Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 12, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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    TUESDAY, KKRRIMRY 12, 10.12
Pelocoims ith
Dim IPoBl
"I Ink It your (noil ol' 'uvnrllr,
rutloin niuilr bowling hall didn't
ilo no Hell tonlilil!"
l'OCli;l,l.() of Ihr Pioneer
IniKUc now hiis ii working agree
Inrnl. wllh tlift HI. I.ouls ilrowiis.
, in,, lion 11,1m Itdrmiva It tHMIitl
Situ Iiiivg di-llnlln link Willi the
ilnitli ol tlie J'ur Weill IriiKiie.
Itcnicmbcr. Tony Robello,
T.mil M'oul. n well-known In far
Writ circle, The Urowiu worked
with Ituy I'l'iry'n ItrdiUiiK ciluli.
Il'n my mien when Hrddlnil
Ihrrw In Ihe mkiiikc, ucliiully the
ilnik" Unit foldrrt the Fur WrM
liuMiir. he nlrcady Imd inuile nr
niKrmcnU to move the Brown'
KurkliiK mlrrrmcnl Into Poculello.
nnbcllo, yon tuny rcmemhpr. I
nn cx -I'ocntrlln outllrlUrr, nl one
Hum tho town'a lino, n luiiK-uiill
IT WAS HOIIKl.l.O who prc.nun
Hilly nol'J Uio itcddliiK people bill
ol Kooda.
Ho convinced the ntockholdera
Hint another arimon In Inn Iruiiun
would rut Itcddlnit o lur behind
Hie fmunclul clKhl-uiill, they'd nev
er net out o( the red.
When Fur Weal lone tin mofiuls
met In IloddlnK the diiv Die Icuuue
irollnpoed, they were ready to ro
mid hud no Intent Ion ol foldlnn.
Ilobello wim there and right oil
Ihe bat anld Bocldlnif didn't want
to continue In Ilve-teum leniiue.
When aaaured that Roaeburn w
on the hook nnd all but landed for
Ihe sixth tenm. Itobello, I'm told,
did a double-tnke and suKKt-sled the
iiiretliw be recessed for lunch and
the matter be taken up alter chow
tune, AFTER I.l'NCH. Robello ald It
waa Hill "no ooap' Uial another
jeur In the Icuuue would be too
Medfnrd. on Ihe fence but will.
Ir.u to Mick with nlx-tciim lenitue,
tumbled when Robello pulled out,
Tlml led Just four team and
the real Kluinulh Kunene.
j-lieno und Hoseburg hud nothlnu
'cl.se to do but null.
It's ncnerally aMUincd thnt II
Iteddlnii Jmd stuck .the Icujue
would now be In existence.
But the Bt. Loul Cardinals had
pulled out of Pocatello and Robello
miw a, chance to move the Browns
in his cwn town, where he wan a
licio for o many years.
Wnltcr Malls, valuable basebnll
drum-beater, has been hired as Po
cnlello's Kcni rul munaner.
It was (nlrly well esliibllshed that
Robello and Ray Perry, skipper ol
the Reddlim Browns, hud been
ciunrrcllnii u (rood deal Inst penson.
And I'm told Hint all ws not
hurmonv d Hht Willi Robello and
Far West, League President Jerry
Donovan, i
It BeemB safe to believe that
word from Robello would have kept
Redding- In the league. Wllh Red
ding In, the league would not have:
KRIKFS Irom the iiports file:
Harold Douglas, president of the
Klamnlh Basin otllclnls association,
miH tiurold Bmllh have been In
vited and have accepted to work
In the Nevada slate high school
basketball tournament March 13-11
in Reno. . .you're wrong It you
think sports figures don't believe
In Jinxes. . .Floyd Lansdon. As
unctntcd Press Bureau Chief of
Portland, Is a Unlverlsty of Idaho
graduate, class of '28. . .he hadn't
keen an Idaho sportu team In ac
tion since his graduation. . .until
Friday night when Oregon upset
Idaho In Eugene. . Xeo Harris,
m. ihltin HlrertAr. offered
Lunsdon hotclfsre, the best steak
money can buy, Ihe best seat In
the house If he'd stay over for
Saturday's game. . .business obll
iintlons forced Lansdon to return
HI rui tillllll. . ,u,t(iu.i .u..v ......
night. . .between halves Saturday
night t asked Don Foreman, Ore
gon Tech's speedy Negro eager. II
Howard Sullivan. Oregon College,
had landed when he threw knuckles
t Foreman that caused Sullivan's
dismissal from the gnme. . .on
awered Don! "No sun, ah ducked."
. . .the Oregon Tech-Oregon College
sports rivalry Is developing Into
tho most heated In the Oregon Col
legiate Conference. . .
Wools Win
Tho Oregon Woolles picked on
Ihe cellaring Dick B. Miller
Rockets last night at Mills to win
their seventh straight cage game
In the girls city league. The Wools
are undefeated.
Tha ucora last night was 33-10.
Orlggs kept a strong second place
By whipping rcirons, ai-ii.
"91" Oetont Ethyl 31c
a.33 South 6th
Hopes For
Title Dim
Ily The Associated Press
'I n Hi nil Ori'itmi Wt.Uc whacked
Idaho 63-411 Monday nlriht and all
but knocked the Vandals out ol the
Northern DIvlMon, Psclflc Coast
Conference, basketbull race.
The loss dropped Idaho two and
a hull mimes behind the Wuth-
Ilnglon Huskies, defending confer
ence clniinplon. and guve the Van
iluls a umn-l.e iiAHlgnment: They
iiui'it win lour of their remaining
live gumes lor an outside chance
ul the lllle.
And the rugged schedule, besides
Tuesduv night's llnule. wllh Oregon
Hlute, Includes crucial Frldiiy-Sut-tirduv
contests wllh Washington,
l..t.ll,.rr,lMH ....11 II., no ,n Am.
!,,nclater1 PrpM noil.
The Vandals and the Huskies
.pill a two-game aeries early In
the season.
Unll-conlrol tactics helped Ore.
gon Suite to Its second confer
ence win of the season Monday
night. 'Ihe Heavers held a 10 point
lead going into the final six mill
lues but Ihe Vandnls broke through
their null and narrowed Ihe mar
gin lo f2-40. Dnnny Johnston's tree
Ihrow with 20 seconds left sewed
up the gume lor Oregon Slate.
Johnston led Ihe scoring wllh 23
points. Hurllev Krugcr was high
lur Idaho wllh 20.
Holds To
Poll Lead
NEW YORK W Kentucky, al
ready crowned 8oulheatern Con
ference champions and assured of
an NCAA playoff berth, eniers the
final phase of the college basket
bull season still ranked as the No.
1 team In the nation.
'Hie Wildcats head the field In
the Associated Press poll for the
fourth atralgnt week.
Kentucky drew 42 first place
votes and 8CT point from the 103
sports writers and sportscasters
who participated in tne pou. Kan
sas State remained In second
pluce. Kansas Slate collected 14
flrsl pluce votes and 737 points.
The same teams that graced the
top ten a week ago remained in the
select group although some posi
tions were switched.
Duquesne, only major unbeaten
team in Ihe land, moved from fifth
to third place, less than 100 points
behind Kansas State.
St. Bonavenlure (161) remained
In fourth place. Iowa (151 moved
from ninth to fifth place while Il
linois dropped from third to sixth.
St. Louis held In seventh place,
Washington eighth and St. John's
of Brooklyn tenth. Kansas fell from
slxlh to ninth place.
The top 20 (first place votes In
Kentucky I42i, Kansas State (14.
Duquesne (41, St. Bonavenlure (12)
Iowa (4 1, Illinois (li, St. Louts (3),
Washington (61, Kansas (3, St.
John's, Dayton (4), Seton Hall,
Oklahoma City (3, West Virginia
State, DcPaul, Holy Cross (3 and
Seattle University collected 23
points and was rated the aiit team
In the nation.
Basin, City
Set Play-off
Cage Dates
City and Klamath Basin basket
ball officials huddled Saturday and
came up with playoff dates to de
termine the champion ol tlie en
tire area.
The top four teams In the Klanv
all) Basin league will hold their
playoff the nights of Feb. 28 and
March 1 In Merrill.
The City League's plnyotf hat
been set up to March 3 and 4.
The winners and runner-ups In
both tourneys will hold Its final
showdown at Merrill March 7 and
Four games, three of which could
make a difference In the Klamath
Basin circuit's Big Four, are yet
to be made up from Jan. 21 snow
out date.
Last night's games In the Basin
finished the regular season. The
City League winds up Its regular
slate fen.
Dorris Holds
Dimes Show
DORRIS The Dorris Townles
basketball team Is scheduled to
meet the Butte Valley high school
Bulldogs at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday
in a March of Dimes benefit at
the high school gym. The town
'B' tenm and the high school 'B'
squad will play the preliminary.
w i. rn.
nir-h . K (i l,oof)
1'avl.M llnifi 7 I .874
Million Call .. .. S .1 .02.1
itd Coin . 4 s Am
I'aliiirrtwi :i 7 .3110
ll.ralrl-Nawa :i 7 .:
flftrrulaa 1 8 .200
ar.. l.aal Mgbl
ftlrkvi HS l'lmrlin M
H'ralu-Nawt Htrt-ulea 64 lover.
Unit 1
were played on the city league
agenda at Aitamont last night.
I.cague-leadlng Rlckys remained
unbeaten by winning Its eighth
stralghl, an 89-14 slaughter of Pal-
But tlie opener was a different
story, 'Ihe Herald and News team
had to go overtime to beat Her
cules by a 68-64 count.
Male Epley scored Just five
points for the Scribes. But his free
Ihrow sent the game Into overtime
at 64-all. Then his only field goal
ii the evening won It In Ihe extra
Jay Orlggs scored 27 for the
Cal Bonnev topped Rlckys with
20, Don Peterson scored 18.
UnK rore:
Mtacni.r.s ill) (Mi n-N
A. Hoytr 1 T 10 rvll
rio.lh 13 r 4 Harllnv
MrKay 21 ' 27 Grlco
Wunar 14 fl 5 Knley
Lohrav 2 (i 4 Down
HarcuUa nibs f. nvrr. Adraon 2.
Carr. Jlcrald antl rwa auba May.
rAI.MI.aiON lll i".i ai KVS
Dodda r IS Ptarrn
Vaa r 14 Borchi
Sttvana S f- 20 Bonnav
11.11 I fi 4 McCall
roaler C; 10 rotar
Ha'nwrlon ailf, fthaferatln. Bell.
Zalanardo. Xlckya auba Valllaneour S.
Wllla 14.
College Basketball
Colorado (7 Nebraska 65
Oreiton State 63 Idaho 49
Northwest Nazarene (Idaho)
Eastern Oregon Education 71
Duquesne 68 St. Bonavenlure 63
Seton Hall 85 Vlllanova 61
Kentucky 110 Mississippi State 66
Alabama 88 Tennessee 76
William and Mary 89 Washington
and Lee 76
Miami 76 Florida State 63
West Virginia 87 Richmond 65
Vanderullt 84 Tulane 63
Illinois 84 Michigan State 62
Kansas 65 Iowa State 60
Iowa 83 Michigan 69
Oklahoma AfcM 61 Bradley 69
Purdue 78 Wisconsin 67
Ohio Slate 79 Northwestern 61
Notre Dame 52 Butler 48
Missouri 56 Oklahoma 50
Minnesota 74 Indiana 61
Arkansas 49 Texas AttM 40
Arkansas AIM 86 Arkansas State
Tchrs 81
Texas Western 83 Arizona State
iFlugstafl) 81
Arizona 77 Arizona State (Tempei
'Frisco Won't
Like This!
glo Is quitting San Francisco to
make his nome nere.
"Since mom died I don't hove
the ties In San Francisco that 1
used to have." Joe told friends,
"and It's pretty difficult to beat
the climate down here."
DiMagglo has another reason for
moving here. His son, Joe, Jr.
attends Black Foxe Military Acad
emy and plans to remain there for
several years. Joe likes to be near
his boy as much as possible,
Dl Mag will be television com
mentator for all Yankee home
games this summer and will have
his own TV show.
Savold Rest
Marciano and Lee Savold rested
at their headquarters here Tues
day, with no heavy workouts
planned before their 10-round bout
at Convention Hall Wednesday
WILto Meet In
Seattle Today
SEATTLE l.fl Directors of the
Western International Baseball
League were Scheduled - to meet
here Tuesday.
Although tlie league did not say
what topic would be up for dis
cussion, an unofficial source said
the meeting would deal with the
loop's rookie rule.
Need More
W Sell Quality Parti
For leu!
, i r
H ' '
HEAP F.UN Ted Williams is hilarious at the efforts of
Jim Thorpe to handle a tricky fly rod as the Boston Red
Sox slugger and famous Indian meet at the Boston Sports
mens Show. Both took part in the exhibition.
i' aCDHUtOi K)TIKXTOt "' ,'.
Leaders Notch Wins
In Basin Cage Loop
W L Prl.
Matin 1
Tultlalee Inn 0 1 .(KB
Jo-hawks - a -"is
Chtloquln B 2 .fM
Merrill VFW .. 5 .S
Rly S 5 ..V
Dorrla 8 .4 VI
Keno . .'.4 7 .31.4
Deally Lakera 3 7 MO
Klamath Son! ... . 3 7 .M)
LDS . . . ' . " 1" xia
geiolta I J. I Nlant
Dorris S2 Keno 39
Malln Bly 40
Tulelake 83 Beally 32
Jayhawlta 4.1 Merrill 42
Chlloquln :l Spracue Blver 50
Klamath Sona 41 LDS 18
The top four teams in the Klam
ath Basin basketball league are es
tablished: all that's left now Is to
moke up some postponed games
that will decide the positions of
ihe Big Four In Uie piay-ous f eo.
28 and March 1. .....
The lour leaders won losi nigm,
although it didn't come easy for
Malln and the Jayhawks.
Mn I In snueaked BV Bly. -u
the Jayhawks edged Merrill, 45-42.
But the otner iwo no im'c ""-
Opening of the second round in
ih -ltv shuffleboard league last
night saw Mecca bolnk Tot's. 4-0;
Roundup aeieai vr w. a-i, i u
cus and Summers Lane split, 2-2.
Hall, Daniels
In Braves Fold
BOSTON (.43 Receipt of the
signed 1952 contracts ol Pitcher
Bob Hall and Outfielder Jock Dan
iels of the Boston Braves was an
nounced Tuesday by General Man.
ager John Quinn.
Gavilan Signs
For Williams
BOSTON ri World Welter
weight Boxing Champion Kid Gavl
lon will meet the capable Don
Williams of Worcester in a non
title ten rounder at Boston Gordon
Feb. 28.
' Jl r
(Formerly Kaler Auto Service)
NEW LOCATION -2041 RaJcliffe
(Across South 6th from troy V. Cook's)
ble, Tulelake trouncing Beatty, 83
52. and Chiloquin disposing of
Sprague River, 93-50.
in tne otner two games on tne
full schedule. Dorris beat Keno 52-
39 and Klamath Sons drubbed Lat
ter Day Saints, 41-28.
Malin and Tulelake lead the loop
with 0-1 records.
Jayhawks hold a 9-2 final record,
while Chiloquin also has a game to
make up with an 8-2 mark.
Wyane Hatcher turned in the
best scoring performance of the
evening with 34 points In Chilo
quln's rout over Sprague River.
Wilbur welch nad 26 lor Tuie-
Box acorey:
noaais k
Efeiine is
F 11 Johnaton
F K. Ramfev
t' 8 Dow
G 8 D. Ramsey
a Bunch
Owem 4
if. Porterfleld 7
Hobinaon 10
Wllllama 5
Dorrii auba White 1. Dodson. Piunti
7. Magalenus. Fenwick, R. Porterfleld.
Keno auba J. Ramaey 3, Zarosinski 7.
Foster 2.
BI.Y (ll ni flii.i.i
Moore 14 F 3 O'Keeffe
Thrnsher 4 r 11 wooaiey
sunley 4 c 14 Conroy
Pohll 8 .-ncTvoen
Varnum 2 C 15 Anderaon
Dly auna nan. sananerK- wooaa. 4.
House. Davi. Patzke S. House. Malln
subaBrighlman, Kenyon. Smallev.
tltvA i i j - , . . . . ........ ..
R. Weiser t9 F 10 Crawford
Faithful 14 F 26 Welch
Sandervllle 3 C 14 Kim
Riddle 8 Ci n l-anomj
K. Welaer 3 G Urbach
Beatty subs Head. Jackson. Copper
field 2. Tulelake subs Kirkpatrlck 13.
1-Lskey 3 F
Winters 5 F 4 Gilchrist
Duncan 1 C 12 Dawea
Knox C. 13 Banta
i-rck 2 G 6 Bn'anl
Merrill aubi t. Kandra. C. Kandra.
Barry, Falherlnnham. Rader 2. Sowlet
8. L. Kandra 6. Ratcliffe. Jayhawks
suba Patterson 3, Reves. Brown, Xime
Snell 12
Hamilton 8
B. Welsrr 13
JaoVdon 4
15 Sou en
34 W. Hatcher
S Gefnwr
4 Miller
Duffy l,l
9 Bickers
ch'unauin lubi Wmpler 2. Bratton
id r Unlrlnr 2.
RONS (41) - l-15
WiMon 7 P 4 Montomery
ii r Anderson
Franks 7 C 13 osheni
Miller S 3Li'.1f.
MlnatA 3 G 2 Mills
Sons subs Pefrson 2. Hood 4. Hall 3.
LDS subs Hallmark 4. Whisier.
Our wide slorH ( fine mlr
rora enable at U nett any
reasonable demand far a flna
mirrar ' for practically any
I m 1 1 1 1 c use. Wall, aver
mantel, bedroom, bath raom.
door, and other mirrors ara
altered here . . . In flna
quality tradrs.
Evenings , t till 8 p.m.
Saturdays . a till 6 p.m.
Sundoys . . 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
1 .i ft.- '.v jvr n w .'i i m ai . .
i it - t y '
'Mki mtm
Hangs To
MITop Spot
By The Associated Press
For the third successive week
Vviiiiiii inmuijc Ul ruriiuiia io
iaicu an ui ckuii s nu. i iiigri scuuui
basketball team.
The Rams, with 13 wins In 14
games this season, got all but two
of the first place votes of sports
writers and sportscasters in this
weeics AAsociatea ness poll. A 74-
49 victory over Salem last Friday
strengthened their prestige.
There were no newcomers to the
lop 10 this week, although some
shifts In the order occurred
The first ond second place teams
in tne Portland League, Cleveland
ond Lincoln, retained their No. 2
and No. 3 state rankings, In that
order. Cleveland, undefeated in
high school play, got the other two
voles lor too spot. Both teams face
a tough second-round league sched
ule, but are expected to finish one-
two In the Portland race and win
berths in the state tournament.
Wade (Swede) Halbrook, seven
;foot one-Inch Lincoln center who
has rolled up 555 points In 15 games
win &c ci-- .iy waicnea oy prep
fans as r hoots for new individual
slate and city scoring records.
Marsnneid, favored to fight it
out with Reedsport for the South
west Oregon district title, ad
vanced to No. 4 In the poll after
winning two more games.
McMinnvllle fell Irom fourth to
fifth after being upset by Oregon
City. Klamath Falls and Medford,
fighting It out lor the Southern
Oregon district crown, ranked No.
a ana no. i, respectively.
The thumping by Central Cath-
ollc knocked Salem irom fifth to a
ue tor No. 8 with Baker, which
won the two week-end games In
me tougn Eastern Oregon compe
tition. La Grande, also victor In a
pair of contests, maintained its No.
10 ranking.
Also-rans were topped by Pendle
ton, another strong Eastern Oregon
team, and Reedsport, which won
the western sub-district title in
Southwest Oregon by trouncing
The poll, with won-lost record
aiier each team:
1. Central Catholic. 14-1
2, Cleveland, 13-1
3. Lincoln, 13-2
4. Marshfield, 14-4
5. McMinnvllle, 15-4
6. Klamath Falls, 12-3
7. Medford, 12-4
8. Salem, 13-5
9. ' Baker. 12-8
10. La Grande. 10-5 -
Others: Pendleton 13. Reedsport
10. Oregon City and Junction City
a.Miiion-f'reewater and Dayton 4,
Astoria 3, HiusDoro and Powers
2, Milwaukie and Molalra 1 each.
NAMPA. Idaho Wl Northwest
Nazarene defeated Eastern Oregon
college ot Education 76-71 in a
wild and woolly basketball game
here Monday night.
The score was tied eight times
and the lpflrl rharoMl hanria fm
times before the Crusaders began
to pull away In the final period,
iMf f:
, ( qrv I,;
faces Rumanian Ape
Gorky On
Mat Card
Two wrestlers who had more
than a little to do with packing
in the customers last season re
turn to the armory tomorrow night.
One will draw Jeers, the other
cheers but a large crowd is an
ticipated for both.
The Jeer - boy Is Ivan Gorky,
younger ol the famous Gorky
The lair-haired lad Is the popular
Montana bronc - buster. Cowboy
Ivan shows In the main event
against Yorg Cretorian. Both are
scoundrels adept at picking up the
catcalls. Both are decorated with
chin foliage. And both are rough
students of unorthodoxy.
That one Is down for one hour
or the best two of three tails.
Carlson draws a tough assign.
ment in his return to the local ring.
The Montana cowpoke meets
Hurricane Herb Parks in the semi-
windup, blued or 45 minutes or the
best ol three alls.
The hall - hour, one fall opener
brings back Herb's brother Billy.
amy is scneduled to meet Harold
(Buck) Davidson.
Promoter Mack LUlard hopes
Ivan's appearance will be a spring
board to landing both the Gorky
brothers lor an early tag team
The Gorky-brothers boast a long
string ol victories in teamfare.
Soldat was the armory's Number
1 drawing card for several weeks.
Castleberry Drugs Is headquar
ters lor reserved tickets.
Dukes Only
Unbeaten Five
- By The Associated Press
Duquesne University reigned as
the only unbeaten major college
basketball team in the nation Tues
The Dukes toppled St. Bonaven-
ture from tne ranks ot tne unde-
feated Monday night 69-63. It- was
a crushing setback for the Bonnies.
j The loss was St. Bonaventure's
. ffrst in 17 ffnmM nnr) r)nniienp'c
17th straight victory of the current'
i season. .
V . 4
. . , because it's the best-tasting'
' whiskey in ages ';'
W 1, Pel.
Oregon Woolen , , ''' 21 .611
Parkmor Driver In ...28 26 .918
Landry tnaurance 28 2S .31)
Suburban Kitchen . 2S 36 .810
KFLW 34 30 .444
Dick Reeder'B 22 31 ,407
Last Week'i Rasalla
Reeder'a 3 Parkmor 0 ..
Oregon Wool 2 Landrr t ' i '
KFLW 3 Suburban 0 (forfeits
Oregon Woolen leads the Classlo
bowling league by Ave games but
three teams bunched In second
place are pushing hard. '
Parkmor Drive In, Landry In
surance and Suburban Kitchen are
tied five games bejilnd ihe Woolles.
KFLW, winner by forfeit over
Suburban, did alright last week
with no competition. i
Andy Klum's 233 was Just a pin
behind Jerry Cote's 234. Cote rolls
for Parkmor. Floyd Wynne; KFLW.
had a 212-164-187-563 series .second
place behind A Hakenworth, Lan
dry subs, with a 103-217-170-580.
Oregon Woolen had the high team
game, a 754. KFLW 721.
Dick Reeder's had the high team
series, 2105, followed by- Oregon
Woolen with 2075.
Parkmor's Charlie Booth keerjs
best season average mark, 188. Mel
Robinson holds a 183, Hakenwerth a
182. - '
DURHAM, N.C. (ff) Wayne Am
bier Cunningham ol Abington, Pa.,
who won a letter as a varsity soc
cer "player; is- a sophomore here
at Duke University. He Is the
nephew of Wayne Ambler, former
Duke baseball star who graduated
In 1937 and later played the In
field for the Philadelphia Athletics.
Z. wm wKtva
j TL Va