PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1052 : . - y :;:: cir I-,-.- KFLW Tuemlay Evening, Feb. 12 6:111 Home Town News 6:29 World News Summary 6:.T0 Suburban Serenade I 6 4 Headline r.dlllon ABC 6:M Coming Attractions on ABC 1:U Oraaleit Story ABC , 1.M rvewstsnd inealia ABC u II' - Air ABC :TO United or Not ABC 00 Town Meeting of Air ABC l:4o Grfla-v Mumc -' 10:00 10 PM Beadllnaa i ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Newa Summary 11:03 Sinn Oil KFLW Wednesday, Feb. 13 :00 Sign On News Summary 6:05 Corn in th Morn 6:49 rerm rare 7:00 Newt. Bkftt Edition 7:15 Charlte'a Bounoup 7:30 Bob Carred & Newt ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:53 John Conte ABC 6:uu BrcaKlasl Club ABC 0:00 Hank Henry Show 0:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley ABC 10:15 Lone Jcur-ey A' J 10:30 Hy True Slory ABC 10:55 Edward Arnold ABC 11:00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:15 Stop Shop 11:30 Agatnut Storm ABC 11:45 Musical Roundup 11:55 Market Report 11:00 Newa. Noon Edition 12:15 Paylesa Sidewalk Show 12:30 Lucky-U Ranch ABC 1:00 Paul Hnrvev ABC 1:15 Better Living , . 1:30 Mary taaigu.el McBride ABU 3:00 Baaln Briefs 3:15 Accent on Melody 2::0 Jovce Jordan. M a. ABC 3:45 Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC 3:00 When a Girl Marries ABC 3:15 Ted Malone ABC 3:30 Dean Cameron ABC 3:43 Mary Marlln ABC j-rn rr u- v -a 5:00 Pun Factory ABC 5:29 World Kllent heporter ABC 1:30 Chet Huntley ABC 5:45 Guest Star 6:00 Sports Highlights :15 Home Town News 6:2S World Newa Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade . 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC " 7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC 7:30 Mystery Theater ABC , . 1:00 The Top Guy APC 1.30 Rogues Callery ABC 1:UJ-i-. auiy V.e i-.all . 0:30 Northwest Artists 10:00 10 P-M. Headlines 10:15 Cream Harbor ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Off KFJT Tuesday Evening, Feb. II tM Gabriel Heatter MBS 615 Klamath Theater Qull 6:30 Around Town 6:43 Sam Hayes News MBS 6:53 BlU Henry MBS 7:00 Black Museum MBS . 7:30 Peter Salem MBS 1:00 Count Monte Crista MBS 130 Roving at Rudy's 6:45 Heidelberg Hsrmonaires 6:00 Glenn Hardy-News MBS 6:13 Fulton Lewis-News MBS 6:30 Official Detective MBS 8:55 5-Minute Final MBS 10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:15 Here's to Vets 10:30 Opera Concert MRS 1140 Night Owls Edition IIM-Night Owls Club ia;uu ..i j. . KFJI Wednesday, Feb. 6:00 Musical Reveille 6:45 Farm Reporter 6:55 Local Newa 7:00 Hemingway News MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang UBS 7:30 Newa ' 7:45 Best .Buys 1:06 Cecil Brown MBS 1:13 Breakfast Gang MBS 1.-30 Bible institute MBS 6:Q0 Homemakera Harmonies 6:15 Platter Party 0:45 Favorites of Yesterday 10:00 Glenn Hardy MBS 10:15 Tello Test MBS 10:30 LaPolntea .. 10:45 Concert . . .-, 10:30 Cnrrtns 10:51 Ken Carson Show 13 Continuous from ':45 mm CONSTANCE SMITH; JEFFREY HUNTER i mYwfi tVILUAMs". SKELTON Ml T 1U WQWI lertr WOT I 'kia . Mwt Terror, Mystery I 3 fjpH and Ramsncs with... 1 J4 VAN JOHNSON V3j AsT ' 0t HAVEN Kf W AMENE DAHl V m T0M DMKt rVl 11.00 Ladles U:M Nwi fc.TlS M Qiwen for Day. MBS 12:00 Nmt Bndi 12:15 Ntwi 12:30 D4.nct Tunc 12:45 Market V LiVMlortt 1.00 jack Ktrkwooa mus 1:M Tunt Tert 1:M tocat Nft 2:00 Newi MRS 3:OS Newt MBS 2:t3 Tea Time Tipi 2:45 Amwer Man MBS TOO Rirkys Request 4:O0 Speed Gltuon MDS 4:13 Hemingway New MBS 4:30 Curt Maey Time MRS 4:t3 Sam Hae Ntwa MBS 5:00 Twilight Time 3: .TO Wild Bill Hickock MBS 3:.U News MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:15 Klamath Theater Quit 6::KI Around TownNew 6:43 Sam Hayes News MBS 6:.Vt Btll Henry MBS 7 00 Affairs of Casanova 7:30 Liaco Kid MBS 8 ti0 hat's .Name of Sonf MBS 8:30 Medal of Honor 8 45 Heidelberg Harmonalres 9:00 Glenn Hardy New MBS 813 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 9:30 WreMting 9 35 3-Min. r'inal MBS 10 00 Wrestling 10:15 1 Love a Mv5tery MBS 10:30 Out of Thunder MBS 11:00 Night Owli itews 11 05 Night Owls Club 12:00 S.n Oft Old Testament Words Revised COLUMBUS. O. tm "Tlie idol! A workman casleth, and a gold smith overlays It with gold, and casts for it silver chains." That's the 19th verse of the 40th chapter of Isaiah in a new version of the Old Testament. The Kini James version of the Bible, published in 1611, said: "The workman melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith spread eth it over with gold, and casteth silver chains." The National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Monday made public samples of the re vised version the third authorized in 341 years. It's aimed at sim plicity, with use of modern lang uage in the present tense. The revision was authorized in 1929. Thirty-two scholars 31 Prot estants and one Jew were select ed to make it. They say the new version will give children no trouble in under standing the stories of Moses, Isa iah. Jeremiah stories which now contain difficult language. Revision of the New Testament was completed in 1946. First pub lication of the complete Bible Is scheduled for next September. Graham Asks More Prayer j WASHINGTON W Evangelist Billy Graham moves deeper Tues day Into the final week of his capital crusade, but he may re turn on March 11. The Greater Washington Evan gelistic Crusade began Jan. 13 and now is scheduled to wind up next Sunday in a meeting at the Wash ington Monument. Graham told an estimated 10.500 persons Sunday that the National Guard Armory, site of most of the meetings, will become available again on March 17. He asked their prayers for the success of negotia tions to book it then for a week or 17 days. Graham aides said they have about raised their tlOO.OOO budget through "generous offerings". RiverWds Five Bodies OROFTNO, Idaho Wi The bod ies of a man, his wife and their three children were found in an overturned auto removed from the Clearwater River near here late Monday. Sheriff W. W. Hays said the bodies had been identified as Mr. and Mrs. Homer Marks and their three children from the Lapwal In dian Reservation, drowned Sunday night when their car plunged Into the river after it was struck by another machine. Prosecutor Wynne Blake said Willlard M. Bounds, 32, Lewiston, Idaho, driver of Uie second car, reported the accident. Bounds said bis car struck the rear of another machine parked along the Lewis and Clark Highway and both tum bled into the river. Bounds said he thought the second car was empty. The bodies were found Monday when crews dragged the Marks' car to shore. Hero's Wife Seeks Answer LUBBOCK, Tex. W The wife of a Jet ace Maj. George A. Davis, Jr., reported missing in action In Korea, said Monday she would like to ask a full-scale investigation of why he was left in Korea. "If I could feel that he has lost his life for some good reason, I could feel better about it," Mrs. Davis told C. W. Ratliff of the Lubbock Journal. Mrs. Davis, who is expecting her third child the first week in May, received the missing in ac Uon telegram Sunday night. She was put to bed under medical treat ment. "I would like to ask a full-scale investigation of why he was left in Korea," she told Ratliff, who visited her at the home of her mother, Mrs. W. A. Cantwell, In Lubbock. "In the first place, he should never have been sent overseas," she said. "He would have been more valuable over here, teaching younger fellows to fly." She has received no turther word since the telegram Sunday night, she told Ratliff: "No doubt I won't pet much more Information after this statement but it' may help someone else." NATIONAL TV NEW YORK Wl The coast-to-coast television circuit, now link ing Hollywood to New York and vice versa, embraces a total of 54 cities. Thus only 11 cities and 13 of the 108 stations are outside Top Film Stars Veto Over By KRSKINE JOHNSON HOLLY WOOD-(NEA Holly wood on TV: Ginger Rogers, it now ran be told, jumped Into tl.000.000 TV contract with her eyes open much wider than Holly wood suspeciea. mere win oe no Oliner caught between a ourping beer can and the nasal spiel of a used car salesman. Her CBS contract Elves the star the right to veto any objectionable advertising. The same clause. I hear, will be in the contracts of other top film stars when they move into Uie TV channels. Glneer'a first show will be In Hollywood, starting In April, with the format now being worked out. One thing is certain: She'll do an occasional song-aud danco routine. Eddie Cantor on the fllm-vs.-llve TV question: "When It s on film the entertain ers will last longer and by lasting longer 1 mean on tins earth." There's a comparatively new (hurrah) English movie making the TV rounos "Seven Days to rtoon." It was filmed in I960 . . . Bill Williams, who plays "Kit Car son." will make a spring personal appearance tour of the midwest south . . . Eye-opening fact: The 108 TV stations now in opera i.on are coverltu 61 Per cent of I the U. S. population. Five million new l v eia mo cajhhtu ,u ut sold in 1952. Joe Stafiord turned down a TV bid trom General Mills for a flve- riav-a-week show. It would have originated in Rew nora ana jo is holding out for a Hollywood studio. She's never been seen on tele vision. Herbert J. Yates, president of Republic, will not use name stars In the TV films Republic wUl make. The lirst is "Commando Cody-Sky Marshal of Uie Uni verse." It's the first space patrol show in which rockets will be seen buzzing through the sky, thanks to the studio's special effects depart ment. There's a TV film series coming up based on the exploits of win ners of Uie Congressional Medal ol Honor. Howard Hughes may buy up the rights to "Young Widow," Jane Russell's 1945 movie, to keep it off TV. Jane and Howard are Doth unhappy about its revival . . . Pinkv l and Vivian Blaine, co- starred In that happy-go-lucky TV show, are speaking to each other only when the script demands. It's great Dig lat ieua. Ten CBS-TV shows will be orig inating in Hollywood by Wis spring. Ten more will follow In the fall, when Hollywood hopes to claim tiUe to "TV capital ol the world." . . Ralph Bellamys pri vate eye show. "Man Against Crime," has switched to film to improve the quality . . . economy note: Jack Webb uses no make-up whatever for his male characters in Uie "Dragnet" films. The girls use their own routine street make up. Eddie Albert is eyeing the pos- Diplomat Asks Family Haven WASHINGTON Pr-An Egyptian diplomat says he will offer his wife and three children for adop tion "by some kind and generous American" rather than return home, as his government demands. First, however, he will try to find a job to support his family, he told a news conference Monday, adding: "I can't live on debt or on chari ty." The diplomat, M. A. Nassef. at tacked the Egyptian government for what he called inhuman treat ment" in insisting that his wife re turn before giving birth to their fourth child in June. Doctors certif icate he displayed said she had been cautioned against travel. Nassef declared tearfully that his salary had been stopped since Jan. 15 and that he had been reduced to selling my personal belongings" In order to live. An Egyptian Embassy spokes man, S. Hassan, said Nassef had been given a month's notice to go to Egypt. He said the Embassy was willing to provide care and protection" for Nassef's wife and children if they wished to remain behind. Nassef said this was not true. Nassef, who served as press sec retary for the embassy, said he was a newspaper editor In Egypt before coming to this country. He indicated his government was re taliating against him for crltciz ing the embassy. "The Perfect Valentine . . ." BOWL-0-BEAUTY "Real Roses that Last" ki omfiTi; v-n iibniiin i n .i UWiaittMUIKHEMl UaliStm SHOP to Have TV Show Ads siblllty of turning out a series of sex education films for TV to fol low along the lines of pictures lie is now distributing to schools and civic groups, i Theater owners are pulling Hollywood's major studios ou the spot again, demanding that they declare their position on the sell ing of films to TV "so that ex hibitors may know where they stand In this whirlpool of uncer tainty," Theater owners are alarmed over the Increasing sale of pictures to television by some of the bigger produclng-dlsu Ibullng companies. Did you see the last TV show co-starring Dltm CrosetU ami Jerome ,Levltch? Sure you did. Those are the real names of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Richard Avonde. former fencing champion of Canada, will be Uie star of a TV film series. "Don Di ablo." The pilot reel was Just com pleted at Uie Hal Roiuh studio. Time marches on: The new TV version of the "Our Gang" com edies, to be produced again by vet eran moviemaker Hal Roach, will show one of the moppets In a spaceman's outill and another In a cowboy suit. Complaint dept: Hey. what's the matter with stop watches on TV? loo often the breathless master ofl, ,. ,,. ' . ' . , ceremonies rushes In front of theiunul l,ls "nd Psseer t'd him. cameras to say. "Our time is short i hut here and then Is ab ruptly cut off by the network or station identification. What he's trying to say is diiv- ing me mad, mad. mad. Mew .FtruRE Features New Power-packed Roadabiuty Sicnderd qipmant, occttierfi, an4 inn lllutlfotdd or iubet to r.orot Without notlct. Whilf 1d-well tlrai, whtn qvollabU, optional ol extra coil. m m maw aTawaTaH r m m a m m m m t s m awav aaaar m-m m m aSaTaw av mM m-w aaiaa am .a m maa a PFC. RALPH MANNING, 22. has shipped to Japan with the 238th gun batta lion. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Manning of the Henley district. Ralph is an ex-Henley student. m.IND All) MUNCIE. Ind. Ml Fred H. Coats didn't realize he wns driving ,. ..,,, wnv ., . ,. .. Coats said he and his pacsenger, Mario Pieroni. a former cllv luriue. had been busy talking, but Pieroni sensed that they'd gone beyond the intersection where two-wav traffic stops. Challenqinq 1 BASIN MOTORS 424 So. 6th St. Phone 7778 Several Eyed For Oscars HOLLYWOOD Ifl The movie world Tuesday learned Uie hope fuls In the annual Oscar Derby and It shapes up as a wide open race. Only Vivien Leigh, who played the demented Southerner In "A Streetcar Named Desire" ap peared to be a favorite ainonu the lop contenders. The HnullMi beauty has been tabbed a probable winner In advance prediction. 11 would be her second Oscar, since she was awarded one for playing another Southern belle In "Gone With the Wind." She has strain competition. Aleo nominated (or the best aclrcxs award are Katherlne Hepburn In "The African Queen"; Klrannr Parker In "Detective Slory"; Shrl ley Winters In "A Place In the Sun", and Jane Wyman In "The Blue Veil." The race for the ton honors among the actor look like a hard lllfht auionu five Broadway-trained performers. Two veterans. Humph rey Bognrt (The African Queen) and Fredrlc Mareh i Death of a Salesman) are pitted against three vounnsters Marlon nraudn iA Streetcar Named Deslveu Mont gomery Cllfl I A Plnoe In the Hun) r-nd Arthur Kennedy t Bright Vic tor)'), MIRRORS fat any t Room la the Homel (Jalhowt'i Moln ! ' '"I New Forerunner Styung- New 125 HP Migh Gdmpaession V8 U U LI 81 '" Weighted Girls Give Blood MEMPHIS, Teim, I - Two pret ty brown-haired co-ed at Mcmphln State Colleiie, who didn't weigh enough lo brennio doimiH In a Heil Crotis blood diivo, used 17 pound of penulrn and nietiil between them lo make the grade, Myrlle Vernier of Greenbrier, Aik., and Yvonne Kigle of nearby Whitehaven were turned down tho Hint time they went to tho lllooil mobile. Myrlle needed 13 pound, her roommate four. You huve to weigh 110 to give blood. When Ihey went back the next day, they had the pennies and nielul In their rlolhe and lipped the scale In yood nhupe. fcucli whs uuucplcd for a pint. ru. or Kii i.i n LAS VUG AS. Nev., Ml Two Jet flghtrr plane collided Mon day, killing the pilots, Cupl. War ren W. Wlc'er of Taylorvllle, III., and 1st Lt, Carl D. Tlgei tl of Wll nicr, Tex. tmiire Willi Han Norland and UK aurr! (131 line HI. AMERICAN CHINISI f4 ml rkess fctrtl . 64U ' Ora'ofi T Take Oat Bon B. Let, Mgr. OK Desiqn Performance WITH MERfc - O - Threats Draw Fine for Man PHILADELPHIA Ml - A Phil adelphla nnin convk'tnd ot ncmllng lui'fatnnllm Ictlrrn lu the wlvea of lour U.s! senator, wa fined IIUO and pliioed on a yenr's probation Monday by Podi-nil Judge Guy K. Bard. The defendant, John J. Flock, oil, a . iicws-Maiid employee, wa in rented In Augual by Federal l)u i rait of liivoallgatlon agents. He wii chni'Kcd with wiitlim let lei' to the wlvon ol Hens. Wayne Mome, (ii.-oic.,) ami Bpeas'ard Holland (D.-Fla..) and In tho wive ol former Hen. Oliiiulo Primer of Florida and Chan Oiirnry, Boulli Diikola. I'ieck wrote In the lettera that If a aciiator vote to vest powera In Die President he vtolntr hi oaUi. and. "I it not then tho duly ami Hi liuht of the people to net a gun and ehoot him on Mxht?" Tliit ii llie car tint's stirring up the whole lule nioblle world. Tliit is today's challenger llial look 10 yrari of research in metal engineering, in skillful styling. This ii the design that ii daring yet keeps you always in mind. Yon get a sweeping view of the road ... not just ahead, but close-up down front, and lo the fenders. You get "Spare planned" interior with real keepyourhaton headroom, relaxing slreliii-your-feet-out leg room. Every inch of ilecl, every inch of apace hat been put lo work to serve you, It'i beau tiful live weight, not dead weight. It's your first look at tomorrow in can the most challenging new car of this or any year on the Amtricaii Road. Yeir after year, it's Mercury thai sels the reconljX for skyrocketing popularity; it's Mercury that takes die top priiet in official economy rum. And 1 1 1 jet year Mercury 'a surefire hustle it yours in even fuller measure. For there's even more horsepower advanced, V-8. bigh-conipreasion power - by the maker of more V-8 engines than all otliera combined. Wail till you feel iln ailkrn nioolhncti teamed Willi Mcrc-O-Matic Drive. It's a car whne new design and new performance challenge llie automotive world. Don't wait. See il loday. And dnir ii. i .and Years 1 OH (AT TKANIMISSIONS - Your choice of tlirr performance. provrd drives; ailenl-eaM! ilanilart transmiMion, thrifty Toiich-O-Malic Overdrive; and Mrrc-U Malic', greatest ol all automat it drives, 'Optional at txtm cutt. MATIC DRIVE network range.