TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 10!52 I'iKRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Mealing Parent unci ralrons will iiimI Wednesday, 8 p, ni, In the reterson school, Jem LnClalr will Illustrate a lulk on "VIkiiiiI Hduoa linn" will) movie reels mid the "Whal-Four?" Uarbcraliop quar tette will slug. Associated Women A. W. ol the llenlry lrnn Ilnrriiu have sched uled a meeting 'liiiirsday Hi 1 p.m. with Mrs. Sum Unman. Leaving Mrs. C. K. Fralley, Tuleleke, will leave Wednesday lor mi extended motor trip to Arltona, Coll CnrnlH mul Mexico. En route hho will Mop In Ban Fran cisco In utlrnd a dlstrlca meeting ol thr Legion auxiliary, Mia. Frail ry In district child wrlfiue commit tro chairman. AltrndliiK the inert Inn also will be Mm. Urni k 1N11 tiuil) Kurt)!, dlslifi-1 president, Tula lake. Mcetlnii dales are Feb. lb-17. Home Mr. and Mrn. Max Nav lor and daughters, JranctUi Mnrle and Katlilrrn Ann, 'lulelnkc, are Subject nf the talk will be "Unl vernal Mllltnry '1'riiliilng,' tegular business meeting nt Mt. Ma.ania Triastiuliitress Club will ho held Thursday, 0:30 p.m., at Ilia Wlllurd hotrl. Travelrra Mr, and Mra. Charles Knlon have left on a trip IhrouKh the southern stales. They plan to attend the Mardl Ores In New Or leans and expect to be none (or live or iix weeks. New Offlrern were elected last nlHlit at the monthly mretlnn ol Local 4I)&, American Federation of Musicians. Fred Dalles wa re elected secretary for the comhiK yenr. with W. It. Evans an vice president. Menibern of the board of director.! are Jack D. Pearson, Don Phelps and J. A. McDonald. Pete Colley wan elected sergeant at arms. Roy Larson, present president, contlnuen hi that office. I.rainr of Women Volera Unit meeting to discuss Inllatlon and 111 Child Death Causes Found 1,08 ANOni.KS Anthiiia and bronchial pneumonia killed two small children whose dnttlis originally were blamed on antibiot ics, autopniea nave ciiscionra. Dr. Edward M. Butt, chief path ologist at Doners! HoHpltnl, Mild Monday there wan no evidence that any antibiotic administered to either of the children caused death. He aald that Carole Ann Whltlock. 18 monthn. had been administered Chloromycetin, but succumbed Hun- day to bronchial pneumonia, unci that Jacknon Lee Beakley, a, Klvcn aureomycln, died of anthuiu. Physicians who attended the children refuned to sign death cer tificates, pending an Investigation. Dr. Roy Ollbert, county health officer, aald he han no reason to believe that any antibiotic drug now being used will have any ef- lecl ouier man neneiiciui. m ii )n p i ajimiii'i' a i.,'!f"i. i i ,ym home Iron, a l.vn week;-, trip ' rPrl upon thf locnl community, thruugl. Mexico mid AiUuim. i wrmiMrtny 10 n.m., In iht? Com 1 mutiny LouiiKC. Any interested per rrly Thu rrnuUr mrrllnK of nun welcome. Aloht Chnpler N. til OKH ulun niHTMH Nti In Me rurltsy f Kfi Ileal. It Dfparlmini.t p r v I Klamath I aunty J'uMlu DUNCAN Boin In Mr ftiirt Mn. O'lria.'l I. Dtinmii. IMS tieury, girl, wrlKht 7 pounili JO'a ouncei, Jan. M, ZAI1INA Born In Mr. anr Mr An tnn M, irtlna. ChllrxjUtn, Or . a fiH Wright B poundi la'j ou(ict, Jan. .Vk IlKTTI.r.a- Born to Mr. aorl Mra J-rph II Mtt.a. Chtloqiiln. Off . a boy, weight 0 pound J.'J't ounce, Jan. W. mw. MAIJISON- Born lo Mr. and Mm. Walttr MadUon Jr., 2M7 Itadfllffa. a y, wiht e poundi H't ounce i, TU 1, 112 HHOWNHorn to mr. ana wri wu Draft Dodger Faces Ouster Grizzled Old Timer Missing QOINCY, Calif. ( Manuel WASIIINOTON I Draft Dodd er 8cre M, Rubinstein, wealthy Ruslan-born financier, Tuesday diced the novernmenfa third at tempt In elKht years to deport him. The two previous attempts (ailed. Tho Immigration Service ordered him deported Monday on urounds that Rublnatcln'a draft dodKinn In World War II constituted "moral turpitude." Jle was In the Lewis burn, Pa., Federal Penitentiary from May S, 1941, to April 25. 1949, for evadln Selective Service. I Rubinstein has 15 days In which In dnnpal immlirr&llnn rv.mmlL. JTJZ"r. MV ""'jsloner Argyle R. Mackey, who I'AJinONn - Horn to Mr. anO Mr. ' HIKUCU wio wuci, nmu. Ji;hn If. laroni. Mt. Hrhron, Calif , j . a Ktrl, weight pound ll ouncei, teh, a, HiM, WINTLOUK- Born to Mr. nd Mr i, Mfirvcv f,. Whlllwk. tm Clrvrland. a hoy, weight 0 pound 10 ouritci, eh. 2, I0M. MOHMCY- Born to Mr. and Mr, Jainea U Motley, rouU; 3, box 41(, Klamath KaJU, girl, wr'eM ft pounrlt 12J ouncea, Feb. 1, I ft.". 2 niEf.En Horn Mo Mr. and Mr. Thomai B. Bl)r. route 1. box Prince Charles Learns Fase LONDON lfl The three-year old heir to the British throne Is learning fast. Prince Charles was quick to re spond Tuesday as a sentry pre sented arms when the little boy was brought home from his dally romp In a nearby pari;. The prince raised his rlsfht ami to the brim of his blue hat and smiled. Klanth rail, a III I. w(hl I pound! M ounce., rrn. I, Hair Tugged, Brave Jugged DENVER m Ute Indian Curtis I'M : Lehl savs he doesn't remember CKItNIC'K -Horn to Mr. anil Mra. I nl,iiinD ih. .tiir. h-a4. !.,. v.i. Ornlrk, Parai, Calll., boy, wrlim 7 , . ..A u . u poundi 134 oumai. Ttb. i. 1032. Wlfe says he did so he must have lil.AHSI'UWI.r." IWin I" UI1U (ICS BUI I Jf Federal agents brought the 47 year old Indian here Monday from Sand Trapped Man Rescued HERMISTON, Ore. m Elderly John Bayer, imprisoned to his ncclc m sand for two hours Monday, was freed by crews drafted from Main Street and a power differ. After he was taken ' from the caved-ln septic tank he had been diKKlng, Bayer walked to a nearby house. "Sure I was scared," he said. Population Up In Canada OTTAWA Wi Canada's popula tion has grown 31.8 per cent in 10 years and now totals 14.0fl9.420. Official census figures published Monday night showed the call ot the Yukon still Is strong. The Yukon Territory's popula tion Jumped 85.1 per cent, from 4.814 to 9.006, between 1941 and Ian June 1, the date of the cen sus. Besides the natural growth of population, many persons from England and from displaced per sons camps In Europe have come to Canada since the war. A Mlmi.r U,. hpnuliu.44 Hvlll.1. Columbia made the biggest Pr centage Jump with an Inertftsa ol hu BikA nan an a . Make Your Yard the Most Beautiful for Miles Around! AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Tna can rent lovely new eplnet plana from tha Louis B, Mann Plane Com pany, r.'O N. lib, al lew monthly rale. After a. reasonable time yen can, If yon with, rhanfe from rent lo pur rhaie af reement. The rent already paid la ill eredlted to yoar purraa account and ae ether down payment la nacca ary. The monthly par men it can be little hlfber than rent. Or, If yoa pre fer. yo cats conllnae to rent. n.hfri ri f;iiiwwile. 4MH H.hf Rl. weight & pounds 11 "e ounce., feb. lilglH, a oriocs ill me masonic i cm- j lurnunv ncismn nv uic i-mo, v lu .Vrii Sierra. To most residents the name of Olio Ellis, caller, Orlnns-Regular meeting tonight ll 18-yrar-old grizzled prospector B p.m.. at the home ol Mrs. m i1" ?"!" "" ",l '"r. " ' , r,,v Bamson. 831J Alva Ave. i might strike It rich before dying Christian Women's Fellowship Tlrst Christian Church meets Thursday. 1 p.m. Ill the following homes: uroup Sturgeon. 3142 tile. L. A. Murphy will "6 charge of the entertainment. Ill Members ol the family of Mra. J. S. Mutts, 111)3 Ciraceiil, have hern called lo her bedside. Mrs. Mutts Is critically III 111 Klamath Valley hopltal. A son. Robert Yamney. In the service III Korea has brrn nntlllrd of the critical condition of his mother and i exnrcled to return home. A daughter, Mrn. BeillKe Blln-ion. Peck. . 1 ,l. Vll. Lira U'.IlM I !--.!... 4ii.r. I."..,;.,,, .r. ! i.i Aii.mnnt PTA Is to signed by plane an "'J- ,,"L r .. discussion tonight. I those days-got the seat 1 8 o clock, neanng wim juvniuu irl. wellhl S pound! 14 ounet., rth. v. , , ...1 ii d, lllil. Hg.iiiat w.i.i., vv liuuofc. i'iuu-norn m mr. .no mm. i-,m- waH n very oao ining to co I'laa Canliy. Calll . 7 pound! 13 ouiicci. fell. Group 2. Mrs. Lee Hulf, But to some old-timers the name recalls an Oklahoma congressman who served only two years In Washington but kept himself in the t Mr. llarn M U meilKlll. Hummers Lane; Merries went to uongrrn m iui 4uis as a Republican from solldlv Uem locrallo Oklahoma. The Democrat I who won, died, so Harrlck, who cam- oddity In Away William Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1'erry Wilson. Is attending school In Toronto, can problems. Guest will be Summera school IT A. Members of the panel are A. C. Olson, Kev. u. i. rrimv, ada, lor a few weeks. Mrs. Wilson ; j'u Alexander ana rruncis mav is remaining here during her bus- ! hews. bands absence. Mouse Academy of Friendship Hark Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bui- . wm ),old Its annual card party 111 llvan. former owners ol Sullivan's. Merrill. Feb. IS. Pinochle, bridge closed several months ago when , ,nrt canasta will be played and Mr. Sullivan exprctrd to return j Academy members are requested lo the service are In Klamuth Falls l0 Drnit a pic. The party will briefly belote going to Tacoma where thev will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clrorgc Sullivan, also one time residents here. Mr. and Mrs. Cieorge Sullivan now operate Sill livans Colnnlal Shop 111 Tacoma. The Fred Bulllvans who have vis. In the Merrill stsrl al p in- Moose hall. Grral Books group Is sched uled to meet Thursday. 8 p.m. In the City Library to discuss Shake speare s Macoetn. uraqcra win u He ran a private beauty contest for the admitted purpose of picking a bride, and he sued and was sued by dozen women. Fellow congressmen called him the "biggest crank" In the house, but he referred to himself as "the most popular man in America." Derrick drifted off after 1923 ana wound up In this mountain country. He and another miner took off In January to stake a mining claim. Search parties found his part ner'! frozen body Saturday. Scurch for Herrlck was abandoned. Ited markets In New England and i Carolyn Collier and Orpha Hudson the West Coast in searcn en spi-c- laity merchandise are looking lor a location to return lo business. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mrihune and family, former Khun ath Falls residents, now living In Jleddlng have been guests ol Be thunes parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. r. Bethune, ott N. luih. Bethune, now with the Ralph L. Smith. Lumber Co.. Redding, was at one lime with the Long Bell Lumber Co. here. Display World famous china, loaned by Rlckya to students at the high school, studying a dis irlbutlve vocational course will be on display. Wednesday, room 3IH, 3 p.m. to p.m. The display, ar ranged by students will be open lo the public. J. W. Lake, vocational coordinator for distributive educa tion who Instructs m window and rare displays will be In charge ol the display. Meets Wednesday Theta Rho Club Is to meet at the IOOF hall Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Non-Farm Jobs Up Slightly SALEM lf Non-farm employ ment In Oregon declined by 23,900 persona between mid-December anrl mlrl-Januarv. but han 1m- Ve Olde Pinochle Club Is lo , proved slightly since that time, meet Thursday, 12.30 p.m. at the The Unemployment Compensa home of Orace Bock. 131 High, for llon commission said there were a Valentine parly. Anyone not able 24,900 non-farm workers last to attena is scu w . aid 1. wclchl lor.'.? HACllMAN Born to Mr. Ji.hn Ha'-lilnan. Mrilol. California ! bol . wlKhl 1 pouniH 7'i ounrai. I MOOKK Born lo Mr. and Mr! Mel vln U. MtHjrt.. 2IS4 Autumn HI., a blrl. weight 0 pound! 7'4 ounce. I oi.'KF Horn to Mr. and Ml! Danlle . !! Duff, route 3. box 2SO. Klamath rail, a noy, wclgnt f pouno! o uumca- ( jell 4. MM. . . HAMILTON Born to Mr. and Mn William T. Hamilton. 202 Garri'n HI . a boy. weight a pound! S'.t ounce!, I'eh 4, Ml."2 BAItMETT Born to Mr. and Mr Jamei W. Barrett. M2a Miller Ave . a llrl. weight 7 pound! 14 ounce!, feb. . una. .. j MAXWELL Born to Mr and Mri Calvin H. Manwell. Oreterh. Ore . a llrl. weight S pound! 13 ounce!, Feb. ' POWERS Born to Mr. and Mn. Wll lard Powari. Tulelake. Callt . a llrl. weight 7 pounua 10'4 ouncei. Feb. J. ly',2 OARDNEn Born to Mr. and Mr! Charlei J. Gardner. 503 Victor)- ur . a boy. weight e pound! 31. ouncea. John C. Koman va. Fern L. Roman, ault lor divorce. Cottple married hnt. I leM. Chicago. III. Charge cruelty C. J. Burreli. attorney lor plaintiff. Robert Mo'.ln vi. Lean Molilo. jult for divorce. Couple married Oct. 7. 1S54. Lake Charlei. La.. Charge deiertlon. W L Townwnd. attorney lor plalntlll. ASSI'MI.II Bl'SISEBS KAMI: CRATER LAKE BEVERAGE CO. Mario I) Paitega. Dlllard. Ore and Leo J. Bncclll, 4S Spring SI., Klamath '"PEPSI-COLA BOTTLINO CO. OF KLAMATH FALLS Leo J. Bocchl and Mario r. Paitega. MHIIIIBAVIAI. ASSt'MLD ntSI.SESS NAME PEPSI-COLA BOTTLINO CO. OF KLAMATH FALLS Elmer W. Kenned) and Mario D. Paitega.. .'" r.nll the chief. hrnlHu " f .hi .M to reporters. "But I don't remem-' and Mn )Pr doing It." Lehl, wearing blue Jeans, plaid shirt and black hat, was arraigned before U S Commissioner Harold S. Oakes, who set bqpd at 1500. The Ute didn't have anything like that kind of money so he went to the county Jail. " JlV l mi Mala m. -m SOCIALLY CORRECT!! KnrraTtd WEDDING Invitorions and Announcements IS.II3 Per Ilonrlred Aik For Your Copy Of "WEDDING CUSTOMS" By Evelyn Murray T Fill. - voigras PionetrOffictSiwfy til. Grows up te 80 ft. high Early Blooming TULIP TREE Special-by-Moil! $ 1 ca. Nathlng yaa ceuld alanl will glre yaa ai mttrh lallifacllon aa one of thua till, unhellevabtr lovely Tulip Treei. And It will... ... Increaie tha value of yeurtB,er1' prnptrtr hundreds of dallara In fail a few yean. Blanma early and lang with deme maaiei ol S-pelal tulla Mowtri. Leave! are a deep, rich green. Wonderful abarle. Will make your yard a ihow place lor veara la come. Growa fail. Vary bardy. We lend a itrnng tree S to A feet for iiicceiifnl Iranaplanllog. Limited mpply! Send SI for I, IS far 3, potlpiid. C.O.n.'a welcome. . Sella fartlon gairantred ar year money back. EXTRA GUT. a colorful Twig Dogwood. kri.sk m asrairs. Dtri. Iiw nioamlnglan, llllnala Name Addren . Bock. rin-E. M. Chllcote was awarded a so-yrnr pin al a recent meeting of the Masonic Lodge. 'anion Craler No. 1 Ladles Auxiliary meets Thursday t 8 p.m. In the IOOF hall. Kagles Auslllary A meeting has been scheduled lor p.m. Wednes day. A birthday parly will be held fur all tiiembera having birthdays In January, February or March. ii-.ii. II. .rlln the Ban Fran- i., i;,,,i,r Pacific Hospital is . The Four iiayumeciiiir. ui me Carj w Henry, 'Mamam !;. First Methodist church will meet SP conductor. OFFICKRS DECORATED HANOI irts Vietnamese Chief ot month, which waa 2.100 fewer than ! Bute Bao Dal handed high decora a year ago. ! Hons to more than 60 French and Employment In logging and lum-1 Vietnamese officers here for hero- ber Industries dropped to 81.900, 'bun In battles against Uie corn lowest In two years. 'munlst-lcd Vletminh. it Ik! Forget traffic worry and driving strain for a change. Relax all the way in deep cushioned, weather-conditioned comfort ...and arrive at depots in convenient downfown locations. You see more, save more, on business or pleasure. ..by dependable Greyhound bus! low Fores iMeon 1x1 ra Cost, for IxUa font Son Francisco $ 6.10 Lot Angeles ... San Diego Phoenix, Ariz. El Paso New Orleans , Portland Seattle .. $10.40 $12.10 $18.10 $26.80 $46.10 $ 5.85 $ 9.15 litem Till m UW..J1 lm.Tra Dtltttt Agent, J. K. Soyro 904 Klamath Phone 5521 t 130 p.m. Thursday for dessert lunch at the following homes: Ruth Circle. Mrs. George Blanas, 1036 Eldorado: Esther Circle, Mrs. Da vid Kenyon, 333 N. Uih: Martha Circle. Mrs. M. W. Hover, Jli Alameda and Mary Circle. Mrs. Uene Woods, 3S02 Oregon Ave. American Legion auxiliary members are asked to hear radio program broadcast ny Mrs. Paul Olterbeln and Mra. Hal Ogle over KFJI. 6 p.m.. Wednesday. TII'STKRH HOLLKR ARCADIA. Calif. I-The City of Arcadia, home of the famous San ta Anita racetrack, got Itself In hot water recently when It banned the sale of tip sheets on city streets. Tip sheet owners have en tered suit against the city main taining that their horse selection businesses were handled mainly by disabled veterans and that Arca dia's action was unjust and discriminating. 23 fyeM V Monday, februoiy 11, 1929 Another ol tha chain jtorts of Sontlord Compony, which Is located in Klomoth Foils, voi optned In Merrill Mondoy. Sontford Jonti who make his home In this city, put In the new itore. Charles Rodemoker is monoger of the Merrill branch. The store wos formerly known as "The White House" ond wos operated by R. H. Anderson for many yeors. Tuesday, February 12, 1929 J. Fred Flock, who for the past year hos owned a half Interest In the Fowler Soles Co., locoted ot 1317 S. 6th St., hos purchased. J. C. Fowler's interest In the compony. The company It distributors of Kroft Cheese, Wright's mayonnaise, ond other wholesale goods. Mr, Flock does not Intend to moke ony changes in the business. Wednesday, February 13, 1929 Roland Cofer, son of Mr. ond Mrs. W. D. Cofer, who hos spent the last severol months In Portland, Is spending several days visiting here. Roland will attend the wedding of his brother, Lester, which will be solemn lied Saturday evening. Lester Coler is marrying Miss Lydio Backus. Thursday, February 14, 1929 Keith Ambrose, chief of police; Louis Mueller, Leigh Askermon ond Clorence Worden departed by motor for Roseburg yestardoy to otlend the Southern Oregon Law Enforcement conference. While enroute north Keith Am brose will stop in Ashland to confer with C. Talent, stole traffic officer. Friday, February IS, 1929 Miss Albertlno Nitschclm and Miss Luclla White leave Sunday morning for San Francisco from which point they will soil Wednesday morning for a six weeks cruise of the Howaiian Islands. Fi H. McCormock ond family were In Klamath Falls Friday afternoon from their beautiful home on the Upper Lake, Saturday, February It, 1929 Mrs. Don C. Fisher ond Mrs, Dwlght French were joint hostesses ot 0 meeting of the Women's Brldge; Club when they entertained ot the Fisher home. Mrs. Paul f. Jackson received high score, ond Miss Kothryn Ulrich, consolation. Olher guests were: Mesdomes Frank Howord, George Mclntyre, H. A. Goodrich, Misses Margaret Jewell, Helen Glover, Alice Kesslor, Florence Gould, ond Maude Carlton, FABULOUS GLOVES OF AMERSUEDE BY VAN RAALTE A PRETTY WAY TO SAY YOU'RE MY VALENTINE' THE "Insure With Landry" Jlan&iu 6a. 9 LIABILITY FIRE V. T. Johnson John A. McCall D. L. Thomas AUTO ' PROPERTY 419 Main Street Phono 2-2526 fcaaasT,u.aaa Paul O. lane'ry Here are dozens of beauti S infinite variety and change for your spring ward- V . sj Cs robe. And Van Raalte's fabulous Amersuede I f T H3 ""itSES 1 washes wonderfully, looks eyer new! - " FREE, EASY PARKING lp and up ey