Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 12, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, FKnrtUAnV 12, 1052
SSr It ?
Clarice IS. Cook of Stock
ton, will become the bride
of Joseph It. Knowlnnd,
publisher of the Oakland,
Calif., Tribune, Sunday,
April 6. She is now a
teacher at Edison High
school at Stockton, Calif.,
and met her future hus
f hand 20 years ago through
'mutual Interests in the Na
' live Daughters and Native
Sons of the Golden West,
After their marriafio they
will llvo nt the Knowland
family home, in Piedmont,
Woman Postal
Clerk Wounded
MOSCOW, Idiilio I An "un
loaded" .23 rnllbcr rlf Ir. preirnlrd
at lhi parrel pout window of the
poslolflce here Monday morning,
discharged in the hnnds o( a
plalnl clerk. The bullet wounded
another pontiil clerk.
Struck ju.it tinder the left alinul
der by tho bullet wna Mlaa Mar
garet KminliiB. 33-yrnr veteran of
the poatal aervlre. She wan not
believed nerlously wounded but
probably will bn confined to a hos
pital acverul daya.
The bullet entered her buck be
low the nhouldcr blade mid con rued
ocroM to the other Mdc, her phyai
clan ntd.
The itun wna presented to parcel
pol Clerk Doll Cruaalcr by Mra.
Waller ltoarch. H waa addressed
to her son, Lawrence Roach at
Mvrtle Point, Ore.
The Run. a boll-action rifle,
waa wrapped In heavy burlap. The
trigger protruded from the wrap
limit. "We ought to cover thin trigger,"
Croaalrr iald lie told Mra. Itoach.
Ho aald he "Jiiht touched the trig
ger" aa ho i.pokc, and "the gun
went oil."
MIna Fannlim, Htnmllnir two feet
wna Jual toKtlilcned." Croaalcr aald.
"I thought Uie Kun waa unload
ed, of course." aald Mra. Roach.
"I took II apart and did not see
any bullet in It. I should have
waited lor my huabund to do It."
Employe Aid
Plans Get OK
Stabilization Board haa ruled that
employers may put Inlo effect aev
ernl types of health and welfare
plana for their employer without
oblalnliift the board' approval.
The board aald Monday the em
ployers could proceed ponding Is
suance later of a general regula
tion covering; such benefit pinna.
Tho board aald that the health
and welfare program may be put
Into effect without approval where
1. Cover both wage and salaried
employees on the same general
2. Require covered employees to
pay at least io per rent 01 ine
gross coat of the benefits, provided
they do not Include benefits for
employee dependents:
3. Extend benefits of an exist
ing plan to additional employees
within the same plant or to simi
lar groups In other plants of the
ume employer.
4. Extend or renew a plan In
effect Jnn. 25. 1951. or a plan ap
proved by tho wngo or snlary
board since.
6. Are new or amended plnns
required by law.
TDcLay, who for 21 yeara was ath
letic director of Sllverton High
school, died here Sunday.
DcLay, 70, had retired about five
years ago.
So All May
Geo. N. Taylor
What kind of folks send out
these Gospel Messages to the news
papers? Somo of the families are
In dairying: one la In marine In
surance; others In the saw-mill
business; one
rnlscs nursery
stock mid so II
cnea Thev nhev
L' JA,i.' I Christ's '"Go ye
rtflflJ lnt 'he
l"iV? Jl world" and aive
the Good News
to every man
Two O o d ' f
part. It Is for
him to benr down
on the unsaved
who hear how
God's Son died
Taylor ' them. Most
folks who have
been saved nio on some-one's prayer
list, May God hear down heavy.
Three The Lost. Know thai
God so loved you that he gave his
Only-Born Son that If you should
?YHeve on Him, you would not
prlsh but have ctcrnnl life. John
-.16 The heart of the BIBLE. Be
ing saved, look utterly lo Christ
(or such peace, cheer, hope and
II length as this world can never
Cieo. N.
Congressman Says Rate
Hikes May Hurt Rails
llv FflANK W. VAll.lf,
WASHINGTON 11 A Wushlng.
ton congressman told the Inter.
state Commerce Commission Tues
day that additional Increases In
In a not loss of revenues to the
"It Is entirely possible," contend
ed Rep. Koran (K.-Waah.) In a loi
ter to Commission Chairman John
L, Rogers, "that less tonnage
would movo long dlatuncos bcciiuse
of tho shorter hauls being featured
by competing modes of transport."
In hla inter, which he made nun
llo Tuesday, Koran flatly opposed
ins increase recently askca uy the
Wentorn lines are seeking a nine
per cent Increase and Eastern
carriers want a nix per cent boost,
Hearings will open here Feb. 18
with oral arguments scheduled for
ecu. 20.
lloran aald the railroads have
been granted 11 horizontal freight
rate Increases since June 30, 1046.
It now coals to ship a car
load of apples from Wcnalchee.
Wnali.. to New York, he said, as
compared with but 47ii.f0 In June,
"If the pending petition Is grant
ed," he said, "our rate will be
12.16 a hundred or $165.37 per car
load. 'I'hla represents an increase
of $282.67 per carload In frnlght
I ' - fg
charges or approximately 60 per
'Hie congressman said that the
dependency of Western growers
upon Eastern outlets means that
each Increase In the freight rates
"places them at a greater disad
vantage and, In effect, further re
moves them from their principal
lloran suggested that should the
commission find that certain lines
are In need of additional revenue
"such could be accomplished by
revised division of the through ap
plicable rates, In this way, the
weaker lines could obtain the need
ed revenues."
Actress Gets
Contempt Fine
ress Anne Sterling has until late
Tuesday to pay a $50 fine Imposed
Monday for failure to respond to
a subpena as the star witness In a
grand thoft trial.
Superior Judge Jesse J. - Framp
ton held her In contempt Monday
and Informed her that she must
serve one day In the county Jail
for every $10 of the fine not paid.
Miss Sterling wept and aald she
had tried to be here for the trial
but was grounded In San Francisco
on a flight from Vancouver, Wash.
She had accused Yolanda Ruth
Klllott, fashion designer, of steal
ing a $2,000 fur from her apart
Previously, the court had re
buked five film stars who did not
appear a defense character wit
nesses. They arc Victor Mature,
Joan Crawlord, Jimmy Durante,
Luna Turner and Jane Russell.
The trial of Miss Elliott has been
continued until Feb. 18.
-wa,rMr miUm
masked man testifies he
fore a special house com
mittee in Washington
which is investigating the
Katyn Forest massacre of
World War II. A former
Polish soldier he said he
and two companions hid in
trees and watched the
slaughter of some of the
10,000 Poles shot down
near Smolensk, Russia,
nearly 12 years ago. The
mystery man has relatives
still in Poland. His identity
was not revealed.
Cohen isn't fooling about
her serious intentions of
making the U.S. Women's
Olympic fencing team.
Here she gives a pointed
demonstration of her ability
as she makes a lunge with
a foil.
S.P. Conductor's
Rites Conducted
DUN3MUIR Funeral services
were held Saturday for Howard
naipn Aaarns. oo, retired Boum
ern Pacific conductor who died
at his home last Wednesday.
Adams had lived here since 11)21
Survivors Include the widow. Hazel;
a daughter, Mrs. William Dick of
Stockton: and a son, George II. of
Stock, Rabbit
Shows Set
PORTLAND tf"i Dates of the
1052 Pacific International Livestock
Exposition and the National Rab
bit Show were announced Monday.
Walter A. Holt, exposition mana
ger, said the livestock show would
be Oct. 4-11 and the rabbit show
Oct. 21-25. The American Rabbit
and Cavy Breeders Association
will hold Its convention during the
rabbit show.
New Wildlife
Funds Sought
CORVALLIH fl'i The Oregon
Wildlife Federation has endorsed
a program which would set aside
10 per cent of national forest rev
enues for recreation and wildlife
The recommendation was made
here Sunday at the close' of the
federation's convention.
A resolution calling for deer sea
son to open Oct. 1 was tabled.
Among speakers was State Game
Director Philip Schneider. He said
60.000 bucks were bagged In Ore
gon last year.
Ross Brown, Albany, federation
president, will represent Oregon
at the national convention in
Miami, Fla., next month.
Taft Shuns Minnesota
Race, Cites 'Enemies'
The Senator had three other en
gageinents here Monday before his
address Monday night to the Spo
kane Chamber of ComtTMrco.
Foreign Wool
Curbs Sought
R.S.D.. would have Congress com
pel the Armed Services to buy
their wool from American produc
ers. He has Introduced a bill de
signed to accomplish this.
Hla bill would permit purchase
of foreign wool by the Armed Serv
ices only when no domestic wool
Is available.
Berry described to the House
Monday what he called the "dis
tressing" condition of the Ameri
can sheep Industry. There arc
many sheep ranches In his South
Dakota district.
Berry said South Dakota grow
era were offered "prices ranging
from $1.40 to $1.55 a pound" a
year ago whereas now their wool
"has a value not to exceed 60
cents a pound."
He blamed "dumping of foreign
wool" on American markets for
"depressing" prices and "the ruin
ation" of the wool producer.
SPOKANE (A'i Sen. Taft, R
Ohio, said Monday he'll "disown
the delegates" If hi name is en
tered In the Minnesota Presidential
primary March 18 against hla will.
Taft said he doesn't have time to
campaign in Minnesota and doesn't
rlan to enter the primary there.
A Minnesota rural editors' com
mittee, however, announced Sun
day that all candidates will be en
tered by petition unless they have
already filed. This could pit Taft
against former Gov. Stassen, a
favorite son.
"I'd have to know more about
It." Taft told a press conference.
"If my 'enemies' would enter my
name, I'll have nothing to do with
The Ohio Republican arrived In
the Pacific Northwest at 3 a.m.
Monday and was up early for a
breakfast meeting with hla sup
porters and civic leaders.
He told them the Republicans
should make "no concessions of
principal" to attract the "New
r.eAl frinpe" vote In '52 and he
I discounted the designation of so
called Independent voters.
He described this segment as
I "the uninterested awl uninformed '
who don't vote regularly.
I ' The support of 20 per cent of
illwe would win any election." he
'"'d. ., .
He told about 100 listeners that
!be doesn't have time to campaign
PORTLAND i& The Portland
Dock Commission Monday turned
idown a request for $5,000 from
the Inland Empire Waterways As
j sedation.
I The money was to have been
used to pay part of the associa
tion's operating cost. The vote was
three to two.
Free Book on Arthritis
And Rheumatism
How To Avoid Crippling Doformitin
An amazing newly enlarged 44
page book entitled "Rheumatism"
will be sent free to anyone who
will write for It.
It reveals why drugs and medi
cines eive onlv temporary relief
and fail to remove the causes of !
the trouble: explains a specialized
non-surgical, non-medical treatment j
which has proven successful for the ;
past 33 years. i
You Incur no obligation in send
ing for this Instructive book. It
may be the meaas of saving you
years of untold misery. Write to
day to The Ball Clinic, Dept. 2608,
Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Adv.
In California's primary but will
spend three weeks In Wisconsin
"to test what we can do."
"The big names in New Hamp
shire are already for Gen. Eisen
hower but we feel there Is enough
support for me to go In there, take
a chance and see what we can do,"
he said.
Taft later told a press conference
he is opposed to national President
ial primaries because It would cost
2 'i million dollars to conduct such
a campaign and would force any
candidate lo resign his Job to de
vote the time to it.
He said he has never written any
letter to Elsenhower or given him
any written assurances on the Eu
ropean defense program.
He said, however, that he under
stands a letter to a friend on the
matter bad been shown the gen
eral. "I have stated publicly that 1
feel the bulk of defense armies
must be furnished by the Euro
peans. If they can't defend them
selves, we can't do it. Our troops
there are an Indication that we're
on their side and will help them."
On domestic matters, he said he
favors development of river val
levs and thinks the present price
support program for farmers Is
all right.
Get there fatter 1
Southbound Malnllnorl
leave at..;. 5:10 P.M.
LOS ANGELES . 3', hn.
Northbound Molnllnort
itavi at. i. 12:35 P.M.
PORTLAND . . 3l hri.
SEATTLE ..... Jhrs.
Fof, fuiudoirf ffffhfl
lo "oil ISO fill"
Airport Terminal. Coll 2-7537 or,
on author tied
Cravo! agnt.
Ben Morrison, Mgr.
11th & Klamath Ph. 2-2581
Have you Increaaed your fire In
surance in the last two yean? If
not, five ft your Immediate atten
tion. See Hans Norland for advice.
627 Pine St. Phone 2-3315.
Your perfect start to Summer in Europe
. . . in the incomparable CAR0NIA
IS enchanting porta In IS (oKinottng couirtrittl Cunord'i wo
lerfvl fooel one! lorvko board tho Urgott Cnar avor Witt
otpoclaity for twxvry crviiing. AJrKondtttonod BrbRc room
. . . ad itattroomi with privoto bath or ihowor. Ungor in tvropa
tf yo lifct, fort tolwdt return In ony Conordor. ftoofc NOWI
41 OAYS-N.Y. to H.Y. Apr. 26...975.
N U. $. TroiwoortoliM Tenc
Wlnemo Holol
Phone 8873
I J U llUllf 1 ' i.irrr
1 r4Jr1J.MX LL1
Mi in
1 01 IB !
-MbykHni Ike kirns Us every iay
New! Exclusive! And at no'extra cost! The 3 dog foods so famous for complete
nutrition now rid your dog of bad breath and offensive body odors, too!
It's the beat nows for dog owners since dogs!
You can now rid your dog of offensive odors
...simply by the daily feeding of the remark
able new Ken-L-Ration, Ken-L-Biskit,. or
Bad breath and body odors vanish like
magic from your dog . . . often after the first
day's feeding! All odors disappear from 9
out of 10 dogs after 7 days' feeding . , . Why?
No other dog foods contain nature's odor-
stopping chlorophyllin only Ken-L-Ration,
Ken-L-Biskit, and Ken-L-Meal offer you this
wonderful extra benefit;
And remember, magic chlorophyllin is an
extra benefit at no extra cost. Complete,
"'appetizing nourishment is still as always
the big reason for feeding these famous dog
Start feeding the "Kcn-L" way today i ; ;
and say goodbye to dog. odors forever.
pear. And they'll never again return aa
lonff aa you keep feeding tho "Kcn-L" way
exclusively! . . t
1 ST DAY . . . atart vour dog on an cxrtuaive
diet of Kn-L-Kation, Ken-I.-Hiakitv or '
Ken-I.-Menl or any mixturo or combina
tion of theao 3 foods,
2ND DAY ... In almoat all eaaea doi'a bad
breath and bnrlv odora atart to vanish with
in 24 hours of first feeding.
3RD DAY . . . now you'll begin In notice
really wonderful differonce. Although ''
hnrmleaa aa a lettuce leaf, chlorophyllin
works on dog odors liko magic . . . stops
thcro before lliey atart. r
4TH, 5TH, AND 6TH DAYS .. . last traeea of
your dog'a bad breath and body odor diaap-
. . . or your money backl
?f after an eicluoiva fending of Ken-I.-Italion,
Ken-L-Bikit, or Kon-L-Meal (or
anv mixture or combination of Iheae 3) for
7 days you are not completely satisfied in
evory wav, writo ua and yourpurchaso
price will be promptly refunded. Tnis guar
antee applira only if Kcn-L-Producta aro
fed exclusively . . . without diluting or sup
plementing with other typo foods.
feed you
For mool uitri
Now mrnlyrlni
meal thf( ttwtn
only penmen
wrvlnf. A com
plete rood, rtv
quire no Nip-
Klrmtinlfl. In 2,
,Ub amUOlh.
Ism. Tho flmt
and on v dm
k mtal thai ondi
I dog odora.
For Itcult foodlng
America's loading
contW dog foodl
m m 'rki. i. iv.. bb-Ok
eire'w dog'odm
mil dog odori, ,
Tht only dog foods In tho world that deodorlie as they nourish!
IJ' 'i
Harmony House Inlaid
linoleum fife
Best quality in beautiful Harmony House inlaid colors
to match your other Harmony House furnishings. Mar
belized or jaspe designs, colors won't weor off. So easy
to install, no separate lining to buy felt bock pastes
direct to floor. Easy on your feet. In ten colors! ; k
Harmony House
inlaid linoleum
2.19 sq. yd.
U sq. yd.
Best quality in beautiful Harmony House inlaid colors
to match your other Harmony House furnishinqs. Mar
belized designs, colors won't wear off. So easy to install,
no separate lining to buy felt back pastes direct to
floor. Easy on your feet. Eight colors to choose from. :
f CADC s,or Hour,! ' ,,m' 10 5:30 pm'
jUtlO 133 So. 8th Phone 5111