of epruy can be llme-sulphur combined with an oil emulsion of spray type oil. The combination of oll-cmuislon and llme-sulphur will not only get the Sun Jose scnle. but also overwintering form and egg of such other troublesome pest a spider mites nnd nphlds. Llme-sulphur spray concentrates nnd oil emulsion can bo purchased locully at the various garden store. Direction for use are on the bot tle or container and must be diluted with water. Any type of sprayer Farm Safety Meet Slated For Friday Representative ol every farm organization, Fnrm Bureau Centers, subordinate Oranges and farm groups In the Basin have been In vited to a second annual Farm Safety Program Planning meeting at the County Agent's Office. The meet has been set for Feb. 15 at 1:30 p.m., according to Sam Brown, field representative of the Industrial Accident Commission. The safety planning group has been organized In Klnmnlh County as an experiment, nnd may be ex tended throughout Oregon If It proves successful here. which will cover the tree thorough' ly, will do the Job In natlsluclory munncr. Timing of these spray schedule re most Important so thut the In sects will be controlled and Uie tree will not be damaged. These dormant spray must be applied during fairly clear weather as the onus begin lo swell at the end of Uie winter and before nnrlng ha nlurted. A the fruit and leaf bud swell but dellnltely before they are open, these strong spray cun be used without dninage to the tree. Hprny thoroughly now, nnd save yourself and trees n lot of trouble later on during the summer period. Spray Shake Improves Job Agitation I a must with oil emulsion spray material, accord ing to M. O. Huber. Oregon State college agricultural engineering specialist. It I essential, he says, that ma terials such a IPC and the dlnl tro have thorough agitation while they are In Uie tank. Mechanical lactory. Although frequently not satis factory, Huber says hydraulic agi tation is possible. This 1 accom plished by a high volume by-pass to Die pump and returning to the tank with a discharge through a perlorated pipe In the tank bot tom. Hi recommendation calls for at least 16 gallons a minute re turn for every 100 gallons of tank capacity. Without agitation, the chemicals and carrier scttle'OUt,' Huber con clude, resulting In poor spray Job. Spud Council Wires DiSalle The National Potato Council. Washington, II.C, recently sent the following telegram lo price slabllUer Michael V. DISslle; "In view of the manner In which you have treated thl Congress, we marvel at your seeking a seat In the United Slates Senate. "Specifically, the law require OPS to consult an Industry advis ory committee, but you and your staff have Ignored both the law and the OPS White Potato In dustry Advisory Committee In limiting price celling regulations lor potatoes: you have Ignored the provision of the law In regard to ceilings reflecting parity for a crop; and you have Ignored the provision of the law In regard to making proper allowances for reg ularly established trade practices. "All of these safeguard io our food supply were written Into the luw by the Congress for the specific purpose of avoiding the kind of chaotic conditions you have created through your Ignorance of the po tato business and what appear to be a deliberate effort to bypass Congress. "If you should become a mem ber of the Congress, you may change your attitude toward that distinguished body. "Therclore, we respectfully ask yrm, If you should be elected lo the United States Senate, will you Join the National Potato Council In correcting these admlnlstrutivi abuse by supporting amendments to the OPS law which would make It impossible for your successor Dairymen Plan Promotions To Stimulate Consumption The Oregon Dairymen's Associa tion 1 making plans to enlarge Its safes and educational program. In doing so, It will seek coopera tion from the Oregon Dairy Manu facturer's Association In carrying out a Joint program, accrdlng to Oscar Hagg, Oregon State College dairy marketing specialist. At Its recent annual meeting at Ocnr hart, the dairymen's organization voted to follow through on a plan aimed at Increasing per capita use of milk and dairy products. For a number of years, Hagg explained, dairymen have been en gaged In a small promotional pro gram inrougn an act created tiy the 1943 legislature which has raised funds via a butterfat tax levied against producers. Thus far, processor and distributors have not participated. For a year at least. It would be necessary for processors and dis tributors to subscribe funds volun tarily. The dairymen's association to perpetrate them on the same scale that you have? The National Potato Council By: Whitney Tharin Executive Secretary" CHOKED A GAS? THANK HEAVENBI MoititUckitre juiticld tndiiesUon. When It ftrlkei, tik Bfll-ni Ubleti. They contain thi ftit-metlnt mcdiclnti known to doc ton for the relief 01 heartburn, gaa and similar distress. 2&. TO (vmore delicious macaroni j hopes eventually to revise the pres ent law under which the dairy pro ducts commission operates to In clude both distributor and proces sors on a match-money basis. As they view it, thl means revision of the commission as It now stand. The producer group will seek to enlist support of the Oregon Dairy annual meeting Febniary 19 to 21 at Oregon State College. If suc cessful, Hagg said steps will be taken to work out details and me chanic of a cooperative sales and educational program. In addition to Increased consump tion of dairy protlucts, belter pub lic relations Is one of the Industry aims. Each of the two segments of the Industry have appointed commit tee which are engaged In formu lating plans. O. H. Fullenwlder. Curlion, heads the commute repre senting the dairymen. Lyle Ham mack, Portland, Is chairman of the group serving for manufacturers. MtT application Rlllivt ITCHY OKI. Zemo a od Uf hty medicated aatlieptle promptly rtllma Itch sad aids hrallni of nirfu skin )p(a aad scalp IrrlUUons, . stCMU 5 doctors prove this plan breaks the laxative habit If you take JaxaUvaa regularly here'a bow you can atip! Kermuat New York Norton now hava prrjvff voo can brk the law live habit. And enUblwh your natural poweri of regularity. K itch ty -three percent ol tbt eaaea teatcd did iU do ran ynu. Stop Ukinr whatever you now take. Instead: fcvery night Ur on week take 2 Carter1 Little Liver J'illj. Herond we.k -one earn nirhL Third week one every other night Then nothing ! Kvery day: drink eight glaaaea of water; let a definite time for regularity. Five New York dorfra proved thla plan can break the laxative habit. Hf.w am Carter'a Little Liver Pill break the laxative habit? Berauae Carter not only "unMorV the lower digwtive trart but they alao improve the flow of liver bile that you need to be regular naturally. Further Carter-a Little Liver Pill contain no batJit-lormjng drugs. lireak the laxative habit . . . with Carter Little Uver PiJIa . . . and be regular naturally. When worry, overeating, overwork make you irregular temporarily uke Carter' Little Liver Pill temporarily. And never get the laxative habit. CM Carter' Little Liver Pill for 37c. today. You'll be grateful the real o( your life. For free ample, mail this ad with your name and ad drea within 10 day to Department 31, Carter Products, inc., 63 Park Place, S. Y. a, K. Y. Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SM.ES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath Ph.2-2581 AUCTIONEERING Sale Management and flrarinal. sf 1V.al.rtl Collet. Of Auction. .rlnr . . . nilllnfi. M.nl. Certified rcdlnrre Reader Successful Kales are the Result of Proper Promotion, Management and Auctioneering. Specializing; In FARM. PUREBRED LIVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER .1304 Alva Klamath Falls Ph. 2-2452 Free Service on Church It Deneflt Auctions lb! llUnilllllTra.CJ o FARM Q LUAfld Ilia IhMObi Nr.Uk. S.J. Ujea n thlnklDC about a farm loan. DON'T OVERLOOK THE LEADER! The Pradfntlsl Inmruca Company of America I, the nation', leading insurance company fans lender. Thtra moat b. a rcaaon and there la! la farm lending. PRUDENTIAL MEANS PRO TECTIONI Protection, like Fair Appraisal, Fair Treatment, No Fees, Stock, or Commissions, Lo Rate, Long Term (l to 40 Year.) Prepajment Prl'ilrgea. Rolld Prolectloa Into roar farm financing program vllh Prudential a farm lender ilnra 1898 a farm loan leader todaj. Tor further Information, Call, Writ or Set Howard Barnhisel Agency Authoriud Mortgage Loan Solicitor for . THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO.MPANT OF AMERICA Klamath, Lake, Modcc and Siskiyou Counties Did You Know---OVER 100,000 TRACTORS Were Converted PROPANE LAST YEAR? SAVE 30 On Fuel SAVE 90 On Oil SAVE 50 On Maintenance We Specialize In Propane For Tractors KLUMTD ff COHPASY Klamath Falli Pb. 3-rtlf Main at Link River Bridie i wi OPEN SATURDAY Start Your Calves on Certified and Non-Certified La dak Grimm Ranger Common jroff list price for all seed, orders placed in February AAurphey's Seed Store 824 Klamath Phone 3443 Your young calves will thrive on Crown Calf Meal or Crown "Komprest" Calf Meal. Both feeds are designed as milk substitutes to replace whole milk as a calf needs coarser rations. LABORATORY TESTED. ..FARM PROVEN Crown Calf Meal is a starter feed which will partially replace whole milk during the first four weeks. After four weeks, it will completely replace whoie milk. Superior in every respect, Crown Calf Meal is highly palatable and easily digested by any animal includ ing poultry. Protein 24 ; fat 5; fiber 6 ; ash 7. Ask Your Dealer Today tor CROWN CALF MEAL Your Local Dealer For CROWN FEEDS 01 OREG., LTD. 734 South 6th Phone 4197 Klamath Falls, Oregon ill fiflrtfi,!0 Ii 0lp lip. UIFvl ATES'S HIGH PHOTEiSi, UQU - FATTENING, ENERGY FOOD. IS MILK FATTENING? "No," toys rho NoHonol Dairy Council. "Milk is not fattening and is IMPORTANT in REDUCING DIETS." Continuing, "MILK does MORE than ANY OTHER ONE FOOD to protect HEALTH and FITNESS, yet it it comparatively LOW IN CALORIES. In keeping weight down, use MILK in place of oodt that give more calories ond do LESS FOR YOU." WHY DOES MILK RANK HIGH AMONG FOODS? "MILK comet cloter to SECURITY in NOURISHMENT than ANY OTHER tingle food. It con not be EQUALLED FROM YOUR CRATER for calcium and is VERY HIGH in VITAMINS. The PRO TEIN in milk it EXCELLENT. No group of foods practi cal for every day use con take the place of MILK." WHY HASCRATER LAKE MILK BEEN THE FAVORITE 'OF SO MANY FOR SO LONG? ''Because Crater Lake rnilk is handled so carefully from the KITCHEN-CLEAN milking rooms of KLAMATH'S FINEST DAIRIES through ultra-modern stainless steel processing equip ment . . . right to you by methods that MORE than satisfy the MOST STRENUOUS and DEMANDING regulation LAKE DEALER OR ROUTS MAM n pa Jr IA